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真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 1 Unit 2 The universal language Section Ⅰ Welcome to the unit & Reading-Pre reading Music is often targeted at teenagers. Because teenagers go through big changes and start making lifeaffecting decisions in their teens, people naturally wonder what effects music has on teenagers. Does it lead to violence? Help test scores? Teach them valuable lessons? While there are negative effects, there are many positive effects, too. Music can help students improve academic (学院的,大学的) performance. Studying music involves math and science, so students often improve in these areas. This improvement can benefit them in tests. According to a report, students who took part in music performance scored 41 points higher in math than those who did not take part in music performance. Being a teenager can be rough emotionally. Music is an especially emotional art form covering every type of emotion. If they can find a song that matches their mood, they will feel comfortable. As music is a way to express emotions, many teenagers might try to make their own music, which can create healthy emotional expression. Music is often related with culture. Thus, listening to music can teach teenagers a lot about their own culture and other cultures. They can learn musical traditions, musical instruments, history lessons and more. Plus, as listening to music is a fun activity, this can often be a more interesting way to learn about a culture, rather 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 2 than simply reading a textbook. Music tastes and interests can often bring people together, especially teenagers. Two teenagers who like the same style of music are easily to start up a friendship. As well, music is often enjoyed at concerts and dance clubs where teenagers often hang out (闲逛). Typically, the people attending these concerts and dance clubs already share a common interest, so a connection can be easily made. Section_Ⅰ Welcome to the unit & Reading — Prereading [原文呈现] Turandot in Beijing by Jane Jones Last night, I witnessed ① the first of only eight performances of Giacomo Puccini's worldfamous opera, Turandot, being performed② in the Forbidden City in Beijing, China. The performance was splendid③. Some of the world's greatest opera singers were cast ④ in this production, and many great Chinese musicians also participated⑤. Puccini, an Italian, wrote Turandot towards the end of his life, between 1920 and 1924. He liked East Asia very much and also wrote MadamButterfly⑥, which is set in Japan⑦. Just imagine⑧ performing such an opera in the Forbidden City — there could not be a more⑨awesome⑩ setting! You could almost feel the history. The weather was also perfect for a performance outdoors. Instead of a stage curtain, there were decorated screens covered with red and gold⑪ , and traditional Chinese drums were used to announce the start of the opera. Turandot is the story of a stubborn⑫ and cruel Chinese princess⑬ , named Turandot⑭, who lives in the Forbidden City in Beijing⑮.In the story, the emperor of China, Turandot's father, has promised to allow her to choose her own husband. In order to avoid marriage, she says that any potential⑯ husband must solve three riddles⑰ if he wants to marry her. Those who cannot answer all three riddles, however, will be condemned to⑱ death. This means that few men would dare⑲to ask for her hand in marriage⑳. The story begins when a prince○21 is killed for failing to solve her riddles. The emperor finds the death disturbing○22.However, although he would like to, he cannot break his promise○23 and must allow Turandot to do as she wishes. 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 3 [读文清障] ①witness v.目击,亲眼看见 n.目击者,证人 ②being performed ... 是现在分词的被动式作定语,表示现阶段正在进行的动作。 ③splendid adj.壮丽的,华丽的,辉煌的,灿烂的 ④cast/kɑːst/vt.&vi.选派角色;投射(光、影) cast sb. in a role/a part/the lead 让某人出演某角色/主角 ⑤participate v.