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Unit 5 Nelson Mandela——a modern hero复习学案 话题诵读 日积月累 Nelson Mandela is one of the greatest people in the world.For many reasons he is a huge hero.He is a person all of us can learn many lessons from.He has seen almost everything in his life,from being treated badly to becoming president of the country he loves.He retired in 1999 but continues to travel the world helping people.‎ Nelson was born in 1918 in South Africa.He first became a lawyer.This led to his involvement in the African National Congress(ANC),which he later became the leader of.‎ The South African government did its best to keep Mandela from spreading his message of equality for blacks.It put him in prison for 27 years.He became famous around the world.Mandela was released from prison in 1990.His never-ending hope won him the hearts of millions.He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.A year later,he was elected to be his country's first ever black president.He died on December 5th,2013 at the age of 95.By the time of his ‎ death,Mandela had come to be widely considered both “the ‎ father of the nation,” and “the founding father of democracy” within in South Africa.‎ ‎[词海拾贝]‎ ‎1.involvement n.卷入;牵连;参与 ‎2.equality n.平等,相等 ‎3.release vt.释放;让与;准予发表;发射 ‎4.elect vt.选举;选择 ‎5.lead to导致 ‎[问题思考]‎ ‎1.Why is Nelson Mandela regarded as one of the greatest people in the world?‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ 答案:He devotes his whole life to helping black people enjoy equal rights.He travels around the world helping people.‎ ‎2.What does the passage mainly talk about?‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ 答案:Brief introduction to Nelson Mandela.‎ 自主预习 步步提高 词汇识记 Ⅰ.将单词与其正确释义配对 ‎1.mean    A.法律的;依照法律的 ‎2.selfish B.投票;选举 ‎3.lawyer C.暴力;暴行 ‎4.legal D.联盟;同盟 ‎5.fee E.律师 ‎6.league F.学费;会费;酬金 ‎7.violence G.不公正的;不公平的 ‎8.vote H.乐意的;自愿的 ‎9.willing I.自私的 ‎10.unfair J.吝啬的;卑鄙的 答案:1.J 2.I 3.E 4.A 5.F 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.H 10.G Ⅱ.根据所给汉语提示写出单词 ‎1.________n.品质;质量;性质 ‎2.________adj.吝啬的;自私的;卑鄙的 ‎3.________adj.积极的;活跃的 ‎4.________adj.慷慨的;大方的 ‎5.________n.自我;自身 ‎________adj.自私的 ‎________adj.无私的;忘我的 ‎________adv.无私地;忘我地 ‎6.________vt.献身;专心于 ‎________adj.忠实的;深爱的 ‎7.________n.法则;原则;原理 ‎8.________adj.和平的;平静的;安宁的 ‎________n.和平 ‎9.________adj.法律的;依照法律的 ‎________adj.非法的 ‎10.________n.舞台;阶段;时期 ‎11.________vt.&vi.投票;选举 n.投票;选票;表决 ‎12.________vt.进攻;抨击;攻击 ‎13.________n.暴力;暴行 ‎________adj.暴力的;猛烈的 ‎14.________adj.相等的;平等的 ‎15.________adj.乐意的;自愿的 答案:1.quality 2.mean 3.active 4.generous 5.self selfish selfless selflessly 6.devote devoted ‎7.principle 8.peaceful peace 9.legal illegal ‎10.stage 11.vote 12.attack 13.violence violent ‎14.equal 15.willing Ⅲ.根据汉语提示写出正确的单词 ‎1.Everyone can greatly improve the________(质量)of life.‎ ‎2.Companies need to take________(积极的)steps to increase exports.‎ ‎3.He is a________(慷慨的)man,who often helps others.‎ ‎4.He decided to________(献身)the rest of his life to scientific research.‎ ‎5.The animals look________(平静的)and happy.‎ ‎6.Here is a good reason to be________(有希望的) about the future.‎ ‎7.If you don't like it,don't ________(投票)for him.‎ ‎8.Three people were injured in the________(攻击).‎ ‎9.We are________(平等的)in every way.