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‎2018届人教版必修2一轮复习:Unit 2 The Olympic Games单元教案设计 Period 1: Warming up and reading Teaching Aims:‎ To talk about the history of the Olympics games To read an interview about the Olympic Games Procedures I. Warming up Warming up by sharing Morning, everyone! Today we are going to learn about THE OLYMPIC GAMES. But first, I’d like to know how much you know about the Olympics to be held in Beijing. Anything about it is ok. Oh, Li Lei, do you want a try?…Right. You know so much about the Olympics. Toady, we’ll learn more about it in ancient Greece.‎ Finish the form on page 9.‎ Warming up by describing Now, boys and girls. I’ll show you a video show of the 28th Olympic Games. Please tell me what it is about and describe it to the class. Ok, Wang Lin, please describe it. Wonderful. That’s Liu Xiang. The hurdle king!‎ Warming up by discussing Hi, class. You know our country is trying her best to prepare for the 2008 Olympic Games. Every one is expecting and excited about it. Let’s discuss what we can do for it. And imagine what we will do at the 2008 Olympics.‎ II. Pre-reading ‎1. Asking and answering Now, please read the three questions before the Reading. Let’s do it in turn. Let’s begin from the first row here…ok, you did a good job. Let’s summarize your answers.‎ For reference: ‎ ‎1. In Summer Olympics, there are running, swimming, shooting, wrestling, jumping, football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, throwing, Javelin, weight lifting, gymnastics, boxing etc.‎ In winter Olympics, there are skiing skating, ice hockey, ski jumping, sledding, snowboarding etc.‎ ‎2. The 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing on Auguster 18th, 2008. ‎ ‎3. To hold the Olympic Games is a rich prize for a country. And it can make a country known in the world. It can stimulate the country’s economy, and help to speed up its development.‎ ‎2. Imaging and introducing Please look at the three pictures in the reading. Please talk about them. Imagine whatever you can.‎ For reference: The first picture is the status of a great Greek. His name is Pausanias. He was a famous traveler and writer in the second century AD. His Guide to Greece is an extremely comprehensive guidebook for tourists, concentrating on buildings, tombs and status and including a lot of information on the mythological, religious and historical background to the monuments described. It is so informative that it may be called the foundation of classical archaeology and this ancient Baedeker is still used as a guide to classical Greece. Can you remember a famous ancient Chinese traveler and writer? He also wrote a book. Yes, his name is Xu Shake. His works is The Notes of Xu Shake’s travels.‎ The second picture is the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. Maybe this is the principle stadium. It’s large and can hold thousands of audience.‎ The third picture is a Chinese athlete named Yang Yang. She won a gold medal for China in the 2002 winter Olympic Games. She is a famous skating player.‎ ‎3. Talking and Sharing We know there are many differences and similarities about the ancient and modern Olympics. Do you know anything about them? You can simply guess. Yes, Lucy, try … ‎ III. Reading ‎1. Reading aloud to the recording and finding the general idea Now please listen and read aloud to the recording of the text AN INTERVIEW. Pay ‎ attention to the pronunciation and intonation as well as the pauses within each sentence. Then try to get the general idea of the passage. Have you got the main idea? ‎ Yes, it tells us the differences and the similarities between the ancient and modern Olympics. ‎ ‎2. Reading and acting Now let’s play the parts of the Greek writer Pausanias and the Chinese girl Li Li. Now boys, you are Pausanias; girls, you are Li Li. Please pay attention to the bold words.‎ ‎3. Reading and finding Now read the text again. The boys shall try to finish the task: What was the ancient Olympics like? The girls shall try to finish the task: What is the modern Olympics like?‎ ‎4. Reading and collecting information Ok, now let’s read it silently. First let’s talk about the same points between the ancient and modern Olympics. Who can answer? Any volunteers? ‎ Then let’s come to the differences.‎ The similarities ① Both are held every four years.‎ ② Both are held not for money but for honour.‎ ③ The beliefs are the same. They are: Swifter, Higher, and stronger.‎ ④ Men are allowed to take part both in ancient and modern Olympics.‎ ⑤ Some events are the same, such as running, jumping, shooting and thowing.‎ The Differences ① There were not winter Olympics in the past.‎ ② Now competitors are from all over the world. But in the ancient time, only the people in Greece could take part.‎ ③ Only men were allowed to take part in the past, now woman are also allowed.‎ ④ In the past, winners got the olive wreath as the prize. Now competitors compete for medals.‎ ⑤ The events and athletes in modern time are more than those in the past. ‎ ⑥ There is a special village for the competitors to live in, a stadium for competitions, a gymnasium for these who watch the games now. But there were not in the past.)‎ ‎5. Reading and underlining Next you are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Copy them to your notebook after class as homework.