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Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe Period 1 Introduction & Reading学案 人类对神秘浩瀚的太空感到好奇,随着科学的不断发展,人类在太空的脚步越走越远。神秘的太空究竟是什么样子的?太空行走有什么危险呢? ‎ Also known as extravehicular activity, that is, the astronauts in manned spacecraft on the moon or beyond the planets and other celestial bodies on a variety of tasks to complete the process. It is manned space flight is a key technology in the manned space program is on track to install large-scale equipment for scientific experiments, satellites used, inspection and maintenance of an important means of spacecraft. ‎ Space is a vacuum, a large temperature changes, exposure to the sun when the temperature can be higher than 100 ℃, no sunshine when temperatures can be lower than -200 ℃, at the same time there are all kinds of radiation can harm the human body. In order to protect astronauts in extravehicular activities to the safety, health and effectively fulfilling its mandate, the need for extravehicular spacesuit, the astronaut traveling in the extravehicular mobility devices, the tools they need to complete the mission, the astronauts fixed the equipment and body Equipment such as seat belts. Extravehicular spacesuit EVA is the most important equipment, which is equivalent to a miniature spacecraft. It astronaut's body and separated from the harsh environment of space, the astronauts to the provision of air pressure and oxygen to sustain life, and other necessary conditions. Spaceships, space stations, manned space shuttle these man-made enclosed cabin pressure, air and the basic components of the same ground, the astronauts emerged from the capsule before the need to draw oxygen to the body of nitrogen emissions, in order to remove hidden dangers. ‎ In the space walk astronauts in the absence of reference and cannot distinguish between large and small objects near and far, and to determine its speed, without insurance, could easily be lost in the vast space as a human satellite. Therefore, the need for insurance spacewalk - to use seat belts and the astronauts will connect the spacecraft to prevent the astronauts lost in space. ‎ June 3, 1965, the United States launch astronauts McDivitt and White Captain, Captain "Gemini" 4 spacecraft, flying around the Earth 62 laps. White extravehicular to walk 21 minutes with their jet device in the mobile space flight. This is the first U.S. spacewalk. ‎ ‎【词汇提示】‎ ‎1. extravehicular adj. 宇宙飞船外的 ‎2. celestial adj. 天的, 天空的 ‎3. mobility n. 活动性; 迁移率 ‎4. equivalent adj. 相等的; 同意义的 ‎〖课程学习目标〗‎ l To recognize and bear in mind the vocabulary related with the universe ‎ l To experience talking and reading activities to obtain and use the messages needed l To widen students’ horizons of exploring the universe ‎ ‎〖课程导学建议〗‎ ‎【重点难点】 ‎ ‎1. Learn the important words in the passage.‎ ‎2. Grasp the important phrases in the passage.‎ ‎3. Master the important structures in the passage. ‎ ‎【教学指导】‎ The teacher should help the students to read through the text and improve their reading ability, at the same time, pay attention to new items in it.‎ ‎【自主预习】‎ ‎【课堂预习交流】‎ Warming up by learning about the text. ‎ Read the text and answer the questions.‎ ‎1. What does the title mean?‎ ‎2. How did people feel when they watched the first moon landing?‎ ‎3. How did people feel about space travel a few years later?‎ ‎4. What was different about the space shuttle?‎ ‎5. Why did people want to watch the Challenger take off?‎ ‎6. What did the Challenger disaster teach the world?‎ Keys: ‎ ‎1. Because there are no new places left on Earth for humans to discover but we have not yet explored space.‎ ‎2. Excited but nervous.‎ ‎3. They got used to it and thought it was safe and normal.‎ ‎4. The space shuttle could be used many times.‎ ‎5. Because it was a new spacecraft and it had a teacher on board as well as astronauts.‎ ‎6. Space flight was still dangerous.‎ ‎【课堂预习导学】‎ Take advantage of the contexts in this module to first learn some practical words. Meanwhile, develop the students’ cultural abilities. As to the goal of this module, students should fold their thoughts about the universe and the exploration of it. ‎ ‎【新知学习】‎ ‎【阅读策略突破】‎ ‎ Read the passage again and find the correct answer.‎ 优化p66‎ ‎1. Who landed on the Moon back on 21st July,1969?‎ A. Nie Haisheng. B. Neil Armstrong.‎ C. Fei Junlong. D. McAuliffe.‎ ‎2. What was Christa?‎ A. A teacher. B. A student.‎ C. A researcher. D. A child.‎ ‎3. What would Christa do in space?‎ A. She would make two speeches.‎ B. She would make two space steps.‎ C. She would give two lessons.‎ D. She would do two chemistry experiments.‎ ‎4. Why did the world feel shocked and terrible?‎ A. The Challenger was successfully sent up.‎ B. The Challenger landed on the Moo C. The Challenger circled around the Earth thirty times.‎ D. The Challenger had exploded in mid-air.‎ ‎5. Where was the teacher’s teaching plan found?‎ A. In the ocean.‎ B. On the mountain.‎ C. In the plane.‎ D. In the air.‎ Keys: ‎ BACDA ‎【重点难点探究】‎ 重点单词 ‎ accustom ‎ ‎【寓词于境】阅读下列句子,注意accustom的意思及用法。‎ ‎①He had to accustom himself to the cold weather. ‎ 他不得不使自己习惯于寒冷的天气。‎ ‎②You must accustom yourself to getting up early. ‎ 你必须使自己习惯于早起。‎ ‎③Soon I became/got accustomed to the hot weather in the south.‎ 很快,我习惯了南方炎热的天气。 ‎ ‎【自我归纳】通过观察以上句子我们发现accustom作___词(句①②),意思是______;accustomed用作______词(句③),意思是________。‎ 答案:动;使习惯;形容;习惯的 ‎【思维拓展】‎ accustom oneself to (doing) sth. 适应 adapt to 适应 be/get used to 习惯了 ‎【即学即练】‎ ‎1) 完成句子 现在我习惯这儿的学校生活了。‎ I’m _______ _________ the school life here now.‎ 答案:accustomed to ‎2) Accustomed to ______ the steep mountains, he had no difficulty reaching the top. ‎ A. climbing B. climb C. having climbed D. have climbed 答案与解析: 选A。由句意知accustomed to表示“习惯于(某事)”,t0是介词,后跟n./pron./v-ing形式,排除B、D两项,习惯于爬山是泛指动作,而不是已完成的动作,故不能选C项。‎ ‎ assume ‎ ‎【寓词于境】阅读下列句子,注意assume的意思及用法。‎ ‎①We can not assume anything in this case.‎ 在这种情形下我们无法作任何揣测。‎ ‎②We must assume him to be innocent until he is proved guilty.‎ 尚未证明他有罪,就得假定他是清白的。‎ ‎③We are working on the assumption that everyone invited will turn up.‎ 我们假定了每一个人都会应邀出席。‎ ‎【自我归纳】通过观察以上句子我们发现assume用作___词,意思是①______;② ;名词形式为 。‎ 答案:动;猜测;假设;assumption ‎【思维拓展】‎ assume+that从句/sth.假设,设想,认为 assume sb./sth. to be…假设某人/某物是……‎ assumption n. 假定,设想 assumed 假装的;假的 ‎【即学即练】‎ 完成句子 ‎1) 我以为你能讲流利的法语。‎ ‎ I ______ _______ you can speak French fluently.‎ 答案:assumed that ‎2) We all can go out for a picnic this afternoon _______that the others agree. ‎ A to assume B. assumed C. assume D. assuming 答案与解析:D。由句子结构可知,前句是后句前提下的结果,故后句为状语,assuming that作状语。‎ patience ‎【寓词于境】阅读下列句子,注意patience的意思及用法。‎ ‎①I have no patience with his attitude to me.‎ 我不能容忍他对我的态度。‎ ‎②We are not patient of the noise from the factory.‎ 我们忍受不了那个工厂传出的噪音。‎ ‎③She waved him away with an impatient gesture.‎ 她厌烦地挥手把他打发走了。