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Book 2 Unit 5 Music Warming up What is music? Music is sound arranged into pleasing or interesting patterns. It forms an important part of many cultural and social activities. People use music to express feelings and ideas. Music also serves to entertain and relax. Like drama and dance, music is a performing art. It differs from such arts as painting and poetry, in which artists create works and then display or publish them. Musical composers need musicians to interpret and perform their works, just as playwrights need actors to perform their plays. Thus, musical performances are partnerships between composers and performers. Music also plays a major role in other arts. Opera combines singing and orchestral music with drama. Ballet and other forms of dancing need music to help the dancers with their steps and evoke an atmosphere. Film and TV dramas use music to help set the mood and emphasize the action. Also, composers have set many poems to music. Music is one of the oldest arts. People probably started to sing as soon as language developed. Hunting tools struck together may have been the first musical instruments. By about 10,000 B.C., people had discovered how to make flutes out of hollow bones. Many ancient peoples, including the Egyptians What is music produced? Can you name those musical instruments? violin guitar saxophone piano guzheng flute erhu hulusi yueqin konghou harp lute mandolin pipa Can you name any music style? music style classical music pop Folk music jazz country music rock and roll rap Latin music the blues Light music heavy metal music Choral ---A traditional Christmas song, which is often sung in the church on Christmas Day. Many people get together to sing. Choral Country music is popular music in the style of music from the southern and western US. The music comes from the southern and western US. Country Music Rap ---A popular music in the style of music form the southern and western US. Talking and singing Rap Folk music---It has been passed down from one generation to another. Most of the songs are about country life, the seasons, animals, and about love and sadness in people’s life. Music or song in the traditional style of a country Folk Music Rock ’n’ Roll ---A style of music that was popular in the 1950s, and has a strong loud beat. Rock ’ n’ Roll Very loud sound with strong beat ( 节奏感 ) people consider it to be serious and it has been popular for a long time. Classical music Serious and traditional style Classical Music Jazz ---It was born in the US around 1890. It was sung by black people and its roots in Africa. Music of black people very romantic Jazz saxophone Orchestra Orchestra---A large group of people playing all kinds of musical instruments among together. Groups of people play different musical instruments( 乐器 ) together. Orchestra Listen to different kinds of music and number the pictures on page 33. Classical music Rock’n’ Roll Orchestra Rap Folk music Jazz Country music Choral ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ Without music, life is a journey through a desert. Do you often listen to music? How often? Questions Once a day Once a week Once a month …… 2. In what situation, you will like to listen to music? Sad, upset, angry, disappointed, happy, leave oneself in peace. … … classical music blues orchestra 管弦乐 heavy metal jazz country music choral 合唱 rock ’n’ roll 摇滚音乐 rap 说唱 folk music 民族音乐 pop music 流行音乐 How does music make you feel? Happy, sad , think a lot, recall some memories, serious, feel relaxed, pleasant, funny, enrich our life, inspire some emotions in our mind, tell about the real life, teach us some knowledge, feel encouraged, dream-like ,learn the rhythm of music, make me calm down or full of emotions, peaceful,…… Why music is important? music can bring me pleasure and relaxation; In some way it can also reduce the patients' pain; Refresh/relax/purify/excite our brain It is really good to our health and our mind. It can also make us forget our sadness. We find the virtue of human ,the value of ourselves and the beauty of nature in music. Music can improve people’s work efficiency. So, music, as far as I believe, is one of the best keys to open up the wisdom of mankind. Music has a long history to help educate, comfort and inspire people when used properly. It relaxes our mind and body when we are under giant pressure, encourages and excites us when we feel low. Sometimes, with the help of music, we can get rid of the desperate difficulties that we face, and restore the needed confidence and self-esteem for ourselves. Bathed in music, strangers coming from different countries will quickly get to know each other and understand other's cultures much better. What can we do using music? Express/show our feelings like Happiness/anger/sadness/sorrow/cheer/love/hate/admiration/respect/faith/adoration Change our mind Build our character Build our body Broaden our mind Widen our eyes Enrich our knowledge/learn about our history S.H.E. Do you know these singers or bands at home and abroad? Twins F.I.R The flowers Mayday The Backstreet Boys The Beatles West life 1. What kind of music do you like? Why 2. Which singer do you like best and why? 3. How does music make you feel? These phrases will help you. Discussion I prefer… Why do you prefer… I like …best because… I hate…. My favorite singer is… I enjoy listening to… I am fond of… I don’t like… very much. Sample dialogue A: What kind of music do you like, pop music or …? B: I like…, because… A: Who is your favorite singer? B: Well, I prefer /like… Her/his music makes me feel… Who do you prefer? A: I like ….

