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‎2020届一轮复习人教版必修五Unit3Life in the future单元学案 ‎[单元重点词汇]‎ ‎1. lack ‎【考点】‎ ‎★lack作名词时,意为“缺乏,短缺的东西”,常构成以下搭配:(a) lack of ... 缺乏……; for lack of ... 因……的缺乏。如:‎ Her only problem is lack of confidence.‎ If Mike fails it won’t be for lack of effort.‎ ‎★lack作动词时,既可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词,意为“缺乏,没有”。作不及物动词时,常和介词for连用。如:‎ They lacked the money to send him to university.‎ Mary lacks for nothing, but she is unwilling to carry out the plan. ‎ ‎【拓展】lacking是形容词,意为“缺乏的,不足的,没有的”,常构成短语be lacking in。如:‎ This place is totally lacking in charm.‎ ‎【考例】‎ ‎①It’s not that exercise makes you healthy; it’s more that a lack of exercise leaves your body weak and easily affected by disease.    (2013年浙江卷阅读理解B篇)‎ ‎②More than half of us admit we lack willpower.    (2013年湖北卷阅读理解C篇)‎ ‎③...; it teaches people about other cultures and other places — something very basic and obviously lacking in the “educator” I met in New Jersey.    (2013年陕西卷阅读理解D篇)‎ ‎2. speed up ‎ ‎【考点】speed up是短语动词,意为“加速”。如:‎ The new government has speeded up the building of houses.‎ ‎【考例】They are broadening the bridge to _____ the flow of traffic.   (2011年山东卷单项填空)‎ A. put off                                  B. speed up    ‎ C. turn on                                D. work out ‎【点拨】选B。“他们把桥拓宽”的目的是“加快车辆流通的速度”,故选speed up (加速)。put off推迟,推延;turn on打开,接通;work out算出,弄懂。‎ ‎[单元难句分析]‎ ‎1. This is similar to the “jet lag” you get from flying, but it seems you keep getting flashbacks from your previous time period. (P17)‎ ‎【分析】‎ ‎①本句是一个由but连接的并列复合句。‎ ‎②第一个分句中包含一个定语从句you get from flying,修饰________。‎ ‎③第二个分句中you keep getting flashbacks from your previous time period是________从句,省略了连接词________。‎ ‎【句意】这就与你乘坐飞机时会产生时差反应相似,所不同的是,在你的脑子里似乎会不断地闪现以前的时光。‎ ‎【仿写】这起事故与1986年发生的事故相似,所不同的是,似乎一半的乘客都遇难了。‎ ‎_______________________________________________‎ ‎2. I can still remember the moment when the space stewardess called us all to the capsule and we climbed in through a small opening. (P18)‎ ‎【分析】‎ ‎①本句是一个主从复合句。‎ ‎②主句是I can still remember the moment;从句是由when引导的________从句。‎ ‎③when引导的从句由and连接的两个并列分句构成。‎ ‎【句意】我仍然记得这个时刻:太空小姐把我们都叫到时间舱前,我们通过一个小入口爬进去。‎ ‎【仿写】露西仍然记得那个时刻:数学老师帮助她,同学们都鼓励她。‎ ‎_______________________________________________‎ ‎3. However, I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market because of too many carriages flying by in all directions. (P18)‎ ‎【分析】‎ ‎①本句是一个主从复合句。‎ ‎②主句是I lost sight of Wang Ping;when引导时间状语从句。‎ ‎③在时间状语从句中,含有what引导的宾语从句,what在从句中作________。‎ ‎④because of ... directions作原因状语,其中flying by in all directions作后置定语,修饰________。‎ ‎⑤lost sight of 意为“看不见……”。‎ ‎【句意】然而,当我们到达一个看上去像是大市场的地方时,由于太多的车朝四面八方飞奔,我看不见王平了。 ‎ ‎【仿写】走出剧院时,因为观众们朝四面八方走去, 我看不见那名男子了。‎ ‎_______________________________________________‎ 答案 ‎1.【分析】 jet lag;表语;that ‎【仿写】The accident is similar to the one that happened in 1986, but it seems that half of the passengers have been killed.‎ ‎2.【分析】定语 ‎【仿写】Lucy can still remember the moment when the math teacher helped her and her classmates encouraged her.‎ ‎3.【分析】主语;carriages ‎【仿写】 I lost sight of that man when I came out of the theatre because of the audience walking in all directions.‎ ‎[单元语法]过去分词作状语 ‎【语境展示】观察下列几组句子中过去分词的用法,然后加以总结。‎ ‎1. Asked why he was late, Tom said it was because of the traffic jam. ‎ Exhausted by the long journey, Mr. Green soon fell asleep. ‎ Given more money, I will buy another dress. ‎ The woman entered the room, followed by her husband. ‎ Laughed at by many other colleagues, David went on with his plan.‎ ‎2. Offered help, we should say “Thank you” or “It’s kind of you”.= When we are offered help, we should say “Thank you” or “It’s kind of you”. ‎ Grown in rich soil, these seeds can grow fast.