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Unit 6 Design 凤凰城大学体育场(University of Phoenix Stadium)位于美国亚利桑那州,是美国著名的亚利桑那红雀橄榄球队的主场以及美国大学生体育协会(NCAA)嘉年华杯的举办地。 ‎ Have you ever heard of the University‎ of ‎Phoenix Stadium? It has the most modern technology in the world.‎ Workers began building the stadium in two thousand and three.It was completed about three years and four hundred fiftyfive million dollars later. Unlike most stadiums,it has a roof that fully opens.It is made of two parts that slide in and out. This area is called the Valley of the Sun.It sometimes is a very hot place.The average high temperature in the summer is above thirtyseven degrees Celsius. So the roof of the stadium can be closed to permit air conditioning machines to be used. But the roof can be opened during the cooler months for sporting and other events,like big rock concerts and trade shows.‎ The stadium has an unusual feature that no other stadium has.The natural grass playing field rolls in and out of the structure as needed.The grass grows on an object like a giant tray(托盘).Most of the time the grass is moved outside to get sunshine and rain.Workers roll it back inside for football games. Officials say this makes the center more usable for nonsporting events.‎ Architect Peter Eisenman designed the huge stadium.Its shape represents the barrel cactus(圆桶掌),a common plant in the area.The huge metal pieces that form its walls shine brightly in the desert sun.‎ ‎1.hear of 听说,听说过 ‎2.technology n. 技术;工艺 ‎3.be made of 由……组成;由……造成 ‎4.feature n. 特色,特征 ‎5.common adj. 共同的;普通的;一般的;通常的 ‎1.When did workers begin building the stadium?‎ ‎ ‎ ‎2.Who designed the huge stadium?‎ ‎ ‎ ‎【答案】 1.In 2003. 2.Peter Eisenman.‎ Section Ⅰ Warmup & A Matter of Taste—Preparing 根据提示写出下列单词 ‎1.abstract adj. 抽象的,深奥的 ‎2.straight adj. 直的 adv. 直,直接 ‎3.imagination n. 想象,想象力 ‎4.pain n. 痛苦;疼,痛 ‎5.exhibition n. 展览会 ‎6.poetry n. 诗(总称)‎ ‎7.shade n. 阴影,阴暗处;(色彩的)浓淡 ‎8.sweat n. 汗 ‎9.creature n. 动物;(有特性或物质的)人 ‎10.valuable adj. 贵重的,有价值的 ‎11.typical adj. 典型的 ‎12.elegantly adv. 优雅地 ‎13.emphasise vt. 强调 ‎14.detail n. 细节,详情 ‎15.shallow adj. 浅的 看单词 学构词:后缀able常用于名词之后构成形容词,如:usable可用的;fashionable时髦的;portable手提的,便携式的;reasonable合情合理的;comfortable舒适的;knowledgeable知识渊博的,有见识的等。‎ 根据提示补全下列短语 ‎1. high speed 以很高的速度 ‎2.fix one's eyes 注视;凝视 ‎3.(be)deep thought 陷入沉思中 ‎4.so 到目前为止,迄今为止 ‎5. a creative way 用一种有创意的方式 ‎6.add... ... 往……中添加……‎ ‎7.be filled 装满;充满 ‎8. the nineteenth century 在19世纪 ‎9.show interest 对……有兴趣 ‎10. detail 详细地 ‎【答案】 1.at 2.on 3.in 4.far 5.in 6.to 7.with 8.in 9.in 10.in 根据提示补全下列教材原句 ‎1.Qi Baishi's style of painting often leaves the audience guessing and makes them use their imagination.‎ 齐白石的绘画作品常给观赏者留出运用想象力解读其内涵的余地。‎ ‎2.I wish I could have bought a painting,but they are too expensive for me!‎ 我希望我能买一幅画,但是它们对于我来说太贵了!‎ ‎ 阅读P36教材课文,选择最佳答案 ‎1.Why did Xu Beihong hold some exhibitions in Asia and Europe between 1933 and 1940?‎ A.To sell his painting.‎ B.To show his painting skills.‎ C.To promote Chinese art.‎ D.To make himself famous.‎ ‎2.Qi Baishi's painting style is unique because .‎ A.he used different shades of grey in a creative way B.his painting often leaves the audience guessing C.his painting often makes the audience use their imagination D.both B and C ‎3.Why did Chen Yifei add a lot of detail to the fan in the painting Poppy?