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课时作业10 Money Ⅰ.阅读理解 ‎(2019·武汉外国语学校月考)‎ Hospitals employ many therapeutic (治疗的) methods, such as medication (药物治疗), massage (按摩) therapy and music therapy. And music therapy is growing in popularity.‎ Sandra Siedliecki is a Senior Scientist at the Nursing Institute of Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. She says music is a lowcost treatment. And she says scientists have done a lot of research on music's effect on pain. Dr Marian Good did a lot of studies looking at surgery (外科) patients and the use of music. In her studies, patients just listened to relaxing music. Dr Good found that her surgery patients took fewer painkillers after they listened to music. Music had a good effect on shortterm pain. However, chronic pain, the kind that recurs (复发) continually, changed a little under the effect of music.‎ Dr Linda Chlan was studying something different. She was not interested in patients' pain, but instead, their anxiety. She spent a lot of time with people who were in hospital because their anxiety was so great that they couldn't breathe. People with this condition often have to use breathing machines. Dr Chlan said that the machines sometimes did little to improve their condition. Sometimes they even made things worse. The patients would become more anxious. Dr Chlan let nurses tell patients that music was a good choice to make them feel better. They also placed signs near the patients' beds — Listen to music at least twice a day. The people who listened to music had a reduction (减少) in the amount of medication they received. In addition, their anxiety reduced by about 36 percent.‎ Both doctors had similar explanations for why music was so helpful. Music can be a very powerful distracter (干扰) in the brain when we're listening to music that is pleasing and then it interrupts stressful thoughts.‎ 本文通过介绍两位医生的调查研究,告诉我们音乐可以减轻病人的疼痛以及缓解人们的压力。‎ ‎1.Dr Marian Good's studies show that music therapy ________.‎ A.can help patients recover fast B.cannot take the place of medication C.doesn't work well on all patients D.is cheaper than massage therapy and medication 7‎ 答案:C 解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段的内容可知,音乐疗法对于短期疼痛疗效显著,但是对于慢性疼痛则收效甚微,即音乐疗法并不适用于所有的病人。‎ ‎2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?‎ A.Dr Good and Dr Chlan didn't agree with each other on music's effect.‎ B.Patients will forget their illnesses completely while listening to music.‎ C.Patients with great anxiety would not recover after taking medicine.‎ D.Listening to enjoyable music is a good way to relieve anxiety.‎ 答案:D 解析:细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段中所讲的Dr Linda Chlan的研究结果以及最后一段中的“Music can be a very powerful distracter (干扰) in the brain when we're listening to music that is pleasing and then it interrupts stressful thoughts.”可知,愉快的音乐可以分散大脑的注意力,从而缓解人们的紧张情绪。故选D项。‎ ‎3.What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refer to?‎ A.The brain.        B.Music.‎ C.Stress. D.Medicine.‎ 答案:B 解析:代词指代题。画线词it所在的句子的意思是“音乐是一种强有力的可以分散大脑注意力的东西,愉快的音乐可以缓解人们的紧张情绪”。由此可知it指代音乐。‎ ‎4.What is the author's purpose of writing the passage?‎ A.To show that music therapy is useful.‎ B.To encourage all patients to listen to music.‎ C.To tell how to reduce pain and anxiety.‎ D.To explain how music reduces pain and anxiety.‎ 答案:A 解析:写作目的题。作者通过介绍两位医生的调查研究,告诉我们音乐可以减轻病人的疼痛以及缓解人们的压力。‎ Ⅱ.阅读填句 ‎(2019·人大附中月考)‎ What I Think of Boxing as a Sport Boxing is a popular sport. Newspapers, magazines and sports programmes on TV frequently cover boxing matches. It could be the toughest of all sports to survive. It takes boxers hours in the gym and years to develop the specific characteristics needed to be a great boxer. __1__‎ 7‎ It seems to me that some people, especially men, find it appealing because it is an aggressive sport. When they watch a boxing match, they can identify with the winning boxer. This gives them the feeling of being a winner themselves.‎ ‎__2__ They do that because the boxer comes from their own country, and if “their” boxer loses, they often feel as if they have lost a fight themselves. It is a fact that many people have feelings of aggression from time to time, but they cannot show their aggression in their everyday lives. Watching a boxing match gives them a way of expressing it.‎ ‎__3__ Although boxers wear gloves during the fights, and amateur boxers even have to wear helmets, a kind of strong hard hat, there have frequently been accidents in both professional and amateur boxing, sometimes with dramatic consequences. Boxers have suffered from head injuries, and, occasionally, fighters have even been killed as a result of being knocked out in the ring. __4__ They are usually in the form of serious brain damage, even if a boxer has never been knocked out.‎ To conclude, I am personally not at all in favor of aggressive sports like boxing.__5__We can celebrate more men and women from nonaggressive sports as our heroes in our society. I believe that the world has been aggressive enough already! Of course, people like competitive sports, and so do I, but I think that hitting other people in an aggressive way is not something that should be regarded as a sport.‎ A.However, boxing can be a very dangerous sport.‎ B.Sometimes fans are rooting for a particular boxer.‎ C.In boxing, fighters are required to hit a moving target.‎ D.Many fans are drawn to the sport because they love the competition.‎ E.Perhaps that is the reason why successful boxers are treated as big heroes.‎ F.I think it would be better if less time was given to aggressive sports on TV.‎ G.Besides, studies have shown that there are often longterm effects of boxing.‎ ‎1.E 解析:分析该空前一句话,再结合各个选项中的句子,可选出E为此空的答案。‎ ‎2.B 解析:根据本空后的They可知,这个They指代的是那些拳击手的粉丝,结合各个选项,可马上选出B,因为它的主语是fans。‎ ‎3.A 解析:做好此题,关键是抓住这一句后面所讲的内容。分析可知这段所讲的是打拳击的一些危险的事,故A为正确答案。‎ 7‎ ‎4.G 解析:根据分析可知这段所讲的是打拳击的一些危险的事,作为这段的收尾,应选G。‎ ‎5.F 解析:此处应该用一个作者表达自己观点的句子,故选F。‎ Ⅲ.语法填空 ‎(2019·河南信阳模拟)‎ Think fast: How close do you live to your local grocery store? Most of us don't know. As long as it's close to home, it's not a problem. But when you don't have a local grocery store, or you have one but it's too far away to get to __1__ transportation, figuring out how you'll buy your groceries __2__ (become) a big problem.‎ For the past decade, Americans have driven __3__ average of 6 miles between home and their closest grocery store. For rural Americans, __4__ (especial) those in the South, the trip can be much __5__ (long) — for example, in the food landscape of the Lower Mississippi Delta, you'll likely find one supermarket __6__ (serve) a 190.5squaremile area. There, residents could expect __7__ (drive) 30 miles or more from home to store. This phenomenon __8__ (call) a food desert.‎ The term dates back at least a decade __9__ it was used to describe how urban supermarkets in the United Kingdom were receding (退去) into the suburbs. But since the imbalance of food __10__ (choose) isn't limited to one region of the world, the expression is now used to describe the occurrence around the globe, including areas of North America, Latin America, Asia and Australia.‎ 本文是一篇说明文。介绍了食物沙漠的概念。‎ ‎1.without 解析:考查介词。根据语境可知,此处指没有交通工具便很难到达杂货店,故填without。‎ ‎2.becomes/will_become 解析:考查时态和主谓一致。本文时态为一般现在时,此处可以用一般现在时,或者是一般将来时,遵循“主将从现”原则;又因为动词ing形式作主语,谓语动词使用单数形式。‎ ‎3.an 解析:考查冠词。过去十年里,美国人平均开6英里的车程以往返于家和最近的杂货店。an average of“平均”。‎ ‎4.especially 解析:考查副词。