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‎2020届一轮复习外研版必修一 Module 2 My New Teachers单元作业 Ⅰ.完形填空 ‎(2019·济南模拟)Mrs Hudson walked into the classroom with a girl limping (瘸着走) behind her. She introduced, “This is Margaret. She just moved here from Florida. Let's __1__ her.” The teacher guided her __2__ to a front seat, then bent over and __3__ something in her ear. Finishing explaining the math problems, Mrs Hudson __4__, “Break time. See you in ten minutes.”‎ Boys __5__ first. “Today, let's meet at the far end of the sidewalk. And make sure the new girl doesn't follow us!” I said. After a while, I came back to the __6__.I wanted to find out if Mrs Hudson liked my book report. With her usual big smile, she began, “Jack, you are a good __7__.” Shifting my weight from one foot to the other, I was a little __8__ that Mrs Hudson liked me so much. Her __9__ let me know how much she appreciated having me around. My teacher __10__ in her quiet voice. “That's __11__ I am sure you will invite Margaret to play with you today.” Her __12__ words sounded like frozen knives aiming at my heart. Could she __13__ suspect what we had been saying about Margaret? Could she know how __14__ I was?‎ Then I managed to __15__ Margaret in our group. While many school memories have __16__ over the years, the __17__ Mrs Hudson taught me has stayed with me. Mrs Hudson gently guided me, __18__ me to do the right thing. She believed in me, and __19__ what she did, I rose to the level of her __20__, both for Margaret long ago and even later in my choice of career.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。Mrs ‎ Hudson是作者的老师。一天,她带着一个走路一瘸一拐的女孩进了教室,包括作者在内的几个男孩取笑这个女孩。而Mrs Hudson用激励、爱心和智慧教育了作者,启迪了他的心灵,作者从此不再孤立女孩。这段经历对作者的一生产生了很大的影响。‎ ‎1.A. welcome       B.introduce C.recommend D.follow 解析:选A 上文讲到Mrs Hudson带着一个女孩进了教室,将这个女孩介绍给班里的孩子们,根据常识,应该是让大家“欢迎”她,所以选A。welcome“欢迎”;introduce“介绍”;recommend“推荐”;follow“跟随”。‎ ‎2.A. casually B.gently C.nervously D.hurriedly 解析:选B 上文讲到女孩走路一瘸一拐,所以Mrs Hudson应该是“缓缓地”将女孩带到前排的一个座位,所以选B。casually“随便地”;gently“温柔地,缓缓地”;nervously“紧张地”;hurriedly“匆忙地”。‎ ‎3.A. spread B.delivered C.repeated D.whispered 解析:选D Mrs Hudson先是将女孩带到了前排的一个座位上,接着弯下腰来在她的耳边“小声说话”,所以选D。spread“传播”;deliver“递送,发表(演讲),接生”;repeat“重复”;whisper“小声说”。‎ ‎4.A. cried B.sighed C.announced D.agreed 解析:选C Mrs Hudson讲完数学题后,“宣布”该休息了,所以选C。announce “宣布”。‎ ‎5.A. looked out B.raced out C.turned up D.gave up 解析:选B 根据上文可知,老师宣布了下课,根据常识可推知,下课后,男孩们先“跑了出去”,故B项符合语境。‎ ‎6.A. school B.office C.classroom D.platform 解析:选C 上文提到男孩们跑了出去,所以过了一会儿,作者应该是回到了“教室”。‎ ‎7.A. guard B.colleague C.person D.speaker 解析:选C Mrs Hudson对作者说,“杰克,你是一个好人”,她是用表扬的方法来促使作者转变自己的做法,使作者友善对待新来的女生。‎ ‎8.A. embarrassed B.satisfied C.convinced D.worried 解析:选A 作者取笑新来的女孩,Mrs Hudson却说他是一个好人,这让作者感到有点“尴尬”,所以选A。embarrassed“尴尬的”。‎ ‎9.A. answer B.explanation C.comment D.prediction 解析:选C Mrs Hudson对作者的正面“评价”(说作者是个好人)让作者知道了老师是非常喜欢他在身边的。answer“回答,答案”;explanation“解释,说明”;comment“评论,评述”;prediction“预测,预言”。‎ ‎10.A. begged B.replied C.urged D.continued 解析:选D 上文讲到,Mrs Hudson说作者是一个好人,然后“继续说”,“这就是我确信你今天会邀请Margaret一起玩的原因。”continue“继续说”。‎ ‎11.A. why B.how C.when D.where 解析:选A 参见上题解析。‎ ‎12.A. doubtful B.confident C.honest D.comfortable 解析:选B 她肯定的话如同冰冷的刀子直指向作者的心,所以选B。confident“自信的,肯定的”。‎ ‎13.A. necessarily B.regularly C.hardly D.possibly 解析:选D 上文提到作者孤立新同学,但老师却说他是个好人,所以作者心中疑惑:她“有可能”会猜到我们都说Margaret什么吗?她知道我有多令人讨厌吗?‎ ‎14.A. greedy B.smart C.awful D.outgoing 解析:选C 参见上题解析。greedy“贪婪的”;smart“聪明的,机灵的”;awful“糟糕的,极坏的”;outgoing“外向的,友好的”。‎ ‎15.A.refuse B.praise C.separate D.include 解析:选D 之后,作者设法让Margaret“加入”到了他们的团体中。include“包含,包括,列入”。‎ ‎16.A. faded B.existed C.remained D.refreshed 解析:选A 多年过去了,很多学校的回忆“逐渐消失”,但Mrs Hudson给作者的教训却一直伴随着他。fade“逐渐消失,褪色”。‎ ‎17.A. process B.principle C.secret D.lesson 解析:选D 参见上题解析。process“进程”;principle“原则”;secret“秘密”;lesson“课,教训”。‎ ‎18.A. forcing B.challenging C.permitting D.ordering 解析:选B Mrs Hudson温和地引导作者,“激励”他去做正确的事情。challenge“激励,要求”。‎ ‎19.A. because of B.regardless of C.in spite of D.in terms of 解析:选A 作者的老师信任他,“由于”老师所做的一切,作者达到了老师的期望,所以选A。because of“因为,由于”;regardless of “不顾,不管”;in spite of “尽管”;in terms of “按照,在……方面,以……的措辞”。‎ ‎20.A. beliefs B.expectations C.success D.standard 解析:选B 参见上题解析。belief“信仰,信条”;expectation“指望,期望”;success“成功”;standard“标准,水平”。‎ Ⅱ.语法填空 For many young people, going to university is one of the most important __1__ (stage) of their lives. It is the time when young people will move out of __2__ (they) home to live with other people, often strangers.__3__ (especial) in the US, people often travel very far __4__ home to study. It is a time to be __5__ (independence).‎ At university, you will __6__ (teach) by lecturers and professors who are leading figures in their study. The opportunity to learn from and to discuss with them is __7__ drives some people to apply to university. Students are required to choose a major that they wish to study. Apart from the __8__ (academy) benefit, life at university also can allow students __9__ (develop) their interests in many fields.‎ Therefore, university is a place __10__ you attain knowledge, to develop your values and to accept those who may be different.‎ 语篇解读:对于大多数年轻人而言,上大学是一个非常重要的人生阶段。大学是一个获取知识,提高自身,并结识形形色色的人的地方。‎ ‎1.stages 考查名词复数。one of后要加可数名词的复数形式,故填stages。‎ ‎2.their 考查代词。空格后是名词home,根据语境可知此处要用一个形容词性物主代词来修饰,故用their。‎ ‎3.Especially 考查副词。分析句子结构和句中的成分可知,此处要用一个副词来修饰整个句子的内容,故填Especially。‎ ‎4.from 考查介词。far from ...是固定搭配,意为“远离……”。‎ ‎5.independent 考查形容词。根据句意可知,此处要用一个形容词作表语表示状态,故填independent。‎ ‎6.be taught 考查动词的语态。主语是you,与teach之间是被动关系,而在空格前是助动词will,故用be taught。‎ ‎7.what 考查名词性从句。分析句子结构可知,这是一个表语从句,从句中缺少主语,根据句意可知要填what。‎ ‎8.academic 考查形容词。空格后的benefit是一个名词,其前面要用形容词修饰,故填academic。‎ ‎9.to develop 考查非谓语动词。allow sb.to do sth.是固定搭配,意为“允许某人做某事”。‎ ‎10.where 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,这是一个定语从句,从句中的主干成分完整,由于先行词是表示地点的place,故填关系副词where。‎

