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阅读理解解题技巧 饮 食 随 着 人们生活水平的提高,食物的内容也越来越丰富,越来越多的人喜欢吃小食品,因此,饮食这一话题也是高考常涉及的话题之一。 美文赏析 Early this year lawmakers in Maine put forward ① a bill to make the whoopie pie their state's official dessert.But now bakers in Pennsylvania are crying foul.They say the whoopie pie was invented in their state , not in Maine.Which state gets to call the tasty treat its own? A whoopie pie is like a cake sandwich : two small round chocolate cakes stuck together by a layer of soft vegetable frosting( 糖霜 ) . Many states have different official symbols , like state birds , state flowers , or even state fruits or vegetables.The official state vegetable of Texas is the sweet onion.In California, the state's official marine fish is the colorful garibaldi. To make a new symbol ② official , state lawmakers have to pass a law.A law starts as a bill , or a proposed ③ law.Then lawmakers vote for or against the bill.In Maine , if a majority vote in favor of a bill in both the State Senate and State House of Representatives , the bill becomes law. But first , lawmakers have to prove that a symbol belongs to their state.Congressman Paul Davis decided to write the whoopie bill after talking to enthusiastic foodlovers at last year's Maine Whoopie Pie Festival.He thought making it Maine's official treat would make his state proud.More than 4,000 Maine residents came out to eat whoopie pies that day.The state even celebrates Whoopie Pie Day each June. One bakery in Maine claims the pie has been baked in their ovens since 1925.But no one knows for sure which state made the treat first.Last month, protesters ④ in Lancaster , Pennsylvania , gathered against Maine's bill. “ Generations and generations have been making and eating whoopie pies here in Lancaster , ” one protester said. “ My grandmother did in the 30s and 40s and her mother did before her. ” Which state will win ? Maine's bill has not been signed into law yet — but no matter what happens , the whoopie pie is a winner in both states. 【 解题导语 】   缅因州和宾夕法尼亚州都宣称无比派起源于该州,缅因州欲立法使这种美味成为它的标志物,然而宾夕法尼亚州表示强烈的抗议。 一、阅读与积累 1 .攻克疑难词汇 ① put forward 提出 ② symbol n .象征,标志 Space exploration provides a symbol of national pride. 宇宙探索是引发民族自豪感的代表事物。 ③ proposed adj . 提议的 ④ protester n .抗议者 2 .攻克疑难句 Maine's bill has not been signed into law yet — but no matter what happens , the whoopie pie is a winner in both states. 结构分析   本句是并列复合句。 but 连接前后两个并列分句;在第二个分句中含有一个 no matter what 引导的让步状语从句。 尝试翻译   缅 因州的法案还没有签署成法律 —— 但不管发生什 么,无比派在这两个州都是赢家。 二、理解与尝试命题 1 .理解文章主旨 The passage mainly tells us the dabate about the origin of the whoopee pie . 2 .阅读理解尝试命题 请根据阅读理解文章标题题型的特点,试着给下面试题加上干扰项,然后叫你同桌试做一下。 What's the best title for the passage? A . ________ B . ________ C . Debate on Origin of the Whoopie Pie D . ________ 参考答案  A . Delicious Whoopie Pie B . Strange State Symbols in the US D . Fight Between Maine and Pennsylvania 3 .解题技法点拨 阅读理解标题归纳题解题技巧:浓缩主旨,确定标题 标题位于文章之首,用来高度概括文章内容,点明文章主题。它是文章中心思想的最精练的表达形式。文章标题可以是单词、短语,也可以是句子。标题可帮助读者迅速推测出整篇文章的主要内容,抓住文章讨论的中心,把握作者的观点和意图。文章标题有以下特点: (1) 醒目性强,短小精悍,多为一短语,而且能吸引读者的注意力,唤起读者的阅读兴趣; (2) 涵盖性强,一般要求能覆盖全文,其确定的范围要恰当,既不能太大,也不能太小; (3) 精确性强,不能随意改变语言表意的程度及色彩。 [ 真 题 典 例 ] ( 南京 模拟 ) Researchers at the National Museum of London have discovered what they believe to be the first ever recordings of a family Christmas. They were made 110 years ago by the Wall family who lived in North London.There are 24 clear recordings on wax cylinders( 蜡筒唱片 )which were made between 1902 and 1917.The sound quality of the music recorded is outstanding.Cromwell and Mini Wall had nine children , eight of whom appear on the earlier recordings made before WWI. …… What can be the best title for the passage? A . The Wall Family in North London Celebrated Christmas Day B . English Researchers Discovered the First Recordings of Christmas Day C . Cromwell Wall Made the First Recordings of Church Bells of New Year D . English Researchers Discovered the First Recordings in the World 答案  B   [ 标题概括题。根据新闻导语,即文章第一段可知,伦敦国家博物馆的研究人员宣称,他们发现了第一张庆祝家庭圣诞节的录音唱片,故 B 项为本文最佳标题。 ] [ 学 以 致 用 ] Active listening is the art of listening to feelings , then reflecting them back.Active listening does not require that you agree with your child's feelings , but it allows your child to feel connected and understood and provides an opportunity to explore those mysterious impulses( 冲动 )known as emotions. Four year old Chrissy ran through the front door , slamming( 砰地关上 )it so forcefully that the pictures fell off the wall. “ I hate Tammy ! ” she cried. Then Chrissy threw herself onto the sofa in a storm of sobs. Her mom , Diane , looked up from the bills she was going to pay.Resisting the impulse to scold( 责骂 )Chrissy for slamming the door , she asked quietly , “ What's the matter with you , Chrissy ? ” Chrissy said sadly ,“ Tammy took my ball! Tammy is bigger than me.It isn't fair for her to take away my ball.” “It must be pretty frustrating to be picked on by a big girl ,” Diane said.“Yeah.I'm mad ,” the little girl said firmly.“I don't want to play with her anymore.”She sat quietly for a moment , watching as Diane put stamps on envelopes. After a while , Chrissy said ,“ Mom , can I go to play out in the backyard ?” Diane gave her daughter a hug.Chrissy left , seeming to forget her anger. By simply reflecting back her daughter's underlying feelings , Diane allowed Chrissy the opportunity to explore what was going on for her , and in the process , Chrissy discovered a solution to her own problem.Some other time , Diane might be able to talk with Chrissy about avoiding future problems and perhaps ask her what she could do to express her anger instead of slamming the door. Like most adults , sometimes what children really need is for someone to listen and understand.Active listening opens the door for real connection and problem solving and works toward building a lifelong relationship of love and trust. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage? A . Active Listening Does Count! B . Children Need to Be Understood! C . It Is Wrong for Children to Express Anger D . Listening Helps Understand What Children Think 答案  A   [ 标题概括题。第一段、最后一段以及文中所讲的妈妈对待生气的小女孩的故事都强调了积极倾听的重要性,故 A 项最佳。 ]