此处指特别是住在南方的美国乡下人,especially“特别;尤其”。‎ ‎5.longer 解析:考查形容词比较级。根据上下文语境及空前的“much”可知,此处指美国乡下人,特别是住在南方的美国乡下人去购物的旅途更远,故使用比较级形式。‎ ‎6.serving 解析:考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,find为谓语动词,one 7‎ ‎ supermarket与serve之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故此处应用动词ing形式作后置定语。‎ ‎7.to_drive 解析:考查动词不定式。动词expect后接不定式作宾语。expect to do sth.“期待做某事”。‎ ‎8.is_called 解析:考查时态和语态。这种现象被称为食物沙漠。本文为一般现在时,故本句用一般现在时;又因为This phenomenon与call之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系,故使用被动语态。‎ ‎9.when 解析:考查定语从句。a decade为先行词,表示时间,后面是定语从句,句中缺少时间状语,故填when。‎ ‎10.choice(s) 解析:考查名词。食物选择的不均衡性并不局限在世界某个区域。空前有名词作定语,空处作介词of的宾语,故空处应用名词形式。choice“选择”既可为可数名词,又可为不可数名词,故填choice(s)。‎ Ⅳ.短文改错 ‎(2019·山东菏泽调研)‎ I come across the old dustman nearly every morning I go to school. Every time I meet him, he greets me with smile. Maybe it is six o'clock in the morning or even early when the old man begins to working. He looks at least in the sixties and is always dressing in dark blue. In my opinion, the old man is very worth respecting. Although he is old, he doesn't depend on other for a living; in the same time, he provides us with clean surroundings. His optimistic attitudes to life is inspires me to work hard to achieve my own dream.‎ 答案与解析 I come across the old dustman nearly every morning I go to school. Every time I meet him, he greets me with smile. Maybe it is six o'clock in the morning or even when the old man begins to . He looks at least in sixties and is always in dark blue. In my opinion, the old man is worth respecting. Although he is old, he doesn't depend on for a living; the same time, he provides us with clean surroundings. His optimistic to life inspires me to work hard to achieve my own dream.‎ ‎1.smile前加a 考查冠词。smile为可数名词,前面要加不定冠词。‎ ‎2.early→earlier 考查形容词比较级用法。前面有six 7‎ ‎ o'clock,后面说“甚至比这还要早”,因此应该是比较级。‎ ‎3.working→work 考查非谓语动词。begin to do意思是“开始做某事”,to为不定式符号。‎ ‎4.the→his 考查介词搭配。表示“某人六十几岁”用in one's sixties。‎ ‎5.dressing→dressed 考查动词短语。be dressed in为固定搭配,意思是“穿着……”。‎ ‎6.very→well 考查副词。worth前可以用well修饰,而不可以用very修饰。‎ ‎7.other→others 考查代词。others这里指“其他人”,因此是复数形式。‎ ‎8.in→at 考查介词短语。at the same time意思是“同时”,为固定搭配。‎ ‎9.attitudes→attitude 考查名词的单复数形式。“对生活的态度”,attitude应该是单数。从后面的谓语动词我们也可以知道,这里应该用单数形式。‎ ‎10.去掉is 考查语态。后面有me作宾语,说明inspire在这里用主动形式,因此本句应用一般现在时。‎ Ⅴ.书面表达 ‎(2019·河北石家庄检测)‎ 假设你是李华,你的美国笔友Steve来信说他计划收藏一些有代表性的关于中国传统文化的读本,请你推荐两本经典中文启蒙读本。根据下表提供的信息,请你给他写一封回信。‎ 读本 ‎《千字文》‎ ‎《三字经》‎ 收字 ‎250句,994字 ‎474句,1 422字 价格 ‎12元 ‎18元 特点 全文为四字句,易诵易记,在中国是影响很大的儿童启蒙读物。‎ 内容涵盖广,“熟读《三字经》,可知千古事”。‎ 参考词汇:‎ ‎1.children's primer 启蒙读本 ‎2.Thousand Character Classic《千字文》‎ Three Character Classic《三字经》‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.词数100左右,信的开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入总词数);‎ ‎2.可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ Dear Steve,‎ I'm so pleased to learn that you are collecting some traditional Chinese books. I'd like to recommend the following two popular children's primers.‎ The first is called Thousand Character Classic, which has great influence in China and is really a good one for beginners. It has 250 sentences and 994 Chinese characters. ‎ 7‎ As each sentence is made up of 4 characters, it's easy to memorize and recite. The other is Three Character Classic and it has a collection of 1,422 characters. The content of this book covers a wide range of topics. By reading it, you can have a good knowledge of what has happened in the history of China. Of the two, the Three Character Classic is a little more expensive, costing 18 yuan, while the Thousand Character Classic costs 12 yuan.‎ Please let me know if you want me to buy these books for you.‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Li Hua 7‎