‎ ‎10.I'm perfectly________(愿意)to discuss the problem.‎ 答案:1.quality 2.active 3.generous 4.devote ‎5.peaceful 6.hopeful 7.vote 8.attack ‎9.equal 10.willing Ⅳ.选词填空(注意形式的变化)‎ lose heart;in one's opinion;come to power;set up;be sentenced to;be willing to;out of work;as a matter of fact;in trouble;turn to ‎1.—I thought you wouldn't mind.‎ ‎—Well,________,I don't,but you should have asked me first.‎ ‎2.If you can't pay the bill,you're going to be________.‎ ‎3.In this city,nearly one third of the population is________ and they have nothing to do every day.‎ ‎4.With no one to________ in her difficult times,my mother felt bad.‎ ‎5.The company________ provide us with what we needed.‎ ‎6.He________ his own business after he graduated from university.‎ ‎7.They didn't________though they suffered so many failures.‎ ‎8.It's a terrible shame,________,that the building was knocked down.‎ ‎9.She married a young man who was once a thief and________ prison for two years.‎ ‎10.After the new president________,he made a wonderful speech.‎ 答案:1.as a matter of fact 2.in trouble 3.out of work 4.turn to 5.is willing to 6.set up 7.lose heart ‎8.in my opinion 9.was sentenced to 10.came to power 语篇理解 Ⅰ.Skimming for the main information ‎ 1.Match the main idea of each paragraph.‎ Paras.1,2________ A.The change of Elias' life after he met Nelson Mandela and what Mandela did.‎ Paras.3~5________ B.The life of Elias before ‎ meeting Nelson Mandela.‎ 答案:1.Paras.1,2—B Paras.3~5—A ‎2.What does the passage mainly tell us?‎ A. A black man named Elias and his hard life in South Africa.‎ B.Mr Mandela's lifelong struggle for the black people's rights.‎ C.Elias' description of his contact with Mr Mandela.‎ D.The deep friendship between Elias and Mr Mandela.‎ 答案:C Ⅱ.Scanning for detailed information ‎1.Why did Elias have to leave school?‎ A.He didn't have a passbook.‎ B.His home was far from the school.‎ C.His family couldn't afford the school fees.‎ D.He couldn't read or write.‎ ‎2.Nelson Mandela opened a black law firm in order to________.‎ A.make money B.help the poor black people with their problems C.make himself famous D.study law ‎3.How did Nelson Mandela help Elias keep his job?‎ A.He talked with Elias' boss.‎ B.He helped him get the correct papers.‎ C.He lent him some money.‎ D.He asked him to go to court.‎ ‎4.Why did Elias help Nelson Mandela blow up some ‎ government buildings?‎ A.He liked violence.‎ B.It was not dangerous.‎ C.It was a way to make black and white people equal.‎ D.He wanted to be famous.‎ ‎5.What dream did Nelson Mandela have?‎ A.To become the president of South Africa.‎ ‎ B.To win the Nobel Peace Prize.‎ C.To make black and white people equal.‎ D.To blow up some government building.‎ 答案:1.C 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.C Ⅲ.Intensive reading to finish the passage Ellas is a poor 1.________worker in South Africa.He began school at six years old and 2.________ school two years later because his family couldn't afford the school 3.________and the bus fare.After trying hard,he got a job in a 4.________ mine.At that time because he didn't have a 5.________ to live in Johannesburg,he would probably become out of 6.________.He first met Mandela at twelve years old,in the year 1952,when Mandela was a black 7.________.Mandela helped poor black people to solve their 8.________matters.Mandela told Elias how to get the correct papers so he could stay in Johannesburg.Elias joined the ANC Youth L eague 9.________by Mandela to realize their dream of making black and white people 10.________.‎ 答案:1.black 2.left 3.fees 4.gold 5.passbook ‎6.work 7.lawyer 8.legal 9.organized 10.equal ‎[阅读素养提升]‎ ‎1.Do you think it's fair to treat other people badly only because they are black?‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ 答案:No,I think all of us human beings are born equal.‎ ‎2.What good qualities can you learn from Nelson Mandela?‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ 答案:Selfless,determined,hard-working,brave,easy-going,kind.‎ ‎[精读难句透析]‎ ‎1.However,this was a time when one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg.‎ 分析:本句是主从复合句。____________是先行词,____________引导的是定语从句且在从句中作状语。‎ 译文:_________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ 答案:a time when 译文:然而,那时要有所需证件才能住在约翰内斯堡。‎ ‎2.Sadly I did not have one because I was not born there,and I worried about whether I would become out of work.‎ 分析:本句是并列句。____________连接了两个并列分句,在第一个分句中,____________引导的是原因状语从句。在第二个分句中,____________引导的是宾语从句。‎ 译文:_________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ 答案:and because whether 译文:遗憾的是我没有这个证件,因为我不是在那里出生的,我很担心我是否会失业。‎ ‎3.But I was happy to help because I knew it would help us achieve our dream of making black and white people equal.‎ 分析:本句是主从复合句。____________________是主句。_________引导的是原因状语从句,______________________是省略了连词that的宾语从句。‎ 译文:_________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ 答案:But I was happy to help because it would help us achieve our dream of making black and white people equal 译文:但是我乐于帮忙,因为我知道这将帮助我们实现黑人和白人平等的梦想。‎ 知识聚焦 讲练互动 要点直击 ‎1.mean adj.吝啬的;自私的;卑鄙的;刻薄的 v.意思是;意欲,打算;意味着 ‎ 归纳拓展 ‎(1)be mean to sb对某人吝啬/自私/卑鄙 be mean with/about sth对……很吝啬 ‎(2)mean vt.意指,意味着,意思是 ‎(1)She's always been ________ with money.‎ 她在花钱方面总是非常吝啬。‎ ‎(2)Don't ________ so ________ your little brother!‎ 别对你弟弟那么刻薄!‎ ‎(3)She ____________ a nurse.‎ 她根本就不是当护士的料。‎ 答案:(1)mean (2)be mean to (3)was never meant for ‎ 即学即练 单句语法填空。‎ ‎(1)Missing the train means________(wait) for an hour.‎ ‎(2)Please by all__________(mean) hand in the report on time.‎ ‎(3)I meant________(come),but a friend went to visit me.‎ ‎(4)He is mean__________ all the people around him.‎ 答案:(1)waiting (2)means (3)to come (4)to ‎2.A great person is someone who devotes his/her life to helping others.‎ 伟人是把自己的一生致力于帮助别人的人。‎ ‎ 归纳拓展 devote vt.献身于;专心于 devote time(money,energy,etc.)to(doing) sth ‎ 把时间(钱、精力等)献给(做)某事 devote oneself to(doing sth)=be devoted to 献身于……;致力于……‎ devoted adj.忠实的;深爱的 devotion n.奉献;关爱 ‎(1)Neighbours devoted their spare time to helping others rebuild.‎ 邻居们利用他们的业余时间帮助他人重建。‎ ‎(2)You will never gain success unless you are fully devoted to your work.‎ 除非你完全投入到你的工作中,否则你就永远不会取得成功。‎ ‎(3)Mothers' devotion to children can hardly be calculated.‎ 母亲对孩子的关爱无法估量.‎ ‎ 即学即练 单句语法填空。‎ ‎(1)________(devote) to caring for the poor,Mother Teresa is ‎ greatly respected throughout the world.‎ ‎(2)He devoted all the money he had to________(set) up a house.‎ ‎(3)Her devotion________ the job left her with little time.‎ ