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英语试卷 考生须知:‎ ‎1.本试卷考试时间90分钟,满分120分。‎ ‎2.本试卷由试卷和和答题卷两部分组成。 ‎ ‎3.答题前,请先在答题卡上认真填写考场、考号、姓名、年级、班级等信息。‎ ‎4.选择题填写选项。非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色签字笔在各题目的答题区域内作 答,超出答题区域书写答案无效,在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。‎ ‎5. 考试结束后,将答题卡交回。‎ 一、阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共15小题,满分30分)‎ A Lisa’s Gym Keep fit! Lose weight! Play basketball, do yoga(瑜伽), dance and meet many new friends! Price:¥40/hour Open time: Saturdays and Sundays Tel: 2133730‎ A Concert Do you like classical music? Come to the concert on Friday evening. The concert will begin at 6:30 in the Children’s Palace. Ticket price: Adults:¥120    Children(under 15):¥60 Tel: 3155624‎ The Ugly Duck A wonderful play at People’s Cinema. Ticket price:¥80 Time: 6:00 pm —— 8:00 pm Dates: July 24 to July 27‎ Summer Job Do you like to talk with people? Do you like to work late? Do you like to work for a restaurant? Then come and work for us as a ‎ waiter. Please call Jenny at 8124697 for more information.‎ ‎1.You can ______ at Lisa’s Gym.  A. watch a movie  B. play basketball  C. listen to a concert  2.Miss Green is going to dance at Lisa’s Gym and she can go there on ______ .  A. Wednesday                  B. Thursday               C. Saturday ‎ ‎3. Mr. and Mrs. White and their 14-year-old son have to play ______for the concert.‎ A. ¥300  B. ¥180             C. ¥240‎ ‎4.Jack can watch a play at People’s Cinema_______‎ A. at 6:00am .on July 23rd           B. at 6:00pm .on July 25th        C. at 4:00am .on July 27th ‎ ‎5.Linda wants to find a job during her summer holiday, she can ______ for more information.  A. call 8124697              B. call 3155624           C. call 2133730 ‎ B ‎ Like many high school graduates(毕业), Maggie Doyne didn't go straight to college(大学). She decided to travel and arrived in western Nepal in 2006. A war had just ended there and left many children living on the streets. They were often forced to work at hard physical jobs for little money.‎ One day, while walking down a country road, Doyne saw a little girl breaking up rocks. She soon learned that 7-year-old Hima sold the rocks to support her family. With deep sadness, she decided to pay Hima's tuition (学费) for school. Encouraged by the changes in the child, Doyne thought, "If we can help one child, why not 10?"‎ Doyne felt that the street children's greatest need was a home. She found a piece of land for sale and bought it with $5,000 she saved from years of babysitting (当临时保姆). In 2008 the Kopila Valley Chilren's Home was set up. With the help from the community, another goal was reached in 2010 — the Kopila Valley School. Over 350 children now attend the school and over 50 live in the home.‎ Today, Doyne lives in the home and is "mum" to the kids.‎ ‎6. what did Maggie Doyne do in the western Nepal ?‎ A: find a job. B: travel C: go to college. D: go to work.‎ ‎7. When did Maggie Doyne travel to western Nepal?‎ A: In 2006. B: In 2007. C: In 2008. D: In 2010.‎ ‎8. Why did Hima break up the rocks?‎ A: To do physical exercise. B: To build a new school.‎ C: To get money for her family D: To repair the country road.‎ ‎9. What can we learn from Paragraph 3?‎ A: The street children once worked as babysitters.‎ B: Doyne got some support from the community.‎ C: Doyne borrowed much money from the government.‎ D: Over 5,000 children attend the Kopila Valley School.‎ ‎10. how many children attend the school in 2010 ?‎ A: about 50 B: over 350 C: about 5000 D: about 10‎ C Li Shizhen (李时珍) was one of the most famous doctors in Chinese history. He was born in Qichun, Hubei in 1518. ‎ ‎ Both of Li Shizhen's father and grandfather were doctors. Li Shizhen's grandfather was a country doctor who traveled in the countryside with a bag of herbs(药草)and medications and cured (治愈) people. His father was doctor who wrote several books. ‎ ‎ Li Shizhen used to help his father in his medical practice when he was young, Li Shizhen's father wanted him to enter politics (从政).Li Shizhen studied for the exams and passed the country-level examination, but he was never able to pass the imperial (帝国的) examination. ‎ ‎ When he was 38, he cured the son of the Prince of Chu and was invited to be an official in that court (宫廷)A few years later,he became an official at the Imperial Medical Institute. ‎ ‎ Even though he fulfilled his father's dream, he didn't want to continue working for the court.One year later, he left the court and returned to be a doctor again. ‎ ‎ Li Shizhen was famous for his book, Compendium of Materia Medica 《本草纲日 》 ). He spent 27 years writing the book. Unluckily, Li Shizhen died before the book was officially published. It is such a successful book. Now it is still one of the most important medical books in China. ‎ ‎11.What was Li Shizhen' s grandfather?___ ‎ A. An official. B.A prince. C.A country doctor. D.A writer. ‎ ‎12.What did Li Shizhen's father want Li Shizhen to do?___ ‎ A. To be a doctor. B. To write a book. C. To be a prince. D. To enter politics. ‎ ‎13.When he was 38, Li Shizhen cured___. ‎ A. his grandfather B. the son of the Prince of Chu ‎ C. an official in that country D. a famous doctor ‎ ‎14.According to the passage, what was Li Shizhen famous for?___ ‎ A. Working for the court. B. The book, Compendium of Materia Medica. ‎ C. His long traveling. D. Curing a lot of people. ‎ ‎15.What does the passage mainly talk about?___ ‎ A. Li Shizhen's life. B. Li Shizhen's grandfather's life. ‎ C. Li Shizhen's father's life. D. Li Shizhen's book.‎ 二、完型填空(每小题 2分,共10小题,满分20 分).‎ A kindergarten teacher decided to have her class play a game. The teacher told each student to bring a plastic bag with a few potatoes in it to school. Each student would ‎ "name" their potatoes after people they did not like.___1___, the number of potatoes(土豆) would be ____2___depending on how many people each student hated(讨厌).‎ ‎ The next day, with their potatoes, all the students went to school___3__the game. Some kids had just one or two potatoes, while others had as many as five or six. The teacher then told the children that they would have to carry their potatoes with ___4___wherever they went for one week. Several days___5___Some of the students started to complain (抱怨), as their potatoes began to rot (腐烂) and__6___bad. The students who carried___7___potatoes began to get unsatisfied with the heavy bags.‎ One week later, the game___8___.The teacher asked, "How did you ___9__carrying around your potatoes for a week?"‎ The students complained once again. The teacher simply smiled and said, "This is what it's like to carry hatred (仇恨) in your heart. You have to carry it with you wherever you go. If you can't tolerate (容忍) carrying rotten potatoes for one week, how can you imagine having __10____in your heart for a whole lifetime? Forgive(原谅) others and move on with your life."‎ ‎1.A: However B: In a word C: Therefore D: After all ‎2.A: different B: similar C: the same D: small ‎3.A: to watch B: to join in C: to win D: to lose ‎4.A: it B: that C: them D: school bags ‎5.A: passed by B: passed on C: passed D: walked by ‎6.A: taste B: smell C: sound D: feel ‎7.A: few B: some C: more D: any ‎8.A: continued B: was done C: began D: was over ‎9.A: feel like B: look like C: enjoy D: just like ‎10.A: love B: happiness C: friendship D: hate ‎ ‎ 三、补全对话,情景问答(每小题2分,共5小题,满分10分)‎ A: Hi, Mike! I heard you had a study trip last Saturday.   