= If they are grown in rich soil, these seeds can grow fast. ‎ ‎3. If bitten by a snake, you should ask for help. ‎ Once seen, the painting will be never forgotten. ‎ Although defeated again, the player still did not give in. ‎ ‎【自我归纳】‎ ‎★过去分词作状语,可以表示时间、原因、条件、方式、让步等。这时分词表示的动作与句子主语之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系(第一组例句)。‎ ‎★过去分词作时间、条件等状语时,可转换为对应的________从句(第二组例句)。‎ ‎★过去分词作状语,可以在其前面加if,once, although等连词,构成“连词+分词”形式(第三组例句)。‎ ‎【拓展】过去分词与动词-ing ‎ 形式作状语的区别:过去分词作状语时,表示的动作与其逻辑主语之间是动宾关系;动词-ing形式作状语时,通常与其逻辑主语之间是主谓关系。如:‎ Seen from the hill, the countryside is very attractive. (seen与countryside之间是逻辑上的动宾关系)‎ Seeing from the hill, you can find the countryside attractive. (you与seeing之间是逻辑上的主谓关系)‎ ‎【即学即练】用括号内所给(短语)动词的正确形式填空。‎ ‎1. ________ (translate) into German, the sentence has a different word order. ‎ ‎2. ________ (find) the research very difficult, Ann decided to give it up. ‎ ‎3. ________ (remind) not to miss the flight, the professor got up very early. ‎ ‎4. If ________ (carry out) regularly, exercise can build up our health. ‎ ‎5. ________ (look) at Tony’s face, I read the same disappointment in his eyes.‎ ‎6. Don’t say anything unless ________ (speak) to.‎ 答案 ‎【自我归纳】状语 ‎【即学即练】‎ ‎1. Translated 2. Having found 3. Reminded ‎4. carried out 5. Looking 6. spoken ‎[单元写作]如何写有关想象类的作文 ‎ ‎ ‎【写作任务】‎ 某英文报社正在举办题为“Life in the future”的征文活动。请你写一篇英文短文并投稿。‎ 注意:词数120左右。‎ ‎【写作指导】‎ 这是一篇有关想象类的描写记叙文。写作时要注意以下两点:首先,把握要点。未来的生活是方方面面的,可以选择多个方面入手,也可以选择某个方面。其次,想象合理,要科学地描写未来的发展趋势。‎ 针对这篇习作的主题,我们可以从以下几个方面描述未来的生活:1.医疗方面:癌症、艾滋病都可以治愈;2.教育方面:所有学生均可通过因特网在全球范围内选择感兴趣的课程及喜欢的教师;3.生活方面:机器代替人类做更多的工作,人们有更多的时间休闲、娱乐;4.交通方面:更多先进的交通工具可供人们使用,不再有交通堵塞。‎ ‎【常用表达】‎ With the development of ..., our life ...‎ It’s possible to predict ...‎ What life will be like in the future is ...‎ It’s certain that ...‎ People in the future will be able to ...‎ It will be more comfortable, more computerized and more convenient ...‎ As ... is / are invented, it is possible to ...‎ In a word, life in the future will be ...‎ ‎【参考范文】‎ Life in the future With the development of science and technology, our life in the future will greatly differ from what it is today. It will be more comfortable, more interesting and more convenient.‎ In the future, cancers and AIDS will be no longer threats to us. Instead, they can be completely cured. What’s more, students will choose their favorite subjects and teachers all over the world through the Internet. Machines will improve and do more and more work for human beings so that fewer people will have to work long hours and people will have more time for leisure. As new means of transportation are invented, there will be no traffic jams.‎ In short, life in the future will be more of a pleasure for all of us.‎ ‎[高考链接]‎ 短文语法填空中易混易错例举 ‎1. Only those knew well could be let in.‎ ‎ Only those knew him well could be let in.‎ ‎ A. did he B. he C. who D. that ‎2. When you read the map, you’d better make a mark you have any question.‎ ‎ When you read the map, you’d better make a mark you have paid a visit to.‎ ‎ A. at when B. at the place C. the place where D. where ‎3. He fell ill. That was he didn’t show up.‎ ‎ He fell ill. That was he overworked himself.‎ ‎ A. cause B. reason C. why D. because ‎4. ---Who were the people with the flag?‎ ‎ ---A group itself the League for Peace.‎ ‎ ---Who were the people with the flag?‎ ‎ ---A group the League for Peace.‎ ‎ A. calls B. calling C. called D. is called ‎5. This is such a good book every one of us likes to read.‎ ‎ This is such a good book every one of us likes to read it.‎ ‎ A. that B. which C. and D. as ‎ ‎6. Dorothy was always speaking highly of her own role in the play, , of course, made the others unhappy.‎ ‎ Dorothy was always speaking highly of her own role in the play. , of course, made the others unhappy.‎ ‎ A. who B. which C. This D. what ‎7. I’ll never forget the day I joined the League.