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动词不定式 基本概念 结构 时态和语态 句法功能 1. 动词不定式的基本概念 动词不定式由 “ to+ 动词原形” 构成,因 to 后的动词 不受人称、数量、时态的限定 ,所以称“ to+ 动词原形”为动词不定式。 动词不定式是 非谓语动词 的一种,在句中不能充当谓语。 2. 动词不定式的结构 一般结构: to do I’m so glad to hear from you. 否定式结构: not to do I persuaded him not to smoke . 复合结构: for/of sb to do sth ( 即在动词不定式前加上其 逻辑主语 ) It’s difficult for him to give up smoking It’s kind of you to help me. 特殊疑问词 + 不定式: how/when/what to do I don't know how to help you. 3. 动词不定式的 时态和语态 主动语态 被动语态 一般时 to to 完成时 to to 进行时 to 完成进行时 to do have done be doing have been doing be done have been done 3. 动词不定式的 时态和语态 一般时: 意义: 动作与谓语动作 同时发生 , 或 动作发生在谓语动作 之后 主动语态: to do 被动语态: to be done I’m so glad to hear from you.(高兴和收到来信 同时发生 ) I hope to meet you soon . ( meet you 发生在未来 , 后发生) Practice: 1. He offered ________(help) me. 2. She is too young___________(attend) school. 3. The meeting is able __________(hold). 4. The problem remains_____________(settle) to help to attend to be held to be settled 一般时: 动作与谓语动作 同时发生 , 或 动作发生在谓语动作 之后 1. 谓语动作:过去 不定式动作:过去帮助 同时发生 2. 谓语动作:现在 不定式动作:现在 同时发生 3. 谓语动作:现在 不定式动作:将来 不定式发生在谓语动作后 会议被举办,用一般被动 4. 谓语动作:现在 不定式动作:将来 不定式发生在谓语动作后;问题被解决,用一般被动 3. 动词不定式的 时态和语态 完成时: 意义: 表示动作发生 在谓语动作之前 主动语态: to have done 被动语态: to have been done I’m glad to have invited you to attend my party. (已经邀请,现在高兴 已经邀请 了你) I’m glad to have been invited to attend your party. (已经被邀请,现在高兴 已经被邀请 ) Practice: 1. She pretends ______________(know) the news already. 2. I'm sorry_______________(keep) you waiting so long. 3. He is thought ______________(write) the book ten years ago. 4. The is thought ___________________(write) ten years ago. to have known to have kept to have written to have been written 完成时: 动作发生 在谓语动作之前 1. 谓语动作:现在 不定式动作:已经发生, 假装已经知道,不定式的完成式 2. 谓语动作:现在 不定式动作:已经发生, 抱歉已经让你等这么久 不定式的完成式 3. 谓语动作:现在 不定式动作:已经发生, 被认为已经写了 不定式的完成式 3. 谓语动作:现在 不定式动作:已经发生, 被认为已经被写了 不定式的完成被动式 3. 动词不定式的 时态和语态 进行时: 意义: 表示谓语动作发生时 ,  不定式的动作正在进行 主动语态: to be doing He seems to be eating something. (现在 ” 似乎 ” , 正在 ” 吃 ” , ” 似乎 ” 和 ” 吃 ” 同时发生 ) Practice: 1. She pretended ______________(study) English when her mom came in. 2. They seemd ____________(write)something for somebody. to be studying to be writing 完成时: 动作发生 在谓语动作之前 1. 谓语动作:过去 不定式动作:进行 假装正在学习,不定式的进行式 1. 谓语动作:过去 不定式动作:进行 似乎正在写,不定式的进行式 3. 动词不定式的 时态和语态 完成进行时: 意义: 表示动作发生在 谓语 动作 之前 且 一直持续 到谓语动作发生时 ,  并 仍在进行 主动语态: to have been doing She is said to have been teaching English for over twenty years. ( 以前 开始教英语, 持续 到现在,并 仍在 教) Practice: 1. The book is said _____________________ ( translate ) into Russian. 2. An exhibition of Chinese paintings is __________(hold) this weekend. 3. The boy pretended _______________(clean) the floor when I passed by him. 4.I'm happy __________(see) you. to have been translated to be held to be cleaning to see 3. 动词不定式的 时态和语态 主动语态 被动语态 一般时 to do to be done 完成时 to have done to have been done 进行时 to be doing 完成进行时 to have been doing 总结 4. 动词不定式的 句法功能 动词不定式具有 名词 , 形容词 和 副词 的特性 动词不定式不能做谓语,是 非谓语 的一种形式。 