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‎2018-2019学年内蒙古集宁一中(西校区)高一6月月考英语 本试卷满分为120分,考试时间为100分钟 第I卷(选择题 共70分)‎ 第一部分:阅读理解(共二节,满分40分)‎ 第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ A Leeds Castle is in Kent, England. 5 miles (8 km) southeast of Maidstone. It is built on islands in a lake formed by the River Len to the cast of the village of Leeds. It has been open to the public since 1976.‎ Opening time: April to September. 10:00—18:00 ‎ October to March: 10:00~17:00 ‎ Tickets:Tickets are valid for one year from date of purchase giving free repeat visits to the Castle, grounds and attractions. Excludes special ticketed events and Christmas Day.‎ Adult tickets: £24 single Child tickets: £16 single (4~15 years old)‎ Kid ticket: free (under 4)‎ Transportation:‎ Coach or express: National Express from London to Leeds Castle directly Train: Any train from southern cities to Bearsted. transfer by Spot Travel to Leeds Castle. 15 minutes' ride, goes by each hour.‎ The Upstairs Tour: Thursday 21st April, 11:30am See the State bedrooms, not normally on show to the public. Hear about the guests of the roaring 1920s. see the bedroom where Edward and Simpson stayed and where Pavarotti was accommodated during his visit.‎ Price: £5 per person. A valid entrance ticket is required per person Embroidery (刺绣)Taster Workshop: Sunday 5th June, 10:30am Learn the basics with expert supervision from members of the Embroiderers Association and sew your own small piece of embroidery to lake home and frame to turn into a cushion or handmade greeting card.‎ Price: £20 per person.‎ A valid entrance ticket is required per person. Includes refreshments and all materials.‎ ‎1.How much should an adult with a child pay to enter Leeds Castle?‎ A. £10. B. £24. C.£40. D. £16.‎ ‎2.What can visitors see during the Upstairs Tour?‎ A. The State bedrooms. B.Pavarotti. C. A show. D. Artworks.‎ ‎3.To visit the Embroidery Taster Workshop, you have to_____.‎ A. get an entrance ticket B. show your greeting card C. know about embroidery D.join an association B ‎ I ran into quite a few language problems while travelling with my family last summer. The most embarrassing(尴尬的) was when my Mom apologized(道歉) to the people we were staying with because her “pants were dirty”. They looked at her in amazement, not knowing how to react. You see, Mom had fallen over and gotten mud on her jeans. But in Britain, “pants” means underpants or knickers, not trousers as it does back home.‎ ‎ Katie-From America ‎ I went to stay with a friend on the west coast last summer. Her flat was on the first floor of a high-rise building so I got the lift up. Then I wandered round for ages looking for her flat but couldn’t find it. Fed up and tired, I finally had to go out to find a phone box. She explained that her flat was on the first floor, which for me meant the ground floor.‎ ‎ David-From Britain ‎ When I asked for the “restroom” in a big department store, people kept directing me to a room with seats where I could sit and “rest”. It took me years to get through ‎ to someone that I only wanted the toilet!‎ ‎ Tom-From America Last summer we went on a two-week family touring holiday, so Dad hired a car over the Internet. This was an old vehicle (汽车) and there turned out to be lots of things wrong with it. When he phoned the hire company and tried to explain that the lock on the boot was broken, they thought he was talking about footwear! He had no idea their word for “boot” was “trunk”. In the end we went to a garage and just solved the problem.‎ ‎ Mary-From Britain 4. Hearing Katie’s mother’s words, Katie’s friends were in surprise because____.‎ A.Katie’s mother got mud on her jeans B.Katie’s mother’s underpants were dirty C.they didn’t know English D.they mistook “pants” in American for underpants ‎5. David went out to find a phone box to_____.‎ A.phone the police for help. B.phone his friend for help.‎ C.tell his friend he couldn’t go to visit her. D.apologize for his being late.‎ ‎6. When Tom asked for the “restroom”, the people around him thought_______.‎ A.he wanted to go to a department store B.he wanted the toilet C.he wanted to have a rest D.he wanted a chair ‎7. The underlined word “garage” is probably______.‎ A.a place to repair cars B.a place to sell cars C.a gas station D.a parking place C Wolf Warrior 2 (《战狼II》), a movie that made box office history in China in 2017, tells the story of how the Chinese government successfully rescues overseas Chinese citizens in Africa.