2018-2019学年安徽省亳州市第二中学高二下学期期末考试英语试题 Word版

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2018-2019学年安徽省亳州市第二中学高二下学期期末考试英语试题 Word版

亳州二中2018-2019学年度第二学期期末质量检测 高二英语试卷 ‎★注意事项:‎ ‎1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分.满分150分.考试时间为120分钟. ‎ ‎2.本试卷分试题卷和答题卷,第Ⅰ卷(选择题)的答案应填在答题卷卷首相应的空格内,做在第Ⅰ卷 的无效.‎ 第I 卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。‎ 第一节(共5小题:每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1. Where are the speakers?‎ A. In a bank. B. At a railway station. C. In a department store.‎ ‎2. When will the dinner party begin?‎ A. At 7:15. B. At 7:00. C. At 6:45.‎ ‎3. What makes the man dislike his math teacher?‎ A. Not helping him. B. Too much homework. C. Scolding him in public.‎ ‎4. What will the woman do for the man?‎ A. Wash his clothes. B. Get him some fruit. C. Take him to the supermarket.‎ ‎5. What will the speakers most probably do this weekend?‎ A. See a film. B. Climb a mountain. C. Play table tennis.‎ 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6、7两个小题。‎ ‎6. Why does the woman want to buy a bicycle?‎ A. For transportation. ‎ B. For exercise and health. ‎ C. For saving transport expense.‎ ‎7. What does the man suggest the woman buy?‎ A. A ball. B. A car. C. A helmet.‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8、9两个小题。‎ ‎8. What did the woman watch on TV this afternoon?‎ A. Game shows. B. A cartoon film. C. An action movie.‎ ‎9. What news did the woman watch on Channel 11?‎ A. A theft. B. A robbery. C. A fire.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。‎ ‎10. When will the man go to a house party?‎ A. On Wednesday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.‎ ‎11. What present will the man take to Peter?‎ A. A T-shirt. B. A football. C. A DVD.‎ ‎12. What is the most probable relationship between the speakers?‎ A. Mother and son. B. Salesman and customer. C. Teacher and student.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。‎ ‎13. Why did the woman go to Milan?‎ A. To visit her aunt. B. To look after her sister. C. To see her niece.‎ ‎14. How old was the baby when the woman arrived in Milan?‎ A. Three months. B. Four months. C. Seven months.‎ ‎15. What did the woman think of life in Milan?‎ A. Interesting. B. Busy. C. Boring.‎ ‎16. What did the woman like doing most with the baby?‎ A. Taking photos with her. B. Playing with her. C. Feeding her.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ ‎17. When did Ken and Anthony lose touch?‎ A. After they began middle school. ‎ B. After they entered colleges. ‎ C. After they started working.‎ ‎18. Where did Ken get news about Anthony?‎ A. From an announcement. B. From a bookstore. C. From a friend.‎ ‎19. What was Ken’s impression of Anthony when he saw him again?‎ A. Anthony was as thin as before. ‎ B. Anthony looked quite recognizable. ‎ C. Anthony looked less handsome than before.‎ ‎20. What did Ken and Anthony plan to do?‎ A. Go to the same graduate school. ‎ B. Have a regular monthly meeting. ‎ C. Go to church together every Saturday.‎ 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A February half term is fast approaching, and now is the time to start organizing your week off if you’re aiming for a quick and cheap getaway anywhere but home.‎ Shard London stay, £181 for a family of 4‎ Get a whole new perspective on the capital with Superbreak’s View from the Shard package. On level 72, the highest public level of The Shard, visitors will have the chance to try out the most breathtaking experience, as they are exposed to the elements and sounds of the city beneath.‎ Dublin countryside, £198 per adult, kids stay free and free breakfast ‎ Dublin is a great city for kids, with both fun and educational visits from the Leprechaun Museum to the Dublin Writers Museum. In a hillside position overlooking Dublin Bay and dating ‎ back to 1740, Fitzpatrick Castle Hotel is an affordable choice for a half term break by car with Irish Ferries.‎ Woolacombe Bay, Devon, £220 for a family of 6‎ ‎ Woolacombe Bay Holiday Parks in Devon is highlighting a wealth of deals of February half-term including four-night midweek stays---from 15 February—at £200 for a family of six.‎ ‎ The package includes accommodation in a model Bronze Caravan holiday home sleeping up to six and with heating in the bedroom and plus private car parking.