参加,参与,常与介词 in 连用。 ⑥butterfly/'bʌtəflaI/n.蝴蝶 ⑦which is set in Japan 是 which 引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰 MadamButterfly。 ⑧imagine doing ... 想象做…… ⑨not ...a more ...否定词与比较级连用,表达最高级意义。 ⑩awesome/'ɔːsəm/adj.极好的;令人惊叹的 ⑪过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰 screens。 ⑫stubborn/'stʌbən/adj.固执的,顽固的 ⑬princess/ˌprIn'ses/n.公主 ⑭过去分词短语作定语,修饰 princess。 ⑮who 引导非限制性定语从句,修饰 princess。 ⑯potential adj.潜在的,可能的 ⑰solve riddles 猜谜语 ⑱condemn/kən'dem/vt.判刑,宣判;指责,谴责 be condemned to sth.被处以某种刑罚 ⑲dare/deə(r)/vt.&vi.&aux.敢于,胆敢 句中 dare 用作实义动词,后接动词不定式时,to 既可以保留,也可以省略(尤其在口 语中)。另外,dare 也常用作情态动词,后接不带 to 的动词不定式。 ⑳ask for sb.'s hand in marriage (向女方)求婚 ○21prince/prIns/n.王子 ○22disturbing/dI'stɜːbIŋ/adj.令人不安的;引起恐慌的 ○23break one's promise 食言 《图兰朵》在北京 简·琼斯 [第 1~3 段译文] 昨天晚上,我目睹了贾科莫·普契尼闻名世界的歌剧《图兰朵》在中国北京紫禁城的首 场演出,该歌剧在这里只演八场。演出异彩纷呈。几位世界级歌剧演唱家在演出中担任主演, 而且许多杰出的中国音乐家也参与进来。普契尼是意大利人,1920 年至 1924 年期间,在他 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 4 的生命快要走向终点之际,创作了《图兰朵》。普契尼非常喜欢东亚,还创作了以日本为背 景的《蝴蝶夫人》。 想象一下在紫禁城上演这样一出歌剧吧——再也不可能有比这更令人叹为观止的场景 了!你几乎可以感受到历史。天气对于户外演出来说也是绝佳的。覆盖着红色和金色的经过 装饰的屏风代替了舞台帷幕,传统的中国鼓被用来宣告歌剧的开场。 《图兰朵》讲述的是一位顽固、冷酷的中国公主图兰朵的故事,她住在北京紫禁城里。 故事中,中国的皇帝,即图兰朵的父亲,允诺女儿由她自己选择丈夫。为了逃避婚姻,她说 任何想成为她丈夫的人要娶她必须猜中三道谜语。但是猜不出全部三道谜语的人将被处以死 刑。这意味着几乎没人胆敢向她求婚。故事开始时,一位王子因为猜不中图兰朵的谜语被处 死。皇上对这种杀戮焦虑不安。但是,虽然他很想收回这一允诺,但又不能食言,只能让图 兰朵按照自己的意愿行事。 Shortly afterwards, another prince, Calaf, falls in love○24 with Turandot at first sight○25 and decides to solve the riddles so that he can marry her. Meanwhile○26, Liu, a young slave of Calaf's father, expresses her love for Calaf. The story then takes on○27 a classic love triangle○28 between Calaf, Turandot and Liu. Calaf goes to Turandot and — without introducing himself or telling her his name — answers the three questions. Turandot becomes very angry at this turn of events, as she is unwilling○29 to get married○30.Seeing this○31, Calaf says that if she can guess his name by sunrise, she will not have to marry him, but can have him killed○32. Calaf's father and Liu have been seen accompanying Calaf, so Turandot seizes○33 Calaf's father and Liu, and demands○34 that they tell her Calaf's name or they will be beaten. Wanting to protect the father○35,Liu claims that she alone knows the name, but resists telling Turandot. Then Liu grabs○36 a sword from a guard and kills herself. ○24fallin love (with) 相爱,坠入爱河 ○25at first sight 初次见面;乍一看 ○26meanwhile adv.与此同时 还可作名词,用于 in the meanwhile。 ○27take on 呈现 ○28triangle n.三角形 ○29unwilling/ʌn'wIlIŋ/adj.不情愿;勉强的 be unwilling do to sth. 不愿意做某事 ○30as 引导原因状语从句。 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 5 ○31现在分词短语作状语,表示时间。 ○32have him killed 是“have+宾语+宾补”结构,宾补用过去分词,与宾语之间是被 动关系。 ○33seize/siːz/vt.逮捕,捉拿;抓住,捉住;夺取,攻占 ○34demand/dI'mɑːnd/vt.强烈要求,需要 n.要求 demand 后跟宾语从句时,从句要用虚拟语气,即谓语用“should+动词原形”的形式, should 可以省略。 ○35现在分词短语 Wanting to protect the father 作原因状语,句子的主语和 want 之 间是主动关系。 ○36grab/ɡræb/vt.(突然或用力)抓住,夺取,攫取 [第 4~6 段译文], 之后不久,另一位王子卡拉夫对图兰朵一见钟情,决心要解开谜 底,以便能迎娶图兰朵。这时,卡拉夫父亲的一个年轻奴隶柳儿倾诉了她对卡拉夫的爱。故 事随后演绎了发生在卡拉夫、图兰朵和柳儿之间的经典三角恋情。,卡拉夫来到图兰朵面前, 回答出她的三个问题。他没有自我介绍,也没有告诉图兰朵自己的名字。,对于事情的这一 转折图兰朵非常恼火,因为她不愿意结婚。见此,卡拉夫说如果她能在太阳升起之前猜出他 的名字,她不仅可以不嫁给他,还可以杀了他。有人曾看见卡拉夫的父亲和柳儿陪着卡拉夫, 因此图兰朵把卡拉夫的父亲和柳儿抓了起来,命令他们说出卡拉夫的名字,否则就要拷打他 们。想要保护卡拉夫的父亲,柳儿宣称只有她知道卡拉夫的名字,但她拒绝告诉图兰朵。然 后柳儿从一名卫兵的手中夺过一把剑自刎。 When it becomes evident○37 what happened, Calaf scolds○38 Turandot for not being more merciful○39. However, though he is angry, he still loves her. Calaf kisses Turandot. Turandot's heart grows softer, but is still quite hard. She demands that he leave. Instead, he tells her his name — just before the dawn○40deadline○41 — and says that she can kill him if she wishes. At the end of the story, the prince and princess unite○42 in marriage, and the whole city celebrates their happiness. Unfortunately, Puccini died of a heart attack before he completed this final scene, and it had to be completed by one of his former students, Franco Alfano. An opera company staged○43 the opera in Beijing in the 1990s, but the performance I saw was