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‎2020届一轮复习人教版必修一Unit2English around the world单元同步测试英语试卷 Ⅰ.多项选择 ‎1.The money collected should be ________ to help the people who suffered a lot in the earthquake.‎ A.made good use of     B.made up of C.made up for D.made from 解析:选A 句意:筹集的钱应当被好好利用来帮助那些在地震中遭受巨大痛苦的人们。make good use of “好好利用”;make up of“由……构成”; make up for“弥补”; make from“用……做的”。‎ ‎2.After a long period of hard work, the boy is________catching up with the others in his class.‎ A.carefully B.actually C.gradually D.generally ‎ 解析:选C 句意:经过长时间的努力学习,这个男孩子正渐渐地赶上班里的其他孩子。gradually“逐渐地;逐步地”,符合题意。carefully“认真地;仔细地”;actually“实际上;事实上”;generally“一般地”。‎ ‎3.Today, ________ rapid development of transportation and communication, the whole world seems to be smaller.‎ A.regardless of B.in spite of C.instead of D.because of 解析:选D 考查短语意义辨析。句意:当今,由于交通和通信的迅速发展,整个世界看起来更小了。regardless of“不论,不管”;in spite of“尽管”;instead of“代替”;because of“因为,由于”。‎ ‎4.I can easily ________ the elder of the twins by the scar on his face.‎ A.identify B.remember C.know D.realize 解析:选A 句意:我能根据他脸上的伤疤轻易辨认出孪生兄弟中的哥哥。表示“辨认出;辨别出”用identify。‎ ‎5.Give your________ in a loud voice to the soldiers.‎ A.competition B.attention C.command D.action 解析:选C 句意:要用洪亮的声音向士兵发出你的命令。command“命令;指令”,符合题意。competition“竞争;比赛”;attention“注意;专心”;action“行动”。‎ ‎6.A lot of countries have gained excellent achievements in space technology, China,________.‎ A.such as B.for example C.namely D.and so on 解析:选B 句意:许多国家在空间技术方面取得了杰出的成就,比如中国。such as应放在被列举的事物之前,而for example作为插入语可以放在句首、句中或句末。namely“那就是”,用于列举出全部;and so on“诸如此类,等等”,用于列举未尽。‎ ‎7.Please tell me how the accident________. I am still in the dark.‎ A.came by B.came upon C.came about D.came to ‎ ‎ 解析:选C come by “走过;经过”;come upon“(偶然)发现;遇见”;come about“发生”;come to “谈到;达到;突然想起;苏醒”。根据句意选C。‎ ‎8.The reporter ________ that he should have an interview with the famous pop actor, but he was refused at last.‎ A.commanded B.worried C.requested D.imagined 解析:选C 考查动词词义辨析。句意:记者请求采访这位著名演员,但最终被拒绝了。request“请求;要求”,符合题意。‎ ‎9.Though they hadn't met for many years, they ________ each other at first sight.‎ A.realized B.recognized C.regretted D.knew 解析:选B 句意:虽然他们好多年没见面,但第一眼还是认出了对方。recognize意为“辨认出”;realize意为“实现;意识到”;regret意为“后悔;遗憾”;know意为“知道;认识”,故选B项。‎ ‎10.—I'm________happy to take you there in my car.‎ ‎—You are so nice. Thank you. ‎ A.rather than B.other than ‎ C.more than D.less than ‎ 解析:选C 由答句可知第一个人非常乐意用车送第二个人去那儿,能接形容词表示“非常”之意的只有“more than”。‎ Ⅱ.完形填空 People from Great Britain brought the English language to North America in the 16th and 17th centuries. And in the__11__300 years, there were__12__many changes in __13__places that now people can __14__tell an English person__15__an American in the way he or she speaks.‎ Many old words__16__in England but were kept in America. For example, 300 years ago people in Great Britain got their water from something they called either a “faucet”, a “spigot”, or a “tap”. All these words are__17__ heard in different parts of America, but only“tap”is still common in__18__. Americans often made up new words or changed old __19__. “Corn” is one kind of plant in America and __20__ in England.‎ Also, over the last three centuries the English language__21__thousands of new words for things that weren't known__22__.And often, American and English people used two__23__names for them. A tin can is called “tin”for short in England, but a “can”in America. The word “radio” is __24__ all over the world, including America. But many English people call it a “wireless”. And almost anything having something to do__25__cars, railroads, etc. __26__different names in British and American English.‎ But now American and British English may be growing closer together. One__27__is the large amount of American speeches that British people hear daily in movies, on television, or __28__travelers. __29__this, Americans seem to be influencing the ‎ British more or less. So some day, English may even be __30__ on both sides of the Atlantic.