‎ ‎ At the end of the film, there is one line that stands out: “When you meet with danger in a foreign land, do not give up! Please remember, at your back stands a ‎ strong motherland.”‎ ‎ The movie sends the message that overseas Chinese will always receive timely help from China. But in the future, some headstrong(任性的) citizens will not get this help for free, People’s Daily reported.‎ ‎ On March 26, the Ministry of Foreign Affaires (MAF) worked out a draft for regulations on consular (领事的) protection and assistance, the Xinhua News Agency reported. The draft says that those who insist on travelling to dangerous places without considering warnings given by the MFA will not be able to take advantage of free rescue services.‎ ‎ For example, the MAF recently release a travel advisory (安全提醒) saying that Chinese citizens should avoid travelling to Maldives. Chinese who travel there and run into trouble may still ask for aid from the Chinese Embassy. But they will have to cover the cost of their rescue later.‎ ‎ In fact, this is a common international practice, People’s Daily said. Countries like the US, the UK and Canada have similar regulations.‎ ‎ According to the MFA, over 130 million Chinese mainlanders travelled overseas in 2017. The MFA issued over1000 travel advisories to advise Chinese citizens of the risks they may face when travelling. ‎ 8. Why does the author quote a line from Wolf Warrior 2 ?‎ A. To explain what the movie is about.‎ B. To describe the feelings after watching the movie.‎ C. To stress that China will help every Chinese person.‎ D. To prove how strong China is.‎ 9. Who usually gives warnings about travelling abroad?‎ A. People’s Daily B. The MFA C. Xinhua News Agency D. Travel agencies.‎ 10. The draft suggests that ______.‎ A. Chinese people can’t travel to foreign places B. Free rescue services have come to an end C. Chinese who travel to Maldives will run into trouble D. People will not get free help if they ignore the MFA’s warnings 8. If the regulation is put into practice, we can infer that _____.‎ A. China will be the first country in the world to do so B. People may have second thoughts about travelling to dangerous places C. The number of people who can travel overseas will be less than 130 million D. Only rich people will be able to afford to travel overseas D Whether rich or poor, parents who have books in the home increase the level of education their children will attain, according to a 20-year study led by Mariah Evans.‎ For years, educators have thought the strongest predictor(预示物) of attaining high levels of education was having parents who were highly educated. But, the study showed that the difference between being raised in a bookless home compared to being raised in a home with a 500-book library has as great an effect on the level of education a child will attain as the difference between having parents who are barely literate (有文化的) and having parents who have a university education.‎ Being a sociologist, Evans was particularly interested to find that children of lesser-educated parents benefit the most from having books in the home. What kinds of investments should we make to help these kids get ahead? The results of this study indicate that getting some books into their homes is an inexpensive way that we can help these children succeed. Evans said, "Even a little bit goes a long way. Having as few as 20 books in the home still has a significant impact on motivating a child to a higher level of education, and the more books you add, the greater benefit the children get.”‎ The researchers were struck by the strong effect having books in the home had on children's educational attainment even above and beyond such factors as education level of the parents, the father's occupation or the economic level of the country.‎ Having books in the home is twice as important as the father's education level, and more important than whether a child was brought up in a developing country or a developed country. Surprisingly, the difference in educational attainment for children born in developed country and children born in developing country was just ‎ 2 years, less than two-thirds of the effect that having 500 or more books in the home had on children.‎ ‎12.In the past educators held a point of view that ______ .