the first time Turandot was staged inside the Forbidden City. The production combined the very best of Western and Chinese talents.The music was conducted by Zubin Mehta, a superb conductor, who was born in India. The opera was directed by Zhang Yimou, a wellknown Chinese director. In the Beijing performance I saw, Turandot was played by Sharon Sweet from the USA, Liu was played by another opera 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 6 singer from the USA, Barbara Hendricks, and Calaf was sung by Kristjan Johannsson from Iceland. They were all excellent. The Forbidden City was once only accessible to○44 the emperor, his family and senior officials. However, in this wonderful production, it has been transformed into○45 the spot for a beautiful and sad love story. The bringing together of this group of people from many countries, the music, and the grand○46 setting are clearly the key components○47 of this amazing production. ○37evident/'evIdənt/adj.清楚的,显然的 It is evident that ... 显然…… ○38scold/skəʊld/vt.训斥,责骂 scold sb.for (doing) sth.训斥某人(做了)某事 ○39merciful/'mɜːsIfl/adj.仁慈的,慈悲的,宽大为怀的 ○40dawn/dɔːn/n.黎明,拂晓;开端,萌芽 ○41deadline/'dedlaIn/n.最后期限,截止日期 ○42unite/jʊ'naIt/vi.&vt.联合,团结;统一 ○43stage v.组织,筹划 n.时期,阶段;舞台 ○44be accessible to 可利用的;可到达的;对……易接近的 ○45transform ... into ... 把……变成…… ○46grand/ɡrænd/adj.宏大的,壮丽的,堂皇的,隆重的 ○47key/major/important components 重要组成部分 [第 7~9 段译文] 当真相大白后,卡拉夫斥责图兰朵毫无慈悲之心。然而,尽管卡拉夫非常愤怒,他依然 爱着图兰朵。卡拉夫亲吻了图兰朵。图兰朵的心变得软些了,但仍然相当冷酷。她强令卡拉 夫离开。但是,卡拉夫告诉了图兰朵他的名字——就在黎明的期限来临之前——还说如果图 兰朵愿意,她可以杀死他。在故事的结尾处,王子和公主喜结良缘,整座城市欢庆他们的幸 福。 不幸的是,普契尼还没有完成这最后一幕就因心脏病突发去世了,这一幕只好由他以前 的一名学生佛朗哥·阿尔法诺来完成。在 20 世纪 90 年代,一家歌剧公司将这出歌剧搬上了 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 7 北京的舞台,但我观看的这场演出是《图兰朵》第一次在紫禁城里上演。这次演出结合了中 西方最优秀的人才。乐队由生于印度的杰出指挥家祖宾·梅塔指挥。歌剧由中国著名导演张 艺谋执导。我观看的这场在北京的演出中,图兰朵由美国的莎伦·斯威特扮演,柳儿由美国 另一名歌剧演唱家芭芭拉·亨德里克斯扮演,卡拉夫则是由来自冰岛的克里斯蒂安·约翰松 扮演。他们都很出色。 紫禁城曾经只允许皇帝、皇室人员和高级官员进入,但是,在这次精彩的演出中,它变 成了一个美丽而令人心碎的爱情故事的发生地。来自许多国家的这群人的联袂演出、音乐以 及恢弘的场景显然是这场令人惊叹的演出的重要因素。 Prereading Please match the words with their proper meanings. 1.universal A.determined not to change your mind very strongly 2.awesome B.to say what sb.'s punishment will be 3.stubborn C.done by or involving all the people in the world 4.condemn D . extremely serious or difficult and perhaps rather frightening 5.seize E.to angrily criticize someone 6.demand F.easily noticed or understood 7.evident G.to ask for something very firmly 8.scold H.to take hold of something suddenly 1~5 ____________ 6~8 ____________ 答案:1~5 CDABH 6~8 GFE Leadin Look at the following pictures and decide what kind of music they belong to. A.Pop music B.Chinese opera C.Rock and roll D.Orchestra 答案:1~4 BCDA 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 8 Whilereading Fastreading 1.What's the main idea of the text? According to the title we can learn that the text is about the world's greatest opera Turandot. 2.Skim the text and match the main idea with each part. Part 1(Paragraphs 1-2) A.Other information about the opera Part 2(Paragraphs 3-7) B.Background information Part 3(Paragraph 8) C.The plot Part 4(Paragraph 9) D.Evaluation Part 1~Part 4 ____________ 答案:Part 1~Part 4 BCDA Carefulreading (Ⅰ)Choose the best answers according to the text. 1.Turandot was written by an Italian writer, which is set in ________. A.Japan B.China C.India D.England 2.According to the text, the following statements are right EXCEPT that ________. A.Turandot is a worldfamous opera B.Turandot was once performed in Beijing C.only some great Chinese musicians participated when Turandot was performed in China D.some of the world greatest opera singers were cast in the production of Turandot 3.When Turandot was performed in the Forbidden City in Beijing, ________. A.there was not an awesome setting B.the weather was uncomfortable C.Chinese drums were used to announce the finish of the opera D.there were decorated screens covered with red and gold 4.Few men would dare to ask for Turandot's hand in marriage because ________. A.those who cannot answer all her three riddles will be condemned to death B.the riddles given by her are too difficult to solve 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 9 C.only princes can fall in love with her D.Turandot is unwilling to get married 5.According to the story which statement is WRONG? A.At the end of the story, the prince and the princess unite in marriage. B.Liu kills herself in order to protect Calaf and his father. C.The opera performed inside the Forbidden City was directed by Zhang Yimou. D.The music was conducted by an American conductor. 答案:1~5 BCDAD (Ⅱ)Fill in each blank with only one word according to the text. Writer Giacomo Puccini Main 1.characters Turandot, Calaf, Liu Main performers Sharon Sweet — Turandot Kristjan Johannsson — 2.Calaf Barbara Hendricks — Liu 3.Conductor and director The music was conducted by Zubin Mehta and the opera 4.directed by Zhang Yimou. Setting The Forbidden City, Beijing Plot To avoid marriage, Turandot, a stubborn and cruel Chinese princess, says that any 5.potential husband must solve three riddles or they will be 6.condemned to death. Calaf, a prince, falls in love with her at first sight and decides to solve the riddles. Meanwhile, he meets Liu, who is a young slave of his father and is in love with Calaf. Calaf solves the riddles but Turandot doesn't want to keep her 7.word/promise. Seeing this, he says that if she can guess his name before 8.dawn/sunrise,_she will not have to marry him and even can have him killed. To get the answer, Turandot 9.threatens Calaf's father and Liu. Liu kills herself to protect the father. But before the dawn 10.deadline,_Calaf tells Turandot his name and also wins her affections. Studyreading Analyze the following difficult sentences in the text. 1.Seeing this, Calaf says that if she can guess his name by sunrise, she will not have to marry him, but can have him killed. 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 10 [句式分析] [尝试翻译] 见此,卡拉夫说如果她能在太阳升起之前猜出他的名字,她不仅可以不嫁 给他,还可以杀了他。 2.Instead, he tells her his name — just before the dawn deadline — and says that she can kill him if she wishes.[句式分析] [尝试翻译] 但是,卡拉夫告诉了图兰朵他的名字——就在黎明的期限来临之前——还 说如果图兰朵愿意,她可以杀死他。 3.An opera company staged the opera in Beijing in the 1990s, but the performance I saw was the first time Turandot was staged inside the Forbidden City. [句式分析] [尝试翻译] 在 20 世纪 90 年代,一家歌剧公司将这出歌剧搬上了北京的舞台,但我观 看的这场演出是《图兰朵》第一次在紫禁城里上演。 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Back to three years before, the hit song CallMeMaybe was on everyone's lips, and Carly Rae Jepsen had risen to pop status. But many critics wondered whether the Canadian singersongwriter was a onehit wonder. Jepsen admits that she felt a sudden increase of pressure after the single's unexpected popularity. To do with the stress, Jepsen threw herself into creating new songs every single day. It was as if Jepsen disappeared — at least by the 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 11 standard of pop stars. She had vanished from music charts and gossip columns as she got down to work. Over the next three years, the singer wrote over 200 songs and selected 17 of them to showcase in her new album Emotion, released last month. The 29yearold Jepsen found herself with another hit when the album's lead single, IReallyLikeYou, started to top the charts. 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 12 Some people have made fun of the song for repeating“really” five times in a row and 67 times throughout the whole song.