‎ ‎ I’ll never forget the day I spent in my hometown.‎ ‎ A. where B. that C. when D. what ‎8. Jim a poem last night; now he is going on with it.‎ ‎ Jim a poem last night; now he is typing it.‎ ‎ A. wrote B. writes C. was writing D. is writing ‎9. That is all you must do.‎ ‎ That is you must do.‎ ‎ A. that B. which C. what D. whether ‎10. Is this the factory you visited?‎ ‎ Is this factory you visited?‎ ‎ Is this the factory you used to work?‎ ‎ Is this factory you used to work?‎ ‎ A. where B. which C. the one D. that ‎11. Those pupils like dancing, two of are boys.‎ ‎ Those pupils like dancing and two of are boys.‎ ‎ A. who B. them C. which D. whom ‎12. He was told about it many times, he still couldn’t understand it.‎ ‎ Having been told about it many times, he still couldn’t understand it.‎ ‎ A. so B. but C. however D. /‎ ‎13. This place is they fought the enemy.‎ ‎ This place is they call “Pleasant Garden”.‎ ‎ A. where B. which C. the ones D. what ‎14. leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.‎ ‎ leaves the room last, he ought to turn off the lights.‎ ‎ A. Anyone B. Whoever C. Who D. No matter who ‎15. She looked at her old and sick father.‎ ‎ She looked at the sight of her old and sick father.‎ ‎ A. worry B. worried C. worriedly D. worrying ‎16. It was October 1, 1949 New China was founded.‎ ‎ It was on October 1, 1949 New China was founded.‎ ‎ A. that B. on that day C. when D. on that ‎17. I have a puzzling problem myself today.‎ ‎ I have a puzzling problem by you today.‎ ‎ A. solving B. solve C. to solve D. to be solved ‎18. In front of the building there is a beautiful garden, owner seated in it, playing chess with his little son.‎ ‎ In front of the building there is a beautiful garden, owner is seated in it,‎ ‎ playing chess with his little son.‎ ‎ A. whose B. its C. which D. that ‎19. He often speaks of the trouble he helping the orphan.‎ ‎ He often speaks of the trouble he to help the orphan.‎ ‎ A. had B. founded C. taken D. took ‎20. It is the first time I’ve visited China.‎ ‎ It won’t be long you regret what you’ve done.‎ ‎ It is almost three years I last saw you.‎ ‎ It was five o’clock he came back.‎ ‎ A. when B. that C. since D. before ‎21. The bird left its nest early worms.‎ ‎ The bird left its nest early, worms.‎ ‎ A. catch B. to catch C. caught D. catching ‎22. I don’t believe the news he had told us.‎ ‎ We all believed the news our football team had won the match.‎ ‎ A. that B. that/which C. what D. on which ‎23. We would like skating on real ice.‎ ‎ We feel like skating on real ice.‎ ‎ A. went B. gone C. going D. to go ‎24. To finish so much work in so little time is .‎ ‎ To finish so little work in so much time is .‎ ‎ A. out of question B. out of the question C. possibly D. impossibly ‎25. Who is the man is standing there?‎ ‎ Do you know the man is standing there?‎ ‎ A. that B. whom C. whose D. who/that ‎26. He is a fool as to believe that.‎ ‎ He is foolish as to believe that.‎ ‎ A. so B. as C. such D. too ‎27. is no need for us to discuss the question again.‎ ‎ is no good our discussing the question again.‎ ‎ A. It B. There C. Here D. That ‎28. He was good a teacher that every student loved him.‎ ‎ He was good a teacher as our class teacher.‎ ‎ A. so B. such C. as D. that ‎29. After a long walk, the old man isn’t tired.‎ ‎ Though he has been working since morning, he isn’t tired.‎ ‎ A. a bit B. a lot C. a little D. a few ‎30. It is about ten days he returned home.‎ ‎ It was ten days ago he left home.‎ ‎ A. before B. that C. since D. after ‎31. Work hard, you will succeed.‎ ‎ Work hard, you will fail.‎ ‎ A. and B. or C. else or D. so ‎32. There is your bike, isn’t ?‎ ‎ There is a bike, isn’t ?‎ ‎ A. one B. it C. there D. that ‎33. The bag made of plastics costs less than made of cloth.