高中英语Unit 6 Assessment 优秀教案(人教版必修4)

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高中英语Unit 6 Assessment 优秀教案(人教版必修4)

Period 6 Assessment The General Idea of This Period In this period we aim to help the students to elevate their acquisition of Unit 1 Women of Achievement and their ability of employing the expressions and grammar learned in this unit. Teaching Important and Difficult Points Help the students learn to assess whether their knowledge about this topic has increased. Teaching Methods Question-and-answer activity  Pair work and group work to make the students work in class. Teaching and Learning Aids A multimedia A blackboard Three Dimensional Teaching Aims Knowledge and Skills Elevate efficiently the students’ knowledge about great and important women home and abroad. Elevate the students’ ability of using the expressions and grammar learned. Process and Strategies Check up what they have learned in this unit by evaluation and tests. Feelings and Value Through this part the students will surely know what they have mastered and haven’t mastered,and thus work hard to consolidate it. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Greetings  T:Good morning,my boys and girls. Ss:Good morning,Miss. Step 2 Revision T:So far we have finished this unit which is about...? Ss:It’s about women of achievement,both in our own country and abroad. T:Terrific. Step 3 Assessment T:Today we are going to see how hard you worked and how much more you know about women of achievement home and abroad. 非测试性评价 How well do you think you learned about Unit 1?Rank your achievements with the following skills and put a tick in the box.Then work out your percentage. After learning this unit,I am able to do the following things. very well quite well OK a little little Knowing the great women who made great achievements Using adjectives to describe one’s personality and character Understanding and using the new vocabulary in the unit Knowing subject-verb agreement Identifying the head noun in the subject Using correct verb forms for subjects with correlative conjunctions (e.g.either...or) Knowing which kinds of nouns take singular or plural verbs Li stening to conversations in English Reading for gist Writing a description of a woman Percentage % % % % % 测试性评价 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.The young lady b    with great courage when her husband died. 2.This is a m    matter;we’d better leave it to the doctors. 3.The birth r    is the number of births compared with the number of people. 4.China Daily really has good a    on sports. 5.I went to see a s    who found I had too little sugar in my blood. 6.A theme park is a place of _________ (娱乐). 7._________(激励) by her teacher,the girl student worked harder and soon made great progress. 8.Susan has made great _________ (成就)in the past two years. 9.Nowadays few children are _________ (考虑周到的) towards their parents. 10.All _________ (通信) with France was stopped when the enemy gained control of the sea. Ⅱ.句型转换 1.She has been spending lots of time singing and dancing. She has been _________ _________ _________ singing and dancing. 2.Many people living in the city do not respect people from the countryside. Many people living in the city _________ _________ _________ people from the countryside. 3.He was the very person that helped me out of the nasty trouble. _________ _________ he _________ helped me out of the nasty trouble. 4.The problem is worth discussing. The problem is _________ _________ _________. 5.This is a book explaining how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies. This is a book _________ _________ how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies. Ⅲ.完成句子 1.