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第十五周·周一 一、背表达词汇——写作有米下锅 ‎1.toward (s) prep.   向,朝,对于 ‎2.town n. 城镇,城 ‎3.toy n. 玩具,玩物 ‎4.traffic n. 交通,来往车辆 ‎5.train n. 火车 v. 培训,训练 ‎6.transport n.& vt. 交通车辆;运输;运送 ‎7.travel n.& vi. 旅行 ‎8.treasure n. 金银财宝;财富 v. 珍视;重视 ‎9.trick n. 诡计,把戏 ‎10.trip n. 旅行,旅程 ‎11.trouble vt. 使苦恼,使忧虑,‎ ‎ 使麻烦 n. 问题,疾病,‎ ‎ 烦恼,麻烦 ‎12.trust vt. 相信,信任,信赖 ‎13.try v. 试,试图,努力 ‎14.trade n. 贸易 vt. 用……进行交换 ‎15.tradition n. 传统;传统的信仰 traditional adj. 传统的;习俗的 ‎16.translate vt. 翻译 translation n. 翻译;译文 translator n. 翻译家,译者 ‎17.treat vt. 对待;看待;治疗 n. 款待;招待 treatment n. 治疗,疗法 ‎18.true adj. 真的,真实的;‎ ‎ 忠诚的 truly adv. 真诚地,确实 truth n. 真实;真相 ‎19.turn v. 旋转,翻转,转变,转弯 n. 轮流,(轮流的)顺序 turning n. 拐弯处,拐角处 ‎20.understand vt. 理解,了解 understanding n. 理解 misunderstand vt. 误解 misunderstanding n. 误解 二、记阅读词汇——读文不再生涩 ‎1.twist v.& n. 缠绕;扭曲;转动 ‎2.typhoon n. 台风 ‎3.typical adj. 典型的,有代表性的 ‎4.tyre (美tire) n. 轮胎 ‎5.ugly adj. 丑陋的;难看的 ‎6.unconscious adj. 失去知觉的 ‎7.underline v. (在词语等下)画 ‎ 线;强调 ‎8.undertake v. 承担;从事;承诺 ‎9.union n. 联合,联盟;工会 ‎10.unite v. 联合,团结 ‎11.unfold vt. 展开,打开 ‎12.update v.& n. 更新 ‎13.upset adj. 心烦意乱的,不安的 vt. 使不安;使心烦 ‎14.vacant adj. 未占用的 ‎15.vain adj. 徒劳的,自负的 ‎16.valley n. 山谷 ‎17.vase n. 花瓶 ‎18.umbrella n. 雨伞 ‎19.underground n. 地铁 ‎20.vehicle n. 车辆;交通工具 三、背常用短语——读写高人一截 ‎1.in total 总共;合计 ‎2.(be) in touch with 与……有联系 ‎(be) out of touch with 与……不联系,不接触 keep/stay in touch with 与……保持联系 lose touch with 与……失去联系 ‎3.keep/stay out of trouble 远离麻烦 in trouble 处于困境中 take the trouble to do sth. 不辞辛劳地做某事 get sb. into trouble 使某人陷入困境;‎ ‎ 使某人遇上麻烦 ‎4.go on/take a trip 去旅行 ‎5.try on 试穿 try out 试验 try out for 参加……选拔 ‎6.Chinese traditional culture 中国传统文化 ‎7.translate into 翻译 ‎8.be trapped in 被困在 ‎9.be treated as 被当作……‎ ‎10.play a trick on 捉弄;开……的玩笑 四、背写作佳句——考场顺手就写 道歉信常用句式 ‎1.I'm very sorry to say that I have broken the clock on the wall in your room.‎ 我非常抱歉把你房间里墙上的钟表弄坏了。‎ ‎2.I would like to offer my apology for not being able to teach you to make Chinese knots this Saturday.‎ 我非常抱歉本周六不能教你制作中国结。‎ ‎3.The reason is that I have got a cold, and the doctor suggests that I should lie in bed for one week or so.‎ 原因是我感冒了,医生建议我卧床休息一周左右。‎ ‎4.I'm writing to make an apology to you for not being able to attend the party. That's because I have to go to the airport to pick up my friend.‎ 我写信向你道歉我不能参加晚会。那是因为我要去机场接我的朋友。‎ 五、练语基小题——巩固今日所学 Ⅰ.