‎ ‎【自我归纳】通过观察以上句子我们发现patience用作___词,意思是______(句①);形容词为______(句②);impatient用做___词(句③),意思是______。‎ 答案:名;耐心;patient;形容;不耐烦的 ‎【思维拓展】‎ patience/endurance 两个词都有“忍耐”的意思。‎ ‎(l)patience指“容忍痛苦、困难等的能力”。‎ his patience in teachin9他对教学的耐心 ‎(2) endurance指“忍受较长期、较严重的痛苦,困难等的能力”。‎ endurance test耐力测验 ‎【即学即练】 ‎ ‎1)完成句子 ‎ 照顾她儿子她很有耐性。‎ ‎ She ______ _______ to look after his son.‎ 答案:has patience ‎2)As a nurse, Maria showed great _______ when looking after the patients.‎ A patient B. patience C. patiences D. impatiences 答案与解析:选B。patience耐心,耐性,不可数名词,A项为形容词,此处应填名词。‎ ‎ burst ‎ ‎【寓词于境】阅读下列句子,注意burst的意思及用法。‎ ‎①The aircraft crashed and burst into flames.‎ 飞机坠毁失火了。‎ ‎②Reading the story, he burst into laughter/out laughing.‎ 读了那个故事,他大笑起来。‎ ‎③T The police burst in and looked around.‎ 那个警察闯入房间,朝四周看了看。 ‎ ‎④A big fire burst out in the middle of the night in the factory.‎ 那天半夜,那个工厂突然发生了一场火灾。‎ ‎【自我归纳】通过观察以上句子我们发现burst用作___词, 以下短语的意思为:‎ burst in ______________‎ burst out (doing) _______________‎ burst into ___________________‎ 答案:闯入;突然发生;突然发作 ‎【用法拓展】‎ ‎1. burst out表示“爆发”,一般在其后接动名词,而burst into表示“突然发作”,后面一般接名词;burst into tears同burst out crying均表示“忽然哭出来”,但是前者用法比较普遍。“忽然哭出来”偶尔还可表示成burst out into tears或是burst out into crying; ‎ ‎2. burst into laughter同burst out laughing均表示“忽然笑出来”,但是后者用法比较普遍; ‎ ‎3. burst有时也可表示“充满,装满”,常与介词with连用。‎ I am bursting with joy.‎ 我满心欢喜。‎ ‎【即学即练】‎ I don’t know why she burst into _______.‎ A. crying B. tears C. tear D. cry 答案: 选B。“突然哭起来”应该用burst into tears或者 burst out crying。‎ 重点短语 ‎ in spite of ‎ ‎【寓词于境】阅读下列句子,注意in spite of的意思及用法。‎ ‎①In spite of rain,she went swimming.‎ 尽管下雨,她仍去游泳。‎ ‎②In spite of great efforts, we failed to finish the task on time.‎ 尽管我们作出了巨大努力,但最终还是没能按时完成任务。‎ ‎③My room is very comfortable in spite of the fact that it is small.‎ 尽管我的房子小,但它很舒服。‎ ‎【自我归纳】in spite of在以上句子中的意思为___________;可以换成________。‎ 答案:虽然;despite ‎【思维拓展】‎ ‎(1)in spite of后接名词或动名词,不接从句,同despite。‎ ‎(2)若其后加从句,需用the fact that引导。‎ ‎【即学即练】‎ 1) 翻译句子 ‎⑴他已竭尽全力, 但仍然失败了。‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________‎ ‎⑵尽管下着雨, 他们还是出去了。 ‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________‎ 答案:⑴In spite of all his efforts he failed. ‎ ‎ ⑵They went out in spite of the rain. ‎ ‎2) ________ he objected, he came with us.‎ A. In spite of B. Despite C. Because of D. Although 答案与解析:选D。A、B两项不能直接加从句,C项意义不对。句意为:虽然他拒绝了,但他还是和我们一起来了。‎ ‎ at the beginning of ‎ ‎【寓词于境】‎ 请观察下面句子,注意at the beginning of的用法。‎ ‎①Can I go back to what you said at the beginning of the meeting? ‎ 我可以再提你在会议开始时所说的事情吗?‎ ‎②At the beginning of the speech the chairman cracked a joke. ‎ 在演讲开头主席开了一个玩笑。‎ ‎③I wish everybody good luck at the beginning of the year. ‎ 我预祝大家岁首大吉。‎ ‎【思维拓展】‎ ‎1. from the beginning意为“从开始便……”。‎ He was opposed to the plan from the beginning.‎ 他从一开始就反对这个计划。‎ ‎2. at the beginning意为“起初”。‎ He was opposed to the plan at the beginning.‎ 他起初反对这个计划,但后来就不反对了。‎ ‎3. at the beginning和in the beginning用法一致,前者用得更多些,但说世界的开端时要用in。‎ In the beginning there were no living creatures.‎ 一开始,世界上并没有生命。‎ ‎【即学即练】‎ ‎1) 上课开始时,老师总要点名。‎ The teacher always calls the roll __________________________. ‎ ‎ 答案: at the beginning of the class ‎2) 一本书的开头经常有目录表。 ‎ ‎____________________________ there is often a table of contents. ‎ ‎ 答案:At the beginning of a book 重点句式 ‎1. An ordinary teacher, Christa McAuliffe, 37, who was married with two children, was to be the first civilian in space. (P58) 一位有两个孩子的37岁的普通老师Christa McAuliffe将会成为第一个登上太空的平民。‎ be to do 结构表示事先商定、安排或准备要做的事情。还可以表示可能性,必要、责任、义务、禁止等。‎ ‎【名师点拨】‎ ‎①The students are to meet at the school gate tomorrow. ‎ 明天学生们将在学校大门口集会。‎ ‎②Her necklace was not to be found. ‎ 她的项链找不到了。‎ ‎【仿写】‎ 下一届奥运会将在伦敦举行。‎ ‎ ‎ 答案: The next Olympics are to be held in London.‎ ‎【即学即练】‎ ‎1)This film _____ this Sunday. ‎ A. is going to show B. is showing C. is to be show D. will have been show ‎ ‎2)In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they _________. ‎ A. have survived B. are to survive C. would survive D. will survive ‎ 答案:1)C 2)B ‎2.The world was in shock—maybe they assumed this space flight would be no more dangerous than getting on an aeroplane. (P58)全世界都震惊了——也许他们原本认为这次太空飞行跟乘坐飞机一样没有什么危险。‎ ‎【名师点拨】‎ no more … than表示“与某事一样不”。“no+比较级”常常表示“两者都不”。‎ 比较以下各句的意思:‎ You are more careful than he is. 你比他仔细。‎ You are not more careful than he is. 你不如他仔细。‎ You are no more careful than he is. 你和他一样不仔细。‎ You are less careful than he is. 你不如他仔细(你比他粗心)。‎ You are not less careful than he is. 你比他仔细(你不如他粗心)。‎ You are no less careful than he is. 你和他一样仔细。‎ ‎【仿写】‎ ‎ 这一个与那个一样不好。‎ ‎ ‎ 答案: This one is no better than that one.‎ ‎【即学即练】‎ ‎1). You are _________ careful than your brother. You two can’t do the work that needs care and skill. ‎ A. not more B. no more C. not less D. no less 答案:B ‎2). ---Do you need any help, Lucy? ‎ ‎---Yes, the job is ______ I could do myself. ‎ A. less than B. more than C. no more than D. not more than ‎ ‎【解析】答案选B。做此题要抓的关键词是yes,由于答话者对问话者的“你需要帮助吗?”作了肯定回答,说明答话者独自完成工作有困难,故填more than。‎ ‎【课程目标导学】‎ ‎1. Teaching objectives:‎ Learn the new items in the text and improve the students’ reading ability.‎ ‎2. Teaching method: Task-based teaching; group cooperation.‎ ‎〖课程达标检测〗‎ 根据课文内容填空:‎ Neil Armstrong first _______ set foot on the moon back on 21st July, 1969. It was a ______ voyage. All three astronauts made it safely back to Earth. That was one giant _______ for mankind, just as Neil said.‎ The first shuttle flight into space was the Columbia. It was ______ from the Kennedy Space Center on 12th April, 1981. It tested the new _______ system, went safely up into orbit and returned to the Earth for a safe landing.‎ The Challenger took off in 1986. Millions of people ______ in to _______ the take-off on TV. Unfortunately, the shuttle exploded just over a minute after taking off and seven astronauts were killed. It was the worst space accident ever. ‎ The explosion of Challenger happened so quickly and everyone was in a state of shock. In _____ of all our ______ technology, the world is still only at the very ______ of its voyage into space.‎ 答案:set; historic; leap; launched; shuttle; tuned; witness; spite; advanced; beginning ‎【课程训练】‎ Ⅰ.单项填空 ‎1. That building is ________ because all the others like it were destroyed.‎ A. ambiguous B. unique C. infamous D. moral ‎2. How can you expect to learn anything _______ you never listen?‎ A. in case B. even if C. unless D. when ‎3. They had kept working for several weeks _______ everything was put in order.‎ A. before B. after C. since D. unless ‎4. --- Did he arrive on ________ dot?‎ ‎--- Yes. As _________ rule, he’s very punctual.‎ A. the; a B. the; / C. a; a D. a; /‎ ‎5. Henry can’t attend the party _______ at Tom’s house at present because he is preparing for the speech for the party _________ at Marie’s house tomorrow.‎ A. held; being held B. to be held; to be held C. to be held; being held D. being held; to be held ‎6. Who move my cheese is a good book which needs__________.