“But it's also an example of how more simple music can be art,”TheAtlantic commented. The appealing, energetic Emotion proves that Jepsen will be a chief support in the music industry for the long journey. But her success is more than just bright and attractive earworms (上口曲调). Yes, it's true that IReallyLikeYou is a kind of 2015 version of CallMeMaybe.But in the album's other singles, Jepsen gets adventurous, experimenting with deeper material. Emotion is not all pop. Jepsen reveals a few musical styles that we've never heard from her before. RunAwayWithMe, a song filled with crying saxophones, opens the album. In BoyProblems, Jepsen shows unexpected fierceness. And Jepsen's personal favorite, AllThat, is a hot ballad that talks about the desire for intimacy (亲密). “I hope that I'm always changing, and that with every album I'm kind of reinventing what excites me and reinventing sort of where I want to go musically,” Jepsen said. 语篇解读:本文讲述了加拿大的创作型歌手卡莉·蕾·吉普森是如何通过自己的努力在 音乐界获得成功的。 1.What did Jepsen do with her pressure from the hit song CallMeMaybe? A.She stopped working and studied further. B.She made friends with many famous singers. C.She set about performing in different occasions. D.She actively set out to create new songs every day. 解析:选 D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“To do with the stress, Jepsen threw herself into creating new songs every single day.”可知,为了应对压力,卡莉·蕾·吉 普森每天创作新歌曲。故选 D 项。 2.Which of the songs is as popular as CallMeMaybe? A.RunAwayWithMe. B.BoyProblems. C.IReallyLikeYou. D.AllThat. 解析:选 C 细节理解题。根据第七段中的“Yes, it's true that IReallyLikeYou is a kind of 2015 version of CallMeMaybe.”可知,歌曲 IReallyLikeYou 就是 2015 版的 CallMeMaybe。再根据文章第一段的第一句可知,选 C 项。 3.According to the text, Jepsen is likely to be ________. 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 13 A.learned and good at changing B.brave and popular with the young C.humorous and willing to help others D.productive and willing to try new things 解析:选 D 推理判断题。根据第七段中的“Jepsen gets adventurous, experimenting with deeper material”和第八段中的“Jepsen reveals a few musical styles that we've never heard from her before.”可知,卡莉·蕾·吉普森勇于尝试新事物;根据第三段中 的“Over the next three years, the singer wrote over 200 songs”可知,她是一位多 产的歌手。故选 D 项。 4.What can we infer from the text? A.Everyone likes IReallyLikeYou. B.The song Emotion is very energetic. C.Jepsen wins lasting appeal by her songs. D.Jepsen became a singer at the age of 25. 解析:选 C 推理判断题。根据第六段中的“The appealing, energetic ...”可推知, 卡莉·蕾·吉普森通过自己的歌曲而获得了持久的吸引力。故选 C 项。 B Biologists have been making noise in the forests of the western American state of Idaho. They are making noise to study the value of quiet in nature. They want to know how people and animals react to noise pollution. The researchers placed outdoor speakers on the side of a halfkilometerlong part of a road in the Boise National Forest. For two years, they played the sounds of passing cars through the speakers. Professor Jesse Barber says they found the sounds caused migratory (迁徙的) birds to flee. The birds also failed to gain weight. Recently, researchers played the sounds of machines that are used to remove natural gas from the ground. Professor Barber says these experiments are designed to help researchers learn the effects of noise pollution on birds, insects, bats, plants and people.“We are testing the idea that these things are coupled — as the soundscape gets louder, wildlife suffers. But that also feeds back on how much people get out of that experience, how much they value it, and thus how much they are willing to protect that same place.” The research team also studied a group of volunteers who watch birds for fun. Mitch Levenhagen is a graduate student in the research team. He measured how much 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 14 the artificial noise reduces the ability of the birdwatchers to identify recorded birdsong. He recorded eight kinds of birdsong in the noise condition and another eight in the quiet. He then repeated the experiment without the artificial noise. The birdwatchers were happy when the noise machine was shut off. The birdwatchers said the artificial noise affected their ability to identify bird sounds more than they thought it would. Birdwatcher Jim Lyons said the experiment caused him to value quiet more. The National Park Service is paying for some noise pollution research. The federal agency is also examining other ways to reduce noise. They include putting new surfaces on roads. And they are creating quiet areas with signs telling visitors to turn off their mobile phones. 