根据提示填空 ‎1.The government suggests that people (should) go to work or school by public transport (运输), such as the bus and the underground.‎ ‎2.Nature has provided our country with wealthy natural treasures (财富) making it a happy home for us.‎ ‎3.To build up real friendship, we should make friends with those who we can trust (信任).‎ ‎4.There's no doubt that we can both relax ourselves and know the true meaning of life by watching movies. Only then did I know the truth about what happened yesterday.(true)‎ ‎5.He disliked being_treated_as_a_child (被当成一个孩子).‎ ‎6.The novel was first written in English and later translated_into_Chinese (翻译成汉语).‎ Ⅱ.补全句子 ‎1.(2016·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达)如果你能不辞辛劳地为我做这么多事情我将感激不尽。‎ I would appreciate it if you could take_the_trouble_to_do_so_much for me.‎ ‎2.(2016·天津高考书面表达)经过两周的交流活动之后,现在我们彼此有了更好的了解。‎ After the twoweek exchange activities, we now have_a_better_understanding_of_each_other.‎ ‎3.尊重、关爱老人是中国的传统。‎ In China, it_is_a_tradition_to_respect_and_love the elderly.‎ 第十五周·周三 一、背表达词汇——写作有米下锅 ‎1.under adv.& prep. 在……下面,向……下面 ‎2.uniform n. 制服 ‎3.university n. 大学 ‎4.unless conj. 如果不,除非 ‎5.unlike prep. 不像,和……不同 ‎6.until conj.& prep. 直到……为止,‎ ‎ 直到……才 ‎7.urban adj. 城市的;城镇的 ‎8.vacation n. 假期,休假 ‎9.vegetable n. 蔬菜 ‎10.victory n. 胜利 ‎11.view n. 观点;见解;风景;视野 vt. 观看;注视;考虑;认为 ‎12.village n. 村庄,乡村 villager n. 村民 ‎13.violence n. 暴力行为 violent adj. 暴力的 ‎14.visit n.& vt. 参观,访问,拜访 visitor n. 参观者 ‎15.unfortunate adj. 不幸的 unfortunately adv. 不幸地 ‎16.urge vt. 催促;极力主张 n. 强烈的愿望 urgent adj. 紧急的;仓促的 ‎17.use vt. 使用,利用 used adj. 习 惯于;旧的;二手的 useful adj. 有用的,有益的 useless adj. 无用的 user n. 使用者;用户 ‎18.usual adj. 通常的,平常的 usually adv. 通常,经常 ‎19.value n. 价值,重要性 valuable adj. 有价值的 invaluable adj. 极有价值的 valueless adj. 不值钱的 ‎20.variety n. 多样性,变化;种类 various adj. 各种各样的 vary vi. 不同,改变 二、记阅读词汇——读文不再生涩 ‎1.unique adj. 独一无二的,独特的 ‎2.underwear n. 内衣;衬衣 ‎3.via prep. 经由,通过 ‎4.victim n. 受害者;罹难者 ‎5.videophone n. 可视电话 ‎6.vinegar n. 醋 ‎7.virtue n. 美德,正直的品行 ‎8.virus n. 病毒 ‎9.visa n. 签证 ‎10.violin n. 小提琴 violinist n. 小提琴演奏者,小提琴手 ‎11.visual adj. 视觉的 ‎12.vital adj. 极重要的 ‎13.vivid adj. 鲜艳的;清晰的;生动的 ‎14.volcano n. 火山 ‎15.vote vi. 选举,投票 ‎16.wage n. 工资,工钱,报酬 ‎17.waist n. 腰,腰部,腰围 ‎18.wander vi.& vt. 漫游,闲逛,走神 ‎19.wedding n. 婚礼,结婚 ‎20.weed n. 