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2020 高考二轮专题复习 读后续写 微技能之 细节描写 To-do list: ● tell the difference between telling and showing ● taste and write “to show ” sentences ● appreciate and assess “to show ” scenes “Show, Don't Tell.” 必杀技 A slogan VS To Tell To Show To show : to write with more sensory( 感官的 ) detais ,allowing your readers to hear,see,taste,touch and smell the same things your characters are experiencing . 概括描写 细节 描写 My mother was hopeful. My mother ’s eyes were sparkling with hope . to tell: to show: Example 1 读后 续写“微技能 ” 之 “to show” 写作建议 : 心理描写要抓住眼、嘴、手、脚等身体部位具体描述, 会更加传神! sparkle v . reflect brightly 发光,闪光 Mira is lovely and beautiful. T o Mira Very gently , She walked near, with breeze kissing her hair, I saw a figure like a lily , lovely and fair, with fragrance filling the air. by Bohan to tell: to show: Example 2 亮点 : > 词汇: v. 、 adj. 及 adv. 运用 > 语法结构: “with+n.+-ing” > 修辞运用: personification( 拟人 ) 比喻 (Simile 明喻 & Metaphor 暗喻) 写作建议 : 外貌描写要抓住人物主要特征如眼神、头发、走路姿态等详细刻画,运用动词、形容词和副词及高级句式,采用拟人、比喻、夸张等修辞,会更加立体! 读后 续写“微技能 ” 之 “to show” It was raining hard. Thunders roaring and icy biting rain violently beating against the windows, I could barely hear any voice .— Christopher was nowhere to be found. to tell: to show: Example 3 写作建议 : 环境描写要抓住风雨、河流、阳光等自然景象具体描述,采用拟人的修辞,借助具体动词,会更加生动! roar v. /n. 咆哮,轰隆 the roar of the traffic biting adj. 刺骨的 the biting wind 读后 续写“微技能 ” 之 “to show” 高级写作句式 Advanced sentence patterns 读后 续写“微技能 ” 之 “to show” Sharpen your eye 读后 续写“微技能 ” 之 “to show” In Mother’s arms Fall asleep Have a deep sleep Sleep soundly Head on the shoulder Within a few seconds Tom He felt very tired. to tell: to show : Tom _____ ( get) tired , ____ ( lie)in Mother’s arms and ____ ( fall) asleep. Sharpen your mind 读后 续写“微技能 ” 之 “to show” Tom 感到很累( exhausted), 就在妈妈怀里睡着了,小脑袋靠在妈妈的肩膀上。 写作高级句式 : 1. 三连动( 3verbs) 2. 主句 + “ with 复合结构” got lay fell Tom felt exhausted and slept in Mother’s arms , with his head on her shoulder. lie v . 撒谎 lied, lied 躺着 lay ,lain Give it a try 读后 续写“微技能 ” 之 “to show” Tom felt so exhausted that he lay in Mother’s arms , sleeping soundly. 写作高级句式 : 3. “So+ adj./adv. + be 动词 or 助动词 + 主语 + that...” So exhausted did Tom feel that he lay in Mother’s arms , sleeping soundly. Tom felt so … that … 读后 续写“微技能 ” 之 “to show” Hungry and exhausted, Tom threw himself into Mother’s arms and fell into a deep sleep in a few seconds . 写作建议 : 动作描写可以表现人物性格特征,反映其心理活动,推动故事情节。要选择特定场景,抓住人物特定的动作反应,采用 活跃具体的动词 搭配高级句式 ,细致描述,更具画面感! ___________________________ ( 感到又饿又累 ) , Tom lay in Mother’s arms and fell asleep. Feeling hungry and exhausted 写作高级句式: 4. 非谓语动词作状语 ” - ing /- ed / to do ” to show : Summary 1. 三连动 ( verb1+verb2+and+verb3) 2. 主句 + with 复合 结构 3 “So+ adj./adv.” 倒装句 4. 非谓语动词 “-ing/-ed/todo” 做状语 5. “Two adjectives” 做状语 走进“情感”词汇语料库 Build up your vocabulary 读后 续写“微技能 ” 之 “to show” “Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed .” — David Wilkins 细节描写片段赏析 Reading and appreciation 读后 续写 “ 微技能 ” 之 “to show” They went to New York to see Cats . They both enjoyed it very much. When they tried to go home, their flight was delayed because of the snow so they stayed and decided to see the musical again. 续写“微技能” 之 “to show” A tell-y example who? which theatre? How did they feel? why ? What ? Tanya and James flew to New York city. They got their bags, took a taxi to the hotel, and checked into the rooms. “I can’t wait to see the show ! ” Tanya screamed. Her eyes sparkled with hope and the beautiful face lit up with joy . Their hotel was just a few blocks from the Foxwoods Theater so they walked there. When they got to the theater, Tanya noticed the theater was covered with gold and white marble, with hundreds of people waiting in gowns and beautiful suits. Finally, they took their seats, and the lights went down. …. A show-y example 续写“微技能” 之 “to show” Actions 动作描写 Dialogue 语言描写 Thoughts 情感描写 Setting 环境描写 写作建议 : 读后续写中,要按照一定的时间、空间、动作先后等顺序 , 有条理、有逻辑地组织行文,恰当运用 多种细节描写 手法,灵活选择词汇和句式,定能出彩! 1. 在 经典名著 阅读中寻找优美语言,诵读与欣赏。 2. 在读后续写 精彩范例 中汲取描写灵感,背诵与仿写。 3. 在平时的 阅读文本 中挖掘好词佳句,积累与模仿。 4. 在日常的 读写训练 中找到改进方向,打磨与提升。 米拉支招 : “ To Show ”修炼法则 Summary 1. To describe looks, thoughts, actions, dialogues , setting… 2 . To write body parts, natural phenomenon… 3. To add rich words and advanced sentence patterns … detailed specific vivid To show 读后续写极品标准: L ogical+ V ivid+ C oherent+ C orrect+ r easonable Assignment ● choose a person, a scene, a moment etc. ● create a detailed and vivid description (looks, feelings, actions, surroundings… ) No Details , No Story ! No shows , No Art! Thank you!