‎ ‎ A bag made of plastics costs less than made of cloth.‎ ‎ A. it B. one C. that D. this ‎ ‎34. Mother told me to clean the room, and I did .‎ ‎ My parents had left for Beijing, I know about .‎ ‎ A. so B. this C. it D. that ‎35. Lei Feng was ready to help others.‎ ‎ To a diligent student, English is difficult to learn.‎ ‎ A. quite too B. only too C. not too D. much too ‎ ‎36. Can you Tom his twin brother?‎ ‎ Did you Tom his twin brother?‎ ‎ A. talk; about B. tell; from C. take; for D. talk; with ‎37. They went in search the missing boy.‎ ‎ They joined in the search the missing boy.‎ ‎ A. to B. of C. for D. on ‎38. It was said was all that he had said.‎ ‎ It was quite true the teacher said moved us to tears.‎ ‎ A. what that B. that that C. that what D. what what ‎39. will you do with the naughty boy?‎ ‎ will you deal with the naughty boy?‎ ‎ A. However B. What C. How D. why ‎40. He doesn’t play football play basketball.‎ ‎ The old man has no son no daughter.‎ ‎ A. and B. neither C. or D. either ‎41. Jack is the cleverest the four boys.‎ ‎ Jack is the most clever boys in his family.‎ ‎ A. between B. among C. of D. belong ‎42. Do me favour of closing the window for me.‎ ‎ Do me favour by moving the big stone.‎ ‎ A. a B. the C. my D. an ‎43. She is the youngest of all sisters in her family.‎ ‎ She is younger than all sisters in her family.‎ ‎ A. the B. her C. that D. those ‎44. I have never known such a gentleman that.‎ ‎ You mustn’t speak to such a gentleman that.‎ ‎ A. like B. alike C. as D. likely ‎45. Mr White can pay high a price as the seller asked for.‎ ‎ Mr White was good a doctor that his patients all loved him.‎ ‎ A. so B. as C. such D. that ‎46. Let us go out for a walk, ?‎ ‎ Let me try, ?‎ ‎ Let’s stop here, ?‎ ‎ A. may I B. will you C. shall we D. can you ‎47. It is up you to give them all the help you can.‎ ‎ It is easy you to finish the task ahead of time.‎ ‎ It is kind you to help me out.‎ ‎ A. to B. of C. for D. by ‎48. Mary is good Chinese.‎ ‎ It is good you to do morning exercises.‎ ‎ Sports do good us all.‎ ‎ A. to B. at C. for D. of ‎ ‎49. Our monitor set up a good example all of us.‎ ‎ The boy gave his life his country.‎ ‎ After school, we asked a question our teacher.‎ ‎ A. to B.of C. for D. with ‎50. The two brothers look very much , and I can’t tell one from the other.‎ ‎ I wonder what he is .‎ ‎ They are to come to help us with our work soon.‎ ‎ A. like B. alike C. likely D. as ‎51. It was eight o’clock he left here.‎ ‎ It is at eight o’clock he will leave here.‎ ‎ It is eight hours he left here.‎ ‎ It will be eight hours we meet again.‎ ‎ A. when B. that C. before D. since ‎52. She will never forget the date we spent together.‎ ‎ She will never forget the date she was born.‎ ‎ A. that B. on which C. when D. both B and C ‎53. Was it on Oct. 1st, 1949 the PRC was founded?‎ ‎ Was it Oct. 1st, 1949 the PRC was founded?‎ ‎ A. in which B. on that C. that D. when ‎54. We would rather die give in.‎ ‎ We preferred to die give in.‎ ‎ A. when B. to C. than D. rather than ‎55. It was not until his father died he came home.‎ ‎ It is not long his father died.‎ ‎ It was not long his father died.‎ ‎ It was not long he was born that his father died.‎ ‎ A. before B. after C. since D. that ‎56. Is this the school they built last year?‎ ‎ Is this school they built last year?‎ ‎ Is this school they lived last year?‎ ‎ Is this the school they lived in last year?‎ ‎ Is this the school they lived last year?‎ ‎ A. the one B. which C. where D. on which ‎57. He sent us many books, none of is liked by all.‎ ‎ He sent us many books, but none of is liked by all.‎ ‎ He sent us many books, of which is liked by all.‎ ‎ A. them B. that C. which D. none ‎58. is known to us all is that the sun rises in the east.‎ ‎ is known to us all that the sun rises in the east.‎ ‎ is known to us all, the sun rises in the east.‎ ‎ A. Which B. It C. As D. What ‎59. She wants to buy the same bike I lost last week.‎ ‎ I saw her driving the same car I lost last week, so I told a policeman about it.‎ ‎ I want to buy the same car I sat last week.‎ ‎ A. that B. as C. which D. where ‎60. They don’t know with the problem.‎ ‎ They want to know it.‎ ‎ They don’t know the problem.‎ ‎ A. what to do B. how to do C. how to deal with D. what to deal ‎61. hard, and you will pass the exam.‎ ‎ hard, you will pass the exam.‎ ‎ A. Work B. Working C. To work D. Worked ‎62. I’ll have him the radio for you.‎ ‎ I’ll have him the radio the whole morning.‎ ‎ I’ll have the radio tomorrow.‎ ‎ I have a radio today.‎ ‎ A. repair B. repairing C. repaired D. to repair ‎63. Betty looked at the news.‎ ‎ Betty looked at me.‎ ‎ A. sad B. sadly C. sadness D. sadden ‎64. China is larger than country in Africa.‎ ‎ China is larger than country in Asia.‎ ‎ A. any other B. any C. all D. the other ‎65. There no bus, we walked home.‎ ‎ There no bus and we walked home.‎ ‎ A. are B. was C. being D. be ‎66. Bill’s pale face suggests that he in poor health.‎ ‎ Bill suggested that he praised.‎ ‎ A. be B. is C. were D. would be ‎67. She didn’t come back her mother went to bed.‎ ‎ She won’t come back her mother asks her to.‎ ‎ A. unless B. if C. until D. when ‎68. in the film, we decided to see it again.‎ ‎ by the film, we decided to see it again.‎ ‎ A. Interested B. Interesting C. Being interested D. To interest ‎69. Would you please do me favour?‎ ‎ Would you please do me favour to buy some stamps?‎ ‎ A. a B. an C. the D./‎ ‎70. The girl in a red coat is Lily.‎ ‎ The girl a red coat is Lily.‎ ‎ A. dressing B. dressed C. wearing D. wears ‎71. His Japanese is so poor that he can’t make himself .‎ ‎ His Japanese is so poor that he can’t make others him.‎ ‎ A. to understand B. understood C. understand D. understanding ‎72. at his desk, he was deep in thought.‎ ‎ himself at his desk, he was deep in thought.‎ ‎ A. Seat B. Sitting C. Having seated D. Seating ‎73. we shall go for a picnic tomorrow is certain.‎ ‎ we’ll go for a picnic tomorrow is uncertain.‎ ‎ A. That B. If C. Whether D. What ‎74. South of the village a lake two years ago.‎ ‎ He his hand on my head.‎ ‎ A. lie B. lay C. laid D. lain ‎75. Our teacher entered the classroom, .‎ ‎ Our teacher entered the classroom, with .‎ ‎ A. a book in hand B. book in hand C. a book in his hand D. book in his hand ‎76. Peter getting up early now.‎ ‎ Peter get up early.‎ ‎ A. is used to B. was used to C. used to D. uses to ‎ ‎77. We’ll do whatever we can her with her maths.‎ ‎ We said we could her with her maths.‎ ‎ A. helping B. to help C. help D. helped ‎78. Five years later he turned engineer.‎ ‎ Five years later he became engineer.‎ ‎ A. an B. a C. / D. the ‎ ‎79. Who is the greatest poet today?‎ ‎ He is one of the best posts.‎ ‎ A. living B. alive C. to live D. lived ‎80. hearing the news, he rushed out.‎ ‎ They were overjoyed the news of his safe return.‎ ‎ A. On B. At C. on D. at ‎ ‎81. The reason was I was late.‎ ‎ The reason he gave us was unreasonable.‎ ‎ The reason he was late was that he was ill.‎ ‎ A. that B. which C. why D. because ‎82. He is very kind. If you are in trouble, he can’t help the problem.‎ ‎ He is in trouble, but I can’t help the problem.‎ ‎ A. solve B. solving C. solved D. to be solved ‎83. The theory he stuck to true.‎ ‎ He stuck to the truth of the theory.‎ ‎ A. prove B. proved C. proving D. being proved ‎84. It is in the classroom you can find it.‎ ‎ It is in the classroom you can find it there.‎ ‎ A. and B. there C. that D. which ‎85. He has three sons, are doctors.‎ ‎ He has three sons and are doctors.