高中英语选修六Unit2 Poems Period 3教案

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高中英语选修六Unit2 Poems Period 3教案

Period 3 Grammar—the Subjunctive Mood(2)‎ 教学内容分析   ‎ This teaching period mainly deals with the grammar:the subjunctive mood(2).From Unit 1 we have already known that in the English language,verbs are often divided into three different moods—the indicative mood,the imperative mood and the subjunctive mood.We have learned two kinds of subjunctive mood in Unit 1:one is found after the word “wish”,the other is found in a clause beginning with the word “if” talking about the imagined consequence of a situation at present that is impossible to happen.In this period we will continue to focus on another kind of subjunctive mood,that is,the subjunctive mood beginning with the word “if”,talking about the imagined consequence of a situation in the past that did not happen or in the future that is not likely to happen.‎ 三维目标设计   ‎ Knowledge and skills ‎1.To get the students to know the structure of the subjunctive mood.‎ ‎2.To let the students learn the usages of the subjunctive mood.‎ ‎3.To enable the students to use the subjunctive mood correctly and properly.‎ Process and methods ‎1.To ask the students to read the reading passage again,pick out the sentences with the subjunctive mood and translate them into Chinese.‎ ‎2.To ask the students to discover the structure and usages of the subjunctive mood by comparing a lot of example sentences.‎ ‎3.To ask the students to do the exercises in Discovering useful structures on Page 13 to master the subjunctive mood.‎ ‎4.To ask the students to summarize the usages of the subjunctive mood.‎ ‎5.To ask the students to do the exercises in Using Structures on Pages 50-51 and some other additional exercises for consolidation.‎ Emotion,attitude and value ‎1.To get the students to become interested in grammar learning.‎ ‎2.To develop the students' ability of comparing and summarizing.‎ 教学重、难点   ‎ ‎1.To get the students to master the structure and usages of the subjunctive mood.‎ ‎2.To enable the students to learn how to use the subjunctive mood correctly.‎ Step 1 Revision ‎1.Check the homework exercises.‎ ‎2.Dictate some new words and expressions.‎ ‎3.Translate the following sentences into English:[来源:学|科|网]‎ ‎(1)我们的时间快用完了。‎ ‎(2)他编造了滑稽的顺口溜引逗我们发笑。‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎(1)We are running out of our time.‎ ‎(2)He made up funny rhymes to make us laugh.‎ Step 2 Warming up Ask the students to go back to Page 10 and study one of the list poems,Poem C Our First Football Match and translate it into Chinese,paying special attention to its verb forms:‎ We would_have_won ...‎ if Jack had_scored that goal,‎ if we'd_had just a few more minutes,‎ if we had_trained harder,[来源:学科网]‎ if Ben had_passed the ball to Joe,‎ if we'd_had thousands of fans screaming,‎ if I hadn't_taken my eye off the ball,‎ if we hadn't_stayed_up so late the night before,‎ if we_hadn't_taken it easy,‎ if we hadn't_run out of energy.‎ We would_have_won ...‎ if we'd_been better!‎ Tell the students that the above sentences are with the subjunctive mood and then discuss it with them.Then ask the students to think about the question “What is the subjunctive mood?”‎ Step 3 Grammar learning Ask the students to study the following sentences and try to summarize the structure and usages of the subjunctive mood.‎ ‎1.The subjunctive mood in the past tense:‎ ‎(1)I could have done better if I had been more careful.‎ 我要是细心一点,是可以做得更好的。‎ ‎(The fact is that I was not more careful and I didn't do better.)‎ ‎(2)I could have shown you around the city if I had known you were in Beijing.‎ 我要是早知道你在北京,我就会带你到处去转转。‎ ‎(The fact is that I didn't know you were in Beijing and I didn't show you around the city.)‎ ‎(3)If I had been in the mood,I would have gone to the movies.‎ 如果我有心情的话,我就会去看电影了。‎ ‎(The fact is that I was not in the mood and I didn't go to the movies.)‎ ‎2.The subjunctive mood in the future tense:‎ ‎(1)从句谓语用过去式:‎ If your father knew this,he would be angry.‎ 要是你父亲知道了,他会生气的。‎ If it rained tomorrow,the sports meet would be put off.‎ 要是明天下雨,运动会就会被推迟。‎ ‎(2)从句谓语用should+动词原形(通常指可能性极小的事情,一般译为“万一”):‎ If it should rain,the crops would be saved.[来源:Zxxk.Com]‎ 要是有雨,这庄稼还有救。‎ 此类句型的主句谓语有时可以用祈使句甚至将来时态:‎ If it should rain tomorrow,don't expect me.‎ 万一明天下雨,就不要等我了。‎ If I should be free tomorrow,I will come.‎ 万一我明天有空,我就来。‎ ‎(3)从句谓语用were to+动词原形(通常指可能性极小或近乎不可能,有时指出乎意料):‎ If the sun were to rise in the west,my love for you would not change.‎ 即使太阳从西边升起,我对你的爱也不会变。‎ Step 4 Summing up Try to help the students draw the following conclusions:‎ ‎1.The subjunctive mood is usually used to talk about situations that are not true or not likely to be true.The situation referred to in the subjunctive mood is not real,but it is hypothetical.‎ ‎2.The subjunctive mood is often found in a clause beginning with the word “if”.The past perfect tense(had done/been)is often used in the “if” clause and “would+have done/been” is often used in the main clause expressing the situation contrary to the past.‎ ‎3.In expressing the situation contrary to the future,“were/did/should+v./were to+v.” is often used in the “if” clause and “would+v.” is often used in the main clause expressing the situation contrary to the future.‎ Step 5 Grammar practice ‎ Ask students to do the following exercises:‎ ‎1.Change the following sentences into the subjunctive mood.Put the verbs into the correct forms.‎ ‎(1)She was busy,so she didn't come.‎ ‎(2)We didn't know your telephone number,so we didn't call you.‎ ‎(3)Everybody who ate the fish got sick.I didn't eat any fish.‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎(1)If she hadn't been busy,she would have come.‎ ‎(2)If we had known your telephone number,we might have called you.‎ ‎(3)If I had eaten the fish,I would have gotten sick too.‎ ‎2.Do Exercise 3 in Discovering useful structures on Page 13.‎ ‎3.Do the exercises in Using Structures on Pages 50-51.‎ First ask students to do the exercises individually,and then let them discuss and check their answers with their partners,and finally give them the correct answers and deal with any problems they might meet.‎ Step 6 Getting more about the grammar Ask students to go back to Page 10 and read through the reading passage A Few Simple Forms of English Poems to pick out the sentences with the subjunctive mood and then translate them into Chinese.‎ Suggested answers:‎ We would_have_won...             我们本来会夺冠……‎ if Jack had_scored that goal, 如果杰克踢进了那个球,‎ if we'd_had just a few more minutes, 如果我们还有几分钟,‎ if we had_trained harder, 如果我们训练得更严格,‎ if Ben had_passed the ball to Joe, 如果本把球传给了乔,‎ if we'd_had thousands of fans screaming, 如果有大批球迷助威,‎ if I hadn't_taken my eye off the ball, 如果我死死盯住球,‎ if we hadn't_stayed_up so late the night before, 如果我们头晚不熬夜,‎ if we_hadn't_taken it easy, 如果我们没有放松警惕,‎ if we hadn't_run out of energy. 如果我们没有精疲力竭,‎ We would_have_won... 我们本来会夺冠……‎ if we'd_been better! 如果我们能干得更好!‎ Step 7 Summing up Try to help the students draw the following conclusions.‎ ‎1.When the subjunctive mood is found in a clause beginning with the word “if”,“had been+past participles” is used in the “if” clause,while “would/could have+past participles” is used in the main clause so as to express the situation contrary to the past.‎ ‎2.In sentences with the subjunctive mood,sometimes a prepositional phrase beginning with “without(=if not)” is used to take the place of the “if” clause to express implied condition.‎ Step 8 Playing a game ‎1.Get students to form groups of 6.‎ ‎2.Let students play the game “We would have won the championship if we...”