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‎2019届二轮复习情态动词典题演练 题一:‎ No reader ____ take a book out of the library without the permission of the librarian. ‎ A. might B. must ‎ C. shall D. could ‎ 功能:表请求,允许,拒绝,禁止 can , could, may, might, shall, will, would…‎ 否定回答时常用can’t 或mustn’t shall 用于二、三人称,表示说话人给对方的命令、警告、允诺或威胁。‎ 题二:‎ The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone ____ get out.‎ A. had to B. would ‎ C. could D. was able to 功能:表能力 can, could (区别在时态,可自否自疑)‎ 当表示“过去经过努力且做成了某事”时常用be able to。‎ 题三:‎ ‎—Daddy, how much do you earn each hour?‎ ‎—If you ______ know, $20 an hour. ‎ A. may B. must C. can D. should 功能:表必要性 ‎ must, need, should/ought to, have to…‎ must的否定形式为needn’t ‎ need(情态)+do need(实意)+ to do 题四:‎ Our house is on the top of the hill, and in winter the winds ________ be very cold. ‎ A. can B. need ‎ C. would D. shall [来源:学科网ZXXK]‎ Judging from his worried face, we knew that he ______ have had some trouble. ‎ A. would B. will ‎ C. need D. must ‎ Ella _____ at the car crash scene in New York last Sunday; she was travelling with me in ‎ Hawaii then. ‎ A. shouldn’t have appeared B. couldn’t have appeared C. wouldn’t have appeared D. might not have appeared ‎ 功能:表示推测 must, can/could, may/might, should …‎ 时态:情态动词+V原 ‎ 情态动词+be+Ving ‎ 情态动词+have+done 题五:‎ ‎—I am worn out now. I stayed up last night to finish the report. ‎ ‎—Oh? You ______. The professor asked us to hand it in next week. [来源:学科网]‎ A. needn’t have B. wouldn’t have ‎ C. couldn’t have D. can’t have ‎ 情态动词+ have done 对过去事情的推测或虚拟 推过去:‎ must/can’t/could/may/might +have done 虚过去:‎ should / could/ might/would/need+ have done 本……而……‎ ‎[来源:Z_xx_k.Com]‎ 题六:‎ ‎ After that, things were not better. Steve still 45 do his homework. Even as the 46 (punishment) became more severe, he remained stubborn.… … ‎ ‎45. A. wouldn’t B. couldn’t ‎ ‎ C. needn’t D. shouldn’t Each of us 53 (holds) a unique place in the world. You are special, no matter what others ‎ say or what you may think. So 54 (forget) about being replaced. You 55 be.‎ ‎55. A. mustn’t   B. shouldn’t  ‎ ‎ C. can’t   D. needn’‎ 情态动词 课后练习 题一: You ______ not get my support if you do such a thing.‎ A. might B. must ‎ C. shall D. could ‎ 题二: The school rules state that no child _____ be allowed out of the school unless accompanied by an adult.‎ A. could B. shall ‎ C. must D. need 题一: Although badly hurt in the accident, the driver ______ make a phone call.‎ A. can B. could C. was able to D. were able to 题二: He _______ flee to Europe before the war broke out.‎ A. can B. could C. was able to D. were able to 题三: ‎---______ we wait here?      ‎ ‎---No, you needn’t.  ‎ A. Must B. Can ‎ C. May D. Should 题四: If you ____ go, at least wait till the rain stops. ‎ A. must B. can ‎ C. may D. need ‎ 题五: You haven’t eaten anything since this morning; you _____ be hungry.‎ A. can B. need C. must D. might That _____ be Mary---she’s in hospital. ‎ A. shouldn’t B. can’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t My book has disappeared. Who _______ it? ‎ A. could have taken B. would have taken C. should have taken D. must have taken 题六: ‎--- Hi, Tom. Where is Jane ? ‎ ‎---She ______  be in the classroom. I saw her there just now.‎ A. can B. need C. must D. might ‎---I hear they went skiing in the mountains last winter.  ‎ ‎--- It  _____ be true because there was little snow there.‎ A. shouldn’t B. can’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t The road is wet. It ______ last night. ‎ A. must rain          B. must have rained   ‎ C. could have rained   D. can have rained ‎ 题七: There was plenty of time, so she _____. A. mustn’t have hurried B. needn’t ‎ hurry C. mustn’t hurry D. needn’t have hurried 题一: Mark have hurried. After driving at top speed, he arrived half an hour early.‎ A. needn’t B. wouldn’t ‎ C. mustn’t D. couldn’t 题二: At first I thought it was a crazy 39 because I didn’t have a good sense of balance, nor did I have the 40 to keep pace with the others on the team and they would tease me. But for the teacher who kept insisting on my “going for it”, I ___41___ have decided to give a try.‎ ‎41. A. can’t B. wouldn’t ‎ C. needn’t D. mustn’t I could ___47____ the drum beats and bass notes in my stomach. I __48____ recall any of the songs that the band played. I just remember that I really enjoyed the show and didn’t want it to _ 49_.‎ ‎48. A. can’t B. shouldn’t ‎ C. needn’t D. mustn’t ‎[来源:学科网]‎ 题三: When I came to the biggest computer, I saw a thin, small man 50 in front of it. “I’m Steve”, he finally answered after I asked him a couple of times what his name was. “I 51 talk with you. I’m busy”, he said. He was chatting online with somebody - probably someone he didn’t know - and, at the same time, he was playing a computer game - a war game.[来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,K]‎ ‎51. A. mustn’t B. can’t ‎ C. needn’t D. couldn’t ‎ 59 , I realized that the people there were having a nice conversation with their machines, not with people. They were more 60 having a relationship with the 61 , particularly Steve. I 62 want to imagine the future of human beings if they preferred sharing their lives with machines 63 with people.‎ ‎62. A. shouldn’t B. needn’t ‎ C. mustn’t D. wouldn’t 情态动词 讲义参考答案 题一:C 题二:D 题三:B 题四:ADB 题五:A 题六:AC 课后练习参考答案 题一: C 解析:句意:假如你做那种事,我就不支持你。shall表示命令、许诺、警告、强制、威胁、决心等,用于第二、三人称中。‎ 题二: B 解析:句意:学校制度规定,除非有家长陪伴,任何孩子不准离开学校。shall表示命令、许诺、警告、强制、威胁、决心等,用于第二、三人称中。‎ 题一: C 解析:句意:尽管在事故中受伤严重,但是这个司机还是打了一个电话。can或者could表示能力,此处强调结果,即过去某一次成功地做了某事,要用be able to,主语the driver是单数,所以要用was able to。‎ 题二: C 解析:句意:在战争爆发之前他逃到了欧洲。can或者could表示能力,此处强调结果,即过去某一次成功地做了某事,要用be able to,主语he是单数,所以要用was able to。‎ 题三: A 解析:句意:我们必须在这儿等着吗?不,你们不必。此处must表示必要性,否定形式为needn’t。‎ 题四: ‎ A 解析:句意:如果你一定要走,至少也要等雨停了再走。此处must表示必要性,意思是“一定要,必须”。‎ 题五: CBA 解析:‎ ‎1.句意:从早上起你就一直没有吃东西,你一定饿了。情态动词must在这里表推测。‎ ‎2.句意:那不可能是玛丽。她在住院。表示“有把握的推测”时,否定句用can’t 。‎ ‎3.句意:我的书不见了。谁可能带走它?could have done在这里表推测。‎ 题六: CBB 解析:‎ ‎1.根据“她一定在教室,我刚才看见她了”可知表示“有把握的推测”,用must。‎ ‎2.根据“不可能是真的因为那儿没雪”可知表示“有把握的推测”,否定句用can’t 。‎ ‎3.根据“路面湿了”可知表示“有把握的推测”,所以用must have done.‎ 题七: D 解析:句意:时间很充足,因此她没有必要那么匆忙。needn’t have done本来没有必要做某事。‎ 题八: A 解析:句意:Mark本来没有必要那么匆忙,他以高速提前半小时到达。needn’t have done本来没有必要做某事。‎ 题九: BA 解析:‎ ‎41. 所在句子意思是:要不是老师持续让我尝试,我是不会决定试一试的。可知是对于过去的虚拟,主句中要用would have done的结构。‎ ‎48. 指的是我现在不能回忆起任何乐队所演奏的任何歌曲。所以要用can’t。‎ 题十: BD[来源:Z_xx_k.Com]‎ 解析:‎ ‎51. 因为我很忙,所以我不能和你谈话。所以要用can’t。‎ ‎62. 我不愿意想象那会是一个怎样的世界,如果人们更喜欢和机器交往,而不是和人。此处wouldn’t是不愿意的意思。‎

