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2018 届 二轮复习 图画类写作指导 图画类作文 是全国各地英语高考的 热门题型 ,它要求考生能够根据图画所提供的信息叙述事情并发表感想,对考生的观察力、想象力、逻辑分析能力及语言组织能力提出了很高要求,因此成为很多考生难以驾驭的题型。 考点分析 命题特点 图画类作文实际上就是将 漫画、照片或图片中的信息转化成作文 。在写作的过程中,考生可根据情景图的寓意、内容或情节线索,传递信息和表达自己的思想,揭示图画的主题。 作文应覆盖提示的要点,但要避免仅根据提示文字做简单翻译 。 1) 图画类作文 的图画 包括组图、对比图、单张图三类 。 组图 有点像连环画,一般由多幅图片构成,这类题 通常要写记叙文 ; 对比图 要求观察出两幅或三幅图之间的不同,并分析产生这种变化的原因; 单张图 通过生动的图画传递深刻的思想,需在描述图片的基础上发表感想或分析问题,这类题 通常要写议论文 。 2) 图画类的书面表达 一般都是中学生所熟悉的场景 , 画面生动形象 , 具有趣味性 , 体现高考书面表达“生活化”的特点 。有时候还附带有英语或汉语说明 , 考生易获得直观信息。 1. 写作步骤 1) 认真审图,确立主题。 2) 围绕主题,提炼要点。 3) 合理想象,补充要点。 4) 确定时态,写出要点。 5) 连句成篇,自然过渡。 技巧指导 2. 解题关键 1) 看图记叙文的写作 看图记叙文 的写作要注意 把握写作素材的时间、地点、人物 , 以及事件的叙述 , 有些还需要叙述从故事中要吸取的教训或受到的教育。故事的叙述 可以适当采用倒叙的方式 , 或按事件的发生顺序进行描写 , 图画中对话类的语言要改为间接引语 。 记叙类看图写作以记叙为主 , 兼有少量的观点议论 。做此类题时 , 学生一定要根据图画 , 写出图画中活动的时间、地点、环境及活动内容 , 几幅图画要照顾全面 , 切忌过多描写或忽视某一图画的内容 , 文章结尾可适当抒发一下自己的情怀 , 作为画龙点睛之笔 。 2) 看图说明文的写作 对于说明文体的看图作文 , 要注意观察图画材料 , 找出所有内容 , 然后按一定的顺序有条理地阐述。 说明文的叙述顺序一般有三种 : 时间顺序、空间顺序和逻辑顺序 ( 比如按图画反映的数字大小进行叙述 ) 。 注意文章开头与结尾的呼应 。 3) 看图议论文的写作 看图议论文的写作 , 首先要 认真阅读图画 , 把握图的意义 , 有时还要注意其隐含的观点与意图 , 并联系生活实际进行思考与阐述 。 此类看图写作一般分为两个部分 : ① 介绍图画的内容。 ② 根据图画的内容进行与之相关的评论。此类图画以漫画和简单的单个图画为主 , 这需要学生认真细致地观察图画 , 然后进行深层次的思考 , 从而切入图画的主题。 常见的 3 种看图作文的写法: ★组图 组图通常呈现一件事情发生的始末,考生要根据几幅图的先后顺序介绍事情的全过程。有时需要发表考生个人的感想。写作时,要根据主题的需要来概括每幅图的写作要点,一定要分清主要内容和次要内容,必写内容和非必写内容。 The story took place 时间和地点 . /One day, 事件的发生 , ( 要点一,图片一的内容 ). 事件的发展 ( 要点二、三 …… ,图片二、三 …… 的内容 ). 事件结局 ( 最后一个要点,最后一张图片的内容 ) From the story, I feel 自己的看法或感想 . 黄金模板 根据下面的图用英语写一个题为 "Such a Help" 的小故事。故事须包含所有图画内容。可以适当增加细节,使故事连贯。 词数: 100—120 个。提示:图中的小孩名叫 Tom , 老人叫 Mr Smith . 以例说法 Such a Help One day Tom was kicking a ball under some trees. He once kicked it so hard that it got stuck between two branches of a tree. He was too short to reach the ball. Just as he was wondering how he could get it down, an old man called Mr. Smith was passing by with an umbrella in his hand. Tom went up and asked for help. Mr. Smith threw his umbrella at the ball and it was knocked down. But unfortunately, the umbrella was caught on the tree. Tom was happy to have his ball back and went away with it. He did not even say a word to the man. How could the poor man get his umbrella back? I don’t think Tom is polite. We are supposed to thank for other’s help. ★ 对比图 对比图通常是提供两到三张图画,考生应对图画进行全面而细致的研究, 除了掌握每一幅图画的信息,还应该对图画之间的相应联系或彼此之间的差异有所理解 ,从而在整体上把握图画所传达的信息。这种命题形式主要是考查考生描写和议论的表达能力。 作文主题 have taken place in 地点 since 时间 . In the first picture, 描述第一种情景 ( 图片一的内容 ) , while in Picture Two, 描述第二种情景 ( 图片二的内容 ) . There are many reasons for 作文主题 ./ The pictures reveal 文章主旨寓意 . First, 第一个理由 / 寓意 . Second, 第二个理由 / 寓意 . Third, 第三个 …Last but not the least, 最后一个 . I think 自己的感想 / 启示 . 黄金模板 请根据你对以下两幅图的理解 , 以“ Actions Speak Louder than Words” 为题 , 用英语写一篇作文。 参考词汇 : banner ( 横幅 ) stump ( 树桩 ) 你的作文应包括以下内容 : 1. 