我不在这的时候,帮我照看一下孩子,好吗? Would you mind _________ _________ my baby while I am away? 2.这书是写给住在农村的妇女的。 This book is _________ _________ women who live in the countryside. 3.这妇女的婴儿被顺利接生了。这使她所有的亲戚都松了一口气。 The woman had her baby _________ safely,which made all her relatives become less worried. 4.直到去年他才找到一份喜欢的工作。 Only until last year _________ he _________ a job that he likes. Ⅳ.单项填空 1.Mr.Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to _________ some schools for poor children. A.set up     B.setting up     C.have set up    D.having set up 2.It _________ at the crossroads _________ he was killed in the accident the other day. A.is;that       B.was;that       C.is;where       D.was;where 3.A good idea just _________ me—Let’s go swimming. A.beat       B.happened       C.hit       D.struck 4.Only _________ a human being. A.when is it hungry a lion will attack        B.when it is hungry a lion will attack C.when it is hungry will a l ion attack        D.when is it h ungry will a lion attack 5.Don’t spoil the children.Can’t you make your little boy _________ himself? A.behave       B.believe       C.perform       D.conduct 6.On the bus,all the people except the driver _________ to talk and laugh during the journey. A.encouraged        B.were encouraging  C.were encouraged        D.was encouraged 7.I really _________ whether we win or lose. A.care about       B.care for       C.care       D.care to 8.You’ve done much of the work,and please leave _________ to us. A.the rest       B.the other       C.another       D.the others 9.Don’t _________ a person only because he has failed in an examination. A.look up        B.look down        C.look down on       D.look up to 10.Though we spent a lot,we think it _________ because we succeeded in the end. A.worth        B.worth being spent        C.worthy of        D.worthwhile 11.What he said at the meeting means _________ those who had cut down the forests. A.to argue against         B.to argue for         C.argued for         D.arguing against 12.She won a Nobel Prize for her scientific _________. A.interests       B.achievements        C.behavior       D.intended giving 13.The flowers _________ my mother,but my sister thought they were for her and took them. A.were intended for       B.intended for C.intended to give         D.observation 14.Michael is _________ because he never takes any exercise. A.under conditions       B.on no condition C.in condition        D.out of condition 15.She’s tired of acting,and she _________ changing for a new job,but she hasn’t made up her mind yet. A.had considered       B.has been considering C.considered        D.is going to consider 16.The scientist and engineer _________ invented a new machine. A.has       B.have       C.had        D.are 17.—_________ either she or you to go and attend the meeting? —Neither she nor I _________. A.Is;am        B.Are;am        C.Are;is        D.Is;is 18.The old _________ respected in our country. A.are       B.is       C.were       D.was 19.It is he that _________ singing and dancing. A.like       B.likes       C.liked       D.is liked 20.Either you or the headmaster _________ the prizes to those gifted students at the meeting. A.is handing out       B.are to hand out C.are handing out       D.is to hand out 21.—Will you go skiing with me this winter vacation? —It _________. A.all depend         B.all depend s  C.is all depended        D.is all depending 22.The family _________ early risers,who often _________ morning exercise in the park. A.are;does       B.is;does       C.are;do       D.is;do 23.