‎ A.To show the fan is quite beautiful.‎ B.To emphasise the woman.‎ C.Because the fan is difficult to paint.‎ D.Because Chen Yifei is good at painting fans.‎ ‎4. Which of the following did Qi Baishi NOT do?‎ A.He worked with wood.‎ B.He painted pictures of scenery.‎ C.He painted simple pictures from everyday life.‎ D.He worked with metal.‎ ‎【答案】 1-4 CDBD ‎ 阅读P36教材课文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式 Xu Beihong,1. developed the tradition of combining poetry with painting,was important in modern Chinese folk art.His famous painting is Racing Horse.He used different shades of grey in a 2. (create)way to show the sweat along the horse's body.‎ Qi Baishi was one of China's 3. (great)painters.He worked with wood during his early youth.Then 4. (he)interest changed later to simple pictures from everyday life,such as vegetables,flowers,birds and insects.‎ Chen Yifei was a very successful artist,5. soft portraits of beautiful women are very valuable.His painting,6. (name)Poppy,is a typical example of Chen's style.In the painting,a young woman sits alone and is deep 7. thought.Her hand holding the fan is 8. (elegant)positioned above her knees.9. (emphasise)the woman even more,Chen adds a lot of detail 10. the fan and the cloth of her dress,and chooses to paint the background behind the woman black.‎ ‎【答案】 1.who 2.creative 3.greatest 4.his 5.whose 6.named 7.in 8.elegantly 9.To emphasise 10.to Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.The doctor sat with his eyes (fix)on his bright face.‎ ‎2.It's typical of him to (get)up late in the morning.‎ ‎3.Robots exhibition were made from recycled materials.‎ ‎4.Sometimes (abstraction)art can not be understood by many people.‎ ‎5.—Where are the children?The dinner's going to be completely ruined.‎ ‎—I wish they (not,be)always late.‎ ‎6.Now please be brief—my time is (value).‎ ‎7.When I entered the room,I found him (seat)in an armchair,‎ ‎ (deeply) in thought. ‎ ‎8.—What do you think of what he did in class?‎ ‎—What he did was my imagination.What a surprise!‎ ‎9.We'd better discuss everything detail before we work out the plan.‎ ‎10.We didn't go to bed twelve last night.‎ ‎【答案】 1.fixed 2.get 3.on 4.abstract 5.weren't 6.valuable 7.seated;deep 8.beyond 9.in 10.until Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.—What a pleasant shadow these trees give us!‎ ‎—Why not stop and enjoy the cool air?‎ ‎ ‎ ‎2.Building value skills is hard and takes time.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎3.I wish I took your advice yesterday.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎4.The paintings in exhibition were all drawn by artists in the Tang Dynasty.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎5.The soft portraits of beautiful woman drawn by Chen Yifei are of great value.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎6.Don't get angry with her.It is typical for her to do that.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎7.Don't leave the water run while washing your hands.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎8.Qi Baishi,as you know,is one of China's the greatest painters.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎9.We can see the woman sitting lonely under the tree,deep in thought.