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2019届一轮复习人教版选修八Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors单元学案 一、刷黑板—— Ⅰ.阅读词汇(英译汉) [第一屏听写] 1.excavate vt. 挖掘;发掘 2.mat n. 席子;垫子 3.quilt n. 被子;棉被 4.beast n. 野兽 5.onion n. 洋葱 6.skateboard n. 滑板 7.yogurt n. 酸乳酪;酸奶 [第二屏听写] 8.melon n. (各种)瓜 9.wrinkle n. 皱纹 10.spear n. 矛;枪 11.eyebrow n. 眉毛 12.arrowhead n. 箭头 13.hammer n. 铁锤;锤子 14.craftsmanship n. 技艺;手艺;精工细作 15.punctuation n. 标点符号 Ⅱ.高频词汇(汉译英) [第三屏听写] 1.identify vt. 确认;识别;鉴别 2.alternative n. 可能的选择 adj. 供选择的;其他的 3.archaeology n. 考古学(〈美〉archeology) 4.archaeological adj. 考古学的;与考古学有关的 (〈美〉archeological) 5.archaeologist n. 考古学家(〈美〉archeologist) [第四屏听写] 6.starvation n. 挨饿;饿死 7.tentative adj. 试探性的;不确定的 8.accuracy n. 精确;准确 9.interrupt vt.&vi. 打断……讲话;打岔;暂时中断或中止 10.acute adj. 有观察力的;敏锐的;严重的;深刻的 11.assume vt. 假定;设想 12.regardless adv. 不管;不顾 [第五屏听写] 13.centimetre n. 厘米(〈美〉centimeter) 14.sharpen vi.&vt. (使)锋利;尖锐;清晰 15.sharpener n. 磨具;削具 16.kindergarten n. 幼儿园 17.ample adj. 足够的;充足的;富裕的 18.messy adj. 凌乱的;脏的 19.primitive adj. 原始的;远古的;简陋的 20.seashell n. 海贝壳 [第六屏听写] 21.category n. 种类;类别;范畴 22.botany n. 植物学 23.botanical adj. 植物学的;与植物学有关的 24.analysis n.(pl.analyses) 分析 25.ripen vt.&vi. 使……成熟;成熟 [第七屏听写] 26.significance n. 意义;意思;重要性;重要意义 27.somehow adv. 以……方式;不知怎么地 28.systematic adj. 有系统的;有计划的;有条理的 29.spit vt. 吐出(唾液、食物等) vi. 吐痰 30.delete vt. 删;删除 31.album n. 相册;集邮册;唱片 [第八屏听写] 32.scratch n (刮、抓、划的)痕迹;搔;挠 vt. 搔;抓;擦伤;刮坏 33.academy_ n. 学院;学会;学术团体;院校 34.receptionist_ n. 接待员;招待员 35.radioactive adj. 放射性的;有辐射能的 36.radioactivity n. 放射性 37.division n. 分割;划分;分配;分界线 [第九屏听写] 38.pulse vi. 强烈而有规律地跳动;搏动 n. 脉搏;节拍 39.applaud vi.&vt. 鼓掌欢迎;赞赏 40.howl vt.&vi. 嗥叫;叫喊;吼叫 n. 长嚎;嗥叫 41.accelerate vi.&vt. 加速;促进 [第十屏听写] 42.arrest vt. 逮捕;吸引 n. 逮捕;拘留 43.dizzy adj. 头晕目眩的;眩晕的;使人发晕或困惑的 44.worship vt.&vi. 崇拜;敬奉 n. 崇拜;敬神 45.skilful adj. 有技巧的;熟练的(〈美〉skillful) [第十一屏听写] 46.regardless_of_ 不管;不顾 47.at_most 至多;最多 48.cut_up 切碎 49.fed_up_with 受够了;饱受;厌烦 50.look_ahead 向前看;为将来打算 51.date_back_(to_...) 追溯到;始于 二、刷清单—— (一)核心单词 阅读单词 1.mat n. 席子;垫子 6.yogurt n. 11.arrowhead n. 箭头 2.beast n. 野兽 3.quilt n. 被子;棉被 4.onion n. 洋葱 5.skateboard n. 滑板 酸奶;酸乳酪 7.melon n. (各种)瓜 8.wrinkle n. 皱纹 9.spear n. 矛;枪 10.eyebrow n. 眉毛 12.excavate vt. 挖掘;发掘 13.craftsmanship n. 技艺;手艺;精工细作 14.hammer n. 铁锤;锤子 15.punctuation n. 标点符号 表 达 单 词 1.tentative adj. 试探性的;不确定的 2.acute adj. 有观察力的;敏锐的;严重的;深刻的 3.centimetre n. 厘米 4.alternative n. 可能的选择 adj. 供选择的;其他的 5.somehow adv. 以……方式;不知怎么地 6.regardless adv. 不管;不顾 7.album n. 相册;集邮册;唱片 [语境活用] 1.In addition, WeChat is a wonderful platform for people to share an ample (丰富的) amount of information. 2.Primitive (原始的) man made tools from sharp stones and animal bones. 3.As we all know, most of us middle school students feel somehow (不知怎么地) nervous whenever we're taking an important exam. 4.He has no alternative (可能的选择) but to try hard to finish it on time. 8.ample adj. 足够的;充足的;富裕的;丰富的 9.scratch n. (刮、抓、划的)痕迹;搔;挠 vt. 搔;抓;擦伤;刮坏 10.dizzy adj. 头晕目眩的;眩晕的;使人发晕或困惑的 11.primitive adj. 原始的;远古的;简陋的 12._howl v. 嗥叫;叫喊;吼叫 n. 长嚎;嗥叫 13.spit vt. 吐出 (唾液、食物等) vi. 吐痰 14.delete vt. 删;删除 15.seashell n. 海贝壳 16.pulse_ vi. 强烈而有规律地跳动;搏动 n. 脉搏;节拍 17.category n. 种类;类别;范畴 5.During the summer vacation, I practiced dancing hard with others regardless (不顾) of the hot weather. 6.What's worse, they spat/spit (吐痰) and even threw rubbish into the lake, totally ignoring the noticeable sign “No Littering” nearby. 7.Not only had the poor man been arrested (逮捕), but he had been put in prison as well. 8.Our class have had a discussion about idol worship (崇拜). 9.My grandma still has very_acute_(敏锐的) hearing, though she is eighty. 10.We've drawn up a tentative (试探性的) program for the next two weeks. 11.The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse (脉搏). 12.After another glass of whisky I began to feel dizzy (眩晕的). 18.arrest vt. 逮捕;吸引 n. 逮捕;拘留 19.kindergarten n. 幼儿园 20.worship v. 崇拜;敬奉 n. 崇拜;敬神 拓 展 单 词 1.identify vt.确认;识别;鉴别→identification n.辨认;鉴定→identity n.身份;一致;同一性 2.archaeology n.考古学→archaeological_ adj.考古学的;与考古学有关的→archaeologist_ n.考古学家 3.starvation n.挨饿;饿死→starve vi.挨饿;饿死 4.accuracy n.精确;准确→accurate adj.准确的;精确的→accurately [语境活用] 1.If you interrupt others' conversation abruptly, you will be to blame for your interruption. (interrupt) 2.Assuming that you are the guide of the foreigners who are to visit our school, how would you prepare for your assumption as the guide? (assume) 3.After the identification of victim's appearance and age, the police identified that the identity of the killer. (identify) 4.While calculating the maths problem, you should pay more adv.准确地;精确地 5.interrupt v.打断……讲话;打岔;暂时中断或中止→interruption n.打断;打岔;中止 6.assume vt.假定;设想→assuming conj.假设→assumption n.设想;假定;担任 7.sharpen v.(使)锋利;尖锐;清晰;削尖→sharp adj.锋利的→sharpener n.磨具;削具 8.messy adj.凌乱的;脏的→mess n.凌乱;脏 9.botanical adj.植物学的;与植物学有关的→botany n.植物学 10.analysis n.分析→analyses (pl.)→analyse vt.分析 11.ripen v.使……成熟;成熟→ripe adj.成熟的 12.significance n attention to the accuracy of the numbers, or you can't figure it out accurately. (accurate) 5.The boy needs a pencil sharpener to sharpen his pencil, because the sharpener he has isn't sharp.(sharpen) 6.The kid made a mess in the living room, so his mother asked them to clean the messy living room quickly. (mess) 7.With the teacher's help, I analysed the data of this experiment. The teacher considered my analysis is reasonable. (analyse) 8.The scientists think his invention is of great significance,_because it is significant to cure the patients of deadly disease.(significant) 9.The famous professor made an inspiring academic speech in the British Academy of Film and Television Arts. (academy) .意义;意思;重要性;重要意义→significant adj.重要的 13.systematic adj.有系统的;有计划的;有条理的→system n.系统;制度 14.academy n.学院;学会;学术团体;院校→academic adj.学术的 15.receptionist n.接待员;招待员→receive v.接收→reception n.接待;接收 16.radioactivity n.放射性→radioactive adj.放射性的;有辐射能的 17.division n.划分;分割;分配;分界线→divide v.分开;分割;划分 18.applaud v.鼓掌欢迎;赞赏→applause n.鼓掌 19.accelerate v.加速;促进→acceleration n.加速度 10.The candies were divided_out among all the kids, but they could not agree upon the division of them.(divide) 11.He was received by the host and was given a warm reception.(receive) 12.The audience warmly applauded when the performance came to an end, and the applause lasted for several minutes. (applaud) 20.skilful adj.有技巧的;熟练的→_skill n.技能;技巧→skilled adj.熟练的;有技能的 (二)常用短语 写准记牢 语境活用(选用左栏短语填空) 1.at_most 至多;最多 2.cut_up 切碎;伤心 3.care_about 在乎;关心 4.be_aware_of 意识到 5.regardless_of 不管;不顾 6.keep_out 关在门外;不准入内 7.fed_up_with 受够了;饱受;厌烦 8.look_ahead 向前看;为将来打算 9.date_from/back_(to_...) 追溯到;始于 10.with/in_relief 轻松地;欣慰地;如释重负地 1.When I was fed_up_with listening, I usually entertained myself by reading. 2.Vegetables and meats are cut_up and mixed in various ways into some dishes to serve the guests. 3.The club welcomes all new members regardless_of age and sex. 4.We_are fully aware_of the necessity of carrying out a lowcarbon economy in our country. 5.It is reported that to build a road, a wellknown historical and cultural city has recently been torn down, one of its ancient city walls dating_from the Tang Dynasty. (三)经典句式 原句背诵 句式解构 佳句仿写 1.Yes, indeed, as the botanical analyses have shown us, all the fields around here used to be part of a large shallow lake. 很对。正如植物学的分析结果已经告诉我们的,这儿四周曾是一个很大浅水湖的一部分。 as引导的非限制性定语从句。 正如古训所说“人不可貌相,海水不可斗量”。 “You can't judge a book by its cover,”as_the_old_saying_goes. 2.If only she had looked ahead and planned better this year! 她今年要是早有预见,计划得更好些就好了! if only ... “要是……就好了”。 今年春节全家能团圆就好了! If_only_the_whole_family_could_be_united_during the Spring Festival this year! 3.Abruptly she sat down, only to be scooped up by her laughing, shouting only to do 他匆匆忙忙地赶往剧院,结果被告知票已卖完。 sister, Luna. 她突然坐了下来,结果被爱吵闹的妹妹露娜一把抱了起来。 sth.作结果状语,表示意料不到的情况。 He hurried to the theatre, _only_to_be_told that the tickets had been sold out. 一、过重点单词—— 1.alternative adj.供选择的;其他的 n.可能的选择;选择对象 [教材原句] Can you think of the alternatives we would use today? 你能想到我们今天使用的替代品吗? an alternative to ……的替代物(to是介词) have the alternative of A or B 要么做A,要么做B; 在A或B二者中选一个 have no alternative/choice/option but to do sth. 别无选择只好做某事 there is no alternative 别无选择 [多角练透] 单句语法填空 ①The Internet also provides us with a cheap alternative to communicating (communicate) with others. ②In order to succeed, we have no alternative but to_face (face) failure bravely and learn from it. 补全句子 ③You have_the_alternative_of_speaking_or keeping quiet. 你要么发言,要么保持沉默。 2.interrupt vt.&vi.打断……讲话;打岔;暂时中断或中止 [教材原句] I'm sorry to interrupt you but how could they live here? 对不起,打断了你的讲话,但他们怎么能住在这个地方呢? (1)be interrupted by 被……打断/阻断 (2)interruption n. 打扰;插嘴;打岔;阻断物 without interruption 连续地;不断地 [题点全练] 单句语法填空 ①He was writing a poem when he was_interrupted (interrupt) by a knock at the door. ②She has kept up physical training for several years without_interruption (interrupt). 3.assume vt.假定;设想 [教材原句] So we think it is reasonable to assume they lived in these caves, regardless of the cold. 因此,我们有理由认为他们不顾严寒,就住在这些洞穴里。 (1)assume ... to be ... 假定/假设……是…… It is assumed that ... 一般认为…… (2)assumption n. 假定;假设 make an assumption 认为;假定 (3)assuming (that) ... 假设/假定…… [多角练透] 单句语法填空 ①If you make an assumption (assume) that something is true or will happen, you accept that it is true or will happen. ②It is assumed that global warming and climate change could cause even more disasters in the future. 补全句子 ③I assume him to_be_40_years_old. 我认为他40岁了。 ④Assuming_that_we_can't_get_the_necessary_equipment,_we will have to give up the experiment. 假设我们不能得到必要的装备,我们将不得不放弃实验。 [联想发散] 类似assuming作介词或连词的单词 ①supposing conj. 假设;假如 ②provided/providing conj. 假设;如果 ③concerning prep. 关于 ④including prep. 包括;包含 ⑤given prep. 鉴于;考虑到 ⑥considering prep.& conj. 鉴于;考虑到 4.significance n.意义;意思;重要性;重要意义 [高考佳句] I firmly believe that the more we are aware of the significance of this famous saying, the more benefits we will get in our daily study and job.(2014·山东高考写作) 我坚信我们越多地了解这个名言的意义,我们在日常学习和工作中就会获益越多。 (1)be of significance to ... 对……有重要意义 attach significance to ... 认为……重要 (2)significant adj. 重要的;明显的 It is significant that 很明显 [题点全练] 单句语法填空 ①In my view, practicing handwriting is of great significance (significant) to the students' growth. ②As time goes by, I attach more great significance to doing (do) what I am doing now. ③It is significant (significance) that nowadays fiber is still considered to be an important part of a healthy diet. [联想发散] 常见“be+of+抽象名词”的短语 ①be of use=be useful ②be of help=be helpful ③be of value=be valuable ④be of significance=be significant ⑤be of importance=be important Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.The audience warmly applauded (鼓掌欢迎) when the performance came to an end. 2.Assuming (假定) that the news report is true, what should we do next? 3.If you don't like the company lunch, you have the alternative (选择) of bringing your own. 4.He could have arrived on time, but somehow (不知怎么地) he was late. 5.Sorry to interrupt (打断) you, but I need to ask you some questions. 6.A reward has been offered for information that leads to the arrest (逮捕) of the murderer. 7.Sunshine, fresh air and lots of rest often accelerate (加速) a person's recovery from sickness. 8.References to places of battle were deleted (删除) from soldier's letters during the war. Ⅱ.单句语法填空 1.He added that probiotics (益生菌) were not an alternative to a healthy diet. 2.It is commonly assumed that the growth of GDP and the development of people's living conditions are not necessarily cause and effect. 3.We all know that the cost of heating our homes will continue to be a significant (significance) burden on the family budget. 4.It is very annoying to_be_interrupted (interrupt) by advertisement at intervals. 5.Nothing in the room is in a mess, so I think they couldn't have searched it. 6.The botanical (botany) analyses have showed us that it used to be a lake. 7.The mechanic who wishes to do his work well must first sharpen (sharp) his tools. 8.The escaped prisoner got arrested (arrest) immediately he turned up at the railway station and was sent to prison again. 9.Scientists have_identified (identify) more than forty chemicals in tobacco smoke that cause cancer in humans and animals. 10.In contrast to our ignorance of saving food, many people especially those in povertystricken areas are suffering from starvation (starve). Ⅲ.根据提示词补全(或翻译)句子 1.如果你想脱颖而出,除了努力工作别无选择。(alternative) If you want to stand out, there_is_no_alternative_but_hard_work. 2.人们普遍认为压力是由工作太多导致的。(assume) It_is_generally_assumed_that stress is caused by too much work. 3.新药品的发现对患癌症的人非常重要。 (significance) The discovery of the new drug is of_great_significance_to people suffering from cancer. 4.上海已经加速了成为世界级的旅游胜地的步伐。(accelerate) Shanghai has_accelerated_the_pace_of_becoming a worldclass tourist destination. 5.请原谅我打扰你。(interrupt) Please_excuse_me_for_my_interrupting_you. 二、过短语、句式—— 1.regardless of不管;不顾 [高考佳句] Our club is open to everyone regardless of age, sex or educational background.(2014·福建高考单选) 我们的俱乐部对每一个人开放,不管年龄、性别或教育背景。 (1)regardless of +从句 (强调不认为……重要,从而不加以重视或考虑) (2)despite/in spite of 尽管……但是……(后常接名词,不接从句) (3)with regard to 关于;至于 [题点全练] 单句语法填空 ①She is determined to do it regardless of all consequences. ②Dr. Bethune continued working in spite of cutting (cut) his hand during an operation. ③With regard to my favorite Chinese poet, I'd like to introduce Du Fu to you. 2.date back (to ...) 追溯到;始于 [教材原句] All the objects are from the same excavation site in Sanxingdui and can be dated back to between 3,000 and 5,000 years ago. 所有的这些物品都来自于三星堆发掘现场,时间可以追溯到3 000至5 000 年前之间。 date from 追溯到;始于;起源于 out of date 过时的 up to date (with ...) 赶上(……的)潮流 [多角练透] 单句语法填空 ①The old town dates (date) back to the late seventeenth century. ②Dating (date) from 1933, the South Lake Park in Changchun is located in the southwestern part of the Changchun city. ③Everyone should keep on getting himself educated so as to be up to_date with modern technology. 补全句子 ④The news you told me was out_of_date but you thought it was up_to_date. 你告诉我的新闻是过时的,但你却认为是最新的。 [名师指津] date back to和date from一般不用于进行时态。作后置定语时,常用现在分词。 3.if only ... “要是……就好了” If_only she had looked ahead and planned better this year! 她今年要是早有预见,计划得更好些就好了! if only ...用来表达愿望,句中谓语动词要用虚拟语气。 (1)if only ... had done ... 表示对与过去事实相反的愿望 (2)if only ... did ... 表示对与现在事实相反的愿望 (3)if only ... could/would/might do ... 表示对将来事情的愿望(不用should) ①If only she_would_listen_to_me_carefully. 但愿她能仔细听我讲话。 ②If only he had_lain (lie) quietly as the doctor instructed, he would not suffer so much now. 要是他按医生的指示安静地躺着的话,他现在就不会受那么多的罪了。 ③If only I had (have) more time to study. 要是我有更多的时间来学习就好了。 ④In a word, only if you learn English by using it can_you_learn_it_well. 总之,只有通过使用英语的方法学英语,你才能学好它。 [名师指津] only if中的only仅起强调作用,意为“只要”。 “only+状语”位于句首时,句子要用部分倒装。 Ⅰ.短语填空 date back to,at most,be aware of,with relief,cut up,look ahead,fed up with, regardless of 1.He bought his child the toy car regardless_of_the fact that it was costly. 2.Dating_back_to 300 year ago, the stone house is wellpreserved. 3.“Cut_up the meat before you put them into the pot” mother told me. 4.The librarian told us that we could borrow at_most_three books at a time. 5.Whenever we are in trouble, we must look_ahead and encourage ourselves. 6.In the end, I just got fed_up_with his constant complaining. 7.Having finished all the housework, Mary dropped herself into the sofa, sighing with_relief. 8.The good news is that we are_aware_of the importance of fresh water and its shortage we are facing. Ⅱ.句型转换 1.I wish I had stayed with her a little longer! →If_only I had stayed with her a little longer! 2.It is known that English is playing a more and more important part in our daily life. →As_we_all_know,_English is playing a more and more important part in our daily life. 3.Our headmaster suggested having a basketball match the next week. →Our headmaster suggested that_we_have a basketball match the next week. 4.Mike bought a camera in order to take many pictures in summer. →Mike bought a camera so_that_he_could take many pictures in summer. 5.Tom drove to the cinema hurriedly, but he was told the film was cancelled. →Tom drove to the cinema hurriedly, only_to_be_told the film was cancelled. Ⅲ.根据提示词和相关要求补全(或翻译)句子 1.像我们所期望的那样,迈克参加了会议。 (as非限制性定语从句) Mike, as_we_expected,_attended the meeting. 2.这位记者匆忙赶到机场,却被告知那位电影明星已经走了。(only to do) The reporter hurried to the airport, only_to_be_told_the_film_star_had_left. 3.老板建议召开一次会议,这表明他对我们的计划感兴趣。 (suggest that ...) The boss suggested_holding a meeting and it suggested that he_was_interested_in_our_plan. 4.凯西在她儿子出生时辞了职,以便能够待在家里照顾家人。(so that ...) Cathy had quit her job when her son was born so_that_she_could_stay_at_home_and_look_after_her_family. 5.但愿我还能再看见她一次。(if only) If_only_it_were_possible_for_me_to_see_her_once_more. 三、过语法、写作—— (一)单元小语法——复习动词的时态 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.Tom has_been_working (work) in the library every night over the last three months. 2.If their marketing plans succeed, they will_increase (increase) their sales by 20 percent. 3.By this time tomorrow, I will_be_lying (lie) on the beach, enjoying the warm sunshine. 4.I lived (live) in London for many years, but I've never regretted my final decision to move back to China. 5.I won't tell the student the answer to the math problem until he has_been_working_(work) on it for more than an hour. 6.The young girl sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. She had never flown_(fly) before. 7.They have_been_married (marry) for almost 15 years. 8.I called Hannah many times yesterday evening, but I couldn't get through. Her brother was_talking (talk) on the phone all the time! Ⅱ.补全或翻译句子 (注意使用正确的时态) 1.我已经看完这本英语小说的一半,周末我会试图把小说的另一半看完。 I have_read half of the English novel, and I'll_try_to_finish_it at the weekend. 2.学生们一直努力学习功课,他们的努力将来一定会得到回报。 The students have_been_working_hard on their lessons and their efforts will_pay_off in the future. 3.端午节标志着一年中最热的季节的开始。 The Dragon Boat Festival marks_the_beginning_of the hottest season of the year. 4.杰克正在实验室工作,这时突然停电了。 Jack_was_working_in_the_lab_when_the_power_cut_ occurred. 5.他说过他以前学过一些英语。 He_said_that_he_had_learned_some_English_before. (二)课堂微写作——概要写作 [题目要求] 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。 Humankind has tried to improve its standard of living since the very beginning of civilization.Back then, as well as today, providing food and security was the basic task for a person.However, nowadays the range of required goods has expanded greatly.People feel the need for not only some primary things, such as a piece of bread and a roof over their heads, but also for various facilities and luxuries (奢侈品).Providing humanity with these things is connected to the use of natural resources, which requires energy.The problem is that the common sources of energy we use today cause pollution, so economic growth is almost unavoidably associated with environmental damage. There are certain aspects of economic growth which affect the environment.One of these is the fact that in order to produce more goods and products, the construction of large industrial plants is required.These plants produce a lot of waste, leading to the pollution of water and the atmosphere, which may cause negative longterm health effects to nearby populations of animals, or people. Industrial manufacturing leads to the constantly increasing energy consumption.The traditional energy sources, which are commonly used nowadays, are considered to be the greatest polluters to the environment.There also exist socalled ecofriendly sources of energy. They are sometimes preferred but replacing the traditional sources with them also requires time, during which people have to make some sacrifices (牺牲) to support these undertakings.What's more, to produce economically practical energy, people unavoidably have to transform the natural site.This is expensive and has harmful effects on the environment.For example, application of wind energy would block airflow's natural speed, which is the reason for their decrease in strength after crossing the windmill.Consequently, the pressure balance that is brought about by this current will be affected, and it is important to remember that the environment and weather conditions are directly affected by atmospheric pressure. For these reasons, bringing about economic growth without resulting in any environmental damage is impossible. 参考范文: Humans' desire for material comforts has resulted in great damage to the environment.(要点1) To produce more goods, we have constructed industrial factories consuming lots of energy and causing serious pollution.(要点2)Though people try to substitute ecofriendly energy for traditional sources, it takes time and even the clean energy will influence the environment in some way.(要点3) So economic growth is bound to go hand in hand with environmental damage.(要点4) 一、单元基础训练(限时25分钟) Ⅰ.翻译句子 1.恐怕除了向警方告发你以外,我别无选择了。(alternative) I'm_afraid_I_have_no_alternative_but_to_report_you_to_the_police. 2.据我所知,许多人认为他是正确的。(assume) As_far_as_I_know,_a_great_many_people_assume_him_to_be_right. 3.迄今为止,研究尚未产生任何具有重大意义的结果。(of great significance) So_far,_research_has_not_produced_anything_of_very_great_significance. 4.要是我们早来几分钟就好了! (if only) If_only_we_had_come_a_few_minutes_earlier! 5.对不起打断你一下,我有话要讲。(interrupt) Sorry_to_interrupt_you,_but_I_have_something_to_say. 6.他不顾危险地去了。(regardless of) He_went_regardless_of_the_danger. 7.警察的职责之一是维持公共秩序。(preserve) It_is_one_of_the_duties_of_the_police_to_preserve_public_order. 8.他决定加快他的课程进度。(accelerate) He_decided_to_accelerate_his_courses. 9.令他大感欣慰的是,最后他失踪的儿子被警察找到了。(to one's relief) Much_to_his_relief,_finally_his_lost_son_was_found_by_the_police. 10.我一直在等我父母的来信。(现在完成进行时) I_have_been_waiting_for_a_letter_from_my_parents. Ⅱ.完形填空 I learned my first lesson at a meeting. As we sat around the table I heard Meg, who was __1__ a recent operation, talking to Judith, the manager of our project. “Thank you so much for __2__ my daughters to their dance lessons last week.” Judith said, “It was nothing.” Knowing how __3__ Judith's schedule was, I found her driving Meg's children to lessons unbelievably __4__. I was about to say more about this when Donna, another colleague, entered the room __5__. She apologized for being late, saying she just hosted a lunch for her friends who were over seventy.“That is so nice of you,” I said, __6__ how busy she was, how she didn't like to cook and clean. “Oh,” she said, waving her hand, “it was nothing.” __7__, I could still tell the __8__ in her voice. She did gain a sense of satisfaction from the entertainment offered to her friends. Seeing their __9__ to help others selflessly, I started thinking about the concept of “nothing”, this peaceful and generous way of living — had it really been nothing or were they simply saying that? It __10__ to me that once I spent a whole afternoon after work helping a friend __11__ a speech. I __12__ her to rearrange the sequence of the stories in the lecture to make it sound more __13__. After the fifth try, she finally __14__ it. She hugged me with __15__, saying thanks to me. I smiled and said it was nothing. Suddenly, I realized that helping someone was really something to me. I learned that giving from the heart doesn't __16__ mean sacrifice and hard work. The __17__ is finding something we love to do and finding someone who __18__ that something. Our generosity can benefit others __19__ ourselves. Once you have a good __20__ of it, it's nothing. And it's really something. 语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,主要讲述了作者如何从“没什么”这句话中悟到人生中重要的真理:予人玫瑰,手有余香。一个善意的举动使人获益良多。 1.A.adapting to B.recovering from C.going through D.rejoicing in 解析:选B 结合句中“a recent operation” 可知,Meg正处于手术后恢复期。recover from ...意为“从……中恢复”,符合题意。 2.A.guiding B.fetching C.driving D.dragging 解析:选C 根据第二段中的“her driving Meg's children to lessons”可知,Judith应是开车送Meg的女儿去上课。故选C。 3.A.tight B.common C.strange D.practical 解析:选A 由关键词“schedule”和下文中的“I found her driving Meg's children to lessons unbelievably __4__”可知,此处应表示Judith的日程安排很紧。tight意为“(时间)不宽裕的,(日程安排)紧的”,符合题意。 4.A.ridiculous B.energetic C.tiresome D.generous 解析:选D Judith在自己的日程安排很紧的情况下,还挤出时间帮助他人。此处作者是想说Judith慷慨助人的精神。generous意为“大方的,慷慨给予的”,符合语境。 5.A.disappointedly B.angrily C.hurriedly D.unexpectedly 解析:选C 根据下文Donna为自己迟到而道歉可知,空格处应表示“匆忙地”。hurriedly意为“匆忙地,仓促地”,符合题意。 6.A.ignoring B.forgetting C.knowing D.predicting 解析:选C 句意:我知道她有多忙,多么不喜欢做饭、打扫,于是说:“你人真好。”know意为“知道,了解”,符合语境。 7.A.Moreover B.Therefore C.Otherwise D.Somehow 解析:选D 此处指不知为什么,作者从Donna的声音里听出了一丝愉悦。故选D。 8.A.regret B.sadness C.surprise D.pleasure 解析:选D 结合下句中“gain a sense of satisfaction”可知,此处应指她的声音里带着一丝愉悦。pleasure意为“高兴,快乐,愉快”,符合题意。 9.A.willingness B.ambition C.promise D.progress 解析:选A 由关键词“selflessly”可知,此处表示“看到她们都这么乐意去无私地帮助他人”。willingness意为“乐意,愿意”,符合语境。 10.A.referred B.occurred C.appeared D.seemed 解析:选B 此处表示“这让作者突然想到自己曾在下班后花了一下午的时间帮助一个朋友”。occur表示“发生,出现”,其常用句型为“It occurs to sb. that ...”意为“某人突然想起”,符合语境。 11.A.put up B.prepare for C.give away D.deal with 解析:选B 由下文中的“rearrange the sequence of the stories in the lecture”和“After the fifth try”可知,此处表示作者帮助朋友准备演讲。prepare for意为“为……做准备”,符合题意。 12.A.begged B.invited C.recommended D.sponsored 解析:选C 作者是在帮助朋友准备演讲,那么应该是给朋友提建议。recommend意为“建议,劝告”,符合题意。 13.A.sensible B.confusing C.sensitive D.typical 解析:选A 重新安排故事的顺序是为了使故事更合理。sensible意为“合理的,符合实际的”,符合题意。 14.A.got B.meant C.caught D.made 解析:选D 此处表示“经过五次尝试,她终于做到了”。make it意为“成功,做到”,符合题意。 15.A.gratitude B.worry C.concern D.apology 解析:选A 由关键词“hugged”和空格后的“saying thanks to me”可知,朋友很感激作者。gratitude意为“感激,感谢”,符合语境。 16.A.normally B.accidentally C.possibly D.necessarily 解析:选D 此处表示“真心的付出不一定意味着牺牲,也不一定要费多少事儿”。not necessarily意为“未必,不一定”,符合题意。 17.A.treat B.trick C.plot D.plan 解析:选B 此处表示“诀窍是找到我们喜欢做的事和……” trick意为“窍门,技巧”,符合题意。 18.A.needs B.admires C.loves D.defends 解析:选A 由常识可知,帮助他人的前提是他人有这种需要。need意为“需要”,符合题意。 19.A.on account of B.as well as C.except for D.regardless of 解析:选B 此处表示“我们的慷慨相助对他人和我们自己都有好处”。as well as意为“和”,意义上与and相同,符合题意。 20.A.order B.glimpse C.command D.impression 解析:选C 本句表示“一旦你熟练掌握了这个诀窍,那就‘没什么’了”。command意为“掌握”,have a good command of意为“熟练掌握”,符合题意。 二、阅读理解提速练(限时25分钟) A Pygmalion is a drama in which Shaw has made sentiments one of the principle themes of discussion. The Greek sculptor Pygmalion carved a statue and fell in love with it. Aphrodite (the goddess of love) turned the statue into a living woman named Galatea, who then became Pygmalion's wife. The Shavian Pygmalion is Henry Higgins, a professor of phonetics, who picks up a flower girl, Eliza Doolittle, teaches her to speak as educated people do, and then successfully passes_her_off_as a duchess. But she is a human being and cannot be treated as a machine. In the course of all his experiments and exhibitions, the professor only thinks of his own skill success and failure, but never stops to consider how the girl feels. When the experiment is over, he has a profound sense of relief that he has achieved triumph and has won his bet. Even now,the sentiment of the girl is of no account. The girl naturally protests against this dehumanized relationship between her and her teacher. She hurls the professor's slippers at him when he wants them and then leaves his place. But evidently, she has begun to feel for the professor and wants also to be felt for. Now the question is what is the nature of Eliza's feelings for the professor with whom she has lived in close association for so long? In the last act, the girl says she would not marry him even if he had proposed (求婚) to her. The professor, curiously ineffectual (无效的) to sexual emotions, does not love any girl because he finds them to be rivals (对手) to his own mother. He wonders, if Eliza does not want to marry him, then what does she want from him? Old Mrs. Higgins, who knows much about a woman says that it would have been better if he had thanked her and petted her and told her how wonderful she had been. Then perhaps she would not have fought with him. Every girl loves to be loved. Eliza herself says that she loves Freddy and he also loves her. Professor Higgins, however, remains as ever, an old bachelor. 语篇解读:萧伯纳的著名戏剧《卖花女》具有经久不衰的艺术魅力,描述的是语言学教授希金斯如何把一名卖花姑娘训练成英语发音被上流社会接受并认可的故事,从而抨击了当时英国腐朽保守的等级意识。 1.What does the underlined phrase “passes her off as” in Paragraph 2 mean? A.Let her pretend to be. B.Dress her up as. C.Make her become. D.Turn into. 解析:选A 词义猜测题。根据前文的“teaches her to speak as educated people do”以及下文的“In the course of all his experiments and exhibitions”可知该短语的意思是“把某人冒充或假装为”。 2.What kind of person do you think Higgins is according to the second paragraph? A.He is a kind man. B.He is a considerate man. C.He is a selfish man. D.He is a rude man. 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第二段第三句可知希金斯只考虑自己的成败得失,从不考虑伊莉莎的感受,显然他是一个自私的人。 3.Why does not Eliza marry Higgins? Because ________. A.she does not love him B.his mother does not like any girl to be her rival C.he likes to be a bachelor D.he doesn't love any girl for fear of them being his mother's rivals 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据最后一段第三句可知伊莉莎不会嫁给希金斯,因为希金斯担心未来的妻子会成为他母亲的对手,所以他不敢爱上任何一个女孩。 B I can still remember it as if it happened yesterday. I was a college freshman and had stayed up most of the night before laughing and talking with friends. Now just before my first class of the day my eyelids were feeling heavier and heavier and my head was drifting down to my desk to make my textbook a pillow. A few minutes' nap time before class couldn't hurt, I thought. Boom! I lifted my head immediately and my eyes opened wider than saucers. I looked around with my heart beating quickly trying to find the cause of the noise. My young professor was looking back at me with a mischievous,_boyish smile on his face. He had intentionally dropped the pile of textbooks he was carrying onto his desk. “Good morning!” he said, still smiling. “I'm glad to see everyone is awake. Now let's get started.” For the next hour I wasn't sleepy at all. It wasn't from the shock of my professor's textbook alarm clock either. Instead, it was from the attractive discussion he led. With knowledge and good humor, he made the material come alive. His insights were full of both wisdom and loving kindness. And the enthusiasm and joy which he taught with were contagious (有感染力的). I left the classroom not only wide awake, but a little smarter and a little better as well. I learned something far more important than not sleeping in class that day too. I learned that if you are going to do something in this life, do it well, do it with joy, and make it an expression of your love. What a glorious place this world would be if all of us did our work joyously and well! What a beautiful world we could create if every doctor, teacher, musician, cook, waitress, poet, miner, farmer, and laborer made their work an expression of their love! Don't sleepwalk through your life then. Wake up! Let your love fill your work and your soul. Life is too short not to live it well. 语篇解读:本文通过作者大学第一节课的经历告诉我们:无论从事什么职业,我们都应该带着热情和快乐去做好它。 4.What did the author want to do just before his first class of the day? A.Talk with his friends. B.Take a short sleep. C.Get his eyes examined. D.Stay away from the class. 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后两句“... my eyelids were feeling heavier and heavier ... A few minutes' nap time before class couldn't hurt, I thought.”可知,作者很困,想在上课前小睡一会儿。故选B项。 5.The underlined word “mischievous” in Paragraph 2 probably means “________”. A.naughty B.tricky C.sensitive D.dishonest 解析:选A 词义猜测题。画线词与boyish共同修饰smile,感情色彩应一致。根据boyish的含义“男孩子气的”可推测,mischievous应表示“调皮的;淘气的”,与naughty意思相近。故选A项。 6.What can be inferred from this passage? A.The professor often kept his students sharp by using a textbook alarm. B.The author was attracted by the professor's great joy and enthusiasm. C.The author left the twohour period not only wide awake, but a little smarter. D.Though the author was frightened awake, he was not clearheaded in the class. 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据文章第三段中的“With knowledge and good humor, he made the material come alive. His insights were full of both wisdom and loving kindness. And the enthusiasm and joy which he taught with were contagious(有感染力的).”可知,作者被教授的快乐和热情所吸引,故选B项。 C Facing increasing pressure to raise students' scores on standardized tests, schools are urging kids to work harder by offering them obvious encouragements. Happy Meals are at the low end of the scale. With the help of businesses, schools are also giving away cars, iPods, seats to basketball games, and — in a growing number of cases — cold, hard cash. The appeal of such programs is obvious, but the consequences of tying grades to goods are still uncertain. It's been a common tradition in middleclass families to reward top grades with cash as a way to teach that success in school leads to success in life. But for many disadvantaged minority children, the longterm benefits of getting an education are not so clear, according to experts. No one knows for sure how well cash and other bigticket rewards work in education in the long run. But there are plenty of concerns that this kind of practice could have negative effects on kids. Virginia Shiller, a clinical psychologist, says that it's worth experimenting with cash encouragements but that tying them to success on a test is not a worthwhile goal. “I'd rather see rewards based on effort and responsibility — things that will lead to success in life,” she says. Even if rewards don't lead to individual achievement on a test, they could have a meaningful effect in the school. Charles McVean, a businessman and philanthropist (慈善家), started a tutoring program which pays higherachieving students D|S10 an hour to tutor struggling classmates and divides them into teams. During the course of the year, students bond and compete. The team posting the highest math scores wins the top cash prize of D|S100. McVean calls the combination of peer (同龄人) tutoring, competition, and cash encouragements a recipe for “nothing less than magic”. For its part, the Seminole County Public Schools system in Florida plans to continue its report card encouragement program through the rest of the school year. The local McDonald's restaurants help the poor district by paying the D|S1,600 cost of printing the report card. Regina Klaers, the district spokeswoman, says most parents don't seem bothered by the Happy Meals rewards. “There are many ways we try to urge students to do well, and sometimes it's through the stomach, and sometimes it's the probability of students winning a car,” she says. “One size doesn't fit all.” 语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文,主要论述了物质奖励对学生的成绩是否有促进作用。 7.According to the text, it is a common practice for schools to________. A.offer free meals to students with high scores B.tie students' grades to material rewards C.educate students to form a business sense D.cooperate with business to improve teaching 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据第一段第三句及其下一句中的 “tying grades to goods”可推断出,将学生的成绩与物质奖励联系起来已成了学校的一个惯例。故选B。 8.According to the text, the longterm results of giving students cash as rewards in education are ________. A.negative B.optimistic C.uncertain D.disappointing 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知,给学生现金作为奖励在教育中产生的长远结果还不确定。故选C。 9.The tutoring program run by Charles McVean ________. A.hires some excellent teachers to teach the struggling students B.has a meaningful effect in inspiring students' enthusiasm on study C.is a program combining tutoring, competition and future job offers D.rewards the student with the highest scores with cash prize of D|S100 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句及其后面列举的Charles McVean 的辅导项目可推知,本段用Charles McVean的辅导项目来说明奖励对激发学生的学习热情有重要影响。故选B。 10.We can learn that in Seminole County ________. A.there are various ways to inspire students to study hard B.many parents are not satisfied with the Happy Meals rewards C.the local McDonald's restaurants provide the rewards for poor students D.people are searching for a goodforall method to urge students to do well 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据最后一段倒数第二句可知,Seminole County有各种各样鼓励学生努力学习的方法。故选A。查看更多