‎ A. to be digested B. digested C. be digested D. being digested ‎ ‎7. The house is too small, and _________, it’s too far from the office.‎ A. however B. therefore C. otherwise D. furthermore ‎8. You’d better take an umbrella with you when you are out __________ it rains.‎ A. in case B. if C. in case of D. unless ‎9. ______ again and again, but he didn’t tell the truth.‎ A. Having been asked B. Being asked C. He had been asked D. Though he was asked ‎10. It is our duty to _______ our motherland against enemies.‎ A. acquire B. defend C. protected D. prevent ‎1.答案:B。题意为:那座建筑物很独特,因为和它类似的都被毁了。此题考查形容词词义A:“暧昧的,不明确的”;B:“独一无二的”;C:“声名狼藉的”;D:“道德的,精神的”。‎ ‎2.答案:D。题意为:你从来没听说过,怎么能期望学会呢?。此题考查状语从句。A:“以防,万一”;B:“即使”;C:“除非”;D:“既然”。‎ ‎3.答案:A。题意为:他们持续不断工作了几个星期后,一切才恢复正常。此题考查连词。A:“在…之前,很久后才”;B:“在…后”;C:“自从”;D:“除非”。‎ ‎4. A。as a rule意为“通常,一般说来”;on the dot意为“准时”。句意为:“他准时到达了吗?”“是的。一般说来他很守时。”‎ Of course意为“当然”。句意为:“我来这儿的路上被交通困住了。”“难怪你迟到了。”‎ ‎5. D。句意“亨利不能参加目前在汤姆家举办的聚会,因为他正在准备明列天要在玛丽家举办的聚会上的发言”。分析选项提供的形式held表被动完成;being held表被动进行;to be held表被动将来可知答案为D。‎ ‎6. A. 物做主语 need doing/to be done.,意思为“《谁动了我的奶酪》是一个需要理解,体会的好书。‎ ‎7.D。句意“这房子太小,而且离办公室太远”。故用furthermore表递进。‎ ‎8. A。由句意可知用in case以防万一,incase of后不跟从句。‎ ‎9.C。由句中的转折连词but可知正确答案。‎ ‎10. B。句意“我们有义务保卫我们的祖国抵御外敌”,故答案为defend“保护,保卫”。acquire意为“获得”;protect常与from连用;prevent为“阻止”的意思。‎ Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe Period2 Grammar 学案 ‎【重点难点】 ‎ ‎1. Different kinds of noun clauses;‎ ‎2. How to uses the noun clauses correctly;‎ ‎3. To master the use of adverbial clauses;‎ ‎【教学指导】‎ 1. To make the students finish the tasks in the textbook, discovering useful words and expressions and discovering useful structures;‎ 2. To make the students understand the kinds of noun clauses;‎ 3. To make the students grasp the usage of noun clauses.‎ ‎【自主预习】‎ ‎【课堂预习交流】知识问题化 Finish the sentences.‎ ‎1. I can't decide ____________ dictionary I should buy.‎ ‎2. That's ____________ he refused my invitation.‎ ‎3. I am very interested in ____________ he has improved his pronunciation in such a short time.‎ ‎4. ____________ we need is more time.‎ ‎5. The fact ___ she had not said anything at the meeting surprised everybody.‎ ‎6. _____ and __ they will meet has not been decided yet.‎ ‎7. Please tell me ____________ you are waiting for.‎ ‎8. Is that ____________ you are looking for?‎ ‎9. Would you please tell me _____ the nearest post office is?‎ ‎10. I don't know ____ he will agree to the plan or not.‎ ‎【答案】1. which; 2. why; 3. how; 4. What; 5. that; 6. when, where; 7. who(m); 8. what; 9. where; 10. whether ‎【课堂预习导学】问题层次化 This period students learn about the noun clauses. It is very important and also difficult to the students. It often appears in exams. Students should know how to use them correctly. They should try to make sentences with them and try to understand the differences between different kinds of clauses.‎ ‎【新知学习】‎ ‎【重点难点探究】‎ 名词性从句 ‎ 在句子中起名词作用的句子叫名词从句 (Noun Clauses)。 名词从句的功能相当于名词词组, 它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语、介词宾语等,因此根据它在句中不同的语法功能,名词从句又可分别称为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。‎ 一、引导名词性从句的连接词 ‎ 引导名词性从句的连接词可分为三类:‎ ‎ 连接词:that, whether, if 不充当从句的任何成分)‎ ‎ 连接代词:what, whatever, who, whoever, whom, whose, which.‎ ‎ 连接副词:when, where, how, why ‎ 不可省略的连词:‎ ‎1. 介词后的连词 ‎2. 引导主语从句和同位语从句的连词不可省略。‎ That she was chosen made us very happy.‎ We heard the news that our team had won.‎ 比较:whether与if 均为"是否"的意思。 但在下列情况下,whether 不能被if 取代:‎ ‎1. whether引导主语从句并在句首 ‎2. 引导表语从句 ‎ ‎3. whether从句作介词宾语 ‎4. 从句后有"or not" ‎ ‎ Whether he will come is not clear.‎ 大部分连接词引导的主语从句都可以置于句末,用 it充当形式主语。‎ It is not important who will go.‎ It is still unknown which team will win the match.‎ 二、名词性that-从句 ‎ ‎1)由从属连词that引导的从句叫做名词性that-从句。 That只起连接主句和从句的作用,在从句中不担任任何成分,本身也没有词义。名词性that-从句在句中能充当主 语、宾语、表语、同位语和形容词宾语,例如:‎ 主语:That he is still alive is sheer luck.他还活着全靠运气。‎ 宾语:John said that he was leaving for London on Wednesday.约翰说他星期三要到伦敦去。‎ 表语:The fact is that he has not been seen recently.事实是近来谁也没有见过他。‎ 同位语:The fact that he has not been seen recently disturbs everyone in his office. ‎ 近来谁也没有见过他,这一事实令办公室所有的人不安。‎ 形容词宾语:I am glad that you are satisfied with your job.‎ 你对工作满意我感到很高兴。‎ ‎2)That-从句作主语通常用it作先行词,而将that-从句置于句末,例如:‎ It is quite clear that the whole project is doomed to failure.很清楚,整个计划注定要失败。‎ It's a pity that you should have to leave.你非走不可真是件憾事。‎ 用it作形式主语的that-从句有以下四种不同的搭配关系:‎ a. It + be +形容词+ that-从句 It is necessary that…有必要……‎ It is important that…重要的是……‎ It is obvious that… 很明显……‎ b. It + be + -ed 分词+ that-从句 It is believed that…人们相信……‎ It is known to all that…从所周知……‎ It has been decided that… 已决定……‎ c. It + be +名词+ that-从句 It is common knowledge that………是常识 It is a surprise that… 令人惊奇的是……‎ It is a fact that… 事实是……‎ d. It +不及物动词+ that-分句 It appears that…似乎……‎ It happens that…碰巧……‎ It occurred to me that… 我突然想起……‎ 三、名词性wh-从句 ‎ ‎1)由wh-词引导的名词从句叫做名词性wh-从句。Wh-词包括who, whom,. whose, whoever,‎ ‎ what, whatever, which, whichever等连接代词和where, when, how, why等连接副词。Wh-从句的语法功能除了和that-从句一样外,还可充当介词宾语、宾语补语和间接宾语等,例如:‎ 主语: How the book will sell depends on its author.书销售如何取决于作者本人。‎ 直接宾语:In one's own home one can do what one likes.在自己家里可以随心所欲。‎ 间接宾语:The club will give whoever wins a prize.‎ 俱乐部将给得胜者设奖。‎ 表语: My question is who will take over president of the Foundation.我的问题是谁将接任该基金会主席职位。‎ 宾语补足语:She will name him whatever she wants to. 她高兴给他起什么名字就取什么名字。‎ 同位语:I have no idea when he will return.‎ 我不知道他什么时候回来。‎ 形容词宾语:I'm not sure why she refused their invitation.我尚不能肯定她为什么拒绝他们的邀请。‎ 介词宾语:That depends on where we shall go.‎ 那取决于我们去哪儿。‎ ‎2)Wh-从句作主语也常用先行词it做形式主语,而将wh-从句置于句末,例如:‎ It is not yet decided who will do that job.‎ 还没决定谁做这项工作。‎ It remains unknown when they are going to get married.他们何时结婚依然不明。‎ 四、if, whether引导的名词从句 ‎ ‎1)yes-no型疑问从句 从属连词if, whether引导的名词从句是由一般疑问句或选择疑问转化而来的,因此也分别被称为yes-no型疑问句从句和选择型疑问从句,其功能和wh-从句的功能相同, 例如:‎ 主语:Whether the plan is feasible remains to be proved. 这一计划是否可行还有等证实。‎ 宾语:Let us know whether / if you can finish the article before Friday.请让我们知道你是否能在星期五以前把文章写完。‎ 表语:The point is whether we should lend him the money.问题在于我们是否应该借钱给他。‎ 同位语:They are investigating the question whether the man is trustworthy.他们调查他是否值得信赖。‎ 形容词宾语: She's doubtful whether we shall be able to come.她怀疑我们是否能够前来。‎ 介词宾语: I worry about whether he can pass through the crisis of his illness.我担心他是否能度过疾病的危险期。‎ ‎2)选择性疑问从句 选择性疑问从句由关联词if/whether…or或whether…or not构成,例如:‎ Please tell me whether / if they are Swedish or Danish. 请告诉我他们是瑞典人还是丹麦人。‎ I don't care whether you like the plan or not.我不在乎你是否喜欢该计划。‎ 五、否定转移 ‎1) 将think, believe, suppose, expect, fancy, imagine等动词后面宾语从句的否定词转移到主句中,即主句的谓语动词用否定式,而从句的谓语动词用肯定式。‎ I don't think I know you.我想我并不认识你。‎ I don' t believe he will come.我相信他不回来。‎ 注意:若谓语动词为hope,宾语从句中的否定词不能转移。‎ I hope you weren't ill. 我想你没有生病吧。‎ ‎2) 将seem, appear 等后的从句的否定转移到前面。‎ It doesn't seem that they know where to go.‎ 看来他们不知道往哪去。‎ It doesn't appear that we'll have a sunny day tomorrow.