简要描述两幅图的内容 ; 2. 概述你对两幅图中不同做法的理解 ; 3. 举例说明两幅图对你的启示。 注意 : 1. 可参照图片适当发挥 ; 2. 作文词数 150 左右 ; 3. 作文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息 , 如校名、人名等。 2013 江苏 以例说法 Actions Speak Louder than Words People celebrate Earth Day differently . In Picture 1 , a man is trying to put up a banner on a lonely tree surrounded by stumps, but in vain, while Picture 2 shows a couple happily planting trees. The message conveyed here is clear: “Actions speak louder than words.” Our earth is suffering severe damage. Should we just pay lip service or take practical measures to protect it? The answer is definitely the latter. Immediate actions should be taken, like stopping cutting down trees, to better the environment. Actions are important in other fields, too. Instead of shouting empty slogans, it is more meaningful to donate books and sports goods to children in need. We should strictly and voluntarily follow traffic rules, stopping at the red light rather than complaining about traffic jams. Only when we match our words with actions can we make a difference in whatever we hope to accomplish. ★ 单张图画 单张图画通常是提供一幅图画并配以一定的文字提示。考生要仔细观察图画所传达的表面信息,结合文字提示, 还要能深刻挖掘该幅图画所表达的深层含义,即现实意义 。这种命题形式主要是考查考生说明和议论的表达能力。 As can be seen in the picture, 图画内容 . The picture tells us 文章立意 . The implied meaning of this picture should be taken into consideration seriously. To begin with, 揭示含义 / 原因 / 结果 1 . Second, 揭示含义 / 原因 / 结果 2 . In my opinion/ As for me, we should take some measures to deal with the problem. First we should 具体措施 1 . Second, we must 具体措施 2 . Only in this way can we solve the problem of 图画内容 . 黄金模板 读图与立意 细节 寓意 Young couple educate their child in different ways. As can be seen in the cartoon , the young couple educate their child in different ways. The mother is smiling and wants to please the child with chocolate. On the contrary , the father who holds a ruler tightly looks angry and seems to urge his child to study. The small boy between his parents is frightened and confused. As far as I am concerned , I think it an effective way to educate children. On the one hand , a considerate mother can take care of her child carefully and devotes all her love, which will educate the child to be kind and selfless. On the other hand , a father who is always hard on the child can prevent the baby being spoiled. Moreover , the child can learn to struggle and be brave when facing difficulties. In conclusion , father and mother are two important parts in family education. They can't spoil children too much or blame them too often, which will have bad effects on children's growth. 