主语、宾语,表语 定语、表语,补足语 状语 动词不定式作 主语 不定式作 主语 1. To find new ways to save water is an urgent task 2. To love and to be loved is sweet to us. 3. To improve people’s lives and to speed up socialize construction are two important tasks today. 考点一:不定式作主语时的 主谓一致 原则 思考: 为什么不定式作主语时, 谓语有时用单数,有时用复数? 1. To find new ways to save water is an urgent task 2. To improve English is difficult for me now. 考点一:不定式作主语时的主谓一致原则 单个 不定式作 主语, 谓语用 单数 To love and to be loved is sweet to us. 考点一:不定式作主语时的主谓一致原则 大于等于两个 不定式作主语,但 语义一致 或基本一致、或不定式作为 一个整体 时,谓语用 单数 To improve people’s lives and to speed up socialize construction are two important tasks today. 考点一:不定式作主语时的主谓一致原则 大于等于 两个 不定式作主语,但 语义不一致 ,谓语用 复数 Practice: 1. To do that sort of thing_______(be) foolish. 2. To act like that _______(be) childish. is is It’s difficult for him to give up smoking = To give up smoking is difficult for him. It’s kind of you to help me. = You are kind to help me 考点二:为了避免句子头重脚轻,常用 it 做 形式主语 , 动词不定式 作句子 真正的主语 , 不定式 的复合结构: for/of sb to do sth It+be+adj.+ for sb to do: (用 for sb 时, 形容词修饰to do sth ,形容词常用修饰事或物的词,如easy, difficult, hard, important, possible, impossible, comfortable, ) It’s difficult for him to give up smoking = To give up smoking is difficult for him. It+be +adj. +of sb to do (用 of sb 时, 形容词修饰sb ,形容词常用 修饰人品质 的词,如nice, stupid, rude, clever, foolish, thoughtful, thoughtless, brave, considerate, silly) It’s kind of you to help me. = You are kind to help me It's our duty to take good care of the old. = To take good care of the old is our duty 考点三:It + is/was+ 名词 +to do: It takes me an hour to do homework everyday. =To do homework takes me an hour everyday. How long did it take you to finish the work? 考点四: It takes / took sb + some time + to do: 用 动名词作主语 的情况: no pleasure no use It is/was no good doing sth no fun a waste of money/time worth no 也可换成 not 或 of little It is no good just being upset. 考点五: 动词不定式和动名词作主语的区别 用 不定式作主语 的情况: It is/was+adj.+for/of sb It is/was+n +to do sth It takes/took sb+some time 考点五: 动词不定式和动名词作主语的区别 动词不定式作 表语 Your task today is to wash the curtains. 动词不定式作表语时,放在系动词后面,表示 将来的动作 或 解释说明主语的内容;主语常是 wish, idea, task, purpose, duty,aim, hope, mistake 等 表示意向、打算、计划的词 不定式 作表语: 表示 具体的 , 一次性的 动作 Your task today is to wash the curtains. 动名词 作表语: 表示 抽象的 , 多次经常的 动作 My favorite sport is running . 对比:动词不定式和动名词作表语的区别 动词不定式作状语 目的状语: I come here to see you. (来这里的目的是见你) 常用in order to, so as to, so(such)… as to… 结果状语: 表事先 没有预料到 的, 出乎意料的 结果,常放在 句子末尾 He arrived at the station , only to find the train had left. 常用enough to, only to. . . ,too. . . to 原因状语 :常放在表 情绪或心理活动的形容词之后 I’m glad to see you.(glad的原因是see you) 动词不定式作宾语 eg. I decide to study hard from now on. 主 谓 宾 The driver failed to see the other car in time. He offered to help me. She loves to talk about the matter. He promised not to tell anyone about it. 用法一: 动词不定式跟在某些 及物动词的后面 作宾语 这样的及物动词有: afford , ask , agree , arrange , attempt , aim , bother , choose , care , decide , desire , demand , expect , fail , hope , hesitate , learn , long , manage , offer , plan , pretend , promise , prepare , refuse , seem , seek , threaten , tend , wait , wish , want 用法一: 动词不定式跟在某些 及物动词的后面 作宾语 只跟动词不定式 不跟动名词的及物动词有: (decide/determine, learn, manage, try) (refuse, promise, pretend, agree) (want, help, choose, plan) (hope/expect/wish, care, offer, wait) (happen, fail, afford) The question is how to put it into practice. 能接“疑问词 +to do” 的动词 ( 短语 ) 有 : be, decide, know, consider, forget, learn, remember, show, find out, understand, see, wonder, hear, explain, tell 等。 用法二: “疑问词+to do” I think it hard to get up early in the morning. He feels it his duty to help the poor. it 作形式宾语 , 真正的宾语为后面的不定式, make 使 .. think 认为 .. . it + adj/n +(for sb) + to do sth feel 感觉 ... find 发现 ... consider 认为 .. 用法三: 主语 + 动词 +it+ 宾补 +to do ( 宾补常为形容词或名词 ) 动词不定式作宾补 I like to keep everything tidy. I like you to keep everything tidy. I will ask to do it again and again. I will ask you to do it again and again. 既可以 跟不定式作宾语 ,又可“ 动词+宾语+不定式 ”的动词: ask , beg , choose , expect , help , intend , like , love , need , prefer , prepare , promise , want , wish 等。 用法一: 动词+宾语+不定式 We consider Tom to be the best student in our class. 常见动词: acknowledge,   believe,   consider,   think,   declare( 声称 ),   discover, fancy( 设想 ),   feel,   find,   guess,   judge,   imagine,   know,   prove,   see( 理解 ), show,   suppose,   take( 以为 ),   understand 用法二: 动词 + 宾语 + to + be The book is believed to be uninteresting. The movie is considered to be boring. 动词 + 宾语 +to be+ 形容词 如 think, consider, imagine, prove, find, know, suppose 等。 用法三: to + be+ 形容词(常用于被动) 有些动词后面用省略 to 的不定式作宾补,即: 动词 +sb do sth He made me work all night long. I saw a child play in the street . 这类动词主要有: 我看三室二厅有感觉 “ 我看 = 五看” (see, watch, notice, observe, look at) “ 三室 = 三使” (make, let, have) “ 二厅 = 二听” (hear, listen to) “ 有感觉” (feel) 。 用法四: 省略 to 的不定式 注意:当 “ 动词 + sb do sth” 结构中 sb 放在主语位置, 句子变为被动语态时,省略的 to 要加上去 。 He made the man work all night long. 变被动 : The man was made to work all night long. The policeman saw a child play in the street. 变被动 : A child was seen to play in the street. 用法四: 省略 to 的不定式 动词不定式作定语 He was the right person to do the job. She was the first woman to win the gold medal . 不定式作定语时,常 放在其修饰的名词或代词之后 ,做后置定语。 注意:动词不定式只能做后置定语,不可做前置定语。 1. I have a lot of homework to do . 逻辑上: do homework 2. I have something to say . 逻辑上: say something 有些不定式作定语时,不定式中的 动词 会和 其修饰的词 构成 逻辑上的动宾关系。 考点一 不定式与所修饰词构成 动宾关系 He told me he had no pen to write with . to write with 修饰 pen , 逻辑上: write with pen 不定式做定语时,若其中动词为 不及物动词 ,必须在后面加上对应的 介词 。即 ....sth to vi + prep 1. I have a comfortable house to live in (live) . 2. Do you have a cup to drink water with (drink water) ? 考点一 不定式与所修饰词构成 动宾关系 用来修饰被序数词、最高级或no, all, any,the only,the next,the last等限定的中心词, 且与中心词为主动关系 ,这是用不定式做定语。 He is the first Chinese citizen to win this award. He was the only one to survive the plane crash. He was the right person to do (do)the job. 考点二 注意 动词不定式 基本概念: to+ 动词原形 结构:一般结构,否定结构,复合结构,疑问词 +to do 时态和语态 : 一般时,完成时,进行时,完成进行时 句法功能:主语,宾语,表语,定语,状语,宾补