‎ 看来我们明天不会碰上好天气。‎ ‎3) 有时将动名词,介词短语或整个从句的否定转变为对谓语动词的否定。‎ I don't remember having ever seen such a man.‎ 我记得从未见过这样一个人。 (not否定动名词短语 having…)‎ It's not a place where anyone would expect to see strange characters on the street. ‎ 在这里,人们不会想到在街上会碰上陌生的人。‎ ‎(anyone 作主语,从句中的谓语动词不能用否定形式。)‎ ‎4) 有时状语或状语从句中否定可以转移到谓语动词前。‎ The ant is not gathering this for itself alone.(否定状语)蚂蚁不只是为自己采食。‎ He was not ready to believe something just because Aristotle said so. (否定because状语) 他并不因亚里斯多德说过如何如何,就轻信此事。‎ She had not been married many weeks when that man's younger brother saw her and was struck by her beauty.(否定状语many weeks)她结婚还不到几个月,这个人的弟弟就看见 她了,并对她的美貌着了迷 ‎【课程目标导学】‎ ‎1. Teaching objectives:‎ ‎1) To enable the Ss to learn the usage of the noun clauses;‎ ‎2) To get the students to understand different kinds of noun clauses.‎ ‎2. Teaching method: Task-based teaching; group cooperation ‎【课程达标检测】‎ 单项选择。‎ ‎1.(10福建35) We should respect food and think about the people who don’t have we have here and treat food nicely.‎ A. that B. which C. what D. whether 答案与解析:C考查宾语从句;空格在句中充当宾语,应该用what。‎ ‎2.(10湖南35) Cindy shut the door heavily and burst into tears. No one in the office knew she was so angry.‎ ‎ A. where B. whether C. that D. why ‎ 答案与解析:D考查名词性从句。该空引导宾语从句,根据句意“办公室中没人知道她为什么如此生气”可判断选D项。‎ ‎3.(10天津14)As a new graduate, he doesn’t know it takes to start a business here.‎ A. how B. what C. When D. which ‎ 答案: ‎ 考点: ‎ 句意:作为一名新毕业生,他不知道需要什么才能在这里开始经营。‎ 答案与解析:B. 考查名词性从句。空格后的从句中takes是动词,其后缺少宾语,所以引导该宾语从句的连接词要用what。 ‎ ‎4.(2010北京 33) some people regard as a drawback is seen as a plus by many others.‎ A. Whether B. What C. That D. How 答案与解析:B考查主语从句。从句中缺宾语,只能用B. what来引导. C.中的That引导主语从句不做成分。‎ ‎5.(10浙江1)—How about camping this weekend, just for a change?‎ ‎—OK, you want. ‎ A.whichever B.however ‎ C.whatever D.whoever 答案与解析:C 考查引导词。句意:“这个周末野营怎么样,来点新鲜的?”“好啊,按你的意思吧!”根据语境分析出后者支持前面的提出的观点。‎ ‎6.(10浙江9)It is uncertain side effect the medicine will bring about, although about two thousand patients have taken it. ‎ A.that B.what ‎ C.how D.whether 答案与解析:B考查主语从句的引导词。根据句意:尽管大约有两千名病人服用过这种药物,但是,它会带来什么样的副作用还不确定。side effect意思是“副作用”,还原主语从句中的主干是the medicine will bring about ______ side effect。故选择what,形容词“什么样的”,起修饰作用。‎ ‎【课程训练】‎ I. 单项填空 ‎ ‎1. Danny left word with my secretary _______ he would call again in the afternoon.‎ ‎ A. who B. that C. as D. which ‎2. Mum is coming. What present _______ for your birthday? ‎ A. you expect she has got B. you expect has she got ‎ C. do you expect she has got D. do you expect has she got ‎3. The way he did it was different ________ we were used to.‎ ‎ A. in which B. in what C. from what D. from which ‎4. Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer _______ it was 20 years ago, _______ it was so poorly equipped. ‎ A. what; when B. that; which C. what; which D. which; that ‎5. Some researchers believe that there is no doubt ________ a cure for AIDS will be found.‎ ‎ A. which B. that C. what D. whether ‎6. With his work completed, the businessman stepped back to his seat, feeling pleased _______ he was a man of action. ‎ A. which B. that C. what D. whether ‎7. _______ team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championships. ‎ A. No matter what B. No matter which C. Whatever D. Whichever ‎8. I just wonder that makes him so excited. ‎ A. why it does B. what he does C. how it is D. what it is ‎9. _______ is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger , more prosperous economy. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m A. As B. That C. This D. It ‎10. Nobody believed his reason for being absent form the class _______ he had to meet his uncle at the airport. ‎ A. why B. that    C. where  D. because 答案与解析:‎ ‎1. B 本题考查名词性从句中的同位语从句,根据下文可知Danny留下的口信的内容,that 引导名词性从句。‎ ‎2. C 本题考查双重疑问句,疑问词+do you think/believe/expect+句子的其他成分(句子用称述句语序)。‎ ‎3. C 本题考查固定短语 be different from同时也考查名词性从句中的宾语从句,介词from后是宾语从句,但从句中be used to 后面少宾语,且根据上文是我们过去习惯的方法,这用what 符合语意。‎ ‎4. A 本题考查的是名词性从句中的表语从句,后面表语从句不完整,it was 后面还缺少表语,根据意思是“20年前的 样子”,后面一个句子是对20年前的补充说明,是一个非限制性定语从句,20年前学校设备条件不好,when 在定语从句中作时间状语。‎ ‎5. B 本题考查名词性从句的同位语,doubt 后的同位语根据意思没有怀疑故选择that 引导,that在从句中不充当成分。‎ ‎6. B pleased后面缺少宾语从句,he was a man of action句意完整,故用that引导。‎ ‎7. D No matter what/which只能引导让步状语从句,排除A和B。C和D的区别在于一个无范围,一个有范围。‎ ‎8. D wonder后面的宾语从句本是what makes him so excited:。但what需要被强调,故用强调句型。‎ ‎9. D 本题考查it 作形式主语, 后面的that 引导真正的主句从句.‎ ‎10. B 本题考查同位语从句, reason 后面有for 引导的短语, 接着后面是that 引导的句子来说明理由的内容.‎ Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe Period 3 Language points学案 ‎ [重点难点] ‎ 1. To master the words and expressions in this period;‎ 2. To grasp the main idea in the passage;‎ 3. To learn to find important information.‎ ‎【教学指导】‎ 1. To make the students finish the tasks in the textbook, using language. Combine the Reading ‎ with the Reading Task in Workbook and have an intensive reading;‎ 1. To make the student’s talk about the text and exchange their opinions;‎ 2. To practice the students’ ability of writing.‎ ‎【自主预习】‎ ‎【课堂预习交流】知识问题化 ‎ Read the text and answer the questions.‎ Choose the best summary for the passage.‎ 1. Using the Cassini-Huygens space probe, an international space project has proved that Saturn is light enough to float on water, and that one of its moons, Titan, has liquid on the surface like the Earth.‎ 2. Titan and Phoebe are two of Saturn’s moons, and are made of a mixture of tiny pieces of rock, water and frozen gases. They look very much like the Earth and our Moon. The photos taken by the space probe are so clear that it is easy to forget how far they come. ‎ 3. The Cassini-Huygens space probe, which was launched in 1997 to explore Saturn, has sent back photos of the planet and its moons from a distance of one-and-a-half-billion kilometers.‎ Keys:‎ ‎3‎ ‎【课堂预习导学】问题层次化 This period we mainly practice the students’ ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Therefore, we must make the students grasp the integrating skills. To make the students grasp the language demands in this period, we must practice the students’ abilities in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Design the exercises according to the reading.‎ ‎【新知学习】‎ ‎【写作策略突破】‎ 如何写说明文 说明是英语常用的文体,也是考试中常见的写作方式。‎ ‎【名师指导】‎ 英语说明文从结构上看大致可分为三个部分:第一部分一般是文章的第一段,提出文章的主题,也就是说,文章想要阐述、说明的主要内容;第二部分是文章的主体,可由若干个段落组成,对文章的主题进行展开说明;第三部分是结尾段,对文章的主题作归纳总结。从英语说明文的结构可以看出,要写好英语说明文的关键在于第二部分如何对文章主题进行展开说明。‎ ‎【即学即练】‎ 学校网站新开设了一个“英语写作”栏目(column),以便学生发表(post)英语作文,进行交流,提高写作能力。现请你为该栏目写一个英文介绍,内容包括:‎ ‎·开设目的 ‎·栏目优势:教师在线(online)指导等 ‎·作文要求:内容贴近学生生活 ‎·优秀作文的鼓励办法 ‎·邀请大家参与 注意:‎ ‎1.词数100左右。‎ ‎2.开头语已为你写好(不计入总词数)。‎ ‎【经典范文】‎ Welcome to the column “English Writing”!‎ Recently the school website has set up a new column called “English Writing”, which provides students with the chances to post their composition and communicate with each other. Not only can students improve their writing ability in this way, but they can strengthen their self-confidence.