1 __.‎ B: Wenchang and Qionghai.‎ A:   2  __‎ B:First, we visited Puqian Bridge.  3___.‎ A: Of course I have! It connects Haikou and Wenchang.It's the longest bridge over the sea ‎ in Hainan.‎ B:   4 __ We all take pride in such rapid development.‎ A: When did you go to Qionghai?‎ B: After lunch. We traveled around Shamei Village in the afternoon.  5  ___.‎ A: Which song?‎ B: The folk song (民歌), Jit Jin Bu Jian Jin Jiu Jian.‎ A: How fantastic! I hope our study trip will be wonderful too.‎ A: It's really great.‎ B: Who did you go with?‎ C: And we learnt a famous song.‎ D: Well, what did you do?‎ E: Where did you go?‎ F: Did you enjoy yourselves?‎ G: Have you heard about it?‎ 四、七个选项中选5个,其中有两个是多余的。(每小题2分,满分10分)‎ ‎ Some people seem to be born happy. Nothing seems to get them down. However, some people seem to have everything going well but they still do not seem to be happy.   1  ‎ ‎    ◆ Listen to music ‎    Music is good for people.   2   Light music can help us relax; some pop music can make us feel happy. You can listen to it, or take up playing an instrument in your spare time.‎ ‎    ◆ Have a pet ‎    You may not have a pet of your own, but pets are so good at making people happy.   3   Some pets are lovely and some need exercise, which is helpful to you, too.‎ ‎    ◆ Stay fit and healthy ‎    Try to keep fit and healthy by exercising every day.   4   The great thing about exercise is that it helps release (释放) chemicals and these chemicals make you feel happy!‎ ‎    ◆   5  ‎ ‎    Often it is the small things that make people happy. Being kind and smiling at people in your daily life can make others happy, and at the same time, it will also build happiness for you.‎ A: Be kind and smile.‎ B: Be active and happy.‎ C: Exercise can keep you happy.‎ D: There are different kinds of it.‎ E: Many reasons can explain why people like to have pets.‎ F: One thing is for sure that money cannot make a person happy.‎ G: No matter who you are, you can build happiness by doing the following things.‎ 五.用括号的词写出正确的形式(共15分,每个1.5分)‎ When I___1__ (be) in the sixth grade, I__2__ (join) a piano competition. I___3__(practice) for four hours every day and my piano teacher__4__ (come) three times a week to___5___ (help) me. Then the big day finally___6___(arrive). I__7_ (be) so nervous when they__8_ (call) my name. I___9___ (go) up and __10____ (start) to play. While I played; everyone sat still and listened. I played the song without any mistakes. Then I waited for them to call out the winner. When I heard my name; I couldn’t believe it. It was the happiest day of my life!‎ 六、翻译(共20分,每个1分)‎ ‎1.社会( ) 2.tradition( ) 3. 广泛地( ) 4.项目( ) ‎ ‎1.完成( ) 2. translate( ) 3.private( ) 4. fail( ) ‎ ‎1.有帮助的( ) 2.educate( ) 3. 建议( ) 4. 传统( ) ‎ ‎1.relative( ) 2.生意( ) 3. 以…闻名( ) 4. increase( ) ‎ ‎1.而不是( ) 2.安全( ) 3.第二( ) 4. 第三( )‎ 七、作文。(共1题,满分15) ‎ 写作题:假如你是李华,英语学的比较好,以“How to Learn English Well”为标题写一篇英语短文。‎ 提示:1.早读时大声朗读;2.上课认真听课,积极思考;3.课后多背诵单词4.课后读一些有关英语书籍或杂志;5.我们应该每天练习英语。 要求:1.不要逐条翻译,可适当发挥;2.50词左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数; 3.文中不得出现真实人名、校名等相关信息。 参考词汇:read English loudly(大声朗读英语) listen carefully(认真听课) take notes(做笔记) recite words(背诵单词) English magazine(英语杂志)‎ ‎ We should practice English every day How to Learn English Well It’s important for us to learn English . As a middle school student, how to learn English well? Here are some suggestions.‎