‎ Collocations from AN INTERVIEW take part in…, gold medals, the spirit of…, be held, in order to, host the Olympic Games, on a magical journey, find out, the present day Olympic Games, used to, write about…, come to your time, be admitted as…, two sets of…, enjoy competing in…, compete against…, for the honour of…, reach the standard, be admitted to…, play a very important role, as well as, a stadium for competitions, as a matter of fact, compete for…, olive wreath, feel proud of…, make… happy Ⅳ Closing down Closing down by doing exercise ‎ To end the lesson you are to do the comprehending exercises 1 & 2. ‎ Closing down by discussing You know our government has tried its best to compete for hosting the 29th Olympic Games. It has cost a lot of money. Do you think it is worthwhile? Why?‎ For reference:‎ It is worthwhile to host the Olympic Games. To host Olympic Games can make our country known to the whole world. To host Olympic Games can make our culture and people understood by the other peoples. To host Olympic Games can stimulate the developing of our economy.‎ Closing by imagining ‎ Imagine what we will do and what we can do for the 29th Olympic Games now.‎ For reference: Maybe we can serve as volunteers to help the foreign visitors and athletes from all over the world. So at present we should study hard. Especially we should try our best to learn English well.‎ Closing down by narrating We can see the text is written in a conversational style. And there are two speakers. One is Pausanias, a Greek writer 2000 years ago, the other is Li Li, a Chinese girl. Now let’s change it into a narrative style. In other words, let’s describe the ancient and modern Olympic Games in our own words. Who would like to have a try?‎ For reference: The ancient Olympic Games began in Greece and were held from 776 ‎ B.C. to A.D.393. It was held every four years. At that time, there were not so many sports as today. And women were not allowed to take part in the games. There were not Winter Olympics at that time. Winners got the olive wreath as the prize. The motto was swifter, higher and stronger.‎ The modern Olympic Games began in 1891. They’re held every four years. There are many new sports in the Olympics. In the summer Olympics there are over 250 different sports. Women are not only allowed to join in but also play a very important role. Now the competitors compete for medals. The motto is swifter, higher and stronger. ‎ Closing down by summarizing As we have finished the passage we’ll sum up what we have learned. First let’s see the writing skills. It is written in a conversational style. It’s in a very interesting way. It adopts a dialogue between Pausanias who lived 2000 years ago and a Chinese gird in modern world. Through their dialogue, the differences and similarities between the ancient and modern Olympic Games are made known to the readers. Just because it is in a conversational style, there are quite a few oral spoken English and elliptical phrases.‎ Through the comparison between the ancient and modern Olympic Games, we have learned the differences and the similarities between them. Now we can have a deep understanding of the Games. From the passage, we can have a deep understanding of the Games. From the passage, we can also get to know that the Olympic Games are developing and improving. It’s our duty to make the Olympic Games better and healthier. We know that one of the slogans for 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is Green Olympic Games. It shows that people are paying more and more attention to our environment.‎ Period 2: Learning about Language Teachin Aims: ‎ To learn about future passive voice To discover useful words and expressions To learn the methods of words formation Procedures I. Warming up ‎ Warming up by dictating There are several important sentences in this unit. Let’s dictate them. If you can’t, learn them by heart after class.‎ ① When and where will the next Olympic Games be held?‎ ② I live in what you call “Ancient Greece” and / used to write about the Olympic Games more than 2000 years ago.‎ ③ All countries can take part if they reach the standard to be admitted to the games. ‎ ④ The next Olympic Games will be held in my hometown.‎ ⑤ It is just as much a competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win an Olympic medal.‎ Warming up by discovering useful words and expressions Turn to page 12 and do exercises 1, 2 and 3 first. Check your answers against your classmates’.‎ II. Learning about Present Future Passive Voice Turn to page 13 and do exercise 1. And tell the class the formation of present future passive voice.‎ For reference: Well done, class. We can follow the following formlation to turn the future tenses into future passive voice; be going to be done, be about to be done, be to be done, will / shall be done, would / should be done.‎ III. Closing down by summarizing ‎1.Present future passive voice (take “ask” for example)‎ Affirmative Negative Interrogative I ‎ You ‎ He/she/it will be asked We will (shall)‎ You/They will I ‎ You ‎ He/she/it will not be asked We will (shall) not You / They will not Will (shall) I Will you Will he/she/it be asked Will (shall) we Will you / they ‎2.The passive Voice of phrasal verb Generally speaking, only transitive verbs can form the passive voice, for only transitive verbs can be followed by objects. But many intransitive verbs together with some prepositions and adverbs can be used as transitive verbs. So they can also be followed by the objects. Therefore they can also be used in passive voice.‎ But note that all the phrasal verbs are used as a whole. When using them in passive voice, we cannot drop out the prepositions and adverbs. For examples:‎ At last they put out the fire. At last the fire was put out.‎ They will put up a notice on the wall. A notice will be put up on the wall.‎ Have you sent for a doctor? Has the doctor been sent for?‎ I have never heard of such a thing before. Such a thing has never been heard of before.‎ We must take good care of the children here. The children must be taken good care of here.‎ His classmates laughed at him for the foolish mistake. He was laughed at for the foolish mistake by his classmates.‎ Period 3: using language Teaching Aims:‎ To read about the ancient Olympic Games To listen and talk about hobbies To write about hobbies Procedures ‎1. Warming up ‎ Warming up by introducing Hi! Class. You know Greece is the world-known country with an ancient civilization. It has a long history with so much marvelous culture. The Greeks had wonderful stories about the Gods and Goddnesses who were part of their religion. They believed that these god or goddesses would help humans if they felt sorry for them or if the humans were good people. However, the Gods did not always help. They behaved like people who were unpredictable and capricious. To try to get the support of the Gods people had to pray to them and offer them present. In this story the Goddess Hera, the wife of the chief God, Zeus was sorry for Hippomenes and agreed to help him.‎ Warming up by sharing Now, boys and girls. Is there anybody who can tell us some Greek mythology. You know they are so famous in human history. Or can you speak out some names of Greek Gods and Goddesses.‎ Prometeus 普罗米修斯 —— a son of the former chief God Sphinx斯芬克斯 —— a being with a human face but a lion body Pandora 潘多拉—— a beautiful girl with every ill and evil thought and deed Zeus宙斯—— the chief God who governed the world Hera 天后—— the wife of Zeus who governed the love Ⅱ. Guided reading ‎ ‎1. Reading and judging Read the text THE STORY OF ATLANTA, and complete the True or False guestions after the text on page14.‎ ‎2. Reading and Telling True of False Read the text and finish exercise 1 on page14.‎ ‎1. She practiced running to compete in the Olympic Games. ( F )‎ ‎2. At first Hippomenes understood why men ran against Atlanta. ( F )‎ ‎3. Atlanta was not sure she could win. ( F )‎ ‎4. She was so angry about the fact that she could not run in the Olympics. ( T )‎ ‎5. She made as many men as she could share her pain. ( T )‎ ‎6. Her father did not understand her wish to compete in the Olympics. ( T )‎ ‎7.He did not refuse her wish to choose her husband in a race. ( T )‎ ‎3. Reading and underlining Next you are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Copy them to your notebook after class as homework.‎ Collocations from THE STORY OF ATLANA be allowed to, run against…, will be pardoned, hear of…,be amazed, as fast as…, change one’s mind, ask… for help from…, ‎ promise to, will be relaxed, pick up, be confident about…,share one’s pain, run past…,compete with…, cheap to marry ‎4. Listening For listening turn to page 15 and be ready to do exercises 1.‎ First read the statements carefully and imagine what is the listening about.‎ When doing it , you must make clear the order of them.‎ ‎5. Acting Next we are going to put the text A STORY OF ATLANTA on stage. You know there are four charactors in the story. Who would like to be them?‎ Who will be Alanta’s father, the old king?‎ Who will be the Goddess of Love?‎ Ok. Li Li, you are the Greek princess. Zhang Qiang, you are the brave young man Hippomenes. Lucy, you are the Goddess of Love. Zhou Gang, you are the princess’s father. The rest of class, please prepare it in groups of four. Then act your play before class.‎ A text play of THE STORY OF ATIANTA Time: one morning in spring Place: at the palace People: the old king(K), the princess (A), the young man (H), the Goddess of love (L).‎ F: My dear daughter, you see how beautiful the spring is! You are just like the spring flowers. Why don’t you marry? So many young kings and princess want to marry you, and they are all so rich, smart and nice.‎ A: Oh, dear father. I have promised that I will only be married to a man who can run faster than me. I will run against him. If he cannot run as fast as me, he will be killed. No one will be pardoned.‎ F: But, my dear daughter. No man has won you. They all sent themselves to death. When will you get married?‎ A: I won’t marry unless I am allowed to run in the Olympic Games. (Hippomenes is allowed to come in)‎ H: Oh, my kindest king and my prettiest princess! ‎ ‎ I’ll marry the princess. I’ll compete with you.‎ A: Do you know the rules?‎ H: Yes, princess!‎ F: Oh, young man! Go away! You can’t win her. You are only losing your life!‎ H: No, I want a try!‎ F: Foolish thing! Go away! Don’t go to die! (Hippomenes was pushed away and felt sad, crying. The Goddess of Love is watching everything above him in the sky and pities him)‎ L: Oh, young man, what’s the matter? Why are you so sad?‎ H: Oh, my Goddess, can you help me? Can you help me to win the princess and marry her?‎ L: Ok, young man. Do you really want to marry her and love her?‎ H: Of course. She is so beautiful.‎ L: Ok, it is easy. Take these three golden apples.‎ ‎ Throw apples in front of Atlanta when she is running past and she will be relaxed. When she stops to pick it up, you will be able to run on and win.‎ H: Oh, thank you, my Goddess!‎ ‎ (Hippomenes returns to the palace)‎ K: Well, young man, why are you here again?‎ H: My kindest king. I want to marry her and run against her!‎ K: Well, young man. I repeat. Don’t be silly! Go away!‎ H: No. I love her. I will marry her - or die!‎ ‎6. Speaking Now, class. Let’s carry out a survey of the interests in the class and write down the names of the classmates who have the same interests. You can carry out the task like this.‎ ‎ Which do you like, sport, music or collection?‎ ‎ Which of the sports do you like best?‎ ‎ What is your favorite sport?‎ ‎ Are you interested in table tennis?‎ ‎ After the survey, the ones who have the same interests sit together and please work in groups of four to talk about their interest. ‎ Why do you like this sport / music / collection?‎ When do you begin to like it?‎ What’s enjoyable about the hobby?‎ What have you learned from the hobby?‎ III.Guided writing ‎1. Writing an imagined dialogue Groups 1 and 2 are going to write an imagined dialogue between the princess and Hippomenes. You may begin like this : Oh, my dear princess, I want to marry you…‎ ‎2. Writing a description Turn to page 16 and follow the direction to write a description of your favorite hobby. ‎ Here is an example:‎ Swimming is my favorite sport. I like it because it can bring me much fun. The process of learning swimming is very interesting. You can try different ways of ‎ swimming, such as breaststroke and backstroke. You can swim at any time of the year if you like. In hot summer, if you jump into the river or the sea to have a swim, you’ll feel cool and comfortable. Even in cold winter, you can swim if you are brave enough. It’s a healthy sport and it can build up your body. If you are a beginner, you must be careful.‎ You’ll better not swim alone and bring life buoy with you in case of danger. If you want to be a good swimmer, you must have a lot of practice and have great determination.‎ IV. Closing down by finding information Go to the library to read or get online to search in order to find more information on the Olympic Games and the ancient Greek mythology. Take notes of your finding and report to your groupmates next Monday morning.‎ 单元综合知识运用 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)‎ ‎21. The fast popularity of cloud computing means netizens will need to take added measures to make sure their data stay __________in the digital age. ‎ A. accurate B. stable C. unknown D. secure ‎22. What Chinese lawmakers begin to consider is a proposed revision to the country's Food Safety Law, ________ includes mandatory(强制性) labeling of GM food.‎ A. one B. one which C. one that D. the one that ‎23.     an important decision more on emotion than on reason, you will regret it sooner or later. ‎ A. Based            B. Basing           C. Base         D. To base ‎24. — Dad, we _________ the zoo-trip you promised us last week. ‎ ‎— Sorry my girls. I _______ to take you there this week, but I’ve been too busy. ‎ A. expect; intend B. had expected; had intended C. are expecting; had intended D. expected; intend ‎25. After graduation from college, Joe ______ for a year seeing the country before he went to work in his father’s business. ‎ A. knocked about       B. knocked over    C. knocked down         D. knocked off ‎26. More and more people prefer jogging in the morning, _______ benefits for health arise from the air rich in oxygen. ‎ A. which B. that C. whose D. who ‎27. — Well, lost again!‎ ‎— It is not very important . We _____ forget about it. OK? ‎ A .cannot but              B. have to C. might well       D. might as well ‎28. Not until _________________ the better qualities in ourselves ____________ expect to find them in others. ‎ A. have we developed; can we B. we have developed; that can we ‎ C. we have developed; can we D. can we develop; that we will ‎29. Theoretically, a good screwdriver should last a lifetime, but it rarely___________, usually because it is used at one time or another as ___________ some other tool. ‎ A. should, a favor for B. should, a lack of C. does, a way of D. does, a substitute for ‎ ‎30. What best quality ______ most people _______ in others is the willingness to admit one’s mistakes. ‎ A. which, approve B. /, appreciate C. that, impress D. where, regard ‎31. He glanced through the guide book, ___________ only those pages __________.‎ A. reading, concerned B. to read, concerned C. having read, concerning D. reading, concerning ‎ ‎32. As to the long-term effects of global warming some believe that the damage has been done, ______________________. ‎ A. otherwise we take steps to make up now B. now that we take steps to make up ‎ C. whether we take steps to make up now or not D. unless we take steps to make up now ‎33. — Thank you very much for giving me a hand when I was in trouble.‎ ‎  — Don’t mention it. I only did what anyone else _______ in my place.   ‎ A. must do B. could have done C. would do D. can have done ‎34. Owing to heavy traffic jams, many people would like to choose the train ______ driving. ‎ A. in preference to B. in addition to  ‎ C. in answer to D. in relation to ‎35. — Ken, ___________, but your TV is going too loud.‎ ‎— Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll turn it down right now.‎ A. I’d like to talk with you B. I’m really tired C. I need your help D. I hate to say this 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ Even at the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST), a top-ranked high school in the US, senior Pooja 36 . She has got a 4.57 grade-point average, 37 a 2390 (out of 2400) on the SAT, and earned all 13 of her Advanced Placement (先修课程)exams. She 38 a national non-profit program that encourages middle-school girls to 39 in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) programs. She has 40 developed a mobile app that analyzes speech patterns and predicts with 96 percent accuracy 41 a person has Parkinson’s disease(帕金森氏病).‎ Oh, and she’s 17.‎ Pooja earned admission to all eight Ivy League schools. Ivy League schools are ‎ generally ‎42 as the best universities worldwide. Earning an 43 letter from one Ivy League school is a rare achievement for most high school students. It is 44 rare for a student to get into all eight, 45 a few each year manage to do so. This year, Long Island student Harold Ekeh announced that he, too, had been accepted to all the Ivies.‎ ‎ Pooja’s adviser, Kerry Hamblin, said that she worked very hard to 46 herself in the classroom, which helped her to be the best among her classmates. “She’s taking the hardest courses, the most 47 that we offer, and has succeeded beyond anyone’s 48 in all of them,” Hamblin said.‎ ‎ “She is really outstanding as a TJHSST kid 49 has taken the mission(任务,使命) of the school as 50 as it can go,” said principal Evan Glazer. “She’s a STEM superwoman who 51 her interests in curious ways.”‎ Pooja has taken classes in computing, artificial intelligence and DNA science. Pooja wrote one of her college application essays 52 being a woman interested in a career in computer science, a field strongly 53 mainly by men for a long time. She said she’s often one of just 54 girls in her technology classes. “I want to encourage 55 in the field,” she said.‎ ‎36.‎ A.‎ sticks out B.‎ pushes out C. ‎ stands out D.‎ puts out ‎37.‎ A.‎ scored B.‎ graded C.‎ bet D.‎ arrived ‎38.‎ A.‎ found B.‎ founded C.‎ set D.‎ based ‎39.‎ A.‎ undertake B.‎ enjoy C.‎ practice D.‎ participate ‎40.‎ A.‎ also B.‎ either C.‎ ever D.‎ never ‎41.‎ A.‎ whether B.‎ what C.‎ why D.‎ how ‎42.‎ A.‎ sighted B.‎ thought C.‎ viewed D.‎ looked ‎43.‎ A.‎ appointment B.‎ acceptance C.‎ acquirement D.‎ allowance ‎44.‎ A.‎ fully B.‎ hopefully C.‎ badly D.‎ extremely ‎45.‎ A.‎ though B.‎ if C.‎ even D.‎ then ‎46.‎ A.‎ make B.‎ push C.‎ remind D.‎ help ‎47.‎ A.‎ interesting B.‎ tiring C.‎ challenging D.‎ disturbing ‎48.‎ exceptions B.‎ respects thoughts D.‎ expectations A.‎ C.‎ ‎49.‎ A.‎ who B.‎ as C.‎ which D. ‎ where ‎50.‎ A.‎ good B.‎ far C.‎ low D.‎ well ‎51.‎ A.‎ went B.‎ progressed C.‎ approached D.‎ moved ‎52.‎ A.‎ about B.‎ in C.‎ for D.‎ to ‎53.‎ A.‎ committed B.‎ required C.‎ existed D.‎ influenced ‎54.‎ A.‎ a handful of B.‎ a lot of C.‎ a large number of ‎ D.‎ an amount of ‎ ‎55.‎ A.‎ similarity B.‎ diversity C.‎ imbalance D.‎ excellence 第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)‎ A Merchant and passenger ships are generally required to have a life preserver for every person aboard and in many cases, a certain percentage of smaller sizes for children. According to United States requirements, life preservers must be simple in design, reversible( 可翻转的), capable of being quickly adjusted to fit the uninitiated individual, and must be so designed as to support the wearer in the water in an upright or slightly backward position.‎ ‎ Sufficient buoyancy(浮力) to support the wearer should be retained by the life preserver after 48 hours in the water, and it should be reliable even after long period of storage. Thus it should be made of materials resistant to sunlight, gasoline, and oils, and it should be not easily set on fire. The position in which the life preserver will support a person who jumps or falls into the water is the most important thing, as is its tendency to turn the wearer in the water from a face-down position to an upright or slightly backward position, with his face clear of the water, even when the wearer is exhausted or unconscious.‎ The method of adjustment to the body should be simple, and self-evident to uninitiated individuals even in the dark under the confused conditions, which follow a disaster. Thus, the life preserver should be reversible so that it is nearly impossible to set it on wrong. Catches, straps, and ties should be kept to a minimum. In addition, the life preserver must be adjustable to the wide variety of shapes and sizes of wearers, since this greatly affects the position of floating and the self-righting qualities. A suitable life preserver should also be comfortable to wear at all times, in and out of the water, not so heavy as to encourage to take it off on shipboard while the ship is in danger, nor so burdensome that it hinders a person in the water while trying to swim.‎ ‎56. The passage is mainly about_____________.‎ A. the uses of life preservers B. the design of life preservers C. the materials for life preservers D. the buoyancy of life preservers ‎57. According to the passage, a life preserver should be first of all, _________.‎ A . adjustable B. comfortable C. self-evident D. self-righting ‎58. United States Coast Guard does NOT require the life preserver to be made ______.‎ A. with as few strings as possible B. capable of being worn on both sides C. according to each wearer's size D. comfortable and light to wear ‎59. By “the uninitiated individual” (Para. 1, Line. 4) the author refers to the person ______.‎ A. who has not been instructed how to use a life preserver B. who has a little experience in using a life preserver C. who uses a life preserver without permission D. who becomes nervous before a disaster B Television has changed the lifestyle of people in every industrialized country in the world. In the United States, where sociologists have studied the effects, some interesting observations have been made.