‎ A. children whose parents are highly educated would attain high levels of education B. children who were born in poor families studied harder than those in rich families C. children whose family had a library would possibly attain high levels of education D. Parents’ level of education had nothing to do with their children’ s levels of education ‎13.What does the underlined word “motivating” in Paragraph 3 mean?‎ A.Preventing somebody from achieving something.‎ B. Helping somebody to finish something.‎ C. Making somebody pretend to do something.‎ D. Making somebody want to do something.‎ ‎14.Which of the following has the most important effect on the level of education a child will gain?‎ A. The economic level of the country.‎ B. The father’s occupation.‎ C. Education levels of parents.‎ D. Having books in the home.‎ ‎15.Which is the following is NOT TRUE?‎ A. Getting books into homes is good investment parents can make.‎ B. Children who get a higher level of education must have many books in their homes.‎ C. Reading books is good for the development of children.‎ D. Books in home have a great effect on children’s education levels.‎ 第二节(共5小题 每小题2分 满分10分) 根据短文内容从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有 两项为多余选项。 ‎ As a child grows up,you may wonder how you can teach him to become a respectful adult.___16___ A child who learns to respect not only learns to receive respect from others in kind,but also learns to respect himself.‎ ‎◆ Show him respect.‎ This is the best way to teach your child how to respect others. Listen to your child attentively and he will learn to listen to you,understanding how important this is in communication.‎ ‎◆___17___‎ The more you say“please”and“thank you”to your child, the more likely he will learn to use them.Politeness then becomes a normal part of any conversation.‎ ‎◆ Agree to disagree ‎___18___ Explain your decision so that he will understand you and expect respectful responses. Disagreeing with you doesn’t necessarily mean disobedience.‎ ‎◆Control your impulse(冲动) to overreact.‎ When a situation arises,stay calm and keep in mind that you are supposed to be modeling correct behavior. ___19___‎ ‎◆Praise,praise,praise!‎ So much is focused on what a child does wrong and how to correct it that his accomplishments are not celebrated enough. ___20___‎ A. Try to remember that a child won’t always agree with you.‎ B. Respectful behavior is always accompanied by bad behavior as a child.‎ C. If he sees you lose your temper, he is more likely to respond that way in future.‎ D. Respect is necessary for a meaningful and successful life.‎ E. A child may act as he pleases, and he will live a happy life.‎ F. Seeing a child exhibit respectful behavior, make sure he knows how proud you are of him.‎ G. Teach manners by using polite requests and responses.‎ 第二部分:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)‎ I was walking down the road one day when my cellphone rang. A(n)__21__voice on the other end spoke to me,“Dad, please come back soon. I miss you so much!” A wrong number would possibly ___22___ for this. A little while later, the call came once again, so I rudely__23__, “You’ve dialed the wrong number!”and then __24__.‎ During the following days, I got the same ___25__now and then. But I didn’t care much about it.‎ Then one day she continually called me, __26__I didn’t answer. In the end, I answered the phone and heard a weak voice, “ Dad, please come back. I miss you so much! Dad , I ’m __27__so much pain! Mom said you were too busy to take __28_of me. But, Dad, please__29__ me again, OK?” The simple__30__was difficult to refuse. I made a loud kiss on the phone and heard the weak voice say, “Thank you … Dad , I am so … happy…” ‎ Shortly after this, I became _31_ about who had been on the other end of my phone. So I called back, and a woman answered, “Sorry, sir. I am really sorry to have __32_you. My daughter has suffered from bone cancer _33__she was born. And her father … died in a(n) __34_ last week. I dare not tell her the _35__. Poor baby. When she couldn’t bear the painful cancer treatment, she would cry for her dad, who had always given her _36_ to carry on. I really couldn’t __37_ it, so I gave her your phone number …”‎ ‎“How is your daughter now?” I couldn’t _38__ to ask.‎ ‎“She has _39__. She passed away with a smile, tightly holding the cellphone… ” she said, “and I am glad that she gets rid of the pain and stays with her father forever.”‎ Tears filled my eyes and I was so sad to hear that, __40__at the sky for a long time.