—Thank goodness,you’re here.What _________ you? —Traffic jam. A.keeps       B.is keeping       C.had kept       D.kept 24.I wrote him a letter to show my _________ of his thoughtfulness. A.achievement    B.agreement    C.attention    D.appreciation 25. _________ of the land in that district _________ covered with trees and grass. A.Two fifth;is        B.Two fifth;are        C.Two fifths;is       D.Two fifths;are 26.I was really anxious about you.You _________ home without a word. A.mustn’t leave        B.shouldn’t have left  C.couldn’t have left       D.needn’t leave 27.On our long journey to Mount Tai,Brooke _________ a most interesting guide.We all had a wonderful time. A.behaved       B.proved       C.support       D.explained 28.— My daughter has passed the university entrance exam. —Congratulations!She’s really intelligent. —_________. A.No,she is nothing        B.Oh,thank you C.Sometimes she is intelligent       D.You are right 29.—Can he do the work alone? —_________,he can’t do it,nor can I, _________ anybody. A.Yes;nor     B.No;nor     C.Yes;neither     D.No;neither 30.For a long time they walked without saying _________ word,Jim was the first to break _________ silence. A.the;a       B.a;the       C.a;/       D.the;/ Keys: Ⅰ.1.behaved 2.medical 3.rate 4.articles 5.specialist 6.entertainment  7.Inspired 8.achievement 9.considerate 10.communication Ⅱ. 1.devoting herself to 2.look down upon 3.It was,that 4.worthy of discussion  4.which/that explains Ⅲ.1.caring for 2.intended for 3.delivered 4.did,find Ⅳ.1.B 此题考查 devote...to doing 的用法。在此结构中,to 是介词,其后要接动词的-ing 形式。 2.B 此题 考查强调句型的结构。去掉 It was...that,其他成分仍然是一个完整的句子。 3.D 此题考查 strike 的用法。Sth.strike sb.某人想到…… 4.C 此题考查倒装的用法。当 only 加状语放在句首,要用部分倒装。 5.A behave oneself 举止得体。 6.C 此题考查主谓一致。all the people except the driver,谓语应根据 all the people,要用复数。 同时,此处意 为被鼓励做某事,为被动语态,要用 be encouraged to do sth.。 7.C care 表“在乎”,其后接从句时,常常不要介词 about。 8.A 题意为“剩下的工作”。这四个词中只有 the rest 可以指代不可数名词 the work。 9.C 题意为 “瞧不起”。 10.D 此处为 worthwhile 形容词作宾补。 11.D 此题考查 mean 的用法。根据题意,此处为“他在会议上说的话意味着反对砍树的人”。如果是反对砍 树的话那就没有必要争辩,所以应该 argue for;而“意味着做某事”应该是 mean doing。所以答案为 C。 12.B 此题考查词义辨析。题意为“她因为她的科学成就而获得诺贝尔奖”,所以选 achievements。 13.A 此题考查 intend 的用法。“sth.be intended for sb.”某物是给某人(做……用的)。 14.D 根据题意,应该是 “Michael 由于从不锻炼所以身体很差”。 15.B 此题考查时态。根据题意,“她对表演很厌倦,一直想换工作”。没有过去的过去的意味,所以不选 A;也 不是过去曾考虑换,所以不选 C;更不是将考虑 换,所以不选 D。 16.A 此题考查主谓一致。The scientist and engineer 是双重身份,指一位既是科学家又是工程师的人,应该用 单数的谓语。 17.A 此题考查主谓一致。 “either...or”和 “neither...nor” 连接两个并列的主语时要用就近原则。 18.A 此题考查时态和主谓一致。根据题意,说的是现在在我们国家老人受到尊重,用一般现在时态。The old 指一类人,要用复数的谓语。 19.B 此题考查强调句型和主谓一致。把强调句型的结构 “It is...that ”去掉,把句子还原成 He __________ singing and dancing,很容易看出应该用单数的谓语。 20.D 此题 考查时态和主谓一致。“either...or”和 “neither...nor” 连接两个并列的主语时要用就近原则,排除 B 和 C。根据题意,应该是“你或是校长将给优秀的学生颁奖”,要用将来时态,排除 A。 21.B “视情况而定”用 It all depends。 22.C The family 指这家庭里的成员,强调个体,要用复数的谓语,排除 B 和 D。who 引导定语从句,指代 early risers,从句的谓语要用复数,排除 A。 23.D 此题考查时态。题意为“是什么阻碍了你(使你现在才到)?”用过去时态。 24.D 此题考查词义辨析。achievement “成就”,agreement “同意、协议”,attention “注意”,appreciation “欣赏, 感激”。 25.C 此题考查分数的表达方式和主谓一致。分子要用基数词,分母用序数词,当分母大于一时,要用复数。 当分数当主语,谓语由它所接的名词而决定。“the land”是不可数名词,所以用单数的谓语。 26.B 此题考查虚拟语气。根据题意,“我当时真的很担心你,你不该什么也不说就离家的”。shouldn’t have done 表“本来不该做但又做了”;而 can’t have done 表“不可能已经做了”,不符合题意。  27.B 此题考查词义辨析.prove 表“证明是……”。 28.B 此题考查情景反应。西方人比较谦逊,回应别人的赞美应该用 “Thank you”等。 29.B 英语的回答应该与事实相符。根据题意,“他不能单独做”,所以应该回答 “No”。  30.B 此题考查冠词的用法。第一空表示“一个字也没说”,所以用“a”;第二空表示“打破这种寂静”,所以用定 冠词 the。 Record after Teaching Activities and Research The students may find more to consolidate their knowledge in this module.To understand the roles women play in society,a debate may be carried out on great women. Reference for Teaching 高考链接 1. As you can see,the number of cars on our roads ________ rising these days. A.was keeping     B.keep        C.keeps        D.were keeping 赏析:选 C。一般现在时表示经常的、习惯性的动作或存在的状态;也表示说话者的态度、能力或自然现象 等等。