‎ The column has lots of advantages. It is the teacher’s guide online that has an advantage over the other columns. If necessary, the students can have a direct “ask and answer” with professional teachers. It is required that the composition should be related to the students’ life. What’s more, if it is organized well enough, the writer will be rewarded for it.‎ Hoping for the students’ participation.‎ ‎【重点难点探究】‎ 重点单词 ‎ decade ‎ ‎【寓词于境】阅读下列句子,注意decade的意思及用法。‎ ‎①This should be the aim over the next decade. ‎ ‎ 这应该成为今后十年的奋斗目标。‎ ‎②The century has rounded into its ninth decade. ‎ ‎ 本世纪已进入90年代。‎ ‎③Scientists have amassed considerable evidence over the past decade. ‎ ‎ 科学家在过去十年内积累了相当多的证据。‎ ‎【自我归纳】通过观察以上句子我们发现decade用作___词,意思为__ 。‎ 答案: 名;十年 ‎【思维拓展】‎ the past decade 过去的十年 the next decade 今后十年 century 世纪 ‎【即学即练】‎ 完成句子 ‎1)He goes on to give us a rapid summary of the events of _____________________. ‎ ‎ 他接着向我们扼要概述了此后十年所发生的事件。‎ ‎2)This valley was lumbered hard during ________________________. ‎ ‎ 在过去十年里,这个山谷的林木被大肆采伐。‎ 答案:1) the next decade 2) the past decade ‎ contain ‎ ‎【寓词于境】阅读下列句子,注意contain的意思及用法。‎ ‎①The jar contains ten glasses of water. ‎ 这只大口瓶能装十杯水。 ‎ ‎②The pill contains vitamins. ‎ 这药丸中含有多种维生素。 ‎ ‎③I could not contain my laughter. ‎ 我无法控制自己不笑出声来。 ‎ ‎【自我归纳】通过观察以上句子我们发现contain可作___词,意思是______(句①), (句②); _________(句③)。‎ 答案:动; 容纳;包含;控制 ‎【思维拓展】‎ contain, include, involve, hold 这些动词均含有“包括,包含”之意。‎ ‎⑴contain: 普通用词,所涉及的物体常常是其组成部分或内容。强调包容关系。既可指具体有形的东西,也可指抽象无形的东西。‎ ‎⑵include: 普通用词,指一整体包含着各独立的部分,也指某东西包含另一东西的某一部分。‎ ‎⑶involve: 指包含因整体的性质决定的成分或结果。所包括的往往是无形的,不可触知的东西,多用作引申。‎ ‎⑷hold: 常和contain换用。指能够容纳或有足够的容纳量。强调包容能力。‎ ‎【即学即练】‎ 翻译句子。‎ ‎1)这本书包含你所需的一切资料。‎ ‎_________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2)价钱包括房子和家具。 ‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:1) This book contains all the information you need. ‎ ‎ 2) The price includes both house and furniture. ‎ ‎ amaze ‎ ‎【寓词于境】完成下列句子,注意amaze的意思及用法。‎ ‎①He _________ me by his audacity.‎ 他的无理让我惊骇。‎ ‎②On May Day the factory was decorated in ________ colours. ‎ ‎ 五一节那天工厂装饰得五彩缤纷。‎ ‎③It was ________ that the boy was able to solve the problem so quickly. ‎ 那男孩能这样快地解完这道题,真是令人惊奇。‎ ‎④I was ________ to find her there.‎ 发现她在那,我感到很吃惊。‎ 答案: amazed;amazing;amazing;amazed ‎【思维拓展】‎ surprise/amaze/astonish 这些动词均含“使惊愕,使惊讶,使惊奇”之意。‎ surprise: 普通用词,多指因未预料或意外的事而引起的惊奇之感。‎ amaze: 语气较强,指因认为不可能或极少可能发生情况的出现而感到惊讶或迷惑不解。‎ astonish: 语气较强,指出乎预料,意外发生,但又无法解释而感到惊奇。‎ ‎【即学即练】‎ 翻译句子 ‎1) 你不会游泳可使我大吃一惊。‎ ‎______________________________________________‎ ‎2) 你工作起来速度奇快。 ‎ ‎_________________________________________________‎ 答案:1) I find it amazing that you can't swim. ‎ ‎2) You work with amazing speed. ‎ view ‎ ‎【寓词于境】阅读下列句子,注意view的意思及用法。‎ ‎①Victory is in view. ‎ 胜利在望。 ‎ ‎②She tried writing out her views. ‎ 她试着把自己的想法写下来。 ‎ ‎③There's a fine view of the lake from our hotel window. ‎ 从我们旅馆的窗口可以看到湖的美丽风光。‎ ‎④These people were viewed as their most dangerous rivals. ‎ 这些人被视为他们最危险的对手。‎ ‎【自我归纳】通过观察以上句子我们发现view的意思为: (句①); (句②); (句③); (句④)。‎ 答案:视野;想法;风景;看作 ‎【思维拓展】‎ scene, view, sight, scenery 这些名词均含“景色、风景”之意。‎ ‎⑴scene: 指具体的、局部的或一时的景色,可以是自然形成的,也可人工造成的。‎ ‎⑵view: 普通和词,多指从远处或高处所见的景色。‎ ‎⑶sight: 侧重指旅游观光的风光,包括城市景色或自然风光景色。也指人造景物或奇特的景色。‎ ‎⑷scenery: 指一个国家或某一地区的整体自然风景。‎ ‎【即学即练】完成句子 ‎1) The valley ________________________ in the mist.‎ 溪谷隐没在雾霭之中,看不见了。‎ ‎2) ______________ is different from yours.‎ 他的人生观与你的不同。‎ 答案:1)was hidden from view 2)His view of life 重点短语 ‎ send back ‎ ‎【寓词于境】完成下列句子,注意send短语的意思及用法。‎ ‎①Then the snow's surface will help to send back sound waves. ‎ ‎ 这时雪的表面就会帮助反射声波。‎ ‎②He was sent down for ten years for armed robbery. ‎ 他因持械抢劫被判入狱十年。‎ ‎③The sun sends out light and warmth. ‎ 太阳不断放出光和热。‎ ‎④Space rockets are being sent up all the time. ‎ 现在随时都有火箭发射。‎ ‎【思维拓展】‎ send back 反射;送回 send down 开除;入狱 ‎ send out 发出 send up 发射;取笑 ‎ ‎ 【即学即练】‎ ‎ 完成句子 ‎1)这些花散发出香味。 ‎ The flowers send ________ fragrance. ‎ ‎2)我们负担费用,请你退回次品好吗? ‎ Would you send _______ the defective articles at our expense? ‎ 答案:1)out 2)back ‎ other than ‎ ‎【寓词于境】阅读下列句子,注意other than的意思及用法。‎ ‎①There is nobody here other than me.‎ 除了我以外,这儿没有别人。‎ ‎②He has no friend other than you.‎ 他除你之外就没有别的朋友了。‎ ‎③The old man wanted to see nobody other than his grandson.‎ 除了他的孙子之外,这个老人谁也不想见。‎ ‎【自我归纳】通过观察以上句子我们发现other than的意思为: 。‎ 答案:除了 ‎【思维拓展】‎ rather than 宁愿 more than 超越;不仅 no more than 仅仅;只有 less than 少于;不到 ‎【即学即练】‎ ‎1)我借了几本书,都不是小说。‎ I borrowed a few books _____________ novels.‎ 答案:other than ‎2)The hat is too expensive. ________ the price, it doesn’t suit me. Which one is wrong?‎ A. In addition to B. Besides C. Apart from D. Other than 答案与解析: D。句意为:这顶帽子太贵,除了价格外,它也不适合我戴。价格是包括在不适合的条件中的。‎ 重点句式 ‎1.【原句】Its mission was to explore the “gas giant” planet which is the furthest planet to be seen from the Earth without a telescope.(P64) 它的任务是探索不用望远镜肉眼可见的最远的那个巨大的气体星球。‎ ‎【名师点拨】‎ 最高级和序数词所修饰的名词后面应该用动词不定式作定语。‎ ‎①He was the first to come to school that day.‎ 他是那天第一个到校的人。‎ ‎②Guilin is the most beautiful place to visit.‎ 桂林山水甲天下。‎ ‎③Marie Curie became the first woman in France to be a university professor. ‎ 居里夫人是第一个法国大学女教授。‎ ‎④She was the first person in the word to receive two Nobel Prizes. ‎ 她是第一个两次获得诺贝尔奖的人。‎ ‎【仿写】‎ 班长将是第一个到达的人。‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________答案:The monitor will be the first to come. ‎ ‎ 【即学即练】‎ 翻译句子。‎ ‎1)他是最不应该受到责备的人。‎ ‎____________________________________________________________‎ ‎2)他是第一个到达的人。‎ ‎______________________________________________________________‎ ‎3)他是获得奥运金牌的年龄最大的运动员。‎ ‎_____________________________________________________________‎ 答案与解析:‎ ‎1)He was the last man to blame. ‎ ‎2)He is the first man to come.‎ ‎3)He is the oldest athlete ever to win an Olympic gold medal.‎ ‎2.【原句】They are so clear that it’s easy to forget they are coming from a distance of one-and-a-half-billion kilometers. (P64)它们是如此清晰以至于人们很容易忘记它们来自于远达十五亿公里远的地方。‎ ‎【名师点拨】‎ 这句话是“so... that...”句型,句型中的so是副词,常常用来修饰形容词或副词,常用句型为:主语+谓语+so+adj. / adv. + that从句。‎ ‎①He had so many falls that he was black and blue all over. ‎ 他摔了很多跤,以至于全身上下青一块,紫一块的。 ‎ ‎②He had so little education that he was unfit for this job. ‎ 他所受教育很少,不适合做这个工作。 ‎ ‎③There were so many people in the street watching the fire that firefighters could not get close to the building. ‎ 街上有那么多人观看大火,以至于消防队员无法接近大楼。‎ ‎【仿写】‎ 他气得说不出话来。‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案: He was so angry that he couldn't say a word. ‎ ‎【即学即练】‎ ‎1)当球迷们看到贝克汉姆的时候,他们如此激动以至于大喊大叫。‎ When the football fans saw Beckham, they got _________ excited ________ they cried out.‎ ‎2)---__________fine day it is today! ‎ ‎---Yes, the sunshine is __________ beautiful that I'd like to go swimming in the sea. ‎ A. How; such B. What a; very C. How; so D. What a; so ‎ 答案:1)so; that 2) D ‎【课程目标导学】系统个性化 ‎1. Teaching objectives:‎ ‎1) To enable the Ss to practice the ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing;‎ ‎2) To get the students to grasp the important words, phrases and sentence patterns in this period;‎ ‎3) To make the students learn to write how to write an ad.‎ ‎2. Teaching method:‎ a. Fast and careful reading.‎ b. Asking-and-answering activity to check the Ss’ understanding of the text.‎ c. Individual, pair or group work to finish each task.‎ d. Discussion.‎ ‎【课程达标检测】‎ I. 根据单词首字母,写出所缺单词。‎ ‎1. It took a long time for me to a_______ myself to all the new rules and regulations in the company.‎ ‎2. The report a_______ the government of shirking its responsibilities.‎ ‎3. I s______ that I won’t tell anyone our secret.‎ ‎4. I didn’t get much r______ from the doctor when I told her about my pains.‎ ‎5. The shipping company a_______ the receipt of the goods to be shipped.‎ 答案1. accustom; 2. accused; 3. swear; 4. relieve 5. acknowledges II根据提示完成句子。 ‎ ‎1. It was raining when we _____ _____(出发), but after about an hour, the weather cleared up.‎ ‎2. Kelly loved her husband ______ ______ ______(尽管) the fact that he drank too much.‎ ‎3. The scientists are doing experiments that no one has ______ ______(迄今为止) attempted.‎ ‎4. Everything seemed to _______ _______(与……作对) me, but I fought back to my old position of strength.‎ ‎5. Though the new neighbourhood was not familiar to him, he found that it _____ _____ _____ (与……相似) his old one in some points.‎ 答案: ‎ ‎1. set out 2. in spite of 3. so far 4. be against 5. was similar to ‎【课程训练】‎ I. 单项填空 ‎ ‎1. The alternative plans of having a picnic or taking a boat trip put them in a ________.‎ A. conflict B. choice C. tendency D. dilemma ‎ ‎2. The key to resolving the unemployment problem ________ creating more job opportunities.‎ A. lies in B. results in C. adds to D. leads to ‎3. It is how you deal with difficulties, I think, _________ shows what you are really like.‎ A. which B. that C. what D. since ‎4. ---Has Jane arrived yet?‎ ‎--- No. My bet is that she’s been _________ in the traffic.‎ A. taken up B. picked up C. given up D. held up ‎5. --- I’m sorry for what I said.‎ ‎---_______. I can’t remember anyway.‎ A. Don’t mention it B. It doesn’t matter C. I’ve got no idea D. It’s up to you ‎6. He used to live in the countryside, but now he has become accustomed to _________ in the city.‎ A. live B. having lived C. living D. have lived ‎7. It’s more than five years since we last saw each other and little ________ how much I’ve changed.‎ A. he knows B. knows he C. he does know D. does he know ‎8. --- What do you think of Tom?‎ ‎--- _______ his many shortcomings, he is a nice guy.‎ A. Because of B. Even if C. In spite of D. In case of ‎9. She agreed to the suggestion _______ we start our journey early in the morning.‎ A. start ‎ A. which B. that C. / D. whether ‎10. --- Since you like the fur coat so much, why not buy it?‎ ‎---_________, I can’t afford it.‎ A. As I like it much B. Much as I like it C. I like it as much D. As Much I like it 答案与解析:‎ ‎1. D。dilemma意为“进退两难的境地,困难的抉择”;put sb in a dilemma意为“使人左右为难,使人进退两难”。句意为:去野餐或者去乘船旅游二者只能择一的计划使他们左右为难。conflict意为“冲突”;choice意为“选择”;tendency意为“趋势”。‎ ‎2. A。lead to = result in意为“导致”;add to意为“增添”;lie in意为“在于”。根据句意“解决失业问题的关键,在于千方百计创造就业岗位”可知,答案为D。‎ ‎3. B。此题考查强调句。被强调的是how you deal with difficulties。I think作插入语。句意为:我认为,是你怎样处理困难表明你是什么样的人。‎ ‎4. D。got held up是“get + 过去分词”结构,意为“受阻”。句意为:“简还没来吗?”“没有。我想她一定是在路上因交通拥挤而受阻了。”‎ ‎5. B。当别人做错了事向你道歉时,你该说It doesn’t matter或Never mind,意为“没关系,不要紧”。句意为:“我对自己说过的话很懊悔。”“没关系。反正我不会记在心上的。”Don’t mention it意为“(别人道谢时回答)不客气”;I’ve got no idea意为“我不知道”;It’s up to you意为“由你决定”。‎ ‎6. C。be accustomed to为习惯用语,意为“习惯于”。其中的to是介词,后面跟名词或动名词。句意为:他过去住在农村,但是现在已经习惯住在城市了。‎ ‎7. D。否定词little位于句首时,句子要用部分倒装语序。句意为:我们五年多没见面了,他不能想象我已改变了那么多。‎ ‎8. C。because of意为“因为,由于”;in spite of意为“尽管,虽然”;even if意为“即使”,后跟从句;in case of 意为“以防”。句意为:“你们觉得汤姆怎么样?”“尽管他有许多缺点,但他还是个好人。”‎ ‎9. B。此题考查that引导同位语从句,不能用which代替,也不能省略。‎ ‎10. B。as引导的让步状语从句要用倒装语序。将作表语的名词或形容词、作状语的副词及动词原形提到句首。句意为:“既然你如此喜欢那件皮衣,干吗不买呢?”“尽管我很喜欢,但是我买不起。”‎ Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe Period 4 Integrating skills学案 ‎ [重点难点] ‎ 1. To master the words and expressions in this period;‎ 2. To grasp the main idea in the passage;‎ 3. To learn to find important information.‎ ‎【教学指导】‎ 1. To make the students finish the tasks in the textbook, using language. Combine the Reading with the Reading Task in Workbook and have an intensive reading;‎ 2. To make the student’s talk about the text and exchange their opinions;‎ ‎【自主预习】‎ ‎【课堂预习交流】知识问题化 ‎ Read the text and choose the best answers.‎ ‎1. Luke escapes the latter’s grasp means__________.‎ A. Luke is successfully turned to the Dark Side B. Luke escapes from the Emperor C. Darth Vader catches hold of Luke D. Luke escapes from his father ‎2. Knowing what is going to happen and being unable to do anything about it _____.‎ A. is like Anakin Skywalker causing his wife’s death B. are concepts which can be seen in folk stories and wuxia films C. is the way to avenge the death of one’s father D. is the broad philosophy of the Force ‎3. Many religious faiths ________.‎ A. insist on prayer, self-discipline and personal feelin1 feelings B. stress fear, anger and hate C. encourage sympathy and passion D. are similar to the Force in Star Wars ‎4. The main philosophy of Star Wars is influenced by ________.‎ A. Taoism B. Yin and Yang C. many religious faiths D. Qi Keys: DBAA ‎【课堂预习导学】This period we mainly practice the students’ ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Therefore, we must make the students grasp the integrating skills. To make the students grasp the language demands in this period, we must practice the students’ abilities in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Design the exercises according to the reading.‎ ‎【新知学习】‎ ‎【阅读策略突破】‎ ‎ 1. Read the text fast, then choose the best summary.‎ ‎(a) The passage describes the story and characters of the Star Wars films.‎ ‎(b) The passage talks about the importance of Star Wars, the story and its philosophy.‎ ‎(c) The passage describes how the Force reflects concepts from Greek, Roman and Chinese folk stories and philosophy.‎ ‎(d) The passage talks about the conflict between the evil Empire and the Rebel Alliance.‎ Key: B ‎【重点难点探究】‎ 重点单词 ‎ acknowledge ‎ ‎【寓词于境】阅读下列句子,注意acknowledge的意思及用法。‎ ‎①They refused to acknowledge the defeat.‎ 他们拒绝承认失败。‎ ‎②I acknowledge that the film is not popular with adults.‎ 我承认这部电影不受成年人的欢迎。‎ ‎③He was acknowledged to be the best player.‎ 他被公认为是最佳选手。‎ ‎【自我归纳】通过观察以上句子我们发现acknowledge可作___词,意思是______; 。‎ 答案: 动;承认;认为 ‎【思维拓展】‎ acknowledge/confess/admit ‎⑴acknowledge:指公开承认,常用于承认过去隐瞒或否认之事。‎ ‎⑵confess:着重承认自己的过错或罪恶,因此有“忏悔”、“坦白”的含意。‎ ‎⑶admit:通常指因外界压力或良心的谴责而承认某事存在的真实性,含“不情愿”之意。‎ ‎①Questioned many times, he acknowledged it to be the fact.‎ 经多次盘问,他承认那是事实。 ‎ ‎②He has confessed his crime.‎ 他承认了自己的罪行。‎ ‎③I admit that she is right.‎ 我承认她是对的。‎ ‎【即学即练】‎ ‎1)他承认向我撒谎了。‎ He _______ having lied to me.‎ 答案: acknowledged ‎2)His long service with the company was ______ with a present.