‎ ‎ Free indoor all-weather facilities include a heated swimming pool, children’s play areas, a cinema, clubs for youngsters and entertainment. ‎ Northumberland castle, £99.50 per adult, kids go free Take your children to a 14th-century Northumberland castle this half term, and allow them to play prince or princess during a stop.‎ Luxurious Langley Castle is ideal for families wishing to explore Hadrian’s Wall and discover life as a Roman, explore Hexham Abbey, or head off to Newcastle for shopping and visitor attractions.‎ Children will also love the daily Battlements Tour, which will take them right to the top of the castle, to look out towards Hadrian’s Wall and across Langley’s grounds.‎ ‎21. Where can visitors go if they want their kids to have both fun and educational visits?‎ A. Shard London stay. B. Dublin countryside.‎ C. Northumberland castle. D. Woolacombe Bay.‎ ‎22. What is special about visiting Woolacombe Bay, Devon?‎ A. Kids can have the most breathtaking experience.‎ B. Kids can play prince or princess.‎ C. There are free indoor all-weather facilities.‎ D. It can provide tasty and free breakfast.‎ ‎23. How much will a couple with two kids pay if they visit Northumberland castle?‎ ‎ A. £ 99.50 B. £‎398 ‎ C. £298.5 D. £199 ‎ B I recently posted a picture on Facebook from the movie Mad Max, a film where two groups race through the desert in steam punk vehicles, and wrote, “Actual picture of my way to work today.” It was meant to be a joke because of the sandstorms in Beijing, but one of my friends from back home thought it was real.‎ I couldn’t imagine how they could think that is actually what China is like. China has so many more conveniences and advantages than the West, and many of my friends agree. “I don’t know how I will be able to deal when I go back home,” said a friend who is about to end her gap year in Beijing. “I’ve become so spoiled in China.‎ China seems to be leading the way in innovation and convenience for daily life. Back home I could never shop, pull out my phone and scan a QR code to pay.‎ There have been rumors of starting bike sharing in my hometown for years with little success while bike sharing suddenly appeared in Beijing overnight. I just step outside and scan a code, and I am on my way.‎ Going out to eat with a group of friends back home was troublesome for both the group and the servers. Splitting checks and swiping(刷) 10 different cards or making change for each person in the group can be a pain. But with China’s WeChat, you can quickly send your friends your part of the bill.‎ The list goes on…‎ When I first arrived in Beijing, I was dead set on leaving in a month. That month has come and gone. Now, when someone asks me when I’m coming back, I think to myself, “Who knows?”‎ While my friends think I’m riding through the desert on a motorbike, I am actually taking a “Didi” for what is the equivalent of $‎5 in the US.‎ With all the conveniences and technology here, I may never want to go back.‎ ‎24. What’s the function of Paragraph 1?‎ ‎ A. To introduce the topic.‎ ‎ B. To introduce a movie.‎ ‎ C. To tell an interesting story.‎ ‎ D. To show the weather in Beijing.‎ ‎25. How did the author feel when he first came to Beijing?‎ ‎ A. He never wanted to go back home.‎ ‎ B. He couldn’t stand the weather.‎ ‎ C. He didn’t want to stay long.‎ ‎ D. He was amazed at the bike sharing.‎ ‎26. What can we infer from the text?‎ ‎ A. China is the first country to start bike sharing.‎ ‎ B. The author’s friends all know the convenience of living in China.‎ ‎ C. People always use WeChat to pay when eating out in the US.‎ ‎ D. The author has become used to mobile payment in China.‎ ‎27. What does the text intend to tell us?‎ ‎ A. Bike sharing has spread all over China.‎ ‎ B. Technology has brought much convenience in China.‎ ‎ C. Life in foreign countries is not as easy as we thought.‎ ‎ D. Foreigners have misunderstandings of China.‎ C On Saturday morning I along with 15 or so others, boarded a fishing boat. But we weren’t out for the fish. We were looking for seabirds. ‎ ‎“We’ll see a Cook’s petrel (黑脚圆尾鹱) today,” I predicted, feeling confident. Not that I ‎ had a good reason to be: only one Cook’s petrel has ever been officially recorded in these waters.‎ Twenty minutes later, a Cook’s petrel came just as I expected. Thrilled at its sudden appearance, we hurried to take photos and lowered our voice for fear that the bird should be frightened away. Within a minute, the bird was gone. It turned out to be one of the few highlights of an otherwise surprisingly quiet day, but I live for moments like this. For a few hours, I was in my happy place.‎ Along with music, birds have been what I am crazy about. It started when 1 was eight. Memories get vague here, and possibly unreliable, but the first flash was a chance sighting of a kingfisher (翠鸟) on the Ovens river, a few meters from where my father actually was fishing. My interest in birds was aroused.‎ For me, watching birds-or birding, to use the more active verb—was and still is an escape and a harbor. Earlier this year, a study by University of Exeter found that it was associated with lower levels of anxiety and depression, conditions with which I am unfortunately all too familiar.‎ And yes, I’m a bird lover. I once flew to Perth to see Australia’s second red-legged water bird, only to find it had been eaten by a cat. That’s birding—things don’t always happen on cue like that Cook’s petrel. But it s not about the numbers. Whether it’s on my block or out to sea, I prefer to think that I don’t find the birds; they find me: in that happy place.‎ ‎28. How did the author feel about the appearance of the Cook’s petrel? ‎ A. Surprised. B. Excited. C. Common. D. Frightened ‎29. What made the author interested in birds?‎ A. His experience on the sea. B. His father’s influence.‎ C. A bird-watching tour. D. An accidental sight of a bird.‎ ‎30. How does the author benefit from bird watching?‎ A. He can get peace from it.‎ B. He’s been on several free tours.‎ C. He’s become famous for bird study.‎ D. He was admitted to University of Exeter.‎ ‎31. What does the underlined part “on cue” in the last paragraph mean?‎ A. Under no circumstance. B. As usual.‎ C. As expected. D. Now and then.‎ D We can have conflicts with our important persons like friends, relatives, workmates, etc. But the conflict doesn't necessarily mean that the relationship will be destroyed. In fact, sometimes conflict helps people to let out their silent feelings, allowing them to free their suppressed emotions. However, when in a conflict, we usually get angry and say or do things which aren't linked to the problem at hand. Therefore, it is important that we should try to avoid conflicts through effective communication.‎ In a heated argument, we usually say things that aren't related to the real problem, and even use rude words to make sure we gain an advantage over the other persons. Then the whole situation goes badly. So we should not separate(隔离)the root cause of the problem and build our discussion around it. This ensures that there are no rude remarks and the situation moves in a positive direction.‎ It's easy for us to think we're right and if something isn't working out, it surely must be someone else's fault. However, if you aim to solve a conflict, first of all, you should show some respect and allow the other persons to express themselves. Using remarks like," I understand your concern on this" or "I know you're right at your end", would make the other persons feel more appreciated.‎ Sometimes some people get too excited and may behave in the wrong way or say something others may not appreciate. This can cause a worse situation. Actually, they should control their emotions and keep calm. This has to be learned through self-control and observing behavior of other people.‎ The tips mentioned above are useful for most situations. However, we don't rule out the possibility that there are some people who always want to create some sort of trouble for others. You can tell them from others, and putting in an effort to resolve a conflict with them may just not be a wise idea. The best way to deal with these people is to forget them. A famous saying can help you and that is:" You should never fight with a pig; you both get dirty and only the pig likes it."‎ ‎32. What can we learn from Paragraph 1?‎ A. Conflicts may help us deal with our emotions.‎ B. Conflicts can improve our relations with others greatly.‎ C. Effective communication can help us avoid conflicts undoubtedly.‎ D. The closer two friends are, the more conflicts are between them.‎ ‎33. When making discussions to solve conflicts, we should .‎ A. know others' personal quality.‎ B. know others' ability of expression.‎ C. avoid showing our disadvantages.‎ D. center on the root cause of the problem.‎ ‎34. The author suggests that when people get too excited, they should .‎ A. behave like other people.‎ B. learn to keep their head.‎ C. control the situation.‎ D. say something unconcerned.‎ ‎35. In the author's opinion, how should you deal with those who always want to create trouble for you?‎ A. Fight with them.‎ B. Have a talk with them.‎ C. Ignore them.‎ D. Give them something they like.‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ The Winners Club is a bank account specially designed for teenagers. It has been made to help you better manage your money. 36‎ ‎• No account keeping fees!‎ ‎  You’re no millionaire so we don’t expect you to pay large fees. In fact, there are no account keeping or transaction fees!‎ ‎  • 37 !‎ ‎  You want your money to grow. The Winners Club has a good rate of interest which gets even better if you make at least two deposits (储蓄) without taking them out in a month.‎ ‎• Convenient ‎  Teenagers are busy — we get that. 38 . With the Winners Club you can choose to bank from home using the phone or the Internet. You can have money directly deposited into your Winners Club account. This could be your pocket money or your pay from your part-time job!‎ ‎• Magazine included ‎  Along with your regular report, you will receive a FREE magazine full of good ideas to make even more of your money. 39 .‎ ‎  The Winners Club is a great choice for teenagers. 40 . Simply fill in an application form and get permission from your parent. It is not so hard. It’s the best way to choose to be a winner!‎ ‎  A. Perfect Service Systems ‎  B. Excellent interest rates ‎  C. And it is so easy to join ‎  D. You may never need to come to a bank at all ‎  E. The Winners Club is set up for you to save money ‎  F. It’s a club with impressive features for teenagers ‎  G. Some fantastic stories are also offered for Winners Club members ‎ ‎ 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ As I head down the narrow hallway of my high school, my ears are filled with the sounds of complaints. The 41 around me are constantly complaining about school. These complaints fill the 42 and make it hard to breathe. I try to mention the 43 side of our current situation in high school but am met with criticism. The feeling of 44 school has become widespread among students worldwide. This can create a 45 educational environment. In my opinion, school is and should be fun.‎ I don’t 46 to enter such a negative environment. We should enjoy school! As students, we are so 47 to have the opportunity to attend school 48 millions of children around the world still do ‎ not have that opportunity. We should feel grateful that we are given the 49 to learn.‎ School allows us to 50 some of the most interesting topics from science to foreign languages. High school allows students to find their 51 whether they are physics or European history. 52 , school has allowed me to find my love for debate, history, English and computers. High school has shaped me into a person of 53 interests and ambitions, even though I must 54 at 6 o’clock in the morning.‎ As students, we should 55 all the wonderful opportunities we are given in school 56 social events, meeting new friends, and learning. I have met so many 57 people in school. There is so much to be ‎58 in school.‎ ‎  Lighten up and find the positive aspects of school. 59 school and everything it has 60 .‎ ‎  41. A. teachers B. students C. parents D. friends ‎  42. A. ear B. room C. water D. air ‎  43. A. special B. successful C. bright D. fragile ‎  44. A. hating B. improving C. replacing D. ignoring ‎  45. A. specific B. frightening C. strange D. negative ‎  46. A. plan B. adopt C. want D. need ‎  47. A. lucky B. brave C. allergic D. healthy ‎  48. A. when B. while C. because D. though ‎  49. A. time B. reason C. money D. chance ‎  50. A. learn B. remember C. predict D. consider ‎  51. A. lectures B. concerns C. interests D. instructions ‎  52. A. Instantly B. Personally C. Formally D. Basically ‎  53. A. conventional B. perfect C. lifelong D. multiple ‎  54. A. wake up B. give up C. slow down D. calm down ‎  55. A. create B. classify C. recognize D. allow ‎  56. A. besides B. including C. among D. regarding ‎  57. A. honest B. abstract C. delicate D. outstanding ‎  58. A. careful about B. curious about C. grateful for D. ready