江苏省赣榆高级中学2019届高三10月月考英语试题 Word版含答案

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江苏省赣榆高级中学2019届高三10月月考英语试题 Word版含答案

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 20 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选顶中选出最 佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来阅答有关小题 和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. How does the man react to the woman’s apology? A. Angry. B. Tolerant. C. Happy. 2. What are the two speakers talking about? A. Calling the police. B. Traffic accident. C. Saving the wounded people. 3. Where should the table be placed? A. In the study. B. In the living room. C. Near the window in the same room. 4. What does the woman mean? A. She dislikes going out. B. She will join them. C. She will stay with her mum. 5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Boss and assistant B. Husband and wife. C. Teacher and student. 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个 选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个 小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 6. Why is the woman going to Dallas? A. To see a friend. B. To write a story. C. To watch a football match. 7. What do we know about the man from the conversation? A. He likes traveling by plane. B. He travels very often as a reporter. C. He often travels in the country by car. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。 8. What is the man doing? A. Talking with the girl. B. Introducing his friend. C. Visiting the school. 9. Where is the teachers’ office? A. Beside the stadium. B. In front of the library. C. Behind the teachers’ buildings. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。 10. What is the woman tired of ? A. Sitting on packing cases. B. Packing up cases. C. Going shopping. 11. What does the man worry about? A. They cannot find second-hand chairs. B. New chairs are very expensive. C. Old chairs are cheap but shaky. 12. What day is it today? A. Friday. B. Saturday. C. Sunday. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。 13. Why does the woman call Mr. Johnson? A. To introduce a job. B. To set up a laboratory. C. To invite him to dinner. 14. How did they get to know Johnson? A. Johnson phoned them. B. Johnson emailed them. C. Johnson helped them. 15. What is Johnson most interested in? A. The pay. B. The employer. C. The work time. 16. What will the man probably do tomorrow? A. Meet his wife. B. Go to the college. C. Go to the center. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。 17. What’s the most important to learn English well? A. To be active. B. To read broadly. C. To like it. 18. Why did the speaker feel lucky eight years ago? A. He met a good teacher. B. He learnt English. C. He went abroad. 19. How does the speaker study words? A. To underline them. B. To copy them repeatedly. C. To study them in context. 20. Where did the speaker go sometimes after class? A. The playground. B. The library. C. The dormitory. 第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分 35 分) 第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳 选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 21. NCEE, which is also called Gaokao, tests whether students are able to master a given body of knowledge, as well as their ability to work hard and _______. A. apparently B. currently C. actually D. consistently 22. Most of us choose to keep our present jobs, which might not be well-paid, but are stable _______. A. instead B. therefore C. regardless D. eventually 23. A new kind of powerhouse has been built in a park in Beijing, which generates electricity by harvesting energy from raindrops, _______ for solar energy on rainy days. A. applying B. hunting C. pushing D. substituting 24. _______ making decisions, the human brain cannot be compared with the computer because in the long process of evolution the slow pace of life didn’t require such an ability of the human brain. A. On behalf of B. In contrast to C. In salute to D. In terms of 25. — What's up? What's that terrible noise from our upstairs neighbor? 一 The spoiled boy is yelling and screaming to______ , I guess. A. mend his way B. get his way C. push his way D. stop his way 26. ---You have been invited to attend an opening ceremony this weekend, sir. ---I can’t _______ this as I will have something more important to do then. A. contribute to B. appeal to C. object to D. submit to 27. It’s widely acknowledged_______ public awareness is _______the key to better environment lies. A. how; how B. why; because C. that; where D. what; in which 28. _______ for the market, there is a calf with mournful eyes, and high above him is a swallow, _______ swiftly through the sky. A. Bound; flying B. Bounding; flying C. Bounded; flew D. Bound; flew 29. We are always creating new virtual communication platforms for ourselves, intentionally or unintentionally, _______ we tend to forget our true identity in the real world. A. which B. what C. where D. that 30. In front of the two trees which have been destroyed in the typhoon _______ a group of young kids. A. sit B. are sitting C. sitting D. sat 31. ________, the old man even had no money to buy a bus ticket. A. As his wallet stolen B. His wallet being stolen C. His wallet stolen D. Stealing his wallet 32. Fundamental_______ hard work is to _______ success, we must strike a balance between work and leisure. A. while; achieve B. though; achieved C. although; achieving D. as; achieving 33. —What did David demand in the meeting just now? —______ a chance to join the Debating Club. A. Being offered B. Having been offered C. To be offered D. To have been offered 34. Admitting your own ignorance was at the heart of Socrates’ method. Through a process of repeated questioning, he _______always attempt to tease the truth out of the people he was conversing with. A. shall B. should C. would D. will 35. --The manager of the factory wants to improve production a great deal, but he doesn’t spend much on technology. -- I am afraid he won’t realize his dream. You know ______. A. you can’t eat your cake and have it B. empty vessels make the greatest sound C. enough is as good as a feast D. two heads are better than one 第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 l 分,满分 20 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上涂黑。 For the most part, I don't think about getting older. Perhaps it's just that l've been doing it for a long time so it isn't a top-of-mind 36 . Perhaps its because I like to keep busy and just don't think about it. 37 ,sometimes something happens that makes me consider my death and what lies ahead. I used to be a radio broadcaster and recently I was 38 by the activity director at a senior citizen's home near where I live. She told me there are a couple of 39 broadcasters who live in the home and they 40 really enjoy a visit from someone with a similar 41 who can trade stories with them about the good old days. I'm retired, and I have some free time 42 I said, "sure, I'd come for a visit or two." That has 43 a routine in which I spend an afternoon each week chatting with the old boys and helping them to revisit memories of happier, busier times. One of them, it turns out, is 44 tied to an oxygen generating machine, can only move about in a wheel-chair using portable oxygen and 45 , has dementia(痴 呆) and knows he is slowly 46 his memory and ability to think clearly. My other new friend in the home has cerebral palsy( 大 脑 瘫 痪 ) and is also 47 to a wheel-chair. Neither man can live 48 anymore; they can't drive a car, can't prepare their own meals, can't plant a garden or mow a lawn. But they re being well cared for and they have family members who come for 49 visits and now I guess they have me. For me, though, it's a look at what may lie ahead, perhaps not for a number of years, perhaps tomorrow, I have no way of 50 . The thought of being dead doesn't bother me although I'm in absolutely no 51 to get there. What bothers me, if I think about it in the dark moments 52 all have from time to time, is the 53 of dying. The young people who 54 the majority of this magazine's readership won't understand this because they are immortal. I was immortal once too and I'm still going strong and feeling great. That said, I go to visit the men in the senior's home and sometimes I look 55 into the unknown. Life gets interesting in unforeseen ways as one gets older. 36.A.habit B. subject C. object D. problem 37.A.however B. therefore C. though D. otherwise 38.A.interviewed B. questioned C. doubted D. contacted 39.A.good B. famous C. former D. successful 40.A.would B. must C. could D. should 41.A.information B. hobby C. background D. interest 42.A.but B. as C. since D. so 43.A.developed into B. worked out C. brought in D. took on 44.A.accidentally B. practically C. relatively D. permanently 45.A.what'smore B. on the other hand C. worse still D. on the contrary 46.A.gaining B. losing C. enjoying D. possessing 47.A.related B. limited C. connected D. bound 48.A.independently B. optimistically C. sympathetically D. disappointed 49.A. normal B. common C. periodic D. endless 50.A.guessing B. deciding C. knowing D. understanding 51.A.hurry B. way C. time D. idea 52.A.you B. we C. they D.I 53.A .outcome B. suffering C. disadvantage D. process 54.A.take up B. make up C. use up D. put up 55.A.back B. away C. aside D. ahead 第三部分:阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A e- Learning: An Alternative Learning Opportunity Day school Program Secondary students across Toronto District School Board(TDSB) are invited to take one or two e-Learning courses on their day school timetable. Students will remain on the roll at their day school. The on-line classroom provides an innovative, relevant and interactive learning environment. The courses and on-line classroom are provided by the Ministry of Education. These on-line courses are taught by TDSB secondary school teachers; are part of the TDSB Student’s timetable; and appear on the Student’s report upon completion. Benefits of e-Learning Include: access to courses that may not be available at his or her TDSB school; using technology to provide students with current information: and, assistance to solve timetable conflicts. Is e-Learning for You? Students who are successful in an on-line course are usually: able to plan, organize time and complete assignments and activities; capable of working independently in a responsible and honest manner; and, able to regularly use a computer or mobile device with internet access. Students need to spend at least as much time with their on-line course work as they would in a face-to-face classroom course. 56. E-Learning courses are different from other TDSB courses in that _________. A. they are an addition to TDSB courses B. they are not on the day school timetable C. they are not included on students’ reports D. they are given by best TDSB teachers 57. What do students need to do before completing e-Learning courses? A. To learn information technology on-line. B. To update their mobile devices regularly. C. To do their assignments independently. D. To talk face to face with their teachers. B When we talk about Americans barely into adulthood who are burdened with unbearable levels of debt, the conversation is almost always about student loan debt. But there's a growing body of evidence suggesting that today's young adults are also drowning in credit-card debt—and that many of them will take this debt to their graves. More than 20% over spent their income by more than $100 every single month. Since they haven't built up their credit histories yet, it's a safe bet that these young adults are paying relatively high interest rates on the resulting credit card debt. Although many young people blame "socializing" as a barrier to saving money, most of then aren't knocking back $20 drinks in trendy (时尚的)lounges. They're struggling with much more daily financial demands. To a disturbingly large extent, the young and the broke are relying on credit cards to make it until their next pay day. This obviously isn’t sustainable in the long run, and it's going to put a huge drag on their spending power even after they reach their peak earning years, because they'll still be paying interest on that bottle of orange juice or box of spaghetti they bought a decade earlier. A new study out of Ohio State University found that young adults are accumulating credit card debt at a more rapid rate than other age groups, and that they're slower at paying it off. "If what we found continues to hold true, we may have more elderly people with lots of financial problems in the future," warns Lucia Dunn, professor of economics at Ohio State. "If our findings continue to exist, we may be faced with a financial crisis among elderly people who can't pay off their credit cards." Dunn says a lot of these young people are never going to get out from under their credit card debt. "Many people are borrowing on credit cards so heavily that payoff rates at these levels are not sufficient to recover their credit card debt by the end of their life, which could have loss implications for the credit card issuing banks., 58. What is the main idea of the first paragraph? A. Many young Americans will never be able to pay off their debts. B. Credit cards play an increasingly important role in college life. C. Credit cards are doing more harm than student loans. D. The American credit card system is under criticism. 59. Why do young people have to pay a higher interest on their credit card debt? A. They tend to forget about the deadlines. B. They haven't developed a credit history. C. They are often unable to pay back in time. D. They are inexperienced in managing money. 60. What does Lucia Dunn think might be a risk for the credit card issuing banks? A. They go bankrupt as a result of over-lending. B. They lose large numbers of their regular clients. C. Their clients leave their debts unpaid upon death. D. Their interest rates have to be reduced now and then. C For months fish that live in dark caves in Mexico go without food. They have gone far longer--thousands of years--without light, evolving to lose their eyes and skin pigments(色素). Now researchers have discovered these strange creatures have another oddity(古怪). They survive their food-scarce environment, the fish have evolved extreme ways of turning nutrients into energy. These features create symptoms like large blood sugar swings that, in humans, are predictors of type 2 diabetes. But in the fish these changes are adaptations, not a disease. These cave fish lead log and healthy lives. Understanding how the fish remain healthy in spite of these symptoms may lead to new approaches for treating diabetes in people, says Cliff Tabin, a geneticist at Harvard Medical School. He and his colleagues are beginning to get clues about how cave fish survive the symptoms. In humans and other mammals, one of the first signs of type 2 diabetes risk is poor control of Wood sugar (glucose). This happens because cells resist insulin(胰岛素), the hormone that signals cells to take in glucose from the bloodstream. If the problems continue, they progress into full-blown diabetes. The illness kills 3.4 million people worldwide every year, but current treatments often do not work. The cave fish has, apparently, figured out another solution. The fish were washed from rivers into caves about a million years ago. It was a big change. Rivers were full of food but caves have only what is washed in by seasonal floods. Because cave fish go many months without food, researchers assumed they evolved a metabolism(新陈代谢)that efficiently stores the calories in a similar way animals store fat before winter. To test that idea, they compared the cave fish with the river fish raised under same conditions in the lab. They found the cave fish do store more visceral fat than river fish. But the cave fish also had much larger, fatty livers, which resembled diabetes-linked fatty liver disease in humans. “But you don’t see destruction of the liver in these guys.” Tabin says. “It’s very curious.” Cave fish researchers are now working to find out how the fish do it. “The only piece of total evidence is that the metabolic rate is lower in the cave fish than in their river fish relatives.” says Alex Keene of Florida Atlantic University. "There might be something about slow energy use in cells that protects against diabetes." he says, “Finding that something will, like fishing, require some patience.” 61. What interests researchers most in the cave fish is that . A. they have evolved to lose their eyes and skin pigments B. they have evolved ways of turning nutrients into energy C. they have experienced no symptoms of diabetes in humans D. they have survived from symptoms of diabetes in humans 62. It can be learned from Paragraph 3 that . A. insulin disturbs the control of blood sugar B. insulin takes in glucose from the bloodstream C. insulin prevents the rise of blood sugar D. insulin leads to progress into full-blown diabetes 63. Researchers study the metabolism in the cave fish mainly by . A. testing the efficiency of storing fat inside them B. comparing their fat amount with that in the river fish C. comparing their fatty livers with those of humans D. observing their livers storing fat with no destruction 64. It can be concluded that the features of the cave fish . A. have enabled researchers to find out new ways to treat diabetes B. have inspired researchers about new treatments for diabetes C. have brought in many new ideas about how to treat diabetes D. will be used as a treatment for diabetes in the near future D One evening at a busy Broadway intersection, I noticed a sister struggling to keep her little kid in check while she talked on the pay phone. She wanted him to stay still next to her, but he wanted to run and play at the curb, close to rushing buses and taxis. One could sense the woman’s frustration, that she was pulled in too many directions: She was angry at the person on the telephone and shouting at the younger that she would “break his leg” if he moved again. As I waited for the traffic light to change, the child began to complain and struggle to free himself from the woman’s grip. She dropped the phone, seized the neck of his tiny T-shirt and gave him a back-hand blow across the face that I know made his little head spin. The light changed, and passersby continued on their way. But I stood there, fixed to the pavement. I knew this extremely upset woman would follow through on her threat of violence to the child. Before, I had wanted to approach her and offer to watch the youngster while she dealt with the distressing situation on the phone. Now I wanted to comfort the little boy. I also wanted to speak to the sister to calm her and to caution her, as I wish someone had cautioned me when I was passing my pain on to my daughter and causing her emotional suffering. But I was chicken. I thought, she may think I’m out of line, or I may be her next target. Often I’ve thought about that child and the many others abused by adults. I wonder how they will internalize (使……藏在心底) their pain, if it will crush their spirits. Will this little boy grow up to be an abusive man? Will he be gloomy and withdrawn? Will he find it hard to communicate with women, with other men? Or will he survive and be sensitive, caring and determined not to continue the cycle? There is too much cruelty in the world, too much cruelty between people. I tremble at the increasing verbal bitterness and violence among Black girls, and among young mothers trying to discipline their children. This behavior isn’t class- or age- related: I hear sharp words from Black women from all walks of life who are overworked and stressed out and have grown impatient. At times I, too, become short with others, or, like the sister on the phone, strike out at those closest to me. Often we’re tired because we’ve made the wrong choices. Young girls who still need mothering are loaded with children. We, sisters easily get hurt and annoyed when we don’t come to terms with our own sense of self. Our personal fulfillment requires knowing what is best for us, setting our boundaries and keeping them undamaged. We will always be asked to do more than we are comfortable doing. When we know our boundaries, we can decline comfortably. People — and we ourselves — will act in ways we don’t like. But they, like us,are still worthy of love. Whatever irritates (激怒) us about a person should be examined. Is the person reflecting behavior in us that needs to be changed? Often, when I find people irritating, I find they mirror something about me that I need to correct. What’s needed in our personal relationships is a return to tenderness and tolerance. We must allow one another our learning experiences. Just as violence results to violence, verbal violence — the hard words and harsh tones we use to release inner stress — adds to the distance between us. What we people of African root must do to thrive begins with love, sensitivity and our ability to work together. We Black women have these spiritual resources in abundance. Now we must draw on them to create a peaceful place — for ourselves, our children, our men. 65. The scene the author described in the passage probably happened . A. in a phone booth B. at a bus stop C. near a taxi stand D. on the street 66. The mother of the little kid can be best described as . A. frustrated and hot-tempered B. cruel and talkative C. confused and quick-minded D. considerate and sensitive 67. By saying “She may think I am out of line”, the author meant the woman might say . A. “Walk away. It’s none of your business.” B. “You are walking in the wrong direction.” C. “You’re not standing in the queue.” D. “You can watch and comfort my kid.” 68. The wrong choices in Paragraph 5 include . a. We sisters refuse to marry young. b. We aren’t satisfied with ourselves. c. We have our boundaries damaged. d. We decline others’ requests for help. A. a, b B. b, c C. a, d D. c, d 69. According to the author,when we find a person irritating, we should . A. return to tenderness and tolerance B. reflect on our behavior that needs correcting C. avoid the hard words and sharp tones D. examine if anything is wrong with him 70. The tone of the last paragraph is . A. critical B. pessimistic C. optimistic D. objective 第Ⅱ卷 (两部分,共 35 分) 第四部分 任务型阅读(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 请阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。 注意:每个空格只填 1 个单词。请将答案写在答题纸上相应题号的横线上。 Tourism broadens the thinking of the traveler and leads to culture contact between the hosts and guests from far-off places. This can benefit the locals, since tourists bring culture with them. Tourism may help to preserve local customs, as when traditional shows, parades, celebration and festivals are put on for tourists. The musicals, plays and serious drama of London theatres and other kinds of nightlife are largely supported by tourists. Such events might disappear without the stimulus of tourism to maintain them. On the other hand, tourism often contributes to the disappearance of local traditions and folk songs. Churches, temples and other similar places are treated as tourist attractions. This can be at the expense of their original function: how many tourists want to worship in the middle of a flow of atheist invaders (无神论侵犯者) ? Who would want to pray while curious onlookers walk back and forth with guide books, rather than prayer books in their hands? Tourism may bring other indirect cultural consequences. Anxiety which already exists between ancient and more modern ways may be deepened by tourists' ignorance of local customs and beliefs. Tourists, if not actually richer, often seem more well-off than natives. The former may therefore feel superior, leaving the latter embarrassed about their lifestyles. The result may be an inferior feeling which hardly helps the sense of identity which is so important to regional culture. The poverty of locality can look even worse when contrasted with the comfortable hotel environment where the average life expectancy(寿命) is 75 years, may well cause anger in Sierra Leone , where the local population can expect to live to no more than 41 years. The relative prosperity of tourism may encourage crime. In Gambia, unemployed young people offer to act as guides in return for money. When the tourism season is over they can no longer get wages that way so that they turn to stealing from the locals. All this affects the local social life and culture badly. Culture erosion (侵蚀) can also take place at more unnoticeable levels. Greek villagers traditionally prided themselves on their hospitality. They would put up travelers for free, feeding them and listening to their stories. To take money would have been a shame. That has changed now. Tourists exist to be exploited(剥削). Perhaps this is hardly surprising if the earnings from one room rented to a tourist can exceed a teacher's monthly salary. Topic Tourism VS Culture Advantages ◆Tourism (71) ▲ culture in that it puts tourists and locals in contact with each other’s culture. ◆Traditional (72) ▲ for tourists contribute to preserving local customs. Tourism (73) ▲ churches, temples and other similar places their original function. Disadvantages Anxiety is deepened due to tourists' ignorance of local customs and beliefs. ◆Tourists’ richness brings the locals (74) ▲ . ◆The locals feel (75) ▲ down upon. ◆The locals become angry because of their (76) ▲ life expectancy. ◆Tourism gives rise to (77) ▲ as local youths turn to stealing out of tourism seasons. Culture erosion takes place. ◆Greek villagers used to provide travelers with (78) ▲ and food for free. ◆Tourism has become a business where locals make more money from one (79) ▲ room than from work. ◆Greek villagers used to receive tourists with pride rather than take money (80) ▲ . 第五部分 书面表达 (满分 25 分) 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇 150 词左右的英语短文。 Yesterday, the Peoples Court of Qi County in Henan Province had a special plaintiff, an eleven-year-old boy in the fifth grade. He accused his parents of peeping at his diary, which violated his privacy. After looking into the case, the judge found out what had happened to the boy and his parents. Li used to be an excellent student, but recently, he couldn’t focus on his studies. His parents were busy with their business, so they cared little about him. However, after learning about their son’s change, they managed to peep at his diary. From the diary, they learned that their son had a love affair with a girl in the same class. Then they got very angry and scolded him severely. As a result, the boy charged his parents with violating his privacy. Facing the special case, the judge said, “Li is not a grown-up, but he has privacy protected by law. But in this case, what his parents did was to try to understand his thought in order to help him grow up healthily, which couldn’t be defined as an invasion.” Later, the judge told the parents it was unwise to peep at the child’s diary. Instead, they should try to talk to him. With the help of the judge, the boy promised to concentrate on his studies. 【写作内容】 1. 以约 30 个词概括阅读材料的主要内容; 2. 以约 120 个词谈谈你对“父母偷看子女日记”的看法,包括以下要点: (1) 看完新闻你有何感受? (2) 如果你是文中主人公,你会如何做? (3) 你认为子女和父母应该如何更好地相处。 【写作要求】 1. 作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容, 但不得直接引用原文中的句子; 2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。 【评分标准】 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 请 将 内 容 写 在 答 题 卡 上 _______________________________________________________________________________ 10 月份阶段考试英语试题答案 听力: 1-5 BBCCB 6-10 BCCBA 11-15 BAABC 16-20 CCACB 单选: 21-25 DCDDB 26-30 DCACD 31-35CDCCA 完型: 36-40 BADCA 41-45 CDADC 46-50 BBACC 51-55 ABDBD 阅读: A 篇 AC B 篇 ABC C 篇 DCBB D 篇 DAABBC 任务型: 71. develops / promotes / benefits 72. events / activities / performances 73. costs 74. embarrassment 75. looked 76. short(er) / low(er) 77. crime(s) 78. accommodation(s) 79. rented 80. shamefully / disgracefully 写作: 参考范文: The news is about a case where an eleven-year-old boy charged his parents with peeping at his diary and invading his privacy. The result is that what the parents did was not an invasion of privacy. Having read the news, I quite appreciate what the judge did. For one thing, he admitted the privacy of juveniles, and for another, he admitted parents’ right to supervise their child. Meanwhile, I felt glad because nowadays, more and more teenagers have legal consciousness. If I were the child in the news, I would be very angry at what my parents did. However, I wouldn’t turn to the court, because they did it just out of concern about me. I could understand them, but I just didn’t approve of their manner. In order to improve the relationship between parents and their children, I reckon communication is the best way to solve problems among them. Through communication, we can understand what’s in each other’s mind. Moreover, as children, we should be more active in reporting what has happened to us and seek help from our parents if necessary.