语篇解读:本文是一篇科普说明文。文章介绍了研究者通过研究噪音对鸟类的影响,进 而表明自然环境中安静的重要性。 5.What effects does noise pollution cause to the birds? A.They can't be heard singing again. B.They escaped and can't put on weight. C.The number of them reduces quickly. D.They are afraid and easy to fly without direction. 解析:选 B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“they found the sounds caused migratory (迁徙的) birds to flee. The birds also failed to gain weight”可知,噪音让迁徙的 鸟儿们逃离并且使它们不能增重。故选 B 项。 6.Why did the research team study some volunteers who watch birds for fun? A.To identify the differences among different birdsong. B.To figure out the reason why birdwatchers love watching birds. C.To make sure of the effects that noise pollution has on the birds. D.To find out the effects that noise has on identifying recorded birdsong. 解析:选 D 细节理解题。根据第五段中的“He measured how much the artificial noise reduces the ability of the birdwatchers to identify recorded birdsong.”可 推知,该研究小组是为了弄清楚人工噪音对观鸟者识别被录制的鸟鸣声的能力的影响。故选 D 项。 7.How do the birdwatchers feel about the effects of noise pollution? A.Puzzled. B.Curious. C.Shocked. D.Confused. 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 15 解析:选 C 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“the artificial noise affected their ability to identify bird sounds more than they thought it would”可推知,人工噪 音对观鸟者识别鸟鸣声的能力的影响比他们认为的还要大,故可推知他们感到震惊。故选 C 项。 8.What's the passage mainly about? A.Watching Birds and Stopping Making Noise B.Making Noise and Studying the Importance of Quiet C.Hearing Noise and Experiencing the Effects D.Reducing Noise and Protecting the Environment 解析:选 B 主旨大意题。根据第一段中的“They are making noise to study the value of quiet in nature.”以及下文的内容可知,文章介绍了研究人员通过制造噪音来研究自 然环境中安静的重要性。故选 B 项。 C The typical home in the East of England increased in cost by 8.3% in the year to the end of July, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said. Prices in London, which saw big rises last year, rose by 5.5%, slightly lower than the average in England of 5.6%. Overall, UK house prices increased by 5.2% in the year to the end of July. The other area to see significant price growth was Northern Ireland, up 7.4%. Property values in Northern Ireland are recovering from a huge fall during the financial crisis, the ONS figures show. Prices rose by 6.7% in the South East of England, the ONS figures show, although here — as in the East and in seven other regions — the pace of price rises has slowed.“There is very much a ripple effect (连锁反应) — the action has moved out from prime central London to the outskirts and those commuter areas where there are better values to be had, although not as much if prices continue to rise as they have been,” said Jonathan Adams, director of central London estate agency Napier Watt. The 5.2% average price increase in the UK was down from the 5.7% rate recorded in the previous month. Prices in Scotland fell by 1.3% and were 0.7% lower in the North East of England. Excluding London and the South East of England, UK house prices increased by 4.4%. The average home cost £295,000 in England, £173,000 in Wales, £154,000 in Northern Ireland and £196,000 in Scotland. In England, the highest average price was paid in London (£525,000) and the lowest in the North East (£156,000). The 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 16 average price paid in the UK was £282,000, and analysts expect this to continue to rise, not least as a result of lack of properties in the market. 语篇解读:本文是一篇新闻报道。文章介绍了英国的房价在经济危机后正在逐渐恢复, 并且英格兰东部的房价上升最快。 9.Which of the following is the correct order about the rate of increase in house prices? A.London>The East of England>Northern Ireland>The South East of England. B.The East of England>Northern Ireland>The South East of England>London. C.The South East of England>The East of England>London>Northern Ireland. D.Northern Ireland>The East of England>London>The South East of England. 