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‎2019届二轮复习 特殊句式学案 ‎【考情探究】‎ 考点 考向 考情分析 预测热度 高考示例 设题方式 ‎2018-11‎ ‎2018-06‎ ‎2017-11‎ ‎2017-06‎ ‎2016-10‎ 倒装句 ‎1.完全倒装 ‎2.部分倒装 ‎1.特殊句式的考查主要体现在考生的写作中。如果考生能在写作中合适的使用特殊句式,将使自己的文章更优美,符合写作标准中的“高级句式”,可以提高文章的分值 ‎2.在语篇型填空中,可能将要求考生根据上下文和句子结构填上合适的单词。这种考查主要集中在倒装和强调句中 ‎★☆☆‎ 强调句 ‎1.It is/was+被强调部分+who/that+其他成分 ‎2.助动词do/does/did 强调 ‎★☆☆‎ 其他特殊句式 ‎1.省略与替代 ‎2.祈使句 ‎3.感叹句 ‎4.There be句型 ‎5.反意疑问句 ‎★☆☆‎ 分析解读  特殊句式在目前的英语考试中虽然没有直接考查,但是,如果在写作中能较好地使用特殊句式,将会提升考生的写作质量。‎ 破考点 ‎【考点集训】‎ 考点一 倒装句 ‎1.   by increasing the number of doctors by 50 percent can the patients be treated properly in this hospital. ‎ 答案 Only ‎2.Not until he went through real hardship   he realize the love we have for our families is important. ‎ 答案 did ‎3.“Never for a second,”the boy says,“   I doubt that my father would come to my rescue.” ‎ 答案 did ‎4.Not once   it occur to Michael that he could one day become a top student in his class. ‎ 答案 did ‎5.Only when he apologizes for his rudeness   I speak to him again. ‎ 答案 will ‎6.Not until he retired from teaching three years ago   he consider having a holiday abroad. ‎ 答案 did ‎7.Little   she care what she looks like;all she cares about is her job performance. ‎ 答案 does ‎8.The headmaster will not permit the change in the course,   will he even give it a thought. ‎ 答案 nor/neither ‎9.Never before   he seen anybody who can play tennis as well as Robert. ‎ 答案 has ‎10.This is not my story, nor   it the whole story. My story plays out differently. ‎ 答案 is ‎11.It rained heavily overnight and not until this morning   it stop. ‎ 答案 did ‎12.So buried   (be)she in doing her homework that she didn’t notice it got dark outside. ‎ 答案 was ‎13.So sudden   (be)the rain that people in the street all rushed in all directions to find a shelter. ‎ 答案 was ‎14.It’s nice.   before have I had such a special drink! ‎ 答案 Never ‎15.Absurd   it might sound,everyone present was amused by his adventure story in Africa. ‎ 答案 as/though 考点二 强调句 ‎1.You are waiting at a wrong place. It is at the hotel   the coach picks up tourists. ‎ 答案 that ‎2.It was consistent love and kindness   won a lifelong friendship. ‎ 答案 that ‎3.It was after Mrs. Dodd became an adult   she realized the strength and selflessness her father had shown in raising his children as a single parent.  ‎ 答案 that ‎4.—Was   Bill, who played basketball very well,   helped the blind man cross the road? ‎ ‎—Yes, of course. He is always ready to help others.‎ 答案 it;that ‎5.It was only when I watched Inception a second time   I had a better understanding of what it was talking about.  ‎ 答案 that ‎6.   is it that he is not so friendly as he used to be? ‎ 答案 Why ‎7.Mike didn’t understand   it was that made his wife so upset this morning. ‎ 答案 what 考点三 其他特殊句式 ‎1.If   (accept)for the job, you’ll be informed soon. ‎ 答案 accepted ‎2.Video games can be a poor influence if   (leave)in the wrong hands. ‎ 答案 left ‎3.Always   in mind that your main task is to get this company running smoothly. ‎ 答案 keep ‎4.   (observe)carefully if any change occurs when doing experiments in the lab. ‎ 答案 Observe ‎5.The climate here is quite pleasant, the temperature rarely,   ever, reaching 30℃ in summer. ‎ 答案 if ‎6.   (make)what you’re doing today important, because you’re trading a day of your life for it. ‎ 答案 Make ‎7.The driver wanted to park his car near the roadside but was asked by the police   (not). ‎ 答案 not to ‎8.Every day   (read)a proverb aloud several times until you have it memorized. ‎ 答案 read ‎9.   (knock)at the door before you enter my room, please. ‎ 答案 Knock ‎10.The ground is wet all over, so I’m sure it must have rained last night,   it? ‎ 答案 didn’t 过专题 ‎【五年高考】‎ 考点一 倒装句 ‎1.(2016江苏,34)Not until recently    they encourage the development of tourist-related activities in the rural areas. ‎ 答案 did ‎2.(2015天津,3)Only when Lily walked into the office    she realize that she had left the contract at home. ‎ 答案 did ‎3.(2015湖南,23)Only after talking to two students    I discover that having strong motivation is one of the biggest factors in reaching goals. ‎ 答案 did 考点二 强调句 ‎1.(2018天津,14)It was only when the car pulled up in front of our house   we saw Lily in the passenger seat. ‎ 答案 that ‎2.(2017天津,11)   was when I got back to my apartment that I first came across my new neighbors. ‎ 答案 It ‎3.(2015湖南,21)It was when we were returning home    I realized what a good feeling it was to have helped someone in trouble. ‎ 答案  that ‎4.(2015重庆,9)Bach died in 1750, but it was not until the early 19th century    his musical gift was fully recognized. ‎ 答案 that ‎5.(2014福建,29)It was the culture,rather than the language,   made it hard for him to adapt to the new environment abroad. ‎ 答案 that ‎6.(2014湖南,33)It’s not doing the things we like, but liking the things we have to do   makes life happy. ‎ 答案 that 考点三 其他特殊句式 ‎1.(2018北京,8)In any unsafe situation, simply   the button and a highly-trained agent will get you the help you need. ‎ 答案 press ‎2.(2014天津,1)Give me a chance,   I’ll give you a wonderful surprise. ‎ 答案 and ‎【三年模拟】‎ A组 2017—2019年模拟·基础题组 考点一 倒装句 ‎1.(2019浙江名校协作体)Maybe it was Joseph’s firefighter training   allowed him to think and act so quickly. ‎ 答案 that ‎2.(2019浙江十校联盟)Only when you come to China,   you find what life Chinese people are living now. ‎ 答案 can/will ‎3.(2019河南中原名校,47)While   (pick)the tea, he received the news of his mother’s illness, so he carelessly put the leaves in his right sleeve and left Hangzhou for Beijing. ‎ 答案 picking ‎4.(2018浙江选考联盟,58)Not until I was 55 years old     I think about all this.  ‎ 答案 did ‎5.(2018石家庄期中)Hard     the road to becoming a lawyer is, he has not given up and sticks to it firmly. ‎ 答案 as/though 考点二 强调句 ‎1.(2018北京师范大学附中期末,33) It was in the hotel where he stayed     I met him.  ‎ 答案 that ‎2.(2018山西太原联考,65) Believe it or not, this sleep habit     have bad effects on our body.  ‎ 答案 does ‎3.(2017浙江台州12月月考,58)It is t’ai chi     helps me keep fit.  ‎ 答案 that B组 2017—2019年模拟·综合题组 Passage(综合填空)‎ Our school library,along with many other buildings,is very different from other schools’. There 1 (be)two computer rooms,three art rooms,a meeting room and a reading room in the library building.The number of the books 2 (be)large.It was 2,000,000 dollars 3 all the books cost our school. It is such a large amount of money 4 an average family can’t afford it,right?But in my view,it is worth it because in the era of knowledge explosion, many students have a thirst for knowledge. ‎ Our library is also a multifunctional building.There are 500 computers in it. Many a student 5 (surf)the Internet at weekends here and now you can see that my classmates,Mike and John,are surfing the Internet. 6 happy they are! ‎ Look!A professor and writer 7 (be)delivering a speech in the meeting room.Every time there is a wonderful speech,the audience always 8 (cheer)up.What lovely children they are!Enter our art room 9 you will find a teacher with his students is painting in the room.On the wall 10 (be)about 500 pictures,which attract many students. ‎ ‎1.    2.    3.    4.    5.     ‎ ‎6.    7.    8.    9.    10.     ‎ 答案 ‎1.are ‎2.is ‎3.that ‎4.that ‎5.surfs ‎6.How ‎7.is ‎8.cheer/cheers ‎9.and ‎10.are