‎ ‎11.A.following B.recent C.oldest D.last 解析:选A 第一句提到“英国人在16和17世纪把英语带到了北美”,因此此处用in the following 300 years 表示“在接下来的300年里”。‎ ‎12.A.such B.too C.so D.great 解析:选C “so ...that ...”引导结果状语从句,且由many可知应用so。‎ ‎13.A.either B.both C.neither D.two 解析:选B 由上文提到只有两个地点Great Britain和North America, 又因此处表示肯定的含义,应用both。‎ ‎14.A.hardly B.difficulty C.clearly D.easily 解析:选D 由于发生了很大变化,人们应该“容易”分辨出美国人和英国人。‎ ‎15.A.with B.from C.to D.and 解析:选B 由本句前面的tell可知此处用from, tell ...from ...表示“把……和……区分开”。‎ ‎16.A.disappeared B.appeared C.spoke D.took 解析:选A 由but were kept in America可知本题应该用disappeared与were kept相对应。‎ ‎17.A.not B.hardly C.also D.still 解析:选D 此句是对but were kept in America的进一步说明。‎ ‎18.A.America B.the two countries C.England D.British 解析:选C 由but前的in different parts of America可知此处应该选择England。‎ ‎19.A.word B.forms C.ones D.ways 解析:选C 由前面的new words可知此处应该用old words。用ones代替words。‎ ‎20.A.another B.also planted C.a plant D.a kind of food 解析:选A 由上文的one kind of plant可知,此处应指另外一种植物,即用another。‎ ‎21.A.added B.has added C.discovered D.has discovered 解析:选B 在近三个世纪以来,要想表达以前不知道的事物,就必须增加词,因此应用has added。‎ ‎22.A.anywhere B.in some countries C.before D.for centuries 解析:选C 增加的词汇用来表示以前(before)所不知道的事物。‎ ‎23.A.new B.short C.different D.surprising 解析:选C 从后面的两句话可知,此处是指用“不同的”词汇指代同一物体。‎ ‎24.A.produced B.made C.developed D.used 解析:选D 既然“radio”是一个词,它应该是被世界各地的人们所使用(used)。‎ ‎25.A.to B.away C.with D.from 解析:选C have something to do with是固定结构,意为“与……有关系”。‎ ‎26.A.has B.have C.have given D.was given 解析:选A 本句的主语是前面的anything,由此排除B项和C项;又因本句的时态为一般现在时,可排除D项。‎ ‎27.A.thing B.cause C.belief D.expression 解析:选A 此处thing表示“事实;情况”,用来表明美国英语和英国英语越来越接近。‎ ‎28.A.from B.in C.on D.to 解析:选A 与前面的in movies, on television并列,应用from travelers, 本句表示“游客所讲的语言”。‎ ‎29.A.For B.Because C.Besides D.Because of 解析:选D 从后半句可以看出,正是由于上句话中所提到的原因才得出结论:美国人似乎对英国人产生了影响。‎ ‎30.A.different B.more different C.the same D.more useful 解析:选C 上文中谈到美国人对英国人产生了影响,所以作者最后说“将来有一天大西洋两岸的英语可能会一样”。‎ Ⅲ.阅读理解 A When it comes to learning a foreign language, many people wonder if they will be able to memorize enough vocabulary. But this question never happens about their mother tongue, and yet, it was a foreign language once. However, among all the questions that new parents ask, no doctor has ever heard: “Will my baby be able to learn my language?” Be honest, do you know all the words of your mother tongue? The answer is:“No”.‎ New words, and new ways of using old words, appear every day. Twenty years ago, who would have been able to understand a sentence like this:“Click here to download your digital book”? Nobody. You never stop learning new vocabulary and you never know how long you will need it.‎ Sometimes,_you_have_the_word_on_the_tip_of_your_tongue_...and_it_sticks_there! But you do know this phenomenon (现象) and don't think that it is because of a ‎ bad memory. You should not give this phenomenon more importance in the language you are learning than in your mother tongue.‎ You need to learn only 2,000 or so basic words to be able to create any phrase you need. You can't avoid some work in order to learn these necessary words and all the more if you want to learn quickly. And before you consider buying into any method, be sure it is right for you. It is not wise to depend on any method based upon mnemonics(记忆术). The first words seem very easy to learn, so you buy the course, but then you discover quickly, though too late, that a dozen words later, it is all the more difficult to learn a new word.‎ ‎31.From the first paragraph, we can infer that________.‎ A.there is no need to know all the words of a foreign language B.it is honest to answer“no”to a question you don't know C.a baby can know all the new words of its mother tongue D.people find it hard to memorize vocabulary of their language 解析:选A 推理判断题。从第一段中的“Be honest, do you know all the words of your mother tongue?The answer is:‘No’.” 可知,一个人既然连自己的母语的词汇都不可能全认识,那么在学习外语时,也没有必要记住所有的词汇。‎ ‎32.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 probably means________.‎ A.you can remember the word any time B.you just fail to remember the word C.you are not sure of the word D.you daren't open your mouth to speak the word 解析:选B 句意理解题。根据画线句子后面的一句“But you do know this phenomenon (现象) and don't think that it is because of a bad memory.”可以推知这里是在说:你一时想不起来那个词。故B项为正确答案。‎ ‎33.To learn a foreign language, the author advises you________.‎ A.to remember new words appearing every day B.to keep up with new ways of using old words C.to learn at least 2,000 necessary words D.to pay more attention to your bad memory 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句“You need to learn only 2,000 or so basic words to be able to create any phrase you need.”可知C项为正确答案。‎ ‎34.The passage is mainly about________.‎ A.using old words in a new way B.learning new words from the context C.finding a method to memorize vocabulary D.learning vocabulary of a foreign language 解析:选D 主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了学习外语的问题,人们总是担心自己记忆的词汇不够,但是一个人即使对自己母语的词汇也并不能全认识,所以也就没有必要担心词汇量的问题,只要掌握一些基本的词汇就可以了,故D项符合主题。‎ B In December 6, Karma Bridges, a 10yearold girl, built KarmasWorld.com, a colourful and fun website including songs, games, and stories — all produced by Karma, her ‎ dad, and their team. The purpose of the site isn't just to provide kids with a fun place to kill time. Instead, Karma and her team want to teach kids about topics such as math, science, and geography while also encouraging good manners (礼貌), honesty, and kindness. We sent Jill to interview Karma to find out more about the site!‎ Jill:What made you create KarmasWorld.com?‎ Karma:I created it because I want kids to have fun while they are learning. I hope that there will be no more “smartest kids in class”because every kid will be the smartest kid in class!‎ J:Your site is filled with songs about math, good manners, outer space, and more. Do you think songs make learning easier?‎ K:Yes, but not only easier — more fun, as well.‎ J:Why is “keeping it green” important to you?‎ K:Because if we don't keep the Earth clean, then our time here is limited (有限的).‎ J:What praise have you received about the website?‎ K:Justin Bieber(a famous singer)said I'm changing the world with my website.‎ J:When you grow up, do you want to work in entertainment (娱乐) industry or do you want to be an educator?‎ K:I think I can do both! Like my website — it's both entertaining and educational.‎ J:What advice would you give to other kids who want to realize their dreams?‎ K:Work hard and play hard! That's one of my songs, by the way.‎ 语篇解读:本文是应用文。文章是对网站Karmas World.com的创始人Karma的采访。‎ ‎35.What do we know about KarmasWorld.com?‎ A.It offers Justin Bieber's songs.‎ B.It was mainly set up for children.‎ C.It was created by Karma herself.‎ D.It was built about three years ago.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第一段的“The purpose of the site isn't just to provide kids ... want to teach kids about ...”可看出, KarmasWorld.com主要是为儿童创建的。‎ ‎36.According to the interview, Karma thinks it's important to________.‎ A.realize one's dream B.protect the environment C.be the smartest kid in class D.learn math and science well 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据“J:Why is ‘keeping it green’important to you? K:Because if we don't keep the Earth clean, then our time here is limited (有限的).”可知,Karma认为维持地球干净、保护环境很重要。‎ ‎37.How does Justin Bieber probably feel about Karmas World.com?‎ A.It's easy. B.It's terrible.‎ C.It's strange. D.It's useful.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据Justin Bieber 对KarmasWorld.com的盛赞changing ‎ the world可知,他认为KarmasWorld.com是很有用的。