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Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note ‎ 百万英镑 晨读·记忆 ‎ Sailing Home ‎ This novel was about an unbelievable but genuine adventure. Its author was a black businessman who was brought up in America. In 1956, he visited Africa, his birthplace. One day, when he was wandering on the pavement near the bay enjoying the sea scenes, he lost his money and passport that he kept in an envelope. So he went to the embassy to seek help, but the ambassador with rude manners didn’t permit his staff to help though he bowed to him. Staring at his impatient face, he understood that it was the fault of his skin colour that accounted for their rejection. So he decided to take a chance to sail on a small boat home.‎ ‎ He met a large amount of difficulty but was never stopped. On the contrary, difficulty pushed him to go ahead harder. Three months later, he was spotted by a ship by accident. He was in rags indeed. A maid even screamed when bringing him a steak and pineapple dessert. Aboard, he earned his passage by working as a barber and got home finally. As for the name of his novel, he couldn’t think of a better one than the phrase “Go Ahead”.‎ 划船回家 ‎ 这部小说写的是一次令人难以置信而又真实的历险。其作者是一位在美国被抚养长大的黑人商人。1956年,他回到他的出生地非洲。有一天,当他在海湾边的人行道上漫步欣赏海景时,他丢失了装在信封里的钱和护照,于是向当地的大使馆寻求帮助。但是大使态度非常粗鲁,即使向他鞠躬,他也不允许他的职员帮忙。盯着他那不耐烦的脸,他知道是他皮肤颜色的错才导致了他们的拒绝。于是,他决定冒险驾驶一只小船回家。‎ ‎ 他遇到了许多困难,但是从未停止,相反,困难推动他更努力地前进。三个月后,当他被一艘船偶然发现时,真的是衣衫褴褛。给他端来牛排和菠萝甜品的女仆甚至被吓得尖叫起来。在船上,他当一名理发师来挣取船费,最后终于回到了家。至于这部小说的名字,他再也不能想到一个比“前进”更好的短语了。‎ I.单词盘点 ‎1.__________(n.) 出生地;故乡 ‎ ‎2.__________(n.) 小说;长篇故事(adj.)新奇的;异常的 ‎3.__________(n.) 奇遇;冒险 ‎→_________(adj.) 爱冒险的;大胆的;危险的 ‎→ _________(n.) 探险家;冒险家 ‎4.__________(n.) 短语;词组;惯用语 ‎ ‎5.__________(n.) 著者;作家 ‎ ‎6.__________ (n.) (戏剧的)一场;现场;场面;景色 ‎7.__________(vt.) 漫游;漫步;漂泊 ‎8.__________(n.) 人行道(=<美>sidewalk) ‎ ‎9.__________(n.) 商人 ‎ ‎10._________(vt.&vi.) 许可;允许;准许 ‎ (n.) 通行证;许可证;执照 ‎11.__________(adv.) 在前;向前;提前 ‎ ‎12. _________ (n.) 海湾 ‎13.__________(vi.) 凝视;盯着看 ‎14.__________(n.) 过错;缺点;故障 ‎ ‎15.__________(vt.) 发现;认出 ‎ ‎ (n.) 斑点;污点;地点 ‎16. _________(n.) 船费(包括食宿);通道 ‎ ‎17.__________(vi.&vt.)认为;说明;总计有 ‎ (n.) 说明;理由;计算;账目 ‎18.__________ (n.) 大使馆;大使及其官员 ‎ ‎19.__________(vt.&vi.) (sought/sought)寻找;探索;寻求 ‎ ‎20. __________(n.) 耐性;忍耐 ‎→___________(adj.&n.)有耐心的;病人 ‎→___________(adv.) 有耐心地 ‎→___________(adj.) 没有耐心的;不耐烦的 ‎21.__________(n.) 反面;对立面(adj.)相反的;相违的 ‎ ‎22.__________(n.) 信封 ‎ ‎23.__________(adj.) 难以置信的 ‎→ __________(vt.) 相信;信任 ‎→__________(n.) 信念;信仰 ‎ ‎24.__________(n.) 牛排;鱼排;(供煎、烤的)肉块 ‎ ‎25.__________(n.) 菠萝 ‎26. __________(n.) 饭后甜点 ‎ ‎27. __________(n.) 数量 ‎28.__________(adj.) 粗鲁的;无礼的 ‎ ‎→ __________(n.) 粗鲁;无礼 ‎ ‎29.__________(n.) 礼貌;行为;举止 ‎ ‎30.__________(vi.) 尖叫 (n.) 尖叫声;叫喊声 ‎31.__________(adj.) 真的;真诚的 ‎ ‎32. __________(n.) 破布 ‎ ‎33. __________(adv.) 真诚地;确实;实在 ‎ ‎34.__________(vt.) 鞠躬;弯腰 ‎ ‎35.__________(n.) 理发 II.短语回顾 ‎1.抚养;培养;教育;提出 __________________‎ ‎2.前进;可以;往下说 __________________‎ ‎3.偶然;无意中;不小心 __________________‎ ‎4.盯着看;凝视 __________________ ‎ ‎5.导致;作出解释 __________________‎ ‎6.与此相反;正相反 __________________‎ ‎7.冒险 __________________‎ ‎8.衣衫褴褛 __________________‎ ‎9.关于;至于 __________________ ‎ III.句式扫描 ‎1.Well,towards nightfall I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind.(教材P18)‎ 哦,快到黄昏的时候,我发现自己被刮进海里。‎ ‎2. The next morning I’d about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship.(教材P18)‎ 第二天早晨,我正要放弃的时候,一艘海船发现了我。‎ ‎3.And it was the ship that brought you to England.(教材P18)‎ 正是那艘船把你带到了英国。‎ ‎4.Well, it is well-known that Americans like to eat a lot.(教材P22) ‎ 嗯,众所周知许多美国人喜欢吃得多。‎ ‎5.You must come whenever you want and have whatever you like.(教材P22) ‎ 无论你什么时候想来你随时可以来,并且可以得到你想要的一切东西。‎ IV.小试牛刀 ‎ ‎ ‎ Ⅰ.单词填空 ‎1.It’s _____________(believe) that such a boy of 17 should have had three novels published!‎ ‎2.The fans____________(scream) with excitement when they saw the famous singer.‎ ‎3.I like her although she has all these ‎ ‎_____________(fault). ‎ ‎4.They entered the area without____________(permit).‎ ‎5.By law,the youth under eighteen are not____________(permit)to enter net bars.‎ ‎6.Good___________(manner)are a very important key to your social success.‎ ‎7.They are____________(seek) the most reasonable diet which will be good for their health.‎ ‎8.The audience____________(stare) at him when he played the magic trick.‎ ‎9.It is ___________(rudeness) of you to speak with your mouth full.‎ ‎10.The man _____________(wander)around the mall for half an hour as if he had nothing else to do.‎ ‎ Ⅱ.短语填空 ‎ bring up,account for,on the contrary,in rags,by accident,go ahead,take a chance ‎1.We were_________________to show respect for the old.‎ ‎2 I am listening to your story.__________________, please.‎ ‎3.I found the key______________when I was cleaning the room.‎ ‎4.Carelessness__________________the accident and it was the driver who was to blame.‎ ‎5.It doesn't seem ugly to me;__________,I think it's rather beautiful.‎ ‎6.I know it's dangerous to go there without a map,but I'll_________.‎ ‎7.Walking in the street, I often see beggars __________________.‎ Ⅲ.单句填词 ‎1.When the man was trying to break into the bank,he was caught________the spot by the police.‎ ‎2.He is such a man who is always __________fault with others.(find)‎ ‎3.Dick found himself____________in the direction of Mike’s home.(walk)‎ ‎4.I found myself______________by a group of children when I woke up.(surround) ‎ Ⅳ.单句改错 ‎1.The reason why we chose it was because its location was very nice.‎ ‎2.You are taking chance if you go out in weather like this without an umbrella.‎ ‎3.I would give you what you want, but as for marry you, it would be out of the question.‎ ‎4.It is very kind for you to give me a hand.‎ ‎5.It is I who is your true friend.‎ ‎ ‎ English or Chinglish?‎ 我是神经病 Mental Illness ‎ I'll never forget the time when one of my students was absent from class.  The next day l asked him why he didn't attend class the day before.  He showed me his note from the doctor and told me ,“I was sick in the head”.I said,"Really? You seem like a normal person to me.”“It tums that what he wanted to say was“I had a headache”.       我永远都不会忘记我的一个学生缺课时的 情景。第二天我问他为什么头一天没来上课。他给我看医生的证明,然后说:“I was sick in the head.(我曾是个神经病)”我说:“真的吗?你看起来很正常嘛。”很明显他想说的是:“I had a headache.(我昨天头疼)”‎ 知识扩展·与“神经”相关的词汇: crazy - adj.疯狂的 psycho -n.心理学 deranged - adj.疯狂的 mentally -精神上有病 loony -adj.<俚)发狂的 n.<俚)疯子 whacky—adj.怪诞的,发狂的 怎样表达身体不舒服? ill -adj.有病的 sick -adj.不舒服的l恶心的 nauseous -adj.令人作呕的 under the weather -身体不适 don't feel 100 percent -不太舒服 don't feel like myself -精神状态不佳 参考答案 I.单词盘点 ‎1.birthplace 2.novel 3.adventure;adventurous;adventurer 4.phrase 5.author 6.scene 7.wander 8.pavement 9.businessman 10.permit 11.ahead 12.bay 13.stare 14.fault 15.spot 16.passage 17.account 18.embassy 19.seek 20.patience;patient;patiently ;impatient 21.contrary 22.envelope 23.unbelievable;believe;belief 24.steak 25.pineapple 26.dessert 27.amount 28.rude;rudeness 29.manner 30.scream 31.genuine 32.rag 33.indeed 34.bow 35.barber II.短语回顾 ‎1.bring up 2.go ahead 3.by accident 4.stare at 5.account for 6.on the contrary 7.take a chance 8.in rags 9.as for IV.小试牛刀 Ⅰ.单词填空 ‎1.unbelievable 2.screamed 3.faults 4.permission 5.permitted 6.manners 7.seeking 8.stared 9.rude 10.wandered Ⅱ.短语填空 ‎1.brought up 2.go ahead 3.by accident 4.accounted for 5.on the contrary 6.take a chance 7.in rags Ⅲ.单句填词 ‎1.on 2.finding 3.walking 4.surrounded Ⅳ.单句改错 ‎1.because改为that 2.taking后面加a 3.marry改为marrying 4.for改为 of 5.第二个is改为am