‎ ‎ A. all of who B. all of whom C. all of them D. three of them ‎86. from the hill, the village looked more beautiful.‎ ‎ from the hill, I found the village looked more beautiful.‎ ‎ from the hill and found the village looked more beautiful.‎ ‎ A. Seeing B. Seen C. I saw D. I seeing ‎87. I prefer in the country rather than in the city.‎ ‎ I prefer in the country to in the city.‎ ‎ A. living; live B. live; living C. living; living D. to live; live ‎88. ---What made him so upset? --- his dictionary.‎ ‎ ---Why was he so upset? --- his dictionary.‎ ‎ A. Lost B. To lost C. Losing D. Because he lost ‎89. He was considered the first phone in the world.‎ ‎ He was considering a new machine to help the farmers.‎ ‎ A. to have invented B. inventing C. to invent D. having invented ‎90. Let’s go to school together, ?‎ ‎ Let us go to school together, ?‎ ‎ A. will you B. shall we C. won’t you D. shan’t we ‎91. I think you are right, ?‎ ‎ You think I am right, ?‎ ‎ A. do you B. are you C. don’t you D. aren’t you ‎92. His teacher always encourages him not to lose heart.‎ ‎ He found that he lost heart to one of his friends.‎ ‎ A. his B. my C. / D. a ‎ ‎93. He worked very hard. --- .‎ ‎ She worked very hard. --- .‎ ‎ His mother asked him to work hard and .‎ ‎ A. So did he B. So he did C. he did so D. so did he ‎ ‎94. He was a little boy that he could not tell this one from that one.‎ ‎ He gave me little money that I had to borrow some money from my classmates.‎ ‎ A. all B. in order C. such D. so ‎95. I wanted the photos .‎ ‎ The photos needed .‎ ‎ A. developing B. developed C. to develop D. being developed ‎ ‎96. He suggested that I here at once.‎ ‎ It suggested that he here three days before.‎ ‎ A. shall leave B. has left C. had left D. leave ‎97. His parents forbid him .‎ ‎ It forbids in hospital.‎ ‎ A. to smoking B. smoking C. smoked D. to smoke ‎98. He must have been here for several days, ?‎ ‎ He must have come here the other day, ?‎ ‎ A. mustn’t he B. didn’t he C. hasn’t he D. needn’t he ‎99. He was late again, made the teacher angry.‎ ‎ He was late again, we had expected.‎ ‎ A. what B. it C. which D. as ‎ ‎100. The population of China 1.2 billion.‎ One third of the population of China farmers.‎ Half of the hill covered with trees.‎ Half of the hills covered with trees.‎ ‎ A. is B. are C. have D. has ‎101. Tom said that he would make up his to do the work well.‎ I’m sorry, I have no of what to do next.‎ A. idea B. plan C. mind D. thought ‎102. The students began to preparations for the examination.‎ You have to a lot of reading if you want to improve your English.‎ A. make B. take C. get D. do ‎103. Could I have with you, Mr David?‎ She couldn’t help crying when came that his cousin had died.‎ A. words B. word C. the word D. a word ‎104. Shortly after the accident, of police were sent to the spot to keep order.‎ Three hens may lay eggs within a month in spring.‎ A. five dozens B. three score of C. two hundred D. hundreds ‎105. My bike one hundred dollars.‎ The Great Wall a visit.‎ A. worths B. is worthy C. is worth D. is worthy of ‎ ‎106. Li Ping has in bed for two weeks.‎ The ant queen has lots of eggs.‎ A. lied B. lay C. laid D. lain ‎107. I have two other hats this one.‎ Your composition is good some spelling mistakes.‎ A. beside B. besides C. except D. except for ‎108. The old man lives in a village, but he doesn’t feel .‎ The sentence “he lives ” means “he is .”‎ A. alone; lonely B. lonely; alone C. lonely; lonely D. alone; alone ‎109. What we need is more time.‎ The workers here are young people.‎ A. most B. in the most C. mostly D. at most ‎110. Little Tom was 4 years old, but he could walk without help, his parents were worried.‎ The patient’s progress was encouraging as he could get out of bed without help.