‎ ‎38.According to the text, Karma________.‎ A.likes to tell stories to others B.does well in science and math C.wants to be a singer in the future D.created her website at the age of ten 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据文章首句可知,Karma十岁的时候创建了KarmasWorld.com网站。‎ C Would you be able to let someone go that you really loved? If you're like most people, that would be pretty hard. In T.A. Barren's Where is Grandpa?,the main character, a little boy, was faced with the same problem.‎ In the beginning of the story, Grandpa was cool and fun to be around. The little boy loved to be with his grandpa. In fact, they were always going on new and fun adventures (冒险经历). The boy and his grandpa were like best friends. The boy was so lucky to have such a great grandpa.‎ Later in the story, Grandpa died. The little boy was sad, because he knew that Grandpa was not there beside him. Things were hard for him, because before, his grandpa was always by his side. Now, he was not there anymore. He was gone. The boy must have felt so devastated!‎ At the end, the boy asked his parents,“Where is Grandpa?” They told him that he was in all of their memories. At that point, the boy changed. Finally, he realized that he still had the memories that he shared with his grandpa; he knew that his grandpa was still with him. He realized just how important memories can be.‎ This story teaches me that some things in life are hard. When someone dies, T.A. Barren, in his wonderful story Where is Grandpa?, teaches me it is okay because they're still with you in your memories. When I lose someone I care about, I know I can always find them by thinking about the special moments we've shared.‎ 语篇解读:本文是议论文。文章是关于T.A.Barren的作品Where is Grandpa?的书评。‎ ‎39.What does the underlined word “devastated”in Paragraph 3 mean?‎ A.Sad. B.Tired.‎ C.Surprised. D.Bored.‎ 解析:选A 词义猜测题。根据第三段的“Grandpa died” 和“The little boy was sad, ... Things were hard for him”可知,爷爷的去世让小男孩悲痛欲绝。故此处devastated有“难过,悲伤”之意。‎ ‎40.Where is Grandpa?is a story about________.‎ A.finding the lost grandpa B.how to become a great grandpa C.a family's new and fun adventures D.the love between a grandson and a grandpa 解析:选D 推理判断题。文章第一段概述Where is Grandpa?的主人公经历了亲人离世的痛苦;第二、三、四段介绍了本书主人公与爷爷的关系、爷爷离世对他的影响、寻找爷爷等情节,由此可推测出本书是关于爷孙之情的故事。‎ ‎41.After the little boy got his parents' answer, he knew________ .‎ A.he should give up finding his grandpa B.his grandpa would come back one day C.he should share his memories with his parents D.his grandpa would always stay in his memories 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第四段的“he knew that his grandpa was still with him. He realized just how important memories can be.”可知,当小男孩听到父母的回答后,他懂得了爷爷一直活在他的记忆里。‎ ‎42.Where does this text probably come from?‎ A.A book review.‎ B.A student's diary.‎ C.A parentchild guide.‎ D.An introduction to a writer.‎ 解析:选A 文章出处题。从文章第一段的“In T.A. Barren's Where is Grandpa?”和最后一段的“This story teaches me that some things in life are hard.”可以看出,本文是对T.A. Barren的作品Where is Grandpa?的评论,故本文是一篇书评。‎ D How did the sea horse get its name? It's not hard to guess. The top half of this fish looks like a small horse. But looking at the sea horse's tail, you might think “sea monkey”is a better name. Then there's the sea horse's pouch (袋). “Sea kangaroo” might also be a good name for this fish.‎ Sea horses live in warm ocean waters all over the world. They keep safe from other fish by hiding in plants and grasses that grow under the sea. They can also change colors to match their surroundings (环境). A sea horse remains in one place for hours at a time by winding (缠绕) its tail around a plant. It feeds on live food, such as small shrimp. For a fish that doesn't move around much, the sea horse eats a lot — in just one day, a sea horse can eat 3,000 shrimp!