‎ 21. A.strange B.modest C.outspoken D.considerate.‎ 22. A.pay B.wait C.account D.seek 23. A.refused B.explained C.returned D.answered 24. A.hung up B.took up C.got up D.turned up 25. A.number B.call C.telephone D.result 26. A.even if B.as if C.in case D.now that 27. A.in B.of C.on D.at 28. A.control B. attention C.care D.interest 29. A.hug B.kiss C.love D.treat ‎ 30. A.advice B.command C.request D.action.‎ 31. A.curious B.interested C.surprised D.amazed 21. A.confused B.bothered C.argued D.reached 22. A.until B.but C.while D.since 23. A.matter B.event C.accident D.invitation 24. A.story B.experience C.news D.reason 25. A.relief B.balance C.patience D.strength 26. A.accept B.respect C.bear D.observe 27. A. help B. wait C. expect D. want 28. A.gone B.survived C.recovered D.escaped 29. A.seeing B.watching C.staring D.glaring 第II卷(非选择题 共50分)‎ 第一部分:语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(不多于3个单词)。‎ When I was a university student, I 41. (attract) by the Chinese. So I got a job as 42. teacher in Wuhan three years ago. 43. (think) back, I realize it was the students I met in the first year and Chinese university life in general 44. gave me the deepest impression.‎ During my school days, I would rarely give up my spare time to any activity connected with study. Unless exams were approaching, my weekends were devoted to having fun or perhaps a part-time job. My Chinese students, 45. the other hand, seemed to spend their entire waking hours studying. I understand that competition in Chinese universities 46. (be)extremely fierce. Nonetheless, their energy and motivation put 47. (I) to shame.‎ My first year in China was also my first year as a teacher. It was both challenging 48. rewarding. One thing I know for certain is that my year in Wuhan changed me for the better. Thanks to the politeness and 49. (warm) of Chinese students, I overcame my fear of speaking in public and became more self-confident. Most 50. (important), I met dozens of nice people and made many excellent friends.‎ 第二部分:短文改错 (共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10 分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文.文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处.每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改.‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词.‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉.‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词.‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分.‎ It was Monday. I was walking to school this morning while I caught sight of a old woman with a walking stick lying on the ground. I quickly ran over help her up and asked her how was wrong with her. She told me she slipped and fell due to a heart attack.‎ I was worried and decided to take him to hospital as soon as possibly. And then I contact her family. Soon her son and daughter came to the hospitals. They thanked and praised me with my kindness by writing me a thank-you letter. Although I was later for school, but I felt very proud of what I had done.‎ 第三部分:书面表达(满分25分)‎ 父亲节快要到了,杂志社Reader’s Digest在为父亲节的特刊征稿,征集写给父亲的感谢信。请你以李华为名按要求写封感谢信投稿。‎ ‎ 要求:1. 词数:100左右; ‎ 2. 请在信中至少列举一个父亲关爱你的事例.‎ ‎ Dear Father,‎ I’m writing to express my sincere gratitude to you__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ Yours beloved ‎ Li Hua ‎第二次月考英语答案 选择:‎ ‎1-3 CAA 4-7DBCA 8-11CBDB 12-15ADDB 16-20DGACF ‎21-25ACDAB 26-30AACBC 31-35ABDCC 36-40DCBAC 语填:‎ 41. was attracted 42.a 43. Thinking 44. that 45. on ‎ 46. was 47. me 48. and 49.warmth 50.importantly 改错:‎ 1. while-when 2.a -an 3.over 与help之间加to 4. how-what 5.him-her 6.possibly-possible ‎ ‎7. contact-contacted 8.hospitals-hospital 9.with-for 10.去掉but 例文:‎ Dear Father, ‎ ‎ I am writing to express my sincere gratitude to you. I may never say it out loud but I really feel lucky to have a father like you who is always there, supporting me.‎ When I was in middle school I was weak at English. At that time, I almost lost my heart. But you encouraged me to move on. You taught me to face difficulties bravely and since that day, you studied with me together. You bought a grammar book and made a study plan for me.I know you were tired after work,but you still helped me with my homework.With the help of you, I made a great progress in the following exams.‎ Father, it is because of you that I become confident again. So I want to say thank you to you from my deep heart.‎

