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‎2019届一轮复习北师大版必修4Unit10Money单元学案设计 写作句型锤炼 主体段落常用句型锤炼:it作形式宾语 先熟读背诵——精彩句型烂熟于心 ‎1.I think it great fun to learn the poems written in the Tang Dynasty with you.‎ 我觉得和你一起学习唐诗是很有趣的。(2017·全国卷Ⅰ·书面表达)‎ ‎2.Parents usually have such high expectations that their children find it hard to live up to them.(2016·上海卷·书面表达)‎ 父母通常有如此高的期望值,以至于孩子觉得很难不辜负父母的期望。‎ ‎3. I would appreciate it very much if you could check the contents and format for me.‎ 如果你能为我检查一下内容和格式,我将不胜感激。(2016·全国卷Ⅰ·书面表达)‎ ‎4.They felt it difficult to finish the work in such a short time.‎ 他们认为在这么短的时间内完成这项工作是困难的。‎ ‎5.The professor considers it no good reading without understanding.‎ 这位教授认为阅读而不理解没有益处。‎ 后临摹仿写——妙语佳句信手拈来 ‎1.我觉得应邀在这儿演讲是我的荣耀。‎ I_think_it_my_honor_to_be_invited_to_speak_here.‎ ‎2. 汤姆发现用汉语写信并不难。‎ Tom_find_it_not_difficult_to_write_letters_in_Chinese.‎ ‎3.会议取消了我们都感到很遗憾。‎ We_all_thought_it_a_pity_that_the_conference_should_have_been_cancelled.‎ ‎[会书写]‎ 一、核心单词 ‎1.replace vt. 代替,取代 ‎2.defeat vt. 战胜,击败 ‎3.balance n. 平衡 ‎4.native adj. 出生地的,本土的 ‎5.fluently adv. 流利地 二、阅读单词 ‎1.approximately adv. 近似地,大约地 ‎2.technique n. 技术,技巧 ‎3.dormitory n. 寝室,宿舍 ‎4.drunk adj. (酒)醉的 ‎5.bargain vi.& n. 交易;讨价还价;便宜货 ‎6.aggressive adj. 好斗的;有进取心的 ‎7.groceries n. 食品杂货 ‎8.comment vi.& vt. 评论 ‎9.automatic adj. 自动的 ‎10.incredibly adv. 难以置信地 三、拓展单词 ‎1.appeal vi.吸引,引起兴趣;呼吁,恳求→appealing adj.有吸引力的 ‎2.motivate vt.使有动机,促使,激发→motivation n.动力,诱因 ‎3.achievement n.完成;成就→achieve vt.完成;实现 ‎4.exist vi.存在,生存→existence n.存在,生存 ‎5.variety n.多样化,多样性→various adj.各种各样的→vary v.相异,不同 ‎6.determine vt.确定,决定→determination n.决心,决定→determined adj.有决心的;坚决的 ‎7.concern vt.使忧虑;与……相关→concerned adj.担心的;涉及的→concerning prep ‎.关于 ‎8.aware adj.知道的,意识到的→awareness n.意识 ‎9.puzzle vt.使困惑 n.谜语→puzzled adj.困惑的→puzzling adj.令人困惑的 ‎10.product n.产品;出品→produce v.生产→production n.生产;成果;作品 ‎11.enthusiastic adj.很感兴趣的;热情的→enthusiasm n.热情 ‎12.annoy vt.打搅;使烦恼→annoyed adj.烦恼的→annoying adj.令人烦恼的→annoyance n.烦恼 ‎13.contain vt.包含,含有→container n.容器 ‎14.ashamed adj.羞耻的,惭愧的→shame vt.使感到羞愧→shameful adj.可耻的,丢脸的 ‎15.amusement n.乐趣,娱乐活动→amuse vt.以……自娱,逗……乐→amused adj.觉得好笑的→amusing adj.有趣的,好笑的 ‎16.behave vi.举止,表现→behavior n.举止,表现 ‎17.practical adj.实用的;实践的→practise v.实践→practice n.实践 ‎[会积累]‎ ‎1.“代替,取代”词汇清单 ‎①replace...with/by ‎②instead of ‎③substitute with/for ‎④in place of/in one’s place ‎⑤take the place of/take one’s place ‎2.“吸引人的”形容词集锦 ‎①appealing   有吸引力的 ‎②attractive 吸引人的 ‎③charming 迷人的 ‎④absorbing 吸引人的 ‎⑤fascinating 吸引人的 ‎⑥eye-catching 引人注目的 ‎3.归纳“完成,实现”词汇 ‎①achieve vt. 完成;实现 ‎②realize vt. 实现 ‎③fulfil vt. 完成,履行 ‎④accomplish vt. 完成,实现 ‎⑤come true 实现 ‎⑥bring about 实现;导致 ‎4.“容器”名词大全 ‎①container 容器 ‎②bowl 碗 ‎③pot 锅 ‎④jar 罐 ‎⑤basin 盆 ‎⑥plate 盘子 ‎5.前缀a-高频表语形容词大全 ‎①ashamed 羞愧的 ‎②asleep 睡着的 ‎③awake 醒着的 ‎④alike 同样的,相似的 ‎⑤afraid 害怕的 ‎⑥alone 单独的 ‎⑦alive 活的;有活力的 ‎⑧aware 清楚的,明白的 ‎[会应用] 用所给词的适当形式填空 ‎1.Flying across the Atlantic for the first time was a great achievement (achieve).‎ ‎2.We grow a variety (various) of crops,including cabbages,wheat and potatoes.‎ ‎3.According to some philosophers,everything in existence (exist) is reasonable.‎ ‎4.She couldn’t control her annoyance (annoy) at the attitude of the applicant.‎ ‎5.As far as the present situations are concerned (concern),it is very difficult for you to avoid being accused of drunk-driving.‎ ‎6.Practical experience is often very important and practice is the direct way to get experience.(practice)‎ ‎7.Health awareness has increased over the past decade.As a result,smokers are aware of the dangers to their own health.(aware)‎ ‎8.The puzzle has puzzled so many students in the university,which is really puzzling.(puzzle)‎ ‎9.He is a determined person and once he determines to do something,he will never change.(determine)‎ ‎10.Mr.Black is an amusing person who often amuses us with amusing stories.So staying with him is really a kind of amusement.(amuse)‎ Ⅱ.核心短语—识记·联想·运用 ‎[会书写]‎ ‎1.put_off 推迟 ‎2.at_present 目前,现在 ‎3.out_of_work 失业 ‎4.give_away 赠送;泄露(秘密)‎ ‎5.drop_out 退出;退学 ‎6.make/earn_a_living 谋生 ‎7.be_determined_to_do_sth 决心做某事 ‎8.dream_up 凭空想出,虚构出 ‎9.take turns 轮流 ‎10.be concerned about 对……关心,挂念 ‎11.turn one’s back on 不理睬;拒绝 ‎12.be tired of... 厌倦了……‎ ‎13.appeal to... 吸引……;呼吁 ‎14.a variety of 各种各样的 ‎15.what’s more 而且,此外 ‎16.be associated with 将……与……联系起来 ‎[会积累]‎ ‎1.小议“at+n.”短语 ‎①at hand 近在手边 ‎②at length 最终,终于 ‎③at rest 休息之中 ‎④at risk 处境危险 ‎⑤at ease 无忧无虑 ‎⑥at present 目前,现在 ‎2.表示“与……有关/联系”的短语清单 ‎①be associated with ‎②be relative to ‎③be relevant to ‎④be related to/with ‎⑤be connected with ‎⑥be/get involved in ‎[会应用] 选用上表左栏短语填空 ‎1.The programme Trust in China has appealed_to many people since its broadcast on TV.‎ ‎2.He turned_his_back_on his family when he became famous.‎ ‎3.I was_concerned_about that old man.He looked completely exhausted.