‎ A sea horse keeps the same mate for its whole life, and it's the male (雄的) sea horse that gives birth to baby sea horses. How does this happen? Baby sea horses start out as eggs, which come from the female's body. The male carries the eggs in its pouch for about three weeks until they hatch (孵化). Soon after the babies are born, the female gives her mate a new set of eggs. The male sea horse spends most of its life carrying eggs.‎ Sadly, the number of sea horses is becoming smaller. Why is this happening? Some places where sea horses once lived have been filled in to make new land. Also, many sea horses are caught and sold as aquarium fish. This really is not a good idea because most sea horses don't live long in aquariums. The best place for a sea horse is the ocean.‎ 语篇解读:本文是说明文,介绍了海马的生活习性、后代繁衍、生存现状等问题。‎ ‎43.The sea horse got its name because of its________.‎ A.head B.tail C.skin D.pouch 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第一段的“The top half of this fish looks like a small horse.”可知。‎ ‎44.How does a sea horse keep safe from other fish?‎ A.It hides in plants and grasses.‎ B.It runs away quickly. ‎ C.It remains still.‎ D.It rolls up.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第二段的“They keep safe from other fish by hiding in plants and grasses that grow under the sea.”可知。‎ ‎45.What does a female sea horse do with her eggs?‎ A.She puts them in the male's pouch.‎ B.She hides them in sea grasses.‎ C.She carries them around.‎ D.She hatches them.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。文章第三段介绍了海马的繁殖过程。根据“Baby sea horses start out as eggs ... the female gives her mate a new set of eggs.”可知。‎ ‎46.Why is the number of sea horses becoming smaller?‎ A.They grow at a very low speed.‎ B.Their homes are being destroyed.‎ C.They are killed by people for food.‎ D.Their food is becoming less and less.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。最后一段提到海马数量减少的两个原因:一是人们填海造田,破坏了它们的生存环境;一是人们捕捉海马来卖。‎ E English Teacher Needed We are one of the biggest English teacher agency in China; we refer lots of foreign teachers/employees to universities or companies daily. We provide this service for teachers for free.‎ What you need to do is log on our website www.languageteaching. com. cn and register. We will put your resume (简历) on the website except contact details. There are thousands of potential clients who will view your information daily. Once they choose you we will contact you. For more details you can also send an email to admin@languageteaching. com. cn.‎ Parttime English Tutor Wanted We are looking for a parttime English teacher, and the teacher should come from the USA, Canada, the UK, New Zealand or Australia. We would like to have 2 lessons a week, 2 hours each lesson.‎ Please send me your resume with a photo if you are interested. Email: admin@languageteaching. com. cn.‎ Private English Tutor Wanted A senior Chinese manager is looking for a oneonone English tutor for several hours per week. He would like to learn British pronunciation, so UK natives will be preferred. The tutor should be fairly flexible (灵活的) to suit his busy schedule and be of professional appearance. The pay is to be discussed directly and will be very high for the right candidate. Teaching experience is not a must.‎ If interested, please send an email with your background information, pay ‎ expectations and a recent picture to dhanyatk@hotmail. com.‎ CALLING — Teacher/Librarian!‎ We are a small kindergarten attached to an international school in Beijing. We need a teacher/librarian. The teacher we are looking for will be a Chinese and English speaking librarian.‎ Qualifications:‎ Be selfstarters, active team players.‎ Have a positive attitude and love to work with kids.‎ Be able to provide an exciting and innovative library program for students.