‎ Television, although not essential, has become an important part of most people’s lives. It alters people’s ways of seeing the world; in many ways, it supports and sustains (维持) modern life.‎ Television has become a baby-sitter, an introducer of conversations, the major transmitter of culture, and a keeper of tradition. Yet when what can be seen on TV in one day is critically analyzed, it becomes evident that television is not a teacher but a sustainer; the poor quality of programming does not elevate (提高) people into greater understanding, but rather maintains and encourages the life as it exists.‎ The primary reason for the lack of quality in American television is related to both the history of TV programming development and the economics of TV. Television in America began with the radio. Radio companies and their sponsors first experimented with television. Therefore, the close relationship which the advertisers had with radio programs became the system for American TV. Sponsors not only paid money for time within programs, but many actually produced the programs. Thus, in American society, television is primarily concerned with reflecting and attracting society rather than experimenting with new ideas. Advertisers want to attract the largest viewing audience possible. To do so requires that the programs be entertaining rather than educational, attractive rather than challenging.‎ Television in America today remains, to a large extent, with the same organization and standards as it had thirty years ago. The hopefor further development and true achievement toward improving society will require a change in the entire system.‎ ‎60. According to the author, American television is poor in quality because _________. A. it is controlled by radio companies B. the programs have to be developed partly for economic reasons C. advertisers are interested in experimenting with new ‎ ideas D. it is still at an early stage of development, compared with the radio ‎61. In the author’s view, American TV should _________. A. be entertaining and attractive B. reflect society and attract society C. attract as many viewers as possible D. change with the development of society ‎62. Based on the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? A. TV has become a must in the American’s life. B. One can expect to improve his understanding significantly from watching TV. C. American TV is important to most people as it affects their life in many ways. D. American TV nowadays has some different standards from the past.‎ ‎63. The author’s attitude towards American television is _________. A. negative                 B. positive C. indifferent              D. sympathetic C Why choose National Express?‎ When you travel with us we want to ensure you're safe, comfortable and arrive at your destination on time. This is why we've made some significant improvements to our services and added new and exciting tools to make sure travelling with us is an easy and relaxing experience.‎ You go there, we go there We go to hundreds of towns, cities and airports across the UK. We've over 550 coaches covering 70 million miles a year, so if there's somewhere you want to go, then chances are we go there too.‎ Safe, modern coaches A total of 25 million pounds has been invested on over 100 coaches in the last year. Most of our coaches now have leather seats and headrests, ample legroom, power sockets for charging mobiles, tablets and laptops and a toilet on board. For your safety, all our coaches are fitted with the latest safety features as standard. Please turn to page 4-5 for more safety information. ‎ Coach Tracker Why not use Coach Tracker while travelling with us, or tell your friends and relatives to use it to track where your coaches is in real-time, anytime, anywhere. Simply visit nationalexpresss.com/coachtracker and follow the on-screen instructions.‎ Assisted travel ‎ The majority of our coaches have an easy-access passenger lift at the front of the coach, providing step free access to wheelchair users and anyone with reduced mobility. We can also offer practical assistance along the way to make your journey easier and more enjoyable. Call 03717 818181 for more information.‎ Greener journey Travelling by coaches is one of the most environmentally friendly forms of transport. Our coaches emit up to five times less CO2 per passenger, per kilometer than an average car.‎ Mobile If you are looking to book a ticket on the go you can use our mobile site, which your smartphone or tablet will automatically direct you to when you visit our website.‎ Satellite tracking We track the majority of our coaches using a satellite tracking system. We know exactly where our coaches are at any given time, and can reroute them should there be any avoidable traffic block. We're committed to getting you to your destination safely and on time.‎ Thanks for choosing to travel with us. We've created this booklet to keep you up-to-date on our safety information and improvements. Whether you are travelling with us to the airport or visiting your favorite destination, sit back, relax and familiarize yourself with the safety features and facilities on board.‎ ‎64. From the passage, we can know that ________‎ A. National Express invests 25 million on its coaches every year.‎ B. Disabled passengers have easy access to every National Express coach.‎ C. A National Express coach emits less CO2 than an average four-seat car.‎ D. Family members can have National Express passenger’s real-time location through Coach Tracker.‎ ‎65. Which of the following statements is NOT true?‎ A. The booklet on National Express has at least 5 pages.‎ B. You can call 03717 818181 for more information on mobility issues.‎ C. Most coaches now have leather seats, headsets, tablets and a toilet onboard.‎ D. Most coaches can change their route to avoid traffic jams by satellite tracking.‎ ‎66. The passage is intended to ________ .‎ A. inform you of the safety features and latest improvements of the coaches B. introduce the onboard facilities and tools for your safe and comfortable travel C. keep you up-to-date on the safety information and improvements D. promote and advertise the coach service offered by National Express ‎67. What is true about the National Express?‎ A. It is a company located in the US that offers coach service nationwide.‎ B. If you visit its website, a ticket will automatically be booked for you.‎ C. It aims to provide safe, relaxing and punctual service for its customers.‎ D. Its coach has step free lifts at both ends of the coach.‎ D Maya Angelou, the American poet and author, died at her home in Winston-Salem, North Carolina on Wednesday. She was 86. Her son, Guy B Johnson, confirmed the news in a statement. He said Angelou "passed away quietly in her home" sometime before 8 am on Wednesday.‎ Angelou’s failing health was reported as recently as Tuesday, when she canceled an appearance honoring her with a Beacon of Life Award for “health reasons”. The ceremony was part of the 2014 MLB Beacon Award Luncheon, in Houston, Texas, part of Major League Baseball’s Civil Rights Games. Last month, forced to cancel an appearance at a library in Arkansas, she wrote: "An unexpected condition put me into the hospital. I will be getting better and the time will come when I can receive another ‎ invitation from my state and you will recognize me for I shall be the tall Black lady smiling. " ‎ Angelou was born Marguerite Annie Johnson, in St Louis, Missouri, in 1928.She survived several personal trials: she was a child of the Depression, grew up in the segregated(种族隔离的) south, and gave birth as a teenager. She wrote seven autobiographies, including the 1969 memoir I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, and was a playwright, director and novelist. ‎ I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings was a condemnation(谴责) of the racial discrimination she experienced during her childhood. "If growing up is painful for the southern black girl," she wrote, "being aware of her displacement is the rust(铁锈) on the razor that threatens the throat. "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” has had a wide appeal and continues to appear on school and university reading lists in the US and the UK. ‎ In 1993, she read her poem On the Pulse of the Morning at President Clinton's first inauguration(就职演说), a performance that made the poem a bestseller. The poem celebrates the diversity of ethnic groups in the US, and calls on the nation to leave behind cynicism and look forward to a new pride in itself, and a new belief for the country. Clinton on Wednesday said he would "always be grateful for all the years of friendship that followed. America has lost a national treasure, and Hillary and I a beloved friend." ‎ Angelou was a long-time Clinton supporter. One month before his inauguration, she told the New York Times: “Since the election, I have found it easier to wake up in the morning.” And her loyalty to Hillary Clinton has been steadfast, even as Barack Obama campaigned to be America's first black president. ‎ The mayor of Winston-Salem, Allen Joines, said the town would probably remember Angelou best for her commitment to health and theatre. She supported the founder of the National Black Theater Festival, and eventually became its first chairperson in 1989. In 2012, the Maya Angelou Women’s Health and Wellness Center opened in the city. Despite her many accomplishments, the mayor said small moments seemed to touch the poet. In April 2008, the town threw Angelou an 80th birthday party. Despite entertainers and speakers present at the party, the mayor said, “The thing that seemed to touch her the most was a group of little kids.”‎ ‎68. Maya Angelou was ________.‎ A. originally named Marguerite Annie Johnson and a black female poet.‎ B. first confirmed to be ill last month in Arkansas and put into hospital.‎ C. honored with Civil Rights Award in Major League Baseball Games.‎ D. described as the national treasure by the mayor of her hometown.‎ ‎69. We can NOT infer from the passage that ________.‎ A. Angelou's unhappy experience as a black girl in the south inspired her writings.‎ B. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings and On the Pulse of the Morning were among her most famous works. ‎ C. Angelou supported Barack Obama when he campaigned to be President D. Angelou died peacefully in her home on a Wednesday morning in 2014.‎ ‎70. The underlined sentence "...being aware of her displacement is the rust on the razor that threatens the throat." implies that ________‎ A. Her being away from her parents is like a sharp razor that brings much pain.‎ B. Her realization that she doesn't belong here makes her feel emotionally painful.‎ C. People who think she is different from others threaten to kill her with a razor.‎ D. People's refusal to accept her makes her want to cut her throat with a razor.‎ ‎71. Which one is true according to the passage?‎ A. In America, Angelou's accomplishments in health and theatre were best remembered.