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‎2019届一轮复习人教版选修六Unit 3A healthy life单元学案 单元基础词汇 ‎1.activity n.__活动__‎ ‎2.eager adj.__渴望的;热切的__‎ ‎3.__anxiety__ n.担忧;焦虑 ‎4.beneficial adj.__有益的;有帮助的__‎ ‎5.energetic adj.__精力旺盛的__‎ ‎6.__keep__ fit/healthy 保持健康 ‎7.make friends __with__ sb.和某人交朋友 ‎8.__share__ feelings and ideas __with__与……分享感受和观点 ‎9.be keen on__热衷于__‎ ‎10.climb mountains __爬山__‎ ‎11.keep a good mood __保持乐观心态__‎ ‎12.__help(sb.)_out__帮助(某人)摆脱困境 ‎13.prefer...to...__(比起……来)更喜欢……__‎ ‎14.__get_rid_of__ the bad habit of...改掉……的坏习惯 ‎15.take exercise __锻炼;进行运动__‎ 单元好句 ‎1.There are__ a variety of__ after-class activities in our school, which__ benefit us a lot__.‎ 我们学校有各种各样的课外活动,这些活动对我们很有益。‎ ‎2.We should do morning exercises every day, which is vital to__ keep fit__.‎ 我们应当每天做早操,这对于保持健康至关重要。‎ ‎3.We should__ take some measures to reduce the pressure__, such as doing some sports, listening to music, going outing and so on.‎ 我们可以采取一些措施来减轻压力,如锻炼、听音乐、郊游等。‎ 词汇素养 ‎ Ⅰ.单词识记 ‎1.__ban__vt.& n.禁止;取缔;禁令;谴责 ‎2.__effect__n.[C,U]结果;效力 ‎3.__quit__vt.停止(做某事);离开 ‎4.__addicted__adj.入了迷的;上了瘾的→__addiction__n.[U,C]沉溺;嗜好→__addictive__adj.使人上瘾的→__addict__vt.使上瘾 n.[C]有瘾的人 ‎5.__accustom__vt.使习惯于→__accustomed__adj.惯常的;习惯了的 ‎6.__disappointed__adj.失望的;沮丧的→__disappointing__adj.令人失望的→__disappoint__vt.使失望;使扫兴→__disappointment__n.[C,U]失望; 沮丧 ‎7.__desperate__adj.绝望的;拼命的→__desperately__adv.拼命地;绝望地 ‎8.__ashamed__adj.感到惭愧或羞耻的→__shame__n.羞愧→(同义词)__shameful__adj.可耻的→__shameless__adj.无耻的;厚颜的 ‎9.__stress__n.[C,U]压力;重音 vt.加压力于;使坚张→‎ ‎__stressful__adj.产生压力的;紧张的→__stressed__adj.焦虑不安的 ‎10.__mental__adj.精神的;智力的→__mentally__adv.精神上;智力上 ‎11.__strengthen__vt.加强;巩固;使紧强 vi.变强→__strength__n.[U]力气;力量;[C]强项;长处 ‎12.awkward adj.__局促不安的;笨拙的__‎ ‎13.abuse n.& vt.__滥用;虐待__‎ ‎14.adolescent n.__青少年__ adj.__青春期的__‎ Ⅱ.词汇运用 ‎1.An __automatic__ cooker can cook your rice __automatically__.(automatic)‎ ‎2.Playing computer games is highly __addictive__. Once you get __addicted__ to it, you will find it hard to get rid of it. Now, Henry is fighting his __addiction__ to the games.(addict)‎ ‎3.He feels __stressed__(stress) at the thought of the coming examination.‎ ‎4.The boy was almost __breathless__(breath) when he stopped running.‎ ‎5.(2015·江苏)People volunteer to express personal values, to expand their range of experiences, and to __strengthen__(strength) social relationships.‎ ‎6.You should learn to __relax__ yourself and a knowledge of __relaxing__ techniques will make you feel __relaxed__.(relax)‎ ‎7.(2015·陕西)Punishing kids for bad marks is __mentally__(mental) damaging.‎ ‎8.Today, the weather was really __disappointing__ because it was raining. Arriving at a park, we were __disappointed__ to find it was not open today. To our __disappointment__,_the library was closed, too.(disappoint)‎ ‎9.The man in the river __desperately__ tried to reach the side. The situation was __desperate__ but not hopeless.