写作素材 常用句式 用于描述图画或引入话题的句式 : ①As is described in the picture. . . ②From the picture we can see that . . . ③The purpose of the picture is to show us that. . . ④As is shown in the picture, we can see clearly the relationship between . . . ⑤The sight reminds me of . . . ⑥ As is vividly shown in the picture,… ⑦ The picture tells us… 用于记叙事件经过或分析现象的句式 : ①At first. . . then. . . five minutes later. . . finally/in the end/at last. . . ②Upon arrival, we began to . . . ③Some. . . ; some. . . ; others. . . ④…was/were doing. . . when suddenly sb. /sth . did. . . ⑤ More and more people have come to realize the importance of. . . ⑥ Thanks to. . . , more and more. . . ⑦ The implied meaning of this picture should be taken into consideration seriously. In the first place…In the second place… ⑧This reflects … ⑨ It reveals … 用于发表议论或总结的句式 : ①If such measures were not taken, the problem of . . . would be more serious. ② We can conclude from this picture that. . . ③As has been stated above, we must . . . ④As far as I am concerned./As for me, we should take strong measures to deal with the problem. On the one hand…On the other hand…Only in this way can we solve the problem of… 看图作文 首先要看懂图画内容,分清内容的主次,确定所写内容的详略 ,要做到所写内容既要符合图画所描绘的情景,又要连贯流畅。在确定写作内容后,要进一步将所写内容概括成“写作要点”,以便为后面的写作确定框架。最后,依据所概括的要点写成合乎要求的短文。 图画提示实质上与文字提示如出一辙,都反映一个整体思想。一篇成功的看图作文不外乎以下几部分: 图画类作文总结 ● 简述图片 。 针对每幅图片写一至两个句子,也就是我们口试中常用的就事论事进行看图说话而已。 ●审题立意 。 挖掘图片所要表达的含义或揭示的现象或道理。 ●发表感想。 就每幅图片或整体主题发表自己的一些看法。 ●简短结论。 最后用一至两个简短句子进行小结,起到画龙点睛的作用。 在看图写作过程中, 无论哪一部分都要蜻蜓点水似的点到 。 切忌顾此失彼,写得出的地方使劲写,写不出的地方避开它,会最终导致遗漏内容而失分 。简述图片,发表感想,简短结论,各个部分既要有自己独立的内容,又要自然联成一休,结合起来表达一个完整的主题。即 “开头 —— 发展 —— 结局”或“概括 —— 分析 —— 结论”。 【高考现场 】 (2013· 北京高考 ) 假设你是红星中学高三 (1) 班的学生李华 , 请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序 , 用英语写一篇周记 , 记述爸爸出差期间 , 妈妈生病 , 你照顾她的过程。 注意 : 1. 周记的开头已经 为你写好。 2. 词数不少于 60 。 【审题 】 时态 人称 结构 爸爸出差了 → 妈妈突然生病 , 我自己在家中细心地照顾妈妈 , 妈妈很快康复 → 爸爸回来后得知此事表扬了我 信息 1. 上周一爸爸出差了 2. 第二天早上 , 妈妈突然病了 3. 我立刻给妈妈拿来药 , 伺候妈妈吃下 , 并给妈妈做饭 4. 在我的细心照料下 , 妈妈很快康复了 5. 爸爸回来之后得知此事表扬了我 一般过去时 第一人称 【炼句 】 1. 在我的细心照料下 , 妈妈很快康复了。 a. ( 一般表达 )I took good care of my mother and she recovered very quickly. b. (with 短语 )____________________, my mother recovered very quickly. With my special care 2. 我爸爸回来之后 , 我妈妈告诉了他在他出差期间发生的事情。 a. ( 一般表达 )When my father came back home, my mother told him the things during his absence. b. ( 定语从句 )When my father came back home, my mother told him the things __________________ during his absence. c. ( 宾语从句 )When my father came back home, my mother told him _____________________ during his absence. what had happened that had happened 3. 为妈妈做了一点事情 , 我感到非常高兴。 a. ( 一般表达 )I had done something for my mother. I felt very happy. b. ( 合并为简单句 )I felt very happy _________________________________ . c. ( 合并为复合句 )I felt very happy _____________________________________ . that I had done something for my mother for what I had done for my mother 【成篇 】 Last Monday, my father said goodbye to my mother and me and went on a business trip. He would be away for three days. Just the next morning, I found my mother wasn’t feeling well. She had a cold. I immediately gave her some medicine and then prepared some noodles for her. With my special care, my mother recovered very quickly. When my father came back home, my mother told him what had happened during his absence. He praised me for what I had done. I felt very happy that I had done something for my mother. 【点评 】 文章涵盖了图中所有内容要点 , 按照事情发生的先后顺序把故事的情节表达得很到位 。不同句式的恰当运用使文章连贯、流畅、自然 , 同时把四幅图画巧妙地连接在一起。一些高级句式和词汇的运用使得文章如行云流水 , 表现了作者高超的语言驾驭能力。 假设你参加所在年级的英文写作比赛,请根据下图和提示完成一篇短文: 1. 点明主题; 2. 联系实际,谈谈出现此现象的原因及解决办法。注意:开头已给出,不计入词数;词数不少于 120 个;提示词:蜗牛 snail 交通拥挤 heavy traffic From the picture we can see two snails are joking about the cars which are moving very slowly on the crowded roads. _ 能力提升 细节 立意 读图与立意 Two snails are joking about the cars on the overcrowded roads, which reflects that heavy traffic jam has been a problem. 审题: 一、简述漫画内容点明主题二、分析现象产生的原因三、谈谈解决问题的看法 两只蜗牛中一只说 “ Look! They are moving more slowly than us” 两只蜗牛取笑路上拥挤的汽车比它们还要跑得慢。 推断: 交通拥挤问题的严重性 。 一、简述漫画内容点明主题 From the picture we can see two snails are joking about the cars on the crowded roads . This humorous picture isn’t just to amuse us . It actually shows us one of the most serious problems. As we all know , the issue of heavy traffic has long been a problem. 分析原因 : 1. 随着经济发展,私家车增加; 2. 随着汽车增加和城市人口增加,一些道路等交通设施仍没有改善 . 3. 行人交通意识淡薄等。 二、分析现象产生的原因 But why does this happen? I think several factors contribute to this phenomenon . Firstly , the number of private cars keeps growing every day. Secondly , with a large number of population and numbers of cars increasing , some roads still remain unimproved . Thirdly , some people’s lack of awareness of traffic regulation also results in traffic jam. 围绕分析的原因,提出解决问题的看法。 To solve the problem , some pieces of advice are put forward . I suggest that more streets and roads should be built. Besides, we should take some measures to limit the number of cars. This can decrease the traffic flow. 三、谈谈解决问题的看法 As is shown in the picture , two snails are joking about the cars on the crowded roads. This humorous picture isn’t just to amuse us. It actually shows us one of the most serious problems. As we all know, the issue of heavy traffic has long been a problem. But why does this happen? I think several factors contribute to this phenomenon . Firstly, the number of private cars keeps growing every day. Secondly , with a large number of population and numbers of cars increasing , some roads still remain unimproved. Thirdly , some people’s lack of awareness of traffic regulation also results in traffic jam. To solve the problem , some pieces of advice are put forward. I suggest that more streets and roads should be built. Besides, we should take some measures to limit the number of cars. Only with our combined efforts can we speed up the flow of traffic in the cities.查看更多