高中英语必修三4 Using language Listening and talking

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高中英语必修三4 Using language Listening and talking

Unit 5 Canada—“The True North”‎ Period 4 Using language: Listening and talking 整体设计 教材分析 This is the fourth teaching period of this unit. As usual, the teacher will first get students to review what they learned in the last period, and then lead in the new lesson.‎ We will focus on training students’ listening ability in this period. The listening passage introduces information about the cultural and racial composition of Canada. Canada is one of the few countries that have an official multicultural policy. The population is changing rapidly and immigrants from China are among the most numerous recently. Make sure students go through the exercises before they listen to the tape. This is to sharpen their attention. It will also help them get the gist of the listening text. The teaching procedures may be as follows: First, let students think about and discuss what they know about Canada’s population and the fact that it is a country of immigrants. Second, go through the incomplete sentences in Exercise 2 and guess what the topic of the listening text is. Play the tape for students to listen to and decide whether their guessing is right. Third, ask them to listen again for them to do Exercise 2. Fourth, let them listen a third time to check their answers. While they are listening, the teacher should pause and repeat the key sentences to help students understand. When checking the answers, explain some difficult listening points if necessary. In the end, show them the listening text and let them read and retell it. This step can help students understand and grasp the listening material far further.‎ Next, students will listen to a report which Li Daiyu and Liu Qian were asked to give telling their new Canadian friends about China. The purpose of this listening passage is to allow students to make a comparison between Canada and China in terms of geography and natural features. The teacher can let students read the directions and go through the exercises before listening. Then ask them to listen to the tape and finish their exercises. They should make notes while listening. When students listen to the text, tell them to ignore the words they don’t know and to concentrate on understanding the gist of the text. Perhaps some students will find it hard to listen to and understand listening materials. Encourage them not to give up. The more they listen to English, the easier it becomes.‎ After practicing listening, students are required to talk about some of the major similarities and differences between China and Canada. Encourage them to say something. Don’t always correct the mistakes they have made while they are talking. Otherwise, they would feel reluctant and not say anything more.‎ 教学重点 ‎1. Develop students’ listening ability.‎ ‎2. Enable students to master different listening skills.‎ ‎3. Let them talk about the major similarities and differences between China and Canada.‎ 教学难点 ‎1. Get students to listen to and understand the listening materials.‎ ‎2. Let students talk about the major similarities and differences between China and Canada.‎ 三维目标 知识目标 ‎1. Get students to learn some useful new words and expressions in the listening passages.‎ ‎2. Let students learn about the major similarities and differences between China and Canada.‎ 能力目标 ‎1. Enable students to catch and understand the listening materials.‎ ‎2. Develop students’ ability to get special information and take notes while listening.‎ ‎3. Get students to learn and talk about the major similarities and differences between China and Canada.‎ 情感目标 ‎1. Enable students to know more about Canada. ‎ ‎2. Develop students’ sense of group cooperation and teamwork.‎ 教学过程 ‎→Step 1 Revision ‎1. Check the homework exercises.‎ ‎2. Ask some students to translate some sentences using noun clauses as the appositive.‎ ‎1)他登上月球的消息迅速传遍全国。‎ ‎2)将军下达了战士们立即过河的命令。‎ ‎3)是否该做这件事, 这一问题使他很烦恼。‎ ‎4)你不知道我是多么着急。‎ ‎5)他突然想到敌人可能已经逃出城了。‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎1)The news that he had landed on the moon soon spread all over the country.‎ ‎2)The general gave the order that the soldiers should cross the river at once.‎ ‎3)The question whether he should do this troubled him.‎ ‎4)You have no idea how worried I was.‎ ‎5)The thought came to him that maybe the enemy had fled the city.‎ ‎→Step 2 Warming up ‎1. Tell students: Turn to Page 37. We are going to the part Listening.‎ ‎2. Let them in pairs discuss what they know about Canada, especially its culture and people.‎ ‎→Step 3 Listening ‎1. Let students read the incomplete sentences in Exercise 2 and guess what the topic of the listening material they will hear may be before listening.‎ ‎2. Play the tape for them to listen to and decide whether their guessing is right or not.‎ ‎3. Let them listen to the tape again and complete the following sentences with the correct information.‎ ‎1)Canada encourages people to keep ______________.