‎ A. admitted B. acknowledged C. attributed D. accepted 答案与解析:B。句意为:赠送一个礼物对他为公司的长久服务表示感谢。admit容许,承认;attribute把……归因于,常与to连用;accept接受,认可,承认。‎ ‎ accuse ‎ ‎【寓词于境】阅读下列句子,注意accuse的意思及用法。‎ ‎①The police accused him of murder.‎ 警方指控他谋杀。‎ ‎②He was accused of stealing.‎ 他被指控偷盗。‎ ‎③The judge asked the accused to stand up.‎ 法官要求被告起立。‎ ‎【自我归纳】通过观察以上句子我们发现accuse可作___词(句①②), 意思是______, 。the accused意思为_________.‎ 答案:动;指控;控告;被告 ‎【思维拓展】‎ accuse/charge ‎⑴accuse指当面指控或指责,不一定诉诸法律。‎ ‎⑵charge指因犯较大错误或重大罪行而进行正式法律控告。‎ ‎⑶注意二者的用法不同:accuse sb. of sth.;charge sb. with sth.。‎ ‎【即学即练】‎ ‎1)翻译句子 ‎⑴警察控告他偷窃。‎ ‎___________________________________________________________‎ ‎⑵老板指责她迟到。‎ ‎____________________________________________________________‎ 答案:⑴The police accused him of theft.‎ ‎⑵The boss accused her of being late.‎ ‎2)The soldier was _______ of running away when the enemy attacked.‎ A scolded B. charged C. accused D. punished 答案与解析:选C。accused sb.of sth.控告某人犯了罪;scold谴责,责备,不合题意;charge指控,常与with连用;punish惩罚。处罚,常与for连用,表“因……而惩罚……”。‎ ‎ consistent ‎ ‎【寓词于境】阅读下列句子,注意consistent的意思及用法。‎ ‎①I left as early as it was consistent with politeness. ‎ 我在不失礼的情况下提前离去了。‎ ‎②The last five years have seen a consistent improvement in the country's economy. ‎ 在最近的五年里,这个国家的经济状况一直在好转。‎ ‎③What you're saying now is not consistent with what you said last week. ‎ 你现在说的话与上星期你说的不相符。‎ ‎【自我归纳】通过观察以上句子我们发现consistent可作___词,意思是______; 。‎ 答案: 形容;一致;一直 ‎【即学即练】‎ ‎1) 他的行为与其教诲相符。‎ His behavior ______ _____ _____ his teaching.‎ 答案:is consistent with ‎2)You’re not ________; first you condemn me, then you praise me.‎ A. consist B. consistent C. consolation D. consignment 答案与解析: B。句意为:你前后矛盾,开始责备我,接着又夸奖我。consistent前后一致的。‎ ‎ consult ‎ ‎【寓词于境】阅读下列句子,注意consult的意思及用法。‎ ‎①We can consult a lawyer about it.‎ 关于这一点,我们可以咨询律师。‎ ‎②I consulted a doctor about my headache.‎ 关于我的头痛病,我咨询过医生。‎ ‎③At last, the two sides consulted with each other to settle the problem.‎ 最终,双方协商解决了那个问题。‎ ‎【自我归纳】通过观察以上句子我们发现consult可作___词,意思是_____; ______。‎ 答案:动;咨询;协商 ‎【即学即练】‎ ‎1)完成句子。‎ 他讲演时不断看他的笔记本。‎ He ____________________________ repeatedly during his speech. ‎ 答案:consulted his notebook ‎ ‎2)The new workers can _______ old workers about skill problems.‎ A. consultant B. consult C. ask for D. require 答案与解析:选B。句意为:关于技术问题,新工人可向老工人请教。A项意为请教者,查阅者,顾问,C项应用ask sb.about,D项不合句意。‎ 重点短语 ‎ be similar to ‎ ‎【寓词于境】阅读下列句子,注意be similar to的意思及用法。‎ ‎①The method is similar to that one.‎ 这个方法和那个方法相似。‎ ‎②These clothes are similar in style.‎ 这些衣服样式相似。‎ ‎③They had similar views. ‎ 他们意见相似。‎ ‎【自我归纳】通过观察以上句子我们发现on behalf of的意思为: ‎ 答案:类似于,与……相似 ‎【思维拓展】‎ be similar to类似于,与……相似 be similar in在某方面相似 similarity n. 类似,相似(与between连用)‎ similarly adv. 相似地 ‎【用法归纳】‎ similar/like/alike ‎⑴similar指有明显的共同性质但不完全一致。‎ ‎⑵1ike指人或物在外貌、性质或特征上相似。‎ ‎⑶alike与like同义,但只能作表语。‎ He and his father are very alike. ‎ ‎=He is like his father.‎ 他和他父亲很像。‎ ‎【即学即练】‎ ‎1).翻译句子 他的问题和你的相似。 ‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ 答案: His problem is similar to yours. ‎ ‎2).---What’s your opinion about the problem?‎ ‎---My opinion is ________________.‎ A. the same as you B. the same to you C. similar to him D. similar to his 答案与解析:D。be similar to 与……相似。the same…as…同……一样。‎ ‎ set out ‎ ‎【寓词于境】阅读下列句子,注意set out的意思及用法。‎ ‎①They set out very early in the morning.‎ 那天早上他们很早就出发了。‎ ‎②Soon they set out to make the experiment.‎ 很快,他们就着手进行实验了。‎ ‎③In July 1768, the Endeavor set out for the Pacific.‎ ‎1768年7月奋力号开始向太平洋出发。‎ ‎【自我归纳】通过观察以上句子我们发现set out的意思为: ;________。 ‎ 答案:开始;出发 ‎【思维拓展】‎ set about doing sth. 开始某工作,着手做某事 set aside 将某物放在一边 set off 出发,启程 set up 逢立;开创;摆放或坚起某物 set down 将某物记在纸上,写下来 set free 释放 ‎【即学即练】‎ ‎1)他开始着手粉刷整幢房子,可是只完成了前面的部分。‎ He ___________________ the whole house but finished only the front part. ‎ 答案:set out to paint ‎2)---Have you finished your homework yet?‎ ‎---Not yet. I ________ to do it just a few minutes ago.‎ A. got down B. set out C. set off D. set up 答案与解析:选B。set out to do sth.着手做某事;set off“动身,出发,引爆”;set up“建起;搭起”;get down to doing“开始做某事”。‎ 重点句式 ‎1.【原句】But when ,in 1938 ,the American actor and director, Orson Welles set a radio drama of The War of the Worlds in the real life New Jersey town of Grover’s Mill, little did he know what impact he was going to make.(P69)但是1938年当这位美国演员兼导演奥森·韦尔斯以新泽西的罗弗磨房镇真实生活场景为背景播出广播剧《世界之战》时,他根本不知道他将要造成多大的轰动。‎ ‎【名师点拨】‎ 这儿little后面是一个倒装句。‎ hardly, in no way, little, scarcely, seldom, never, no more, no longer, not, not only, no sooner, not only … (but also), not until… 等具有否定意义的词或词组位于句首,句子用部分倒装。‎ ‎①No sooner had I got home than it began to rain. ‎ 我刚到家就下起了雨。 ‎ ‎②Seldom do I go to work by bus. ‎ 我很少乘公共汽车上班。 ‎ ‎③Not until twelve o'clock did she go to bed last night .‎ 她昨晚十二点才上床睡觉。‎ 注意: 如否定词不在句首不倒装。 ‎ I have never seen such a performance. ‎ The mother didn't leave the room until the child fell asleep.‎ ‎【仿写】‎ 关于那次事故我知之甚少。‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ 答案:Little do I know about the accident.‎ ‎【即学即练】‎ ‎1) ---Why can't I smoke here? ‎ ‎  ---At no time _______ in the meeting-room ‎ A. is smoking permitted   B. smoking is permitted ‎ C. smoking is it permitted  D. does smoking permit ‎ ‎ 答案与解析:答案A。这是一个倒装问题。当否定词语置于句首以表示强调时,其句中的主谓须用倒装结构。这些否定词包括no, little, hardly, seldom, never, not only, not until等。本题的正常语序是 Smoking is permitted in the meeting-room at no time.‎ ‎2) Not until the early years of the 19th century ___ what heat is. ‎ ‎  A. man did know   B. man know  C. didn't man know  D. did man know ‎ 答案与解析:答案D。考查Not until…句型的倒装句。改写为正常语序为,Man did not know what heat is until the early years of the 19th. 现在将not提前,后面不能再用否定。 ‎ ‎2.【原句】Incredible as it may seem, both the observations of science and the evidence of our eyes lead to the inescapable assumption that those strange beings who landed in the NEW Jersey farmlands tonight are the vanguard of an invading army from the planet Mars.(P69)‎ 尽管看起来不可思议,但科学观测以及我们肉眼看到的证据都必然会让我们做出一个设想,那就是今晚降落在新泽西农场的怪物就是来自火星入侵部队的先导。‎ ‎【名师点拨】‎ as作“虽然”解,引导让步状语从句时,必须将表语、状语或动词原形提到as前面。‎ ‎①Tired as I was, I tried to help them. ‎ 虽然我很累,我还是努力帮助他们。‎ ‎②Try as he would, he couldn’t open the door. ‎ 他试过多次了, 却仍打不开那门。‎ ‎③Search as they would, they would find nobody in the house. ‎ 无论怎样搜查,他们在房子里仍然没有找到一个人。‎ ‎【用法归纳】‎ ‎⑴若提前的表语是没有形容词修饰的单数可数名词,要省略不定冠词;‎ ‎⑵若提前的是动词原形(多为不及物动词),与之连用的通常是may, might, will, would等,且这些词都要保留在原来的位置上(主语后);‎ ‎⑶though有时也可像as这样使作倒装。‎ ‎【仿写】‎ 尽管他们做了很大努力,却没法让她改变主意。‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:Hard as (though) they tried, they couldn’t make her change her mind. ‎ ‎【即学即练】‎ ‎1)他虽是个男孩,但举止却像个女孩。‎ ‎_________________, he behaved like a girl. ‎ 答案:Boy as he was ‎2)_______, there was no hope of her being able to sleep.‎ A. As she was exhausted B. If she was exhausted C. Exhausted though she was D. Now that she was exhausted 答案与解析:答案是C。Exhausted though she was。从属连词as, though可以用于让步状语从句中。这种从句必须以形容词(或形容词化的分词)、名词或动词原形开头,主语必须位于从句之后。