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‎2020届二轮复习完形填空专题技能突破二---完形填空之固定搭配 ‎【技能讲解】 英语语言中有很多的词汇都有其固定的搭配习惯,例如动词、形容词、名词与介词的搭配,动词与宾语的习惯搭配等。掌握好这些固定搭配的用法,并且能区分相近的短语意思,将会帮助考生快速的、准确的找出正确答案。‎ 典例剖析 一、[北京高考]Some guests brought presents. Others brought flowers. Some even brought desserts to __1__. One woman, Mrs Gilbert, __2__ Dario's mother with a book of piano music by Chopin.‎ ‎1.A.order B.sell C.share D.advertise ‎[答案] C 参加派对,人们带来甜点desserts应该是与大家分享,因此选share。‎ ‎2.A.treated B.presented C.helped D.served ‎[答案] B present sb. with sth.“赠送某人某物”。‎ 二、[江苏高考]I was required to read one of Bernie Siegel's books in college and was hooked on his positivity from that moment on. The stories of his unconventional ideas and the exceptional patients he wrote about were so amazing to me and had such a big __1__ on how I saw life from then on. Who knew that so many years later I would look to Dr Bernie and his CDs again to __2__ my own cancer experience?‎ I'm an ambitious writer, and when I started going through chemo (化疗), even though I'm a very positive person, I lost my drive to write. I was just too tired and not in the __3__.‎ It __4__ that among other things, he was an eightyyearold writer. He was actually a published author, and he was currently working on a ‎ new book.‎ He unfortunately __5__ last year due to his cancer, but he left a deep impression on me and gave me the __6__ to pick up my pen again. I __7__ to myself, “If he can do it, then so can I.”‎ ‎1.A.strike B.push C.challenge D.impact ‎[答案] D 根据下文可知,Bernie Siegel的书对“我”与癌症作斗争,重拾对生活的积极性产生了很大影响。have an impact on为固定短语,意为“对……产生影响”。故选D。‎ ‎2.A.learn from B.go over C.get through D.refer to ‎[答案] C 根据空格后的“my own cancer experience”可知,此处指“我”依靠Bernie医生的CD来熬过身患癌症的经历。get through意为“度过,熬过”,符合语境。learn from意为“向……学习”;go over意为“复习”;refer to意为“参考,查阅”,均与语境不符。故选C。‎ ‎3.A.mood B.position C.state D.way ‎[答案] A 根据上文中的“I lost my drive to write”和本句中的“too tired”可知,“我”太累了,失去了写作的兴致。in the mood为固定短语,意为“兴致勃勃”,符合语境。position意为“位置”;state意为“状态”;way意为“方式”,均与语境不符。故选A。‎ ‎4.A.came out B.worked out C.proved out D.turned out ‎[答案] D 根据下文中的“he was an eightyyearold writer”可知,“我”跟这位病友不经意的交谈,结果发现是他是一个八十岁的作家。turn out意为“结果是”,符合语境。come out意为“出现,出版”;work out意为“锻炼,解决”;prove out意为“证明合适”,均与语境不符。故选D。 ‎ ‎5.A.showed up B.set off C.fell down D.passed away ‎[答案] D 根据空格前后的“unfortunately”和“last year due to his cancer”可知,此处指他去年去世了。pass away意为“去世”,符合语境。show up意为“出现”;set off意为“出发”;fall down意为“失败,跌倒”, 均与语境不符。故选D。‎ ‎6.A.guidance B.trust C.opportunity D.inspiration ‎[答案] D 联系后面的“pick up my pen again”和“If he can do it, then so can I.”可知这位病友给了作者鼓舞(inspiration)。guidance意为“指导”;trust意为“信任”;opportunity意为“机会”。‎ ‎7.A.promised B.swore C.thought D.replied ‎[答案] C 根据文章最后一句“If he can do it,then so can I.”可知,此处指“我”自思自忖。think to oneself为固定短语,意为“自思自忖,暗自想”。promise意为“允诺;许诺”;swear意为“发誓”;reply意为“回答”,均与语境不符。故选C。‎ 技能演练 ‎1.But how could I help her ________ in with us? There had to be a way.‎ A.come B.fall C.fit D.tie 答案:C fit in with是固定搭配,“融入、适合”的意思,符合语境,因此选C。‎ ‎2.In my memory, my father could fix any problem. He was the one I always ________ for strength and security.‎ A.turned to B.lived with C.argued with D.objected to 答案:A 因为爸爸能解决任何问题,因此总是向爸爸寻求力量和庇护,turn to “求助于,求教于”符合语境。‎ ‎3.Kallie, however, was beginning to panic at the ________ of not being next to me. I told her that there wasn't anything I could do.‎ A.thought B.end C.feeling D.sense 答案:A at the thought of“一想到……”。‎ ‎4.The man bent down and gave his wife the flower, telling her who it was from. ________ being badly hurt, the old lady looked up at Tenyson with love in her eyes and gave him a little smile.‎ A.Out of B.Regardless of C.Thanks to D.As to 答案:B regardless of“尽管,不管,不顾”,“尽管受伤很严重,那位老妇人还是抬起头……”。‎ ‎5.________ I could tell, for the Beaches there was no difference between Su and me; I was their daughter, too.‎ A.As long as B.As far as C.As soon as D.As much as 答案:B as far as I could tell“据我判断”。‎ ‎6.My stepmother had ________ us both out of the house.‎ A.struck B.remove C.kicked D.knocked 答案:C kick sb. out of sp.“从……把……踢出去”; remove... from...“从……把……移除”。联系语境可知C项正确。‎

