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‎2019届一轮复习人教版必修三Unit1Festivals aroundthe world单元学案设计 一、必背话题词汇 ‎(一)商贸 ‎1.economy n.        经济 ‎2.commerce n. 商业 ‎3.corporation n. (大)公司 ‎4.firm n. 公司;企业 adj. 坚固的;坚定的 ‎5.enterprise n. 公司;企/事业单位 ‎6.company n. 公司 ‎7.negotiation n. 协商;谈判 ‎8.business n. 生意;交易;事业 ‎9.deal n. 量;数额;交易 ‎10.trade n. 贸易 ‎11.profit n. 利润 ‎12.loss n. 损失 ‎13.invest v. 投资 ‎14.export n.& vt. 出口 ‎15.import n.& vt. 进口 ‎16.manage vt. 管理;经营 ‎17.increase n.& vi. 增加 ‎18.boom n.& vi. 繁荣;激增 ‎19.decline n.& vi. 减少;下降;衰退 ‎20.decrease n.& vi. 减少;减小;降低 ‎21.reduce vt. 减少;缩减 ‎22.make a profit 盈利 ‎(二)财务与金融 ‎1.account n. 账目;账户 ‎2.bill n. 账单;(美)钞票;票据 ‎3.debt n. 债务;欠款 ‎4.finance n. 资金;财政;财务;金融 ‎5.interest n. 利息 ‎6.budget n. 预算 ‎7.capital n. 资本 ‎8.currency n. 货币;流通 ‎9.be short of 短缺的;缺乏的;不足的 ‎10.bring down prices 降低价格 ‎11.meet/satisfy one's needs 满足某人的需求 ‎12.set aside 留出;节省 ‎1.allowance n.       补贴;补助金;津贴 ‎2.article n. 物品;商品 ‎3.business recession 经济衰退 ‎4.economics n. 经济学 ‎5.forum n. 论坛 ‎6.prosperous adj. 繁荣的 二、必背话题佳句 ‎1.When seeking the increase of economy, many areas care little about the environment.‎ 当追求经济增长的时候,许多地区不关心环境问题。‎ ‎2.The decision, which will relate to the profit of the company this year, deserves further consideration.‎ 涉及今年公司利润的决定,值得进一步考虑。‎ ‎3.It is estimated that the economic losses were more than 9.7 billion yuan.‎ 据估计造成经济损失97亿多元。‎ ‎4.As you know, we are all facing a falling market, and the banks are short of ready money.‎ 正如你所知道的,我们大家都面临着一种跌落的行情,银行也缺少现金。‎ Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.He has invested (投资) his life savings in his son's business.‎ ‎2.Industrial evolution is the forefront problem of the field of industrial economics (经济学).‎ ‎3.The goods are not allowed to be exported (出口) without approbation (批准) of the Customs.‎ ‎4.She gets an allowance (津贴) for taking care of Amy.‎ ‎5.Your new longterm investment account (账目) will be funded with our own money.‎ ‎6.The oil price increases sent Europe into deep recession (衰退).‎ ‎7.It's reported that the defence budget (预算) has increased by 5%.‎ ‎8.Present at the meeting were leaders of industry and commerce (商业).‎ Ⅱ.选词填空 ‎1.Many shops are having to bring_down their prices in order to attract more consumers.‎ ‎2.It is important for the store on the Internet to understand the features of consumers' shopping action if he wants to make_a_profit.‎ ‎3.The family can't afford to buy a car because they are_short_of money.‎ ‎4.Set_aside some money each month, even if it's only a little, to pay for that vacation, or for that house you've dreamed of buying.‎ ‎5.The company will be able to design products according to customer's requirements to meet_their_needs.‎ Ⅲ.补全句子 ‎1.据估计,未来几年数以十亿美元计的资金将会继续投入到电子商务世界。‎ It_is_estimated_that billions of dollars will continue to be invested ‎ in ebusiness in the next few years.‎ ‎2.如果需要,大部分年轻人愿意参加军队服兵役以保家卫国。‎ If_needed,_most youngsters are ready to serve_in_the_army to defend their country.‎ ‎3.正如你知道的那样,这个国家正面临10多年来最严重的经济衰退。‎ As_you_know,_the country is facing its steepest economic decline in more than a decade.‎ ‎■子话题(二) 社会风俗 初背:月日 再背:月日 一、必背话题词汇 ‎(一)节假日 ‎(Ⅰ)中国节日 ‎1.the Spring Festival       春节 ‎2.the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 ‎3.the MidAutumn Festival 中秋节 ‎4.Tombsweeping Day 清明节 ‎5.Double Ninth Festival 重阳节 ‎6.the Lantern Festival 元宵节 ‎7.New Year's Day 元旦 ‎8.National Day 国庆节 ‎9.Teachers' Day 教师节 ‎(Ⅱ)西方节日 ‎1.Christmas 圣诞节 ‎2.Christmas Eve 平安夜 ‎3.Thanksgiving Day 感恩节 ‎4.Valentine's Day 情人节 ‎5.April Fool's Day 愚人节 ‎6.Halloween 万圣节 ‎7.Easter 复活节 ‎8.Mother's Day 母亲节 ‎9.Father's Day 父亲节 ‎(Ⅲ)世界节日 ‎1.World Sleep Day 世界睡眠日(3月21日)‎ ‎2.World Water Day 世界水日(3月22日)‎ ‎3.World Health Day 世界卫生日(4月7日)‎ ‎4.World Earth Day 世界地球日(4月22日)‎ ‎5.International Labour Day/May Day 国际劳动节(5月1日)‎ ‎6.World NoSmoking Day 世界无烟日(5月31日)‎ ‎7.International Children's Day 国际儿童节(6月1日)‎ ‎8.International Environment Day 世界环境日(6月5日)‎ ‎9.World Population Day 世界人口日(7月11日)‎ ‎(二)节假日相关活动 ‎1.celebration n. 庆祝;庆祝会 ‎2.feast n. 盛宴;宴会;(宗教的)节日 ‎3.gettogether n. (亲友等的)聚会 ‎4.decorate vt. 装饰;修饰 ‎5.treat vt.& vi. 招待;款待 ‎6.cater vt.& vi. 承办酒席;提供饮食 ‎7.be on holiday/leave/vacation 在度假 ‎8.in honor of 为纪念……‎ ‎9.exchange gifts 交换礼物 ‎10.dress up 打扮;装扮 ‎11.family reunion 家人团圆 ‎12.celebrate the festival 庆祝节日 ‎13.on special occasions 在特殊场合 ‎14.a display of fireworks 烟火表演 ‎15.celebrate an anniversary 庆祝周年纪念 ‎16.attend a ceremony 出席仪式 ‎17.the opening ceremony 开幕式 ‎(三)节假日用品 ‎1.decoration n. 装饰品 ‎2.lantern n. 灯笼;提灯 ‎3.firework n. 焰火;(pl.)烟火 ‎4.firecracker n. 鞭炮 ‎5.flame n. 火焰;光辉 ‎6.balloon n. 气球 ‎7.candle n. 蜡烛 ‎8.dragon boat 龙舟 ‎9.Christmas tree 圣诞树 ‎10.pumpkin lamp 南瓜灯 ‎1.exotic adj.         异域情调的 ‎2.costume n. 服饰;化装服 ‎3.taboo n. 禁忌 ‎4.practice n. 惯例 ‎5.illmannered adj. 无教养的 二、必背话题佳句 ‎1.Festivals make us reunite, making all in high spirits.‎ 节日让我们团聚在一起,所有人都很欢乐。‎ ‎2.Walking into the classroom, Ms.Li was surprised to find we were standing in line, clapping hands and saying loudly “Happy Teachers' Day!”‎ 李老师走进教室,惊讶地发现我们站成一列,鼓掌并大声地说“教师节快乐!”‎ ‎3.The MidAutumn Festival, which falls on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month, is a festival with a history of about 2,000 years.‎ 中秋节是在每年的农历八月十五日,是一个有着大约2 000年的历史的节日。‎ ‎4.It is several thousand years ago that the custom of worshipping ‎ and admiring the moon dates back to.‎ 祭月赏月的风俗追溯到几千年前。‎ Ⅰ.单词拼写/用所给词的适当形式填空 ‎1.Dinner is usually a feast (盛宴) of seafood and dumplings, signifying different good wishes.‎ ‎2.The performers, in costume (服饰) and makeup, were walking up and down backstage.‎ ‎3.If you just want to add some shine to your resume, or taste the exotic (异域情调的) life, it's not worth the cost.‎ ‎4.When customers get to the store, they are treated (招待) as honored guests.‎ ‎5.In the shopping centers of very large towns decorations (decorate) are put up in the streets.‎ ‎6.They held a party in celebration (celebrate) of the Fund's 70th Anniversary.‎ Ⅱ.选词填空 ‎1.He told me that he would be asked to attend the_opening_ceremony.‎ ‎2.He sang this song in_honour_of the heroes who risked their lives to save the children.‎ ‎3.According to tradition, people would dress_up in costumes to frighten the spirits away.‎ ‎4.People are eating out more frequently now, not just on_special_occasions as in the past.‎ ‎5.We've been on_holiday for a week and now we've come back for there's so much work to do.‎ Ⅲ.补全句子 ‎1.最明显的例子可能就是圣诞节了,世界各地的人都会庆祝圣诞节。‎ The most obvious example is probably Christmas, which_is_celebrated_around_the_world.‎ ‎2.晚上,我们在一起吃团圆饭,看到天色已黑,便高高兴兴地下楼散步。‎ At night we ate together.Then watching_the_sky_was_dark,_we walked happily downstairs.‎ ‎3.春节前夕打扫房屋这个非常古老的习俗甚至可以追溯到几千年前。‎ To clean houses on the New Year Eve is a very old custom, even dating_back_to thousands of years ago.‎ ‎■子话题(三) 文化交流和社交礼仪 初背:月日 再背:月日 一、必背话题词汇 ‎(一)文化交流 ‎1.heritage n.           遗产 ‎2.symbol n. 象征 ‎3.cultural exchange 文化交流 ‎4.cultural background 文化背景 ‎5.cultural shock 文化冲击 ‎6.crosscultural communication 跨文化交流 ‎7.multicultural society 多元文化社会 ‎8.cultural diversity 文化差异 ‎9.cultural conflict 文化冲突 ‎10.cultural relics 文物 ‎11.local culture 本土文化 ‎12.mass culture 大众文化 ‎13.traditional culture 传统文化 ‎14.mainstream culture 主流文化 ‎15.traditional values 传统价值观 ‎16.spiritual civilization 精神文明 ‎17.humane historical sites 人文历史遗址 ‎18.local customs and practices 风土人情 ‎19.national identity and values 民族认同和价值观 ‎20.remove prejudice and misunderstanding ‎ 消除偏见和误解 ‎(二)社交礼仪 ‎1.appearance n. 仪表 ‎2.gesture n. 仪态;姿势 ‎3.occasion n. 场合 ‎4.formal adj. 正式的 ‎5.informal adj. 非正式的 ‎6.casual adj. 随意的 ‎7.manner n. 方式;态度;举止 ‎8.rank n. 级别;军衔 ‎9.status n. 地位;身份 ‎10.title n. 头衔 ‎11.custom n. 风俗 ‎12.conversation n. 谈话;交谈 ‎13.behave vt. 守规矩;行为 ‎14.behavior n. 行为;举止 ‎15.respond vi. 回答;回应;作出反应 ‎16.awkward adj. 尴尬的;难应付的 ‎17.impolite adj. 不礼貌的 ‎18.social adj. 社会的;社交的 ‎19.punctual adj. 准时的 ‎20.body language 身体语言 ‎21.eye contact 眼神交流 ‎22.a facial expression 面部表情 ‎23.face to face 面对面 ‎24.behave well/badly 举止良好/不好 ‎25.put up with 忍受 ‎26.turn down 拒绝 ‎27.turn up 出现;到达;来到 ‎28.make an appointment 约会;预约 ‎29.have an appointment 有约会 ‎30.make an impression on ... 给……留下印象 ‎1.calligraphy n.         书法 ‎2.Chinese civilization 中华文明 ‎3.cultural perspective 文化视点 ‎4.integration of cultural resources 文化资源整合 ‎ ‎5.cultural diversification 文化多样性 二、必背话题佳句 ‎1.Cultural shock is caused by the anxiety that results from losing all our familiar signs and symbols or social contact.‎ 文化冲击是由于我们失去所熟悉的迹象、标志或社会交往而产生的焦虑造成的。‎ ‎2.Many traditional values are of permanent significance and should be observed in the modern and postmodern eras.‎ 许多传统的价值观具有永恒的意义,在现代与后现代都应加以恪守。‎ ‎3.But we obey various disciplines during the period of sports meet, getting the spiritual civilization construction prize.‎ 但是我们在运动会期间遵守各项纪律,得到了精神文明建设奖。‎ ‎4.I strongly agree with the idea that we young should learn more social skills as well as knowledge.‎ 我非常同意年轻人应该多学习社交技能和知识这个观点。‎ ‎5.Many people think that learning the traditional culture is not necessary, which is wrong.‎ 很多人认为学习传统文化是没必要的,这是错误的。‎ Ⅰ.单词拼写/用所给词的适当形式填空 ‎1.Then there would be an awkward (尴尬的) silence as the person tries to think of what to talk about next.‎ ‎2.When you are not punctual (准时的) for many times, you will become lazier and lazier, even fail in the life.‎ ‎3.Jim raised his hands in a despairing gesture (姿势).‎ ‎4.They called Mr. Johnson to tell him in a frank manner (方式) what they were thinking.‎ ‎5.They all came in their Sunday best (最好的衣服) and I felt out of place in my casual (随意的) clothes.‎ ‎6.The historic building is as much part of our heritage (遗产) as the paintings.‎ ‎7.When people are lining up in a shop, it is impolite (polite) to try to jump the queue.‎ ‎8.His behavior (behave) today has made me revise my original impression of him.‎ Ⅱ.选词填空 ‎1.We'd like to say thank you to all of those supporters who turned_up to watch us play.‎ ‎2.Now we can talk face_to_face through our computers any time we like.‎ ‎3.You should behave_well and mind your words on a big occasion like this.‎ ‎4.Don't turn_down an invitation or a challenge that could enhance your chances of meeting someone special.‎ ‎5.The manager won't see you unless you have made_an_appointment with him.‎ Ⅲ.补全句子 ‎1.他的言行举止给我们留下的印象是他曾经受过很好的教育。‎ His talking and appearance made_an_impression_on_us that he had ever received a good education.‎ ‎2.不注意文化差异或当地习俗可能会产生问题,造成麻烦。‎ A lack of awareness of cultural diversity or local customs can create problems, causing_trouble.‎ ‎3.准时上课是最基本的,谁也不允许迟到。‎ Being_punctual for classes was essential and no one was allowed to be late.‎ ‎■子话题(四) 购物 初背:月日 再背:月日 一、必背话题词汇 ‎(一)常见商品 ‎1.towel n.          毛巾 ‎2.handkerchief n. 手帕 ‎3.shampoo n. 洗发水;洗发露 ‎4.perfume n. 香水 ‎5.thread n. 线 ‎6.needle n. 针 ‎7.fabric n. 布料 ‎8.pearl n. 珍珠 ‎9.razor n. 剃须刀 ‎10.torch/flashlight n. 手电 ‎11.bulb n. 灯泡 ‎12.battery n. 电池 ‎13.of good/poor quality 质量好/坏 ‎(二)场所 ‎1.store n. 商店 ‎2.supermarket n. 超市 ‎3.retailer n. 零售店 ‎4.secondhand store 二手店 ‎5.shopping mall/center 购物中心 ‎6.chain store 连锁店 ‎7.department store 百货商店 ‎8.antique shop 古玩店 ‎9.stall/stand n. 售货摊 ‎10.shelf n. 货架;架子 ‎11.counter n. 柜台;结账处 ‎12.checkout counter/cashier desk 收银处 ‎(三)交易与支付 ‎(Ⅰ)交易 ‎1.bargain vi. 讨价还价 ‎   n. (经讨价还价后)成交的商品;廉价货 ‎2.purchase n.& vt. 购买;采购 ‎3.consume vt. 消费;耗费(燃料、能量、时间等)‎ ‎4.consumer n. 消费者 ‎5.customer n. (商店)顾客;主顾 ‎6.goods n. 商品;货物 ‎7.parcel n. 包裹 ‎8.for sale 待售;出售 ‎9.on sale (折价)出售;上市 ‎10.sell out 售完 ‎11.pick out 选出 ‎12.fixed price 固定价格 ‎13.price index 物价指数 ‎14.place an order for 定购……‎ ‎(Ⅱ)支付 ‎1.change n. 零钱;找零 ‎2.cheque (US check) n. 支票 ‎3.expense n. 消费;开支 ‎4.fee n. 费;费用 ‎5.penny (pl.pence) n. (英)便士;(美)分 ‎6.pound n. 磅;英镑 ‎7.fare n. (车或船的)费用;票(价)‎ ‎8.receipt n. 收据 ‎9.refund vt. 退款 ‎10.afford vt. 负担得起(……的费用)‎ ‎11.tuition n. 学费 ‎12.in cash 用现金支付 ‎13.credit card 信用卡 ‎14.free of charge 不收费;免费 ‎15.at a discount 打折 ‎1.supply n.         供应;供给品 ‎2.price tag 价格标签 ‎3.vendor n. 小贩;摊贩 ‎4.cart n. 手推车 ‎5.defraud v. 骗取(金钱)‎ 二、必背话题佳句 ‎1.As you know, it's very convenient to pay for things by check.‎ 正如你所知道的,用支票付款非常方便。‎ ‎2.Eggs being on sale cheap, the shoppers snapped up the bargain.‎ 鸡蛋在减价出售,买的人争着抢购。‎ ‎3.Not only can online shopping save money, but also offer lots of stores and goods at the same time.‎ 在网上购物不仅可以节省金钱,而且还同时提供了许多商店和商品。‎ ‎4.For example, shopping on the Internet can save students a great deal of time on the way between home and the store, so they would be able ‎ to concentrate more time and energy on their academic work.‎ 例如,在互联网上购物可以节省学生往返于家庭和商店路上的大量时间,因此他们能够把更多的时间和精力用于他们的学业上。‎ ‎5.This item should be bought only at a discount. It is because it will give you the best value for money.‎ 应在打折的时候买这件东西,其原因是这样真的可以让你感到物有所值。‎ Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.You are our old customer, and you know that we do not like to bargain (讨价还价).‎ ‎2.So, if you need to purchase (购买) products or services but don't have the money for it, a credit card is perfect for you.‎ ‎3.He bought the fabric, needle (针), thread and other materials, ready to make his own clothes.‎ ‎4.The mass market caters for a wide range of customers (顾客), producing readytowear clothes in large quantities and standard sizes.‎ ‎5.For books, a special sort of goods (货物), to capture the readers' emotion is of great significance.‎ ‎6.Because buying a new car would be very expensive and I wouldn't be able to afford (负担得起) the insurance.‎ ‎7.He does odd jobs (零工) that bring him in ten to twelve pounds (英镑) a week.‎ ‎8.How much money can their parents pay for the tuition and living expenses (开支)?‎ Ⅱ.选词填空 of good quality, sell out, shopping mall, free of charge, pick out, place an order for, at a discount, in cash ‎ ‎1.He hurried to the bookstore, only to be told that the books have ‎ completely been sold_out.‎ ‎2.I'm going to pick_out a few books to send to several friends in South.‎ ‎3.Ever since ancient times, plants have been the best sources for the making of_good_quality hair care products.‎ ‎4.Shopping is often easier and quicker from behind a computer screen than in a busy high street or shopping_mall.‎ ‎5.You can download from the Internet as much information as you need free_of_charge.‎ ‎6.I got this washing machine at_a_discount because it was the floor model (商品的展览品).‎ ‎7.If you place_an_order_for the new product, we'll give you a five percent discount.‎ ‎8.We have different means of paying for something: by check, in_cash,_etc.‎ Ⅲ.补全句子 ‎1.所有的票都卖完了,我们不得不第二天再去。‎ All the tickets having_been_sold_out,_we had to go again the next day.‎ ‎2.现在正是您在本店购物的好时间,这是因为我们的冬季衣服正在做换季前打折。‎ It is the high time for your purchasing some clothes in our clothes shop. It_is_because we are now having a preseason sale on all our winter clothes.‎ ‎3.正如你知道的那样,如果你用信用卡支付很容易超支。‎ As_you_know,_it's easy to overspend when you pay for something you buy with your credit card.‎ Topic 1 Festivals around the world (Book 3·Unit 1)‎ ‎[主课文晨读] FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient times. Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn. Sometimes celebrations would be held after hunters had caught animals. At that time people would starve if especially during the cold winter months. Today's festivals have many origins, some religious, some seasonal, and some for special people or events.‎ Festivals of the Dead Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors, who might return either to help or to do harm. For the Japanese festival Obon, people should go to clean graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors. They also light lamps and play music because they think that this will lead the ancestors back to earth. In Mexico, people celebrate the Day of the Dead in early November. On this important feast day, people eat food in the shape of skulls and cakes They offer food, flowers and gifts to the dead. The Western holiday Halloween also had its origin in old beliefs about the return of the spirits of dead people. It is now a children's festival, when they can dress up and go to their neighbours' homes to ask for sweets. If the neighbours do not give any sweets, the children might play a trick on them.‎ Festivals to Honour People Festivals can also be held to honour famous people. The Dragon Boat Festival in China honours the famous ancient poet, Qu Yuan. In the USA, Columbus Day is in memory of the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the New World. India has a national festival on October 2 to honour Mohandas Gandhi, the leader Harvest Festivals Harvest and Thanksgiving festivals can be very happy events. People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter and the agricultural work is over. In European countries, people will usually decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruit, and will get together to have meals. Some people might win awards for their farm produce, like the biggest watermelon or the most handsome rooster. China and Japan have midautumn festivals, China, enjoy mooncakes.‎ Spring Festivals The most energetic and important festivals are the ones At the Spring Festival in China, people eat dumplings, fish and meat and may give children lucky money in red paper. There are dragon dances and carnivals, and families celebrate the Lunar New Year together. Some Western countries have very exciting carnivals, which take place forty days before Easter, usually in February. These carnivals might include parades, dancing in the streets day and night, loud music and colourful clothing of all kinds. Easter is an important religious and social festival for Christians around the world. It celebrates the return of Jesus from the dead and the coming of spring and new life. Japan's Cherry Blossom Festival happens a little later. The country, covered with cherry tree flowers, looks People love to get together to eat, drink and have fun with each other. ‎ Festivals let us enjoy life, be proud of our customs and forget our work for a little while.‎ ‎❶“主语+be+adj.+to do sth.”句式 ‎❷with复合结构 ‎❸who引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词leader ‎❹when引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词midautumn festivals ‎❺that引导限制性定语从句,修饰不定代词the ones ‎❻as though引导表语从句 ‎[单词“分类记”]‎ ‎(一)阅读障碍词汇(识其形·知其义)‎ ‎1.ancestor n.       祖先;祖宗 ‎2.grave n. 坟墓;墓地 ‎3.parade n. 游行;阅兵;检阅 ‎4.fashion n. 样子;方式;时尚 ‎(二)高考高频词汇(知其义·写其形)‎ ‎1.starve vi.& vt. (使)饿死;饿得要死 ‎2.trick n. 诡计;恶作剧;窍门 vt. 欺骗;诈骗 ‎3.gain vt. 获得;得到 ‎4.gather vt.& vi. 搜集;集合;聚集 ‎5.award n. 奖;奖品 vt. 授予;判定 ‎6.obvious adj. 明显的;显而易见的 ‎7.remind vt. 提醒;使想起 ‎8.forgive vt. 原谅;饶恕 ‎9.celebration n. 庆祝;祝贺 ‎10.drown vt. & vi. 淹没;溺死;淹死 ‎ (三)活学活用词汇(记得清·用得活)‎ Ⅰ.根据词性和词义写出下列单词 ‎1.origin n.起源;由来;起因→original adj.原始的;最初的 ‎2.religious adj.宗教上的;信奉宗教的;虔诚的→religion n.宗教;宗教信仰 ‎3.belief n.信任;信心;信仰→believe v.相信→believable adj.可信的→unbelievable adj.难以置信的;不可思议的 ‎4.admire vt.赞美;钦佩;羡慕→admirer n.爱慕者;赞赏者;钦佩者→admirable adj.令人钦佩的→admiring adj.赞赏的;羡慕的→admiration n.钦佩;羡慕 ‎5.energetic adj.充满活力的;精力充沛的;积极的→energy n.活力;精力→energetically adv.充满活力地;积极地 ‎6.permission n.许可;允许→permit vt.允许 n.许可证;执照 ‎7.apologize vi.道歉;辩白→apology n.道歉 ‎8.sadness n.悲哀;悲伤→sadly adv.悲伤地→sad adj.悲伤的 ‎9.independence n.独立;自主→independent adj.独立的;自主的 ‎10.agriculture n.农业;农艺;农学→agricultural adj.农业的;农艺的 Ⅱ.用所给词的适当形式填空 ‎1.Don't wait for an apology. Many times the person who hurt you does not intend to apologize.