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‎2017-2018学年河南省安阳市第三十六中学高二9月月考英语试卷 考试时间100分钟,满分120分。 出题人:聂娅 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(略)‎ 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共l5小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A Everyone agrees that all the creatures want happiness and are afraid of pain and grief. The question, however, is “What is real happiness?” The desire for happiness has no meaning without understanding the real nature of happiness.‎ Generally, ordinary beings consider sensual(感觉的) pleasures as happiness, and their actions are directed toward gaining these. According to them, searching for happiness means searching for pleasures of the senses. The question, “What is happiness?”, does not arise(出现) in their hearts, because in their hearts they think of a life full of sensual joys as a happy life.‎ Some thinkers say, “Happiness does not lie in the objects of enjoyment; happiness or unhappiness lies in the imagination.” To prove their belief they give examples like the following one. A man has a two-storey house. When he thinks of those who have a house with three storeys or more, he feels unhappy. When he thinks of those who have just a cottage, he feels happy. Such happiness does not lie in possessions(占有物), but in the imagination. They advise people to take inspiration from those who have few possessions but are quite happy. If you only consider people wealthier than yourself, you will always be unhappy.‎ If you want to be happy, they say, look at the poor. But it is unreasonable to hold that happiness lies in the imagination. And it is inappropriate to think that someone is ‎ happy if he only imagines himself better than the poor and the unhappy. This attitude also satisfies the sense of pride of possession. This can never be called happiness. Unless we find out where happiness lies, we cannot really become happy.‎ Some ask people to do this or that, and say, “This way your desires will be satisfied. That way you will get what you want and become happy.” People holding these views regard happiness as satisfaction of desires and unhappiness as denial(否定) of such satisfaction.‎ ‎21. What kind of life can make common people feel happy?‎ A. Life without pain and grief. B. Life full of sensual pleasures. ‎ C. Life with desire for possessions. D. Life full of imagination.‎ ‎22. The underlined word “cottage” in Paragraph 3 probably refers to ________.‎ A. a house in one’s imagination B. a modern building C. a desired object D. a small house ‎ ‎23. The author may agree that ________.‎ A. by comparing themselves with the poor, people will feel happy B. people won’t feel happy without a desire for happiness C. possessing wealth may lead to a sense of pride D. people have to experience pain and grief before finding happiness B Never go into a supermarket hungry! This is a good piece of advice. If you go shopping for food before lunchtime, you’ll probably buy more than you plan to. Unfortunately, however, just this advice isn’t enough for consumers these days. Modern shoppers need an education in how and how not to buy things at the store. First, you check the weekly newspaper ads. Find out the items that are on sale and decide if you really need these things. In other words, don’t buy anything just because it’s cheaper than usual! “New and Improved!” or “All Natural” on the front of a package influence you. Instead, read the list of contents on the back. Third, compare prices, that is, you should examine the prices of both different brands and different sizes of the same brand. ‎ Another suggestion for consumers is to buy ordinary items instead of famous brands. Ordinary items in supermarkets come in plain packages. These products are c heaper because producers don’t spend much money on packing or advertising. The quality, however, is usually as good as the quality of well-known name brands. In the same way, in buying clothes, you can often find high quality and low prices in brands that are not famous. Shopping in discount clothing stores can help you save a lot of money. Although these stores aren’t very attractive, and they usually do not have individual dressing rooms, not only are the prices low, but you can often find the same famous brands that you find in high-priced department stores. ‎ Wise consumers read magazine ads and watch TV commercials, but they do this with one advantage: knowledge of the psychology behind the ads. In other words, well informed consumers watch for information and check for misinformation. They ask themselves questions: Is the advertiser hiding something in small print at the bottom of the page? Is there any real information in the commercial(商业广告), or is the advertiser simply showing an attractive image? With the answers to these questions, consumers can make a wise choice. ‎ ‎24. All the following statements are true about the phrase “ordinary items” in Paragraph 2 except ______. ‎ A. ordinary products are usually cheaper than famous brands ‎ B. producers spend less money on packaging of ordinary items ‎ C. ordinary items never say “New and Improved” or “All Natural” ‎ D. the quality of ordinary items is usually as good as that of famous brands ‎25. What does the writer think about ads? ‎ A. They are believable. B. They are attractive. ‎ C. They are harmful. D. They are helpful. ‎ ‎26. One of the author’s suggestions to consumers is ______. ‎ A. to make use of advertisements carefully for shopping ‎ B. to buy any ordinary items instead of famous brands ‎ C. to buy high quality items such as famous brands after lunch ‎ ‎ D. not to buy items with words like “New and Improved” or “All Natural”‎ ‎27. The author implies that ______. ‎ ‎ A. advertisements sometimes don’t tell the truth to the consumers ‎ B. discount clothing stores are only good places to go to for shopping ‎ C. going into the supermarket hungry, you may buy less than you plan to ‎ D. the quality of ordinary items is usually high and the prices are relatively low C For the past two years, 8-year-old Harli Jordean from Stoke Newington, London, has been selling marbles(弹珠).His successful marble company, Marble King, sells all things marble-related—from affordable tubs of the glass playthings to significantly expensive items like Duke of York solitaire(独粒宝石)tables—sourced, purchased and processed by the mini-CEO himself.‎ ‎“I like having my own company. I like being the boss,” Harli told The Mirror.‎ With profits now in the thousands, “the world's youngest CEO” has had to get his mother and older brothers to help him meet the growing demand.‎ Harli launched Marble King after swapping(交换)marbles at school led to schoolchildren depleting(削减) his marble collection. Yes, he literally(确切地)“lost his marbles.” Harli and his mother, Tina, turned to the Internet to find replacements.‎ Harli saw an empty space online: the marbles he wanted were hard to find. Within months, Harli had his own marble-selling website and orders started pouring in.‎ Tina says her son's obsession(迷恋) with marbles started when he was just 6.‎ ‎“His obsession became so big we started calling him the Marble King, so when he wanted to set up a website it was the natural name for it,” she told The Sun.‎ ‎“I never thought it would become so popular—we are struggling to cope with the number of orders at times.”‎ The 8-year-old boy has his sights set on expanding his business and launching his own brand of marbles.‎ ‎“Sometimes his ideas are so grand we have to scale them back a bit. But his dream is still to own Britain's biggest marble shop and open stores around the world.” Tina told The Daily Mail.‎ ‎“At the minute he is annoying me by asking about creating his won Marble King marbles, so that could well be the next step for him.”‎ ‎28. Why did Harli's marble company become popular as soon as he launched it?‎ A. Because it was run by “the world's youngest CEO”.‎ B. Because it filled the gaps of marble business.‎ C. Because Harli was fascinated with marble collection.‎ D. Because his mother and brothers helped him a lot.‎ ‎29. How many mass media are mentioned in the passage?‎ A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.‎ ‎30. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined expression “scale back”?‎ A. make smaller B. carry out C. turn down D. frighten away ‎31. What message do the last two paragraphs carry?‎ A. Conflicts often occur between Harli Jordean and his family.‎ B. Harli's mother and brothers are worried about Marble King's future.‎ C. Marble King marbles will be more popular with marble fans around the world.‎ D. The “Marble King” has great ambitions for his Marble King Company.‎ D.‎ ‎ In Antarctica,when the long dark winter gives way to spring, ice begins to melt, and the sun stays in the sky all night long.‎ Into this brightly lit world, the large gray head of a Weddell seal(韦德尔海豹)appears through a crack in the ice. The seal takes several deep breaths, and then she opens her mouth, turning her head from side to side. With her teeth, she gets rid of bits of ice. Seals are mammals, and they need to breathe air, for which Weddell seals use their teeth to make sure their breathing holes stay open.‎ The seal makes the hole bigger, and when she can fit her large body through it, she jumps out onto the ice—she is getting ready to have a baby. On the ice shelf, the Weddell seal gives birth to a pup(小海豹).The pup is about three feet long and is covered with thick fur that protects it from the cold wind. The pup drinks its mother’s milk and grows quickly. Within a few weeks, it is more than six feet long. Under the seal’s skin is a thick layer of fat called blubber, which keeps the seal warm in its frozen world.‎ ‎ When the pup is about two weeks old, it begins to dive with its mother. They slide through the breathing hole into the water below the ice, where the pup learns to ‎ swim, diving deeper and deeper. In order to stay underwater, it must learn to hold its breath and control its heart rate.‎ ‎ Below the ice, the sun shines brightly through the hole. Finding the opening to breathe is easy, but getting back onto the slippery ice can be difficult for a young seal. With practice and its mother’s help, the pup soon feels at home both on the ice and under it.‎ ‎ The young seal spends more and more time below the ice, where it learns to hunt for food. When the pup is about two months old, it will have to feed itself independently. When the pup becomes an adult, it will swim farther out in search of food, but it will always live on or under the ice.‎ ‎32. Paragraph 2 is mainly about_________.‎ A. the function of Weddell seals’ teeth B. the living conditions of Weddell seals C. how Weddell seals move under the ice D. how Weddell seals keep their breathing holes open ‎33. According to Paragraph 3 ,the pup __________.‎ A. grows slowly B. is born in winter C. is born under the sea D. is covered with thick fur ‎34. The pup begins learning to swim and dive when it is about ________‎ A. two days old B. two weeks old C. two months old D. two years old ‎35. For a young Weddell seal,___________.‎ A. its father’s help is important ‎ B. getting onto the ice shelf is easy C. finding the breathing hole is easy D. learning to hunt for food is unnecessary ‎ ‎ 笫二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ How to see yourself objectively Looking at ourselves objectively isn’t easy. 36 Here are some tricks I use to get a more accurate picture of myself.‎ Look up, not down. It’s always easy to make yourself look good by finding people even worse than you. Yes, we agree, you’re not the worst person in the world. That’s not the question. The question is whether you can get better. 37 ‎ Criticize yourself. 38 If they’re right to be afraid, then you need to start by working on that. People will feel more comfortable telling you the truth if you start by criticizing yourself, showing them that it’s OK.‎ Find honest friends. It’s important to find friends who you can trust to tell you the cruel truths about yourself. 39 Some people have had success providing an anonymous(匿名的) form for friends to write down their objective opinions.‎ ‎40 Since it’s so difficult to find friends who will honestly criticize you, you need to listen extra-carefully when they do. For example, if one friend says the short story you wrote isn’t very good, you might show it to some other friends and ask them what they think .Wow, they all think it’s great! But the fact is that most of your friends are going to say it’s great because they’re your friends. By just taking their word for it, you end up ignoring the one person who’s actually being honest with you.‎ A. Take the outside view.‎ B. Listen to the criticism.‎ C. Be willing to believe the worst about yourself.‎ D. But it’s necessary if we ever want to get better.‎ E. This is really hard because most people don’t like telling cruel truths.‎ F. And to do that you need to look at the people who are even better than you.‎ G. The main reason people don’t tell you what they really think of you is that they’re afraid of your reaction. ‎ ‎ 第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,逸出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ Every Tuesday, my daughters have two hours of softball practice.  This is when I head towards a nearby___41____ to work on my weekly class newsletter, grade papers. ___42__, I also do acts of kindness.  ‎ Tonight, I attached a homemade smile card and random acts of kindness card to a ‎ small bag of ___43__.  As I walked into the library, I headed to my ___44___ area near the reference desk and ___45_the bag on a table. Then I sat in a comfortable chair near the table and did some work. It was so interesting how quickly the library staff ___46__ it! www.‎ ‎“Hey, did you see that?” I heard ___47_ four different workers say something like, as they ___48__ the chocolate. Although a magazine ___49__ my view a bit, I could hear whispers. The reference worker who I had previously(之前) given the ___50__ to pay fines was there working tonight. My thought was that she had noticed me and the ___51_ blue homemade card, and she must be whispering to ___52__ what I had done previously. ‎ It was interesting to watch as people ___53__ to read the card, but kept going.  I think many felt ___54_to take it because it was out in the open. I figured it might take some time, and then I___55__ on my papers.‎ After an hour and half, I___56__ to get the girls. As I glanced up, I noticed the chocolate was gone!  How could I ___57_ miss someone taking it! ‎ Then I was left wondering who took the bag of chocolate, man or woman, young or old, but I would never know.___58_ I did hope they enjoyed it, and I was so glad they took it.‎ As I usually did, I chatted ___59__ with the softball moms at the ___60_ of the practice to share my kindness act for the week with them.‎ I’ve now come to consider the softball night as Kindness Tuesday.‎ ‎41.A. church B. classroom C. library D. supermarket ‎ ‎42.A. Besides B. However C. Therefore D. Otherwise ‎43.A. books B. papers C. money D. chocolate ‎44.A. ordinary B. common C. normal D. usual ‎45.A. threw B. placed C. lay D. settled ‎46.A. noticed B. watched C. heard D. ate ‎47.A. in all B. above all C. at least D. at most ‎48.A. pointed out B. point to C. put off D. put away ‎49.A. blocked B. buried C. damaged D. lost ‎50.A. book B. chocolate C. card D. money ‎51.A. ugly B. familiar C. surprising D. strange ‎52.A. recognize B. ignore C. prove D. explain ‎53.A. slowed B. rushed C. pretended D. dared ‎54.A. confident B. satisfied C. embarrassed D. shocked ‎55.A. took B. put C. got D. concentrated ‎56.A. packed up B. picked up C. looked up D. turned up ‎57.A. possibly B. clearly C. sadly D generally ‎58.A. And B. But C. So D. Or ‎59.A. frequently B. exactly C. briefly D. gradually ‎60.A. beginning B. end C. middle D. process ‎ ‎ 第Ⅱ卷 第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第二节(共l0小题;每小题15分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式,并将答案填写 在答题卡相应的位置上。‎ In order to know a foreign language thoroughly, four things are neccessary. Firstly, we must understand the language when we hear ______61________ spoken.. Secondly, we must be able to speak it correctly with confidence and without hesitation. _____62_______ ,we must be able to read the language , and fourthly, we must be able to write it. We must be able to make sentences that are grammatically correct.‎ There is no easy way to success _____63_______ language learning. _____64________ good memory is of great help, but it is not enough only _____65________(memorize) rules from a grammar book. It is not much use learning by heart long list of words and ______66_________meaning, studying the dictionary and so on. We must learn by using the language. _______67_______we are satisfied with only a few rules we have memorized, we are not really learning the languang. “Learn through use” is a good piece of _____68______(advise) for those ‎ ______69______are studying a new language. Practice is important. We must practise speaking and ____70____(write) the language whenever we can.‎ 第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中 共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ Today we had a chemistry test. I found the test difficulty, but I tried hardly to do it. Suddenly Mary, my best friend, asking me to let her to copy my answers. After think for some time, I let her copy my answers. But after the test, all of us were called to the teacher's office. The teacher was angry because we had same answers in the tests. We were warned not to cheat again so she would need to see our parents. I was very upset. I didn't cheat. I was just helping a friend. Why does she punish me?‎ 第二节书面表达(满分25分)‎ 报纸和网站是当今两大主要媒体。请根据下表内容,以 “Newspapers and Websites” 为题,用英语写一篇短文,简要介绍这两种媒体的优缺点。 报 纸 1. 传统媒体,天天更新,信息可靠 2. 携带方便,随时随地可以阅读 3. 仅有文字和图片 网 站 1. 新兴媒体,信息更新速度快 ‎ 2. 依赖于电脑及互联网 3. 包含文字、图片、音频和视频 ‎ 注意: 1. 短文必须包括表中所有内容,可以适当发挥; 2. 词数:100左右 3. 参考词汇:更新update;音频audio;视频video ‎ ‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________‎ Yours,‎ 安阳市36中学2017年高二年级9月英语月考试卷 ‎21-23: B D C 24-27:CDAA 28-31: BCAD 32-35:DDBC 36-40:DFGEB ‎41-45:CADDB 46-50:ACBAD 51-55:BDACD 56-60:AABCB ‎61.it 62. Thirdly 63. in 64. A 65. to memorize ‎ ‎66. their 67. If 68. advice 69. who 70. writing 改错:‎ ‎1.difficult 2.hard 3.asked 4 to 5.thinking 6.both7.the 8.test 9.or 10.did 书面表达:‎ Newspapers and Websites Newspapers and websites are two major new media in the world today, both of which can provide us with lots of news and information. But they’re different in some ways. Newspapers enjoy a longer history and often come out daily with more reliable news and information. They can be carried and read almost anywhere you like. So many people like reading them. But they can only contain texts and photos. On the other hand, websites are quite new and popular, especially among young people. Websites have not only texts with pictures but also audios and videos, which makes stories more interesting. What’s more, they are updated from time to time. So the latest ‎ news is always seen on websites instead of in newspapers. But it is not quite convenient for people without a computer connected with the Internet to get information from websites.‎ ‎ ‎

