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课时作业4 Cyberspace Ⅰ.课标单词 写作词汇——————————————明其义 ‎1.scenery n.风景,景色 ‎2.climate n.气候 ‎3.global adj.全球的,全世界的 ‎4.flood n.洪水,水灾 vt. & vi.淹没 ‎5.affect vt.影响 ‎6.disappear vi.消失 ‎7.harm vt.& n.伤害,损害 ‎8.obvious adj.明显的,显而易见的 ‎9. suggestion n.建议,提议 ‎10.title n.标题,题目 ‎11.tourism n.观光,游览 ‎12.guide n.指南,向导 ‎13.locate vt.坐落于;位于 ‎14.settle vi.定居 ‎15.view n.景色;风景 ‎16.sunshine n.阳光 ‎17.surfing n.冲浪 ‎18.focus n.焦点;中心 vi.集中注意 阅读词汇——————————————悉其用 ‎1.artificial adj. 人造的 ‎2.reality n. 现实,真实 ‎3.crime n. 犯罪;罪行 ‎4.attack n. & vt. 攻击,进攻 ‎5.optimistic adj. 乐观的 ‎6.destruction n. 破坏,毁灭 ‎7.fashion n. 时尚,时髦 ‎8.reject vt. 拒绝,不接受 ‎9.destination n. 目的地 ‎10.volcano n. 火山 ‎11.average n. 平均数 ‎ adj. 平均的 ‎12.regular adj. 规则的;定期的 ‎13.material n. 材料,原料 ‎14.officially adv. 正式地 ‎15.cuisine n. 烹饪 ‎16.attractive adj. 吸引人的 ‎17.concept n. 概念 ‎18.gallery n. 画廊 拓展词汇——————————————————通其变 ‎1.guide v.指导,引导 n.导游,向导→guidance n.指导,引导 ‎2.reality n.真实,现实→real adj.真实的,现实的→really adv.真正地;实际上→realistic adj.现实的,可行的 ‎3.growth n.生长→grow v.种植,生长 ‎4.disappear vi.消失→disappearance n.消失 ‎5.harm vt. & n.伤害,损害→harmful adj.有害的 ‎6.scientific adj.科学的→scientifically adv.合乎科学地→science n.科学→scientist n.科学家 5‎ ‎7.fashion n.时尚,时髦→fashionable adj.时尚的,时髦的→fashionably adv.时尚地,时髦地 ‎8.suggestion n.建议,提议→suggest vt.建议,提议 ‎9.global adj. 全球的,全世界的→globe n.地球,地球仪 ‎10.settle vi.定居→settler n.定居者,移民者,殖民者→settlement n.定居 ‎11.regular adj.定期的,规则的→regularly adv.有规律地,经常地,定期地 ‎12.attract vt.吸引→attraction n.吸引→attractive adj.吸引人的→attractively adv.吸引人地 语境活用————————————————————————————(用所给单词的适当形式填空)‎ ‎1.Jamie looked on John as his only real friend, but in reality John often spoke ill of him.(reality)‎ ‎2.The two parties wanted to settle the issue, but finally they failed to reach a settlement,_because they disagreed too much with each other.(settle)‎ ‎3.The children in the mountain village have no entertainment,_so their teachers often tell entertaining stories to entertain them after class.(entertain)‎ ‎4.The scientist has made great contributions to science,_which has led to much scientific progress. (science)‎ ‎5.Blackpool is the top tourist attraction in England. A number of visitors from all over the world are attracted by the attractive scenery there.(attract)‎ ‎6.While I agree that this kind of food is harmless,_it will be harmful to teenagers if they eat it often.(harm)‎ ‎7.We have arranged a special dinner for the guests, and we hope the arrangement will be accepted.(arrange)‎ ‎8.They provide an environment where you can practice under the guidance (guide) of someone who's good at the language.‎ ‎9.The criminal (crime) is said to have committed many crimes before being arrested.‎ ‎10.They are open to suggestions (suggest) on how working conditions might be improved.‎ Ⅱ.课标短语 5‎ 短语速记——————————————‎ ‎1.make_up 编造,构成 ‎2.come_true 实现 ‎3.as_if 好像,仿佛 ‎4.hang_on (电话用语)别挂断 ‎5.get_in_touch_with 和……取得联系 ‎6.be_up_to 做,从事……‎ ‎7.in_the_flesh 本人,亲身 ‎8.as_well_as 也,又 ‎9.be known as被认为是 ‎10.in the future 将来 ‎11.take action 采取行动 ‎12.what's more 而且 ‎13.take over 接收,接管 ‎14.consist of 由……组成 ‎15.cut off 切掉,切断 ‎16.have problems with... 在……方面有困难 语境活用———————————————————————(选用上面的短语填空)‎ ‎1.The atmosphere consists_of more than 70% of nitrogen.‎ ‎2.The government began to take_action about some serious social problems.‎ ‎3.Now hang_on a minute—I can't really believe what you just said.‎ ‎4.The line is busy now and it is hard to get_in_touch_with him.‎ ‎5.Think twice before eating spicy foods; you may have_problems_with your stomach.‎ ‎6.He was absent from the meeting again! I don't know what he is_up_to.‎ ‎7.The young man Zhang Jike is_known_as a famous player in the world.‎ ‎8.It is never easy for a person to make his dream come_true.‎ ‎9.The man was standing there as_if he was a tall statue.‎ ‎10.The organization encourages members to meet on a regular basis as_well_as provides them with financial support.‎ Ⅲ.重点句型 教材还原——————————————‎ ‎1.It_is_clear_that we are going to see a huge growth in shopping on the Internet.‎ 很明显,我们将会看到网上购物的大幅度增长。‎ ‎2.Do you have_anything_planned for Saturday and Sunday?‎ 你周六、周日有什么安排吗?‎ ‎3.Some experts see our future in virtual ‎ 写作运用——————————————‎ ‎1.It_was_clear/obvious_that he ignored me on purpose.‎ 很明显,他是故意不理睬我的。‎ ‎2.In order to make it clear to the public, she had her Microblog updated yesterday.‎ 为了向公众表明真相,她昨天更新了微博。‎ 5‎ reality—the use of computers with sounds and pictures that make you feel as_if_you_are in a real situation.‎ 有些专家看到虚拟现实的未来——运用计算机产生的声音和视觉效果,使你感觉就好像生活在现实中一样。‎ ‎4.We would not_only be able to travel around the world,but_also go to study in any world famous universities we wanted to.‎ 我们不仅能够周游世界,而且可以去任何我们想去的世界著名的大学学习。‎ ‎5.But I still find it_hard_to_imagine.‎ 但我还是觉得令人难以想象。‎ ‎3.It seems as_if it were raining outside.‎ 外面看起来好像下雨一样。‎ ‎4.Taking part in afterclass activities can not_only free me from the heavy work of study but_also build up my body and enrich my knowledge.‎ 参加课外活动不仅使我免除学习压力而且强身健体,丰富我的知识。‎ ‎5.Many experts think_it_important_to_let ‎ students have enough sleep.‎ 许多专家认为让学生有足够的睡眠很重要。‎ Ⅳ.语篇整合 话题与语篇填空———————————‎ In the last thirty years, the Internet has grown 1.rapidly (rapid) from only 200 computers 2.connected (connect) to the Internet in 1983 to around 50 million now and this growth is clearly going to continue.‎ Some experts have some concerns about the future, one of which is crime in cyberspace. In the future, the world's computers may 3.be_attacked (attack) by terrorists, causing chaos and other serious problems. 4.However,_many people are 5.optimistic (optimism) about the future of the Internet. 6.In their view, it is clear 7.that the Internet has brought great convenience to their life and people will get 8.entertainment (entertain) from the Net. Besides, they think it is probable that television 9.will_disappear (appear) in the future.‎ 话题与短文改错————————————‎ 5‎ Some experts see our future in virtual reality—the use of computers with sounds and pictures that 10.make (make) you feel as if you are in a real situation.‎ 5‎