for ‎  59. A. Protect B. Enjoy C. Respect D. Examine ‎  60. A. offered B. promised C. gained D. possessed 第II卷 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Chinese are the first people to have tea. One thousand and two hundred years ago, Lu Yu wrote a book called "The Classic of Tea", ____61___is honored as "The Bible of Tea". The book gives a detailed___62___(explain) of the origin, the processing skills and the classification of tea,‎ However, Chinese tea culture goes far beyond tea ___63___(it).Take green tea for instance, the ideal temperature of the water should be around ‎80℃‎. If the water is too hot, nutrients(营养)in the tea___64___(destroy). On the other hand, if the water is not hot enough, the tea___65___(leaf) won't open up and you will miss the pleasantly fresh flavor. So Chinese people are accustomed___66___drinking hot tea. When you visit a Chinese friend, your friend will___67___(constant) add hot water to your emptying cup of tea. It is polite___68___(offer) the tea cup to guests with both hands. Of course, the guests should pay respect as well___69___(take) over the cup with both hands.‎ Talking about adding water to the tea cup, there is___70___saying: wine full, full cup. Tea half, half cup. For wine, full cup symbolizes whole heartiness. For tea, half, it means modesty.‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分) ‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ What we all know are that English is an international language which becomes important for modern world. In China, English is wide used as a foreign language, which many students choose to learn it. They start to learn English at an early age and spend at least one hour learning English knowledge a day. Even kids in kindergarten began learning simple words. That’s a good phenomena.‎ However, some people think English is superior than Chinese. In my opinion, as English is of great significance, it is after all a foreign language. A person which mother language is Chinese has no reason to refuse to learn Chinese. In addition, learning Chinese well is must for people learning a second language. ‎ In a word, when we are learning another language, we should attach great importance to learn Chinese as well.‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假定你是李华,你校举办了“中国诗歌文化研讨会”。 请给你的英国笔友Lisa写一封邮件介绍有关情况,内容包括:‎ ‎1. 时间和地点;‎ ‎2. 活动的内容;‎ ‎3. 活动的效果。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ 参考词汇:中国诗歌文化研讨会the Forum on Chinese Poetic Culture 英语参考答案 听力:‎ ‎1—5 CABBB 6—10 ACBBB 11—15 CACBA 16—20 CBACB 阅读理解:‎ ‎21—23 BCD 24—27 ACDB 28—31 BDAC 32—35 ADBC 36—40 FBDGC 完形填空:‎ ‎41—45 BDCAD 46—50 CABDA 51—55 CBDAC 56—60 BDCBA 语法填空 ‎61. which 62. explanation 63. itself 64. will be destroyed 65. leaves ‎66. to 67. constantly 68. to offer 69. taking 70. a 短文改错 What we all know are that English is an international language which becomes important for ‎ ‎ is modern world. In China, English is wide used as a foreign language, which many students choose ‎ ‎ widely to learn it. They start to learn English at an early age and spend at least one hour learning English knowledge a day. Even kids in kindergarten began learning simple words. That’s a good ‎ ‎ begin phenomena.‎ phenomenon However, some people think English is superior than Chinese. In my opinion, as English is of ‎ ‎ to though/although great significance, it is after all a foreign language. A person which mother language is Chinese ‎ ‎ whose has no reason to refuse to learn Chinese. In addition, learning Chinese well is∧ must for people ‎ ‎ a learning a second language. ‎ In a word, when we are learning another language, we should attach great importance to learn ‎ ‎ learning Chinese as well.‎ 书面表达 ‎ Dear Lisa,‎ How are you doing? Knowing that you are a lover of Chinese poetry, I am writing to tell you something about the Forum on Chinese Poetic Culture held last week.‎ The event took place on March 6th in the cultural hall of our school. Some experts were present and gave lectures. Our school teachers and students, together with some lovers of Chinese poems exchanged ideas on the subject. Everyone present could feel the beauty of Chinese poems, benefiting a lot from the activity. Had you attended it, you would certainly have a better understanding of traditional Chinese culture.‎ Best wishes.‎ ‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua

