2021届高考英语一轮总复习Book6Unit2Poems课时跟踪练 人教版

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2021届高考英语一轮总复习Book6Unit2Poems课时跟踪练 人教版

课时跟踪练27 Unit 2 Poems Ⅰ.阅读理解 A I graduated in 1941 and of course got caught in the war.In 1945 I was out,twentyone years old,a soldier through 35 bombing missions,and at the University of Washington taking creative writing courses,something I'd looked forward to all through the Air Force.‎ I'd started writing when I was nine and writing seemed to be the only thing I'd ever be able or want to do.My teacher was a new man named Grant Redford,a very good short story writing teacher but a sad man.He was from Montana and had been connected with the old Rocky Mountain Review.I think it became the Western Review but I'm not sure and I don't bother to look it up.I'm afraid I was never much of a student for Redford.My stories were hopelessly selfindulgent(任性的),on and on about my personal problems,without form,without development,and without even any good writing.‎ However,I did write humour in those days and had no trouble getting it published in the campus magazine,though I hate to see it now.Mostly my writing was used to get my own's attention,to satisfy a terrible personal interest in selfadmiration,and it wasn't until I concentrated all my efforts on poems that I was to realize the only real reward of writing,that special way you feel just when you've done something you like.That's far more satisfying than seeing your name in print,good reviews,praise or applause after a reading.And more lasting.‎ ‎1.What do we know about the author's childhood?‎ A.The author was a good student of his teacher.‎ B.The author was crazy about writing.‎ C.The author was good at telling short stories.‎ D.The author felt a longing to be a pilot.‎ ‎2.How was his writing career at the early stage?‎ A.Productive.    B.Successful.‎ C.Struggling. D.Bright.‎ ‎3.Where did the author eventually find comfort in writing?‎ A.Short stories. B.Poems.‎ C.Humourous stories. D.Good reviews.‎ - 8 -‎ ‎【语篇解读】 作者自幼酷爱写作,但开始时,作者的写作没有固定的格式,没有故事发展,甚至没有任何好的文字。直到作者将自己的精力都放在诗歌创作上,他才发现自己更爱写诗,并且意识到诗歌创作所带来的快乐超乎以往。‎ ‎1.解析:推理判断题。根据第二段第一句可知,作者九岁开始写作,而且写作是作者唯一能做且想做之事。故可推知,作者小时候痴迷写作。故选B项。‎ 答案:B ‎2.解析:推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句和第三段内容可知,作者的作品都是关于私生活的琐事或与幽默有关,没有固定的格式,没有跌宕起伏的故事发展。直到创作诗歌以后,这一切才发生了变化。故可推知,作者早期的写作生涯是很艰辛、很努力的。A项意为“多产的”;B项意为“成功的”;C项意为“奋斗的;努力的;挣扎的”;D项意为“有希望的;大有可能成功的”。故选C项。‎ 答案:C ‎3.解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“...it wasn't until I concentrated all my efforts on poems that I was to realize the only real reward of writing,that special way you feel just when you've done something you like.”可知,当作者把精力都投入到诗歌上的时候,他才意识到写作给自己带来了真正的快乐。故选B项。‎ 答案:B B Solly is our security guard.He moved in the day after we did.He was light brown,and was very thin and serious.Solly hadn't always been so thin.He'd been out of work for a year,supporting an extended family.‎ ‎ “My wife says I must buy new clothes,”he said.“My church clothes are falling off me.But I told her,‘Don't worry.I'll get fat again.Now I have a job.’”This news kept our family buzzing(低声谈话)through quite a few mealtimes.My kids announced they were going to bake for him every day.And so every evening my husband and children began delivering food to Solly.‎ Just outside our gate,all down Jabu Ndlovu Street,as the day begins to fade,security guards take their places.They're cheerful.And they sleep right through their shifts.No one expects a security guard to stay awake.That's why the whole street knew Solly.He not only stayed awake,but also walked around to check the block,picked up litter,and knocked on doors and asked residents to turn their music down.‎ Then one night,a car ran into a cyclist.Solly saw the crash.He saw the driver drive away.For two hours,Solly helped the rider,the police,and the ambulance personnel.The next day,some residents complained :Solly wasn't at the gate last - 8 -‎ ‎ night.Solly wasn't doing his job.After the whole story came out,Solly kept his job.‎ After a month,Solly was not getting any fatter.He lived far from the city.His taxi ride to work each day cost him onethird of his salary,so we got him a used bike.But he wouldn't take it until he saved the money.‎ A few weeks later he fetched the bike.“My wife thinks I'm joking—a bike for this price,”he said with a smile on his face.“I'll ride home and surprise her.”I wondered if his wife would smile too.‎ ‎4.Why did Solly's wife think he needed new clothes?‎ A.His clothes were shabby.‎ B.He was getting fatter and fatter.‎ C.His clothes didn't suit him any more.‎ D.She didn't like his old clothes any more.‎ ‎5.What made Solly different from other guards?‎ A.His skin colour. B.His hard work.‎ C.His friendly manner. D.His lovable character.‎ ‎6.When did the author see Solly smile?‎ A.After she told him a joke.‎ B.After he got a cheap bike.‎ C.When she gave him a free bike.‎ D.When he knew he'd kept his job.‎ ‎7.Which word can best describe the author's family?‎ A.Intelligent. B.Courageous.‎ C.Kindhearted. D.Strongminded.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文描述了作者一家人热心地去帮助一位工作认真、热心助人的保安,突出了“乐于助人,大爱无私”的主题。‎ ‎4.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“My wife says I must buy new clothes...My church clothes are falling off me.But I told her,‘Don't worry.I'll get fat again...’”可知,他太瘦了,所以衣服不合身了。故选C项。‎ 答案:C ‎5.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“And they sleep right through their shifts.No one expects a security guard to stay awake.That's why the whole street knew Solly.He not only...turn their music down.”可知,其他保安值班时睡觉,而索利却在一直忙工作。故选B项。‎ 答案:B - 8 -‎ ‎6.解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“‘My wife thinks I'm joking—a bike for this price,’he said with a smile on his face.”可知,索利在得到一辆便宜的自行车时,他笑了。故选B项。‎ 答案:B ‎7.解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“My kids announced they were going to bake for him every day.And so every evening my husband and children began delivering food to Solly.”和倒数第二段中的“we got him a used bike”可知,作者一家人热心地去帮助一个保安,由此推知,他们是好心的(kindhearted)。故选C项。‎ 答案:C Ⅱ.七选五 Understanding and appreciating abstract art can be tough if you don't have much experience with art.But don't worry.The following can help you gain an appreciation of abstract artworks enormously.‎ ‎·Relax as you look at abstract artworks.‎ ‎ 1 ,it's best to go to the gallery or view artworks when you're in a relaxed state so that the artworks affect you in a positive way.Limit distractions around you,like your cell phone,and try to clear your mind of negative or stressful thoughts.‎ ‎· 2 ‎ Avoid saying things like “Anyone could make that”and dismiss prior opinions you have about an artwork before you actually see it.Try to approach an artwork with an open mind and don't compare it with other works,especially if it's not in the same style.‎ ‎·Ask yourself how the painting makes you feel.‎ Instead of trying to evaluate the technical aspects of an artwork,ask yourself how the artwork makes you feel. 3 ,it has an emotional impact on you.Do be honest with yourself when determining your real feeling.‎ ‎·Research the artists' life.‎ Some galleries have an informational plaque(匾牌)near the artworks that describe the artists.Read the informational plaque next to the artwork.This is a great way to better understand the artists and their mindsets when they created the artworks.Most abstract artworks try to capture a feeling or emotion like sadness,rage,or happiness. 4 .‎ ‎·Speak and interact with abstract artists.‎ - 8 -‎ Only if you like,you can find abstract artists in collective studios or at their art shows. 5 .Getting their perspective may give you a deeper understanding and appreciation of their works.‎ Well now,if you still don't get abstract art and can't appreciate it,try to create some artworks by yourself.If you don't know where to start,you can look up tutorials online or take a local art class.‎ A.Take the time to respectfully speak to them B.Look at artworks as objectively as you can C.If it makes you happy,sad,anxious,or excited D.As long as you understand the techniques used to create the art E.There are different styles and types of art for you to further research F.Since being distracted or stressed can actually affect how you enjoy artworks G.For example,if the artist witnessed a war,a depressing feeling may be conveyed in his/her artworks ‎【语篇解读】 艺术经验不够丰富的人很难理解和欣赏抽象艺术,本文为读者介绍了5种帮助理解抽象艺术的方法。‎ ‎1.解析:根据设空处的位置可推知,该空应选择一个状语从句,且根据小标题“Relax as you look at abstract artworks.”可知,本段建议在欣赏抽象艺术时应放松。而F项Since being distracted or stressed can actually affect how you enjoy artworks(因为分散注意力和有压力会影响你欣赏艺术作品的方式)与下半句提到的在欣赏时应该放松构成因果关系,符合语境。故选F项。‎ 答案:F ‎2.解析:根据设空处的位置可知,此处应为小标题。根据本段内容可知,在欣赏艺术作品之前不要发表评论,要以一种开放的心态去看待艺术作品。B项Look at artworks as objectively as you can(尽可能地客观地看待艺术作品)符合语境。故选B项。‎ 答案:B ‎3.解析:根据该空的位置可以看出,此处应为一个状语从句,根据小标题“Ask yourself how the painting makes you feel.”可知,本段着重讲述艺术作品给自己的感受。C项If it makes you happy,sad,anxious,or excited(如果它让你感到快乐、悲伤、焦虑或者兴奋)与下半句提到的它对你有情感上的影响相对应,符合语境。故选C项。‎ 答案:C ‎4.解析:根据小标题“Research the artists' life.”可知,本段内容是建议人们了解艺术家的人生,G项For example,if the artist witnessed a war,a depressing feeling may be conveyed in his/her artworks(比如,如果艺术家目睹过战争,他/‎ - 8 -‎ 她的艺术作品中可能会传达一种抑郁的心情)与本段内容相符,符合语境。故选G项。‎ 答案:G ‎5.解析:根据小标题“Speak and interact with abstract artists.”可知,本段内容是建议人们与抽象艺术家交流。A项Take the time to respectfully speak to them(花时间去认真地与艺术家们交谈)符合语境。故选A项。‎ 答案:A Ⅲ.语法填空 Senior citizens are the first to come to our mind when we think of hearing loss,but in a recent report,hearing professionals worry teenagers will soon outnumber aging adults 1. it comes to living with hearing loss.‎ The rise in popularity of personal audio devices from iPods to smart phones has had dangerous effect on the ears of those who use them most,teenagers!A research 2. (conduct) by the World Health Organization finds that nearly 50% of teens 3. (fall) into the habit of exposing themselves to unsafe levels of sound so far.‎ A sound is considered unsafe when it goes beyond 85 decibels(分贝).At that level,it takes just 8 hours of listening over your lifetime to cause damage.The louder the sound is,the 4. (little)time it takes to cause damage.Because hearing loss is 5. (typical)considered a health problem for the elderly,it is difficult to convince already stubborn teenagers that they really are doing damage 6. their ears.‎ Young adults 7. have been exposed to loud noise over a period of time may have some hearing loss symptoms.Their 8. (able) to learn is compromised,and they may have difficulty developing social skills.‎ In an effort to help teens better protect their hearing,we suggest 9. (set) volume limits on personal audio devices.10. is also good to limit the amount of time exposed to noise and to take listening breaks to give the ears a rest.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 近期一项报告显示,听力专家担心遭受听力丧失的青少年的人数会超越老年人。本文介绍了造成青少年听力丧失问题严重的原因。‎ ‎1.解析:考查连词。句意为:当我们想到听力丧失的时候,我们首先想到的是老人,但是在最近的一项报告中,当谈到生活受到听力丧失的困扰时,听力专业人员担忧青少年的数量很快就会超越老年人。when it comes to...为固定句式,意为“当谈到……”,故填when。‎ 答案:when ‎2.解析:‎ - 8 -‎ 考查非谓语动词。句意为:一项由世界卫生组织进行的研究发现,到目前为止,有近50%的青少年已经形成了一种习惯:把自己置身于有害的声音环境中。此处动词conduct与其逻辑主语A research之间为被动关系,应用过去分词作后置定语。故填conducted。‎ 答案:conducted ‎3.解析:考查动词的时态。句意见上一题解析。根据时间状语so far可知,设空处应用现在完成时,说明到目前为止所处的情况,也就是研究的结果。故填have fallen。‎ 答案:have fallen ‎4.解析:考查形容词的比较级。句意为:声音越大,它造成损害所需要的时间就越少。此句为“the+形容词比较级...,the+形容词比较级...”结构,意为“越……,就越……”。因此设空处应填little的比较级,故填less。‎ 答案:less ‎5.解析:考查词性转换。句意为:因为听力丧失通常被认为是老年人的健康问题,所以很难让已经很固执的青少年相信他们确实在损害他们的耳朵。此处修饰谓语is considered,应用副词。故填typically。‎ 答案:typically ‎6.解析:考查介词。句意见上一题解析。do damage to...为固定词组,意为“对……造成损害”。故填to。‎ 答案:to ‎7.解析:考查定语从句。句意为:长时间置身于噪音当中的年轻人可能会出现一些听力丧失症状。分析句子结构可知,设空处引导定语从句,且在从句中作主语,先行词是Young adults,指人,所以用who或that引导。故填who/that。‎ 答案:who/that ‎8.解析:考查词性转换。句意为:他们学习的能力被打了折扣,而且可能在发展社会技能方面也会有困难。空前的Their是形容词性物主代词,故此处应用名词形式。故填ability。‎ 答案:ability ‎9.解析:考查非谓语动词。句意为:为帮助青少年更好地保护听力,我们建议对个人声音设备设置音量限制。suggest doing sth为固定用法,意为“建议做某事”。故填setting。‎ 答案:setting ‎10.解析:考查代词。句意为:限制置身于噪声中的时间并小憩一下以让耳朵得到休息也是很好的。分析句子结构可知,设空处在句中作形式主语,句中的动词不定式短语为真正主语。故填It。‎ 答案:It - 8 -‎ - 8 -‎