根据 as you can see 可判断出要用一般现在时,表示经常发生的动作。 2. A poet and artist __________ coming to speak to us about Chinese literature and painting tomorrow. A.is        B.are        C.was        D.were 赏析:选 A。a poet and artist 是同一个人,即表示某人既是诗人,又是画家。所以其谓语动词要用单数形式。 现在进行时可以表示将来按计划或安排发生的动作,并与可以表示将来的时间状语 tomorrow afternoon 连用。  3. The company had about 20 notebook computers but only one-third _______ used regularly.Now we have 60 working all day long. A.is       B.are       C.was       D.were 赏析:选 D。一般来讲,分数作主语时,谓语用单数。但是此处前半句话说了 about 20 notebook computers,因此 它的 1/3 是复数。本句的时态是过去时,因此应该用 were。 4. While watching television, _______. A.the doorbell rang         B.the doorbell rings  C.we heard the doorbell ring        D.we heard the doorbell rings 赏析:选 C。 watching television 的动作执行者是 we,所以句子的主语应该是 we。hear sb./ sth.do sth.表示“听 某人做某事”,要用动词原形作宾补。 5. Professor Smith,along with his assistants, _______ on the project day and night to meet the deadline. A.work         B.working         C.is working        D.are working 赏析:选 C。现在进行时可以表示目前这一阶段中正在做的事。Professor Smith 是主语,所以选 is working。  6.(经典回放)Although the working mother is very busy,she still _______ a lot of time to her children. A.devotes       B.spends        C.offers        D.provides  赏 析 : 选 A 。 spend time (in) doing sth./on sth. 花 …… 时 间 干 ……;offer sb.sth./offer sth.to sb. 向 某 人 提 供……;provide sth.for sb./provide sb.with sth.提供某物给某人;只有 A 项符合题意。  7. All the employees except the manager _______ to work online at home. A.encourages        B.encourage        C.is encouraged       D.are encouraged 赏析:选 D。此题考查主谓一致及动词的语态。题干的主语是 All the employees,而 except the manager 是介 词短语作状语,所以谓语动词应用复数形式,排除 A、C 两项。encourage 常用于 encourage sb.to do sth.,其被 动结构为 be encouraged to do sth.,排除 B 项。 8. Now that she is out of a job,Lucy _______ going back to school,but she hasn’t decided yet. A.had considered       B.has been considering C.considered        D.is going to consider 赏析:选 B。本题考 查时态用法。由句中的 but she hasn’t decided yet 推知,Lucy 还在考虑或一直考虑再回去 上学这件事,只有 B 项用法恰当。该题也可用现在进行时态,即 is considering。 9. I failed in the final examination last term and only then _______ the importance of studies. A.I realized        B.I had realized        C.had I realized       D.did I realize 赏析:选 D。本题考查倒装。题干中含有一个由“only+状语” 在句首引起的倒装句,主句部分倒装,把助动词, 情态动词或 be 动词提前。这个句子用的是一般过去时,所以主语前要加 did,谓语动词用原形。 10. Mr White _______ at 8:30 for the meeting,but he didn’t show up. A.should have arrived        B.should arrive C.should have had arrived       D.should be arriving 赏析:选 A。全句意为:Mr White 8:30 本该到会的,但他没露面。全句谈的是过去的事,故应使用 should + have done 结构,表示过去本该做而没有做某件事。 11. It was with great joy _______ he received the news that his lost daughter had been found. A.because       B.which        C.since       D.that 赏析:选 D。此处为强调句型,it was +被强调部分+that...。 12. “We can’t go out in this weather.” said Bob, _______ out of the window. A.looking       B.to look       C.looked      D.having looked 赏析:选 A。此题考查非谓语动词作伴随状语。句意为:Bob 看着窗外说,“我们不能在这种天气外出”。Bob 说话的同时看着窗外,应用现在分词的一般式,表示主动和进行。B 表示主动、将来的动作;C 表示被动、完 成的动作、不是并列谓语;D 表示已完成的主动动作。 答案:A 13. _______ be sent to work there? A.Who do you suggest        B.Who do you suggest that should  C.Do you suggest who should         D.Do you suggest whom should 赏析:选 A。本题考查了复杂特殊疑问句的构成。句意为“你建议派谁到那儿去工作?”特殊疑问词应置于句 首,先排除 C、D 两项;suggest 跟宾语从句时,从句中要用虚拟语气:(should)+ 动词原形,被动形式为 (should) be done。 14. Don’t leave matches or cigarettes on the table within _________ of little children. A.hand        B.reach        C.space       D.distance 赏析:选 B。本题考查含有名词的固定短语的用法。within reach of sb.或 within one’s reach 意为“某人够得着 的,力所能及的”,是一个固定搭配。 15. Only when your identity has been checked,_________. A.you are allowed in       B.you will be allowed in C.will you allow in        D.will you be allowed in 赏析:选 D。you 与 allow 之间是被动关系,故用被动语态。