‎ ‎4.In the old days many girls in the countryside had to drop_out of school.‎ ‎5.Because of the rain the football match has been put_off.‎ ‎6.The millionaire has_given_away most of his money to the poor and now he isn’t a millionaire.‎ ‎7.We were_tired_of hearing about his trip to India.‎ ‎8.You have been dreaming_up a romance for me! ‎ Ⅲ.经典句式—分析·背诵·仿写 句型公式1:that引导的同位语从句 ‎[教材原句] There are certainly no signs that Charles was a rich man!‎ 当然没有迹象表明查尔斯曾是个富人!‎ ‎[句型仿写] Word/The news came/spread that_Fu_Yuanhui_would_come_to_our_school.‎ 傅园慧将来我们学校的消息传播开来。‎ 句型公式2:if的省略结构 ‎[教材原句] If so,it is time for you to think again.‎ 如果这样的话,你需要再考虑一下了。‎ ‎[句型仿写] You should study hard;if_so,you can pass the exam.‎ 你应该好好学习,如果这样的话,你就能及格。‎ 句型公式3:主语+系动词+形容词+to do ‎[教材原句] They are very practical and easy to wash.‎ 它们非常实用,而且便于清洗。‎ ‎[句型仿写] The novel Pride and Prejudice is interesting_to_read_for_us.‎ 对我们来说,小说《傲慢与偏见》读起来很有趣。‎ Ⅳ.语篇填空—回顾·补全·热诵 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ A lot of people,who spend half their time thinking about the ways 1.to_become (become) rich,are determined to become a millionaire.In fact,even if some of them get rich,they are not content 2.with their life at all.However,Charles Gray isn’t such a person.Charles Gray,used to be a college professor with a huge six-bedroom house,now lives in a small dormitory room 3.where there is only old furniture.He felt happy to give 4.up the lifestyle of a rich man,5.getting (get) clothes or other things from charity shops.A few years ago,Charles 6.became(become)aware that there were a lot of people who 7.were (be) lacking in food,so he donated all his money 8.to charities.In Charles’s opinion,most people never make much money;9.having (have) only a little money makes one free and 10.happier (happy).‎ Ⅴ.语篇改错—回顾·修正·热诵 文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ Every year,approximate 1.6 billion tons of soil flows into the Yellow River,China’s second longer river.The soil contains material to keep the natural balance of the area.Over time,a lot of soil has been removing,that has caused serious erosion.That is a huge job to control the erosion.It is you who have most important role to play in stop Yellow River erosion.You can buy a tree with 5 yuan,which will make soil to stay on the land.Farmers can grow crops on the land,which help to develop local economies.‎ 答案 Every year, 1.6 billion tons of soil flows into the Yellow River,China’s second river.The soil contains to keep the natural balance of the area.Over time,a lot of soil has been , has caused serious erosion. is a huge job to control the erosion.It is you who have most important role to play in Yellow River erosion.You can buy a tree with 5 yuan,which will make soil stay on the land.Farmers can grow crops on the land,which to develop local economies.‎ ‎[核 心 词 汇]‎ ‎1.variety n.多样性,多样化 ‎(1)a variety of=varieties of ‎       种种,各种各样的,各种不同的 the variety of ……的品种 ‎(2)vary vt.& vi. 改变;变更;变化;不同 vary with... 随着……而变化 vary from...to.../between...and...‎ ‎ 在……和……之间变化 ‎(3)various adj. 各种不同的;各种各样的 ‎①With the help of this technique,providing various/a_variety_of/varieties_of_suggestions on appropriate ways of exercise for examiners becomes much easier.‎ 在这种技术的帮助下,给检查者提供各种合适的锻炼方法的建议变得容易多了。‎ ‎②That sort of thing varies from person to person in African countries.‎ 那种事情在非洲国家因人而异。‎ ‎[名师指津] ‎ ‎(1)a variety of/varieties of后接可数名词复数作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;‎ ‎(2)the variety of后接可数名词复数作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。‎ ‎③The variety of foods at the restaurant is_limited(limit),but the amount of each dish is fairly large.‎ 这家饭店里食物的品种是有限的,但每道菜的量是相当大的。‎ ‎2.determine vt.确定,决定;使下定决心 ‎(1)determine on/upon (doing) sth ‎         决定(做)某事 determine to do sth 决定做某事(表示动作)‎ ‎(2)determined adj. 坚决的;有决心的 be determined to do sth 决心做某事(表示状态)‎ ‎(3)determination n. 决心 ‎①I have_determined_on/upon working as a volunteer teacher in the countryside after graduation.‎ 我已决定毕业后到农村支教。‎ ‎②Though Tom was stubborn,they determined to_persuade (persuade) him to travel together.‎ 虽然汤姆很固执,但他们决定说服他一起去旅行。‎ ‎③Determined (determine) to do this on my own,I spent several weeks going door-to-door for a job,but found little response.‎ 决定靠自己找一份工作后,我花费了几个星期的时间挨家挨户地找,但是没有得到什么回应。‎ ‎[名师指津] 高考中常把determined to do sth作状语的用法作为考查点,有类似用法的还有lost in,caught in,absorbed in等。‎ ‎3.concern vt.使忧虑;与……相关n.担心;关心;关系 ‎(1)show/express concern about/for ‎            对……表示关心 ‎(2)be concerned about/over/for 关心;挂念……‎ be concerned with/in 牵扯进/参与……‎ as/so far as...be concerned 就……而言 ‎(3)concerning prep. 关于;有关 ‎①They follow the rules,help out,and are concerned about the people they work with.‎ ‎→They follow the rules,help out,and show/express concern for/about the people they work with.