(apology)‎ ‎2.Even if you have a permit,_I won't permit you to enter the hall without my leader's permission.(permit)‎ ‎3.The moment I saw the scientist admired by everyone, words failed to express my admiration.(admire)‎ ‎4.Tom was a boy full of energy and he did everything energetically.(energy)‎ ‎5.Della's eyes were full of sadness at the sad news and she looked sadly at her husband.(sad)‎ ‎6.I believe that if you have belief in your ability you will certainly achieve your dream.(belief)‎ ‎[短语“语境记”]‎ ‎(一)根据汉语写出下列短语 ‎1.take_place 发生 ‎2.in_memory_of 纪念;追念 ‎3.dress_up 穿上盛装;打扮;装饰 ‎4.play_a_trick_on 搞恶作剧;诈骗;开玩笑 ‎5.look_forward_to 期望;期待;盼望 ‎6.day_and_night 日夜;昼夜;整天 ‎7.as_though 好像 ‎8.have_fun_with 玩得开心 ‎9.turn_up 出现;到场 ‎10.keep_one's_word 守信用;履行诺言 ‎11.hold_one's_breath 屏息;屏气 ‎12.set_off 出发;动身;使爆炸 ‎13.remind_..._of_... 使……想起……‎ ‎(二)选用上述短语填空 ‎1.Yesterday one of my best friends played_a_trick_on me, which made me angry.‎ ‎2.The evening party is scheduled to take_place on New Year's Eve.‎ ‎3.On the square, some people lit candles in_memory_of those who died in the explosion.‎ ‎4.Miss Yang promised to attend my birthday party, but she hasn't turned_up so far.‎ ‎5.We're looking_forward_to seeing the new policy carried out, which has drawn many people's attention.‎ ‎6.In order to get ready for the examination, the students are studying ‎ day_and_night.‎ ‎7.If you want to make friends with others, you must keep_your_word.‎ ‎8.At the play, Mr. Green dressed_up as a policeman with dark glasses.‎ ‎ [句式“仿写通”]‎ ‎1.At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find, especially during the cold winter months.‎ 在那个时代,如果食物难以找到,特别是在寒冬月份,人们就会挨饿。‎ ‎[解读] 条件状语从句为“主语+be+adj.+to do”句式,在这个句式中,主语为不定式的逻辑宾语,不定式常用主动语态。‎ ‎[仿写] 陪爷爷奶奶一起度过的那个春节让我难以忘怀。我认为这是一个美好的回忆。‎ The Spring Festival spent together with my grandparents is_difficult_for_me_to_forget.I think it is a good memory.‎ ‎2.Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors, who might return either to help or to do harm.‎ 有些节日,是为了纪念死者,或者使祖先得到满足,因为祖先们有可能回到世上(给人们)提供帮助,也有可能带来危害。‎ ‎[解读] either ...or ...意为“或者……或者……”,在句中连接两个相同的句子成分。‎ ‎[仿写] 在节日里人们可以把它们当作礼物送给朋友或者挂在自己家里。‎ In the festivals people can either_give_them_as_gifts_to_friends_or hang them in their houses. ‎ ‎3.It was obvious that the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave ...‎ 很明显,咖啡馆的经理在等李方离开……‎ ‎[解读] It+be+adj.+that ..., it为形式主语。‎ ‎[仿写] 显而易见长江之旅将是更好的选择。(2017·北京高考书面表达)‎ It_is_obvious_that the trip along the Yangtze River will be a better ‎ choice.‎ ‎[第一板块 重点单词突破]‎ ‎1.admire vt.赞美;钦佩;羡慕;欣赏;观赏 ‎[经典例句] I don't agree with her, but I admire her for sticking to her principle.‎ 我不同意她的意见,但是我欣赏她恪守原则。‎ ‎(1)admire sb. for (doing) sth. 因(做)某事羡慕某人 ‎(2)admiration n. 钦佩;赞美;羡慕 express/have admiration for sb./sth. (表示)羡慕/钦佩某人/某物 ‎(3)admiring adj. 赞赏的;羡慕的 admirable adj. 令人钦佩的;值得赞美的 ‎①We particularly_admire_the_organizers'_idea that it is unnecessary to spend large sums of money on the opening ceremony of the Olympics.‎ 我们特别钦佩组织者的想法,没必要在奥运会开幕式上花费大笔资金。‎ ‎②I'd like to express my admiration for the courage and uncomplaining spirit of the firefighters.‎ 我对消防员们的勇敢和毫无怨言的精神表示钦佩。‎ ‎③She did an admirable (admire) job of holding the audience's attention.‎ 她做了件令人钦佩的事:吸引了观众的注意力。‎ ‎[语境串记] We went to the art gallery last weekend and all the artists are very admirable. In other words, we admired the artists for their admirable skills.‎ 我们上周末去了美术馆,所有的艺术家都非常令人钦佩。换言之,我们钦佩这些艺术家值得赞美的技能。‎ ‎2.apologize vi.道歉;辩白 ‎ ‎[教材原句] Well, he was not going to hold his breath for her to ‎ apologize.‎ 他不想屏息等她来道歉。‎ ‎(1)apologize to sb. for (doing) sth.‎ ‎           因(做)某事向某人道歉 apologize to sb. that ... 向某人道歉……‎ ‎(2)apology n. 道歉 make an apology to sb. for sth. 因某事向某人道歉 accept/refuse one's apology 接受/拒绝某人的道歉 owe sb. an apology 应向某人道歉 ‎①The teacher made a suggestion that she (should) make an apology to her deskmate for her bad behaviour.‎ ‎→The teacher made a suggestion that she (should)_apologize (apologize) to her deskmate for her bad behaviour.‎ 老师建议她应为自己不得体的行为向同桌道歉。‎ ‎②In this instance, the best solution is to send a quick, lighthearted apology (apologize) to explain your awkwardness.(2017·天津高考)‎ 在此情况下,最好的解决办法是发送一个快速的、心情不那么沉重的道歉,来解释你的尴尬。‎ ‎[语境串记] Jack, you owe your sister an apology for losing her edictionary; please go and apologize to her later.‎ 杰克,你应该为弄丢你姐姐的电子词典而向她道歉,待会儿请去给她说声对不起。‎ ‎3.remind vt.提醒;使想起 ‎[高考佳句] The result will help to predict some major and severe diseases and your preference for diet and remind you of suitable ways to exercise.(2015·广东高考写作)‎ 这个结果有助于你预测一些重大疾病和食物偏好,并提醒你合适的锻炼方式。‎ remind sb. of sth./sb.     提醒某人某事/想起某人 remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事 remind (sb.) that/how/what ... 提醒(某人)……‎ ‎①The photos will remind_me_of_the_days when we were together.‎ 这些照片会使我想起我们在一起的日子。‎ ‎②Please remind me to_write (write) an email to my mother tomorrow, for it's her birthday.‎ 请提醒我明天给我母亲写一封电子邮件,因为明天是她的生日。‎ ‎③Reading fiction reminds me that there is life beyond my own.‎ 阅读小说提醒我在自己的生活之外还有生活。‎ ‎[联想发散] 根据提示,补全下面“v.+sb.+of sth.”短语。‎ ‎①cure sb.of sth.    治好某人的病 ‎②accuse sb.of sth. 指控某人某事 ‎ ‎③cheat sb.of sth. 骗取某人某物 ‎ ‎④inform sb.of sth. 通知某人某事 ‎⑤convince sb.of sth. 使某人相信某事 ‎⑥rob sb.of sth. 抢劫某人某物 ‎4.forgive (forgave, forgiven)vt.原谅;饶恕 ‎[教材原句] She would never forgive him.‎ 她恐怕永远也不会原谅他了。‎ forgive me          请原谅;对不起 forgive sb. sth. 原谅某人某事 forgive sb. for (doing) sth. 原谅某人(做了)某事 forgive one's doing sth. 原谅某人做了某事 ‎①Forgive others, and you will_be_forgiven (forgive).‎ 宽恕别人,你就会被宽恕。‎ ‎②I can't forgive myself for not seeing my mother before she died.‎ 我为母亲临终前未去见她一面而不能原谅自己。‎ ‎[联想发散] 表示“原谅某人(做)某事”的短语还有pardon/excuse sb. for (doing) sth.等。‎ ‎5.belief n.信任;信心;信仰 hold/have the belief that ... 持有……信念(that引导同位语从句)‎ beyond belief 难以置信 单句语法填空 ‎①The only way to succeed at the highest level is to have total belief that you are better than anyone else on the sports field.‎ ‎②The small house they lived in was dirty beyond belief.‎ ‎6.trick n.诡计;恶作剧;窍门 vt.欺骗;诈骗 play tricks/a trick on sb.    捉弄某人 trick sb. into doing sth. 诱使某人做某事 trick sb. out of sth. 骗走某人某物 ‎(1)介、副词填空 ‎①The girls were always playing tricks on the little boy.‎ ‎②She was tricked out_of her life savings.‎ ‎(2)根据语境选出trick的词性和词义 ‎③He tricked me into lending him 10,000 yuan.__B__‎ ‎④He used the old trick of attacking in order to defend himself. __A__‎ ‎⑤The children loved playing tricks on their teacher. __C__‎ ‎[单词过关练]‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.You must remind him to_take (take) his medicine, in case he forgets.‎ ‎2.After taking some photos, they stopped at the top of the hill to_admire (admire) the scenery.‎ ‎3.I must make an apology (apologize) to him for not going to his party.‎ ‎4.He hurt me deeply and begged me to forgive him for his actions.‎ ‎5.He tricked her into marrying him by pretending that he was rich.‎ ‎6.It is my belief that technology makes life better.‎ ‎7.In my hometown, there is a tradition that we will hold a celebration (celebrate) party when we enter a higher school.‎ ‎8.Only by keeping ourselves healthy and strong can we feel energetic (energy).‎ ‎9.Be careful when crossing the bridge or you will fall into the water and get drowned (drown). ‎ ‎10.No official permission (permit) has been given for the event to take place.‎ Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.We admire the old scientist with his great contributions to the country.with→for ‎2.He did it in the belief whether he was right.whether→that ‎3.We can't figure out why so many people were taken in by such simple trick.such后加a_或trick→tricks ‎4.He made an public apology to his teacher for his improper remarks.an→a ‎5.Be careful when crossing the bridge or you will fall into the water and get drowning. drowning→drowned ‎6.Obvious, students are terrible at adjusting their sleep cycles to their daily schedule.Obvious→Obviously Ⅲ.补全句子/一句多译 ‎1.我认为李萍很适合这个职位。(belief)‎ I hold/have_the_belief_that Li Ping is quite suitable for the post.‎ ‎2.被老师表扬之后,这个小女孩非常满意,高兴地跑回家了。(形容词作状语)‎ Having been praised by the teacher, the little girl ran back home, happy_and_satisfied.‎ ‎3.做完所有的工作后,我们竖起了布告牌提醒人们保护这些树木。‎ ‎①After getting the work done, we put up a board_reminding_people_to_protect_the_trees.(分词作定语)‎ ‎②After getting the work done, we put up a board_which/that_reminds_people_to_protect_the_trees.(定语从句)‎ ‎4.为此事可能给你带来的任何不便,我深表歉意。‎ ‎①I must apologize_for_any inconvenience it may have caused you.(apologize)‎ ‎②I must make_an_apology_for/express_my_apology_for any inconvenience it may have caused you.(apology)‎ ‎[第二板块 短语、句式突破]‎ ‎1.look forward to期望;期待;盼望 ‎[高考佳句] Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to let me know. Looking forward to your early reply.(2017·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达)‎ 如果你有任何问题,请不要犹豫,让我知道。期待你的尽快答复。‎ 根据语境,注意下面句子中to后加黑单词的形式的不同并完成下面的分析 ‎①He looked forward to see who was making a loud noise in the crowd. ‎ ‎②The day that he had been looking forward to came at last.‎ ‎③She has been looking forward to having a chance to pay a visit to Zhangjiajie.‎ 分析:①句中look forward意为“向前看”,其后所接动词不定式表目的。‎ ‎②句中look forward to意为“期待;盼望”,“that he had been looking forward to”在句中作定语修饰先行词the day,故句中加黑单词为主句的谓语动词。‎ ‎③句中look forward to意为“期待;盼望”,having a chance在句中作介词to的宾语。‎ 含介词to的常用动词短语还有:‎ lead to           导致 contribute to 促成;是……成因之一 get down to 开始认真做……‎ be devoted to 专心于 be used/accustomed to 习惯于 adjust/adapt to 适应 object to/be opposed to 反对 ‎④As a matter of fact, he objects to_being_treated_(treat) like a child.‎ 事实上,他反对被当作小孩子。‎ ‎2.turn up出现;到场;开大(音量);向上翻 ‎[高考佳句] Don't worry. I'm sure your missing glasses will turn up sooner or later.(2015·湖北高考多选)‎ 不要担心,我敢肯定,你丢失的眼镜早晚会出现。‎ ‎[一词多义] 写出下列句中turn up的含义 ‎①If you invite people to a party at 7 o'clock, your guests will consider it polite to turn up exactly on time in Germany.出现;到场 ‎②I can't hear the music. Please turn up the radio.开大(音量)‎ ‎③He turned up his coat collar against the chill wind.向上翻 turn down       拒绝;关小(音量);调低 turn in 上交;提交 turn out 结果是;证明是 turn over 使翻转;移交;转变 turn off 关掉 turn on 打开 turn to sb.(for help) 向某人求助 ‎④I often turn_to_my_classmates_or_teachers_for_help. As a result, I have made steady progress in my studies.(2014·安徽高考书面表达)‎ 我经常向同学或老师求助,因此我在学习上不断取得进步。‎ ‎3.It_was_obvious_that the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave ...‎ 很明显,咖啡馆的经理在等李方离开……‎ 句中It was obvious that ...为“It be+形容词(obvious, true, possible, strange, natural, important ...)+that从句”句型,it作形式主语,指代后面that 引导的主语从句。‎ it作形式主语的其他常用句式:‎ ‎(1)It be+过去分词(said, thought, believed, supposed, reported ...)+that从句 ‎(2)It+不及物动词(seem, occur, happen ...)+that从句 ‎(3)It be+名词短语(a pity, a fact, a wonder, an honour, an idea, no wonder ...)+that从句 ‎①It is important that you (should)_hand (hand) in your article before 28th, June.(2015·全国卷Ⅰ满分作文)‎ 在6月28号之前交上你的文章是很重要的。‎ ‎②It_is_reported_that donating blood does good to health.‎ 据报道,献血对健康有好处。‎ ‎③It_occurred_to_me_that the noodles you cooked tasted good.‎ 我想起来了,你煮的面条味道还真不错!‎ ‎④It's_a_good_idea_that_we will go skating this Sunday.‎ 本周日我们将去滑冰,这是个好主意。‎ ‎ [名师指津] 在句型“It is/was strange/natural/important/necessary/essential ...+that从句”中,从句常用虚拟语气,即从句谓语动词为“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。‎ ‎[短语、句式过关练]‎ Ⅰ.短语填空 ‎1.用介词to的相关短语填空(look forward to, be used to, devote oneself to, get down to) ‎ ‎①He is_used_to sleeping with the window open at night in summer.‎ ‎②That's enough fun and games! Let's get_down_to work. ‎ ‎③The young man_devoted_himself_to helping the poor and the sick. ‎ ‎④Meanwhile, I am looking_forward_to hearing from you as soon as ‎ possible. ‎ ‎2.用turn短语完成下面语段 This morning, my grandmother ①turned_on the radio to listen to news as usual. She felt she could not hear clearly, so she ②turned_it_up. But it was no use. She had to ③turn_to_my_father_for_help. I saw my father ④_turned_off the radio to see what was wrong. It ⑤turned_out that the button didn't work any more. My father repaired it and told my grandmother to ⑥turn_down the radio, for the neighbor's little baby was asleep at the time.‎ 今天早上,祖母像往常一样打开收音机听新闻。她感觉听不清楚,便把声音开大,但是没起作用,她只得求助于我父亲。我看到父亲关掉了收音机看哪里出了问题,原来是旋钮出毛病了。我父亲修好旋钮后让祖母把声音调小,因为这个时候邻居家的小孩在睡觉。‎ Ⅱ.句型转换 ‎1.The truth is that if you want respect, you have to give respect. ‎ ‎→It_is_true_that if you want respect, you have to give respect.(it作形式主语)‎ ‎2.It is obvious to everyone that the child has been badly treated.‎ ‎→The child has been badly treated, which_is_obvious_to_everyone.(定语从句)‎ ‎→What_is_obvious_to_everyone is that the child has been badly treated.(主语从句)‎ 一、表达能力——用课文词汇写高分作文 celebration, admire, turn up, remind ...of ..., look forward to, have fun with, make an apology to ‎ ‎1.补全要点句(“黑体”部分选用上面方框中的单词或短语)‎ ‎①中秋节是一个重要的中国传统节日。它总是让我们想起满月、月饼等。‎ The MidAutumn Festival is an important traditional Chinese festival. It always_reminds_us_of_the full moon, mooncakes and so on.‎ ‎②无论有多远或者我们有多忙,我们尽量回家庆祝节日并期待家人团聚。‎ No matter how far away or how busy we are, we will try to come home for the celebration and look_forward_to the family reunion.‎ ‎③我们和家人玩得开心。我们通常坐在一起,欣赏天空美丽的月亮。‎ We have_fun_with our family. We usually sit together and admire_the_beautiful_moon_up_in_the_sky.‎ ‎④如果有人在这个重要的节日不能出现,他们经常向父母道歉。‎ If someone can't_turn_up at the important festival, they often make_an_apology_to_their parents.‎ ‎⑤自然地,他们非常想念他们的家人。‎ Naturally,_they miss their family very much.‎ ‎2.升级平淡句 ‎(1)用非限制性定语从句升级句①‎ The_MidAutumn_Festival_is_an_important_traditional_Chinese_festival,_which_always_reminds_us_of_the_full_moon,_mooncakes_and_so_on.‎ ‎(2)用分词作伴随状语改写句③‎ We_have_fun_with_our_family._We_usually_sit_together,_admiring_the_beautiful_moon_up_in_the_sky.‎ ‎(3)用it作形式主语改写句⑤‎ It's_natural_that_they_(should)_miss_their_family_very_much.‎ ‎3.衔接成语篇(注意使用适当的过渡衔接词汇: usually, for example)‎ The MidAutumn Festival is an important traditional Chinese festival, which always reminds us of the full moon, mooncakes and so on. Usually, no matter how far away or how busy we are, we will try to come home for the celebration and look forward to the family reunion. We have ‎ fun with our family. For example, we usually sit together, admiring the beautiful moon up in the sky. If someone can't turn up at the important festival, they often make an apology to their parents. It's natural that they (should) miss their family very much.‎ 二、阅读能力——用课文句型解构高考长难句[本单元突破点——状语从句+宾语从句]‎ 经典例句 比较分析 真题尝试翻译 课文长难句 They also light lamps and play music because they think that this will lead the ancestors back to earth.‎ because 引导原因状语从句,在该从句中 that引导宾语从句。‎ 当说到适应时,理解气候变化是一个过程,这点是重要的。‎ 真题长难句 When it comes to adaptation, it is important to understand that climate change is a process.(2017·江苏高考阅读理解D)‎ when引导时间状语从句;that引导宾语从句。‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A 话题 词数 建议用时 节日简介 ‎236‎ ‎6分钟 ‎(2018·郑州市第一次质检)‎ The Cambridge Festivals January Cambridge Winter Ale (啤酒) Festival The festival features a range of local and national beers, including ‎ traditional winter beers, locally produced ciders (苹果酒) and a selection of bottled beers from around the world. Smaller than its sister festival in May, this is another chance to try some rare ales over three days in January.‎ More information: www.cambridgebeerfestival.com February eLuminate The fiveday festival connects ambitious art with imaginative technology to cast light on low carbon innovation. It offers a unique opportunity to discover, or rediscover, the richness and diversity of Cambridge's buildings and public spaces through a range of amazing lights. Brighten the winter days by attending shows, concerts, guided tours, family activities and talks.‎ More information: www.eluminatefestivals.co.uk March ‎ Cambridge Style Week Cambridge's annual fashion week includes various catwalk shows, boutiques (精品店), instore events and much more! Cambridge Style Week showcases a variety of stores from in and around Cambridge, ranging from popular brands, designer labels to independent boutiques.‎ More information: www.cambridgestyleweek.com April ‎ Cambridge Literary Festival Founded in 2003, Cambridge Literary Festival is an important event of the city's cultural calendar. Every April and November, it is held in the city's historic centre and offers creative writing discussions as well as talks and readings from established authors. Usually, its spring festival lasts for five days while its winter one is for one day only.‎ More information: www.cambridgeliteraryfestival.com ‎1.What's one of the features of eLuminate festival?‎ A.The Internet.         B.The light.‎ C.Shows. D.Talks.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据eLuminate介绍中的“cast light on” “a range of amazing lights” “Brighten the winter days”可知,灯光是这个节日的特色之一。‎ ‎2.The festival that lasts for the shortest time is held in ________.‎ A.January B.February C.March D.April 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据四个节日介绍中分别出现的“over three days” “The fiveday festival” “Cambridge's annual fashion week” “its spring festival lasts for five days”可以看出,在每年一月举行的剑桥冬季啤酒节只持续三天多,时间最短。‎ ‎3.Which festival is held twice every year?‎ A.eLuminate.‎ B.Cambridge Style Week.‎ C.Cambridge Literary Festival.‎ D.Cambridge Winter Ale Festival.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据Cambridge Literary Festival介绍中的“Every April and November, it is held ...”可知,剑桥文学节每年举行两次,分别在四月和十一月。‎ B 话题 词数 建议用时 万圣节 ‎290‎ ‎7分钟 ‎(2018·德州一中高三第二次月考)Halloween is a holiday celebrated on the night of October 31, before All Saints Day. The word “Halloween” is a shortening of All Hallows Evening, also known as Halloween or All ‎ Hallows' Eve.‎ Traditional activities include trickortreating, bonfires, costume parties, visiting “ghost houses” and cutting jacko'lanterns.‎ Halloween has its origins in the ancient festival known as Samhain (pronounced “sahwin”). The festival of Samhain is a celebration of the end of the harvest season in Gaelic culture. The ancient Gaels believed that on October 31, the boundaries between the worlds of the living and the dead overlapped (重叠) and the dead would come back to life and cause destruction such as sickness or damaged crops.‎ The festival frequently includes bonfire. It is believed that the fires attract the harmful insects to the area which attract bats to the area to eat them. These are additional features of the history of Halloween.Masks and costumes were worn in an attempt to imitate the evil spirits.‎ Trickortreating, is an activity for children on or around Halloween in which they go on from house to house in costumes, asking for treats such as candies with the question, “Trick or treat?” Trickortreating is one of the main traditions of Halloween. It has become socially expected that if one lives in a neighborhood with children one should buy treat in preparation for trickortreaters.‎ The history of Halloween has evolved. The activity is popular in the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Canada. Bad trickortreating has started to happen among children in many parts of Europe. In continental Europe, where the commercedriven importation of Halloween is seen with more illegal “tricks” and police warnings have further raised doubt about this game and Halloween in general.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了西方传统节日——万圣节的起源和它的一些主要活动。‎ ‎4.What does Halloween refer to?‎ A.All Saints Day. B.All Hallows' Eve.‎ C.Easter. D.Thanksgiving.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句可知Halloween是“All Hallows Evening”的缩写,也被称为“All Hallows' Eve”。‎ ‎5.Why did the dead come back to life in Gaelic culture?‎ A.Because the dead missed their relatives and families.‎ B.Because they felt bored and wanted to travel in the living world.‎ C.Because the lines between the worlds of the living and the dead overlapped on that day.‎ D.Because the living people were once cruel to those who died.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第三段第三句中的“the boundaries between the worlds of the living and the dead overlapped (重叠) and the dead would come back to life”可知在盖尔族文化中,10月31日那天,阴阳两界重合,导致死去的人重生。‎ ‎6.We can infer from the fourth paragraph that ________.‎ A.the bonfires were the origin of Halloween B.people make a fire to keep warm C.the bonfires can burn all the harmful insects D.people believe that the bonfires work a lot 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第四段可知那时人们点上篝火,火把害虫和蝙蝠都吸引过来,蝙蝠吃掉了害虫。这样,人们就认为是篝火起了作用,是神灵在保护他们。‎ ‎7.What is the best title of the passage?‎ A.The influence of Halloween B.The meaning of Halloween C.The main activities of Halloween D.Halloween―a festival connected with the dead 解析:选D 标题归纳题。文章主要介绍了西方节日——万圣节的起源和它的一些主要活动。前三项不全面,不适合为标题。只有D项概括得最全面,故选D。‎ Ⅱ.完形填空 ‎(2018·银川一中高三模拟)‎ April Fool's Day April Fool's Day is a western festival. No one __1__ exactly when and how April Fool's Day began. However, there are some stories about __2__ it came into being. One story __3__ like this: in the sixteenthcentury France, the start of the new year was on April first. It was celebrated __4__ much the same way __5__ it is today with parties and dancing into the late hours of the night.‎ Then in 1562, Pope (教皇) Gregory introduced a new calendar for the Christian world, and the new year fell on January first. There were some people, __6__, who hadn't heard or didn't believe the __7__ in the date, so they __8__ to celebrate New Year's Day on April first. __9__ played tricks on them and called them “April fools”. They tried to make them believe that something false was __10__. In France today, April first is called“April Fish”. French children fool their friends by taping a paper fish to their friends'__11__. When the “young fool” __12__ this trick, the prankster (恶作剧者) shouts “April Fish”!‎ Today Americans play small tricks on friends and strangers alike on the first of April. One __13__ trick on April Fool's Day is __14__ down to a friend's shoe and saying, “Your shoelace is untied.” School children might tell a classmate that school has been canceled (取消). __15__ the trick is, if you fail for the joke the prankster shouts “April Fool!”‎ In Britain today, on the first of April, even __16__ newspapers, radio and TV programs tell big lies. You __17__ read a science __18__ showing that doctors have found a way to cure (治愈) AIDS, __19__ you would probably listen to a piece of news about a UFO __20__ on an island.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章对愚人节的起源做了简单介绍。在世界各地,人们用不同的方式来庆祝这个特殊的节日。‎ ‎1.A.understands        B.knows C.believes D.remembers 解析:选B 由空格后的“when and how”可以看出应用know。没有人确切地“知道(know)”愚人节的来历。‎ ‎2.A.when B.why C.how D.where 解析:选C 由后文的“One story ...”可知此处是在讲述愚人节的来历,故用how表示“怎样”。‎ ‎3.A.goes B.tells C.happens D.writes 解析:选A story goes ... 为固定搭配,意为“据说……”。‎ ‎4.A.as B.like C.with D.in 解析:选D 介词in与后文的“the same way”构成搭配。in ... way为固定搭配,表示“以……的方式”。‎ ‎5.A.like B.as C.so D.for 解析:选B 当初庆祝新年的方式与现在很像。由空格后的从句可确定应使用as引导从句。as意为“正如”。‎ ‎6.A.however B.but C.therefore D.instead 解析:选A 由前后语意可知表转折。由空格前后的逗号可确定用however。‎ ‎7.A.fact B.news C.change D.information 解析:选C 新年的时间由四月“改为”一月,这是时间的改变,故用change。‎ ‎8.A.remained B.continued C.considered D.went 解析:选B 因为有的人没听说或不相信新年时间的改变,所以会“继续(continue)”在四月一日庆祝新年。‎ ‎9.A.Others B.Somebody C.Many D.Some 解析:选A others与前文的“some”相对应,构成some ... others ...,意为“一些……另一些……”。‎ ‎10.A.real B.true C.right D.correct 解析:选B 在愚人节的时候,人们试图让别人相信假的事情是“真的”。false的反义词为true。‎ ‎11.A.hands B.faces C.backs D.heads 解析:选C 由常识可知,只有把纸鱼贴到“后背(back)”上,被捉弄的人才不容易发现。‎ ‎12.A.discovers B.sees C.finds D.notices 解析:选A 被捉弄的人后来会发现人们的把戏。discover意为“发现”,而find强调“找到”。‎ ‎13.A.usual B.common C.funny D.silly 解析:选B 由后文可知,指着别人的鞋子说鞋带没系好是愚人节人们的普遍做法。usual意为“通常的”,而common可指“常见的,普遍的”。‎ ‎14.A.putting B.pointing C.getting D.turning 解析:选B 人们捉弄别人的一种常见做法是“指着”别人的鞋子说鞋带没有系好。point“指着”。‎ ‎15.A.Whenever B.Whoever C.Whatever D.Wherever 解析:选C 前文就人们在愚人节时所做的事情进行了列举。该句表示“不论是些什么样的把戏”。whatever在句中充当表语。‎ ‎16.A.serious B.famous C.interesting D.important 解析:选A 由空格前的“even”及空格后的“newspapers, radio and TV programs”可知,即便是一些“严肃的(serious)”报纸、电台等也会在愚人节这天撒弥天大谎。‎ ‎17.A.might B.should C.could D.must 解析:选A 后文举例说明愚人节时报纸、电台可能做的事情,语气并不十分肯定,故用might。‎ ‎18.A.letter B.speech C.writing D.report 解析:选D science report指“科学报告”。‎ ‎19.A.so B.and C.or D.but 解析:选C 空格前后为一些严肃的报纸、电台等在愚人节可能做的事情。人们可能会这样做,也可能会那样做, or表示选择。‎ ‎20.A.lying B.walking C.flying D.landing 解析:选D 由UFO及空格后的介词on可知此处表示“UFO在一个岛上着陆”。land on“在……着陆”。‎ Ⅲ.语法填空 Several weeks before Christmas, Mr. Smith broke his right leg. He was sent to a nearby hospital, in __61__ he had an operation. Mr. Smith didn't like __62__ smell in the hospital, and he didn't like to spend Christmas in it either. He always asked his doctor when he could go home. The doctor told him to be __63__ (patience), saying that he would have to spend Christmas in hospital.‎ Lying in bed at Christmas, Mr. Smith felt very sad. Some days __64__ (late), the doctor told him that he would be well enough __65__ (leave) hospital before the New Year. Mr. Smith was glad that he would spend New Year's Day __66__ the hospital, and he could have parties with all of his __67__ (friend).‎ Soon Mr. Smith left hospital. On the night before New Year's Day, he went to a big party and enjoyed __68__ (he) there. He didn't go home until 12 o'clock. But he __69__ (drink) too much that night. On his way home, he had a fall and broke his left leg. And now you know __70__ you could see Mr. Smith on New Year's Day.‎ 语篇解读:史密斯先生右腿摔伤,不得不在医院度过圣诞节。新年前夕,史密斯先生康复出院。但在除夕之夜,史密斯先生与朋友酗酒狂欢后,回家路上又把左腿摔折了。‎ ‎1.which “in which he had an operation”是“介词+关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词hospital。‎ ‎2.the 特指医院里面的气味,故要用定冠词the。‎ ‎3.patient 空格中所填单词在句中作表语,需用patience的形容词形式。‎ ‎4.later “一段时间+later”表示“一段时间以后”。‎ ‎5.to leave enough后常接动词不定式作结果状语。‎ ‎6.outside 根据上下文可知,史密斯先生很高兴他能在医院外过新年了。‎ ‎7.friends 从该空前的“all of”可知,此处应用friends。‎ ‎8.himself enjoy oneself是习惯搭配,意思是“玩得开心”。‎ ‎9.drank 该空所在句中有“that night”具体的过去时间作状语,所以谓语动词用一般过去式。‎ ‎10.where 该句意思是“现在你知道新年在哪儿能看到史密斯先生了吧”,故用where引导宾语从句。‎ Topic 2 Theme parks (Book 4·Unit 5)‎ ‎[主课文晨读] THEME PARKS — FUN AND MORE ‎ THAN FUN Which theme park would you like to visit? There are various kinds of theme parks, with a different park for almost everything: food, culture, science, cartoons, movies or history. Some parks are famous for having the biggest or longest roller coasters, others for showing the famous sights and sounds of a culture. ‎ there is a theme park for you!‎ The theme park you are probably most familiar with is Disneyland. It can be found in several parts of the world. It will bring you into a magical world and make your dreams come true, through space, visiting a ship or meeting your favourite As you wander around the fantasy amusement park, you may see Snow White or Mickey Mouse in a parade or on the street. Of course Disneyland also has many exciting rides, from giant swinging ships to terrifying freefall drops. With all these attractions, wherever there is a Disneyland. If you want to have fun and more than fun, come to Disneyland!‎ Dollywood, in the beautiful Smoky Mountains in the southeastern USA, is one of the most unique theme parks in the world. Dollywood shows and celebrates America's traditional southeastern culture. Although Dollywood has rides, the park's main attraction is its culture. Famous country music groups perform there all year in indoor and outdoor theatres. People come from all over America to see carpenters and other craftsmen make wood, glass and iron objects in the oldfashioned way. Visit the candy shop to try or take a ride on the only steamengine train still working in the southeast USA. You can even see beautiful bald eagles in the world's largest bald eagle preserve. And for those who like rides, Dollywood has one of the best old wooden roller coasters, Thunderhead. It is worldfamous for having the most length in the smallest space. Come to Dollywood to have fun learning all about America's historical southeastern culture!‎ If you want to experience the ancient days and great deeds of English knights and ladies, princes and queens, then England's Camelot Park is the place for you. Every area of the park is modelled after life in the ‎ days of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. In one place, you can watch magic shows with Merlin the Wizard. If you want to see fighting with swords or on horseback, then the jousting area is a good place to visit. If you do well there, King Arthur may choose you to fight in the big jousting tournament. Do you like animals? Then visit the farm area, and learn how people in ancient England ran their farms and took care of their animals. To enter a world of fantasy about ancient England, come to Camelot Park!‎ ‎❶“疑问词+ever”引导让步状语从句 ‎❷whether ...or ...“不管……还是……”,引导让步状语从句 ‎❸(It is) no wonder that ...“难怪……”‎ ‎❹the same ... that ...“和……一样”,that引导定语从句 ‎[单词“分类记”]‎ ‎(一)阅读障碍词汇(识其形·知其义)‎ ‎1.tournament n.        锦标赛;联赛;(中世纪)骑士比武 ‎2.jungle n. 丛林 ‎3.shuttle n. 往返汽车;航天飞机 ‎4.pirate n. 海盗;盗版 ‎5.souvenir n. 纪念品 ‎6.brochure n. (作宣传或介绍用的)小册子;指南 ‎(二)高考高频词汇(知其义·写其形)‎ ‎1.theme n. 题目;主题(曲)‎ ‎2.central adj. 中心的;中央的 ‎3.swing n. 秋千;摇摆 ‎ vt.& vi. 摇摆;摆动 ‎4.unique adj. 独一无二的;仅有的 ‎5.preserve vt. 保存;保留 n. 保护区 ‎6.brand n. 商标;牌子 ‎7.creature n. 生物;动物 ‎8.tourism n. 旅游业 ‎9.deed n. 行动;事迹 ‎ (三)活学活用词汇(记得清·用得活)‎ Ⅰ.根据词性和词义写出下列单词 ‎1.various adj.不同的;各种各样的→variety n.变化;多样性→vary vt.& vi.变化;改变 ‎2.fantasy n.幻想;怪念头→fantastic adj.极好的;了不起的;不现实的;怪诞的 ‎3.amusement n.消遣;娱乐(活动)→amuse vt.使发笑;使快乐→amused adj.逗乐的;觉得好笑的→amusing adj.逗人笑的;有乐趣的 ‎4.attraction n.有吸引力的事物;吸引→attract vt.吸引→attractive adj.吸引人的;有吸引力的 ‎5.length n.长度;长→long adj.长的→lengthen v.(使)变长;加长 ‎6.athletic adj.运动的→athlete n.运动员 ‎7.translator n.译员;翻译→translate vt.翻译→translation n.翻译;译文 ‎8.minority n.少数;少数民族→majority n.大多数 ‎9.advance vt.& vi.前进;促进;提前 n.前进;进步→advanced adj.高级的;先进的 ‎10.admission n.允许进入;入场费;承认→admit v.承认;准入 Ⅱ.用所给词的适当形式填空 ‎1.With the help of the advanced technology, we can complete the task in advance.(advance)‎ ‎2.The audience was amused by the performance in the amusement park.(amuse)‎ ‎3.There are various goods in the supermarket, and the prices vary from cents to dollars.The variety attracts many customers.(various)‎ ‎4.My sister works as a(n) translator of technical texts.She has translated many articles.(translate)‎ ‎5.Some tourist attractions in Beijing attract many foreigners to pay a visit because they are attractive. (attract)‎ ‎[短语“语境记”]‎ ‎(一)根据汉语写出下列短语 ‎1.be_famous_for       以……而闻名 ‎2.be_familiar_with 对……熟悉 ‎3.be_modelled_after 根据……模仿;仿造 ‎4.take_part_in 参加 ‎5.in_advance 提前 ‎6.come_true 实现 ‎7.no_wonder 难怪;不足为奇 ‎8.have_fun 玩得高兴 ‎9.get_close_to 接近 ‎10.come_to_life 活跃起来 ‎(二)选用上述短语填空 ‎1.You have been working in front of the computer too long; no_wonder you have got a headache.‎ ‎2.If you want to see the film next Sunday, you'd better book the ticket in_advance.‎ ‎3.After she appeared on the stage, the concert soon came_to_life.‎ ‎4.You shouldn't stay at your office all day; getting_close_to nature is good for your health.‎ ‎5.As is known to all, this education system is_modelled_after the French one.‎ ‎6.People say that if you make a wish at the top of the hill, it always comes_true.‎ ‎7.Hangzhou is_famous_for its West Lake and also famous as a beautiful city.‎ ‎8.My uncle has lived in the city for many years, so he is_familiar_with it.‎ ‎[句式“仿写通”]‎ ‎1.Some parks are famous for having the biggest or longest roller coasters, others for showing the famous sights and sounds of a culture.‎ 一些主题公园以有最大或最长的过山车而闻名,另一些则因展示了文化中的著名景点和声音而闻名。‎ ‎[解读] some ... others ...“一些……另一些……”。‎ ‎[仿写]  一些孩子想去迪斯尼乐园,而另一些孩子更想去爬山。‎ Some children want to go to Disneyland while others_prefer_to_go_climbing.‎ ‎2.Whichever and whatever you like, there is a theme park for you!‎ 无论你喜欢哪一个,不管你喜欢什么,都会有一个适合你的主题公园!‎ ‎[解读] whichever and whatever you like是让步状语从句。‎ ‎[仿写] 无论结果怎样,我们都要微笑着接受,因为我们已经尽了全力。‎ Whatever_the_result_is,_we should accept it with a smile, because we have tried our best.‎ ‎3.Futuroscope is not only for individuals, but is also the perfect mix of fun and learning for class outings.‎ ‎“观测未来”主题公园不仅仅适合个人,也适合学生全班出游,因为它是娱乐与学习的完美结合。‎ ‎[解读] not only ...but also ...“不但……而且……”,not only放在句首时,其所在的句子要用部分倒装。‎ ‎[仿写] 旅游不仅能开阔我们的视野,而且有益于我们的身体健康。‎ Travelling can not_only_broaden our horizons, but_also_benefit/be_beneficial_to our health. ‎ ‎[第一板块 重点单词突破]‎ ‎1.various adj.不同的;各种各样的 ‎[教材原句] There are various kinds of theme parks, with a different park for almost everything: food, culture, science, cartoons, movies or history.‎ 有各种各样的主题公园,不同的公园有不同的主题,但几乎囊括了一切:食物、文化、科学、卡通、电影或历史。‎ ‎(1)for various reasons     由于种种原因 ‎(2)variety n. 变化;多样性;种类 a variety of/varieties of 种类繁多的;各种各样的 ‎(3)vary vt.& vi. 改变;变化 vary from ...to ... 从……到……不等;‎ ‎ 在……到……之间变动 ‎①Visit pacificsciencecenter.org to find various (variety) ways you can support Pacific Science Center.(2017·全国卷Ⅰ)‎ 浏览pacificsciencecenter.org网站找到各种各样你能支持太平洋科学中心的方法。‎ ‎②Make sure that as you go from interview to interview, you are getting a_variety_of/varieties_of answers.(2017·6月浙江高考)‎ 确保当你进行一个又一个的采访时,你能得到各种各样的答案。‎ ‎③Opinions on this matter vary from person to person.‎ 对于这件事,人人意见不一。‎ ‎2.preserve vt.保存;保留;保护;维护n.保护区 ‎[经典例句] The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction.‎ 成立这个协会是为了保护濒危物种不致灭绝。‎ ‎(1)preserve ... from ...     保护……免受……‎ be (well/strictly) preserved 被(很好/严格地)保存 ‎(2)preservation n. 维护;保护 ‎①They were determined to preserve their students from harm.‎ 他们决心保护他们的学生免受伤害。‎ ‎②I think these interesting old customs should be_preserved (preserve).‎ 我认为这些有趣的旧习俗应该保留下来。‎ ‎③As we all know, the police are responsible for the preservation (preserve) of law and order.‎ 我们大家都知道警察是负责维护治安的。‎ ‎3.advance vt.& vi.前进;促进;提前n.前进;进步;高升;预先 ‎[高考佳句] He would call in advance to make sure there was no alcohol at the party.(2017·天津高考)‎ 他会提前打电话,确保聚会时不喝酒。‎ ‎(1)advance on/upon/towards  朝……前进 be advanced to ... 被提拔为……‎ ‎(2)in advance 预先;提前(指事先)‎ in advance of ... 在……前面;超过……‎ make advances in ... 在……方面取得进步 ‎(3)advanced adj. 高级的;先进的 ‎①This research has done much to_advance (advance) our understanding of language learning.‎ 这项研究大大提高了我们对语言学习的认识。‎ ‎②China has_made_great_advances_in science and technology in the past decade.‎ 在过去十年里,中国在科技方面进步很大。‎ ‎③It's impolite of you to visit someone without informing him or her in_advance.‎ 不提前告诉别人就去拜访是不礼貌的。‎ ‎4.amusement n.消遣;娱乐(活动)‎ 用amusement的适当形式填空 Yesterday we went to the park for ①amusement. The park provided a lot of ②amusing performances, which ③amused the tourists a lot. The clowns walked off the stage, shaking hands with the audience, giving candies to the children and making the children really ④amused.‎ ‎5.admission n.允许进入;入场费;承认 写出下列句中admission的含义 ‎①They started a campaign for the admission of the women to the club.允许进入 ‎②His admission that he was the thief surprised everyone.承认 ‎③I want to know what's the admission to the park.入场费 ‎[单词过关练]‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.The young man, who had gained admission (admit) to a university, decided to do some parttime jobs to gain more practical experience.‎ ‎2.We have various (vary) summer camps for your holidays. You can choose one based on your own interests.‎ ‎3.If you have finished your translation (translate), please hand back my dictionary.‎ ‎4.Well preserved (preserve) in the nature reserve, pandas live a happy life.‎ ‎5.Having shown you around our school, we will introduce our most advanced (advance) science lab to you.‎ ‎6.The coastal areas have mild winters, but by contrast the central (center) plains become extremely cold.‎ ‎7.This kind of friendly and harmonious atmosphere is unique to our company, and you can't experience it in any other place.‎ ‎8.This field measures fifty metres in length (long), which is twice the size of another one next to it.‎ ‎9.Deeds (deed) are better than words when people are in need of ‎ help.‎ ‎10.Venice is one of the great tourist attractions (attract) of the world.‎ Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.There is a variety of books for us to choose from, like history books, science books, literary books and so on.is→are ‎2.We must take some measures to preserve the endangered animals from killed. from后加being ‎3.Only by improving education and high science technology can a country become a advanced one.第二个a→an ‎4.It is known that the koala is unique with Australia.with→to ‎5.If we are on the minority, we are pressured into joining the majority. on→in Ⅲ.补全句子/一句多译 ‎1.他们在这里讨论全世界各种各样的事情。‎ They discussed various/a_variety_of/varieties_of_matters_all_over_the_world.‎ ‎2.因为我们要步行大约两周,所以我需要预先买一个大的背包来装食品和水等必需品。‎ Since we'll be walking for almost two weeks, I'll need to buy a large backpack in_advance to carry my supplies of food and water.‎ ‎3.令我们非常愉快的是,老师在课堂上唱了一首滑稽的歌。(amusement)‎ To_our_great_amusement,_the teacher sang a funny song in class.‎ ‎4.自然资源有限,我们应采取行动保护资源不被浪费。‎ ‎①With the limited natural resources, we should take action to preserve_them_from_being_wasted.(preserve)‎ ‎②With the limited natural resources, we should take action to stop_them_from_being_wasted.(stop)‎ ‎③With the limited natural resources, we should take action to keep_them_from_being_wasted.(keep)‎ ‎④With the limited natural resources, we should take action to protect_them_from_being_wasted.(protect)‎ ‎[第二板块 短语、句式突破]‎ ‎1.no wonder难怪;不足为奇 ‎[教材原句] With all these attractions, no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland.‎ 有这么多引人入胜的东西,难怪哪里有迪斯尼乐园,哪里的旅游业就会发展。‎ No wonder (that) ...=It's no wonder (that) ...‎ ‎ 难怪……;……不足为奇 ‎ It is a wonder that ... 奇怪的是……‎ in wonder 惊讶地;惊奇地 wonder whether (if)/when/why/how ... 想知道是否/什么时候/‎ ‎ 为什么/怎么……‎ ‎①He hasn't slept at all for three days. No_wonder/It's_no_wonder_that he is tired out.‎ 他三天没睡觉了,难怪他疲惫不堪。‎ ‎②I watched in_wonder as she ran circles around the other kids.‎ 我很惊奇地看着她绕着其他孩子一圈圈地跑。‎ ‎③I_wonder_if you could give me some advice on how to learn English.‎ 我想知道您是否能给我一些如何学习英语的建议。‎ ‎[联想发散] 写出下面“no+名词”短语的含义 ‎①no way  没门     ②no problem 没问题 ‎③no doubt 毫无疑问 ④no hurry 不着急 ‎2.come to life活跃起来;苏醒过来 ‎[高考佳句] The landscape, beautiful on its own, somehow comes to life and breathes because this woman is engaging with it.(2017·天津高考)‎ 不知怎的,本身就很美的风景有了生机和呼吸,因为这位女士融入了其中。‎ ‎(1)come to (oneself)    苏醒过来 come back to life 苏醒过来;复活 come to light 被发现;被知晓 when it comes to ... 当谈到……‎ ‎(2)bring sth.(back) to life 使……生动;使……恢复生机 live/lead a ...life 过着……的生活 ‎①When the children heard that their teacher came_to_life,_the whole class came_to_life at once.‎ 当孩子们听说老师苏醒过来时,整个班立刻活跃了起来。‎ ‎②After the earthquake,the villagers tried their best to bring_the_village_(back)_to_life.‎ 地震过后,村民们尽力使村庄恢复生机。‎ ‎③When_it_comes_to_education,_the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study.‎ 说到教育,大部分人认为它是一个终身学习的过程。‎ ‎[名师指津] 和“bring sth. back to life”相反,“come to life”为不及物动词短语,没有被动语态,一般不用于进行时。‎ ‎3.Whichever_and_whatever_you_like,_there is a theme park for you!‎ 不论你喜欢哪一个,不管你喜欢什么,都会有一个适合你的主题公园!‎ whichever and whatever you like是让步状语从句。‎ 引导让步状语从句 ‎(2)whatever, whichever, who(m)ever 既可引导让步状语从句,又可引导名词性从句 ‎(3)no matter what, no matter which, no matter who(m)‎ ‎ 只引导让步状语从句 ‎①Whichever/No_matter_which road you take, it will lead you to the station.‎ 无论你走哪一条路都会到车站。‎ ‎②Every year, whoever makes the most beautiful kite will win a prize ‎ in the Kite Festival.(2017·北京高考单选)‎ 每年,在风筝节上风筝做得最漂亮的人将赢得一份奖品。‎ ‎③Whenever/No_matter_when I'm unhappy, it is my friends who cheer me up.‎ 不管什么时候我不高兴了,总是我的朋友们让我振作起来。‎ ‎4.Futuroscope is not_only for individuals, but is also the perfect mix of fun and learning for class outings.‎ ‎“观测未来”主题公园不仅仅适合个人,也适合学生全班出游,因为它是娱乐与学习的完美结合。‎ not only ... but also ...“不但……而且……”,连接并列成分。‎ not only ...but also ...‎ ‎(1)用于连接两个表示并列关系的成分,着重强调后者,其意为“不仅……而且……”;其中的also有时可以省略。‎ ‎(2)连接两个句子,且not only位于句首时, not only后面的句子要用部分倒装。‎ ‎(3)连接的两个成分作主语,其谓语通常与靠近的主语保持一致。‎ ‎①Classic works not only offer you joy and excitement but_(also)_encourage_you_to_think critically.‎ 古典名著不仅带给你快乐和刺激,还鼓励你批判性地思考。‎ ‎②Not only should_we raise money for them, but also we should help them rebuild their home.‎ 我们不仅应该为他们筹集资金,而且应该帮助他们重建家园。‎ ‎③Not only the students but also their teacher likes (like) playing football.‎ 不仅是学生,他们老师也喜欢踢足球。‎ ‎[名师指津] not only不能分开使用;but also既可以连用,也可以分开;also可以省略。‎ ‎[短语、句式过关练]‎ Ⅰ.用come的相关短语完成下面语段 ‎1.When_it_came_to (当谈到) the 2016 Rio Olympics, the discussion ‎ 2.came_to_life (活跃起来) immediately. Many people mentioned the spirit of Chinese women's volleyball team, which has 3.come_to_light (被知晓) all over the country.‎ Ⅱ.句型转换 ‎1.No matter how boring it is now, education will help you be a productive member in society.(2016·10月浙江高考)‎ ‎→However_boring_it_is_now,_education will help you be a productive member in society.‎ ‎2.As a native speaker, I can not only speak Mandarin fluently, but also know how to work on it to make great progress.(2015·四川高考书面表达)‎ ‎→As a native speaker, not only can_I_speak Mandarin fluently, but also know how to work on it to make great progress.‎ ‎3.I want to know if you could give me some advice so that I can get myself better prepared for my stay in Canada.‎ ‎→I wonder_if you could give me some advice so that I can get myself better prepared for my stay in Canada.(2016·10月浙江高考写作)‎ ‎4.It's no wonder that the children love to visit the farm.‎ ‎→No_wonder that the children love to visit the farm.‎ 一、表达能力——用课文词汇写高分作文 preserve, admission, amused, whatever, be modelled after, be famous for, in advance, come to life, get close to ‎ ‎1.补全要点句(“黑体”部分选用上面方框中的单词或短语)‎ ‎①上周末,我和朋友去邻县的一个村子旅游。‎ Last weekend, my friend and I took_a_tour to a village in our neighboring county.‎ ‎②‎ 当我们接近这个村子时,发现它是模仿古代某个城堡而建的而且被保护得很好。‎ When getting_close_to the village, we found it was_modelled_after an ancient castle and was well_preserved.‎ ‎③不收入场费。因此我们得提前预约。‎ No_admission is charged. Therefore, we had to make an appointment in_advance.‎ ‎④那个村庄以养鸟而闻名。‎ The village is_famous_for raising birds.‎ ‎⑤当我们靠近鸟儿的时候,它们立刻活跃起来。‎ When we got_close_to them, they came_to_life at once.‎ ‎⑥不管我们说什么和做什么它们都不害怕。‎ Whatever we said and did, they weren't frightened.‎ ‎⑦对于鸟的各种表演,我们感到极大的快乐。‎ We felt_greatly_amused_at the birds' performance.‎ ‎2.升级平淡句 ‎(1)用find的复合结构改写句②‎ When_getting_close_to_the_village,_we_found_it_modelled_after_an_ancient_castle_and_well_preserved.‎ ‎(2)用“It is no wonder”改写句③‎ No_admission_is_charged._It_is_no_wonder_that_we_had_to_make_an_appointment_in_advance. ‎ ‎3.衔接成语篇(注意使用适当的过渡衔接词汇:fortunately, at last)‎ Last weekend, my friend and I took a tour to a village in our neighboring county. When getting close to the village, we found it modelled after an ancient castle and well preserved. Fortunately, no admission is charged. It is no wonder that we had to make an appointment in advance. The village is famous for raising birds. When we got close to them, they came to life at once. Whatever we said and did, they weren't frightened. At last, we felt greatly amused at the birds' performance.‎ 二、阅读能力——用课文句型解构高考长难句 [本单元突破点——不定式短语作目的状语+定语从句]‎ 经典例句 比较分析 真题尝试翻译 课文长难句 Visit the candy shop to try the same kind of candy that American southerners made 150 years ago, or take a ride on the only steamengine train still working in the southeast USA.‎ ‎“to try the same kind of candy ...”是不定式短语作目的状语;“that ...150 years ago”是that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词candy。‎ 为了从受伤中恢复过来和其他几项身体功能,他们被要求加工处理我们吃的食物。‎ 真题长难句 They are required to process the food that we eat, to recover from injury and for several other bodily functions.(2017·全国卷Ⅰ语法填空)‎ 从句“that we eat”作名词“the food”的后置定语,后面的不定式“to recover from injury and for several other bodily functions”为目的状语。‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A 话题 词数 建议用时 游览约塞米蒂国家公园 ‎280‎ ‎6分钟 Driving on up to Yosemite with my family was exciting but nerve‎ racking (神经紧张的). I had never been to such an amazing national park before, yet I wasn't the most athletic person, so I knew that I couldn't stick through all the hiking up and down. It actually ended up being a fun and adventurous experience.‎ The ride there was definitely long but worth it. As I woke up from my nap, I saw the beautiful scenery of the tall mountains and beautiful streams. The trails were made nicely for visitors. The waterfalls were breathtaking. Climbing up rocks was one of my favorite parts. Even though I fell a couple of times, I still had a lot of fun. The fact that my family and I spent so much time together trying to find out which route to take and what views to watch really brought us closer together.‎ The great thing about nature is that, it's just you, the views, and the people around you. There's nothing there to bother you and it's the best way to relax and enjoy yourself. Yosemite has 5 of the world's highest waterfalls, and about 300 lakes. The structure of each mountain is incredible; it's formed in ways that almost take your breath away. Some of them are of a deep dark color with waterfalls forming; some are formed with spots of green peeking (窥探) out. It's definitely something you wouldn't want to miss.‎ Yosemite isn't the only great National Park but based on my experience I highly recommend going out and enjoying nature with family and friends. It's a great time to bond, laugh, and take in what Mother Nature offers.‎ 语篇解读:文章记叙了作者一家去约塞米蒂国家公园游览的所见所闻,与家人一起出游其乐无穷。作者建议读者多外出走走,享受大自然之美。‎ ‎1.The author writes the first paragraph mainly to ________.‎ A.introduce the topic of this passage B.offer an example to us C.tell us his future plan for hiking D.describe a national park 解析:选A 推理判断题。文章第一段第一句首先提到Yosemite,该段最后一句“It actually ended up being a fun and adventurous experience.”起到承上启下的作用,下文展开介绍作者此次去约塞米蒂国家公园游览的所见所闻。由此可推测,作者写第一段的目的是为了引出文章话题。故选A项。‎ ‎2.While climbing up rocks, the author was ________.‎ A.nerveracking       B.injured C.pleased D.worried 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Climbing up rocks was one of my favorite parts. Even though I fell a couple of times, I still had a lot of fun.”可知,攀岩是作者的最爱之一,尽管摔倒了好几次,但仍然很开心。故选C项。‎ ‎3.According to the passage, Yosemite ________.‎ A.is crowded with visitors every day B.is the only great National park C.is worth traveling to D.is nothing but a common destination 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第二段第一句“The ride there was definitely long but worth it.”及全文对约塞米蒂国家公园的美景描述和作者一家人从中得到的乐趣可知,该公园值得游览。故选C项。‎ ‎4.The author suggests us ________.‎ A.keep a good bond with other people B.visit Yosemite now and then C.try to protect the environment D.go out to enjoy the beauty of nature 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句中的“I highly recommend going out and enjoying nature with family and friends”可知,作者建议我们多出去走走,以享受大自然之美。故选D项。‎ B 话题 词数 建议用时 园艺志愿者 ‎289‎ ‎7分钟 I left England for Sydney in September. It was a career move for my husband, and our 20yearold daughter was feeling adventurous and decided to come, too. However, just before leaving England, my 79yearold mother suffered a stroke (中风). Being strong and independent, she continues to live at home with the help of social services. But she couldn't look after the garden. I thought how wonderful it would be if there was an organisation offering volunteer help. Friends asked me what I planned to do in Australia, and I told them I would be looking for a volunteer position with a gardening charitable organisation. Imagine my surprise when I found just the organisation I had been looking for — Easy Care Gardening (ECG)!‎ There are several reasons why I volunteer for ECG. Firstly, as a newcomer to Australia I meet many great people who, like me, volunteer some of their time. We cover a large age range, but all love gardens and helping others.‎ Secondly, through working with ECG I have been lucky enough to explore Sydney's North Shore that I might not have had the opportunity to visit otherwise.‎ Finally, there are all those wonderful people we call “clients (客户)”, but are more like friends when we visit them often and tend their gardens. What great people I have met, and the stories they have to tell — the family histories, where they come from and the reasons for immigrating to Australia. I find it a privilege to have access to private gardens which, in many cases, have been the joy of their owners for many years. Each one is individual and reflects the character, needs and the history of each family. Indeed, the gardens reflect the multicultural and historical background of Sydney.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者因为个人经历而决定在澳大利亚做园艺志愿者,主要帮助客户打理花园。这一工作不仅让作者能够帮助别人,还为作者带来了诸多收获。‎ ‎5.Why did the author move to Sydney?‎ A.Her husband would work there.‎ B.She planned to volunteer there.‎ C.She was very keen on adventures.‎ D.She had to look after her sick mother.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“I left England for Sydney in September. It was a career move for my husband”可知,由于事业发展作者的丈夫去悉尼工作,作者也一同前往。故选A。‎ ‎6.What made the author choose to be a gardening volunteer?‎ A.The popularity of ECG.‎ B.The tips of her friends.‎ C.Her own experience.‎ D.Her gardening skills.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“my 79yearold mother suffered a stroke (中风)”和“But she couldn't look after the garden. I thought how wonderful it would be if there was an organisation offering volunteer help ... I would be looking for a volunteer position with a gardening charitable organisation.”可知,作者母亲患中风不能打理花园,在这种情况下,作者希望能有一个帮助人们打理花园的慈善组织,这段经历使得作者萌生了做园艺志愿者的想法。‎ ‎7.What do the volunteers at ECG have in common?‎ A.They make friends with their clients.‎ B.They like to explore Sydney's North Shore.‎ C.They are of similar ages and backgrounds.‎ D.They are kindhearted with the same interest.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“We cover a large age range, but all love gardens and helping others.”可知,ECG有各个年龄段的志愿者,但是他们都热爱花园和帮助他人,即他们善良,又有共同的兴趣。‎ ‎8.What does the underlined word “one” in Paragraph 4 refer to?‎ A.Client. B.Garden.‎ C.Reason. D.Joy.‎ 解析:选B 代词指代题。根据该段中的“I find it a privilege to have access to private gardens”可知,中心词是gardens,再根据“the gardens reflect the multicultural and historical background of Sydney”可推断出,这里的one指代garden。‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 Generation Y is known as the generation that was born in the 1980s and 1990s, although experts do not agree on when this time started. The people who make up Generation Y are often the children of baby boomers.‎ The millennium (千禧年) generation, as it is often called, has grown up with new technology and can use it in their jobs much better than the older generation can. __1__ They like to communicate via text messaging, Facebook and other online technology. They have high expectations and seek new challenges. __2__‎ Generation Y youths have a different attitude towards work, which is different from that of their parents or grandparents. __3__ They do not live to work, whereas they work to live.‎ ‎__4__ They want jobs that are flexible, not always having to work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. They prefer working from their homes and taking a day or two off to spend with their family when the weather is fine.‎ While baby boomers worked hard, grew up with a company and stayed there for the rest of their lives, Generation Y workers do not want to do the same thing during their whole life. __5__ That means if you don't like what you do then do something else.‎ A.They want to spend most of their time at home.‎ B.They expect to change jobs at least a few times.‎ C.The new generation can be described as energetic.‎ D.Besides, they often dare to raise questions when confused.‎ E.The Internet, cellphones, iPads are normal for this generation.‎ F.Young people expect a different type of workplace than their parents ‎ had.‎ G.They don't want to work as hard as their parents but spend their life in a meaningful way.‎ 语篇解读:本文为说明文,主要讲述了“Generation Y”这一概念及其所对应的人群的特点。‎ ‎1.选E 根据上文的“The millennium (千禧年) generation, as it is often called, has grown up with new technology”和下文的“They like to communicate via text messaging, Facebook and other online technology.”可知,空处的内容应涉及这一代人与科技的密切关系,故E项“因特网、手机、iPad对这一代人来说是习以为常的”符合语境。‎ ‎2.选D 根据上文的“They have high expectations and seek new challenges.”可知,这一代人的期望值高且寻求新的挑战,故D项“此外,他们感到困惑时也通常敢于提出问题”承接上文,符合语境。‎ ‎3.选G 根据上文的“Generation Y youths have a different attitude towards work, which is different from that of their parents or grandparents.”和下文的“They do not live to work, whereas they work to live.”可知,这一年代的人对待工作的态度与他们的父母或祖父母不同,他们不是为了工作而活着,而是为了生活而工作,故G项既承接上文说明这一代人和其父母或祖父母对于工作的态度的不同,又引出下文,说明他们对于生活的态度。‎ ‎4.选F 根据下文的内容可知,本段主要讲述年轻人对工作地点的期望,故F项符合语境。‎ ‎5.选B 根据上文的“Generation Y workers do not want to do the same thing during their whole life”和下文的“That means if you don't like what you do then do something else.”可知,这一代人在他们的一生中不愿做(与上一代)同样的事情,故B项“他们希望至少换几次工作”符合语境。下文中的“That”指的就是空处所在句的含义。‎ Ⅲ.短文改错 ‎(2018·潍坊高三模拟)Life is an mystery and we will never know that what is waiting for us. But one thing is for sure: problems are unavoidable. For us, it's the process of solving problems that help us grow.‎ Make a speech used to be a big problem for me. With a strong accent and terribly pronunciation, I failed in speech competition many times, but I didn't hold back. In the contrary, I considered it a good chance for me to improve myself. I recorded my speech, listening to it and corrected my pronunciation. Now I'm confident enough to give my best speech to you all.‎ My dear friends, don't afraid of problems, but take advantage of it to be the best of ourselves!‎ 答案:第一句:an→a; 去掉that 第三句:help→helps 第四句:Make→Making 第五句:terribly→terrible; competition→competitions 第六句:In→On 第七句:listening→listened 第九句:afraid前加be; it→them Topic 3 Life in the future (Book 5·Unit 3)‎ ‎[主课文晨读] FIRST IMPRESSIONS Spacemail:liqiang299A@GreatAdventureSpaceStation.com15/11/3008(Earthtime)‎ Dear Mum and Dad,‎ I still cannot believe that I am taking up this prize that I won last year.I have to remind myself constantly that I am really in AD 3008. I was unsettled for the first few days. As a result, I suffered from “time lag”. This is similar to the “jet lag” you get from flying, but it seems you keep getting flashbacks from your previous time period.So I was very nervous and uncertain at ‎ first.However, my friend and guide, Wang Ping, was very understanding and gave me some green tablets which helped a lot.Wellknown for their expertise, his parents' company, called “Future Tours”, transported me safely into the future in a time capsule.‎ I can still remember the moment when the space called us all to the capsule and we climbed in through a small opening. The seats were comfortable and after a calming drink, we felt sleepy and closed our eyes.The capsule began swinging gently sideways A few minutes later, the journey was completed and we had arrived.I was still on the earth but one thousand years in the future.What would I find?‎ At first The air seemed thin, as though its combination of gases had little oxygen left.Hit by a lack of fresh air, my head ached. Just as I tried to make the necessary adjustment to this new situation, Wang Ping appeared.“Put on this mask,”he advised.“It'll make you feel much better.”He handed it to me and immediately hurried me through to a small room nearby for a rest.I felt better in no time. Soon I was back on my feet again and following him to collect a hovering carriage driven by computer. These carriages float above the ground and by bending or pressing down in your seat, you can move swiftly. Wang Ping fastened my safety belt and showed me how to use it.Soon I could fly as fast as him.However, I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached because of too many carriages flying by in all directions. He was swept up into the centre of them.Just at that moment I had a “time lag” flashback and saw the area again as it had been in the year AD 2008.I realized that I had been transported into the future of what was still my hometown!Then I caught sight of Wang Ping again and flew after him.‎ Arriving at a strangelooking house, he showed me into a large, bright clean room.It had a green wall, a brown floor and soft lighting.Suddenly ‎ the wall moved — it was made of trees!I found later that their leaves provided the room with muchneeded oxygen. Then Wang Ping flashed a switch on a computer screen, and a table and some chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic. he said.“You may find this difficult as it is your first time travel trip.Just relax, since there is nothing planned on the timetable today.Tomorrow you'll be ready for some visits.”Having said this, he spread some food on the table, and produced a bed from the floor.After he left, I had a brief meal and a hot bath.Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.‎ More news later from your loving son,‎ Li Qiang ‎❶形容词短语作原因状语 ‎❷as引导时间状语从句 ‎❸“主语+be+adj.+to do”结构,不定式主动形式表示被动意义 ‎❹what引导宾语从句,相当于the place that ‎❺Why not do sth.?为什么不……呢?‎ ‎[单词“分类记”]‎ ‎(一)阅读障碍词汇(识其形·知其义)‎ ‎1.capsule n.         太空舱;胶囊 ‎2.alien n. 外星人;外国人 adj. 陌生的;外国的;外星球的 ‎3.ecology n. 生态;生态学 ‎4.imitate vt. 模仿;仿造 ‎5.motivation n. 动机 ‎(二)高考高频词汇(知其义·写其形)‎ ‎1.aspect n. 方面;层面 ‎2.previous adj. 在前的;早先的 ‎3.guide n. 指导;向导;导游 vt. 指引;指导 ‎4.lack vi.& vt. 缺乏;没有 n. 缺乏;短缺的东西 ‎5.switch n. 开关;转换 vt. 转换 ‎6.desert n. 沙漠;荒原 ‎7.recycle vt. 回收利用;再利用 ‎8.swallow vt. 吞下;咽下 ‎ (三)活学活用词汇(记得清·用得活)‎ Ⅰ.根据词性和词义写出下列单词 ‎1.impression n.印象;感想;印记→impress v.使留下印象→impressive adj.令人印象深刻的;感人的 ‎2.constant adj.时常发生的;连续不断的→constantly adv.不断地 ‎3.surroundings n.周围的事物;环境→surrounding adj.周围的→surround vt.环绕;包围 ‎4.tolerate vt.容忍;忍受→tolerance n.容忍;忍受 ‎5.adjustment n.调整;调节→adjust vt.调整;调节 ‎6.press vi.& vt.按;压;逼迫 n.按;压;印刷;新闻→pressure n.压力 ‎7.optimistic adj.乐观(主义)的→optimism n.乐观主义 ‎8.instant n.瞬间;片刻 adj.立即的;立刻的→instantly adv.立即;立刻 ‎9.representative n.代表;典型人物 adj.典型的;有代表性的→represent v.代表 ‎10.settlement n.定居;解决→settle v.定居;解决→settler n.定居者 Ⅱ.