高中英语Unit1ArtSectionⅡ练习 人教版选修6

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高中英语Unit1ArtSectionⅡ练习 人教版选修6

‎ Section Ⅱ Warming Up & Reading—Language Points 课时作业 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1. (2019·北京西城区模考) This September,California,a state with plenty of celebrities,passed a law aimed ________ taking action against paparazzi (狗仔队).‎ 答案:at ‎2.For a long time they walked without saying a word.Jim was the first ________ (break) the silence.‎ 答案:to break ‎3.(2019·福建福州期末)________ is evident that they suffered a great economic loss ________ a result of the war.‎ 答案:It as ‎4.(2019·安徽合肥检测)The reason for this design is ________ there were no scene changes,or breaks during the play.‎ 答案:that ‎5.Even though he has won countless awards,he still tries hard to be a director truly committed to his work.Perhaps that is ________ he is so famous globally.‎ 答案:why ‎6.It is typical ________ Gump to turn up at the last minute, ________ makes the rest of us rather annoyed.‎ 答案:of which ‎7.(2019·广东广州期中)________average,happy people have stronger immune systems,and there is ________(evident) that they live longer.‎ 答案:On evidence ‎8.Pele was always ________(faith) to sportsmanship(体育精神) as a professional player.He always played a fair game and behaved ________(modest) with a cheerful smile.‎ 答案:faithful modestly ‎9.Advertisements persuade us that newer is ________(good) and that we will be happier with the latest products.The result is that we throw away useful ________(possess) to make room for new ones.‎ 答案:better possessions ‎10.His ________ words finally ________ me,and I was ________ that he was not 8‎ ‎ the one to blame.(convince)‎ 答案:convincing convinced convinced Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.(2019·天津滨海新区七校联考)I suggest that we organize more group activities in class so that everybody gets a chance express himself in English.express前加to ‎2.(2019·江苏常州期中)Beneath the books were a photo,which showed the city had gone through huge changes.‎ were→was ‎3.Life could not go on if there were no plants.This is why plants can make food from air,water and sunlight.‎ why→because ‎4.Nowadays people are convinced the negative effect of secondhand smoking on people around.convinced后加of ‎5.On one hand,I'd like to take a vacation in July,but on other hand,I don't want to miss the conference in midJuly.‎ other前加the Ⅲ.阅读理解 A water lily painting,Water Lily Pond,by Claude Monet,the French impressionist artist,was sold for more than $80 million on Tuesday,breaking the auction (拍卖) record for himself.Water Lily Pond was part of a fourwork collection of water lily paintings that Monet put up for sale during his lifetime.‎ The four paintings of Monet's water lily garden were signed and dated by the artist in 1919.One of the other paintings is at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York,while another was sold at auction in 1992 for $12.1 million and is in a private collection now.The final painting in the series was cut into two before World War Ⅱ.‎ ‎“After a fierce bidding battle between a number of buyers in the room and on the telephone,the painting finally was sold to a collector for $80.4 million,setting a new world record price for the artist at auction,” said Olivier Camu,a scholar of impressionist art.‎ The last record for a Monet work was set in May when Le Pont du Chemin de fer à Argenteuil was sold for $41.4 million.‎ The painting sold on Tuesday was bought at a 1971 New York auction for ‎ 8‎ ‎ $320,000.It has not been exhibited since then.‎ Monet's later works had unique characteristics,especially Les Grandes Décorations,another good example,which was bedded in Musée de I'Orangerie in Paris five months after Monet's death in 1926.‎ Monet created his water lily garden in Giverny,France.He selected different water lilies in an effort to get as many different colored flowers as possible,specially creating the garden as a base for his paintings.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇报道。法国印象派画家莫奈创作于1919年的作品《睡莲池》(Water Lily Pond)被拍出了8 040万美元的高价,创造了其作品拍卖价格的最高纪录。‎ ‎1.According to the passage,Water Lily Pond broke the last record for Monet's paintings by ________.‎ A.$12 million     B.$39 million C.$41.4 million D.$0.32 million 解析:选B 数字计算题。根据第三段中的“the painting finally was sold to a collector for $80.4 million”和第四段第一句可知,二者差价为$39 million。‎ ‎2.What can we learn about Water Lily Pond?‎ A.It was once auctioned in America.‎ B.It was cut into halves before World War Ⅱ.‎ C.It had been kept in New York for over 40 years.‎ D.It was once put in Musée de I'Orangerie.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第五段中的“at a 1971 New York auction for $320,000”可知,它曾经在美国被拍卖。‎ ‎3.What does Olivier Camu think of the auction?‎ A.Exciting. B.Inspiring.‎ C.Disappointing. D.Frightening.‎ 解析:选A 观点态度题。根据第三段中的“After a fierce bidding battle between...record price for the artist at auction”可知,拍卖的场面是“令人激动的”。 ‎ ‎4.What would be the best title for the passage?‎ A.Monet and his water lily paintings B.Monet—a great impressionist artist C.Monet's garden and its characteristics D.Water Lily Pond—Monet's bestknown painting 解析:‎ 8‎ 选A 主旨大意题。本文讲述了法国印象派画家莫奈创作于1919年的作品《睡莲池》(Water Lily Pond)被拍出了8 040万美元的高价,创造了其作品拍卖价格的最高纪录。故A项“莫奈和他的睡莲画”作标题最合适。‎ Ⅳ.完形填空 For a long time Gabriel didn't want to be involved in music at all.In his first years of high school,Gabriel would look pityingly at the music students,__1__ across the campus with their heavy instrument cases,__2__ at school for practice hours __3__ anyone else had to be there.He swore to himself to __4__ music,as he hated getting to school extra early.‎ ‎__5__,one day,in the music class that was __6__ of his school's standard curriculum,he was playing idly(随意地) on the piano and found it __7__ to pick out tunes.With a sinking feeling,he realized that he actually __8__ doing it.He tried to hide his __9__ pleasure from the music teacher,who had __10__ over to listen.He might not have done this particularly well,__11__ the teacher told Gabriel that he had a good __12__ and suggested that Gabriel go into the music storeroom to see if any of the instruments there __13__him.There he decided to give the cello (大提琴) a __14__.When he began practicing,he took it very __15__.But he quickly found that he loved playing this instrument,and was __16__ to practicing it so that within a couple of months he was playing reasonably well.‎ This __17__,of course,that he arrived at school early in the morning,__18__ his heavy instrument case across the campus to the __19__ looks of the nonmusicians he had left __20__.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文为一篇记叙文。主人公加布里埃尔最初非常排斥音乐。后来在一次音乐课上,他随意地弹着钢琴,却觉得好像没有那么讨厌音乐了。直到最后,他自己也爱上了音乐。‎ ‎1.A.travelling        B.marching C.pacing D.struggling 解析:选D 根据前文可知,加布里埃尔很同情地看着这些学音乐的同学,根据后文的“heavy instrument cases”可知,学生们应该是拖着沉重的乐器箱包,努力挣扎着行走在校园里。travel“旅行”;march“行军”;pace“踱步”;struggle“挣扎”。故选D项。‎ ‎2.A.rising up B.coming up C.driving up D.turning up 解析:选D 根据上下文可知,学生们一大早拖着沉重的乐器箱包来学校练习乐器。rise up“上升”;come up“发生”;drive up“驱车来到”;turn up“出现”。故选D项。‎ ‎3.A.before B.after 8‎ C.until D.since 解析:选A 根据后文的“extra early”可知,音乐生们应该是比其他人早到学校练习。故选A项 ‎4.A.betray B.accept C.avoid D.appreciate 解析:选C 根据后面的“as he hated getting to school extra early”可知,他暗自发誓不学音乐。betray“背叛”;accept“接受”;avoid“避免”;appreciate“欣赏”。故选C项。 ‎ ‎5.A.Therefore B.However C.Thus D.Moreover 解析:选B  根据后文可知,他对音乐的看法逐渐发生了改变,同时下文出现“he loved playing this instrument”,因此此处表示转折关系,故选B项。‎ ‎6.A.part B.nature C.basis D.spirit 解析:选A 根据句意可知,音乐课是学校标准课程的一部分。part“部分”;nature“本性”;basis“基础”;spirit“精神”。故选A项。‎ ‎7.A.complicated B.safe C.confusing D.easy 解析:选D 根据上下文可知,他随意弹奏着钢琴,发现弹奏曲调很容易。而且与后文他爱上了拉大提琴相呼应。 complicated“复杂的”;safe“安全的”;confusing“令人困惑的”;easy“容易的”。故选D项。‎ ‎8.A.missed B.disliked C.enjoyed D.denied 解析:选C 由第一段可知,加布里埃尔一开始不喜欢学音乐。由“With a sinking feeling”可知他有一种不祥的预感,意识到自己其实很喜欢音乐。miss“错过”;dislike“不喜欢”;enjoy“喜欢”;deny“拒绝”。故选C项。 ‎ ‎9.A.transparent B.obvious C.false D.similar 解析:选B 根据句意可知,他尽力地掩藏自己那种显而易见的喜悦。hide sth.from sb.意为“瞒着某人某事”。transparent“透明的”;obvious“显而易见的”;false“错误的”;similar “相似的”。故选B项。‎ ‎10.A.run B.jogged C.jumped D.wandered 解析:选D 学生在演奏音乐,老师应该是漫步在其中倾听。run 8‎ ‎ “跑”;jog“慢跑”;jump “跳”;wander“漫步”。故选D项。‎ ‎11.A.because B.but C.though D.so 解析:选A 根据句意可知,刚刚他可能弹奏得并不是特别好,因为老师让他去看一下是否对别的乐器感兴趣。前后两句是因果关系,用because,故选A项。‎ ‎12.A.ear B.taste C.heart D.voice 解析:选A 加布里埃尔是随意地弹奏钢琴,老师说他对音乐有较好的鉴赏力。have a good ear为固定短语,意为“对……有很好的鉴赏力”。故选A项。‎ ‎13.A.occurred to B.took to C.appealed to D.held to 解析:选C 根据上下文可知,老师建议加布里埃尔去音乐器材室看是否有吸引他的乐器。occur to“发生”;take to“采取”;appeal to“吸引”;hold to“坚持”。故选C项。‎ ‎14.A.change B.chance C.mission D.function 解析:选B give a chance为固定搭配,意为“尝试一下”。本句意为:他决定尝试一下大提琴。故选B项。‎ ‎15.A.seriously B.proudly C.casually D.naturally 解析:选C 上文说,他是初次尝试拉大提琴,因此,应该是拉得很随意。seriously“严肃地”;proudly“自豪地”;casually “漫不经心地”;naturally “自然地”。故选C项。‎ ‎16.A.committed B.used C.limited D.admitted 解析:选A 根据句意可知,他发现自己喜欢大提琴所以才会坚持不懈地练习。be committed to doing“致力于做……”;be used to doing“习惯于做……”;be limited to doing “把……限制在做某事的范围内”;be admitted to“允许进入……”。故选A项。‎ ‎17.A.proved B.showed C.stressed D.meant 解析:选D 根据上下文语境可知,加布里埃尔开始热爱音乐了,这就意味着,他也要和其他学习音乐的同学一样,每天早上提前到校练习。故选D项。‎ ‎18.A.pushing B.dragging C.lifting D.rushing 解析:选B 根据第一段的“ __1__ across the campus with their heavy instrument cases”可知,此处用drag表示“拖拽”。故选B项。‎ 8‎ ‎19.A.admiring B.pitying C.annoying D.teasing 解析:选B 根据第一段第二句的“Gabriel would look pityingly at the music students”可知,此时加布里埃尔也学习音乐了,他在别人眼中的形象也成了文章开头提到的他自己看其他音乐学生的样子。故选B项。‎ ‎20.A.over B.aside C.behind D.out 解析:选C 结合文意,他已经把非音乐生怜悯的眼神抛在身后。leave over “剩下,留下”;leave aside “搁置,不考虑”;leave behind “使落后,超过,把……抛在身后”;leave out “遗漏”。故选C项。‎ Ⅴ.短文改错 Mother Teresa was born into Macedonia on August 26,1910.When she was young,she studied religion and loved everyone.Later,she went to India but taught geography there for many year.‎ In 1950,she found the Missionaries of Charity,that aims to help the poor.Its members are volunteers.Mother Teresa was devoted all her life to take care of the poor,the sick,the homeless and the dying.That devotion won him respect throughout the world and Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.In her later life,Mother Teresa suffered great from heart disease.She died at 87 on September 5,1997 in India.‎ 答案:‎ Mother Teresa was born Macedonia on August 26,1910.When she was young,she studied religion and loved everyone.Later,she went to India taught geography there for many .‎ In 1950,she the Missionaries of Charity, aims to help the poor.Its members are volunteers.Mother Teresa devoted all her life to care of the poor,the sick,the homeless and the dying.That devotion won respect throughout the world and Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.In her later life,Mother Teresa suffered from heart disease.She died at 87 on September 5,1997 in India.‎ 8‎ 8‎