(desperate)‎ ‎10.Fortunately, he __survived__ the earthquake and he was a __survivor__. His __survival__ was a wonder.(survive)‎ Ⅲ.单词巧记 ‎1.-en动词后缀 ‎①broaden vt.拓宽 ‎②brighten vt.使发亮 ‎③weaken vt.减弱;削弱 ‎④loosen vt.放松 ‎⑤strengthen vt.加强;巩固 ‎⑥threaten vt.威胁 ‎⑦frighten vt.使惊恐;使害怕 ‎⑧tighten vt.收紧;使变紧 ‎2.adj.+n.+ed合成形容词 ‎①bad-tempered脾气暴躁的;易怒的 ‎②absent-minded心不在焉的 ‎③cold-blooded冷血的 ‎④kind-hearted好心的;仁慈的 ‎⑤short-sighted近视的 ‎⑥old-fashioned老式的;过时的 ‎⑦middle-aged中年的 ‎3.“结果、效果”家族 ‎①effect n.结果;效力;影响,作用 ‎②outcome n.结果 ‎③result n.结果 ‎④consequence n.结果;后果 ‎⑤influence n.影响;作用 ‎⑥impact n.影响;作用 ‎4.“健康与医疗”相关词汇 ‎①pill n.药丸;药片 ‎②tablet n.药片 ‎③capsule n.胶囊 ‎④symptom n.症状 ‎⑤cure vt.治愈 ‎⑥treat vt.治疗 ‎⑦suffer vi.遭罪;受苦 ‎⑧recover vi.恢复;痊愈 ‎⑨medical adj.医学的;医疗的 ‎⑩virus n.病毒 ‎ 短语速记 Ⅰ.短语默写 ‎1.__due to__由于……‎ ‎2.__(be) addicted to__对……有瘾 ‎3.__(be)accustomed to__习惯于……‎ ‎4.__decide on__对……作出决定 ‎5.__feel like(doing)__想要(做)……‎ ‎6.__in spite of__不顾;不管 ‎7.__take risks (a risk)__冒险 ‎8.__get into__陷入;染上(坏习惯)‎ ‎9.__at risk__处境危险;遭受危险 ‎10.__throw away__扔掉 Ⅱ.短语填空 ‎1.To succeed in business,one must be prepared to__take risks (a risk)__.‎ ‎2.I__am accustomed to__getting up early and taking an hour's walk before breakfast.‎ ‎3.What worries him is that his son__is addicted to__watching TV.‎ ‎4.I regret not having followed your advice;I__get into__trouble now.‎ ‎5.Most of them turned up on time;only Tom arrived late__ due to__the storm.‎ ‎6.They had a wonderful holiday,__in spite of__the bad weather.‎ ‎7.Don't__decide on__important matters too quickly.‎ ‎8.Lydia doesn't__feel like__going abroad.Her parents are ‎ old and she wants to take care of them.‎ Ⅲ.联想归纳 ‎1.be+过去分词+to必备短语集锦 ‎①be addicted to对……上瘾 ‎②be devoted to致力于;献身于 ‎③be related to和……有关 ‎④be accustomed to习惯于……‎ ‎⑤be limited to限制于……‎ ‎⑥be opposed to反对;不赞成 ‎2.get短语串联 ‎①get across使通过;讲清楚,使人了解 ‎②get away(from)逃脱;离开,出发 ‎③get away with逃避惩罚(责备,追究)‎ ‎④get down to开始认真考虑; 着手办理(某事)‎ ‎⑤get over克服;忍受;痊愈;完成;走完 ‎⑥get round/around传开;绕过,回避 ‎⑦get through完成;及格;通过;打通(电话)‎ ‎⑧get on进展,相处;上车 ‎⑨get rid of戒除;除去……‎ 句式悟通 背会原句 知晓考点 我会仿用 ‎1.As you know, if you do the same thing over and over ‎1.(2015·全国卷Ⅱ ‎ again, you begin to do it automatically.‎ 你知道,如果你反反复复地做同一件事,你就会自动地做它。‎ as引导非限制性定语从句,指代后面整句话的内容,意为“正如……”‎ ‎)我们知道,除了美味的饺子之外,养老院的老人也需要温暖和关心。‎ ‎__As we know__, besides tasty dumplings, what elderly people in the nursing home also need is warmth and care.‎ ‎2.I do hope so because I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I have.‎ 我的确希望如此,因为我想让你和我一样活得健康长寿。‎ ‎(1)do/does/did强调谓语动词。‎ ‎(2)as...as引导比较状语从句。‎ ‎2.(四川卷)如果你有工作,一定要专心工作最终才能成功。‎ If you have a job,__ do devote__ yourself to it and finally you will succeed.‎ ‎3.I knew it was time to quit smoking.‎ 我知道该戒烟了。‎ It is/was time to do sth.该做某事了。‎ ‎3.(2015·北京卷)我们该把我们学到的技巧应用到实际中去了。‎ ‎__It was time to put__ the skills we had learned to use.‎ 精 研 词 汇 短 语 ‎1.stress n.重压;逼迫;压力;重音;强调重要性 vt.加压力于;使紧张;重读 归纳拓展 ‎(1)under stress 在压力之下 under the stress of...