‎ ‎2)Canada is a mixture of ______________. ‎ ‎3)If you live in the province of Quebec, ______________.‎ ‎4)Native Indians and the Inuit are trying to ______________.‎ ‎5)More than ______________ languages are used in radio and TV programs.‎ ‎6)You may find areas where ______________ live near each other.‎ ‎7)The families ______________ are usually all mixed up.‎ ‎4. They exchange the information and listen to the tape a third time for checking. Let them have the correct answers.‎ ‎5. Give 2 or 3 minutes to them to ask questions if they have any.‎ ‎6. Show them the listening text and let them read it.‎ Listening text: (Omitted)‎ ‎7. Let them in pairs take turns to ask and answer the following questions.‎ ‎1)What is a Canadian?‎ ‎2)Why do people say that Canada is a multicultural country?‎ ‎8. Ask as many pairs as possible to present their conversation to the class.‎ ‎→Step 4 Listening on Page 69‎ Turn to Page 69.‎ ‎1. Ask students to read through the directions and the exercises. Make sure they know what to do.‎ ‎2. Let them discuss in pairs what the most important points are for a foreigner to know about China and then predict what the girls will say in their report.‎ ‎3. Play the tape for them to listen to and see whether their prediction is right.‎ ‎4. Have them listen to the tape again and decide if the following sentences are true or false. If false, correct the information.‎ ‎1)China is over 7000 kilometers from east to west.‎ ‎2)Both China and Canada have mountains in the west of the country.‎ ‎3)The Great Wall cannot keep the desert’s dust away from Beijing.‎ ‎4)China has 15 neighboring countries while Canada only has one.‎ ‎5)Canadians cannot talk with people in their neighboring country because they do not speak English.‎ ‎5. Let them share their information in pairs.‎ ‎6. Play the tape a third time for them to check and have the correct answers.‎ ‎7. Give 2 or 3 minutes for them to ask questions if they have any.‎ ‎8. Show them the listening text and let them read it aloud. ‎ Listening text: (Omitted)‎ ‎9. Have them first discuss the question and then give their answers to the class.‎ Why might people from Canada want to visit Hainan?‎ ‎→Step 5 Talking ‎1. Show students the map of Canada and the map of China and let them read the maps.‎ ‎2. Have them discuss the question in small groups.‎ What are some of the major similarities and differences between China and Canada?‎ ‎3. Give several minutes for them to prepare their report.‎ ‎4. Ask as many of them as possible to present their report to the class.‎ ‎→Step 6 Listening task on Page 72‎ ‎1. Turn to Page 72. Tell students: We are listening to the introductions of three famous Canadians in different areas of work.‎ ‎2. Let them go through the report charts and make sure they know what to do before listening.‎ ‎3. Have them listen to Part 1 and then fill in the chart about Oscar Peterson.‎ Hometown Job Kind of music Number of recordings and CDs Plays with. . .‎ ‎4. Have them listen to Part 2 and then fill in the chart about Dr. Nancy Olivieri.‎ Hometown Job Found a drug that. . .‎ Refused to. . .‎ Is a heroine to. . .‎ ‎5. Have them listen to Part 3 and then fill in the chart about Wayne Gretsky.‎ Is called. . .‎ Job Is the best. . .‎ He believed in. . .‎ He was a star because he scored. . .‎ ‎6. Allow them two or three minutes to discuss and share their answers.‎ ‎7. Play the whole tape again for them to check and have the correct answers.‎ ‎8. Show them the listening text and let them read it aloud.‎ Listening text: (Omitted)‎ ‎→Step 7 Summary In this period, we mainly focus on the listening ability. It’s very important. If your listening is poor, you’d better practice more. The more you listen to English, the better your listening is. Remember: Practice makes perfect. ‎ ‎→Step 8 Homework ‎1. Finish off the Workbook exercises.‎ ‎2. Read the listening texts again and try to learn more about Canada from them.‎ 板书设计 Unit 5 Canada—“The True North”‎ Listening and talking ‎1. Listening Complete the following sentences with the correct information you hear.‎ ‎1)Canada encourages people to keep ______________.‎ ‎2)Canada is a mixture of ______________.‎ ‎3)If you live in the province‎ of ‎Quebec, ______________.‎ ‎4)Native Indians and the Inuit are trying to ______________.‎ ‎5)More than ______________ languages are used in radio and TV programs.‎ ‎6)You may find areas where ______________ live near each other.‎ ‎7)The families ______________ are usually all mixed up.‎ ‎2. Talking What are some of the major similarities and differences between China and Canada?‎ 活动与探究 Suppose a very important person is visiting your school. You have been asked to introduce this visitor to your class. Find information on the Internet or in the newspaper or a magazine about this person. Make some notes and be prepared to introduce him/her to your class. You should have about four or five pieces of information ready.‎ You may begin like this:‎ Good morning/afternoon, everybody!‎ It’s my pleasure to introduce our guest to you today. We are much honored to have ______________ visiting us, because. . .‎