‎ B. Angelou was the founder and chairperson of the National Black Theater Festival.‎ C. A group of children moved her the most on her 80th birthday party.‎ D. Clinton's performance of the poem On the Pulse of the Morning made it a bestseller.‎ E Moby-Dick (1851) is a novel by Herman Melville, considered an outstanding work of Romanticism and the American Renaissance. Ishmael narrates the crazy quest of Ahab, captain of the whaler Pequod, for revenge(报仇) on Moby Dick, a white whale which on a previous voyage destroyed Ahab's ship and severed his leg at the knee.‎ Our narrator, Ishmael, signs up as sailor on a whaling voyage to cure depression. On board the Pequod, Ishmael meets the mate − honest Starbuck. Captain Ahab remains in his cabin and never shows himself to the crew.‎ ‎ Just when Ishmael’s curiosity about Ahab has reached a fever pitch, Ahab starts appearing on deck – and we find out that he’s missing one leg. When Starbuck asks if it was Moby Dick, the famous White Whale, that took off his leg, Ahab admits that it was and forces the entire crew to swear that they will help him hunt Moby Dick to the ends of the earth and take revenge for his injury. ‎ ‎ Despite first mate Starbuck’s worries and a variety of bad omens (e.g., all the navigational instruments break, a typhoon tries to push the ship backwards, and the Pequod encounters other ships that have lost crewmembers because of Moby Dick), Ahab insists on continuing to pursue the whale.‎ Finally, just when we think the novel’s going to end without ever seeing this famous White Whale, Ahab sights him and the chase is on. For three days, Ahab pursues Moby Dick, sending whaling boat after whaling boat after him – only to see each one wrecked (使下沉)by the whale. Finally, at the end of the third day, the White Whale attacks the ship itself, and the Pequod goes down with all hands.  Even while his ship is sinking, Ahab, in his whaling boat, throws his harpoon at Moby Dick one last time. He misses, catching himself around the neck with the rope and causing his own drowning death.  72. We can infer from the passage that ________.‎ A. Ishmael signs up as sailor for making a fortune.‎ B. The crew on board the Pequod was unwilling to help the captain to hunt Moby Dick ‎ C. The captain was very kind to the crew on board the Pequod D. The captain successfully captured Moby Dick and returned home.‎ ‎73. The underlined word “omens ”in paragraph 5 most probably means ________.‎ A. troubles B. accidents C. stories D. signs ‎74. What does the author think of Captain Ahab?‎ A. Selfish B. Knowledgeable C. Considerate D. Bad-tempered ‎75. In a newspaper, this passage is most probably in the section of ________.‎ A. Lifestyle B. Travel C. Career D. Entertainment 第二卷 (非选择题 共35分)‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 阅读下面短文,根据以下提示:1)汉语提示,2)首字母提示,3)语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确,并将该词完整地写在答题卡中相应的横线上。‎ Alfred Nobel became a millionaire and changed the ways of mining, construction, and warfare as the inventor of dynamite(炸药). On April 12, 1888, Alfred's brother Ludwig died of heart a 76 . A major French newspaper m 77 his brother for him and carried an article a 78 that Alfred Nobel died. “The merchant of death is dead.” the article r 79 . “Dr. Alfred Nobel, who became rich by finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before, died yesterday.” Nobel was upset to find out 80 _____ that he had died, but that he would be thought of only as one who 81 (受益) from death and destruction when his time was up.‎ To make sure that he was remembered with love and respect, Nobel arranged in his 82 _____ (遗嘱) to give the largest part of his money to establish the Nobel prizes, which would be a 83 to people who made great c 84 to the causes of peace, literature, and the sciences. So basically, Nobel had to die before he realized 85 his life was really about.‎ ‎76.__________77.____________78. ____________ 79. _____________ 80. ____________‎ 81. ‎___________82.____________83.____________ 84. _____________ 85. ___________‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 请认真阅读下面的引语(quotation), 按要求写一篇短文。‎ Imagination is more important than knowledge. ——Albert Einstein 内容要求:‎ ‎1. 你对该引语的理解;‎ ‎2. 相关的例子;‎ 3. 恰当的结尾。‎ 注意:‎ ‎1. 短文开头已给出,不计入总词数;‎ ‎2. 文中不能出现考生的具体信息;‎ 3. 词数120左右。‎ 试卷答案评分标准 ‎ ‎ 单项选择: 21--25 DCBCA 26--30 CDCDB 31--35 ACBAD 完形填空: 36 -- 40CABDA 41-- 45 ACBDA 46 --- 50 BCDAB ‎ ‎51-- 55 CADAB 阅读理解: ‎ ‎56—59 B DCA 60—63 : BDCA ‎64---67 DCDC 68—71 ACBC 72—75 BDAD ‎ 短文填词 ‎76. attack 77. mistook 78. announcing 79. read ‎ ‎80. not 81. benefited 82. will 83. awarded ‎ ‎84. contributions 85. what 书面表达 参考范文 This quotation stresses the importance of imagination over knowledge. Imagination alows us to free ourselves from the limits of our body and it can take us where our feet won’t. Imagination is to man what fuel is to cars. Without imagination, we won’t be able to explore the unknown and the world will be colorless.‎ Great inventions that change the course of human history often begin with imagination, for example, planes. The Wright brothers had imagined flying like birds ever since they were young. Never losing sight of their dream, they finally succeeded. Admittedly, other qualities also play an important role. It is imagination that starts all this.‎ ‎ Sadly, our imagination doesn’t necessarily keep pace with our knowledge. Some students gradually lose the ability to imagine in the endless homework and exams. However, I firmly hold the belief that imagination is a pair of wings that God lend us and should be cherished. ‎