解析:选 B 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“The typical home in the East of England increased in cost by 8.3% in the year to the end of July”和第二段中的“Prices in London, which saw big rises last year, rose by 5.5%”“Northern Ireland, up 7.4%” 和第三段中的“Prices rose by 6.7% in the South East of England”可知,B 项正确。 10.Why is the average house price expected to continue to rise? A.Because too many houses need selling. B.Because demand is greater than supply. C.Because room used on building houses is smaller and smaller. D.Because building materials are more expensive. 解析:选 B 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“not least as a result of lack of properties in the market”可知,分析家们预计房价会继续上涨是因为市场上房产缺乏, 而人们对房产的需求旺盛。故选 B 项。 11.What can we know from the text? A.House prices in Scotland are higher than those in England. B.The average home cost in Wales is lower than in Northern Ireland. C.The financial crisis had a serious effect on property values in Northern Ireland. D.The average home cost is higher in Scotland than in London. 解析:选 C 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Property values in Northern Ireland are recovering from a huge fall during the financial crisis”可知,在北爱尔兰,房产 价值在经济危机期间降幅很大,故可推知经济危机对其房产价值有严重的影响, 选 C 项。 12.In which column of the newspaper can you read the text? A.Lifestyle. B.Business. C.Environment. D.Culture. 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 17 解析:选 B 文章出处题。根据文中所提到的英国房价的增长情况可知,文章很有可能 出现在商业专栏中。故选 B 项。 Ⅱ.阅读七选五 How can I get selfmotivation? When you are feeling less than motivated, it can be easy to fall behind on your work, personal life and aspirations. When this mood strikes, it is important to dig deep down and find a way to pull yourself through it to become the selfmotivated person that you long to be. __1__ For example, if your final goal is to do a 5k run, make running a half mile without stopping your first level of achievements. It doesn't have to be achieved all at once, but little by little. When you feel that you have fully reached your first level, move on to the next. Having an final goal, and setting steps to get there, can help you have mini achievements. __2__ When you want to reach a certain goal, it often helps to imagine already achieving it. You may be able to be more selfmotivated if you keep track of your progress. __3__ Put one picture on the top of each page, and underneath, write what you did to reach that goal. If there are too few words on the page, it may be time to step up your efforts. Special quotations can be a good way to inspire selfmotivation. Find a quote that moves you and inspires you in a way that no other set of words has before. __4__ Look at it on a daily basis, and use it as a way to inspire you to be more selfmotivated. __5__ Even on days when your motivation is lacking, there are ways that you can do what you need to do. If you want to be more selfmotivated, it takes a lot of sweat and drive, but it can eventually produce the results that you are longing for. A.This practice can increase your drive to keep on going. B.It is you that have to motivate yourself to achieve your goal. C.Consider setting different levels of achievements for yourself. D.If possible, turn those words into an art print and hang it in your home. E.Consider creating a journal with pictures of what you want to accomplish. F.An important way to be selfmotivated is to push forward to get what you want. G.Being selfmotivated can be difficult at times, but the effort usually reaps the rewards. 语篇解读:本文讲述了如何进行自我激励。 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 18 1.选 C 本段讲述了把目标分成一个一个的小部分,一点一点地实现目标。所以本处 选“考虑为自己设置不同水平的目标”,符合语境。故选 C。 2.选 A 由前一句“有了终极目标并一步一步地去实现它,这能够让你取得一些小的 成就”可知,本处选“这种做法会增加你前进的动力”顺承上文,符合语境。故选 A。 3.选 E 根据空后一句中的“one picture”可知,E 项符合语境。 4.选 D 本段讲述了用格言激励自己。D 项“可能的话,把这些格言变成艺术字悬挂在 你家里”与下文“每天看它来激励自己”衔接,符合语境。故选 D。 5.选 G 最后一段进行总结。G 项“有时自我激励会很难,但是努力通常会有回报”与 下文的“最终会有你想要的结果”呼应,符合语境。故选 G。