‎ If you meet the above qualifications, please send your resume and a current picture to principalinchina@yahoo. com.‎ 语篇解读:随着信息时代和网络时代的到来,招聘与应聘都是如此便捷,看过这几则广告,你定能体会到这一点。‎ ‎47.The purpose of the advertisements is________.‎ A.to start a business B.to employ teachers C.to collect information for the latest jobs D.to help people find a suitable job 解析:选B 作者意图推断题。由各个广告的标题可以判断出这几则广告的目的是招聘教师。‎ ‎48.According to the first advertisement, we can learn that ________.‎ A.the English teacher agency charges teachers for this service B.you must go online to offer your basic information first C.you may call to get more information about the job D.once you contact the English teacher agency, you will get a job 解析:选B 细节理解题。由“We provide this service for teachers for free.”可知A项错误。由“For more details you can also send an email to ...”可知C项错误。D项很明显与广告内容不符。由“What you need to do is log on our website ...”可知B项正确。‎ ‎49.In the third advertisement, the private English tutor should________.‎ A.be an English language expert from the UK B.speak American English C.have rich teaching experience D.have the ability to deal with changing situations 解析:选D 细节理解题。由“The tutor should be fairly flexible (灵活的) to suit his busy schedule ...”可知D项正确。‎ ‎50.If you didn't pass the interview for Teacher/Librarian, the probable reason should be that________.‎ A.you like working with children B.you have a strong team spirit C.you lack teaching experience D.you can only speak English 解析:选D 细节判断题。由“The teacher we are looking for will be a Chinese and English speaking librarian.‎ ‎”可知第四则广告招聘的教师必须会汉语和英语两种语言,所以D项切题。‎ Ⅳ.完成句子 ‎51.After that, the policeman asked the boy what_part_he_played_in the theft.(part)‎ 此后,警察问这个男孩在偷盗案中起什么作用。‎ ‎52.As far as I am concerned, he is_no_more_fit_to be a teacher than I.(more)‎ 就我看来,他和我一样都不适合当教师。‎ ‎53.The policeman didn't let me in even_if_I_told_him who I was.(tell)‎ 即使我把我的身份告诉了那个警察,他也不让我进去。‎ ‎54.Such people as_are_recommended_by_Peter are reliable, so you can trust the girl.(recommend)‎ 彼得推荐的人是可靠的,因此你可以信任这个女孩。‎ ‎55.So difficult_was_the_work_that he almost gave up half way through it.(difficult) ‎ 这个工作是如此之难以至于他几乎半途放弃了。‎ ‎56.Waste material made_full_use_of,_there will be less pollution in the world.(make)‎ 充分利用废旧材料,世界上会少很多污染。‎ ‎57.It was under_the_president's_command_that a troop of selected soldiers set out in search of those survivors in the aircrash.(command)‎ 一支精心挑选的部队是在总统的命令下出发寻找空难的幸存者。‎ ‎58.What's your opinion of Mr. Li's request that we_(should)_spend half an hour reading English aloud every morning? (spend)‎ 你对李老师要求我们每天早上用半个小时大声读英语怎么看?‎ ‎59.It was because_of_the_bad_weather_that he was late for the meeting yesterday afternoon.(because)‎ 昨天下午是因为坏天气他开会迟到了。‎ ‎60.The book that he is reading is_based_on_a_true_story that happened in Shanghai in the 1930s.(base)‎ 他正在读的这本书是根据发生在二十世纪三十年代的上海的真实故事改编。‎ Ⅴ.短文写作 请你根据以下提示,结合你生活中的一个事例,用英语写一篇短文。‎ Helping others is helping ourselves. By helping others, we contribute to society. By helping others, we lead a meaningful life.‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语,‎ 内容必须结合你生活中的一个事例;‎ ‎2.除诗歌外,文体不限; ‎ ‎3.词数不少于120。‎ 参考范文:‎ As I progress through life, I have gradually learned that helping others brings a lot of benefits to me as well as others. Here I'd like to share what I have learned with you.‎ It was three years ago when I and my best friend volunteered to help the old in our community during summer vacation. We were arranged to help Mr. Zhao, who had lived alone for years. For weeks, we helped Mr. Zhao to do whatever he wanted to. In return, he proudly shared his experience of being a soldier with us. He explained ‎ Chinese history in an attractive way, which developed my interest in history. In my company, Mr. Zhao's health improved a lot. Unexpectedly, my staying with Mr. Zhao made me more optimistic about life and inspired me to study harder. ‎