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎10.Finally I decided to paint the wall of the bedroom in white.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎【答案】 1.shadow→shade 2.value→valuable ‎3.took→had taken 4.第一个in→on 5.woman→women 6.for→of 7.run→running 8.去掉the 9.lonely→alone 10.去掉in Ⅲ.阅读理解 ‎ Garden building is considered an important part of Chinese culture.Some people say that if you have never walked through a Chinese garden,you cannot say that you have really visited China.‎ Traditional Chinese gardens are located (位于) in North China in such places as Beihai Park,the Summer Palace,the Forbidden City.In larger imperial gardens(御花园),the main buildings are connected by an imaginary (虚构的)line in the middle of the garden on the northsouth axis(轴).Other features (特征) of imperial gardens are colored paintings,manmade hills and lakes.‎ Most private gardens are found in the south,especially in cities south of the Yangtze River.Private gardens were mostly built at one side or at the back of the houses.Around the beautiful scene are small open areas with beautiful shaped doors through which visitors can enjoy the sights.They are open on all sides and are often near the water so that the whole scene can be enjoyed.Suzhou,known as the home of gardens,displays the most and the best Chinese traditional private gardens.Different parts of it are examples of the garden style of the Song,Yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasties.‎ The landscape garden contains a number of pleasant natural scenes and some fairy tales.The ancient Chinese used to call the garden landscape“Jing”,which means “scene”in English.Good examples include the ten West Lake Scenes in Hangzhou,the twentyfour slim West Lake Scenes in Yangzhou and the eight Daming Lake Scenes in Jinan.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文介绍了中国园林建筑的文化。‎ ‎1. The passage tells mainly about .‎ A.an important part of Chinese culture B. the characteristics (特征) of different styles of Chinese garden buildings C.where foreigners can find Chinese gardens D.how to appreciate Chinese gardens ‎【解析】  本文第一段第一句是主题句。本文主要讲中国的三类园林建筑:御花园、私家园林和风景园。故答案为B。‎ ‎【答案】 B ‎2. Which of the following is NOT a feature of the imperial gardens?‎ A.There is a northsouth axis in the centre of the garden.‎ B.There are manmade hills and lakes in the gardens.‎ C.They were built because of some fairy tales.‎ D.They have colored paintings.‎ ‎【解析】 由第四段可知风景园包含童话故事,而御花园没有,故C项表述不正确。‎ ‎【答案】 C ‎3. In the third paragraph,the underlined word “They” refers to .‎ A.private gardens B.beautiful scenes C.the houses D.rivers and lakes ‎【解析】 第三段主要讲的是私家园林,故答案为A。‎ ‎【答案】 A ‎4.“Jing”which the ancient Chinese used to call the garden landscape actually means “ ” in English.‎ A.well B.tight C.garden D.scene ‎【解析】 由最后一段的第二句The ancient Chinese used to call the garden landscape“Jing”,which means“scene” in English.可知,答案为D。‎ ‎【答案】 D Ⅳ.完形填空 An elderly builder was ready to retire.He told his employer of his plans to leave the house building 1 and live a more comfortable life with his wife.He would miss the paycheck,but he needed to 2 .They could manage.‎ The employer was 3 to see his good worker go and asked if he could build 4 one more house as a personal 5 .The builder said yes,but at that time it was easy to see that his 6 was not in his work.He built it carelessly and used poor materials.It was a(n) 7 way to end his career.‎ When the builder 8 his work,the employer came and 9 the frontdoor key to the builder.“This is your house,”he said,“my 10 to you.”‎ What a shock!What a 11 !If he had only known he was building his own house,he would have done it all 12 .Now he had to live in the home he had built none too 13 .‎ So it is with us.Sometimes we build our lives carelessly,willing to put up less than the best.At ‎ important points we do not give the job our best 14 .Then with a shock we look at the situation we have 15 and find that we are now living in the house we have built.If we had realized,we would have done it differently.‎ Think of yourself as the 16 .Think about your house.Each day you 17 in a nail,place a board,or set up a wall,build wisely.It is the only life you will ever build.Even if you live in it for only one more day,that day is worthy to be lived well.Life is a doityourself 18 .‎ Who could say it more clearly?Your life today is the 19 of your attitudes and choices in the 20 .‎ ‎【语篇解读】 一位年老的建筑工人准备退休,但雇主不舍得他离开便请求他再建造一座房子。当建筑工人漫不经心地建好最后一座房子时,雇主来了并把房子的钥匙给了他——一份送给他的礼物。‎ ‎1.A.matter B.trade C.business D.industry ‎【解析】 考查名词。根据上句中的关键词“builder”,可知“他告诉雇主他准备离开建筑行业,与老伴一起过一种更舒适的生活”。house building business“建筑行业”,故选C。‎ ‎【答案】 C ‎2.A.work B.retire C.live D.stay ‎【解析】 考查动词。根据上文提到的“An elderly builder was ready to retire.”,可知他需要退休,故选B。‎ ‎【答案】 B ‎3.A.happy B.anxious C.angry D.sorry ‎【解析】 考查形容词。根据下文的情节可知,雇主看到好工人要走时很难过,故选D。‎ ‎【答案】 D ‎4.A.just B.yet C.even D.still ‎【解析】 考查副词。根据情节可知,雇主只让他再建一座房子,just“仅仅”,加强语气,故选A。‎ ‎【答案】 A ‎5.A.question B.favor C.job D.idea ‎【解析】 考查名词。雇主让他再建一座房子作为对雇主的关照。personal favor表示“私下关照”,故选B。‎ ‎【答案】 B ‎6.A.brain B.hand C.heart D.aim ‎【解析】 考查名词。根据上文“他要退休”和下文“他粗心地建房子,使用劣质材料”,可知建筑工人的心已不在工作上了,故选C。‎ ‎【答案】 C ‎7.A.unfortunate B.quick C.uneasy D.direct ‎【解析】 考查形容词。人们都想以完美的职业形象退休,这是人之常情,但是这位建筑工人最后建造的房子粗制滥造,这样结束自己的职业生涯,有点不幸,故选A。‎ ‎【答案】 A ‎8.A.started B.continued C.quitted D.finished ‎【解析】 考查动词。根据下句“雇主来了并给他房子钥匙”,可知房子建成了,故选D。‎ ‎【答案】 D ‎9.A.dropped B.handed C.threw D.sent ‎【解析】 考查动词。根据下句中的“This is your house”,可知雇主把钥匙交给了这位建筑工人。hand做动词,意为“交给”,故选B。‎ ‎【答案】 B ‎10.A.wish B.prize C.gift D.benefit ‎【解析】 考查名词。根据语境可知,建好的房子是雇主给工人的礼物,故选C。‎ ‎【答案】 C ‎11.A.surprise B.joy C.shame D.disappointment ‎【解析】 考查名词。根据上文“What a shock!”,再到下句工人后悔的心情,可知本句意为“多么羞愧!”,故选C。‎ ‎【答案】 C ‎12.A.differently B.eagerly C.hardly D.willingly ‎【解析】 考查副词。如果他早知道是在建造自己的房子,他就会以一种完全不同的方式建造了,故选A。‎ ‎【答案】 A ‎13.A.badly B.well C.comfortably D.awfully ‎【解析】 考查副词。根据上文可知,现在他不得不住在自己建造的那所粗制滥造的房子里了。none too“一点也不”,副词短语none too well修饰定语从句中的谓语动词had built,意为“修建得一点都不好”,符合语境,故选B。‎ ‎【答案】 B ‎14.A.effect B.effort C.strength D.power ‎【解析】 考查名词。作者由上文建筑工人建房子而联想到“在重要时刻我们没有全力以赴地工作”。effort“努力”,故选B。‎ ‎【答案】 B ‎15.A.created B.met C.seen D.got ‎【解析】 考查动词。create the situation“创造局面”,故选A。‎ ‎【答案】 A ‎16.A.employer B.dreamer C.builder D.creator ‎【解析】 考查名词。作者联想到我们自己,因而“把自己当作那位建筑工人”,故选C。‎ ‎【答案】 C ‎17.A.hammer B.pull C.press D.force ‎【解析】 考查动词。根据后面的搭配place a board,set up a wall,可知此处指hammer in a nail“钉钉子”,故选A。‎ ‎【答案】 A ‎18.A.way B.interest C.practice D.project ‎【解析】 考查名词。作者得出结论,“生活就是自己动手做的工程”。project“工程,项目”,故选D。‎ ‎【答案】 D ‎19.A.result B.end C.answer D.reply ‎【解析】 考查名词。由工人漫不经心建造的粗制滥造的房子,可知今天的生活就是你过去的态度和选择所造成的结果,故选A。‎ ‎【答案】 A ‎20.A.future B.present C.past D.moment ‎【解析】 考查名词。前后对比,即today和past进行对比,故选C。‎ ‎【答案】 C