‎ ‎【课程目标导学】系统个性化 ‎1. Teaching objectives:‎ ‎1) To enable the Ss to practice the ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing;‎ ‎2) To get the students to grasp the important words, phrases and sentence patterns in this period;‎ ‎3) To make the students learn to write how to write an ad.‎ ‎2. Teaching method:‎ a. Fast and careful reading.‎ b. Asking-and-answering activity to check the Ss’ understanding of the text.‎ c. Individual, pair or group work to finish each task.‎ d. Discussion.‎ ‎【课程达标检测】‎ I. 用方框中所菇词的适量当形式填空:‎ accuse assume burst depend patience witness ‎ ‎1. The river its banks and flooded the town.‎ ‎2. He a look of surprise when we all looked at him.‎ ‎3. A neighbor _________ him of playing his radio too loudly.‎ ‎4. You should not listen to rumors. You can on me.‎ ‎5. Weather forecasters are not always right--- ___________ their recent mistakes.‎ ‎6. Mr. Hamilton has a great deal of ___________, which is needed to run a large company.‎ 答案:1. burst 2. assumed 3. accused 4. depend 5. witness 6. patience Ⅱ. 翻译下列句子。‎ ‎1.因为我没有汽车,所以只能乘公共汽车。‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________‎ ‎2.在这么多证据面前,小偷不得不承认错误。‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________‎ ‎3.约翰并非你认为的那样愚蠢。‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________‎ ‎4.人们常把自己的不幸归咎于天。‎ ‎______________________________________________________________‎ ‎5.无爱之家犹如无灵魂之人。‎ ‎______________________________________________________________‎ ‎6.这个说法与你在大会上的发言不符。‎ ‎______________________________________________________________‎ 答案:‎ ‎1. I have to depend on the buses because I don’t have a car. ‎ ‎2. With so much evidence against him, the thief had to acknowledge his error ‎ ‎3. John is not such a fool as you assumed him to be. ‎ ‎4. Man often accuses nature for his own~ misfortunes. ‎ ‎5. A home without love is no more a house than a man without soul. ‎ ‎6. This statement is not consistent with what you said at the meeting. ‎ ‎【课程训练】‎ I. 单项填空 ‎ ‎1. At _______ very beginning of the New Year, the band arranged ________ series of concerts.‎ A. the; the B. /; / C. /; a D. the; a ‎2. --- Did you finish that long book?‎ ‎--- No, I ran out of ________. I only completed half of it.‎ A. strength B. ability C. patience D. intelligence ‎3. His neighbor ________ him of playing the musical instrument too loudly, for which he had to apologize.‎ A. accused B. charged C. scolded D. blamed ‎ ‎4. Although I like cars, I don’t want to buy one. My reason is ________ the price of oil keeps rising all the time.‎ A. because B. that C. why D. how ‎5. Have the confidence that you will be successful and achieve what you’ve ________ doing.‎ A. set out B. set in C. set about D. set up ‎6. You are _________ Tom. You two have made many spelling mistakes in your compositions.‎ A. no more careful than B. not more careful than C. as careful as D. no less careful than ‎7. --- Why was he kicked out of the game?‎ ‎--- Because he _______ tried to injure another player.‎ A. accidentally B. deliberately C. casually D. occasionally ‎8. ________ from the top of the mountain, the three streams extend like three ribbons. How beautiful!‎ A. Viewing B. To view C. Having viewed D. Viewed ‎9. He lost his balance and fell off the ladder this morning. To our ______, he wasn’t badly hurt.‎ A. horror B. relief C. anxiety D. regret ‎10. --- I feel the plan is practical. _________‎ ‎---I’m with you on that.‎ A. How do you do? B. It depends.‎ C. I’ve got no idea. D. How about you?‎ ‎ ‎ 答案与解析:‎ ‎1. D。at the very beginning of意为“在……一开始的时候”;a series of意为“一系列的,一连串的”。句意为:新年伊始,乐队安排了一系列的音乐会。 2. C。strength意为“力气,体力”;ability意为“能力”;patience意为“耐心”;intelligence 意为“智力”。句意为:“你读完那本长书了?”“没有。我失去耐心了。只完了一半。” 3. A。accuse somebody of something意为“指控、谴责某人……”;charge应与with搭配;scold和blame与for搭配。句意为:他的邻居指责他的乐器弹奏得太响了,为此他不得不道歉。 4. B。that引导表语从句。because引导的表语从句不能与the reason连用。句意为:尽管我喜欢车,但我不想买。我的理由是油价一直在上升。 5. C。set out to do sth = set about doing sth意为“着手(做某事)”。set ‎ in意为“以……为背景”;set up意为“设立;建立”。句意为:要树立自己一定会成功、一定会达到目标的自信心。 6. A。no more +adj. + than表示“不比……,和……一样不……”;not more +adj. + than表示“不如……”。根据“你们俩的作文都有许多拼写错误”,可知“你不比汤姆细心”。 7. B。accidentally意为“偶然地,意外地”;deliberately意为“故意地”;casually意为“随便地”;occasionally意为“偶尔地”。句意为:“他为什么被逐出比赛?”“因为他故意想伤害另一位球员。” 8语。句意为:从山顶上望去,三条溪流伸展出去像三条彩带。多美啊! 9. B。此题考查名词辨析。horror意为“恐怖”;relief意为“宽慰,安慰”;anxiety意为“焦虑”;regret意为“遗憾”。句意为:他失去平衡,从梯子上摔下来。使我们宽慰的是,他伤得不重。 10. D。How do you do意为“你好吗”;It depends意为“这要看情况而定”;I’ve got no idea意为“我没主意了”;How about you = What do you think意为“你觉得怎么样”。句意为:“我觉得这计划可行。你觉得怎么样?”“我同意你的看法。”‎ Module 5 Test Ⅰ. 单项选择 ‎1. As far as we know, _________ agriculture is in _________ decline in many countries.‎ A. the; / B. the; the C. /; the D. /; /‎ ‎2. You may ________ your seat back by pressing the button on the arm of your seat.‎ A. adjust B. admit C. adapt D. adopt ‎3. To tell the truth, I don’t like travelling. ________ the cost, it takes a lot of time as well.‎ A. Far from B. Except for C. But for D. Apart from ‎4. Although he has much money _________ in the company, he has no say in its management.‎ A. to invest B. invested C. investing D. invest ‎ ‎5. I, rather than he, _________ to take the examination tomorrow. Why is he so nervous?‎ A. is B. has C. am D. have ‎6. Her son, to whom she was so _________, died in fighting the earthquake, which made her heartbroken.‎ A. loved B. cared C. devoted D. affected ‎7. She could not help smiling as he told her of some popular actress _______ she reminded him.‎ A. of whom B. who C. for whom D. that ‎8. --- I propose that we all _______ for am.‎ ‎--- But it’s too cold outside.‎ A. will go B. must go C. would go D. go ‎9. I think of the happy days we spent together ________ I see these photos.‎ A. every time B. since C. while D. even if ‎10. My brother is so hard-headed that you efforts to change his mind will definitely go ________.‎ A. in turn B. in vain C. in return D. in fun 答案与解析:‎ ‎1. D。agriculture意为“农业”,为专有名词,其前不用冠词;in decline意为“衰退,下降”。 句意为:据我们所知,许多国家的农业都在衰退。 2. A。adjust意为“调整”;admit意为“承认”;adapt意为“改编”;adopt意为“采纳,收养”。句意为:您可以通过座椅扶手的按钮来调节座椅*背。 3. D。far from意为“完全不”;except for意为“除了……之外(整体与部分)”;apart from意为“除了……之外(包括或不包括)”but for意为“倘没有,要不是”。句意为:说实话,我不喜欢旅行。除了费钱以外,还要花很多时间。 4. B。invest意为“投资”,与money之间是被动关系,故用过去分词。句意为:他虽然在该公司有大笔的投资,却无权过问公司的经营管理。 5. C。rather than连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词应与rather than前面的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。根据时间状语tomorrow可知用将来时。句意为:下星期我而不是他要参加考试,他为什么那么紧张? 6. C。be devoted to意为“专心于,致力于”。句意为:她非常疼爱的儿子在抗震中牺牲了,使他非常伤心。 7. A。remind sb of sth意为“使某人想起,提醒某人某事”。句意为:他说她长得像某个女明星,她听了不禁嫣然一笑。 8. D。propose意为“建议,提议”,跟宾语从句用虚拟语气,谓语动词用“(should) +‎ ‎ 动词原形”。句意为:“我提议我们大家去游泳。”“但是外面太冷了。” 9. A。有些名词词组如each time, every time, the first time, the minute, the instant, the moment等,可以用作从属连词,引导时间状语从句。此处用every time引导,表示“每次”的意思。句意为:每次我看到这些照片,我都会想起我们在一起度过的美好时光。 10. B。in turn意为“依次,反过来”;in vain意为“徒劳地”;in return意为“作为回报;反过来”;in fun意为“开玩笑”。句意为:我哥哥如此头脑冷静,你想改变他的主意绝对是徒劳的。 ‎