‎ A. only B. nearly C. hardly D. lonely ‎111. I think what he spoke at the meeting the attention of all the comrades here.‎ Close attention is being to the present situation in Asia.‎ A. drew B. raised C. paid D. spent ‎112. I asked him to me a few minutes so that we could go over all the problems.‎ Alice tried hard to every cent for months in order to buy her boyfriend a present.‎ A. share B. leave C. spare D. save ‎113. Heat is the of the expansion of matter.‎ Punishment had very little on the naughty children.‎ A. excuse B. reason C. effect D. cause ‎ ‎114. The angry teacher the blackboard with his fist.‎ Suddenly the church clock ten.‎ A. struck B. beat C. hit D. patted ‎115. The soldier his uniform and took his gun, then ran out.‎ The policemen were always in their uniforms in the street.‎ A. put on B. had on C. dressing D. /‎ ‎116. To the truth, I forgot all about your request.‎ Before the meeting, I wanted to the matter over with you.‎ A. say B. talk C. tell D. remark ‎117. If you the ten figures you will get 100.‎ The lakes the beauty of this city.‎ A. add B. add up C. add to D. add up to ‎118. After supper, Father used to the evening paper.‎ You can his telephone number in the book.‎ A. look at B. look through C. look up D. look into ‎119. poverty, Della and Jim led a happy life.‎ ‎ his bad health, he didn’t go to save his kidnapped daughter.‎ A. Because of B. In spite of C. Instead of D. In front of ‎ ‎120. The owner of the restaurant ten dollars for the meal and went in.‎ The customer, an old man, ten dollars for the meal and went out.‎ A. paid B. took C. cost D. spend ‎121. The young man much money me.‎ The young man me much money.‎ A. robbed; from B. stole; from C. robbed; of D. was stolen; of ‎122. The writer couldn’t bear it. He could not it.‎ She couldn’t the loss of her pupils’ respect.‎ A. carry B. suffer C. stand D. lift ‎123. your toys, Mary. It’s supper time.‎ ‎ the fire quickly, Jack.‎ A. Put down B. Put away C. Put out D. Put off ‎124. It all whether the weather would be fine.‎ Some people sports and games only as amusements.‎ A. depended on B. lived on C. carried D. looked on ‎125. Don’t get discouraged by setbacks(挫折), we are new to the work .‎ Children need many things, but , they need love.‎ A. after all B. at all C. in all D. above all ‎126. I don't enjoy __________ fun of others.‎ ‎ I don't enjoy _________ fun of by others.‎ ‎ A. to make B. to be made C. making D. being made ‎127. Something must be done to prevent the river from ______.‎ ‎ Something must be done to prevent people from __________ the river.‎ ‎ A. pollute B. polluting C. pollute D. being polluted ‎128. If time _________, I'll go to see my friend tomorrow.‎ ‎ Time ________, I'll go to see my friend tomorrow.‎ ‎ A. permitted B. permits C. permitting D. permit ‎129. He has given up ______ us physics because of his illness.‎ ‎ What he has given up __________ us physics because of his illness.‎ ‎ A. is to teach B. to teach C. teaching D. taught ‎130. The boy who _________ faces now will be punished.‎ ‎ The boy ____________ faces now will be punished.‎ ‎ A. made B. to make C. making D. is making ‎131. He opened the door and found the snow ______ the hill.‎ ‎ He opened the door and found the hill ________ with snow.‎ ‎ A. covers B. cover C. covered D. covering ‎132. He was very busy but she wanted to have him ____________ the clothes.‎ ‎ He was so busy that he had to have the clothes _________.‎ ‎ A. washing B. washed C. wash D. to wash ‎133. Do you know the woman ________ by Jack?‎ ‎ Do you know the woman ________ Jack?‎ ‎ A. been followed B. followed C. following D. follows ‎134. He had no choice but ________ aloud the text in the room.‎ ‎ He did nothing but _______ aloud the text in the room.