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写作素能培养 第三部分 第三讲 熟练运用并列句 并列句是用连词把两个或两个以上的简单句连接起来,在这一句型中需要注意连接并列主语时,有些句型采取 “ 就近原则 ” 。 一、常见并列句的类型及并列连词 类型 连词 并列关系 ( 递进关系 ) and, both... and..., not only... but also... , neither...nor... 转折关系 but, yet, whereas 选择关系 or, otherwise, or else, either...or..., not... but... 因果关系 for, so, therefore, thus 对比关系 while ①I am very happy that you have made great progress in learning Chinese and you are interested in Chinese culture. (2017 · 全国卷 Ⅰ 书面表达 ) 我很高兴你在学习汉语方面取得了很大的进步,并且你对中国文化很感兴趣。 ② China's economy is expected to grow at a medium speed in the coming years , so an increase is possible in the investment in the movie industry and the number of quality movies. (2017 · 江苏高考书面表达 ) 中国经济有望在未来几年稳定增长,因此在电影业的投资和高质量电影的数量增加是可能的。 ③I know you take good pictures and you've always wanted to do something for environmental protection. (2016 · 全国卷 Ⅱ 书面表达 ) 我知道你拍了好的照片,你总是想做一些环保的事。 ④ It is beneficial to some people, while it puts others into a dilemma over whether to vote or not. (2016 · 江苏高考书面表达 ) 这对一些人来说是有益的,而这让其他人陷入了困境,是否投票。 二、并列句的常用句型 1 . both...and... 既 …… 又 …… When exposed to stress, in whatever form, all of us react both mentally and physically. 当面临压力时,不管以什么形式,我们所有的人都会从精神和身体上作出反应。 2 . either...or... 或者 …… 或者 …… ;不是 …… 就是 …… People can either give them as gifts or hang them in their houses. 人们可以把它们当做礼物送出去,或者挂在自己的房间里。 3 . neither...nor... 既不 …… 也不 …… In autumn, it's neither too hot nor too cold. 秋天,天气既不太热也不太冷。 4 . not only...but (also) . .. 不仅 …… 而且 …… As you know, playing ping pong can not only build up your body but also shape your character. (2017 · 全国卷 Ⅲ 书面表达 ) 正如你所知道的,打乒乓球不仅可以增强你的身体,还能塑造你的性格。 5 . not...but... 不是 …… ,而是 …… It is not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do that benefits our work most. 对我们的工作最有益的,不是我们做了多少,而是我们把多少爱投入进去。 6 . ...while/whereas …… 而, …… 却 Most of my classmates wanted to go to a park while I had an idea of going to a nicer place. 我的大部分同学都想去公园,而我想去一个更好的地方。 7 . 祈使句 / 名词词组+ and/ or/otherwise +陈述句 (1) 祈使句+ and +陈述句 ( 祈使句相当于一个条件状语从句, and 后面的句子相当于一个表示结果的主句 ) Work hard and you will succeed. ( = If you work hard, you will succeed.) 努力学习,你就会成功。 (2) 名词词组+ and +陈述句 ( 名词词组相当于一个条件状语从句,其中常含有 more , another 等词 ) Another try, and you'll achieve a success. 再试一次,你就会取得成功。 (3) 祈使句+ or/otherwise +陈述句 Seize the chance, or you'll regret. 抓住这次机会,否则你会后悔的。 (4) 名词词组+ or/otherwise +陈述句 More healthy food, or you'll break down sooner or later. 多吃健康食品,不然你的身体迟早会垮掉。 8 . ...when... …… 这时 …… (1)sb. was doing sth. when... 某人正在做某事,这时 …… Last Monday, I was walking in the street when I suddenly saw an old man fall off his bicycle. 上周一,我正在街上散步,这时突然看到一位老人从自行车上摔下来了。 (2)sb. was about to do sth. when... 某人正要做某事,这时 …… I was about to cook when my husband called me up. 我正要做饭,这时我丈夫给我打来电话。 (3)sb. had just done sth. when... 某人刚做完某事,这时 …… I had just finished sweeping the floor when the telephone rang. 我刚刚拖完地,这时电话铃响了。 〔 名师点拨 〕 在并列句的使用中,我们还应该注意以下事项: 1 .连词 not only...but also... 在连接两个分句时,如果把 not only 放在句首,该分句需用部分倒装语序。 Not only will these donated books make you more familiar with China , but they also help enhance your Chinese. ( 天津卷 ) 这些捐赠的书籍不仅将使您更加熟悉中国,而且它们也有助于提高您的汉语。 2 .表示 “ 虽然 …… 但是 …… ” 这一转折关系时,连接词 but 不能与 though/although 同时连用。 Although I was very tired then but l felt very happy. ( 错误 ) →Although I was very tired then , I felt very happy. ( 正确 ) →I was very tired then but l felt very happy. ( 正确 ) 虽然我当时很累,但是我感到非常幸福。 3 .表示因果关系的连词 so 不与 because , as 等表示原因的连词连用。 Because/As he was ill so he didn't go to school that day. ( 错误 ) →Because/As he was ill , he didn't go to school that day. ( 正确 ) →He was ill so he didn't go to school that day. ( 正确 ) 因为他生病,所以他那天没去上学。 Ⅰ. 用适当的连词填空 1 . Stand over there _______you'll be able to see the oil painting better. 2 . Start out right away, ________________you'll miss the first train. 3 . I worked hard at English and devoted all my spare time to practicing it, _______I failed to pass the mid term examination. 4 . About 900 last night, I was busy preparing for my tomorrow's test ________ suddenly loud noises came into my room. 5 . Half of the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols, _________48% of the boys favor sports stars. 6 . Tom had a headache, ______he didn't go to the party. and   or/otherwise   but   when   while   so   Ⅱ. 将下列句子合并成并列句 1 . Work hard. You will pass the driving test. Work hard, and you will pass the driving test. 2 . Be quick. We'll be late for the meeting. Be quick, or we'll be late for the meeting. 3 . She is seriously ill. There is still hope of her recovery. She is seriously ill, but there is still hope of her recovery. 4 . I like football. My sister likes basketball. I like football, while my sister likes basketball. 5 . We were about to set off. The phone rang. We were about to set off when the phone rang. 6 . I would not consult him. He would not ask me for advice. Neither would I consult him nor would he ask me for advice.

