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‎2019届二轮复习语法专题定语从句关系代词的用法学案 定语从句修饰复合句中的名词或代词,通常把这个被修饰词叫做先行词,把引导定语从句且在从句中作主语、宾语或定语的引导词叫做关系代词。现就关系代词who,whom,that,which及whose引导定语从句时的用法作以归纳。‎ 一、关系代词who who表示“……的(人)”,在定语从句中作主语,不能省略,所引导的定语从句一般修饰指人的名词或代词,在口语或非正式语言中,可作定语从句中的宾语,相当于whom,可省略。‎ These are the workers(who/whom) he employs. 这些是他雇佣的工人。‎ This is Uncle Li who mended computers for us. 这就是为我们修电脑的李叔叔。‎ ‎ ‎ 二、关系代词whom whom表示“……的(人)”,在定语从句中作宾语,所引导的定语从句修饰指人的名词或代词,常省略。‎ Mr. Wang is the man(whom) we all respect. 王先生是我们大家都尊重的人?‎ The soldier (whom) you want to see has already come. 你要见的那名士兵已经来了。‎ ‎ ‎ 三、关系代词that that表示“……的(事物)”,所引导的定语从句修饰指事物或人的名词或代词,通常在定语从句中作主语或宾语,作宾语时,常可省略。‎ This is the best film that I have ever seen. 这是我看过的电影中最好的一部。‎ The book (that) I am reading is very interesting. 我正在看的这本书非常有趣。‎ 四、关系代词which which表示“……的(事物)”,所引导的定语从句修饰指事物的名词或代词,其中which通常在定语从句中作主语或宾语,作宾语时,常可省略。‎ He works for a company which makes washing machines. 他在一家生产洗衣机的公司工作。‎ Take away the pencil which is lying on the desk. 把课桌上的那支铅笔拿走。‎ The money (which) they found in the street is mine. 他们在街上捡到的钱是我的。‎ ‎ ‎ 五、关系代词whose whose表示“那个(那些)人的、它(它们)的”时,所引导的定语从句修饰指人或事物的名词,其中whose在从句中作定语,修饰名词  如:‎ There is nobody whose name is Wang Pengtao here. 这儿没有名叫王鹏涛的人。‎ The aunt whose photo I showed you yesterday will come to see us this evening. 昨天我给你看她的照片的阿姨今晚要来看我们。‎ 注意:that和which都指事物时,一般可以通用。但在下列情况下多用that,不用which:‎ ‎1. 先行词为all,everything,nothing,something,anything,much,little,few,none,the one等时。‎ Say all (that) you know. 把你知道的全部讲出来。‎ Is there anything (that) I can do for you now? 现在我能为你做点儿什么吗?‎ I mean the one that was bought yesterday. 我指的是昨天买的那个。‎ ‎2. 先行词为序数词或被序数词(含last)修饰时。如:‎ This is the first film (that) I have seen since I came here. 这是我到这里以来看的第一部电影。‎ The last place (that) they visited was the Summer Palace. 他们最后参观的地方是颐和园。‎ ‎3. 先行词被形容词的最高级或the very,the only等修饰时。如:‎ This is the biggest apple (that) I have ever eaten. 这是我吃到的苹果中最大的一个。‎ She is the very thief (that) the police are looking for. 她就是警方正在寻找的那个小偷。‎ Mary is the only friend (that) I have in Australia. 玛丽是我在澳大利亚唯一的朋友。‎ ‎4. 先行词中既有人又有物时。如:‎ We were deeply impressed by the teachers and schools that we had visited. 我们访问过的老师和学校给我们留下了深刻的印象。‎ ‎5. 先行词在主句中作表语,或关系代词在从句中作表语时。如:‎ This is a dictionary that will help you a lot. 这是一本对你很有帮助的字典。‎ Don’t cheat me. I’m no longer the little boy that I was ten years ago. 别骗我了,我再也不是十年前的那个小男孩了。‎ 在下列情况下用which,而不用that:‎ ‎1. 关系代词前有介词时。 如:‎ This is the house in which I lived ten years ago. 这就是我十年前住过的房子。‎ ‎2. 先行词本身是that时。如:‎ What was that which he said? 他说了些什么?‎ ‎3.在以who,which开头的句子中多用that。‎