‎ Ask the students to take turns to imagine what they would have done to win the championship.Make their own sentences as interesting and imaginative as they can.Write down the six best ones and share them with the class.‎ ‎3.Read the following composition and try to find out as many sentences with the subjunctive mood as possible.‎ Unexpected Guests Linda had a very difficult situation at her house a few days ago.Her relatives from Hong Kong arrived unexpectedly,without any advance notice at all,and they wanted to stay for the weekend.They didn't even knock at the door.They just walked right in.‎ Needless to say,Linda was very upset.If she had known that her relatives from H.K.were going to arrive and want to stay for the weekend,she would have been prepared for their visit.She would have bought a lot of food.She would have cleaned the house.She would have made plans to go sightseeing.She would have cooked a special dinner.She would have planned everything perfectly.And she certainly wouldn't have invited all her daughter's friends from nursery school to come over and play.‎ Poor Linda! She really wishes her relatives had called in advance to say they were coming.The weekend was really a disaster!‎ Suggested answers:[来源:学科网]‎ Unexpected Guests Linda had a very difficult situation at her house a few days ago.Her relatives from Hong Kong arrived unexpectedly,without any advance notice at all,and they wanted to stay for the ‎ weekend.They didn't even knock at the door.They just walked right in.‎ Needless to say,Linda was very upset.If she had_known that her relatives from H.K.were going to arrive and want to stay for the weekend,she would_have_been_prepared for their visit.She would_have_bought a lot of food.She would_have_cleaned the house.She would_have_made plans to go sightseeing.She would_have_cooked a special dinner.She would_have_planned everything perfectly.And she certainly wouldn't_have_invited all her daughter's friends from nursery school to come over and play.[来源:Z+xx+k.Com]‎ Poor Linda! She really wishes her relatives had_called in advance to say they were coming.The weekend was really a disaster!‎ Step 9 Closing down by a quiz Show students the following on the screen or give out test papers to them.‎ ‎1.You are late.If you ______ a few minutes earlier,you ______ him.‎ A.come;would meet          B.had come;would have met C.come;will meet D.had come;would meet ‎2.Let's say you could go there again,how ______ feel?‎ A.will you B.should you C.would you D.do you ‎3.If you had told me in advance,I ______ him at the airport.‎ A.would meet B.will meet C.would have met D.will have met ‎4.I would have told him the answer had it been possible,but I ______ so busy then.‎ A.had been B.were C.was D.would be ‎5.If it ______ another ten minutes,the game would have been called off.‎ A.had rained B.would have rained C.have seen D.rained ‎6.—Why didn't you buy a new car?‎ ‎—I would have bought one if I ______ enough money.‎ A.had B.have had C.would have D.had had ‎7.He was very busy yesterday;otherwise,he ______ to the meeting.‎ A.would come B.came C.would have come D.will come ‎8.______ any change about the date,please tell me immediately.‎ A.Will there be B.Should there be C.There will be D.There should be ‎9.A few minutes earlier and we ______ the train.‎ A.have caught B.had caught C.could have caught D.were to catch ‎10.If the Watergate Incident ______,Nixon would not have resigned from the presidency.‎ A.did not occur B.had not occurred C.was not occurring D.be circling ‎11.If I had seen the movie,I ______ you all about it now.‎ A.would tell B.will tell C.have told D.would have told Suggested answers:‎ ‎1~5 BCCCA 6~10 DCBCB 11.A Step 10 Homework ‎1.Finish off the Workbook exercises.‎ ‎2.Preview listening and speaking.‎ Step 11 Reflection after teaching ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎

