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Unit 5 Theme parks 一、课前基础自查 ‎(一)分类记单词——省时高效 Ⅰ.阅读单词(知其意)‎ ‎1.cartoon n.        漫画;动画片 ‎2.fantasy n. 幻想;怪念头 ‎3.souvenir n. 纪念品 ‎4.carpenter n. 木匠 ‎5.sword n. 剑 ‎6.tournament n. 锦标赛;联赛;(中世纪)骑士比武 ‎7.jungle n. 丛林 ‎8.creature n. 生物;动物 ‎9.brand n. 商标;牌子 ‎10.shuttle n. 往返汽车;航天飞机 ‎11.sneaker n. 运动鞋 ‎12.brochure n. (作宣传或介绍用的)小册子;指南 Ⅱ.重点单词(写其形)‎ ‎1.theme n.   题目;主题(曲)‎ ‎2.swing n. 秋千;摇摆 vt.& vi. 摇摆;摆动 ‎3.unique adj. 独一无二的;仅有的 ‎4.preserve vt. 保存;保留 n. 保护区 ‎5.outing n. 外出;短途旅行;远足 ‎6.sunlight n. 阳光 ‎7.tourism n. 旅游业 ‎8.deed n. 行动;事迹 ‎9.whichever pron. 无论哪一个;任何一个 ‎10 wherever adv.& conj. 无论在什么地方;各处 ‎ Ⅲ.拓展单词(通其变)‎ ‎1.various adj.不同的;各种各样的→variety n.变化;多样性→vary vt.& vi.使多样化;变化 ‎2.length n.长度;长→lengthen v.加长→long adj.长的 ‎3.settler n.移民;殖民者→settle vt.& vi.安家;定居;解决 ‎4.translator n.译员;翻译→translate v.翻译→translation n.翻译;译文 ‎5.advance vt.& vi.前进;促进;提前n.前进;进步→advanced adj.高级的;先进的 ‎6.admission n.允许进入;入场费;承认→admit v.承认 ‎7.amusement n消遣;娱乐(活动)→amuse vt ‎[语境活用]‎ ‎1.There are various goods in the supermarket, and the prices vary from cents to dollars.The variety attracts many customers.(various)‎ ‎2.The audience was amused by the performance in the amusement park.(amuse)‎ ‎3.With the help of the advanced technology, we can complete the task in advance.(advance)‎ ‎4.Some tourist attractions in Beijing attract many foreigners to pay a visit because they are attractive.(attract)‎ ‎5.Tom applied for admission to the graduate program at Northwestern ‎.使发笑;使快乐 ‎8.attraction n.有吸引力的事物;吸引→attract vt.吸引→attractive adj.吸引人的 ‎9.minority n.少数;少数民族→majority n.(反义词)多数 ‎10.central adj.中心的;中央的→centre n.中心 ‎ University but wasn't admitted into it at last.(admit)‎ ‎(二)练中记短语——记牢用活 写准记牢 语境活用(选用左栏短语填空)‎ ‎1.be_famous_for     以……而闻名 ‎2.be_familiar_with 对……熟悉 ‎3.be_modelled_after 根据……模仿;仿造 ‎4.take_part_in 参加 ‎5.in_advance 提前 ‎6.come_true 实现 ‎7.no_wonder 难怪;不足为奇 ‎8.have_fun 玩得高兴 ‎9.get_close_to 接近 ‎10.come_to_life 活跃起来;苏醒过来 ‎1.When they were about to get_close_to the top of the mountain, it began to rain heavily.‎ ‎2.Having lived in this town for more than ten years, he is_familiar_with everyone in the town.‎ ‎3.Cheer up! All of us believe that you can make your dream come_true.‎ ‎4.No_wonder he was late for school, he was caught in a heavy traffic jam.‎ ‎5.His funny way of speaking is_modelled_after a famous actor in our country.‎ ‎6.With spring approaching, the flowers in the garden begin to come_to_life.‎ ‎(三)仿写明句式——以用为本 教材原句 句式解读 句式仿写 ‎1.Some parks are famous for having the biggest or longest roller coasters, others for showing the famous sights and sounds of a culture. ‎ 有些主题公园因为有最大或最长的过山车而闻名,有些则因展示了文化中那些著名的声音和视觉景象而闻名。‎ some ...others ...“有些……有些……”‎ 公园里有许多人,一些人在唱歌跳舞,还有一些人在画画。‎ There are a large number of people in the park.Some_are_singing_and_dancing;_others are drawing.‎ ‎2.Whichever and whatever you ‎“疑问词+ever”‎ ‎ like, there is a theme park for you!‎ 无论你喜欢哪一个,不管你喜欢什么,都会有一个适合你的主题公园!‎ 引导让步状语从句。‎ 无论结果怎样,我们都要微笑着接受,因为我们已经尽了全力。‎ Whatever_the_result_is,_we should accept it with a smile, because we have tried our best.‎ ‎3.Futuroscope is not only for individuals, but is also the perfect mix of fun and learning for class outings. ‎ ‎“观测未来”主题公园不仅仅适合个人,也适合学生全班出游,因为它是娱乐与学习的完美结合。‎ not only ...but also ...“不但……而且……”, not only放在句首时,其所在的句子要用部分倒装。‎ ‎(2017·全国卷Ⅱ书面表达)展览不仅展示了不同地区的许多剪纸,而且向我们展示了中国剪纸的历史和发展。‎ The exhibition not_only shows paper cuts in different regions, but_also_presents_to_us the history and development of papercutting in China.‎ 二、课堂重点深化 ‎1.various adj.不同的;各种各样的 ‎ [自主体验]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①One of the advantages is that we can find various (variety) topics, such as science, culture and history.‎ ‎②The research team is made up of the pupils, whose ages vary (various) from 10 to 15.‎ ‎③There are varieties (variety) of reasons in favor of my opinion that a Chinese dictionary shouldn't include English words.‎ ‎ [系统归纳]‎ ‎(1)for various reasons     由于种种原因 ‎(2)variety n. 变化;多样性;种类 种类繁多的;各种各样的 ‎(3)vary vt.& vi. 改变;变化;使多样化 vary from ...to ... 从……到……不等;在……到……之间变动 ‎ [重点强化]‎ 佳句时时写 ‎④(2018·全国卷Ⅲ书面表达)Our school has built a new stadium.It has all kinds of ‎ wellequipped facilities.(升级加蓝词;定语从句)‎ ‎→Our school has built a new stadium, which_has_various/varieties_of/a_variety_of wellequipped_facilities.‎ ‎2.preserve vt.保护;维护;保存;保留n.保护区 ‎ [自主体验]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①I pray that fate may preserve you from all harm.‎ ‎②Some suggestions are made at the meeting that these traditional customs (should)_be_preserved (preserve) and handed down one generation after another.‎ ‎ [系统归纳]‎ ‎(1)preserve sb./sth.from sth.   保护……免受……‎ ‎(2)nature preserve 自然保护区 wellpreserved 保存良好的 ‎ [重点强化]‎ 佳句时时写(一句多译)‎ 成立这个组织是为了保护濒危物种免遭灭绝。‎ ‎③The organization was set up to preserve_endangered_species_from_dying_out.(preserve)‎ ‎④The organization was set up to protect_endangered_species_from_dying_out.(protect)‎ 僻义牢牢记 ‎⑤The local government has built a preserve to protect this kind of animal.保护区 ‎3.advance vt.& vi.前进;促进;提前n.前进;进步 ‎ [自主体验]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①This research has done much to_advance (advance) our understanding of language learning.‎ ‎②Having shown you around our school, we will introduce our most advanced (advance) science lab to you.‎ ‎③According to the weather report, a storm is advancing towards the city.‎ ‎ [系统归纳]‎ ‎(1)advance on/upon/towards   朝……前进 ‎(2)in advance 预先;提前(指事先)‎ make advances in 在……方面取得进步 ‎(3)advanced adj. 高等的;先进的;高级的 ‎ [重点强化]‎ 佳句时时写 ‎④(2017·全国卷Ⅱ书面表达)如果你提前告知我你是否有空我将感激不尽。‎ I'd appreciate it if you let me know whether_you_are_available_or_not_in_advance.‎ 僻义牢牢记 ‎⑤The group's research has done much to advance our knowledge of the HIV virus.增进 ‎1.no wonder难怪;不足为奇 ‎ [系统归纳]‎ No wonder (that) ...=It's no wonder (that) ...‎ ‎ 难怪……;……不足为奇   ‎ It's a wonder that ... 奇怪……‎ in wonder 惊讶 I wonder whether (if)/when/why/how ...我想知道是否/什么时候/为什么/怎么……‎ ‎ [重点强化]‎ 易错对对碰(no wonder/no doubt)‎ ‎①He is the best student in the school.There is no_doubt that he can get the first prize.‎ ‎②As you are absentminded, it is no_wonder that you know nothing about the speech.‎ 佳句时时写 ‎③我想知道你是否介意帮我一个忙。‎ I_wonder_whether/if_you_would_mind_doing_me_a_favour/a_favour_for_me.‎ ‎2.get close to接近 ‎ [自主体验]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①First get close (close) to him and then make friends with him.‎ ‎②It was raining heavily.Little Mary felt cold, so she stood close to her mother.‎ ‎③This case is closely (close) connected with that young lawyer.‎ ‎ [系统归纳]‎ ‎(1)be close to          靠近;接近于……‎ keep a close eye/watch on 严密监视;密切注视 stand close to 站得离……近 ‎(2)be closely connected with 与……有密切联系 ‎ [重点强化]‎ 易错对对碰(close/closely)‎ ‎④I don't mind where we go on vacation as long as it's close to a beach.‎ ‎⑤Whenever they went, they were closely followed by a security man.‎ 佳句时时写 ‎⑥众所周知,接近大自然对我们身体健康有益。‎ As we all know, getting_close_to_nature is beneficial to our health.‎ ‎3.come to life活跃起来;苏醒过来 ‎ [自主体验]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①Probably you will be convinced of the fact that the medicine can make him come to life.‎ ‎②After the earthquake, the villagers tried their best to bring the village back to life.‎ ‎③When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study.‎ ‎ [系统归纳]‎ ‎(1)come to (oneself)    苏醒过来 come back to life 苏醒过来;复活 when it comes to ... 当谈及……‎ ‎(2)bring sth.(back) to life 使……生动;使……恢复生机 ‎ [重点强化]‎ 用法条条清(写出句中come to life的含义)‎ ‎④When the children heard that their teacher came to life, the whole class came to life at once.苏醒过来 活跃起来 佳句时时写 ‎⑤一得知要举办艺术展和你们就展出场所征集意见,我们都积极活跃起来。‎ The moment we've learned that an art exhibition is to be held and that you're collecting suggestions on its location, we_all_came_to_life.‎ ‎4.“疑问词+ever”引导让步状语从句 ‎ [教材原句] Whichever_and_whatever_you_like,_there is a theme park for you!‎ ‎ [自主体验]‎ ‎①Whichever road you take, it will lead you to the station.‎ ‎→No_matter_which road you take, it will lead you to the station.‎ ‎②(2018·天津高考)The gold medal will be awarded to whoever wins the first place in the bicycle race.‎ ‎③The child ate whatever we gave him.‎ ‎④Whenever I'm unhappy, it's my friend who cheers me up.‎ ‎ [归纳点拨]‎ 用法规则 whichever, who(m)ever, whenever, wherever, however, whatever既可引导让步状语从句,又可引导名词性从句。引导让步状语从句时,疑问词+ever与“no matter+疑问词”可以互换。但引导名词性从句时,疑问词+ever不可与“no matter+疑问词”互换。‎ 注意事项 ‎(1)whoever, whatever, whichever引导名词性从句时在句中作成分。whoever, whatever常作主语、宾语;whichever 常作定语。‎ ‎(2)英语中why, whether不能和ever构成whyever, whetherever的形式。‎ ‎[佳句背诵]‎ ‎①(增分要点句)Whatever she says will not make any difference to our arrangements.‎ ‎②(增分要点句)Every year, whoever makes the most beautiful kite will win a prize in the Kite Festival.‎ ‎5.not only ...but also ...连接并列成分 ‎ [教材原句] Futuroscope is not_only for individuals, but is also the perfect mix of fun and learning for class outings.‎ ‎ [自主体验]‎ ‎①(2017·全国卷Ⅱ书面表达)Visiting this papercutting exhibition, we will not_only_enjoy_the_folk_art_works_but_also learn a lot.‎ 参观这次剪纸展览,我们不但能欣赏到民间艺术作品,而且会学到很多。‎ ‎②As we all know, reading classics can not only improve our studies but also enrich our everyday life.(用倒装句升级)‎ ‎→As we all know, not_only_can_reading_classics_improve_our_studies but also enrich our everyday life.‎ ‎③Not only Tom but also his classmates are (be) coming to visit museums.‎ ‎ [归纳点拨]‎ 用法规则 not only ...but also ...意为“不仅……而且……”,用于连接两个表示并列关系的成分,着重强调后者,其中的also有时可以省略。‎ ‎(1)若连接两个句子,且not only位于句首时,含not only的句子要用部分倒装。‎ ‎(2)若连接的两个成分作主语,其谓语动词的单复数通常与就近的主语保持一致。‎ 注意事项 遵循就近一致的还有:not ...but ..., neither ...nor ..., either ...or ...‎ ‎ [佳句背诵]‎ ‎①(增分要点句)Not only is he experienced and knowledgeable, but also patient and understanding.‎ ‎②(增分要点句)Either I or they are responsible for the result of the matter.‎ 本单元语篇话题与新课程主题语境“人与社会”中的“主题公园”子话题相对应 一、话题语素积累多一点 子话题——主题公园 ‎(一)浅易词汇温一温 ‎①famous    ②attract    ③visitor   ④pleasure ‎⑤excitement ⑥skill ⑦technology ⑧enter ‎⑨provide ⑩theatre ⑪special ⑫movie ‎⑬history ⑭Disneyland ⑮magical ⑯ticket ‎⑰popular ⑱fun ‎(二)生疏词汇记一记 ‎①creation n.创造       ②measure v.测量;衡量 ‎③damage n.& v.损失;损害 ④severe adj.严重的;严厉的 ‎⑤discount n.折扣 ⑥dolphin n.海豚 ‎⑦educational adj.教育的 ⑧community n.社区 ‎⑨familiar adj.熟悉的 ⑩character n.角色 ‎⑪celebrate vt.庆祝 ⑫perform v.演出 ‎⑬experience vt.体验 ⑭activity n.活动 ‎⑮amusement n.消遣;娱乐 ⑯central adj.中心的;中央的 ‎(三)常用词块忆一忆 ‎①a famous leisure paradise        一个著名的休闲乐园 ‎②cover an area of ...square metres 占地……平方米 ‎③be open to the public 对公众开放 ‎④theme park 主题公园 ‎⑤combine entertainment with education 娱乐与教育相结合 ‎⑥be located in 坐落于 ‎⑦roller coaster 过山车 ‎⑧with a height of ... 高度……‎ ‎⑨entertainment facilities 娱乐设施 ‎⑩be crazy about adventure 热衷于冒险 ‎⑪go diving 潜水 ‎⑫have fun 玩得开心 ‎(四)写作佳句背一背 ‎①Visiting the tourist sites can help people adjust their mood and broaden their vision.‎ ‎②If people choose to appreciate the grand nature, then the place like Tibet is their best choice.‎ ‎③Last week we visited the dinosaur theme park, which is modelled after life in the days of the old creature dying out hundreds of millions of years ago.‎ 二、“分步写作”表达准一点 读后续写情节发展合理化 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。‎ From hanging out with friends in the nearby coffee shop to daydreaming of “making it big” as a rock star, the last few years has been a rollercoaster ride. I am tormented (折磨)with questions such as who I am and what I am doing here.‎ During the last year at school, I took up the challenging task of directing the_English_play for the Annual Inter House Dramatics Competition. The task was said to be very long and tiring but equally rewarding. After several discussions with my vicecaptain and my_English_teacher,_the play was selected and the cast was confirmed. I thought of “perfect ideas” such as the “perfect delivery of certain dialogues” and the “perfect effects”.‎ I discussed my ideas with my crew and vicecaptain. Everybody seemed pleased with thoughts and also suggested a few. I took these into careful consideration and made sure that my crew's suggestions were included. ‎ But little did I know that my “perfect_plan” was not perfect according to my English teacher who was in charge of my house. Even though it was supposed to be a completely studentbased activity, my English teacher poked her nose into the production.‎ All of us wanted to win and this was made very clear by my English teacher. She changed our entire plan into something we could not understand. There was a lot of confusion among the actors and the crew. I was torn between listening to the complaints of the fellow students and obeying my teacher. But soon I realized that the way we were practicing would lead us nowhere.‎ So, the next morning, I gathered all my courage,_practiced what I was going to say to ‎ her and finally made the journey of my life to the_staff_room. I discussed with my teacher about the confusion being caused, the unsatisfied actors and how her interference (干预) was causing frustration.‎ 注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;‎ ‎2.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;‎ ‎3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;‎ ‎4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。‎ Paragraph 1:‎ As I waited for my teacher to reply, I prepared myself for the blow. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Paragraph 2:‎ Though we came second in the English play competition, I realized I had got more out of the whole experience than I had hoped for. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ [写作步骤]‎ 第一步:速读全文 文本大意:本文是记叙文,讲述了我在一次英语戏剧表演赛前,面对老师的干预学会解决问题终获成功的故事。‎ 叙述意图:文章告诉我们做事要有自己的主见。‎ 第二步:细读全文 ‎1.所给短文情景模式分析。‎ who I, my English teacher, crew what I took up the challenging task of directing the English play.‎ when during the last year where at school why My English teacher poked her nose into the production.‎ ‎2.对原文所提供的下划线词语进行分类。‎ ‎★人物:my English teacher, crew ‎★事件:the English play, perfect plan, the staff room ‎★动作与心理描写:daydream, pleased, realize, confusion, courage 第三步:精心谋篇 ‎1.Paragraph 1:As I waited for my teacher to reply, I prepared myself for the blow.‎ 当我在等待老师的回答时,我准备接受老师对我的打击。‎ ‎[情节分析] 由段首句中的关键词waited for, reply, prepared可知,接下来应该是围绕我的老师的反应来写。‎ ‎2.Paragraph 2: Though we came second in the English play competition, I realized I had got more out of the whole experience than I had hoped for.‎ 尽管我们在这次英语戏剧比赛中得了第二名,但我意识到我从这次经历中获得的东西超出了我原来希望的。‎ ‎[情节分析] 由转折关系词“Though”可知,此段重点在后半句内容上,即我的收获。因此,接下来的内容就是具体描写作者在整个经历中的收获。‎ 第四步:初写成文 Paragraph 1:‎ ‎1.她只是微笑着说我做得很好,引起了她对这件事的关注。‎ She just smiled and said that I had done a good thing that brought_this to_her_attention.‎ ‎2.晚上,她召开了一个会议,告诉大家继续之前的计划,并说这是一个以学生为基础的作品。‎ In the evening she called a meeting and told the crew to_continue_with_previous_plans and said that it was a studentbased production.‎ ‎3.当她离开时,她告诉我们说我们的“完美计划”应该让我们赢得第一名。‎ As she left she told us that our “perfect_plan” should make us win_first_place.‎ Paragraph 2:‎ ‎4.我意识到我有勇气面对问题。‎ I realized I had_the_courage_to_face problems. ‎ ‎5.作为团队工作者,我有抗压能力。‎ I could work under_pressure as a team worker.‎ ‎6.现在我仍然去拜访我的英语老师,而且每次见到她,她的脸都会让我想起那次去教师办公室的可怕的路程。‎ Now I still visit my English teacher and each time I see her, her face reminds_me_of that terrifying walk to the staff room.‎ 第五步:润色升级 ‎1.用分词短语作定语改写要点1。‎ She_just_smiled_and_said_that_I_had_done_a_good_thing_bringing_this_to_her_attention.‎ ‎2.将要点4和要点5合并为一个并列句。‎ I_realized_I_had_the_courage_to_face_problems_and_I_could_work_under_pressure_as_a_team_worker.‎ ‎3.把要点6中的visit改为名词形式。‎ visit→pay_a_visit_to 第六步:复查定稿 Paragraph 1:‎ As I waited for my teacher to reply, I prepared myself for the blow. But she just smiled and said that I had done a good thing bringing this to her attention. In the evening she called a meeting and told the crew to continue with previous plans and said that it was a studentbased production. As she left she told us that our “perfect_plan” should make us win first place.‎ Paragraph 2:‎ Though we came second in the English play competition, I realized I had got more out of the whole experience than I had hoped for. I realized I had the courage to face problems and I could work under pressure as a team worker. Now I still pay a visit to my_English_teacher and each time I see her, her face reminds me of that terrifying walk to the_staff_room.‎ 一、复现单元考点——增强备考信心 Ⅰ.高考中的语法填空 ‎1.(2018·全国卷Ⅱ)Our final day, Friday, sees us visit central (centre) Paris and tour the main sights.‎ ‎2.(2017·全国卷Ⅰ)I advise you to go to the library to borrow a history book and learn the history of the Tang Dynasty in advance, which can help you better understand the poems to be learned.‎ ‎3.(2017·浙江高考)Make sure that as you go from interview to interview, you are getting a variety (various) of answers.‎ ‎4.(2016·全国卷Ⅰ)Chengdu has dozens of new millionaires, Asia's biggest building, and fancy new hotels.But for tourists like me, pandas are its top attraction (attract).‎ ‎5.(2016·全国卷Ⅰ)One thing is for certain — Larry went above and beyond the call of duty by getting so close to the burning vehicle!‎ ‎6.(2015·全国卷Ⅱ)Training for a marathon requires careful preparation and steady, gradual increases in the length (long) of the runs.‎ Ⅱ.高考中的完形填空 ‎(选用whatever, fun填空)‎ ‎1.(2015·全国卷Ⅰ完形填空)When we handed him the bag of food, he lit up and thanked ‎ us with watery eyes.When I handed him the gift card, saying he could use it for __54__ his family might need, he burst into tears.whatever ‎2.(2013·江西高考完形填空)That was why she was alone on the beach, wearing an expensive swimsuit.It had taken a massive tantrum to get her parents to buy it.They were back at the beachhouse, recovering from the tantrum she had thrown when they told her that it was too dangerous to go diving alone.“Dangerous?” she had said.“You just don't want me to have __43__.I'm going and if you try to stop me, I'll scream.”fun 二、复现话题词汇——提高阅读准度 新高考下的命题新视角:随着全球最大规模迪士尼乐园2015年落户上海,主题公园逐渐成为人们旅游的胜地,高考对此也有所涉及。主题公园提供各种各样的游乐车、游戏、展览或演出,以满足旅游者多样化娱乐文化需求、迎合消费者的好奇心。‎ ‎[话题感悟]‎ 学习目标 ——语篇复现词汇,活学活用记忆更深 ‎(加蓝词汇为本单元话题词汇,读文时请揣摩其用法)‎ Festival of Light, Longleat Safari Park, Wiltshire ‎[1] Longleat is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year.Giant lanterns take the shapes of some of the park's animals, and there are also lots of characters in Beatrix Potter's books, such as Peter Rabbit, Jemima PuddleDuck, Squirrel Nutkin, to mark the 150th anniversary of the author's birth.There is also a 20metrehigh birthday cake.‎ ‎·£27.85, adult/£20.65, child/underthrees, free.‎ ‎·15 Dec.to 2 Jan.‎ Festival of Light, Enchanted Park, Gateshead ‎[2] Enchanted Park is an interactive walk through Saltwell Park, just south of the town centre, along a trail (小径) of light with performances and sculptures.The story being told is a Midwinter Night's Tale, inspired by the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare's death.Visitors can join stories and songs with Santa, and attend decorating workshops.‎ ‎·£8, adult/£2, child/underfours, free.‎ ‎·11-27 Dec.‎ Christmas Glow, RHS Garden Wisley, Surrey ‎[3] The garden is glowing with giant lighted flowers.Some of the trees are brilliant, too.The glasshouse is decorated like a gingerbread house, and displays (陈列) seasonal plants.There are lanterns around the lake.The cafe serves hot chocolate and apple juice.‎ ‎·£9.90, adult/£3.60, child.‎ ‎·20 Dec.to 2 Jan.‎ Christmas at Kew Gardens, London ‎[4] Kew is a special place to visit at any time of the day or year, but the festive light show gives it a magical twist, as the milelong trail through the garden is decorated with 60,000 lights.Some of the garden's oldest and tallest trees are also beautifully lit along the way.‎ ‎·£16, adult/£10, child/£48, family/underfours, free.‎ ‎·24 Dec.to 2 Jan.‎ 语篇解读:本文介绍了英国四个主题公园各自的特色。‎ ‎1.What can people do in Enchanted Park?‎ A.Visit Shakespeare's house.‎ B.Listen to a wonderful tale.‎ C.Enjoy hot chocolate and apple juice.‎ D.Play the part of Santa.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据“Festival of Light, Enchanted Park, Gateshead”部分中的“The story being told is a Midwinter Night's Tale”可知,人们在“Enchanted Park”可以听故事。故选B项。‎ ‎2.Which place will attract children who are fond of fictional animal characters?‎ A.Longleat Safari Park.    B.Enchanted Park.‎ C.RHS Garden Wisley. D.Kew Gardens.‎ 解析:选A 根据“Festival of Light, Longleat Safari Park, Wiltshire”部分中的“Giant lanterns take the shapes of some of the park's animals, and there are also lots of characters in Beatrix Potter's books”可知,在Longleat Safari Park中,巨型灯笼以一些动物的形状呈现,并且也有许多Beatrix Potter书中的动物角色,这样会吸引喜欢虚构的动物角色的孩子。故选A项。‎ ‎3.How much is the admission to Kew Gardens for Mr.Green and his 3yearold kid?‎ A.£10. B.£16.‎ C.£26. D.£48.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据“Christmas at Kew Gardens, London”中的“£16, adult/£10, child/£48, family/underfours, free”可知,成年人要16英镑,4岁以下的孩子免费,故选B项。‎ 学习目标 ——题后把脉规律,练后得法理解更透 细节理解技法(4)——三步巧解数据计算题 数据计算题通常由文章中的数字信息构成。题目所涉及的信息通常是时间的长短、年龄的大小、数量或价格的多少等等。此类试题往往要通过原文中两个或两个以上的数字进行运算或对比才能得出答案。有些数字信息在原文中的位置相对集中,而很多时候它们的位置比较分散。以下三步常常为解决数据计算题的通用方法:‎ ‎(1)分析题干内容,定位所询问数据在原文中的位置;‎ ‎(2)分析原文数字信息,查找逻辑关系;‎ ‎(3)对数据进行必要的运算及单位换算。‎ 以本文中的第3题为例:‎

