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Book3Unit2A Healthy Eating单元学案 Section_ⅠWarming Up & Reading — Prereading COME AND EAT HERE (1)‎ Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant ①feeling very frustrated②. It had been a very strange morning. Usually he got up early and prepared his menu of barbecued③ mutton④ kebabs⑤, roast⑥ pork, stirfried⑦ vegetables and fried rice⑧. Then by lunchtime⑨ they would all be sold. By now his restaurant ought to⑩ be full of people. But not today! Why was that? What could have happened⑪? He thought of⑫ his mutton, beef and bacon⑬ cooked in the hottest, finest oil⑭. His cola was sugary⑮ and cold, and his ice cream was made of⑯ milk, cream and delicious fruit. “Nothing could be better⑰,” he thought. Suddenly he saw his friend Li Chang hurrying by⑱.“Hello, Lao Li,” he called. “Your usual?⑲” But Li Chang seemed not to hear. What was the matter? Something terrible must have happened⑳ if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did.‎ ‎①现在分词短语feeling very frustrated作伴随状语。‎ ‎②frustrated adj.沮丧的;懊恼的 frustrate vt.使懊恼;使沮丧 frustration n.懊恼;沮丧 ‎③barbecue/'bɑːbIkjuː/vt.&n.烧烤;烤肉 ‎④mutton/'mʌtn/n.羊肉 ‎⑤kebab/kI'bæb/n.(=kabob/kə'bɒb/)(印度)烤腌羊肉串 ‎⑥roast/rəʊst/adj.烤制的vt.&vi.烤;烘;烘烤 ‎⑦stirfry vt.用旺火炒(或煎、煸)‎ ‎⑧fried rice炒米饭 ‎⑨by lunchtime到午饭时间 by表示“不迟于;到……时”。‎ ‎⑩ought to应当;应该,相当于should。‎ ought/ɔːt/v.aux.应当;应该 ‎⑪can/could have done用在疑问句中,表示对过去事情的推测,意为“可能做过(某事)”。‎ ‎⑫think of想起 Wang Peng followed Li Chang into a small new restaurant. He saw a sign at the door.‎ Tired of all that fat? Want to lose weight?‎ Come inside Yong Hui's slimming restaurant.‎ Only slimming foods served here.‎ Make yourself thin again!‎ ‎⑬bacon/'beIkən/n.熏咸肉;腊肉 ‎⑭过去分词短语cooked in ...作后置定语,修饰mutton, beef and bacon。‎ ‎⑮sugary/'ʃʊɡərI/adj.含糖的;甜的 ‎⑯be made of由……制成(能看出原材料)‎ be made from由……制成(看不出原材料)‎ ‎⑰否定词与比较级连用表示最高级的含义。‎ ‎⑱see sb. doing sth.结构。‎ ‎⑲Your usual?补全后应为:Do you want your usual food?‎ ‎⑳must have done表示对过去已经发生的事情作肯定性推测,意思是“一定做过(某事)”。‎ sign/saIn/n.牌示;标记;符号 give sb. a sign示意某人 这是省略的句子,完整的形式是:Are you tired of all that fat? Do you want to lose weight?‎ be tired of对……厌烦 be tired from因……而疲倦 lose weight体重减轻;减肥 slim/slIm/vi.变细;减肥 adj.苗条的;纤细的 到这里来用餐吧(1)‎ ‎[以上部分译文]‎ 王鹏坐在他那空荡荡的餐馆里,感到很沮丧。这个上午真的很奇怪。通常他很早就起床,准备他的菜单——烤羊肉串、烤猪肉、炒菜和炒米饭。然后到午饭时分,这些饭菜都会卖完。到了这个时候,他的餐馆本该宾客盈门的,但今天却不是!为什么会这样?发生了什么事?他想起了他用滚烫的精制油烹制的羊肉、牛肉和腊肉。他的可乐又甜又凉,冰淇淋是用牛奶、奶油和美味的水果制成的。他想:“再没有比这些更好吃的了。”突然间,他看到自己的朋友李昌匆匆走过。他喊道:“喂,老李。你还是吃老一套吧?”可是李昌似乎没有听到。怎么回事呢?如果李昌不像往常那样到他餐馆里吃饭,那一定发生了很严重的事情。‎ 王鹏跟着李昌来到一家新开张的小餐馆,他看见门口有一块招牌。‎ 肥腻的东西吃厌了吧?想变瘦吗?‎ 请到雍慧减肥餐馆来吧。‎ 此处只供应减肥食品。‎ 让你恢复苗条!‎ Curiosity drove Wang Peng inside. It was full of people. The hostess, a very thin lady, came forward. “Welcome,” she said. “My name is Yong Hui. I'll help you lose weight and be fit in two weeks if you eat here every day.” Then she gave a menu to Wang Peng. There were few choices of food and drink on it: just rice, raw vegetables served in vinegar, fruit and water. Wang Peng was amazed at this and especially at the prices. It cost more than a good meal in his restaurant! He could not believe his eyes. He threw down the menu and hurried outside. On his way home he thought about his own menu. Did it make people fat? Perhaps he should go to the library and find out. He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies! He had curiosity/ˌkjʊərI'ɒsətI/n.好奇心 out of curiosity出于好奇 drive在本句中意为“驱使”‎ hostess/'həʊstIs/n.女主人;女主持人 be fit健康强壮 raw/rɔː/adj.生的;未加工的 raw materials原材料 raw vegetables生蔬菜 vinegar/'vInIɡə/n.醋 be amazed at因/对……感到惊奇/吃惊 throw down扔下;甩下 think about考虑;想起 have sb. doing sth.容忍某人做某事,‎ ‎ better do some research!‎ At the library Wang Peng was surprised to find that his restaurant served far too much fat and Yong Hui's far too little. Even though her customers might get thin after eating Yong Hui's food, they were not eating enough energygiving food to keep them fit. They would become tired very quickly. Wang Peng felt more hopeful as he drove back home. Perhaps with a discount and a new sign he could win his customers back. So he wrote:‎ Want to feel fit and energetic?‎ Come and eat here! Discounts today!‎ Our food gives you energy all day!‎ The competition between the two restaurants was on!‎ 一般用于否定句,doing为宾语补足语。‎ get away with受到从轻发落;(做坏事)不受惩罚 tell a lie说谎 lie/laI/n.谎话;谎言 vi.说谎 lie说谎-lied-lied-lying lie躺;位于-lay-lain-lying lay放置-laid-laid-laying do some research做一些调查 even though=even if “即使”,引导让步状语从句。‎ customer/'kʌstəmə/n.顾客;消费者 keep sb. fit是“keep+宾语+宾补”结构,意为“使某人保持健康”。‎ discount/'dIskaʊnt/n.折扣 with a discount通过打折 win ...back赢回;重新获得 all day=all the day=the whole day一整天 the competition between A and B A和B之间的竞争 be on开始了 ‎[以上部分译文]‎ 王鹏在好奇心的驱使下,走了进去。