用所给词的适当形式填空 ‎1.The firm is pressing me for a decision and the pressure from my ‎ parents is quite unbearable, so I had to accept this new job.(press)‎ ‎2.We are in instant need of help. Please tell us instantly they arrive.(instant)‎ ‎3.There are three representatives who will represent our class to attend the meeting.(represent)‎ ‎4.The city of Hangzhou is really an impressive place. Especially the famous West Lake always leaves quite an impression on the visitors. I was strongly impressed by its beauty the first time I saw it.(impress)‎ ‎[短语“语境记”]‎ ‎(一)根据汉语写出下列短语 ‎1.take_up         拿起;接受;开始;继续 ‎2.be_back_on_one's_feet (困境后)恢复;完全复原 ‎3.lose_sight_of_... 看不见……‎ ‎4.sweep_up 打扫;横扫 ‎5.slide_into (快捷而悄声地)移动;溜进……‎ ‎6.speed_up 加速 ‎7.in_no_time 立刻 ‎8.fall_asleep 入睡 ‎9.in_all_directions 朝四面八方 ‎10.make_an_adjustment_to 对……作出调整 ‎(二)选用上述短语填空 ‎1.Tom thought carefully for several days and decided to take_up the job.‎ ‎2.Peter slid_into the classroom when our teacher didn't notice him.‎ ‎3.The child watched the plane go higher and higher until he lost_sight_of it.‎ ‎4.Lucy needs to be_back_on_her_feet again and forget the misfortune.‎ ‎5.Don't leave her alone to sweep_up the house after the party.‎ ‎6.Many countries are faced with the problem about how to speed_up economic development.‎ ‎7.Since everything develops, we have to make_an_adjustment_to the changing situation.‎ ‎8.Be patient. I'll look into the matter in_no_time.‎ ‎[句式“仿写通”]‎ ‎1.Hit by a lack of fresh air, my head ached.‎ 由于缺乏新鲜空气,我感到头痛。‎ ‎[解读] Hit by a lack of fresh air为过去分词短语作原因状语。‎ ‎[仿写] 因为担心第二天的太空之旅,我一夜没睡。‎ Worried_about the space journey next day, I lay awake all night.‎ ‎2.Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.‎ 我感到累极了,爬上床很快就入睡了。‎ ‎[解读] 形容词exhausted在句中作原因状语。‎ ‎[仿写] 又累又渴,他走进一家茶馆,一个机器人侍者迅速过来招待他。‎ Tired_and_thirsty,_he went into a teahouse and a robot waiter quickly came up to serve him.‎ ‎3.Well, now there's a system where the waste is disposed of using the principles of ecology.‎ 现在,这里有一种装置,能利用生态学原理处理掉废弃物。‎ ‎[解读] where引导定语从句,修饰先行词a system。‎ ‎[仿写] 他终于得到了那个职位,在那个职位上他可以操控所有的机器人。‎ He finally got the position where_he_could_control all the robots.‎ ‎[第一板块 重点单词突破]‎ ‎1.tolerate vt.容忍;忍受 ‎[高考佳句] Half of the workers say their boss doesn't accept it, and only 35 percent say it's tolerated.(2016·10月浙江高考)‎ 一半的职员说他们的老板不接受远程办公,只有35%的人说它是可接受的。‎ ‎(1)tolerate (sb.) doing sth.   容忍/忍受(某人)做某事 ‎(2)tolerance n. 宽容;容忍;忍受 tolerant adj. 宽容的 ‎①I can't tolerate working (work) with Kate in the same office. She just refuses to stop talking while she works.‎ 我无法容忍和凯特在同一个办公室工作。她工作时间一直在讲话。‎ ‎②You should be more tolerant (tolerate) of other people's weaknesses.‎ 你对他人的缺点该宽容些。‎ ‎[联想发散] 表示“忍受”的词语还有:stand, bear, put up with等。‎ ‎2.lack vi.& vt.缺乏;没有n.缺乏;短缺的东西 ‎[经典例句] He lacked the judgment and political acumen for the post of chairman.‎ 他缺少作为主席的判断力和政治敏锐性。‎ ‎(1)for lack of     因缺乏……‎ a lack of 缺乏……‎ ‎(2)lacking adj. 短缺的;缺乏的 be lacking in 缺少……‎ ‎①More and more highrise buildings have been built in big cities for_lack_of_space.‎ 由于缺少空间,大城市里建起了越来越多的摩天大楼。‎ ‎②When there is a_lack_of food, there is hunger.‎ 当食物匮乏时,就会有饥饿。‎ ‎③Though Jack was_lacking_in experience, he made up for it in enthusiasm.‎ 虽然杰克缺乏经验,但是他以满腔的热情来弥补不足。‎ ‎ [名师指津] lack作名词时常与介词of连用;作动词时可用作及物动词直接加宾语(不用被动语态),也可作不及物动词用;形容词lacking常与in连用。‎ ‎3.instant n.瞬间;片刻adj.立即的;立刻的 ‎[教材原句] You place the metal band over your head, clear your mind, press the sending button, think your message and the next instant it's sent.‎ 你把金属带放在头上,整理思路,按下发送按钮,然后想着你要发送的信息,刹那间信息就发出去了。‎ ‎(1)in an instant=instantly      立刻;马上 for an instant 一瞬间 ‎(2) 一……就……‎ ‎①He paused for an instant before continuing.‎ 他停顿了片刻才接着往下说。‎ ‎②In an instant, he took off his coat and jumped into the water.‎ 他马上脱掉外套跳进了水里。‎ ‎③Much to my surprise, she burst into tears the instant she read the letter.‎ ‎→Much to my surprise, she burst into tears instantly (instant) she read the letter.‎ 让我非常惊讶的是,她一读那封信就哭了起来。‎ ‎4.previous adj.在前的;早先的 单句语法填空/补全句子 ‎①Those are words I have not previously (previous) used in any report.‎ ‎②Previous to that, I had traveled by car to Paris.‎ ‎③这一工作无需以往的经验。‎ No_previous_experience is necessary for this job.‎ ‎5.guide n.指导;向导;导游vt.指引,指导 ‎(1)单句语法填空 ‎①It was she that guided the blind man to the street.‎ ‎②Activities all take place under the guidance of an experienced tutor.‎ ‎(2)同义句改写 We were guided by a local guide and visited the famous church.‎ ‎③Guided_by_a_local_guide,_we visited the famous church.(过去分词短语作状语)‎ ‎④With_a_local_guide_guiding_us,_we visited the famous church.(with复合结构)‎ ‎⑤A_local_guide_guiding_us,_we visited the famous church.(独立主格结构)‎ ‎⑥Under_the_guidance_of_a_local_guide,_we visited the famous church.(介词短语)‎ ‎6.switch n.开关;转换vt.转换 单句语法填空 ‎①When it's very dark in the room, we need to switch on the light.‎ ‎②Hold on please, I'll switch you to the manager.‎ ‎③According to the airline rules, we suggest you (should) switch off your mobile phone before boarding.‎ ‎[单词过关练]‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.I recognized him instantly (instant) I saw him.‎ ‎2.When Li Qiang arrived in the future at first, he found that the new surroundings were difficult to_tolerate (tolerate).‎ ‎3.Since you have settled down in a new country, you have to make an adjustment (adjust) to the new environment.‎ ‎4.If you constantly (constant) regret things you did or didn't do in the past, then you won't be able to move forward.‎ ‎5.Guided (guide) by the sun, they walked towards their destination through the woods.‎ ‎6.Lacking (lack) such experience will constantly trouble you in your business.‎ ‎7.The accident caused 3 deaths and 20 got injured, which happened previous to his arrival there.‎ ‎8.—What's your impression (impress) of your English teacher?‎ ‎—He is a kind and handsome young man, and he impressed on me the importance of English.‎ ‎9.When not in a room, you'd better switch off all the lights and the fans.‎ ‎10.Jennifer is having a hard time getting accustomed to new surroundings (surround) in Australia.‎ Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.As far as I know, the school can't tolerate cheat in the exam.cheat→cheating ‎2.My first impressions of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.impressions→impression ‎3.In a instant the rain stopped and the sky cleared up.a→an ‎4.He showed a lack in experience, so he had to work harder. in→of ‎5.Basing your life on popular culture is like building a house on a constant moving foundation. constant→constantly ‎6.Don't chew the tablets before swallow, or you may throw them up. swallow→swallowing Ⅲ.补全句子/一句多译 ‎1.她不能容忍被那样对待。‎ She can't tolerate_being_treated that way.‎ ‎2.一到达剧院,他就发现朋友给他的票被忘在家里了。‎ ‎①On_arriving_at_the_theatre,_he found the ticket a friend gave him was left at home.(on doing)‎ ‎②The_moment/instant/minute he arrived at the theatre, he found the ticket a friend gave him was left at home.(the+n.)‎ ‎③Instantly/Immediately/Directly he arrived at the theatre, he found the ticket a friend gave him was left at home.‎ ‎3.陈老师今天上午做的讲座给学生们留下了深刻的印象。‎ ‎①The lecture that Mr. Chen made this morning ‎ left/made_a_deep_impression_on the students.‎ ‎②The students were_deeply_impressed_by/with/at the lecture Mr. Chen made this morning.‎ ‎③What_impressed_the_students_deeply was the lecture Mr. Chen made this morning.‎ ‎[第二板块 短语、句式突破]‎ ‎1.take up拿起;接受;开始从事;继续;占用(时间、物品等);占据(空间)‎ ‎[经典例句] He did not particularly want to take up a competitive sport.‎ 他并没有特别想要开始从事竞技性运动项目。‎ ‎ [一词多义] 写出下列句中take up的含义 ‎①We tried to find a table for seven, but they were all taken up.占据 ‎②She took up the story where Tim had left off.继续 ‎③I always take up the book and read when I am in my low spirits.拿起 ‎④He will take up his post as the head of the civil courts at the end of next month.开始从事 ‎⑤Are you going to take up the challenge of lasting a whole week without arguing?接受 take down     写下;拆除 take in 收留;吸收;欺骗;领会;理解 take off 脱掉;起飞;成功 take on 雇用;呈现;承担 take over 接任;接替;采用 ‎⑥He didn't take_in what he read because his mind was focused on something else.‎ 他没有领会他阅读的东西,因为他的思想在其他事情上。‎ ‎2.lose sight of看不见;忽略 ‎[教材原句] However, I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market because of too many carriages flying by in all ‎ directions.‎ 但是,当我们到达一个看上去像是大市场的地方时,王平不见了,因为很多气垫车都四面八方地在身边飞奔。‎ ‎(1)catch sight of        望见;看到 lose one's sight 失明 come into sight 进入视野内;映入眼帘 ‎(2)at first sight 乍一看;乍一见 at the sight of 看到 out of sight 看不到 in/within sight 在视野内 ‎①I felt very glad, for I caught_sight_of my old friend in the crowd.‎ 我感到非常高兴,因为在人群中我看到了我的老朋友。‎ ‎②At_first_sight,_there is nothing special about the watch, but in fact it is a mobile phone.‎ 乍一看,这块手表没有什么特别之处,但实际上它是一部手机。‎ ‎③At the railway station, the mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the train was out_of_sight.‎ 在车站,母亲向女儿挥手告别直到火车从视野中消失。‎ ‎3.speed up加速 ‎[教材原句]  When we wanted the hovering carriage to speed up, we pressed down hard on the driving pedal and bent over in the direction we wanted to go.‎ 当我们想让气垫车加速时,我们就用力踏驱动踏板,并且向想去的方向俯身。‎ ‎(1)reduce speed/slow down    减速 pick up speed 逐渐加速 ‎(2)at high/low/full/top speed 以高/低/全/最高速 at a speed of ... 以……速度 ‎(3)speeding n. 超速驾驶;超速行驶 ‎①The car slowed_down/reduced_speed at the turning, so I speeded_up to catch up with it.‎ 那辆车在拐弯的地方减速了,于是我加速赶上了它。‎ ‎②Our physics teacher said that light travels at_a_speed_of 300,000 km per second.‎ 我们的物理老师说光以每秒30万千米的速度传播。‎ ‎ [名师指津] speed的过去式、过去分词有两种形式:speeded, speeded 或sped, sped。‎ ‎4.Exhausted,_I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.‎ 我感到累极了,爬上床很快就入睡了。‎ 形容词exhausted在句中作原因状语。形容词(短语)作状语可以表示方式、原因或伴随状况等,可位于句首、句末或句中,常用逗号与句子其他成分隔开。‎ ‎①Tired_and_exhausted,_she managed to make a flag with her yellow blouse and fell asleep the moment she closed her eyes.(2016·10月浙江高考写作)‎ 筋疲力尽,她设法用自己黄色的宽松上衣做了一面旗,她一闭上眼睛就睡着了。‎ ‎②To our relief, the missing child returned home ten days later, tired_but_healthy.‎ 让我们感到宽慰的是,那个丢失的小孩子十天后返回了家里,疲惫不堪却很健康。‎ ‎[名师指津] 形容词作状语时常用来说明句子主语的状态,即和主语常构成系表关系。如果用来修饰句子的谓语动词或整个句子,则应用副词作状语。试比较:‎ ‎③Helpless, we watched the house being destroyed before our eyes.‎ 我们看着那栋房子在我们眼前被毁,很是无助。(helpless说明主语we的状态)‎ ‎④The old building was burned down as crowds watched helplessly.‎ 在人群无助地观望中那座旧建筑物被烧毁了。(helplessly修饰从句谓语动词watched)‎ ‎[短语、句式过关练]‎ Ⅰ.用take短语填空(take over, take on, take up, take off)‎ ‎1.He took_off my wet boots and made me sit by the fire.‎ ‎2.One of my colleagues offered his resignation and I was required to take_over his work.‎ ‎3.With economy recovering, more and more workers are taken_on.‎ ‎4.We need to encourage more people to take_up the project because it lacks labor force.‎ Ⅱ.用speed短语完成下面语段 Yesterday Tom was driving home 1.at_a_speed_of (以……速度) 150kph when he was stopped by a policeman. He was fined because of 2.speeding (超速驾驶).Therefore, on the rest of the way, he didn't dare to 3.speed_up (加速) and had to 4.reduce_speed (减速).‎ Ⅲ.用sight短语完成下面语段 On their way to the bus station, Li Ying and Zhang Hua felt very sad. They still remembered the party. The moment Li Ying 1.caught_sight_of (看见) Zhang Hua, she decided he was the man she wanted to marry and Zhang Hua felt the same. Clearly, they fell in love 2.at_first_sight (乍一见). But Li Ying's father expected her to marry a rich man, so she had to go home to persuade her father to give up the idea. The bus was 3.in/within_sight (在视野内), then she got on the bus,uncertain about whether his father would accept Zhang Hua. Zhang Hua watched the bus until it was 4.out_of_sight (看不到), feeling rather helpless and hopeless.‎ Ⅳ.句型转换 ‎1.Because I was amazed at how skillful they were, I determined to be just as good.‎ ‎→Amazed_at_how_skillful_they_were,_I determined to be just as good.‎ ‎2.He spent seven days in the wind and snow, and he was cold and hungry.‎ ‎→He spent seven days in the wind and snow, cold_and_hungry.‎ 一、表达能力——用课文词汇写高分作文 ‎1.补全要点句(“黑体”部分选用上面方框中的单词或短语)‎ ‎①我对将来的生活很乐观。‎ I'm optimistic_about life in the future.‎ ‎②到那时,我们生存的环境会更舒适、漂亮。‎ By that time the_surroundings_where_we_live will be more comfortable and beautiful.‎ ‎③因为太阳能及风能的充分利用,人们将不再担心缺乏能源。‎ People will not worry about lacking_energy any longer because solar energy and wind energy will have been made full use of.‎ ‎④家家都有机器人,机器人可以帮助人们打扫房间、做饭、照看孩子等。‎ There will be robots in every family.They can help people sweep_up_the_houses,_cook meals, look after the babies and so on.‎ ‎⑤只需按一下开关,你的飞行汽车就可以飞往四面八方。‎ Only by_pressing_a_switch can your flying car run in_all_directions.‎ ‎⑥这就是我们未来的生活。‎ This is what_our_life_will_be_like in the future.‎ ‎2.升级平淡句 用非限制性定语从句升级句④‎ There_will_be_robots_in_every_family,_which_can_help_people_sweep_up_the_houses,_cook_meals,_look_after_the_babies_and_so_on.‎ ‎3.衔接成语篇 I'm_optimistic_about_life_in_the_future._By_that_time_the_surroundings_where_we_live_will_be_more_comfortable_and_beautiful._People_will_not_worry_about_lacking_energy_any_longer_because_solar_energy_and_wind_energy_will_have_been_made_full_use_of._There_will_be_robots_in ‎_every_family,_which_can_help_people_sweep_up_the_houses,_cook_meals,_look_after_the_babies_and_so_on._Only_by_pressing_a_switch_can_your_flying_car_run_in_all_directions._This_is_what_our_life_will_be_like_in_the_future.‎ 二、阅读能力——用课文句型解构高考长难句 [本单元突破点——状语从句+宾语从句]‎ 经典例句 比较分析 真题尝试翻译 课文长难句 However, I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market because of too many carriages flying by in all directions.‎ when引导时间状语从句,在该从句中,what引导宾语从句,“because of ...in all directions”作原因状语。‎ 上网看一看——证据表明当他们看了并且把TOKNOW推荐给他们的朋友,成千上万的老师和家长就了解了一个好东西。‎ 真题长难句 Take a look online — evidence shows that thousands of teachers and parents know a good thing when they see it and recommend TOKNOW to their friends.(2017·北京高考阅读理解B)‎ that引导宾语从句,在这个宾语从句中又含有一个由when引导的时间状语从句。‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A 话题 词数 建议用时 OWDA项目 ‎305‎ ‎7分钟 Cutting trees in half can help scientists understand the past and now it appears it can be used to predict the future. Researchers have been looking at ring growth from trees to make sense of past weather patterns such as droughts and rain.‎ Combining data from the rings allowed them to create a copy of pictures of climate changes over the past 2,000 years and this information could also be used to foresee the future famine (饥荒), unrest and conflict. The project has been named Old World Drought Atlas, or OWDA.‎ Its main author, Columbia biologist Edward Cook, has already carried out similar projects using trees to create chronological (按年代顺序排列的) maps of droughts in Asia and North America. He believes that combining the three atlases could throw light on the global causes of droughts and climate changes.‎ The study, for instance, gave special attention to the importance of one of such causes, the North Atlantic Oscillation (波动), in affecting climate patterns in Europe, and specifically in making Europe wetter north of the Alps and drier south of them.‎ The OWDA also helped analyse historical events from a climatic perspective. For instance, the 1740-1741 famine in Ireland had so far been explained by an unusually cold winter and spring, but the atlas shows that unusually low rainfall over the spring and summer of 1741 could also have played a role. Finally this made growing food nearly impossible and caused a continentwide famine.‎ A better grasp of these processes could even make it possible to predict the future famine, unrest and conflict.‎ Cook said, “The Old World Drought Atlas fills a major geographic gap in the data that's important to determine patterns of climate changes in time. That's important for understanding causes of many droughts, and it's important for climate modelers to test hypotheses (假说) of climate forcing and changes.” ‎ 语篇解读:本文主要介绍了一个名为OWDA的项目。该项目旨在通过研究树木的年轮了解过去,预知未来。‎ ‎1.Why is ring growth useful in research?‎ A.It's the best way to understand the past.‎ B.It could be used to predict the future.‎ C.It could be used to prevent the outbreak of droughts and rain.‎ D.It isn't mentioned in the passage.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第一段的第一句“Cutting trees in half can help scientists understand the past and now it appears it can be used to predict the future.”可知,树木的年轮还有助于预知未来,故选B。‎ ‎2.People worldwide can read chronological maps of droughts ________.‎ A.in Asia       B.in Africa C.in Europe D.in South America 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第三段的第一句“Its main author ... using trees to create chronological (按年代顺序排列的) maps of droughts in Asia and North America.”可知,人们可以看到亚洲和北美洲的按年代顺序编写的干旱地图,故选A。‎ ‎3.What is the author's attitude toward the study of OWDA?‎ A.Positive. B.Negative.‎ C.Objective. D.Conservative.‎ 解析:选C 观点态度题。综合全文的整体内容可推知,作者对OWDA这一项目的研究持客观态度,在文中没有表示出积极或消极的态度,也没有表示保守的态度,故选C。‎ ‎4.Why did the author of the passage mention what Cook said?‎ A.To show he interviewed Cook himself.‎ B.To tell us the importance of OWDA.‎ C.To compare climate variability.‎ D.To analyse how to predict droughts.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据最后一段的整体内容可知,Cook讲述了OWDA项目的重要性及其意义,故选B。‎ B 话题 词数 建议用时 对人工智能的介绍和展望 ‎287‎ ‎6分钟 Trailers (预告片) shouldn't really be a hard thing to do: show some footage (镜头), get people excited, but don't give too much away. It's a practice that some movies struggle to do, with many either getting too enthusiastic about showing their big plot points, and others simply not catching the magic of the movie. Considering that humans struggle with this practice so much, the folks over the 20th Century Fox decided to see what a computer could do, tasking IBM's Watson, the supercomputer, with cutting together footage from the upcoming scifi thriller, Morgan, to create the final trailer. IBM's Watson has done many things; beat human competitors in quiz shows, created reserved recipes and described the contents of photos. Now it has become the firstever AI to produce a film, trailer for the new scifi film. The result was actually surprisingly good.‎ Using Watson's experimental learning techniques, IBM's cutting edge AI sorted out hundreds of classic thriller trailers to learn what exactly gets an audience to that special place of being both scared and entertained. With that knowledge firmly in place, Watson processed the entire Morgan movie, selecting the 10 most thrilling and frightening moments to cut together into a trailer.‎ ‎“Watson was able to model the scenes visually in order to determine:‎ ‎ Was a scene scary? Was it a tender moment? Was there sadness, or happiness?” said IBM's John Smith.‎ Although a human editor was still needed to slice the scenes together to tell a coherent story, the AI shortened the process down to only 24 hours when it typically takes around 10 to 30 days to complete a trailer. Still, it's a great impressive achievement, which the likes of Terminator Genisys could perhaps learn from in the future.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,由Watson成功制作恐怖片的预告片引出对人工智能的介绍和展望。‎ ‎5.What does the author think is amazing according to the text?‎ A.Human editors taking 30 days to make a trailer.‎ B.The 20th Century Fox having produced a thriller.‎ C.IBM's Watson having created a trailer for a thriller.‎ D.Humans being able to learn from machines in the future.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第一段的“tasking IBM's Watson, the supercomputer, with cutting together footage from the upcoming scifi thriller, Morgan, to create the final trailer”和“The result was actually surprisingly good.”可知,作者认为令人惊叹的是Watson成功制作了恐怖片的预告片,故C项正确。‎ ‎6.What did IBM researchers do before Watson cut together footage from the movie Morgan?‎ A.Teach him to beat chess competitors.‎ B.Feed him over 100 horror trailers.‎ C.Create reserved recipes.‎ D.Talk about photos.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第二段的“IBM's cutting edge AI sorted out hundreds of classic thriller trailers to learn what exactly gets an audience to that special place of being both scared and entertained”可知,在制作恐怖片Morgan的预告片之前,研究人员将数百部经典恐怖片的预告片输入Watson中供其学习,故B项正确。‎ ‎7.What does the underlined word “coherent” in the last paragraph probably mean?‎ A.Exciting. B.Reliable.‎ C.Consistent. D.Exact.‎ 解析:选C 词义猜测题。根据最后一段的“a human editor was still needed to slice the scenes together to tell”可知,编辑人员需要将场景整合在一起来讲述一个连贯的故事;据此可以判断,画线词意为“连贯的,有条理的”,故C项正确。‎ ‎8.What can we guess is the most difficult to Watson?‎ A.How long the trailer should be.‎ B.How Watson appreciates the story.‎ C.How many scenes a trailer needs.‎ D.How Watson decides the feelings.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第三段的“Watson was able to model the scenes visually in order to determine:Was a scene scary? ... Was there sadness, or happiness”可以判断,D项正确。‎ Ⅱ.完形填空 ‎(2018·银川一中第一次模拟考试)A man and his girlfriend were married. It was a large __1__.‎ All of their friends and __2__ came to see the lovely ceremony and to __3__ in the festivities and celebrations. All had a wonderful time. The bride was impressive __4__ her white wedding gown and the groom was very attractive in his black suit. Everyone could __5__ that the love they had for each other was __6__.‎ A few months later, the wife came to the husband with a(n) __7__, “I read in a magazine about how we can __8__ our marriage,” she offered. “Each of us will write a list of the things that we find a bit __9__ with the other person. Then, we can talk about how we can __10__ them and make our lives happier together.”‎ The husband agreed. So __11__ of them went to a separate room in the ‎ house and thought of the things that annoyed them. They thought about this question for the __12__ of the day and wrote down what they __13__. The next morning, at the breakfast table, they decided that they would __14__ their lists.‎ ‎“I'll start,” offered the wife. She took out her list. It had many __15__ on it, enough to fill three pages. In fact, as she started reading the list, she noticed that tears were starting to appear in her husband's eyes.‎ ‎“What's wrong?” she asked. “Nothing,” the husband replied, “keep reading your list.”‎ The wife continued to read until she had read all three pages to her husband. She __16__ placed her list on the table and __17__ her hands over the top of it.‎ ‎“Now, you read your list,” she said happily.‎ Quietly the husband __18__, “I don't have anything on my list. I think that you are perfect the way __19__ you are. I don't want you to change anything for me.” The wife, __20__ by his honesty and the depth of his love for her and his acceptance of her, turned her head and wept.‎ We have a wonderful world that is full of beauty, light and promise. Why waste time in this world looking for the bad, disappointing or annoying when we can look around us, and see the wonderful before us?‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章通过讲述一对新婚夫妇的故事向我们阐述了一个道理:我们的世界充满了美丽、光明和希望,为什么要浪费时间寻找不快、失望和烦恼,而看不到我们面前的美好事物呢?‎ ‎1.A.festival          B.feast C.celebration D.holiday 解析:选C 根据前一句“A man and his girlfriend were married.”并结合常识可知,结婚时举办的应该是隆重的庆典。故选C,意为“庆祝,庆祝仪式”。‎ ‎2.A.family B.colleagues C.schoolmates D.neighbors 解析:选A 根据常识可知,参加婚礼的应是家人和朋友。故选A,意为“家人”。‎ ‎3.A.overcome B.undertake C.take D.participate 解析:选D 根据本空前的内容可知,这对新人的亲朋好友是来参加喜宴和庆典的。故选D,意为“参加,参与”。‎ ‎4.A.dressed in B.pulled on C.put on D.wore 解析:选A 分析句子结构可知,“__4__ her white wedding gown”在句中作“The bride”的后置定语,强调状态。故选A,be dressed in“穿着……”,dressed已经转化为形容词,表示状态。B、C两项强调穿的动作;D项表示状态,但此处应用wearing形式。‎ ‎5.A.say B.tell C.know D.learn 解析:选B 句意:人人都能看出他们真挚地爱着彼此。tell在此处意为“辨别,分辨”,符合句意。‎ ‎6.A.real B.actual C.true D.pure 解析:选C 根据上文描述可知,本句强调这对新人之间是真心相爱的,不是假装的。故选C,意为“真的,真诚的”,强调真诚不做作。‎ ‎7.A.proposal B.idea C.request D.command 解析:选A 根据本段妻子所说的话可知,她是在向丈夫提议。故选A,意为“提议,建议”。‎ ‎8.A.expand B.strengthen C.broaden D.deepen 解析:选B 根据本段最后一句中的“make our lives happier together”可知,新娘提出的建议是为了巩固两人的婚姻。故选B,意为“加强,巩固”。‎ ‎9.A.annoyed B.disturbed C.disturbing D.annoying 解析:选D 根据下段第二句中的“thought of the things that annoyed them”可知,此处指“找出对方身上令人恼火的事”。故选D。‎ ‎10.A.focus B.fix C.concentrate D.react 解析:选B 句意:然后,我们可以讨论应怎样改掉那些恼人的缺点,使我们在一起生活得更快乐。故选B,意为“改正”。‎ ‎11.A.both B.all C.each D.neither 解析:选C 根据句意可知,此处指夫妻俩“各自”进入一个房间。故选C,意为“每个,各”。‎ ‎12.A.remained B.rest C.left D.following 解析:选B 根据下句中“The next morning”可知,在这天剩下的时间里,两人都在想。the rest of the day表示“一天中余下的时间”,为固定搭配。故选B。‎ ‎13.A.came up B.came out C.came for D.came up with 解析:选D 根据上句可知,本句句意:……写下了他们想到的。故选D,意为“想出,提出”,其主语是人。come up作“提到”之意时,主语为物;come out“出来,出版”;come for“来取,来接”。‎ ‎14.A.go over B.make up C.answer for D.turn to 解析:选A 结合语境可知,此处应指他们要仔细查看一下各自所列的清单。故选A,意为“查看,认真讨论”。make up“编造,打扮,组成”;answer for ...“对……负责”;turn to“转向,求助于”。‎ ‎15.A.matters B.topics C.items D.details 解析:选C 根据上文可知,新娘拿出了她所列的清单,上面逐条列出了她认为丈夫令人生气的地方。故选C,意为“项目,条款”。‎ ‎16.A.cleanly B.clearly C.proudly D.neatly 解析:选D 根据空格后的“placed her list on the table ... over the top of it”可以推断出,妻子念完后将这些纸整齐地放在了桌上。故选D,意为“整洁地,整齐地”。‎ ‎17.A.unfolded B.folded C.opened D.stretched 解析:选B 妻子念完后就准备听丈夫念他的清单了,由此可推知,她应将双手合拢放好,一副洗耳恭听的样子。fold one's hands意为“某人双手合拢”。‎ ‎18.A.stated B.declared C.announced D.suggested 解析:选A 本句应指丈夫平静地说…… 故选A,意为“陈述”。‎ ‎19.A.what B.where C.who D.that 解析:选D 分析句子结构可知,“__19__ you are”是定语从句,先行词“the way”在从句中作表语。故选D。句意:我认为你现在的样子很完美。‎ ‎20.A.encouraged B.criticized C.touched D.loved 解析:选C 根据空格后的“by his honesty ... her head and wept”可知,妻子被丈夫的诚实和对她深深的爱以及接纳感动了。故选C,意为“感动,触动”。‎ Ⅲ.语法填空 ‎(2018·山东日照市校际联合检测)What might the future be like? Here are some interesting __1__ (prediction).‎ More than 2 billion Chinese travel during the Spring Festival every year, __2__ (make) getting travel tickets and the journey difficult. China plans __3__ (build) a fast transportation network that will serve 90% of the population. __4__ (probable) in 20 years' time, the Spring Festival travel will no longer be a problem at all.‎ Newspapers will come to __5__ end in the future. Instead, digital ‎ newspapers __6__ (send) to personal web tools through the Internet and information will spread faster.‎ Oil is running out faster than __7__ (expect). Scientists across the world are researching alternative energy resources. In the future, coal, natural gas, solar power, nuclear power and even water can take the place of oil __8__ sources of energy.‎ Schools will be fitted with electronic devices. Students will not need to bring books to school. They will find information on the Internet. A computer will be the students' library, schoolbag as well as connection to the outside world. There will be robot teachers who will check homework on computers __9__ communicate with the students' parents by email. And school buses will be like spaceships, __10__ (comfort) and safe.‎ ‎1.predictions 空格中所填单词前面有some修饰且系动词为复数,需用prediction的复数形式。‎ ‎2.making “making getting travel tickets and the journey difficult”是现在分词短语作状语,表示结果,分词动作make与逻辑主语之间是主动关系。‎ ‎3.to build 表示“计划做某事”时,plan后接不定式作宾语。‎ ‎4.Probably 空格中所填单词在句中修饰整个句子,需用probable的副词形式。‎ ‎5.an come to an end为习惯搭配,意为“结束”。‎ ‎6.will be sent 主语“digital newspapers”是谓语动词send的承受者,用被动语态;这里是对将来的预言,用一般将来时。‎ ‎7.expected “than expected”是“than it is expected”的省略结构,意为“比预期……”,其中过去分词expected表示被动。‎ ‎8.as 介词as此处表示“作为”。‎ ‎9.and “check homework”与“communicate with the students' parents”在意义上是并列关系,用and连接。‎ ‎10.comfortable 空格中所填单词在句中修饰名词school ‎ buses,需用comfort的形容词形式。‎ Topic 4 Making the news (Book 5·Unit 4)‎ ‎[主课文晨读] MY FIRST WORK ASSIGNMENT ‎“Unforgettable”, says new journalist ‎ at the office of a popular English newspaper. His discussion ‎ with his new boss, Hu Xin (HX), HX:Welcome.We're delighted you're coming to work with us.Your first job here will be an assistant journalist. Do you have any questions?‎ ZY:Can I go out on a story immediately?‎ HX:(laughing) That's admirable, but I'm afraid it would be unusual! Wait till you're more experienced. First we'll put you as an assistant to an experienced journalist.Later you can cover a story and submit the article yourself.‎ ZY:Wonderful.What do I need to take with me?I already have a notebook and camera.‎ HX:No need for a camera. You'll have a professional photographer with you to take photographs. You'll find your colleagues very eager to assist you, so you may be able to concentrate on photography later if you're interested.‎ ZY:Thank you. but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.‎ HX:Good.‎ ZY:What do I need to remember when I go out to cover a story?‎ HX:You need to be curious. different questions will you acquire all the information We say a good journalist must have a good “nose” for a story.That means ‎ you must be able to assess when people are not telling the whole truth and then try to discover it. They must use research to inform themselves of the missing parts of the story.‎ ZY:What should I keep in mind?‎ HX:Here comes my list of dos and don'ts:don't miss your deadline, don't be rude, don't talk too much, but make sure you listen to the interviewee carefully.‎ ZY:Why is listening so important?‎ HX:Well,you have to listen for detailed facts.Meanwhile you have to prepare the next question depending on what the person says.‎ ZY:But how can I listen carefully while taking notes?‎ HX:This is a trick of the trade. If the interviewee agrees, you can use a recorder to get the facts straight. It's also useful if a person wants to challenge you.You have the evidence to support your story.‎ ‎ ZY:I see!Have you ever had HX:Yes, but it was a long time ago.This is how the story goes. A footballer was accused of taking money for deliberately not scoring goals so as to let the other team win.We went to interview him. He denied taking money but we were sceptical. So we arranged an interview between the footballer and the man supposed to bribe him.When we saw them together we guessed from the footballer's body language that he was not telling the truth.So we wrote an article suggesting he was guilty. It was a dilemma because the footballer could have demanded damages if we were wrong.He tried to stop us publishing it but later we were proved right.‎ ZY:Wow!That was a real “scoop”.I'm looking forward to my first assignment now.Perhaps I'll get a scoop too!‎ HX:Perhaps you will.You never know.‎ ‎❶否定副词放句首,句子部分倒装 ‎❷be to do sth.“必将/注定做某事”‎ ‎❸not only ... but (also) ...连接两个并列分句,not only放句首,其后面分句部分倒装 ‎❹“Only+状语从句”置句首,主句部分倒装 ‎❺抽象地点名词作先行词,用where引导定语从句 ‎[单词“分类记”]‎ ‎(一)阅读障碍词汇(识其形·知其义)‎ ‎1.submit vt.          递交;呈递(文件等)‎ ‎2.amateur n. 业余爱好者 ‎3.dilemma n. (进退两难的)困境;窘境 ‎4.deliberately adv. 故意地 ‎5.sceptical adj. 怀疑的 ‎(二)高考高频词汇(知其义·写其形)‎ ‎1.eager adj. 渴望的;热切的 ‎2.senior adj. 年长的;高年级的;高级的 ‎3.acquire vt. 获得;取得;学到 ‎4.assess vt. 评估;评定 ‎5.case n. 情况;病例;案例 ‎6.accuse vt. 指责;谴责;控告 ‎7.demand n. 需求;要求 vt. 强烈要求 ‎8.process vt. 加工;处理 n. 过程;程序;步骤 ‎9.publish vt. 出版;发行;发表;公布 ‎10.meanwhile adv. 其间;同时 ‎ (三)活学活用词汇(记得清·用得活)‎ Ⅰ.根据词性和词义写出下列单词 ‎1.delighted adj.快乐的;欣喜的→delight n.快乐;高兴;喜悦vt.使高兴;使欣喜 ‎2.admirable adj.值得赞扬的;令人钦佩的→admire vt.钦佩;羡慕 ‎3.assist vt.帮助;协助;援助→assistance n.帮助;协助→assistant n.助手;助理;售货员 ‎4.profession n.职业;专业→professional adj.专业的;职业的 n.专业人员 ‎5.concentrate vi.& vt.集中;聚集→concentration n.专心;集中 ‎6.inform vt.告知;通知→information n.信息 ‎7.guilty adj.犯罪的;有罪的;内疚的→guilt n.内疚;自责;犯罪;有罪 ‎8.accurate adj.精确的;正确的→accuracy n.准确;精确 ‎9.approve vt.赞成;认可;批准→approving adj.赞许的;认可的→approval n.赞成;认可;批准→disapproval n.不赞成;反对 ‎10.appointment n.约会;任命→appoint vt.约定;任命 Ⅱ.用所给词的适当形式填空 ‎1.Please inform me of any further information about the case so that I can adjust my plan properly.(inform)‎ ‎2.He didn't approve of my leaving school this year. I desperately accepted his disapproval.(approve)‎ ‎3.To his delight,_he took first place in the exam. His parents were delighted to know about it.(delight)‎ ‎4.Mary and I had appointed to meet at the shopping center, but she failed to keep the appointment,_so I was very angry.(appoint)‎ ‎5.Tom is an assistant teacher in the college. He often assists the students with their problems and gives assistance to any student in need.(assist)‎ ‎6.Professor Smith, who is famous in the medical profession,_is paying a professional visit to our college.(profession)‎ ‎[短语“语境记”]‎ ‎(一)根据汉语写出下列短语 ‎1.concentrate_on 集中;全神贯注于 ‎2.depend_on 依靠;依赖 ‎3.accuse_..._of 因……指责或控告……‎ ‎4.so_as_to_(do_sth.) 为了(做)……‎ ‎5.ahead_of 在……前面 ‎6.have_a_nose_for_... 对……很敏感;善于发现 ‎7.keep_in_mind 记在心里 ‎8.get_the_wrong_end_of_the_stick 完全误解;弄错 ‎(二)选用上述短语填空 ‎1.Keep_in_mind that you must arrive at school by 8 o'clock and not be late.‎ ‎2.That his friends accused him of not being honest made Jack very angry.‎ ‎3.The manager concentrated_on his job, so he did not hear the loud noise outside his office.‎ ‎4.He knew that he could depend_on her to deal with the situation.‎ ‎5.Thanks to your hard work, we can finish the task ahead_of schedule.‎ ‎6.Being trained for many years, the girl has_a_nose_for different problems.‎ ‎[句式“仿写通”]‎ ‎1.Never will Zhou Yang (ZY) forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.‎ 周阳永远不会忘记他在一家畅销英文报纸的办公室的第一项工作任务。‎ ‎[解读] never等否定词置于句首,句子用部分倒装。‎ ‎[仿写] 他们从来没有放弃再次尝试的勇气。‎ Never_will_they_give_up the courage to have another try. ‎ ‎2.His discussion with his new boss, Hu Xin (HX), was to strongly influence his life as a journalist.‎ 他与他的新老板胡新的讨论对他的记者生涯必将产生重大影响。‎ ‎[解读] be to do表示将来发生的事,常译为“注定会……;一定……”。‎ ‎[仿写] 因为你既聪明又勤奋,你当记者的梦想一定会实现的。‎ Your dream of becoming a journalist is_to_come_true because you are wise and hardworking. ‎ ‎3.Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?‎ 你们有没有过这样的情况:别人控告你的记者,说他(她)们的报道完全失实?‎ ‎[解读] where引导定语从句,修饰抽象地点名词a case,在从句中作状语。‎ ‎[仿写] 据报道,两个国家已经达到双方都愿意坐下来谈判的地步。‎ It's reported that the two countries have reached a point where_both_sides_will_sit_down together and talk.‎ ‎[第一板块 重点单词突破]‎ ‎1.inform vt.告知;通知 ‎[高考佳句] He's been informed that he doesn't qualify for the scholarship because of his academic background.(2017·江苏高考单选)‎ 他被告知,因为其教育背景,他没有资格获得这笔奖学金。‎ ‎(1)inform sb.of sth.       告知某人某事;通知某人某事 inform sb.that/when/how ... 通知某人……‎ keep sb. informed (of) 使某人随时了解(……)最新情况 ‎(2)information n.[U] 消息;情报;信息 ‎①Had I informed him of the exact time for the meeting earlier, he wouldn't have been late yesterday.‎ 要是我早一点通知他开会的准确时间,昨天他就不会迟到了。‎ ‎②It is necessary that we keep the young generation informed (inform) of history and make them remember history.‎ 我们很有必要让年轻一代了解历史并记住历史。‎ ‎[名师指津] inform后不能直接带双宾语,而是借助于介词of,构成 ‎“inform sb. of sth.”结构。‎ ‎2.case n.情况;病例;案例 ‎[高考佳句] In that case, ask to speak in person as soon as possible and say sorry.(2017·天津高考)‎ 在那种情况下,要求尽可能快地亲自去道歉。‎ in case         假使;以防万一 in case of 假如发生;万一发生 in any case 无论如何 in no case 决不 in this/that case 假使这样/那样的话 as is often the case 这是常有的事 ‎①In_that_case,_I shall direct many good movies for the audience.‎ 假使那样的话,我将为观众导演很多好电影。‎ ‎②As_is_often_the_case,_the fact that something cheap doesn't necessarily mean it's of low quality.‎ 情况通常是这样,便宜的东西并不一定意味着其质量就差。‎ ‎③In no case shall_we_believe that he is so generous.‎ 我们决不相信他会那么慷慨。‎ ‎[名师指津] (1)in case也可以单独使用,常位于句末,相当于一个副词。‎ ‎(2)in no case位于句首时,句子用部分倒装。‎ ‎(3)如果 case充当先行词,后面的定语从句通常用where或in which引导。‎ ‎3.demand n.需求;要求vt.强烈要求 ‎[教材原句] It was a dilemma because the footballer could have demanded damages if we were wrong.‎ 这是一个两难问题,因为如果我们错了,那个足球队员就可以要求补偿损失。‎ ‎(1)be in (great) demand       (迫切)需求 meet/satisfy one's demands 满足某人的需求 ‎(2)demand to do sth. 要求做某事 demand that ... (should) do sth. 要求……‎ ‎①The Harry Potter books are quite popular; they are in_great_demand in this city.‎ ‎《哈利·波特》系列图书很受欢迎,在这座城市的需求量很大。‎ ‎②The manager promised that they would try to meet/satisfy their customers' demands.‎ 经理许诺他们会尽力满足顾客的需求。‎ ‎③The teacher demanded that the students (should)_go (go) to school on time.‎ 这位老师要求学生们准时到校。‎ ‎[名师指津] demand作动词时,后可接名词、不定式和从句作宾语,但不可跟“sb.to do”结构;后接that从句时,从句用虚拟语气,谓语动词用“(should+)动词原形”;作名词引导表语从句或同位语从句时,从句中也用虚拟语气。‎ ‎4.approve vt.赞成;认可;批准 ‎[教材原句] Last of all, the chief editor read it and approved it.‎ 最后主编审读了这篇稿子,并且批准了。‎ ‎(1)approve sth.        批准/通过某事 approve of (sb./one's) doing sth. 赞同/同意(某人)做某事 ‎(2)approval n. 赞成;同意;批准;认可 get one's approval 得到某人的同意 give one's approval to 同意;批准 ‎①I approve_of your earning some money, but please don't neglect your studies.‎ 我同意你去挣一些钱,但是请不要耽误了功课。‎ ‎②His son had an obsessive drive to gain his approval (approve).‎ 他儿子渴望得到他的认可。‎ ‎[名师指津] “赞成/同意某人做某事”不可说成“approve sb. to do sth.”, 因为approve用作“同意,赞成”时是不及物动词,所以应该用“approve of sb./one's doing sth.”,其中介词of后是动词ing的复合结构。‎ ‎5.assist vt.帮助;协助;援助 单句语法填空/句型转换 ‎①We will have robots and computers to assist us with the things that are boring.‎ ‎②With the assistance (assist) of my cousin we paddled across the river in the dark to participate in a private meeting.‎ ‎③To assist the students to learn Chinese better, our school has decided to donate some books to your Chinese class. (2015·天津高考满分作文)‎ ‎→To assist the students in_learning Chinese better, our school has decided to donate some books to your Chinese class.‎ ‎6.accuse vt.指责;谴责;控告 单句语法填空/句型转换 ‎①For lack of sufficient evidence, the accused (accuse) was allowed to go free.‎ ‎②This company was accused of using misleading advertisements in its promotion of the weightloss pills.‎ ‎→This company was_charged_with using misleading advertisements in its promotion of the weightloss pills.‎ ‎7.senior adj.年长的;高年级的;高级的n.较年长者 选词填空/句型转换 ‎①Though Jack is younger than (than/to) Ann, he's senior to (than/to) her.‎ ‎②John is five years senior to me.‎ ‎→John is senior to me by five years.‎ ‎→John is my_senior by five years.‎ ‎[单词过关练]‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.I have an appointment (appoint) with the manager of that company in the evening.‎ ‎2.The editor feels guilty (guilt) about not publishing your article ‎ in the latest issue.‎ ‎3.Please keep me fully informed (inform) of any developments.‎ ‎4.To_acquire (acquire) a good knowledge of English, he gave up his job and went to study in an English school.‎ ‎5.It is demanded that the books (should)_be_returned (return) to the school library within two weeks.‎ ‎6.Betty is a promising young poet. So far over ten of her poems have_been_published (publish) in magazines.‎ ‎7.My husband who is three years senior to me, is very considerate and always places me in the first place.‎ ‎8.Mother doesn't approve_of_her_smoking and she is determined to give it up.‎ ‎9.A man helping an old lady who fell on the floor to get up on a bus ended up being accused of causing her injury.‎ ‎10.I was employed to assist the manager with his duties.‎ Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.You'd better put on a thick sweater in case of it snows.去掉of ‎2.Catherine's mother will never approve her marriage to you. approve后加of ‎3.It is demanded that a doctor must be sent for. must→should或去掉must ‎4.Please keep me informing if you change your phone number.informing→informed ‎5.They were excited that their product was superior than their competitors'.than→to Ⅲ.补全句子 ‎1.应该给予孩子足够的空间,那样的话孩子会获得更多的生活经验。‎ Enough space should be given to the kids; in_that_case,_they will get more life experience.‎ ‎2.我们将随时通知您有关在家学习的配套活动和进度表。‎ We will keep_you_informed_of the homebased learning activities and ‎ study schedule.‎ ‎3.他们认为学好英语是现代社会对人们的要求之一,而且对我们日后的就业非常有帮助。(demand)‎ They think learning English well is one_of_the_demands_of_modern_society and will do good to our future career.‎ ‎4.他在学校表现不错,希望以此得到父母的赞许。‎ By doing well at school he hoped to_win_his_parents'_approval.‎ ‎5.在过去的几年中,他从工作中获得了广泛的专业知识。(acquire)‎ He has_acquired_a_wide_knowledge_of_his_major from his work in the past few years.‎ ‎[第二板块 短语、句式突破]‎ ‎1.concentrate on集中;全神贯注于 ‎[高考佳句] She has turned down several invitations to star at shows in order to concentrate on her studies.(2017·全国卷Ⅲ语法填空)‎ 为了专注于学业, 她已经拒绝了几个在表演中担任主角的邀请。‎ ‎(1)concentrate on (doing) sth.   专心于(做)某事 concentrate one's mind/attention on 集中注意力于;致力于;专心于 ‎(2)concentration n. 集中;专心 ‎①Playing computer games can give us some relaxation after school, but as students we must concentrate on our studies.‎ 放学后玩电脑游戏能使我们放松,但是作为学生,我们必须集中精力学习。‎ ‎②He concentrated his energies on studying (study) the history of Loulan.‎ 他把精力专注于研究楼兰的历史。‎ ‎③Speaking on the phone requires concentration (concentrate) and takes a driver's attention from the road.‎ 打电话需要集中注意力,这样就分散了司机对路面的注意力。‎ ‎[联想发散] “致力于;专心于”的常用短语还有:‎ ‎①be absorbed in      ②pay attention to ‎③apply oneself to ④devote oneself to ‎⑤put one's heart into ⑥be buried in/bury oneself in ‎⑦be lost in/lose oneself in ⑧fix/focus one's attention on ‎2.depend on依靠;依赖 ‎[经典例句] Health depends on good food,fresh air and enough sleep.‎ 身体健康依靠的是优质的食品、新鲜的空气和充足的睡眠。‎ ‎(1)depend on sb.to do sth.    依靠某人做某事 depend on sb.for sth. 依靠某人供给某物 depend on/upon it that ... 指望;对……深信不疑 ‎(2)That depends./It (all) depends.  视情况而定。‎ ‎①You can never depend on a disabled woman to_do (do) all the housework for you.‎ 你不能指望一个残疾的妇女替你做所有的家务。‎ ‎②You can depend on it that such things will never happen again.‎ 你尽管放心,这种事绝不会再发生的。‎ ‎③—Can you finish the work before Sunday?‎ ‎—That_depends./It_all_depends.‎ ‎——你可以在星期天之前完成这项工作吗?‎ ‎——视情况而定。‎ ‎[联想发散] 与depend on意义和用法相同的短语还有:rely on, count on。‎ ‎3.Never_will_Zhou_Yang_(ZY)_forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.‎ 周阳永远不会忘记他在一家畅销英文报纸的办公室的第一项工作任务。‎ ‎(1)否定副词never置于句首,句子需用部分倒装结构,即把助动词、情态动词或系动词be提到主语之前。‎ ‎(2)常用否定副词和含有否定意义的介词短语还有:not, little, seldom, hardly, scarcely, neither, nor, at no time, by no means, in no case, in ‎ no way, on no condition等。‎ ‎①The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once have_they_quarrelled with each other.‎ 这对老夫妇已经结婚40年了,(这些年里)他们从没吵过架。‎ ‎②He is such an illtempered man that on no condition will_I_team_up_with_him.‎ 他的脾气太暴躁了,无论如何我都不会和他合作。‎ ‎③Hardly had_we_left the dormitory the next morning when we realized we had left our map in the room.‎ 第二天早上,我们刚离开宿舍,就意识到我们把地图忘在房间里了。‎ ‎4.Have you ever had a_case_where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?‎ 你们有没有过这样的情况:别人控告你的记者,说他(她)们的报道完全失实?‎ 本句为where引导的定语从句,修饰先行词a case。当先行词为抽象地点名词case, situation, position, atmosphere, stage, activity, family和point等且关系词在从句中作状语时,常用where或in which来引导定语从句。‎ ‎①I can think of many cases where students knew quite a few English words and expressions but couldn't write a good essay.‎ 我能想出许多情况,学生知道许多英语词汇和表达却写不出好文章。‎ ‎②All the neighbours admire this family, where the parents are treating their child like a friend.‎ 邻居们都羡慕这个家庭,在这个家庭中父母对待孩子像朋友一样。‎ ‎③Today, we'll discuss a number of cases which/that beginners of English are likely to meet with.‎ 今天,我们将讨论一些英语初学者可能遇到的情况。‎ ‎ [名师指津] 抽象地点名词后的定语从句中如果关系词作主语或宾语则需要用that或which引导。‎ ‎[短语、句式过关练]‎ Ⅰ.用concentrate的适当形式或短语完成下面语段 In class, the naughty boy has little power of 1.concentration;_as a ‎ result, he could not 2.concentrate_on what his teacher says. But when he plays computer games, he can't be more energetic.‎ Ⅱ.用depend短语完成下面语段 I have been so occupied with work that I haven't had time to look after my children. I 1.depend_on my mother to take care of my children, and my children 2.depend_on_her_for their material needs. As is often the case, you may 3.depend_on_it_that your parents will help you out when you are in need of help.‎ 我一直忙于工作,以至于没有时间去照看孩子。我依赖我的母亲照顾我的孩子,而我的孩子依靠她满足他们的物质需要。情况通常是这样,你可以相信当你需要帮助的时候你的父母会帮助你。‎ Ⅲ.补全句子 ‎1.学生们十分信任她,所以她的建议一定会影响他们的决定。‎ The students trust her; as a result, her advice is_to_influence_their_decision.‎ ‎2.在她的一生中,她从未尝过更美味的东西。(2016·10月浙江高考)‎ Never_in_her_life_had_she tasted anything better.‎ ‎3.你有没有过这样的情况:语法知识很丰富,阅读却进展不好?‎ Have_you_ever_had_a_case_where you could not get along well with reading with much grammar?‎ 一、表达能力——用课文词汇写高分作文 meanwhile, admirable, professional, process, acquire, approve, concentrate on, journalist ‎ ‎1.补全要点句(“黑体”部分选用上面方框中的单词或短语)‎ ‎①作为一名记者,李强不但有很好的新闻嗅觉,而且具有令人钦佩的专业技能。‎ As_a_journalist,_Li Qiang not only has a good nose for news, but also he has admirable_professional_skills.‎ ‎②每一次采访前,他都会全神贯注地做准备。‎ Before every interview, he concentrates_on preparing for it.‎ ‎③在采访过程中,他能够获得他所需要的信息。同时,他还能想起下一个问题。‎ In_the_process_of an interview, he can acquire_the_information_he_needs. Meanwhile he comes up with the next question.‎ ‎④采访一结束,李强必须准确迅速地写出报道,并随后由主编审读批准。‎ The_moment the interview is over, Li Qiang must write out his story accurately and quickly, and it is_read_and_approved by the chief editor afterwards.‎ ‎⑤再经过后期的技术处理,一篇新闻稿就可以交付印刷了。‎ After the last stage of technical process, a story is_ready_to_go_to_press.‎ ‎2.升级平淡句 ‎(1)用“not only ...but also ...”倒装句升级句①‎ As_a_journalist,_not_only_does_Li_Qiang_have_a_good_nose_for_news,_but_also_he_has_admirable_professional_skills.‎ ‎(2)用and连接两个并列分句升级句③‎ In_the_process_of_an_interview,_he_can_acquire_the_information_he_needs,_and_meanwhile_comes_up_with_the_next_question.‎ ‎(3)用定语从句升级句④‎ The_moment_the_interview_is_over,_Li_Qiang_must_write_out_his_story_accurately_and_quickly,_which_is_read_and_approved_by_the_chief_editor_afterwards.‎ ‎3.衔接成语篇 As_a_journalist,_not_only_does_Li_Qiang_have_a_good_nose_for_news,_but_also_he_has_admirable_professional_skills._Before_every_interview,_he_concentrates_on_preparing_for_it._In_the_process_of_an_interview,_he_can_acquire_the_information_he_needs,_and_meanwhile_comes_up_with_‎ the_next_question._The_moment_the_interview_is_over,_Li_Qiang_must_write_out_his_story_accurately_and_quickly,_which_is_read_and_approved_by_the_chief_editor_afterwards.After_the_last_stage_of_technical_process,_a_story_is_ready_to_go_to_press.‎ 二、阅读能力——用课文句型解构高考长难句 [本单元突破点——so引导的并列分句]‎ 经典例句 比较分析 真题尝试翻译 课文长难句 You'll find your colleagues very eager to assist you, so you may be able to concentrate on photography later if you're interested.‎ so是并列连词,连接并列分句。在第一分句中,find后接复合结构,第二分句含有if引导的条件状语从句。‎ ‎——彼得,请给我们寄一些明信片,这样我们就能知道你去过哪里了。‎ ‎——没问题。‎ 真题长难句 ‎—Peter, please send us postcards so we'll know where you have visited.‎ ‎—No problem.(2017·北京高考单选)‎ so 是并列连词,连接并列分句。‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A 话题 词数 建议用时 新闻记者 ‎305‎ ‎8分钟 Walk into a newsroom of journalists and you will smell coffee brewing and see people rushing for their 14th bathroom break of the day. You will see a business “about people and why they do what they do, and what it all means”.‎ That's how Jack Smith, 72yearold former newspaper reporter and ‎ editor, described it to 30 visiting students from Auburn and Opelika high schools on the Auburn University campus.‎ While growing up, Smith waited every day for the mail carrier to pull up in his 1939 Ford and drop the newspaper off. “I'd read and study every issue, sometimes for hours on end,” he said. The stories and design of the paper began his love for journalism.‎ His first route when he went to college wasn't journalism though. He first wanted to become a civil engineer until someone told him the amount of math and physics involved. He then changed to the business school, eventually making the move to journalism. Paul Burnett, standing on the same place as Smith did during his speech, inspired him while he was in college.‎ Smith walked up the steps to his first job at the Montgomery Advertiser earning D|S50 a week. His first task was to rewrite an article on Martin Luther King Jr.‎ ‎“Those seemingly meaningless stories could be just as important as a story on the front page.” He told the students that it is a job that needs hard work and they have to be eager to go and do all again the next day.‎ ‎“I'm glad I didn't decide to build the Golden Gate Bridge or take Wall Street by storm,” Smith said. That wouldn't have landed him a job that is so near his heart. For him, the sweat and pain in the life of a journalist was worth every moment.‎ 语篇解读:一位退休的老新闻记者向一群学生讲述了作为记者的工作性质以及其中的甘苦。‎ ‎1.When did Jack Smith first become interested in journalism?‎ A.When he was in college.‎ B.When he worked as a mail carrier.‎ C.When he was at the Montgomery Advertiser.‎ D.When he read newspapers while growing up.‎ 解析:选D 由第三段“The stories and design of the paper began his love for journalism.”可知,史密斯打小就期待着送报纸的来,读了报纸以后被报纸的设计及内容深深吸引,因此对新闻行业产生了兴趣。‎ ‎2.Why did Jack Smith give up being a civil engineer?‎ A.He wasn't interested in it.‎ B.He wanted to learn business.‎ C.Paul Burnett inspired him to be a reporter.‎ D.His math and physics weren't good enough.‎ 解析:选D 根据第四段中的“until someone told him the amount of math and physics involved”可推知,史密斯因为数学和物理不够好,因此放弃了当工程师的想法。‎ ‎3.What did the students probably learn about journalism?‎ A.It is hard and boring.‎ B.It requires many talents.‎ C.It should focus on important events.‎ D.It deserves people's love and hard work.‎ 解析:选D 根据倒数第二段,史密斯向学生介绍说看起来没意思的故事可能跟头版的文章一样重要。而新闻这个行业需要努力工作,需要人们热爱它。‎ ‎4.The last paragraph suggests that ________.‎ A.Smith tried many different jobs B.journalism mostly gave Smith pleasure C.Smith loves being a journalist from his heart D.Smith would have chosen a more worthy job 解析:选C 根据最后一段可知,史密斯对新闻行业由衷热爱,从未后悔过没有选择其他职业。‎ B 话题 词数 建议用时 校办报纸 ‎298‎ ‎7分钟 Does your local high school have a student newspaper?‎ Only 1 in 8 of New York's public high schools has student newspapers ‎ ‎— and many of those are published just a few times a year. A few more are online, which can leave out poorer schools.‎ Rebecca Dwarka, an 18yearold senior who works for her student paper, said, “Facebook is a new way of finding out what happened. Nobody wants to actually sit down and read a whole article about it, which makes a ‘whole article’ sound a little like a long sentence in lonely places.”‎ I am not nostalgic (怀旧的) about high school student newspapers and never worked for mine. I put out what was then called a personal magazine with a group of friends because we wanted to write about peace, war, rock’n’roll without school officials' warning us not to make jokes about the local officials.‎ School newspapers are in decline because students now find out what happened on social networking websites is a little discouraging because it proves that to millions of Americans, journalism is becoming a doityourself thing. Every citizen can be a reporter.‎ When something happens, we look for social media messages as soon as they flash, too. Facebook posts and Tweets have become the means by which citizens and reporters can prove, deny, pass on stories and express opinions without the press's challenging, researching, or slowing the message. ‎ But truly good journalism is a craft, not just a blog post. It requires not only seeing something carefully, but also reporting it with perspective. It uses an eye for detail to help prove a larger view. And even journalism that conveys an opinion strives (力求) to be fair. If school newspapers begin to disappear, I hope there are other ways for students to learn that.‎ 语篇解读:在美国,许多学校都有校办报纸,但是网络媒体的发展使校办报纸遇到了困境。‎ ‎5.We can infer from what Rebecca said that ________.‎ A.students like reading detailed articles B.school newspapers are becoming unpopular C.Facebook is the quickest way of spreading news D.long sentences are becoming popular in lonely places 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第二段内容和第三段中Rebecca说的话“Facebook is a new way of finding out what happened. Nobody wants to actually sit down and read a whole article about it”可知,校报已经变得不受欢迎。‎ ‎6.In the author's opinion, social media messages________.‎ A.make journalism become a craft B.aren't based on careful research C.reflect the power of small voices D.are usually discouraging for readers 解析:选B 细节理解题。结合倒数第二段的“Facebook posts and Tweets have become the means ... without the press's challenging, researching, or slowing the message.”可知,社交网站上的信息没有经过仔细的调查。‎ ‎7.According to the author, good journalism should ________.‎ A.fairly convey an opinion B.convey a message quickly C.report news in detail D.act as blog posts in modern times 解析:选A 推理判断题。根据最后一段的“It uses an eye for detail to help prove a larger view. And even journalism that conveys an opinion strives (力求) to be fair.”可知,作者认为新闻业应该公平地传达某种观点。‎ ‎8.What might be the most suitable title of the text?‎ A.Social media or newspaper?‎ B.Everyone can become a reporter at present C.Social networking brings about new journalism D.High school newspapers — an endangered species 解析:选D 标题归纳题。本文介绍了由于网络媒体逐渐成为人们获取新闻的主要来源,造成了校办报纸几乎消失的境况,故选D。‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 Knowing how to get the conversation started is important, however, keeping it going is even more important. Here are some conversation skills that make people like you.‎ Invite people to share their lives The most important conversation skill is to invite people to talk about their lives. __1__ Show an interest in learning about a person's history, family, ideas, or goals and it will likely get the conversation going right away. __2__‎ Ask openended (开放式的) questions Openended questions require more than just a yesorno answer. Ask openended questions that encourage other people to start discussing a topic in detail. __3__ These questions really encourage other people to offer information about their story and invite them to share their opinion.‎ Wait for your turn to talk Whatever you do, don't interrupt. Instead, wait patiently for your turn to talk. Interrupting is one of the quickest ways to shut down a conversation and make other people uncomfortable. Show that you value what others are saying. __4__‎ Request advice Asking for advice shows that you value someone else's opinion. Just because you ask for advice doesn't mean you have to follow it. __5__ Ask your coworker if she likes your new jacket or ask a friend how you should handle a situation. Asking for advice can make others feel important.‎ A.Almost everyone enjoys talking about themselves.‎ B.You can ask for advice on both simple and serious things in life.‎ C.This shows that you are listening and helps clarify what you have ‎ heard.‎ D.If a person appears uncomfortable sharing something personal, change the subject.‎ E.If someone is talking about something you don't understand, ask for an explanation.‎ F.Truly listen to what is being said rather than try to think of what you will say next.‎ G.For example, ask “What made you decide to pursue nursing?” or “How did you like living in Hawaii?”‎ 语篇解读:懂得如何开始聊天很重要,但让聊天持续更重要。本文介绍了几个聊天技巧能让你成为受人欢迎的交谈对象。‎ ‎1.选A 本空所在段落主要说明了要引导别人谈论他们自己的生活。A项中的“talking about themselves”与本空前一句中“talk about their lives”形成对应。‎ ‎2.选D D项中的“something personal”与前一句中的“a person's history, family, ideas, or goals”形成对应。如果有的人对谈论一些私人话题感到不舒服的话,那就换个话题。‎ ‎3.选G G项与下一句语义衔接。下一句中的“These questions”指代G项中的开放式问题。‎ ‎4.选F 本空所在段落告诉我们不要插话,要耐心等待轮到你说话时再说。F项符合本段大意。‎ ‎5.选B 你可以就生活中简单和重大的事情询问别人的意见。本空下一句给出了具体例子:比如说你可以问你的同事是否喜欢你的新夹克或问你的朋友怎样处理某个情况。B项中的“ask for advice”与本段主题形成对应。‎ Ⅲ.短文改错 ‎(2018·河南三市第二次联考)An injuring soldier was informed that he would spend the rest of his life in the wheelchair. Hear the news, such desperate was he that he drank heavily every day. One day, he had hardly got out of a pub then he was robbed by three guys. Unwilling to give in, he struggled against them, that set off the robbers' angry. Therefore,‎ ‎ they set a fire to his wheelchair. Just when the big fire was endangering his life, he suddenly jumps out of his wheelchair and ran through the whole street swift. Then he stopped to have a rest, only find that he could walk and even run normally.‎ 答案:第一句:injuring→injured 第二句:Hear→Hearing; such→so 第三句:then→when 第四句:that→which; angry→anger 第五句:去掉a 第六句:jumps→jumped; swift→swiftly 第七句:only后加to ‎ ‎ ‎“社会生活”话题的命题通常以议论文和说明文为主。题材多以经济、文化生活、文化传统、风俗习惯、行为规范、交际、礼仪、购物等为主,是高考的热点命题素材。阅读理解命题方面,既注重主旨把握,又注重细节理解、推理判断。写作方面多为贴近学生生活的节假日活动、人际关系(如宽容、赞扬等),或要求考生通过自己或他人的一次经历来发表看法,体裁多为记叙文或夹叙夹议文。‎ 一、话题与阅读 ‎[考题示例]           (2017·6月浙江卷·完形填空)‎ ‎[1]Alia Baker is a librarian in Iraq. Her library used to be a __1__ place for all who loved books and liked to share knowledge. They __2__ various matters all over the world. When the war was near, Alia was __3__ that the fires of war would destroy the books, which are more __4__ to her than mountains of gold. The books are in every language — new books, ancient books, __5__ a book on the history of Iraq that is seven hundred ‎ years old.‎ ‎[2]She had asked the government for __6__ to move the books to a __7__ place, but they refused. So Alia took matters into her own hands. __8__, she brought books home every night, __9__ her car late after work. Her friends came to __10__ her when the war broke out. Anis who owned a restaurant __11__ to hide some books. All through the __12__, Alia, Anis, his brothers and neighbours took the books from the library, __13__ them over the sevenfoot wall and __14__ them in the restaurant. The books stayed hidden as the war __15__. Then nine days later, a fire burned the __16__ to the ground.‎ ‎[3]One day, the bombing stopped and the __17__ left. But the war was not over yet. Alia knew that if the books were to be safe, they must be __18__ again while the city was __19__. So she hired a truck to bring all the books to the houses of friends in the suburbs (郊区). Now Alia waited for the war to end and __20__ peace and a new library.‎ ‎1.A.meeting         B.working C.personal D.religious ‎2.A.raised B.handled C.reported D.discussed ‎3.A.worried B.angry C.doubtful D.curious ‎4.A.practical B.precious C.reliable D.expensive ‎5.A.then B.still C.even D.rather ‎6.A.permission B.confirmation C.explanation D.information ‎7.A.large B.public C.distant D.safe ‎8.A.Fortunately B.Surprisingly C.Seriously D.Secretly ‎9.A.starting B.parking C.filling D.testing ‎10.A.stop B.help C.warn D.rescue ‎11.A.intended B.pretended C.happened D.agreed ‎12.A.war B.night C.building D.way ‎13.A.put B.opened C.passed D.threw ‎14.A.hid B.exchanged C.burnt D.distributed ‎15.A.approached B.erupted C.continued D.ended ‎16.A.restaurant B.library C.city D.wall ‎17.A.neighbours B.soldiers C.friends D.customers ‎18.A.sold B.read C.saved D.moved ‎19.A.occupied B.bombed C.quiet D.busy ‎20.A.dreamed of B.believed in C.cared about D.looked for ‎[策略指导] ‎ ‎(一)读文快一点 ‎1.抓首段,明文体,确保读文方向不跑偏 由首段可知,本文是一篇记叙文。读文时应该重点关注与记叙文相关的要素,一般会在首句或者首段交代4个W(where, when, who, what)。‎ ‎2.抓关键词(话题词汇和行为动词),巧串联,明文章大意 结合文中“destroy the books, asked the government, refused, into her own hands, broke out, hide some books” 等表述,即可串联出文章大意,结合选项,深层次的理解文章,了解整个故事情节。‎ 本文的段意梳理: 第1段:Alia Baker 所工作的图书馆的宝贵书籍面临被战火摧毁的危险。‎ ‎ 第2段:Alia Baker 和身边的人在战争期间不顾自身安危保护书籍。‎ 第3段:Alia Baker 再次转移书籍,并期待和平的到来和图书馆的重建。‎ ‎(二)做题准一点 ‎1.选A 根据下文可知,爱书人士经常到Alia的图书馆看书、分享知识,对于这些人来说,该图书馆是一个聚会处,故选meeting。‎ ‎2.选D 结合语境可知,他们在这里讨论全世界各种各样的事情,故选discussed,表示“讨论,议论”。‎ ‎3.选A 根据上文提到的战争即将来临,以及下文提到的Alia和身边的人保护图书馆书籍的内容可知,此处指Alia很担心书籍在战火中被毁掉,故选worried。‎ ‎4.选B 根据语境及下文的“mountains of gold”可知,Alia认为这些书比金山还要珍贵,故选precious,表示“珍贵的”。‎ ‎5.选C 空处上下文在语义上表示递进,指甚至(even)还有700年前的有关伊拉克历史的书籍。‎ ‎6.选A 根据语境可知,她希望得到政府允许(permission)把书搬到安全的(safe)地方,但他们拒绝了。ask sb.for permission表示“请求某人的许可”,符合语境。‎ ‎7.选D 参见上题解析。‎ ‎8.选D 根据语境可知,每晚很晚下班后,Alia偷偷地把书带回家。secretly“秘密地,偷偷地”,符合语境。‎ ‎9.选C 根据上下文语境及空后的“her car”可知,Alia把书装到她的汽车里运回家。fill表示“装满”。‎ ‎10.选B 根据下文的内容可知,战争爆发后,她的朋友们也赶来帮助(help)她。‎ ‎11.选D 根据下文可知,Anis同意把一些书藏在自己的餐馆里,agree to do ... 表示“同意做……”。‎ ‎12.选B 根据语境可知,他们整晚都在从图书馆里搬书,这也照应了上文中的“every night”。‎ ‎13.选C 根据上下文可知,他们要把书递过7英尺的高墙,并把它们藏在餐馆里。pass表示“传递”。‎ ‎14.选A 参见上题解析。hide表示“隐藏”。下文的hidden亦是提示。‎ ‎15.选C 根据语境及上文中的“the war broke out”可知,战争还在继续(continued)。‎ ‎16.选B 根据语境及下文中的“a new library”可知,图书馆被全部焚毁了,故选library。‎ ‎17.选B 一天,轰炸停止了,士兵们也离开了,所以选soldiers。‎ ‎18.选D 根据下文可知,Alia知道,尽管城市是安静的,如果想要这些书安全,他们必须把这些书再转移(moved)出去。‎ ‎19.选C 参见上题解析。quiet表示“安静的”。‎ ‎20.选A 根据语境可知,Alia等待着战争的结束,梦想着(拥有)和平和一个新图书馆。dream of表示“梦想,期盼”。‎ ‎[题后悟通]‎ 语境推测法和上下呼应法 ‎(1)近年来高考完形填空主要考查对语境的理解,空格的前后多有暗示,做题时,一定要从整体上把握文章结构和内在的行文逻辑。例如第2题,根据上文书友在图书馆“以书会友”可知,此处表示他们在一起会讨论世界各地的问题;3题上文提到“when the war was near”,推出Alia 担心在战火中书可能被毁,选出“worried”。‎ ‎(2)上下呼应法:语篇中会反复出现某个词,或是该词的同义词、近义词,或是反义词,使得语篇中的句子语义衔接。例如4题,下文出现“mountains of gold”, 推测出Alia 认为书更珍贵“precious”。‎ ‎(三)积累多一点 ‎1.permission n.        允许;许可 ‎2.destroy v. 摧毁 ‎3.handle v. 处理;操作 ‎4.precious adj. 珍贵的 ‎5.approach v. 走近;处理 ‎6.secretly adv. 秘密地 ‎7.bomb v. 轰炸 ‎8.break out 爆发 ‎9.dream of 梦想;期盼 ‎10.in the suburbs 在郊区 二、话题与写作 ‎[考题示例]          (2014·全国卷Ⅱ)‎ 一家英语报社向中学生征文,主题是“十年后的我”。请根据下列要点和你的畅想完成短文。‎ ‎1.家庭;2.工作;3.业余生活。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;‎ ‎3.开头语已为你写好。‎ I often imagine what my life will be like in the future. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎[写作规范] ‎ 第一步:写对词汇不丢冤枉分 ‎1.十年之后         in_ten_years ‎2.计算机公司 a_computer_company ‎3.程序设计员 program_designer ‎4.与……相处 get_along_with ‎5.同事 colleague ‎6.在我的业余时间 in_my_free_time ‎7.旅游 travel ‎8.丰富的 rich 第二步:列全要点、写对句子保基本分 ‎1.十年后,我的生活将完全不同。‎ My life will_be_very_different in ten years.‎ ‎2.我将有自己的家庭,可能还有一个可爱的孩子。‎ I will have my own family, probably with a_lovely_baby.‎ ‎3.我喜爱我的工作。‎ I will_enjoy my work.‎ ‎4.我将和同事们友好相处。‎ I will_get_along_well_with my colleagues.‎ ‎5.在假期中,我将周游世界。‎ On_my_holidays,_I will travel around the world.‎ ‎6.总之,我的生活将更加丰富多彩。‎ In a word, my life will_be_richer_and_more_colourful.‎ 第三步:句式升级、打造亮点得高分 ‎1.用“of+great+抽象名词”改写句1‎ My_life_will_be_of_great_difference_in_ten_years.‎ ‎2.用and连接句3、4‎ I_will_enjoy_my_work_and_get_along_well_with_my_colleagues.‎ 第四步:过渡衔接、润色成文创满分 I often imagine what my life will be like in the future.I_think_my_life_will_be_of_great_difference_in_ten_years._I_will_be_twentyeight_years_old_by_then._I_will_have_my_own_family,_probably_with_a_lovely_baby._I_hope_I_will_work_in_a_computer_company_as_a_program_designer._I_will_enjoy_my_work_and_get_along_well_with_my_colleagues._I_will_do_a_good_job_in_whatever_I_do.In_my_free_time,_I_will_continue_to_take_regular_exercise,_such_as_swimming,_running_and_various_ball_games.On_my_holidays,_I_will_travel_around_the_world.In_a_word,_my_life_will_be_richer_and_more_colourful.‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A With a million 18-25s unemployed, it's not an easy time for young people looking to get on the job ladder. However, through the statistic I saw an opportunity that I decided to take. Throughout the past years I have worked hard to develop a number of projects to help young people gain an advantage in their careers and in life. With the support of Levi Roots, who created Reggae Reggae Sauce, I founded UnITe Computing in 2011 and since have enjoyed working with clients (客户) such as Google UK, the University of Australia and others. Though this journey has had its ups and downs, I am proud of how far we have come.‎ The main issue I have faced so far in my business life has been gaining the trust of others. If you are 19, not very many people believe you when you say you run a number of businesses. In fact I have been laughed at and even told to get a job by some. This was a major obstacle I had to face. To overcome it I simply established a professional and positive reputation among colleagues, friends and in the media in order to build credibility for myself and my businesses. Age should not limit your ability to succeed and I have gained more respect due to my willingness to give back and reward the communities which support me.‎ One of the young business people I personally support is Ryan Farquharson who runs Lovethequote.com. He says, “To anybody that has an urge to run their own business I would absolutely say go for it, anyone can do it!”‎ It's this gogetting attitude that I firmly believe needs to be encouraged and developed among today's young people. The “one million unemployed youth” statistic is a key drive for change and an opportunity to get up and make something of yourself; you simply have to go for it and pick up support. That is what my journey and my story aims to inspire.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。面对很多年轻人找不到工作的现状,同样身为年轻人的作者从中发现商机并创办了自己的公司,帮助其他年轻人赢在起跑线上。‎ ‎1.The author established the company because he ________.‎ A.failed to find a satisfying job B.enjoyed working for himself C.followed Levi Roots' advice D.spotted a chance of success 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“through the statistic I saw an opportunity that I decided to take ... I founded UnITe Computing”可知答案。‎ ‎2.The underlined word “obstacle” in Paragraph 2 means “________”.‎ A.pressure        B.difficulty C.frustration D.disappointment 解析:选B 词义猜测题。由于年龄小,作者不能取得别人的信任,因此如何取得别人的信任成为作者在创业途中碰到的最大“困难”。‎ ‎3.By mentioning Ryan Farquharson, the author wants to ________.‎ A.show the achievement Ryan Farquharson has made B.encourage young people to turn to him for support C.explain what is the most important thing to succeed D.introduce the right attitude young people should have 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“It's this gogetting attitude ... developed among today's young people.”可以看出,作者提Ryan Farquharson主要是想引出他说的话。作者认为当今年轻人都应该有他的这种态度。‎ ‎4.Which of the following words can best describe the author?‎ A.Determined and generous.‎ B.Considerate and optimistic.‎ C.Sympathetic and productive.‎ D.Adventurous and responsible.‎ 解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第二段内容可知,面对别人的质疑,作者并未放弃,而是通过努力让别人改变对自己的看法,由此可以看出作者很有决心;再根据第二段中的“my willingness to give back and reward the communities which support me”可以看出,作者非常慷慨。‎ B By the end of last year, a British woman had failed her driving theory test 110 times.But the woman is not giving up just yet. It is hard to believe that the 30yearold, from Southwark, southeast London, has failed the test three times — taking her total number of unsuccessful attempts to a record 113. This year, the price of the test was lowered from £31 a time to £25.Amazingly, if she had started sitting the exam at the age of 17, she would have sat it more than eight times a year for the past 13 years.‎ Although no other learner has come close to the woman's number of attempts to pass her driving theory test, several seem to be trying their best. A 30yearold man from Peterborough has failed the theory test 86 times.A 27yearold man from Haverfordwest in Pembrokeshire, Wales, and a 39yearold man from London have both failed their 66th attempt to pass the exam this year. And a 47yearold man from Reading has struggled through 61 tests without any luck.‎ Research shows that although men are said to be around six per cent more likely to pass the practical driving test than women, they are six per cent less likely to pass their theory test. Even when learners manage to pass the theory test, some still struggle to master the practical exam and have to spend a lot of money on it.‎ For example, one middleaged man forked_out at least £2,294 sitting the practical driving test a record 36 times before, thankfully, passing at his 37th attempt. The practical driving test, which lasts about 40 minutes, costs £62 to take on a weekday or £75 on an evening, weekend ‎ or holiday. It is generally considered more difficult than the theory test.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。在英国,一些人为了考取驾照已经多次参加考试而且投入了不少的时间和金钱。‎ ‎5.How much has the woman spent on her driving theory test?‎ A.£2,825. B.£3,410.‎ C.£3,485. D.£3,503.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。由第一段中的“By the end of last year ... 110 times.”和“a record 113”以及“This year, the price of the test was lowered from £31 a time to £25.”可知,该女子为了通过理论考试已经花了3 485英镑(31×110+25×3),故选C项。‎ ‎6.We can learn from the research that ________.‎ A.women drivers are often very dangerous B.women can pass the driving theory test easily C.men do better when it comes to driving vehicles D.more and more people cannot afford a driving test 解析:选C 推理判断题。由第三段中的“men are said to be around six per cent more likely to pass the practical driving test than women”可知,在实践操作部分男性的通过率要高于女性,这说明男性更擅长开车,故选C项。‎ ‎7.The underlined words “forked out” in the last paragraph can best be replaced by “________”.‎ A.spent B.found C.won D.saved 解析:选A 词义猜测题。由该短语后的“at least £2,294 the practical driving test ... passing at his 37th attempt”和“The practical driving test ... costs £62”可知,这位中年男子花费了至少2 294英镑才通过路考,故选A项。‎ ‎8.What is the text mainly about?‎ A.Where to learn driving.‎ B.How to pass a driving test.‎ C.Strict driving rules in Britain.‎ D.Slow learner drivers in Britain.‎ 解析:选D 主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了在英国一些为考取驾照已经多次参加考试的人们。‎ C Joseph Kern, husband and father of two made a surprise stop home in honor of his daughter's 2nd birthday.‎ Kern, who is in the Army National Guard, and his wife, Sarah Woldoff,“decided after much discussion to have him come home,” Woldoff said.‎ ‎“The military (军队) no longer has leave, so if you come home you have to pay for it,” she said, adding, “It was worth every dollar.”‎ The couple's first stop Thursday was to surprise their daughters, 3yearold Estelle and 2yearold Pearl, at school.‎ Woldoff said seeing her husband reunite with the girls was “breathtaking.”‎ ‎“It was great to see Estelle's face. I think she was a little bit confused and in shock,” Woldoff said.‎ But Pearl apparently didn't recognize her father and walked right past him.‎ ‎“We were both slightly disappointed with Pearl's response,” Woldoff said. “She's so young that she doesn't have as much of a memory of him as we expected.”‎ Woldoff had even more in store Thursday night to surprise her motherinlaw. She called up a restaurant and told them about the surprise.She suggested that her husband be the family's waiter, and the restaurant was “totally on_board.”‎ ‎“They gave him a full uniform and kept him in the back,” she said. And when he came out, “My motherinlaw didn't even realize it was ‎ him. We had to point it out,” Woldoff said. “She was in great shock and just hysterical (歇斯底里的).”‎ Woldoff said she hopes having the emotional reunions recorded on video will help her 2yearold remember them.‎ ‎“I'm really glad we did it the way we did. Pearl's too little to have any memory of it, but I think Estelle will remember,” Woldoff said.“And it'll ease the transition (过渡时期).Everyone forgets he has to go back on Tuesday.”‎ ‎9.Seeing her father, Pearl ________.‎ A.was very surprised B.got extremely excited C.acted like he was a stranger D.recognized him immediately 解析:选C 推理判断题。由第七段内容“But Pearl apparently didn't recognize her father and walked right past him.”可推断,Pearl见到父亲时像看到陌生人一样没有反应。‎ ‎10.The underlined part “on board” in Paragraph 9 can be replaced by “________”.‎ A.on a ship B.on an airplane C.unaware of the plan D.involved in the reunion 解析:选D 词义猜测题。由第十段开头的“They gave him a full uniform and kept him in the back”可推断,饭店方面支持并参与了这场精心策划的团聚。故画线部分的意思应该是“参与团聚”。‎ ‎11.Why didn't Woldoff's motherinlaw recognize Kern?‎ A.Because he had changed a lot.‎ B.Because she had a poor memory.‎ C.Because he was in waiter's uniform.‎ D.Because she hadn't seen him for a long time.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。由第十段开头的“They gave him a full uniform and kept him in the back”可推断,Woldoff的婆婆之所以没有认出Kern来是因为他穿着服务员的制服。‎ D When my husband walks in the door after working late, his first words to me are “Thank you.” He's thanking me for taking care of the kids.He usually follows it up with “I'm sorry” for having worked late, even though it was not his choice.‎ Those words express his respect and admiration for the work I am doing at home with our three children. I'm sure he is tired from a long day at work, but he knows I am physically and emotionally exhausted as well from a long day at home. He may not spend as much time caretaking as I do, but he's done enough to know what I am going through every day.‎ When our children were babies, he would do latenight and earlymorning feedings whenever possible.“I would like to do it.” He wanted to help me and spend time with our children. Now that our kids are a little older (2, 5 and 10 years), he's still a handson father. He does not shy away from any tasks of parenting.‎ He's lucky to have a job that's allowed him to marry his passion for art with earning enough money to support a family.His job has allowed me to be home for a total of almost a decade so far. Money is necessary and important — I cannot deny that fact. But his attitude reflects that raising our children is the most important job.‎ I know my husband's attitude and actions will stay with my kids, because it stayed with my husband from his own childhood. His dad always respected and valued his mother's contribution, so my husband viewed childcare as an important job in itself.‎ My husband is certainly not perfect, but he's pretty extraordinary in his recognition of the value of parenting. He gives everything he has ‎ to them — every ounce of energy, attention, patience and love that he has within. I am blessed to have a considerate husband.‎ ‎12.What is probably the author's husband's job?‎ A.A doctor. B.A driver.‎ C.A painter. D.A policeman.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第四段第一句可知作者丈夫的工作应与艺术相关,故C项最佳。‎ ‎13.How many years has the author been a fulltime mother?‎ A.Almost five years. B.Almost seven years.‎ C.Almost ten years. D.Almost twelve years.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第四段第二句可知作者当了近10年的全职母亲。‎ ‎14.The author's husband's attitude towards childcare is influenced by ________.‎ A.his father B.his teacher C.his friend D.his boss 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第二句可以看出作者丈夫养育子女的观念深受其父亲的影响。‎ ‎15.How does the author feel about her husband?‎ A.Annoyed. B.Grateful.‎ C.Disappointed. D.Puzzled.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句可以判断作者对她丈夫怀感激之心。‎ Ⅱ.完形填空 Not many people can say they've been hit by a vehicle, but I can. I rode my bike to my daily __1__ practice in a gym last summer. I crossed the street as the light __2__; however, a young woman __3__ me with her fancy racing car. Like James Bond in a very __4__ situation, I rolled across the hood (引擎盖) onto the other side of the car. You may wonder ‎ __5__ a woman driver could be so careless. The truth is that the woman was on her phone while driving, so her __6__ was clearly drawn away from driving, which caused the accident.‎ After assessing my __7__ and believing that all my bones were undamaged in any way, I __8__ and talked to the woman driver. I could tell she was obviously quite __9__. So was I. After assuring her of my wellbeing, we __10__ ways.‎ ‎__11__ my surprisingly shabby bicycle, I went on my way. I rode into the __12__ 20 minutes late. Upon my arrival, my tennis coach and friends asked me why I was late. Nervously, I __13__ the car accident. Everyone seemed to be far more __14__ than I was. In fact, I __15__ joked, saying that now I know how the squirrels feel after a nice escape.‎ After this __16__, I realize the importance of bike lanes and watching out for pedestrians.‎ Now as I drive, I always __17__ for people on bikes so that they do not __18__ the same fate (命运) that I did. __19__, for all the bikers and runners out there, watch out for cars, as one small mistake could __20__ an unforgivable mistake.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。“我”在骑车去体育馆参加网球训练的途中,被一辆跑车撞到,幸运的是“我”的骨头没有受伤。通过这起事故,“我”意识到了自行车车道和注意行人的重要性。‎ ‎1.A.football          B.tennis C.volleyball D.badminton 解析:选B 根据第三段第三句中的“my tennis coach”可以判断,“我”骑自行车到体育馆参加网球训练,故B项正确。‎ ‎2.A.permitted B.broke C.appeared D.exploded 解析:选A 根据该句中的“I crossed the street”可知,“我”穿过了街道;根据常识可以判断,此举是在信号灯的允许(permitted)下进行的,故A项符合语境。‎ ‎3.A.passed B.greeted C.hit D.met 解析:选C 根据该句的语境并结合第一段第一句中的“been hit by a vehicle”可知,一位年轻的女士开着跑车撞到了“我”。C项意为“撞击”,符合语境。‎ ‎4.A.romantic B.humorous C.awkward D.dangerous 解析:选D 根据该句语境可知,就像詹姆斯·邦德在非常危险的(dangerous)情况下那样,“我”从引擎盖上滚到了车的另一边。‎ ‎5.A.how B.if C.when D.where 解析:选A 分析该句结构可知,空处在宾语从句中作状语;结合该句语境可知,你可能想知道,一个女司机怎么会如此粗心?how表示“怎么,如何”,故选A。‎ ‎6.A.passion B.attention C.interest D.excitement 解析:选B 根据该句中的“The truth is that the woman was on her phone while driving”可知,这位女士在开车时打电话。据此可以判断,她的注意力(attention)不在开车上。‎ ‎7.A.needs B.behaviors C.injuries D.conclusions 解析:选C 根据该句中的“believing that all my bones were undamaged in any way”可以判断,这是在对“我”的伤势进行评定。C项意为“损伤”,符合语境。‎ ‎8.A.stood up B.walked away C.lay down D.blew up 解析:选A 根据该句中的“believing that all my bones were undamaged”可知,“我”的骨头都没有受伤;据此可以判断,“我”站起身和那位女司机说话。A项意为“站起身”,符合语境。‎ ‎9.A.rude B.cautious C.forgetful D.scared 解析:选D 根据上文可知,“我”被这位女司机开的跑车撞到;据此可以判断,这位女司机很害怕(scared),故D项正确。‎ ‎10.A.parted B.cleared C.explored D.changed 解析:选A 根据该句中的“After assuring her of my wellbeing”可以判断,在让她确信“我”身体没事以后,我们就分开(parted)了。‎ ‎11.A.Turning in B.Picking up C.Putting aside D.Giving away 解析:选B 根据上文可知,“我”被女司机驾驶的跑车撞到;据此可以判断,“我”扶起(Picking up)了“我”的破烂的自行车就上路了。‎ ‎12.A.garage B.parking lot C.gym D.bike store 解析:选C 根据第一段第二句中的“gym”可知,“我”骑车进了体育馆(gym),故选C。‎ ‎13.A.avoided B.ignored C.prevented D.mentioned 解析:选D 根据该段最后一句中的“saying that now I know how the squirrels feel after a nice escape”,并结合该句“Nervously, I __13__ the car accident.”可知,紧张之余,“我”提到(mentioned)了这起事故。‎ ‎14.A.grateful B.inspired C.anxious D.curious 解析:选C 根据前一句可知,“我”提到了这起事故;结合该句“Everyone seemed to be far more __14__ than I was.”可以判断,他们似乎比“我”更加担心(anxious)。‎ ‎15.A.still B.even C.just D.yet 解析:选B 根据空后的“joked, saying that now I know how the squirrels feel after a nice escape”,并结合前一句他们似乎比“我”更加担心的描述可知,事实上,“我”甚至(even)开起了玩笑。‎ ‎16.A.attempt B.sacrifice C.exploration D.accident 解析:选D 根据上下文可知,在这起事故(accident)之后,“我”意识到了自行车车道和密切注意行人的重要性。‎ ‎17.A.look out B.work out C.come out D.set out 解析:选A 根据该句中的“so that they do not __18__ the same fate (命运) that I did”可知,现在“我”开车时总要密切注意(look out)骑自行车的人,这样他们就不会遭受(suffer)与“我”同样的命运。‎ ‎18.A.accept B.deserve C.suffer D.escape 解析:选C 参见上题解析。‎ ‎19.A.Thus B.However C.Otherwise D.Also 解析:选D 根据语境可知,“我”现在开车总要密切注意骑自行车的人,同样(Also),对于所有的骑自行车的人和跑步者,他们应当注意来往车辆,因为一个小错误可能会导致(cause)一个不可原谅的错误。‎ ‎20.A.repeat B.cause C.correct D.realize 解析:选B 参见上题解析。‎