在……压力之下 lay/place/put stress on sth.强调某事物 ‎(2)stress the importance of 强调……的重要性 ‎(3)stressed adj.焦虑不安的,感到有压力的 stressful adj.产生压力的;压力重的;紧张的 多维训练 完成句子。‎ ‎①(朗文高阶)Janet's been__ under a lot of stress__ since her mother's illness.‎ 珍妮特自从她母亲生病以来承受了很大压力。‎ ‎②(牛津高阶)She lays__ great stress on____punctuality.‎ 她十分注重守时。‎ ‎③He__ stressed the importance__ of accepting a good education at the meeting.‎ 他在会议上强调了接受良好教育的重要性。‎ ‎④(2016·全国卷Ⅱ)If you__ feel stressed__ by responsibilities at work, you should take a step back and identify(识别) those of greater and less importance.‎ 如果你因工作责任而感到紧张的话,你应该退一步想想,并且辨别一下哪些工作更重要,哪些不太重要。‎ ‎⑤(有道词典)Nobody is perfect, especially__ under stress__.‎ 人无完人,尤其是在压力之下。‎ ‎⑥After a__ stressful__ week of work, all the employees ‎ were extremely__ stressed__ and tired. They complained that few could work efficiently under__ stress__.‎ 在为期一周的紧张工作之后,所有职工都心力交瘁,疲惫不堪,他们抱怨说很少有人能够在压力下高效地工作。‎ ‎2.addicted adj.入了迷的;上了瘾的 归纳拓展 ‎(1)be/become/get addicted to(doing)sth.沉溺于(做)某事 ‎(2)addict vt.使沉溺;使上瘾 n.有瘾的人 addict oneself to (doing)sth.沉溺于(做)某事 a work addict 工作狂 ‎(3)addiction n. 癖好 温馨提示 不管是动词addict还是形容词addicted或名词addiction,表示“沉迷于/热衷于……”都和介词to连用。‎ 多维训练 单句语法填空。‎ ‎①(牛津高阶)He is now fighting his __addiction__(addict) to alcohol.‎ ‎②(2015·广东卷)The smarter a child is, the less likely he gets __addicted__(addict) to it.‎ 单句改错。‎ ‎③(2015·安徽卷)We are addicted to buy new things.‎ ‎__buy→buying__‎ 高考小作文。‎ ‎④‎ ‎(重庆高考书面表达)就我个人而言,迷恋于玩手机是不明智的,因为我们有可能忽视生活中其他重要的事情。‎ As far as I'm concerned, it's not wise for us to __be_addicted_to_playing__ with smart phones because we may ignore other important things in life.‎ ‎3.accustomed adj.经常的;惯常的;习惯了的 归纳拓展 ‎(1)be accustomed to(doing)sth.习惯于(做)某事(表示状态)‎ get/become accustomed to(doing)sth.习惯于(做)某事(表示动作)‎ ‎(2)accustom vt.使习惯于 accustom sb./oneself to(doing)sth.使某人/自己习惯于(做)某事 多维训练 单句语法填空。‎ ‎①As we all know, English people are accustomed to__driving__(drive) on the left.‎ ‎②__Accustomed__(accustom) to living in the countryside, Mr.King found it hard to live in the city.‎ 一句多译。‎ 我习惯于在冬天的每个晚上喝一杯热茶,这样我就会觉得又有精神了。‎ ‎③_ I am accustomed to drinking__a cup of hot tea every evening in the cold winter, and I feel refreshed again.‎ ‎④I__accustom myself to drinking__a cup of hot tea every evening in the cold winter, and I feel refreshed again.‎ ‎⑤__Accustomed to drinking__a cup of hot tea every evening in the cold winter, I feel refreshed again.(分词作状语)‎ ‎4.effect n.结果;效力 归纳拓展 ‎(1)have an effect on/upon 对……产生影响 come/go into effect 生效 bring/carry/put...into effect实施;使……生效/起作用 ‎(2)effective adj. 有效的;有影响的 ‎(3)affect vt. 影响 多维训练 完成句子。‎ ‎①(2016·江苏高考)These __effects__ of the Internet have become even more striking since I've begun using a smartphone.‎ 自从我开始使用智能手机,网络的这些影响变得更引人注目。‎ ‎②(2016·四川高考)These hormones also__ have a positive effect on__ the heart and the blood flow.‎ 这些激素对心脏和血流也有积极的影响。‎ ‎③(牛津高阶)New controls__ come into effect__ next month.‎ 下月开始实施新的管制措施。‎ ‎④(重庆高考书面表达)我写信告诉你中国长江江豚正面临灭绝,因为人类的活动对它们产生了不利的影响。‎ I am writing to tell you that the finless porpoise is becoming extinct__ because humans' activities have a bad effect on them__.‎ ‎5.ashamed adj.感到惭愧或羞耻的 归纳拓展 ‎(1)be/feel ashamed of__因……感到惭愧 ‎ be ashamed to do sth.耻于做某事 ‎(2)shame n.羞愧 It's a shame/pity that...……真令人遗憾 What a shame/pity! 真可惜!‎ 易混辨析 多维训练 完成句子。‎ ‎①(2016·浙江高考)I read those two lines over and over. I was __ashamed of__ myself.‎ 我反复地读了那两行。我深感羞愧。‎ ‎②(牛津高阶)You should__ be ashamed of__ yourself for telling such lies.‎ 你撒这种谎应为自己感到羞愧。‎ ‎③(朗文高阶)__I'm ashamed to admit__ that I've never read any of his books.‎ 我真不好意思承认,我从来没读过他的书。 ‎ ‎④I heard you had your watch stolen.__ What a shame__!‎ 我听说你的手表被偷了,真可惜!‎ ‎⑤__It's a shame__ that she isn't here to see it.‎ 真可惜她不能在这儿亲自看看。‎ 选词填空(ashamed/shameful)。‎ ‎⑥I'm __ashamed__ to say I haven't passed the examination ‎ this time.‎ ‎⑦It's __shameful__ to steal others' things.‎ ‎6.ban vt.(banned,banned)禁止;取缔 n.禁令;谴责 归纳拓展 a ban on sth.关于某事的禁令 ban(doing)sth.禁止/取消(做)某事 ban sb.from doing sth.禁止某人做某事 多维训练 完成句子。‎ ‎①Our government has sent a large number of policemen__ to ban the illegal organizations__.‎ 我国政府已经派出了许多警察去取缔这些非法组织。‎ ‎②The Chinese government__ has decided to ban smoking in public places across the country__.‎ 中国政府已决定在全国公共场所禁烟。‎ ‎③Our headmaster__ declared a ban on smoking in our school__, which made us delighted.‎ 我们的校长宣布了禁止在学校吸烟的禁令,这让我们很高兴。‎ ‎④The students want to know__ whether they are banned from swimming in the river__.‎ 学生想知道他们是否被禁止在河里游泳。‎ ‎7.due to由于……;因为……‎ 归纳拓展 ‎(1)be due预定/计(做)某事 ‎(2)(be)due to sb.应支付/给予/归于某人 多维训练 补全句子。‎ ‎①The latest survey indicates that the global economy is declining__due to__many factors.‎ 最新的调查表明,由于多种因素,全球经济正在呈现下降的趋势。‎ ‎②Any money that__is due to__you will be paid before the end of the month.‎ 欠你的钱将在月底之前全部支付给你。‎ ‎③The old man said the accident was__ due to__ careless driving, so a lot of money was__ due to be paid__by the driver.‎ 老人说事故是由于粗心驾驶造成的,因此大笔的钱应由司机支付。‎ ‎8.take risks(a risk)冒险 归纳拓展 ‎(1)at risk有风险;处境危险 at the risk of...冒着……的风险 take/run the risk of doing sth.冒险做某事 take risks(a risk)to do sth.冒险做某事 ‎(2)risk doing sth.冒险做某事 risk one's life to do sth.冒着生命危险做某事 多维训练 补全句子。‎ ‎①He could not_ take risks/a risk__to lose the good chance.‎ 他不能冒险失去这一次好机会。‎ 单句语法填空。‎ ‎②If you go online tomorrow,your computer might run the risk of__being attacked__(attack)by a virus.‎ ‎③He got well-prepared for the job interview,for he couldn't risk__losing__(lose)the good opportunity.‎ ‎9.get into陷入;染上(坏习惯)‎ 归纳拓展 get into trouble 陷入困境;惹上麻烦 get into debt 负债累累 get into a panic 陷入恐慌 get into a temper 大发脾气 get into the habit of 养成/染上……的(坏)习惯 多维训练 补全句子。‎ ‎①I've_ got into the habit of__calling in on my__grandparents on my way home from school.‎ 我已养成了在放学回家的路上看望祖父母的习惯。‎ 单句语法填空。‎ ‎②If you continue spending money like this, you'll__get into debt__one day.‎ ‎③Such people always stick to their views, even if it means that they may__get into trouble__.‎ 精 析 句 型 结 构 ‎1....and now you are finding it difficult to give it up.‎ 现在你发现很难把它戒掉。‎ 该句中的it为形式宾语,代替to give it up。‎ 归纳拓展 it作形式宾语常用于下列句型中:‎ find/think/make/feel/consider it +adj./n.(for sb.)to do sth./doing sth./that ...‎ 多维训练 根据括号内汉语提示完成句子。‎ ‎①He__ makes it his duty__(看成是自己的职责)to help others whenever they are in trouble.‎ ‎②We__ think it very important__(认为很重要)that we should keep calm in time of danger.‎ ‎2.I__do hope so because I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I have.‎ 我的确希望如此,因为我想你和我一样健康长寿。‎ 句中的do用来表示强调。‎ 归纳拓展 ‎(1)“do/does/did+动词原形”表示强调,意为“确实,的确”,用来加强谓语动词的语气,但必须符合以下条件:‎ ‎①句子为肯定句。‎ ‎②句子的时态为一般现在时或一般过去时。‎ ‎(2)句中使用了一个比较结构:so/as+adj.+a(n)+单数可数名词+as,意为“和……一样……”。‎ 多维训练 完成句子。‎ ‎①Believe it or not,he__did go__home yesterday.‎ 信不信由你,他昨天确实回家了。‎ ‎②The young man hopes to live__as simple a life as__his grandpa.‎ 这个小伙子希望和他爷爷一样过俭朴的生活。‎ ‎③As a matter of fact,I can't afford__as expensive a car as__his.‎ 事实上,我买不起像他一样昂贵的私家车。‎ 基 础 训 练 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.It's quite hot today.Do you feel like __going__(go) for a swim?‎ ‎2.It is unbelievable that Mr.Lucas leads a simple life __despite__his great wealth.‎ ‎3.—They are quiet, aren't they?‎ ‎—Yes.They are accustomed to not __talking__(talk) at meals.‎ ‎4.Lydia doesn't feel like __studying__(study) abroad.Her parents are old.‎ ‎5.The two girls are so alike that strangers find __it__difficult to tell one from the other.‎ ‎6.—Who knocked at the door?‎ ‎—I've no idea.I just pretended nobody was at home, so I didn't ask who __it__ was.‎ ‎7.The leader __strengthened__(strength) his basketball ‎ team by bringing in several young players.‎ ‎8.After the earthquake, the soldiers took the risk of __being_injured__(injure) by the falling stones to save the villagers.‎ ‎9.The new survey shows that the number of students __addicted__(addict) to computer games has been on the increase in recent years.‎ ‎10.It's not what we do once in a while __that__ shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.‎ ‎11.Wherever he is, he makes __it__ a rule to give his mother a call every day.‎ ‎12.The young man risked __being_knocked__ (knock) down to take the child on the busy road to safety.‎ ‎13.Things can easily go wrong when people are __under__ stress ‎14.In spite of __what__ has recently been done to provide more buses for the people, a shortage of public vehicles remains a serious problem.‎ Ⅱ.完成句子 ‎1.The scholar likes to __decide_on__(对……做出决定) every step instead of __taking_risks__(冒险).‎ ‎2.__Every_time__(每次) I come back, I feel conditions have improved.This is __due_to__(因为) your hard work.‎ ‎3.__In_spite_of__(尽管) her great efforts, Sue failed once again.‎ ‎4.It is easy for adolescents to __get_into_the_habit_of_smoking__(染上吸烟的习惯).‎ ‎5.If you smoke often, your body will __become_accustomed_to__(习惯) nicotine in it and you will __be_addicted_to_smoking__(吸烟成瘾).‎ ‎6.The chemist told us drug abuse __has_a_great_effect_on__(对……有很大影响) the brain.‎ ‎7.许多人发现很难理解这些事件背后的意义。‎ Many people __found_it_difficult_to_understand__ what was behind these events.‎ ‎8.我确实希望你能经常运动,国为我想要你和我一样过健康的生活。‎ ‎__I_do_hope__you can take exercise regularly because I want you to __live_as_healthy_a_life_as_I_have__.‎ ‎9.一般说来,男性雇员比女性雇员更可能提供帮助。‎ In general, male employees __are_more_likely_to_offer_help__ than female employees.‎ ‎10.我们都知道开始吸烟是多么容易而戒烟是多么难。‎ We all know __how_easy_it_is_to_begin_smoking__ and __how_tough_it_is_to_stop__ .‎ Ⅲ.单句改错 ‎1.If you take the risk of not wearing a seat belt, you will be at the risk while driving.‎ ‎__去掉第二个the__‎ ‎2.As far as I know, they are accustomed to not talk at ‎ meals.‎ ‎__talk→talking__‎ ‎3.Having been abused his power as mayor to give jobs to his friends, Williams is now under investigation.‎ ‎__去掉been__‎ ‎4.Disappointing at failing in the math exam, John wouldn't like to talk about it to his parents.‎ ‎__Disappointing→Disappointed__‎ ‎5.I'm not a little tired today after giving the room a thorough cleaning and I have never had as more tiring a day as today.‎ ‎__去掉more__‎ ‎6.I strongly feel that whatever our friends do do matter to us.‎ ‎__第二个do→does__‎ Ⅳ.语篇填空 By the way, did you know that this is because you become __1.addicted__(addict) in three different ways? First, you can become physically addicted __2.to__ nicotine, which is one of the hundreds of chemicals in cigarettes.This means that after a while your body becomes __3.accustomed__(accustom) to having nicotine in it.So __4.when__ the drug leaves your body, you get withdrawal symptoms.I remember feeling bad-tempered and sometimes even in pain.Secondly, you become addicted through habit.As you know,____5.if__ you do the same thing over and over ‎ again, you begin to do __6.it__ automatically.Lastly, you can become __7.mentally__ (mental) addicted.I believed I was __8.happier__(happy) and more relaxed after having __9.a__ cigarette, so I began to think that I could only feel good when I smoked.I was addicted in all three ways, so it was very difficult to quit.But I __10.did__ finally manage.‎ 能 力 提 升 Ⅰ.单元考点与语法填空 A lot of the time when I reveal to my French friends that I am a vegetarian(素食者), a look of horror comes over their faces! __1.It__ has been fascinating to experience the cultural __2.importance__(important) of food in different countries. In the United Kingdom, vegetarianism is very popular. However, here in France, I often struggle __3.to_find__(find) a meat-and fish-free option on a menu, __4.which__ can make eating in restaurants a bit of a challenge.‎ A common misunderstanding about vegetarian food is that it is not as tasty or nutritious __5.as__ a meal which involves meat or fish. However, __6.in__ spite of the fact that sometimes vegetarian food requires a little more creativity, it is very easy to enjoy a healthy and __7.balanced__(balance) diet as a vegetarian, as meat substitutes are becoming so much more easily accessible. Meat-free Mondays is all about helping people to have one day a week free of meat. By the way the meat-free day does not necessarily have to be a Monday! The campaign ‎ __8.aims__(aim) to lower the carbon footprint of the planet as well as to improve our health. This is a great challenge for anyone who would like to try out some vegetarian cooking and is a wonderful way to contribute to __9.slowing__(slow) down climate change. I do hope you will enjoy trying out some __10.amazing__(amaze) vegetarian recipes!‎ Ⅱ.单元语法与短文改错(it的用法)‎ Tropical forests grow near the Equator where there is warm and wet. There are only two seasons, rainy and dry. This is normally 20-25℃ in a tropical forest and it is only a drop of about 5℃ in the coldest months. There is a lot of rain, on average more than 200 cm per year. Because poor soil, that is difficult for plants on the forest floor to develop, as tall trees(25-35 m) block out the light.‎ In temperate(温带的) forests, which is impossible for the trees to grow all the year round and there was a growing season of only 140-200 days. There it is also a greater range of temperatures, from -30℃ to 30℃, and there rains throughout the year. As one is cooler and drier here, trees are smaller.‎ 答案:‎ Tropical forests grow near the Equator where is warm and wet. There are only two seasons, rainy and dry. is normally 20-25℃ in a tropical forest and is only a drop of about 5℃ in the coldest months. There is a lot of rain, on ‎ average more than 200 cm per year. Because poor soil, is difficult for plants on the forest floor to develop, as tall trees(25-35 m) block out the light.‎ In temperate(温带的) forests, is impossible for the trees to grow all the year round and there a growing season of only 140-200 days. There  it__is also a greater range of temperatures, from -30℃ to 30℃, and rains throughout the year. As is cooler and drier here, trees are smaller.‎ Ⅲ.单元话题与书面表达 ‎(一)根据提示结合本单元所学知识补全短文(无提示处请填写适当的过渡词)‎ ‎❶There are an increasing number of teenagers ①__addicted to the Internet games__(沉溺于网络游戏) all day, which really has a bad effect on them. ②__Once they get into the habit, it is difficult for them to quit__(一旦他们养成这个习惯,就很难改掉). ❷They ③__are accustomed to playing games__(他们习惯于玩游戏), so they show no interest in their study. ④__In spite of the fact that they know the danger, teenagers still take risks/a risk__(尽管他们知道这个危险,青少年们仍然冒险,用in spite of the fact that).‎ In my opinion, it is our duty to make all the children live as active and healthy a life as possible. ⑤__Therefore__, both ‎ the teachers and parents should ⑥__put stress on__(强调) the harm of playing Internet games and prevent teenagers from playing them.‎ ‎(二)按要求升级词汇和句式 ‎1.用本单元所学高级词汇升级加黑词语 prevent→__ban__‎ ‎2.按要求升级句式 ‎(1)把句❶加波浪线部分升级为强调句(强调谓语动词)‎ ‎__which does have a bad effect on them.__‎ ‎(2)用分词作状语升级句❷‎ ‎__Accustomed to playing games__, they show no interest in their study.‎