杂草,野草 三、背常用短语——读写高人一截 ‎1.be true of 对……适用 come true 实现;成为现实 to tell (you) the truth 老实说 ‎2.use up 用光;耗尽 come into use 开始被使用 ‎3.warm up (使)暖和起来;‎ ‎ (使)兴奋起来 ‎4.turn around/round 转身;转变 turn away 把……转过去;把……打发走 turn down 关小;调低;拒绝 turn in 上交;拐入 turn off 关(水、煤气等)‎ turn on 开(水、煤气等)‎ turn out 结果是;证明是;生产;制造 turn over 翻身;移交;转变 turn to 转向;求助于 turn up 出现;开大音量 ‎5.by turns 轮流;交替 in turn 依次;反过来 take turns 轮流;依次 ‎6.up to 达到;最多有;直 ‎ 到;从事于,忙于 ‎7.up and down 上下波动;来回;往复 ‎8.in vain 枉费心机;徒劳无益 ‎9.pay a visit to 参观 ‎10.have a better understanding of English ‎ 精通英语 四、背写作佳句——考场顺手就写 名言(一)‎ ‎1.Just as the saying goes, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”‎ 正如俗话所说,“入乡随俗。”‎ ‎2.As the old saying goes, “Nothing is difficult to a man who will try.”‎ 常言道,“世上无难事,只怕有心人。”‎ ‎3.All roads lead to Rome.‎ 条条大路通罗马。‎ 五、练语基小题——巩固今日所学 Ⅰ.根据提示填空 ‎1.Dressed in a white uniform (制服), he looks more like a cook than a doctor.‎ ‎2.Throwing their hats into the air, the fans of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory (胜利).‎ ‎3.A variety (各种各样的) of activities will be included in the festival, such as singing, crosstalk and so on.‎ ‎4.I get to know your wishes that you intend to travel in Harbin during the summer vacation (假期) with a Chinese student as your guide.‎ ‎5.This kind of pens were very useful_at that time. Used_with care, one could last a week. When users found it useless,_they would throw it away. (use)‎ ‎6.Even the students who used to dislike English have turned_out (结果是) to be interested in the subject.‎ Ⅱ.补全句子 ‎1.我强烈认为应该采取措施阻止游客在公共场所的不良行为。‎ I_strongly_hold_the_view_that_measures should be taken to stop tourists (from)‎ ‎ behaving badly in public places.‎ ‎2.直到那时, 我才真正意识到朋友的重要性。 ‎ Not until then did_I_really_realize_the_value_of friends.‎ ‎3.为了提高学习效率, 我主张大家应该养成独立思考和及时复习的习惯。‎ In order to improve learning efficiency, I urge that all_of_us_(should)_form_the_habit_of thinking independently and reviewing lessons in time.‎ 第十五周·周五 一、背表达词汇——写作有米下锅 ‎1.vocabulary n.  词汇;词汇量;词汇表 ‎2.voice n. 说话声;意见;心声 ‎3.voluntary adj. 志愿的;自愿的;义务的 volunteer n.& v. 志愿(者)‎ ‎4.wake v. (woke, woken) 醒,醒来,叫醒 ‎5.walk n.& v. 步行;散步 ‎6.waste n.& vt. 浪费 ‎7.watch vt. 观看,注视;当心,注意 n. 手表,表 ‎8.way n. 路,路线;方式,手段 ‎9.wish n. 愿望,祝愿 vt. 希望,想要祝愿 ‎10.worry n.& v. 烦恼,担忧,发愁;困扰 ‎11.worth adj. 有……的价值,值得……的 n. 价值;作用 ‎12.write v. (wrote, written) 写,书写;写作,著述 ‎13.wait vi. 等,等候 ‎14.warm adj. 温暖的,热情的 warmth n. 温暖 ‎15.warn vt. 警告,告诫;使警惕 warning n. 警告;警示 ‎16.weak adj. 差的,弱的,淡的 weakness n. 软弱 ‎17.wealth n. 财产,财富 wealthy adj. 富有的 ‎18.wide adj.& adv. 宽的;充分地 widely adv. 宽地,广泛地 width n. 宽度 widen vt. 使变宽 ‎19.win n. (won, won) 获胜,赢得 winner n. 获胜者;成功者 ‎20.work n. 工作,劳动,事情 vi. 工作;运转,活动 worker n. 工人;工作者 二、记阅读词汇——读文不再生涩 ‎1.weep v. 哭泣,流泪 ‎2.welfare n. 福利;幸福 ‎3.wheel n. 轮,机轮 ‎4.whisper v. 低语,私下说 ‎5.whistle n. 口哨,口哨声 ‎6.widow n. 寡妇 ‎7.wildlife n. 野生动物;野生生物 ‎8.will n. 意志,遗嘱 ‎9.wipe v. 擦;擦净;擦干 ‎10.withdraw v. 收回,取回,撤回 ‎11.wonder v. 对……疑惑,感到惊 ‎ 奇,想知道 n. 惊讶,惊叹;奇迹 ‎12.wood n. 木头;(复)树木,森林 wooden adj. 木制的 ‎13.wool n. 羊毛,羊绒 woollen adj. 羊毛的,羊毛制的 ‎14.worn adj. 破烂的,损坏的 ‎15.wound vt. 伤,伤害 n. 创伤,伤口 ‎16.wounded adj. 受伤的 ‎17.wrestle v. 摔跤;努力处理 ‎18.wrinkle n. 皱纹 ‎19.wrist n. 手腕;腕关节 ‎20.zone n. 地区;地带;区域 三、背常用短语——读写高人一截 ‎1.watch out for 当心……,注意……‎ watch over 看守;监管;照管 ‎2.keep watch for 看守;警惕 on watch 守望;值班 ‎3.all the way 一直;自始至终 by the way 顺便说,顺便一提 ‎4.give way to 让步于;屈服于 in a way 在某种程度上 in no way 一点儿也不;决不 out of the way 不挡道;不碍事 ‎5.wear out 穿破;磨损;使耗尽,‎ ‎ 使疲乏 ‎6.break one's word 失信;食言 keep one's word 遵守诺言 have a word with sb. 与某人谈一谈 in a word 总之,简言之;一句话 in other words 也就是说,换句话说 ‎7.work on 从事于,致力于 work out 算出;解决;把……‎ ‎ 弄清楚;制定出 at work 在工作;在运转 out of work 失业 ‎8.be worth doing sth. 值得做某事 ‎9.write back 回信 write down 写下,记下 ‎10.all (the) year round 一年到头 year after year 年复一年 year by year 年年,逐年 四、背写作佳句——考场顺手就写 名言(二)‎ ‎1.As the old saying goes, “Action speaks louder than words.”‎ 常言道,“事实胜于雄辩。”‎ ‎2.Don't judge a man by his looks.‎ 不要以貌取人。‎ ‎3.As the proverb says, “A good start means half of success.”‎ 常言道,“良好的开端是成功的一半。”‎ ‎4.As the saying goes, “Writing style shows the man.”‎ 常言道,“字如其人。”‎ 五、练语基小题——巩固今日所学 Ⅰ.根据提示填空 ‎1.Only by doing so can you enlarge your vocabulary (词汇量) more easily.‎ ‎2.She does a lot of voluntary (志愿的) work for the Red Cross.‎ ‎3.But for your timely warning (警告), we would have got into great trouble.‎ ‎4.He accumulated a great amount of wealth,_but as such a wealthy man, his personal life was surprisingly simple. (wealth)‎ ‎5.In_a_word (总之), people should make good use of mobile phones instead of becoming addicted to them.‎ ‎6.He has broken_his_word (食言) so many times that I cannot trust him any more.‎ Ⅱ.补全句子 ‎1.不管你做什么,重要的是你应该做好,只要你认为有价值,它就值得做。‎ No matter what you do, it is important that you do it well and it is worth_doing_as_long_as_you_consider_it_valuable. ‎ ‎2.许多学生可能认为他们只使用电脑,因此没有必要浪费时间提高书法。‎ Many students may think that they can just use a computer, so there is no need to waste time improving handwriting. ‎ ‎3.我们现在已经找到了一个较好的解决这个问题的方法。‎ We have now worked_out a better solution for the problem.‎