‎ 他们遵守规则,帮助别人克服困难,关心他们的同事。‎ ‎②All the people concerned (concern) with the case will be questioned by the police.‎ 所有参与这个案件的人警察都要审问。‎ ‎③I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information concerning (concern) the interview.‎ 我写信是想知道你是否可能提供给我有关面试的信息。‎ ‎[名师指津] concerned 作定语时的位置:表示“忧虑的,担忧的,担心的”,作前置定语,如: a concerned look “担忧的表情”;表示“有关的,涉及的”,作后置定语,如: the authorities concerned “有关当局”。‎ ‎[一言串记] The authorities concerned are concerned about the interests which are concerned with the people.‎ 有关当局关心与人民有关的利益。‎ ‎4.aware adj.知道的,意识到的 ‎(1)知道/明白/意识到……‎ make sb aware of sth 让某人明白某事 as far as I’m aware... 据我所知……‎ ‎(2)awareness n. 意识,觉悟 ‎①Most smokers are perfectly aware of the dangers of smoking.‎ 大多数吸烟者完全知道吸烟的危害。‎ ‎②The fact that so many people still smoke in public places suggests that we may need a nationwide campaign to raise awareness (aware) of the risks of smoking.‎ 仍然有很多人在公共场所吸烟,这样的事实表明我们或许需要一场全国性的运动来提高人们对吸烟的危害的认识。‎ ‎5.bargain vi.& n.交易;讨价还价;便宜货 ‎[一词多义] 写出下列句中bargain的含义 ‎①I picked up a few good bargains in the sale.便宜货 ‎②I’ve done what I promised and I expect you to keep your side of the bargain.交易 ‎③If you bargain with them,they might reduce the price.讨价还价 ‎(1)bargain with sb about/over/for sth ‎         就某物与某人讨价还价 ‎(2)make a bargain (with sb) (与某人)成交/达成协议 It’s a (real) bargain. 真便宜。‎ ‎④He and his partner have made a bargain to help each other.‎ 他和他的合伙人已达成协议,要相互帮助。‎ ‎⑤He bargained with the shopkeeper about/over/for the price to save money.‎ 为了省钱,他与店主讨价还价。‎ ‎[一言串记] My wife often picks up some bargains from the market.Though cheap,they’re of good quality.Last weekend,she bargained with a salesgirl over/about/for a dress.At last she bought it for only 15 pounds and it was a real bargain.‎ 我妻子常常从市场买到一些便宜货。虽然便宜,但品质优良。上周末她与一个女销售员就一条连衣裙讨价还价,最后她以15英镑买了它。真便宜!‎ ‎6.ashamed adj.羞耻的,惭愧的 ‎(1)be/feel ashamed ‎(2)shame n.   羞愧;遗憾 shameful adj. 可耻的;丢脸的 ‎①Jim was ashamed to have_troubled (trouble) me with so many questions.‎ 吉姆因有如此多的问题麻烦了我而感到不好意思。‎ ‎②The parents felt_ashamed_for their son when he was dismissed by the boss.‎ 儿子被老板解雇,他父母都替他感到羞耻。‎ ‎[易混辨析] ashamed,shameful ashamed ‎“感到羞耻,觉得惭愧,不好意思”表示主语主观认为是可耻的 shameful 表示事物本身的客观性质是“可耻的”‎ 选用以上词语填空 ‎③The boy was caught cheating in the exam and he was ashamed of his shameful conduct.‎ 那个男孩考试作弊被抓住了,他为自己可耻的行为感到羞愧。‎ ‎7.appeal vi.吸引,引起兴趣;呼吁;恳求;上诉;申诉n.呼吁;要求 ‎(1)appeal to sb    对某人有吸引力 appeal to sb for sth 呼吁/恳求某人某事 appeal for sth 呼吁某事;请求给予某物 appeal to sb to do sth 呼吁某人做某事 ‎(2)make an appeal to sb for sth ‎ 为某事向某人呼吁或请求 make an appeal to sb to do sth ‎ 呼吁/恳求某人做某事 ‎①The government is appealing for more money to_help (help)people suffering from the flood in the southeast.‎ 政府呼吁人们捐赠更多的钱以帮助东南部地区遭受洪灾的人们。‎ ‎②We made an appeal to the villagers for money to build the bridge.‎ 为建造这座桥,我们呼吁村民捐款。‎ ‎[一言串记] Martin Luther King appealed to the blacks to appeal to the highest court against racial discrimination,which greatly appealed to the whole world.‎ 马丁·路德·金呼吁黑人向最高法庭上诉反对种族歧视,这引起了全世界极大的关注。‎ ‎8.balance n.平衡;天平;结余;余额;余款vt.平衡;权衡 ‎(1)keep the balance of nature 保持生态平衡 keep one’s balance 保持平衡 lose one’s balance 失去平衡(动作)‎ be out of balance 失去平衡(状态)‎ ‎(2)balance sth against 权衡;斟酌;比较 ‎(3)balanced adj. 保持(或显示)平衡的 keep a balanced diet 保持饮食均衡 ‎①Move slowly,then be sure to keep_your_balance and don’t let your body shake.‎ 慢慢地移动,然后确保要保持平衡,不要让你的身体晃动。‎ ‎②You have to balance the advantages of living in the countryside against the disadvantages.‎ 你得权衡一下住在乡下的好处和坏处。‎ ‎③You’d better keep a balanced(balance)diet for the benefit of your health.‎ 为了有益于身体健康你最好均衡饮食。‎ ‎[熟词生义] 读句子猜含义 ‎④Apart from my basic living expenses,my bank balance isn’t good.余额;余款 ‎9.behave vi.举止,表现 ‎(1)behave well/badly (towards)‎ ‎         (对……)表现好/不好 behave oneself 表现得体,有礼貌 ‎(2)behaviour n. 行为,举止,态度 good/bad behaviour 良好/恶劣行为 ‎①You had better behave yourself(you),otherwise you’ll be made fun of.‎ 你最好规矩一点,否则人家会取笑你的。‎ ‎②Parents have the greatest effect on their children’s behavior(behave).‎ 父母对孩子的行为有最深远的影响。‎ ‎10.replace vt.代替,取代;把……放回原处;替换 ‎(1)replace sth with/by sth  用某物替换某物 ‎(2) 代替某人 ‎①I’m going to replace my old mobile phone with/by a new Hua Wei P10.‎ 我打算买部新的华为P10来替换那部旧手机。‎ ‎②Most scientists agree that computers cannot completely take_the_place_of human.‎ 大多数科学家认为计算机并不能完全代替人。‎ ‎③Store shopping will never be_replaced_by online shopping,but it can exist along with it.‎ 商店购物永远不会被网络购物取代,但是它可以与之并存。‎ ‎11.put off推迟,延期;拖延;使反感;脱掉(衣帽);(停车)让某人下车 ‎[一词多义] 写出下列句中put off的含义 ‎①It would be much better to put off the meeting till Friday.推迟,延期 ‎②Why don’t you put off your coat?It’s so warm today.脱掉 ‎③The country’s worsening reputation does not seem to be putting off the tourists.使反感 ‎④I asked the bus driver to put me off near the hotel.让某人下车 ‎12.give away赠送,捐赠;泄露(秘密);颁发;放弃 ‎[一词多义] 写出下列句中give away的含义 ‎①They hold their fire when the enemy is not firing,so as not to give away their positions.暴露;泄露 ‎②The mayor gave away the prizes at the school sports meeting.颁发 ‎③Would they let Shay bat and give away their chance to win the game?放弃 ‎④He gave away most of his money to the homeless in the earthquake-stricken area.捐赠 give off   放出(气味、热、光)‎ give out 分发,分配;发表;散发;精疲力竭,用尽 give way to 撤退;让步,让路;让……优先 give in 屈服,让步 ‎⑤When we were only a few miles from our destination the petrol gave_out.‎ 当我们离目的地只有几英里的路程时,汽油用完了。‎ ‎⑥At this climate conference our government gave_in,in order to protect the benefits of other developing countries.‎ 在气候大会上,为保护其他发展中国家的利益,我国政府作出了让步。‎ ‎13.drop out退出;退学 drop by/over顺便拜访 drop in (on sb/at some place)‎ ‎ 顺便拜访(某人/某地)‎ drop off 落下;不知不觉入睡;送下车,送到;减少 drop out of 从……中退出 ‎①The Smiths dropped_in_on some old friends on their vacation trip to New York.‎ 史密斯一家在纽约度假时顺便拜访了几位老朋友。‎ ‎②Not content with the judge,the three runners dropped_out.‎ 因为对裁判不满,三名选手退出了比赛。‎ ‎③It is reported that traffic accidents have_dropped_off evidently since the new rules came into being.‎ 据报道,新规则出台后,交通事故明显减少了。‎ ‎[重 点 句 型]‎ ‎1.There are certainly no signs that_Charles_was_a_rich_man! ‎ 当然没有迹象表明查尔斯曾是个富人!‎ 本句是一个复合句,that引导同位语从句,用来解释说明 signs 的内容。‎ ‎①We heard the news that our team had won.‎ 我们听到消息说我们队赢了。‎ ‎(1)从属连词 that 引导同位语从句时,常跟在某些抽象名词如: fact,hope,desire,thought,suggestion,idea,news,problem,possibility,chance,plan,question等之后,对前面的名词起补充说明的作用。‎ ‎(2)同位语从句也可以由连接代词who,what,whose,which;连接副词how,when,where,why或从属连词whether来引导。‎ ‎②This is our only request that_this_problem_(should)_be_settled as soon as possible.‎ 这就是我们唯一的请求:尽快解决这个问题。‎ ‎③The question whether_it_is_right_or_wrong depends on the result.‎ 这个问题是对还是错要看结果。‎ ‎[名师指津] 在某些名词(如demand,wish,suggestion,request等)后面的同位语从句中要用“(should+)do”表示虚拟语气。‎ ‎2.If_so,it is time for you to think again.‎ 如果这样的话,你需要再考虑一下了。‎ ‎(1)if so“如果是这样的话”,是if引导的条件状语从句的省略形式,表示肯定意义;如果表示否定意义,则用if not。‎ ‎①I may be free this evening.If so,I’ll come round and see you.‎ 今晚我可能有空,要是有空我会过来看你。‎ ‎②Is it going to rain?If_not,we’ll_go_hiking.‎ 要下雨了吗?如果不下的话,我们要去远足。‎ ‎(2)if引导省略的情况还有下列几种:‎ if any    如果有的话 if ever 如果曾经有的话 if possible 如果有可能的话 ‎③There are few people nowadays,if_any,who remember him.‎ 现在很少有人能记起他。‎ ‎④He is ready to help others,seldom,if_ever,refusing them when they turn to him.‎ 他非常乐意帮助别人,当别人求助于他的时候,他很少(如果曾经有过的话)拒绝他们。‎ ‎⑤If_possible,try and go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.‎ 如果可能的话,尝试每天都在同一时间睡觉和起床。‎ ‎[当 堂 达 标]‎ Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.The island offers such a wide variety (种类)of scenery and wildlife.‎ ‎2.He was determined (决定)to give his family a secure and solid base.‎ ‎3.All things considered,I think you have behaved (表现)marvelously in coming here.‎ ‎4.Her room was in such a litter that she was ashamed (羞愧) to ask me in.‎ ‎5.Although you can find bargains (便宜货)in London,it’s not generally a cheap place to shop.‎ ‎6.The problem is no matter how much tax we pay,it won’t get the budget in balance (平衡).‎ ‎7.Don’t interfere in what doesn’t concern (关系到) you.‎ ‎8.The victims’ parents of the murder have appealed (上诉) to the supreme court.‎ Ⅱ.单句语法填空 ‎1.I have no idea where/when the new library will be built.‎ ‎2.The children will not be allowed to go to the supermarket if they don’t behave themselves (they).‎ ‎3.The twins eventually made a bargain to_wash (wash) the dishes by turns.‎ ‎4.Concerned (concern) about his son,the father called his teacher to find out why he didn’t come home on time.‎ ‎5.He dropped out of college after only two weeks.‎ ‎6.It is necessary to make people aware of the importance of protecting wild animals.‎ ‎7.It is not a good idea to miss meals and replace them with snacks.‎ ‎8.The poem A Red,Red Rose written by Robert Burns is popular with the Chinese ‎ young people,because the poem is easy to_understand (understand).‎ ‎9.At the graduation ceremony,our headmaster required us to raise our competitive awareness (aware) in modern society.‎ ‎10.The notice came around two in the afternoon that the meeting would be postponed.‎ Ⅲ.单句改错 ‎1.We can use plastics in the place of wood or metal.去掉the ‎2.Li Na can speak the English language fluent.fluent→fluently ‎3.The coat is real bargain at such a low price.real前加a ‎4.He read the e-mail his wife posted to him with a puzzling expression on his face.puzzling→puzzled ‎5.He asked several questions concerned the future of the company.concerned→concerning Ⅳ.句型转换/一句多译 ‎1.We determined on an early start to avoid the traffic jam.‎ ‎→We determined to start early to avoid the traffic jam.‎ ‎2.We appealed to the villagers for money to build the bridge.‎ ‎→We made an appeal to the villagers for money to build the bridge.‎ ‎3.When you are crossing the street,you should be careful.‎ ‎→When crossing the street,you should be careful.‎ ‎4.他不适合这项工作,我们已雇了个新人来代替他。‎ ‎①He is not fit for the job.We’ve hired a new man to_take_his_place.(take one’s place)‎ ‎②He is not fit for the job.We’ve hired a new man to_do_the_job_in_his_place.(in one’s place)‎ ‎③He is not fit for the job.We’ve hired a new man to_take_the_place_of_him.(take the place of)‎ ‎④He is not fit for the job.We’ve hired a new man to do the job in_place_of_him.(in place of)‎ ‎[课 下 作 业]‎ Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.You are unique.Nothing can replace (取代) you.‎ ‎2.I answered him in a comment (评论),but I think it’s worth mentioning to all of our readers.‎ ‎3.The young man felt down as he was defeated (打败) in the match.‎ ‎4.I shall be pleased (高兴的) if you will help me with my work.‎ ‎5.The UN’s role in promoting peace is increasingly the focus (焦点) of international attention.‎ ‎6.Jane helped people understand how much they behaved (表现) like humans.‎ ‎7.If it does work,what an incredible advance (进步) it would be.‎ ‎8.She speaks much more fluently (流利) now than she did last term.‎ Ⅱ.单句语法填空 ‎1.The government is appealing to everyone to_save (save) water.‎ ‎2.The army was well-trained and well-armed,and had little difficulty defeating (defeat) the enemy.‎ ‎3.To our joy,there is a large variety (various) of patterns to choose from.‎ ‎4.When you’re choosing a job suitable for you,it’s wise to do a little research in advance.‎ ‎5.If asked (ask) to look after luggage for someone else,inform the police at once.‎ ‎6.Three children were removed from school for persistent bad behaviour.‎ ‎7.I don’t think I can make comments on their decision.‎ ‎8.I think we should value the discovery that is of great importance.‎ Ⅲ.选词填空 be tired of,take turns,give away,put off,at present,drop out,be associated with,appeal to ‎1.He was running for class president,but dropped_out when he knew he couldn’t win.‎ ‎2.We will have to put_off going on vacation until you are better.‎ ‎3.It’s dangerous to give_away personal information on the Internet.‎ ‎4.At_present,I do not have information on the meeting you asked about.‎ ‎5.The police appealed_to the crowd to keep calm and the problem was being solved.‎ ‎6.He no longer wished to be_associated_with the party’s policy on education.‎ ‎7.You may be tired with reading,but you should not be_tired_of it.‎ ‎8.The male and female birds take_turns in sitting on the eggs.‎ Ⅳ.完成句子 ‎1.Teenagers who_drop_out_of_high_school usually have trouble finding jobs.‎ 中学辍学的青少年通常很难找到工作。‎ ‎2.Work_hard_when_(you_are)_young,or you’ll regret.‎ 年轻时要努力工作,否则你会后悔的。‎ ‎3.It’s a pity that Jim is no_more_careful_than_you_are.‎ 遗憾的是吉姆和你一样不细心。‎ ‎4.How_come you didn’t tell me earlier?‎ 你怎么不早一点告诉我呢?‎ ‎5.The news that_we_are_having_a_holiday_tomorrow is not true.‎ 明天放假的消息不实。‎ Ⅴ.阅读理解 A Alibaba started taking the lead in China by connecting big Chinese manufacturers (制造商) with big buyers across the world.Its business-to-business site,Alibaba.com allowed businesses to buy almost everything.Alibaba’s advantage wasn’t hard to judge: size.Alibaba is just big,even by Chinese standards.Its market attracts about 231 million active buyers,8 million sellers,11.3 billion orders a year—and Alibaba is just the middleman.It encourages people to use its markets—not charging small sellers a percentage of the sale.‎ If you want a quick look into the influence of Alibaba on Chinese daily life,take my experience.I moved to Beijing a year ago and quickly got tired of visiting small stores ‎ across the crowded,polluted city of 20 million people in search of new electronics,bathroom furnishings,and anything else my wife wanted.“You’re looking for what exactly?Why not try it?” my Chinese teacher asked me one day.With that,my wonderful new relationship with Alibaba began.‎ Alibaba’s original business-to-business model now is second to consumer buying.Chinese retail (零售) buying makes up 80% of Alibaba’s profit,and leading that group is Taobao,with 800 million items for sale and the most unbelievable selection of things you’ll never find.Tmall.com is Alibaba’s another big site,where you can find brand-name goods from Nike to Unilever almost at the lowest prices.‎ What I have a hard time explaining to friends and family back in the U.S.is how China has gone beyond traditional shopping—big-box retailers especially—in favor of online purchases on Taobao and a few other sites.In smaller towns than Beijing,Taobao will be the first choice when shopping online.‎ I have a list of some of my recent purchases on Taobao for a sense of how wide the marketplace is.Almost everything arrived a day or two after ordering with free shipping.I’m not even a big buyer,because I need friends to help me search the Chinese-language site.When I was searching my purchase history on my Chinese teacher’s iPad,which helps me buy goods,I looked through with great difficulty about 10 of her purchases for every one of mine.‎ ‎[语篇解读] 本文主要介绍了阿里巴巴对人们的购物产生的巨大影响,它已经深入到人们日常生活的方方面面。‎ ‎1.Alibaba’s advantage mainly lies in __________.‎ A.its low price B.its not charging small sellers C.its big size D.its business-to-business service 答案 C [细节理解题。由第一段第三、四句“Alibaba’s advantage wasn’t hard to judge: size.Alibaba is just big,even by Chinese standards.”可知,阿里巴巴的优势就在于规模大。故选C项。]‎ ‎2.We know from the passage that Alibaba __________.‎ A.acts as a bridge between the buyers and sellers B.charges small sellers on its site a percentage of the sale C.sells everything you want online D.has taken the place of traditional stores 答案 A [推理判断题。由第一段第一句“...by connecting big Chinese manufacturers with big buyers across the world.”可知,阿里巴巴的运营模式是将制造商与买家联系起来,由此推断出阿里巴巴起到了桥梁的作用,故选A项。]‎ ‎3.What can be inferred from the last 3 paragraphs?‎ A.Taobao sells millions of items with the lowest price.‎ B.Alibaba’s profit mainly consists of Chinese retail buying.‎ C.Tmall.com is more popular than Taobao.‎ D.The author can purchase items on Taobao without any difficulty now.‎ 答案 B [推理判断题。由第三段第二句“Chinese retail buying makes up 80% of Alibaba’s profit...”可知,中国人的零售购买占了阿里巴巴利润的80%,故选B项。]‎ ‎4.What is the passage mainly about?‎ A.Taobao,the best choice for shopping online in China.‎ B.Alibaba influences people’s daily purchase in China.‎ C.Shopping online goes beyond traditional shopping in China.‎ D.How the author learns to purchase online in China.‎ 答案 B [主旨大意题。根据全文可知,本文主要论述了阿里巴巴对人们日常购物产生的巨大影响,故选B项。]‎ B Matthew Dunn,a Royal Navy aircraft engineer,spotted a brown leather wallet on the pavement near a Dutch restaurant,while touring with the Royal Navy Black Cats display team.‎ After finding £450 inside along with a selection of credit cards and a driving license,he was nervous about handing the wallet over to local police,fearing its rightful owner would never get it back.So Mr.Dunn,27,decided to personally return the ‎ wallet,which he had nicknamed Wally,to its owner,Roy Somers,49,from South London.‎ The 27-year-old from Yeovil,Somerset,said,“If you lose your wallet,it’s one of the worst feelings in the world—your life is inside it.Because the owner was UK-based and it had his address on the driving license,we thought we might as well take it back to the UK and post it.” Mr.Dunn’s trip with Wally and his colleagues went from Amsterdam to a Dutch air base,on to Berlin and back again,before a return journey through the Netherlands,Belgium and France,arriving back to the UK via Eurostar on June 8.On arrival back in the UK,he posted the wallet to Mr.Somers by recorded delivery.‎ Mr.Somers had in the meantime cancelled his cards and assumed his wallet was long gone.He said,“A week after I got back,Matthew got in contact saying he had my wallet—I thought it was really nice that he’d taken the time to let me know.” Mr.Somers insisted on paying for a round of drinks for Mr.Dunn.‎ But Mr.Dunn refused.He said,“I just wanted to give Roy a bit of a giggle and show there are still some people in the world that are a little bit nice.Being part of the Forces you do try to do good things for people and,maybe one day,he’ll come to watch one of our air shows,knowing his wallet is an honorary member.”‎ ‎[语篇解读] 这是一篇新闻报道。文章讲的是英国皇家海军的Matthew Dunn将拾到的钱包亲自带回英国并邮寄给失主的故事。‎ ‎5.Why did Mr.Dunn decide to return the wallet personally?‎ A.He wanted to meet the owner.‎ B.He thought it might be set aside.‎ C.He feared police might mishandle it.‎ D.He knew it meant a lot to its owner.‎ 答案 C [细节理解题。根据第二段中的“he was nervous about handing the wallet over to local police,fearing its rightful owner would never get it back”可知,Mr.Dunn担心失主有可能会因警察的处理不当而收不到钱包,所以他决定亲自把钱包带回英国并邮寄给失主。故选C。]‎ ‎6.What could be learned about Mr.Somers?‎ A.He hadn’t expected his wallet back.‎ B.He treated Mr.Dunn to a drink.‎ C.He once worked in a Dutch restaurant.‎ D.He went to see Mr.Dunn’s air shows.‎ 答案 A [推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Mr.Somers had in the meantime cancelled his cards and assumed his wallet was long gone”可知,Mr.Somers注销了他的卡,并且认为他的钱包“一去不复返了”。也就是说Mr.Somers没想过他的钱包能找回来。故选A。]‎ ‎7.Which of the following words can best describe Mr.Dunn?‎ A.Knowledgeable. B.Adventurous.‎ C.Humorous. D.Noble.‎ 答案 D [推理判断题。根据文章内容可知,Mr.Dunn捡到了一个钱包,并亲自将钱包带回英国,邮寄给失主,这表明他拾金不昧,是一个具有崇高品质的(noble)人。故选D。]‎ ‎8.What’s the main purpose of the text?‎ A.To describe. B.To inform.‎ C.To introduce. D.To entertain.‎ 答案 B [写作意图题。本文是一篇新闻报道,讲的是英国皇家海军的Matthew Dunn将拾得的钱包亲自带回英国并归还给失主的故事。由此可知,作者写作本文的目的是告知人们这一事件,故选B。]‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 Norm lives in a rural area some distance from the nearest city and a much longer distance from the nearest big hospital,so when his wife got cancer several years ago,Norm was faced with a four and a half hours’ drive to where she could be treated.That meant lots of expense for meals,fuel,hotels and so on,but in the end the cancer took his wife anyway.‎ Norm was obviously very stricken by his wife’s passing but he was also very angry because he realized that other people were facing the same sort of hardship.He wanted ‎ to do something but he didn’t want to give money to the charities (慈善机构) that support cancer research because he didn’t know how much of it would actually get to the researchers.What he did was start to hold parties.‎ About every three weeks on Saturday evenings there is a party in Norm’s garden.Neighbors,friends and relatives come and bring snacks and drinks;many bring instruments;there is music and dancing at some point during the evening.Norm tells about a family he has found that is having difficulties with a cancer patient undergoing treatment in the family.Then a honey-pail is passed around and the money collected,every cent of it,goes directly to that family.‎ Norm’s passion to help the families of other cancer patients was born out of his grief but Norm’s personal loss has resulted in an act of kindness that honors the memory of the wife he has lost.He makes the world a better place.‎ ‎[语篇解读] 诺姆的妻子因患癌症去世后,他通过开慈善晚宴的形式筹集钱款以帮助更多的癌症病人,以此来纪念自己的妻子。‎ ‎1.What do we know about Norm’s wife?‎ A.She died for lack of money.‎ B.She worked in a distant hospital.‎ C.She lost the battle against cancer.‎ D.She took good care of her family.‎ 答案 C [细节理解题。由第一段最后一句中的“but in the end the cancer took his wife anyway”可知,癌症夺走了他妻子的生命,即他妻子输掉了和癌症的斗争。故选C项。]‎ ‎2.How does Norm help others?‎ A.By giving money to charities.‎ B.By supporting cancer researchers.‎ C.By telling stories to his friends.‎ D.By raising money through parties.‎ 答案 D [细节理解题。由第二段最后一句“What he did was start to hold parties.”和第三段最后一句“...the money collected,every cent of it,goes directly to that ‎ family.”可知,诺姆是以举行聚会的方式来筹钱的。故选D项。]‎ ‎3.At Norm’s party,the “honey-pail” is used to contain __________.‎ A.snacks B.drinks C.honey D.money 答案 D [细节理解题。由第三段最后一句“Then a honey-pail is passed around and the money collected,every cent of it,goes directly to that family.”可知,蜂蜜桶会在大家中间传递筹集善款,然后直接送到癌症病人家属手中,由此可推断蜂蜜桶是用来放钱的。故选D项。]‎ ‎4.Through what he does,Norm probably wants to __________.‎ A.remember his wife B.hide his anger C.regain his personal loss D.change the world 答案 A [推理判断题。由最后一段第一句中的“honors the memory of the wife he has lost”可知,诺姆通过举办聚会来筹集钱款以帮助更多的癌症病人,由此可推知他是想以此来纪念自己的妻子。故选A项。]‎ Ⅱ.七选五 Facts You Didn’t Know About Happy People Here are some facts that happy people have combined into their lives.Take action,and you’ll see yourself transformed into a happier person.‎ ‎__1__‎ It’s easy to blame yourself when something goes wrong.However,focusing on learning from it will help you turn a mistake into something useful.Consider it an opportunity to grow.‎ They don’t worry about unimportant things.‎ ‎__2__ There’re cases where anger,disappointment and anxiety are reasonable reactions,but they don’t have to be your final reactions.Learning to let go of the little things you can’t control will allow you to focus better on the positive aspects of life.‎ They plan holidays.‎ Even if you can’t afford a cross-continent trip,there’re many budget-friendly (经济实惠的) ways to get out there.Experiencing a new culture or a change in scenery is a great way to bring extra happiness into your life.__3__‎ They say thank you.‎ Saying thank you makes everyone’s day brighter.During a busy day,take a second to stop and be grateful for small things.It may not come naturally at first.__4__ In fact,there’re plenty of opportunities to stop and appreciate little things.‎ They give themselves a break.‎ This little trick will help you to be both happier and more productive.Even if you bring your own lunch,step out for a walk.__5__ You’ll feel refreshed and energetic after just five minutes.‎ A.Bad days happen.‎ B.They turn mistakes into lessons.‎ C.They turn a to-do list into a game.‎ D.Stop watching other people live their lives.‎ E.It helps you to create memories that you’ll never forget.‎ F.But in the long run,it will really increase your happiness.‎ G.Get your body moving and take your eyes off your screen.‎ ‎[语篇解读] 本文介绍了快乐的人在日常生活中的一些做法,这些看似简单的做法能够帮助我们保持积极的心态,使我们变得更加快乐。‎ ‎1.B [该小标题下的一段主要讲了在出现问题时,快乐的人会把问题看成成长的机会,会把精力集中在从问题中学到东西上。因此,B项(他们把错误变成经验教训)最能概括本段主旨。]‎ ‎2.A [根据空后的“where anger,disappointment and anxiety are reasonable reactions”可知,在有些情况下,生气、失望以及焦虑都是合情合理的反应。故A项(糟糕的日子是在所难免的)与下一句承接自然,符合此处的语境。]‎ ‎3.E [该空前一句讲了旅游的好处,即体验新文化、欣赏不同的风景能为你的生活带来额外的快乐。E项(它能帮你创造你永远都不会忘记的回忆)紧承上一句,对旅游的益处进行深入说明。]‎ ‎4.F [该空前一句提到,一开始表达感激之情可能不会那么自然。F项(但从长远来看,这真的会增加你的幸福感)与上一句构成转折关系,其中的in the long run与该空前的at first相对应。]‎ ‎5.G [该空前一句提到要找机会出去走走。G项(让你的身体动起来,将你的眼睛从屏幕上移开)不仅紧承上文,而且与下一句提到的运动的益处相符。]‎ Ⅲ.完形填空 Yesterday,I went to a grocery store to buy supper myself.I actually borrowed money from my friend.On my way out,I saw a lady there with a little girl about nine or ten years old.They had many bags filled with __1__ cans.They could get a five-cent refund for each can returned,and they could only get a few dollars in __2__.‎ That really struck me,and I couldn’t __3__ wondering about them.I reached into my __4__ and confirmed that I had 10 dollars left of the money I had __5__.Thus,I walked back to the store and was about to give the lady the $10._________6__,I didn’t want to offend her and I was really __7__.Maybe she didn’t really need it,so I walked back again.‎ I took a few steps away from the store,then turned around and walked back _8_.I chickened (退缩) out again _9_ I saw the mother and her daughter.Then I _10_ this a couple of times.At the moment,I noticed a _11_ of the grocery store outside getting ready to go home.I _12_ her to give the lady the money for me.She thought it was _13_ and asked me why.I just said that I needed to _14_ it forward to a stranger and that it was hard to _15_.She asked me to stay there in case the lady didn’t want to _16_ it,but I replied,“She has no _17_,and I’m leaving right now anyway!”‎ I watched the cashier walk to her,and then I left _18_.I have no idea what happened—whether it helped or was _19_—but,my conscience is clear! And I truly believe that no act of _20_,no matter how small,is ever wasted.‎ ‎[语篇解读] 作者去食品杂货店买晚餐,偶遇到一对可怜的母女。作者帮助她们付款,不求回报,并认为善举无论多小,都永远值得去做。‎ ‎1.A.full B.empty C.cheap D.huge 答案 B [根据“They could get a five-cent refund for each can returned”可判断,那些罐子都是空的,故选B项。]‎ ‎2.A.short B.turn C.total D.vain 答案 C [根据空前的“get a five-cent refund for each ”及“only get a few dollars”可知,此处指她们总共拿到的钱很少。in total意为“总共”。故选C项。]‎ ‎3.A.stop B.consider C.remember D.avoid 答案 A [并列连词and前后为并列或承接关系,strike sb意为“让某人印象深刻”,可知该句指作者一直在想她们的事。can’t stop doing sth意为“一直在做某事”,符合语境。故选A项。]‎ ‎4.A.can B.bank C.store D.pocket 答案 D [根据下文中的“confirmed that I had 10 dollars left of the money”可知,作者把手伸向口袋,确定还有10美元。pocket意为“衣袋;口袋”,符合语境。故选D项。]‎ ‎5.A.borrowed B.earned C.hidden D.saved 答案 A [根据首段中的“I actually borrowed money...”可知,作者的钱是借来的,故选A项。earn意为“挣(钱)”;hide意为“躲藏”;save意为“存钱;挽救”。]‎ ‎6.A.Instead B.However C.Besides D.Otherwise 答案 B [根据空处前的“give the lady the $10”及后面的“I didn’t want to offend her”可知,前后意思形成转折,故选B项。instead意为“相反”;besides意为“此外”;otherwise意为“否则”。]‎ ‎7.A.mean B.honest C.wealthy D.shy 答案 D [根据下一段中的“I took a few steps away from the store,then turned around...”可知,作者 来来回回不好意思当面把钱给那对母女,由此可推测,作者有些腼腆,故选D项。mean意为“吝啬的”;honest意为“诚实的”;wealthy意为“富有的”。]‎ ‎8.A.out B.in C.away D.about 答案 B [根据“a few steps away from the store”可判断,作者之后又走进了商店,故选B项。about可作副词,意为“到处;四处”,相当于around。]‎ ‎9.A.as long as B.although C.as soon as D.before 答案 C [根据下文的“_ this a couple of times”可知,作者一见到这对母女就退了出去。as long as意为“只要”;although意为“尽管”;as soon as意为“一……就……”;before意为“在……之前”。根据语境可知选C项。]‎ ‎10.A.met B.left C.made D.repeated 答案 D [根据前句中的“chickened out again”及空后的“a couple of times”可知,该情景作者重复了多次。故选D项。]‎ ‎11.A.cashier B.friend C.banker D.customer 答案 A [根据最后一段中的“I watched the cashier walk to her...”可知,此处指作者在食品杂货店外面看到一位收银员(cashier)准备回家。故选A项。friend意为“朋友”;banker意为“银行家”;customer意为“顾客”。]‎ ‎12.A.warned B.asked C.allowed D.forced 答案 B [根据语境可知,此处指作者“请求”收银员帮忙把钱给那对母女,故选B项。warn sb of sth意为“警告某人某事”;allow sb to do/allow doing sth意为“允许(某人)做某事”;force sb to do sth意为“强迫,迫使某人做某事”。]‎ ‎13.A.fun B.wrong C.normal D.strange 答案 D [根据后文中的asked me why可知,收银员感觉作者的请求很奇怪(strange)。故选D项。fun意为“有趣的”;wrong意为“错的”;normal意为“‎ 正常的”。]‎ ‎14.A.pay B.sell C.promise D.take 答案 A [根据第二段的提示信息“was about to give the lady the $10.”可知,作者想为她们付钱(pay),故选A项。]‎ ‎15.A.change B.explain C.doubt D.complain 答案 B [根据上文特别是第13空后的asked me why可知,作者想为她们付钱可又怕太冒昧,因此,作者很难解释(explain)为她们付钱的原因,故选B项。change意为“改变”;doubt意为“怀疑”;complain意为“抱怨”。]‎ ‎16.A.refuse B.miss C.accept D.receive 答案 C [根据语境可知,作者愿为陌生人付钱,但收银员不确定她们是否愿意接受,故选C项。refuse (to do)意为“拒绝”;miss意为“失去;错过”;accept意为“(主观上)接受”;receive意为“(客观上)收到”。]‎ ‎17.A.money B.chance C.way D.choice 答案 D [根据下文“and I’m leaving right now anyway”可知她没有选择(choice),应该不会拒绝。故选D项。]‎ ‎18.A.instantly B.easily C.anxiously D.fortunately 答案 A [根据上段中的“I’m leaving right now”以及后句中的“I have no idea what happened”可知,作者马上就要离开了。instantly意为“立刻;马上”。故选A项。easily意为“轻易地”;anxiously意为“紧张地;担忧地”;fortunately意为“幸运地”。]‎ ‎19.A.trusted B.cheated C.criticized D.appreciated 答案 D [根据上文可知作者作出了善举,再由设空前面的it helped提示可知,此处应为“被感谢”之意,故选D项。trust意为“信任”;cheat意为“欺骗”‎ ‎;criticize意为“批评”。]‎ ‎20.A.confidence B.bravery C.kindness D.selflessness 答案 C [根据设空处前面的“my conscience is clear”可知,作者是一个乐于行善的人。最后一句为全文的主题句,作者坚信无论善举有多小,都永远值得做。故选C项。confidence意为“自信”;bravery意为“勇敢”;selflessness意为“无私”。]‎