里面坐满了人。店老板是一个清瘦的女人,走上前来说道:“欢迎光临!我叫雍慧。你如果每天来这儿用餐,我可以在两周内帮您减肥并让您的身体健康起来。”然后,她递给王鹏一份菜谱,菜谱上有很少的几样食物和饮料:只有米饭、蘸醋吃的生蔬菜、水果和水。王鹏对此感到吃惊,特别是对它们的价格。这价格比在他的餐馆里吃一顿好饭还要贵!他不能相信他的眼睛。他扔下菜谱就急着往外走。在回家的路上,他想起了自己的菜谱。那些菜让人发胖了吗?也许他该去图书馆查查看。他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉!他最好做一番调查!‎ 在图书馆,王鹏惊奇地发现:他的餐馆提供的食物脂肪含量太高,而雍慧的餐馆提供的食物脂肪含量太低。即使顾客吃雍慧的餐馆里的食物会变瘦,但他们摄取不到足够的能量来保持健康。他们很快就会感到疲乏。开车回家时,王鹏觉得又有了希望。也许打点折、写个新的招牌能够帮他赢回顾客。于是他写道:‎ 想保持健康又精力旺盛吗?‎ 到这里来用餐吧!今天打折!‎ 我们的食物能够给您提供一整天所需的能量!‎ 这两家餐馆之间的竞争开始了!‎ Prereading Please match the words with their proper meanings. ‎ ‎1.diet        A.好奇心 ‎2.fry B.折扣 ‎3.slim C.生的;未加工的 ‎4.balance D.缺点;虚弱;弱点 ‎5.curiosity E.日常饮食;节食 ‎6.hostess F.强项;长处;力量 ‎7.raw G.变细;减肥;苗条的;纤细的 ‎8.lie H.顾客;消费者 ‎9.customer I.油煎;油炸 ‎10.discount J.平衡;权衡;天平 ‎11.weakness K.说谎;谎话;谎言 ‎12.strength L.女主人;女主持人 ‎1~5 ________ 6~10 ________ 11~12 ________‎ 答案:1~5 EIGJA 6~10 LCKHB 11~12 DF Leadin Look at the following pictures, do you know in what ways the food helps you grow? ‎ They are energygiving_food,_ which provide energy.‎ They are bodybuilding_food,_which help grow bones and muscles.‎ They are protective_food,_which help the body fight diseases.‎ Whilereading Fastreading What is the main idea of the text?‎ The text is mainly about the_competition_between_Wang_Peng's_and_Yong_Hui's_restaurants. They served different_foods_in_their_restaurants. The foods in Wang Peng's served far_too_much_fat while Yong Hui's far_too_little.‎ Carefulreading Read the text carefully again and choose the best answers.‎ ‎1.What did Wang Peng think of the food in his restaurant?‎ A.Very bad.      B.Popular.‎ C.Unpopular. D.Just soso.‎ ‎2.What did Wang Peng do after he saw his friend Li Chang hurrying by?‎ A.He just sat in his restaurant feeling frustrated.‎ B.He did some research.‎ C.He followed Li Chang to see why he didn't eat with him.‎ D.He began to advertise his food.‎ ‎3.What can we learn from Wang Peng's research in the library?‎ A.Wang Peng's restaurant offered a balanced diet.‎ B.Yong Hui's restaurant offered a balanced diet.‎ C.Both of the restaurants offered a balanced diet.‎ D.Neither of the restaurants offered a healthy diet.‎ ‎4.To win his customers back, Wang Peng didn't ________.‎ A.improve his food B.advertise his food C.do some research D.find the shortcomings of Yong Hui's food ‎5.According to the text, we can infer that a balanced diet should contain ________.‎ A.much fat that can give energy ‎ B.no fat but rich fibers to keep fit C.only raw vegetables, fruits and water to keep slim D.enough energygiving food, fibered food as well 答案:1~5 BCDAD Studyreading Analyze the following difficult sentences in the text.‎ ‎1.Something terrible must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did.‎ ‎[句式分析]‎ ‎[尝试翻译] 如果李昌不像往常那样到他餐馆里吃饭,那一定发生了很严重的事情。‎ ‎2.I'll help you lose weight and be fit in two weeks if you eat here every day.‎ ‎[句式分析]‎ ‎[尝试翻译] 你如果每天来这儿用餐,我可以在两周内帮您减肥并让您的身体健康起来。‎ ‎3.At the library Wang Peng was surprised to find that his restaurant served far too much fat and Yong Hui's far too little.‎ ‎[句式分析]‎ ‎[尝试翻译] 在图书馆,王鹏惊奇地发现:他的餐馆提供的食物脂肪含量太高,而雍慧的餐馆提供的食物脂肪含量太低。‎ ‎4.Even though her customers might get thin after eating Yong Hui's food, they were not eating enough energygiving food to keep them fit.‎ ‎[句式分析]‎ ‎[尝试翻译] 即使顾客吃雍慧餐馆里的食物会变瘦,但他们摄取不到足够的能量来保持健康。‎ Section_ⅡWarming_Language_Points 一、这样记单词 记得准·写得对 记得快·记得多 Ⅰ.基础词汇 ‎1.diet n.     日常饮食 ‎  vi. 节食 ‎2.roast adj. 烤制的 ‎  vt.&vi. 烤;烘;烘烤 ‎3.ought v. aux. 应当;应该 ‎4.slim vi. 变细;减肥 ‎  adj. 苗条的;纤细的 ‎5.raw adj. 生的;未加工的 ‎6.lie n. 谎话;谎言 ‎ vi. 说谎;躺;位于 ‎7.customer n. 顾客;消费者 ‎8.discount n. 折扣 Ⅱ.拓展词汇 ‎1.balance vt.平衡;权衡n.天平;平衡→balanced adj.平衡的 ‎2.fry vt.&vi.油煎;油炸→fried adj.油炸的 ‎3.curiosity n.好奇心→curious adj.好奇的 ‎4.hostess n.女主人;女主持人→host n.主人;主持人v.主持;主办 ‎5.weakness n.虚弱;缺点;弱点→weak adj.虚弱的 ‎6.strength n.强项;长处;力量→strong adj.强壮的 ‎1.balance n.天平;平衡→vt.平衡;权衡[联想] 名词动用的其他词:‎ ‎①diet n.日常饮食→vi.节食 ‎②lie n.谎话;谎言→vi.说谎 ‎[图片记忆]‎ ‎2.curiosity n.好奇心;好奇 ‎[词块] ①out of curiosity出于好奇 ‎②satisfy your curiosity 满足你的好奇心 ‎3.“力量”大集合:‎ ‎①strength n. 强项;长处;力量 ‎②energy n. 精力;活力;能量 ‎③power n. 权力;动力;电力 ‎④force n. 武力;暴力 ‎4.后缀ness名词集锦 ‎①hostess 女主人;女主持人 ‎②actress 女演员 ‎③waitress 女服务员 二、这样记短语 记牢固定短语 多积常用词块 ‎1.balanced_diet   平衡膳食 ‎2.ought_to 应该;应当 ‎3.lose_weight 减肥;体重减轻 ‎4.get_away_with 受到从轻发落;(做坏事)不受惩罚 ‎5.tell_a_lie 说谎 ‎6.even_though 即使 ‎7.with_a_discount 通过打折 ‎8.win_...back 把……赢回来;重新获得 ‎1.by lunchtime     到午饭时间 ‎2.be made of 由……制成(能看出原材料)‎ ‎3.be tired of 对……厌烦 ‎4.raw vegetables 生蔬菜 ‎5.be amazed at 因/对……感到惊奇/吃惊 ‎6.think about 考虑;想起 ‎7.do some research 做一些调查 ‎8.all day 一整天 三、这样记句式 先背熟 再悟通 后仿用 ‎1.Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated.‎ 王鹏坐在他那空荡荡的餐馆里,感到很沮丧。‎ 现在分词短语作状语。‎ The little boy sat beneath the tree, reading_a_story_book.‎ 那个小男孩坐在树下,读一本故事书。‎ ‎2.“Nothing could be better,” he thought.‎ 他想:“再没有比这些更好吃的了。”‎ ‎“否定词+谓语动词+比较级”表示最高级的用法。‎ As is known to us, nothing_could_be_more_important_than_health.‎ ‎ 众所周知,没有比健康更重要的了。‎ ‎3.Something terrible must have happened if Li Chang must have done “一定做过”‎ Your party must_have_been_very_nice.‎ ‎ was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did.‎ 如果李昌不像往常那样到他餐馆里吃饭,那一定发生了很严重的事情。‎ ‎,表示对过去事情的肯定推测。‎ 你们的聚会一定很有意思。‎ ‎4.He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!‎ 他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉!‎ have sb. doing sth.与否定的情态动词连用意为“不允许/容忍某人(一直)做某事”。‎ He could_not_have_his_son_playing_computer_games all the time during summer vacation. ‎ 他不能容忍他儿子暑假期间一直玩电脑游戏。‎ ‎1.(教材P9)Everybody has to eat, but do you eat a healthy diet? ‎ 每个人都得吃饭,但是你的饮食健康吗?‎ diet n.日常饮食vi.节食 be/go on a diet     节食;减肥 a balanced diet 均衡的饮食 ‎①The doctor puts me on a very strict diet, for I'm too fat. ‎ 医生严格限制我的饮食,因为我太胖了。‎ ‎②He is on a diet to reduce some weight. ‎ 他正在节食以减轻体重。‎ ‎③It is important to have_a_balanced,_healthy_diet.‎ 均衡健康的日常饮食很重要。‎ ‎2.(教材P9)What will happen to you if you don't eat a balanced diet?‎ 如果你的饮食不均衡,你将会怎样呢?‎ balanced adj.平衡的 balance n.平衡;天平vt.平衡;权衡 ‎(1)keep one's balance       保持平衡 lose one's balance 失去平衡 keep a balance between A and B ‎ 保持A与B间的平衡 ‎(2)balance A against/with/and B 权衡A与B ‎①The courts must balance our liberty against the security of the nation.‎ 法庭必须在我们的自由和国家安全之间作出权衡。‎ ‎②To keep fit, first of all, you'd better keep a balanced (balance) diet. ‎ 为了保持健康,首先,你要保持平衡膳食。‎ ‎③Try to keep a balance between work and relaxation.‎ 尽量保持工作与休闲的平衡。‎ ‎[语境串记] When he first learned to skate, he didn't know how to balance himself. But now he has learned to keep himself balanced while skating.‎ 最初学习滑冰时,他不知道如何使自己保持平衡。可是,现在他已经学会了滑冰时如何使自己保持平衡。‎ ‎3.(教材P10)Want to lose weight?‎ 想变瘦吗?‎ lose weight减轻体重;变瘦;减肥 gain/put on weight     体重增加;长胖;增肥 by weight 按体重/重量 watch one's weight 控制体重 ‎①Because there is not enough food, they are losing weight.‎ 因为没有足够的食物吃,他们的体重在减轻。‎ ‎②Some people do put on weight after they quit smoking.‎ 一些人戒烟后体重确实会增加。‎ ‎③Don't give me anything to eat; I have to watch_my_weight.‎ 别给我吃任何东西,我得控制体重。‎ ‎[语境串记] Jack put on/gained weight last year, but he managed to lose weight by exercise quickly.Now he is still watching his weight all the time.‎ 杰克去年长胖了,但他靠运动很快变瘦了。现在,他仍然一直在控制体重。‎ ‎4.(教材P10)Curiosity drove Wang Peng inside.‎ 王鹏在好奇心的驱使下走了进去。‎ curiosity n.好奇心;好奇 ‎ (1)in/with curiosity      好奇地 out of curiosity 出于好奇地 ‎(2)curious adj. 好奇的 be curious to do sth. 好奇地做……‎ be curious about sth. 对……感到奇怪 ‎(3)curiously adv. 好奇地 ‎①People who made great inventions in science are full of curiosity.‎ 在科学上有重大发明的人都充满了好奇心。‎ ‎②I opened the present out_of_curiosity when I got it.‎ 当我收到礼物时,出于好奇我就打开了。‎ ‎③I'm curious to_know (know) what has happened to him.‎ 我很好奇他发生了什么事情。‎ ‎④It is children's nature to be curious about the people and things around them.‎ 对周围的人和事物感到好奇是孩子的天性。‎ ‎[语境串记] He was curious to know how that old clock worked, so he took it apart with curiosity and examined it curiously.‎ 他对那个老钟表是如何工作的很好奇,因此,他好奇地把它拆开了并好奇地研究起来。‎ ‎5.(教材P10)He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!‎ 他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉!‎ get away with受到从轻发落;(做坏事)不受惩罚 get along/on with    与……相处;进展 get down to (doing) sth. 开始认真做某事 get over 克服;从(疾病、失望等)中恢 ‎ 复过来 get through 用完;顺利通过;(有电话)接通;‎ ‎ 完成;结束(与with连用)‎ get across 使理解;越过 ‎①If you cheat in the exam, you'll never get away with it.‎ 如果你在考试中作弊,你会受到惩罚的。‎ ‎②Isn't it time you got down to marking (mark) those papers?‎ 难道不是你应该开始认真阅卷的时候了?‎ ‎③The line is busy; I can't get through.‎ 电话占线,我打不通。‎ ‎④He was disappointed at not getting the job, but he'll get over it.‎ 他因没有得到那份工作而大失所望,不过他会从失望中恢复过来的。‎ tell lies(=tell a lie)说谎 a white lie      善意的谎言 lie to sb. 对某人说谎/撒谎 lie in 位于(……的内部);在于 ‎①I don't like the people who always tell lies/a lie.‎ 我不喜欢总是撒谎的人。‎ ‎②He promised his mother never to lie to her again.‎ 他答应他母亲再也不向她撒谎了。‎ ‎③The Rocky Mountains lie_in the west part of America.‎ 落基山脉位于美国西部。‎ ‎[辨析比较] lie, lie, lay 原形 词义 过去式 过去分词 现在分词 lie 说谎 lied lied lying lie 躺;位于 lay lain lying lay 放下;下蛋;产卵 laid laid laying ‎[语境串记] The boy lying under the tree lied to his mother that the hen laid two eggs at a time.‎ 那个躺在树下的小男孩对他母亲撒谎说那只母鸡一次下了两个鸡蛋。‎ ‎[巧学助记]‎ 规则的撒谎→“撒谎(lie)”的变化是规则的 不规则的躺→“躺(lie)”的变化是不规则的 躺过就下蛋→“躺(lie)”的过去式是“下蛋(lay)”‎ 下蛋不规则→“下蛋(lay)”的变化是不规则的 ‎6.(教材P10)Perhaps with a discount and a new sign he could win his customers back.‎ 也许打点折、写个新的招牌能够帮他赢回顾客。‎ discount n.折扣vt.打折扣;贴现 give/allow/make a discount (of ...)  打(……)折 with/at a discount (of 10%) 打(九)折 ‎①The employees at the shop get a discount of 10%.‎ 商店员工购物可打9折。‎ ‎②In this shop, everything is sold at a discount.‎ 在这家商店,所有的东西都打折卖。‎ ‎③They give_a_discount_of_10% for cash payment. ‎ 现金付款,他们给予九折优惠。‎ ‎[名师点津] 注意“打九折”的英语正确表达法为10% discount或者10% off。‎ ‎1. “Nothing could be better,” he thought.‎ 他想:“再没有比这些更好吃的了。” ‎ ‎(1)本句中使用了“否定词+谓语动词+比较级”表示最高级的用法。这种结构中的常用否定词还有no, not, never, nobody, hardly, seldom等。‎ ‎①I have never seen a better film.‎ 我没看过比这部更好的电影。‎ ‎②No one can be more_careful (careful) than she is.‎ 没有人比她更细心。‎ ‎③—How did your interview go?‎ ‎—I couldn't_feel_better about it!The questions were very fair, and I seemed to find an answer for all of them.‎ ‎——你的面试如何?‎ ‎——我对那次面试的感觉再好不过了! 问题非常合理,我好像回答了所有问题。‎ ‎(2)表示最高级意义的常用表达法:‎ ‎④Nothing is easier (easy) than this.‎ 这是最容易的事。‎ ‎⑤China is larger (large) than the other countries/any other country/any of the other countries in Asia.‎ 中国是亚洲最大的国家。‎ ‎2.He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies! ‎ 他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉!‎ ‎(1)句中have sb. doing sth.与否定的情态动词连用意为“不允许/容忍某人(一直)做某事”。‎ ‎①He won't have his daughter arriving home late.‎ 他不容许女儿晚回家。‎ ‎②I won't have you saying (say) to your parents this way.‎ 我不能容忍你如此对你父母讲话。‎ ‎(2)have sb.doing sth.用于肯定句中,意思是“让……一直/持续……”。‎ ‎③I'm sorry to have you waiting (wait) for so long.‎ 非常抱歉让你等了这么长时间。‎ ‎(3)have sb.do sth.“使/让某人做某事”。省略to的不定式表示一次性的具体动作,宾语与宾补之间为主动关系。‎ ‎④I would have him wait (wait) for me at the gate of the park.‎ 我让他在公园门口等我。‎ ‎(4)have sth.done的三种含义:‎ ‎•让/叫别人(为自己)做某事 ‎•(自己)遭遇某事 ‎•使某事完成(主语参与) ‎⑤I'll be ready after I have my son dressed (dress).‎ 我给我儿子穿好衣服就准备好了。‎ Section_ⅢGrammar—_情态动词(Ⅱ)‎ 语法图解 探究发现 ‎①By now his restaurant ought to be full of people.‎ ‎②Does your father need any help? ‎ ‎③What do we need to take for the picnic?‎ ‎④You needn't try to explain. ‎ ‎ ⑤His mother is ill. He has to stay at home to look after her.‎ ‎⑥Something terrible must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did.‎ ‎[我的发现]‎ ‎(1)以上句子中,第①、④、⑤、⑥句中的黑体词都是情态动词,而第②和③两句中的黑体词是实义动词。‎ ‎(2)以上各句中的情态动词后都接动词原形。其中第⑥句中must have happened的意思是“一定已经发生了”。‎ ‎(3)上述句子中ought to意为“应该”;need意为“需要”;has to意为“不得不”。‎ 一、ought to的用法 ‎1.“应该”,表示责任或义务。用于表示按道理应当,常指客观的义务或责任,大多数情况下可用should代替,但比should语气重。‎ You ought to study harder than your brother.‎ 你应该比你哥哥更努力学习。‎ I should help her because she is in trouble.‎ 她有困难了,我应该帮助她。‎ ‎2.“应该”,表示劝告、建议或命令。should和ought to可通用,但在疑问句中常用should。ought to的否定式为oughtn't to或ought not to。‎ You ought to balance career and family.‎ 你应该平衡好事业与家庭之间的关系。‎ Should I open the window?‎ 我可以打开窗户吗?‎ ‎3.“应该”,表示推测。可与should换用。‎ Mary ought to be here soon.‎ 玛丽应该很快就来了。‎ This is where the oil ought to/should be.‎ 这里应该就是石油存在的地方。‎ ‎[即时演练1] 用ought to补全句子 ‎①You ought_to_be_more_careful when you cross the road next time.‎ 下次过马路时,你应该更小心些。‎ ‎②You oughtn't/ought_not_to_scold him.‎ 你不该责备他。‎ ‎③—Ought_I_to_leave tomorrow?‎ ‎—Yes, you_ought_to.‎ ‎——我应该明天动身吗?‎ ‎——是的,你应该。‎ 二、need的用法 ‎1.作情态动词 ‎(1)need作情态动词时,常用于疑问句、否定句或条件句中,意为“需要”。‎ ‎—Need I finish the work today?‎ ‎—Yes, you must./No, you needn't.‎ ‎——我需要今天干完这活吗?‎ ‎——是的,必须干完。/不用,你不必干完。‎ ‎(2)needn't 意为“不必”,表示客观上不必如何。‎ There's plenty of time. You needn't drive so fast.‎ 时间很充足,你不必开这么快。‎ ‎2.作实义动词 need作实义动词时,后可接名词、动名词、不定式等,有人称、时态和数的变化。‎ The bike needs repairing.‎ ‎=The bike needs to be repaired.‎ 这辆自行车需要修理。‎ ‎[即时演练2] 用need或must补全句子 ‎ ‎①The door needs_painting/to_be_painted. ‎ 那扇门需要粉刷一下。‎ ‎②—Need he stay here?‎ ‎—Yes, he must./No, he needn't.‎ ‎——他需要留在这儿吗?‎ ‎——是的,他必须。/不,他不必留在这儿。‎ 三、have to的用法 ‎1.have to“不得不”,有时态、人称和数的变化,其否定形式为don't/doesn't/didn't have to。‎ It's too late.I have to go home now.‎ 天色太晚了,我现在得回家了。‎ You don't have to finish the work now.‎ 你现在没有必要完成这项工作。‎ ‎2.have to表示一种客观的需要,而must表示一种主观的需要。此外,must还表示“偏要”“非得”的意思。‎ I have to attend an important meeting this afternoon.‎ 今天下午我不得不参加一个重要的会议。‎ You must obey the rules of your school.‎ 你必须遵守你们学校的规则。‎ ‎[即时演练3] 用have to 和must补全句子 ‎ ‎①I have_to_meet_my_partner once a week.‎ 我每周必须与我的合伙人碰一次头。‎ ‎②We don't_have_to_go_to_school on Sundays.‎ 星期天我们不用去上学。‎ ‎③I must_write_a_letter to the headmaster.‎ 我非得给校长写封信不可。‎ 四、情态动词+ have done ‎“情态动词+have done”表示对过去事情的推测。各情态动词的这种具体用法如下表:‎ can/could have done ‎1.过去可能(表推测)‎ ‎2.本能做而未做(表虚拟)‎ should/ought to have done 本该做而未做 may/might have done ‎1.过去也许做了(表推测)‎ ‎2.本可能做而未做(表虚拟)‎ must have done 一定已经做了 needn't have done 本不必做而做了 From what you said, she must have told you all about it.‎ 从你所说的来看,她一定把一切都告诉你了。‎ You should have told me earlier or I might have gone with them.‎ 你应该早点告诉我,不然的话我就会和他们一块去了。‎ They could have sent up the satellite successfully.‎ 他们本来有能力成功发射这颗卫星的。‎ You ought to/should have been more careful.‎ 你本应该更小心一些的。‎ You needn't have told them about it.‎ 你本来没有必要告诉他们那件事。‎ ‎[即时演练4] 用“情态动词+have done”补全句子 ‎①They must_have_been to the Great Wall, haven't they?‎ 他们一定是去了长城,不是吗?‎ ‎②He can't/couldn't_have_watched TV last night, for he knew he would have a test.‎ 昨天晚上他不可能看电视,因为他知道就要考试了。‎ ‎③He could_have_passed the exam, but he was too careless.‎ 本来他能够通过考试,但是他太粗心了。‎ ‎④You should/ought_to_have_done more exercise before.‎ 以前你本应该多进行锻炼的。‎ ‎⑤You might/may_have_read about it in the newspapers.‎ 你可能已经在报上看过这个消息了。‎ ‎⑥I needn't_have_cooked so much food. Nobody was hungry.‎ 我本不必做这么多吃的,大家都不饿。‎ Ⅰ.用情态动词和所给动词的正确形式填空 ‎1.You ought_to/should_have_given (give) him some advice.He was too upset at that time.‎ ‎2.You mustn't_smoke (smoke) in this part of the hospital.‎ ‎3.There was plenty of time. She needn't_have_hurried (hurry).‎ ‎4.I have no bike, so I have_to_go (go) to the office on foot.‎ ‎5.You needn't_buy (not buy) a gift, but you can if you want to.‎ ‎6.Look!The road is wet.It must_have_rained (rain) last night.‎ ‎7.Bob ought_not_to_speak (not speak) to his mother like that.‎ ‎8.You must_come (come) here on time, or you'll be fined next time.‎ ‎9.Hurry up!We ought_to/should_go (go) to school right away.‎ ‎10.Her eyes are red. She must_have_been (be) crying.‎ Ⅱ.单句写作 ‎1.(2016·全国卷Ⅲ书面表达)I have just found that I_have_to_attend_an_important_class_meeting (我必须参加一个重要的班会) that afternoon.‎ ‎2.(2015·全国卷Ⅰ满分作文)The length of the article should_be_limited_to_400_words_or_so (应当限制在400词左右). ‎ ‎3.(2015·全国卷Ⅰ满分作文)The last important thing you_should_remember (你应当记住的是) is that you have to send the article to me before June 28.‎ ‎4.(2015·四川高考满分作文)I badly need_someone_to_help_me_with_my_oral_English (需要有人来帮助我学英语口语), at which lots of Chinese students are bad.‎ ‎5.Mr.Smith can't_have_gone_to_Beijing (不可能去北京了), for I saw him in the library just now.‎ ‎6.You oughtn't_to/shouldn't_have_written (本不应该写) so fast.‎ ‎7.You needn't_have_referred_to_it (本不必提起它), for I had known about it.‎ ‎8.You must_have_seen (肯定看过) the film The Pursuit of Happiness.‎ Ⅲ.语法填空(用适当的情态动词填空)‎ The bell for class just rang for the second time, but Tom didn't turn up. He 1.should/ought_to have arrived at school earlier because there would be a math test for the whole class today. He is one of the top students in the class. He usually comes to school on time. “He 2.should be in class now,” thought his master teacher Mrs. Green. “I 3.must make sure what has happened to him.”‎ So she went out of the classroom and rang up Tom.‎ ‎“Hi, Tom! You 4.ought to be at school now. Where are you?”‎ ‎“Good morning, Mrs. Green. I'm still at home.”‎ ‎“Why? Why don't you come to school today?”‎ ‎“My mother is ill, so I 5.have_to/must look after her at home.”‎ ‎“Your father should be at home, so you 6.needn't/don't_have_to stay at home to take care of her.”‎ ‎“But my father hasn't got back from work yet. I will go to school as soon as my father gets back.”‎ ‎“OK. But you 7.must/need come here as quickly as possible, or you will 8.have_to take another test if you fail this one.”‎ COME AND EAT HERE (2)‎ A week later, Wang Peng's restaurant was nearly full and he felt happier. Perhaps he would be able to earn his living① after all② and not have to close his restaurant. He did not look forward to being③ in debt④ because his restaurant was no longer⑤ popular. He smiled as he welcomed some customers warmly at the door but the smile left his face ‎ ‎①earn one's living谋生 也可以说make a/one's living。‎ ‎②after all意为“归根结底;毕竟;终究;仍然”。‎ ‎③look forward to (doing) sth.期望/盼望(做)某事 ‎④in debt欠债 ‎ when he saw Yong Hui walking in⑥. She did not look happy but glared⑦ at him. “May I ask what you were doing in my restaurant the other day⑧? I thought you were a new customer⑨ and now I know that you only came to spy on ⑩me and my menu,” she shouted. “Please excuse me,” he calmly explained, “I wanted to know where all my customers had gone last week. I followed one of them and found them in your restaurant. I don't want to upset you, but I found your menu so limited⑪ that⑫ I stopped worrying and started advertising the benefits⑬ of my food. Why don't you sit down and try a meal?”‎ debt/det/n.债;债务 ‎⑤no longer=not ...any longer不再(时间上)‎ no more=not ...any more不再(数量上)‎ ‎⑥saw Yong Hui walking in 为see sb. doing sth. (看见某人正在做某事)结构,现在分词短语walking in作宾语补足语。‎ ‎⑦glare/ɡleə/vi.怒目而视;闪耀n.怒视;炫目的光 glare at瞪着;怒目而视 stare at凝视 ‎⑧the other day意为“那天;几天前”,常与一般过去时连用。‎ ‎⑨I thought ...表示“我原以为……”,该用法常在时态中考查。‎ ‎⑩spy on暗中监视;侦查 spy/spaI/vi.&vt.窥探;秘密监视n.间谍;侦探 ‎⑪limited/'lImItId/adj.有限的 limit/'lImIt/vt.限制;限定 n.界限;限度 ‎⑫so ...that ...如此……以至于……,that引导结果状语从句。‎ ‎⑬benefit/'benIfIt/n.利益;好处vt.&vi.有益于;有助于;受益 be of benefit to对……有益,相当于be beneficial to。‎ Section_ⅤWriting—_英文广告 本单元的写作任务是写一则英文广告。一则完整的广告通常包括标题、正文、广告语,有时还包括插图说明等。广告是商品销售的宣传方式,是使消费者对某种商品产生兴趣,从而促使他们购买的一种手段。为了达到目的,广告必须具有吸引力,特别是要引起广大消费者的兴趣。‎ 一、基本结构 ‎1.标题——语言要精练,在广告中要凸显出最主要的功能,它必须能引起读者的好奇心,吸引读者的注意力。‎ ‎2.正文——主要对商品的名称、性能、功效、价格等进行符合客观事实的描述,增加说服性。重点突出对产品特点和亮点的介绍。‎ ‎3.结尾——说明商品的销售地址和联系方式。‎ 二、增分句式 ‎1....lies in/stands ...‎ ‎2....many trees/green hills around ...‎ ‎3....is close to/near ...‎ ‎4....provide best service for ...‎ ‎5....serve you 24 hours a day.‎ ‎6....wanted.‎ ‎7....for rent.‎ ‎8....are clean and bright.‎ ‎9.Welcome to ...‎ ‎10.For further/more information, please call/telephone ..., contact×××.‎ ‎[题目要求]‎ 假设你叫李华,现在为新开业的健康餐馆写个英文广告,要点如下:‎ ‎1.健康餐馆提供健康平衡饮食,有利于减肥瘦身。‎ ‎2.餐馆提供既含能量又含纤维的饭菜。‎ ‎3.有快餐和特别的蔬菜。‎ ‎4.有各式的中国传统面食(wheaten foods)。‎ ‎5.在这里就餐是一种乐趣,中午顾客多,气氛(atmosphere)活跃。‎ ‎6.保证提供最好的服务。‎ ‎7.餐馆位于湖边,风景优美。‎ ‎8.联系电话:533599。‎ 要求:题目为Once Tasted, Never Forgotten 第一步:审题构思很关键 一、审题 ‎1.确定体裁:本文为广告,属于说明文;‎ ‎2.确定人称:本文的主要人称应为第二人称;‎ ‎3.确定时态:本文的主要时态应用一般现在时。‎ 二、构思 第一部分,开头:交代写广告的目的。‎ 第二部分,主体:具体介绍广告的内容。‎ 第三部分,结尾:说明具体联系方式并表示对顾客的欢迎。‎ 第二步:核心词汇想周全 ‎1.lose_weight       减肥 ‎2.slim 苗条 ‎3.balanced 平衡的 ‎4.a_variety_of/varieties_of 各种各样的 ‎5.diet 日常饮食 ‎6.customer 顾客 ‎7.lie_in 位于 ‎8.the_best_service 最好的服务 第三步:由词扩句雏形现 ‎1.如果你想瘦身、减肥和吃得健康,就快来健康餐馆吧!‎ If you want to become_slim and lose_weight and eat_healthy,_come to the Health Restaurant now!‎ ‎2.健康餐馆提供平衡饮食,利于减肥瘦身。‎ Health Restaurant serves_balanced_foods. These foods benefit your slimming.‎ ‎3.餐馆提供既富含能量又富含纤维的饭菜。‎ Our restaurant serves both energyfoods and enough foods rich_in_fibre.‎ ‎4.我们有快餐和特别的饭菜。‎ We provide_fast_food_and_special_dishes from vegetables.‎ ‎5.我们有各式的中国传统面食。‎ We also offer varieties_of/various_Chinese_traditional wheaten foods.‎ ‎6.在这里就餐是一种乐趣,中午顾客多,你可以享受这里活跃的气氛。‎ It's fun to eat here. At lunchtime,there are many customers. You will enjoy_the_exciting_atmosphere.‎ ‎7.餐馆位于湖边,风景优美。‎ Our_restaurant_lies_by_the_lake with wonderful views.‎ ‎8.我们的联系电话是533599。欢迎光临!‎ Our telephone number: 533599. You_are_welcome!‎ 第四步:句式升级造亮点 ‎1.用排比否定疑问句改写句1‎ Don't_you_want_to_become_slim?_Don't_you_want_to_lose_weight?_Don't_you_want_to_eat_healthy?_Come_to_the_Health_Restaurant_now!‎ ‎2.把句2改写成简单句 Health_Restaurant_serves_balanced_foods_for_your_slimming.‎ ‎3.用as well as连接句3‎ Our_restaurant_serves_energyfoods_as_well_as_enough_foods_rich_in_fibre.‎ 第五步:过渡衔接联成篇 Once Tasted, Never Forgotten Don't_you_want_to_become_slim?_Don't_you_want_to_lose_weight?_Don't_you_want_to_eat_healthy?_Come_to_the_Health_Restaurant_now!‎ Health_Restaurant_serves_balanced_foods_for_your_slimming_and_energyfoods_as_well_as_enough_foods_rich_in_fibre._We_provide__fast_food_and_special_dishes_from_vegetables._We_also_offer_varieties_of__Chinese_traditional_wheaten_foods._It's_fun_to_eat_here._At_lunchtime,there_are_many_customers._You_will_enjoy_the_exciting_atmosphere._Promise_you_the_best_service._Our_restaurant_lies_by_the_lake_with_wonderful_views.‎ Why_not_pay_us_a_visit?__Telephone_number:533599.__You_are_welcome!‎ Balanced Diet Wang Peng earned his living by running a barbecue restaurant, which served delicious bacon, fried chicken breast and mutton roasted with pepper and garlic. But his food and discount attracted fewer and fewer customers. Finally, he was in debt.Yong Hui's slimming restaurant served fresh peas, carrots, eggplants, and raw cucumbers with vinegar. As the hostess, she said fibres benefited customers' digestion the most. In order not to let Yong Hui get away with telling lies, Wang ‎ Peng spied on Yong Hui despite her glare. But he was surprised that she was losing her customers, too.‎ Curiosity drove Wang Peng to consult an expert. The expert sighed and said, “Both of your menus have evident weakness and limited strength. Your customers put on weight too easily, while Yong Hui's lose weight too quickly. So, Wang Peng, cut down the fat of your food and increase vegetables and fruits, like nuts, beans, mushrooms, peaches and lemons.You ought to combine the two menus and provide a balanced diet.”Before long, Wang Peng won his customers back.‎ 平衡膳食 王鹏经营一家烧烤餐厅来谋生,他的餐厅供应美味的腊肉、油炸的鸡胸,还有用辣椒和大蒜一起烤制的羊肉。但是,他的食物和折扣吸引的顾客越来越少,最后他欠债了。雍慧的减肥餐厅供应的是新鲜的豌豆、胡萝卜、茄子和醋腌的生黄瓜。作为老板娘(女主人),她总是说食物纤维才最有利于顾客的消化。为了不让雍慧说了谎而不受惩罚,王鹏不顾她的怒视,前去探查个究竟。但是让他惊奇的是,雍慧的顾客也在严重地流失。‎ 好奇心驱使王鹏去咨询专家。那位专家叹息着说:“你们俩的菜单都缺点明显、优点有限。你的顾客很容易就发胖,而雍慧的顾客体重却减轻得太快。所以嘛,王鹏,你要减少你的食物中的脂肪含量,增加蔬菜和水果,例如坚果、豆类、蘑菇、桃子和柠檬之类。你应该把两份菜单结合起来,给顾客提供一个平衡的膳食。”不久,王鹏就赢回了他的顾客。‎ 加餐练(一) 完形阅读组合练 Ⅰ.完形填空 Charlotte was in her late 50s when she developed cancer. The illness quickly __1__ to her lungs and then to her brain. She was so __2__ that she had to lie in bed. She was __3__ to even cook for herself.‎ ‎“The last year of her life was __4__,” her sister Barbara said. “The worst part was seeing her sit in a chair in her living room, waiting to __5__. For the first time in her life, I saw her so __6__.”‎ One day, Barbara, __7__ seeking some way to help, asked Charlotte if it would be OK to do her makeup. Barbara said, “I want to make you look better.”‎ Charlotte replied, “You can't. It's too __8__.” But she agreed at last. So weak was Charlotte ‎ that she could __9__ hold her eyes open. Finally, when she did open her eyes, she looked in the mirror in __10__. Her face looked beautiful for the first time in years.‎ ‎“I look pretty! Take my __11__!” she shouted. After the photos were taken, Charlotte looked at Barbara and said, “Promise me you will do this for others while I am __12__.” With tears in her eyes, Barbara said, “I __13__.”‎ Charlotte spent her __14__ days with a smile on her face. “She __15__ herself again,” Barbara said. “And I never saw her sit in that chair in her living room again. __16__, she moved out to sit in her backyard in sunny days.”‎ ‎__17__ Charlotte's death, Barbara kept her promise in a big __18__. She sold everything in her own store. Charlotte gave Barbara a greater __19__. She wanted to do something to __20__ others.‎ 语篇解读:本文为记叙文。Charlotte因患癌症而陷入绝望中,Barbara的一个偶然的想法给她带来了久违的欢乐。‎ ‎1.A.spread       B.devoted C.appealed D.linked 解析:选A 癌细胞很快就“扩散(spread)”到了Charlotte的肺部和大脑。‎ ‎2.A.clever B.serious C.silly D.weak 解析:选D 根据“she had to lie in bed”可知,Charlotte此时身体非常“虚弱(weak)”。‎ ‎3.A.pleased B.unable C.unwilling D.ready 解析:选B Charlotte终日躺在床上,甚至都“不能(unable)”给自己做饭了。‎ ‎4.A.peaceful B.busy C.terrible D.ordinary 解析:选C 根据下一句可知,Charlotte生命中的最后一年情况非常“糟糕(terrible)”。‎ ‎5.A.die B.recover C.arise D.support 解析:选A Charlotte终日坐在一把椅子上,等待“死亡(die)”的到来。‎ ‎6.A.sensitive B.calm C.happy D.hopeless 解析:选D 平生第一次,Barbara看到Charlotte如此“绝望(hopeless)”。‎ ‎7.A.actually B.technically C.desperately D.briefly 解析:选C Barbara“拼命地(desperately)”想办法帮助Charlotte。‎ ‎8.A.late B.early C.funny D.strange 解析:选A 根据“You can't”可知,Charlotte已经完全绝望,觉得一切都太“晚(late)”了。‎ ‎9.A.surely B.simply C.hardly D.softly 解析:选C 根据“So weak was Charlotte that ...”可知,Charlotte身体非常虚弱,以至于“几乎(hardly)”都睁不开自己的双眼。‎ ‎10.A.wonder B.fear C.relief D.disbelief 解析:选D 根据下一句可知,当Charlotte在镜子中看到自己的形象时,她几乎“不敢相信(disbelief)”这是真的。‎ ‎11.A.cigarette B.hand C.picture D.temperature 解析:选C 根据“After the photos were taken”可知,Charlotte急着让Barbara给自己“照几张相(picture)”。‎ ‎12.A.well B.dead C.alone D.abroad 解析:选B Charlotte对Barbara说,在她“去世(dead)”之后,也要为其他人做同样的事情。‎ ‎13.A.disagree B.ignore C.doubt D.promise 解析:选D 根据上文内容可知,Barbara向Charlotte郑重地做出了“承诺(promise)”。‎ ‎14.A.remaining B.tiring C.training D.working 解析:选A 在Charlotte“剩下的(remaining)”日子里,她每天总是面带微笑。‎ ‎15.A.relied on B.looked into C.cared about D.stared at 解析:选C Charlotte开始“关心”自己了。rely on“信任,信赖”;look into“调查”;care about“关心;在意”;stare at“盯着看”。‎ ‎16.A.Therefore B.Still C.Though D.Instead 解析:选D 此后的日子里,Charlotte再也不每天坐在起居室的椅子上了,“相反(instead)”,在晴朗的日子里,她会到后院去坐着。‎ ‎17.A.Before B.Without C.After D.About 解析:选C 在Charlotte去世“后(after)”,Barbara履行了自己的诺言。‎ ‎18.A.way B.sense C.world D.company 解析:选A in a big way表示“大规模地”。‎ ‎19.A.present B.purpose C.occasion D.chance 解析:选B Charlotte让Barbara萌生了一个更大的人生“目标(purpose)”。‎ ‎20.A.save B.help C.cure D.test 解析:选B Barbara想做一些事情来“帮助(help)”其他人。‎ Ⅱ.阅读理解 Some people love eating food right after it is cooked. I prefer food just taken out from the freezer. Fruit, candies, nuts, chocolate, cake with buttercream frosting (糖霜), even peas, all of them taste delicious when frozen. In fact, I often eat them that way.‎ I was a kid when I picked up the habit. In my family, lots of things were thrown into the freezer — finally, two freezers — to prevent them from going bad. Among them were some of the candies my sisters and I had collected on Halloween.‎ If we eat when they are still warm, we'll find ourselves taking the cookies more than we should. It's better if we can put them into the freezer and wait. That way we'll eat less and enjoy them more because they are hard and chewing becomes a slower, more patient effort. That's the point about frozen buttercream frosting. Put it in your mouth at room temperature, and it's gone very quickly. But when it's frozen, you can enjoy the taste much longer as it melts (融化) in your mouth.‎ The freezer treats a lot of fruit kindly. Take frozen grapes for example. I keep a bowl of grapes in my freezer. They become a little icy, and somehow their sweetness is improved. They are perfect and healthy dessert (点心). This is the same with oranges, apples, bananas ...You might think bananas would get superhard when frozen. Wrong! They become cool, creamy and sweet. If you have wisely covered some or all of the bananas with melted chocolate before putting them into the freezer, they will have a double taste.‎ As long as you aren't eating anything that truly has to be hot go ahead and experiment.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者与别人截然不同的爱好——喜欢吃冰箱里冷冻过的东西,并分析了自己喜欢这种吃法的原因。最后,作者建议大家也都来试一下。‎ ‎1.What is the passage intended to tell us?‎ A.Fruit should be frozen before one eats it.‎ B.Frozen food is better than hot food.‎ C.The author prefers frozen food.‎ D.Hot food is not healthy.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。由文章第一段中的“I prefer food just taken out from the freezer ... often eat them that way.”可推知作者喜欢吃冷冻食品。‎ ‎2.The author began to enjoy frozen food when he ________.‎ A.was young        B.learned cooking C.got married D.got a fever 解析:选A 细节理解题。由文章第二段第一句“I was a kid when I picked up the habit.”可知A项正确。‎ ‎3.Why does the author NOT advise us to take hot cookies?‎ A.Because they need more time to prepare.‎ B.Because the taste is not good when they are hot.‎ C.Because they are too delicious to avoid our overeating.‎ D.Because we may eat them quickly and enjoy them less.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。由文章第三段可推知我们吃冷冻的曲奇饼时可以慢慢地享受,反之,吃热的曲奇饼时我们会吃得快而不能好好地享受它们的美味。故选D项。‎ ‎4.What does the underlined word “it” in the third paragraph refer to?‎ A.The taste.‎ B.Buttercream.‎ C.The cookie.‎ D.Frozen buttercream frosting.‎ 解析:选D 代词指代题。由前文信息“That's the point about frozen buttercream frosting ... when it's frozen ...”可知,画线单词it指代frozen buttercream frosting,故D项正确。‎ 加餐练(二) 第Ⅱ卷规范增分练 Ⅰ.语法填空 A few years ago, I had to stay at the hospital for three days for a medical test. I __1__ (ask) to stay awake for more than 30 hours because of the test. It could be __2__ (extreme) difficult for anyone. And I didn't believe I could make it. My mother said she would accompany me. But I knew even __3__ my mother accompanying me, it wouldn't be easy.‎ To my surprise, that afternoon __4__ my mom came to my room, she had my friend Susan with her. That afternoon Susan called my mother. As soon as she __5__ (hear) I needed to stay awake for so long, she decided to help me. So she offered __6__ (come) to the hospital to stay with me and help keep me awake. Things became much __7__ (easy) than I had imagined with Susan's help. She told me stories and jokes, and time passed very quickly.‎ Without Susan's help, __8__ whole stay in the hospital would have been much more difficult. And our __9__ (friend) became deeper from then on. I think nothing can keep us apart. I'm so __10__ (thank) that I have such a friend.‎ 答案:1.was asked 2.extremely 3.with 4.when ‎5.heard 6.to come 7.easier 8.the 9.friendship 10.thankful Ⅱ.短文改错 When I was a teenager, I dreamed of becoming a writer. However, after I told my friend about my dream, most of them laughed at me, tell me it was out of my reach. I was really upsetting after I heard those words. But I choose to believe in myself. I didn't give up and kept writing. I knew it was difficult on a way to success, but we never gave up. I'm a bestselling writer now. I want to suggest those which have dreams to believe in themselves. As long you don't give up, your dreams will come truly one day.‎ 答案:第二句:friend→friends; tell→telling 第三句:upsetting→upset 第四句:choose→chose 第六句:a→the; we→I 第八句:which→who; 去掉第二个to 第九句:long后加as; truly→true Ⅲ.书面表达 假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Lily在她的微博中写到她为了减肥吃减肥药,而且经常不吃饭,导致身体变得很虚弱,状态很不佳。请你在她的微博上用英文给她留言,内容包括:‎ ‎1.对她的现状表示担忧;‎ ‎2.指出吃减肥药以及经常不吃饭的坏处;‎ ‎3.提出一些健康的减肥方法,如慢跑、定期到健身房健身等。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;‎ ‎3.文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。‎ 参考词汇:减肥药weightloss pill 慢跑jogging 健身房gym I'm sorry to learn that you are upset about being overweight recently.________________ ‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 参考范文:‎ I'm sorry to learn that you are upset about being overweight recently. I think you should stop taking weightloss pills in no time because they are harmful to your health. Besides, you need to eat a healthy diet to recover your strength. There are many other ways to lose weight. For example, jogging is quite a popular form of exercise. You may do it in the morning or after supper. Another way is that you can go to the gym regularly, which is also an effective way of losing weight and keeping healthy. In a word, if you insist on exercising, you are sure to have an attractive figure and stay slim and healthy.‎