‎ ‎ A. reading B. to read C. read D. to be reading ‎135. The decision was made _______ soon after the meeting was over.‎ ‎ Who was made _______ the decision soon after the meeting was over?‎ ‎ A. to know B. known C. know D. knew ‎136. I don't remember _______ such a fellow anywhere before.‎ ‎ Do remember _______ your brother at the station?‎ ‎ A. to meet B. meeting C. meet D. to be met ‎137. Have you considered _______ to Shanghai next month?‎ ‎ He is considered ___________ to Shanghai.‎ ‎ A. go B. to go C. going D. to have gone ‎138. I feel like _________ a long walk with you.‎ ‎ I'd like _________ a long walk with you.‎ ‎ A. taking B. to take C. take D. to have taken ‎139. Would you mind my _______ her to the party?‎ ‎ Would you mind not ____________ to the party?‎ ‎ A. inviting B. to be invited C. being invited D. invited ‎140. The wounded needed __________ on at once.‎ ‎ The doctor needed _________ on the wounded soldier at once.‎ ‎ A. to operate B. operated C. operating D. operates ‎141. He did all that he could ________ us with the hard work.‎ ‎ He promised that he could _________ us with the hard work.‎ ‎ A. helping B. to help C. help D. helped ‎142. He entered the room without _______ his father sitting there.‎ ‎ He entered the room without _______ by his father.‎ ‎ A. noticing B. notice C. noticed D. being noticed ‎143. Their work ____________, they went to the cinema.‎ ‎ __________ their work, they went to the cinema.‎ ‎ A. Finishing B. finished C. had finished D. Having finished ‎144. He stood there and his eyes ________ upon the nobleman.‎ ‎ He stood there, his eyes _______ upon the nobleman.‎ ‎ A. fix B. fixing C. were fixed D. fixed ‎145. He raised his voice in order to make us ______.‎ ‎ He raised his voice in order to make himself _______.‎ ‎ A. to hear B. hearing C. hear D. heard ‎146. I know what he wants ________ after graduation.‎ ‎ I know what he wants ________ my help. A. to be B. being C. is D. be ‎147. This is an important letter. Don't forget ________ it this afternoon.‎ ‎ Don't look for the letter. You must have forgotten ______ it this afternoon.‎ ‎ A. to post B. posted C. posting D. post ‎148. Do you think the film is worth _________ again?‎ ‎ Do you think the film is worthy __________ again?‎ ‎ A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. being seen ‎149. The day we had looked forward to _______at last.‎ ‎ I'm looking forward to ________to your country next year.‎ ‎ A. coming B. come C. came D. comes ‎150. He regretted _______ her the secret because he shouldn't have done so.‎ ‎ He regretted ________ me that he could not do so.‎ ‎ A. to be told B. to tell C. telling D. being told 易混易错对比练习150题 ‎1. BC 2. DB 3. CD 4. BC 5. DA 6. BC 7. CB 8. CA 9. AC 10. DCAA ‎11. DB 12. BD 13. AD 14. BD 15. CB 16. CA 17. CD 18. BA 19. AD 20. BDCA ‎21. BD 22. BA 23. DC 24. BA 25. AD 26.CA 27. BA 28. AC 29. CA 30. CB ‎31. AB 32. BC 33. CB 34. AC 35. BC 36. BC 37. BC 38. BC 39. BC 40. CA ‎41. B/CB 42. BA 43. AB 44. CA 45. BA 46. BAC 47. ACB 48. BCA 49. ACB 50. BAC51.ABDC 52. AD 53. CD 54. CD 55. DCAB 56. BACBC 57. CAD 58. DBC 59. BAD 60. ABC61. AB 62. ABCD 63. AB 64. BA 65. CB 66. BA 67. CA 68. CA 69. AC 70. BC71. BC 72. BC 73. AC 74. BC 75. BC 76. AC 77. BC 78. CA 79. BA 80. AD81. AAC 82. BA 83. BC 84. CA 85. BC 86. BAC 87. DC 88. CD 89. AB 90. BA ‎91. DC 92. CD 93. BAC 94. CD 95. BA 96. DC 97. DB 98. CB 99. CD 100. ABAB ‎101. CA 102. AD 103. DB 104. DB 105. CD 106. DC 107. BD 108. CD 109. AC 110. CB111. AC 112. CD 113. DC 114. BA 115. AD 116. CB 117. BC 118. BC 119. BA 120. BA121. BC 122. CB 123. BC 124. AD 125. AD 126. CD 127. DB 128. BC 129. CA 130. DC131. DC 132. CB 133. BC 134. BC 135. BA 136. BA 137. CD 138. AB 139. AC 140. CA141. BC 142. AD 143. BD 144. CD 145. CD 146. AC 147. AC 148. CB 149. CA 150. CB

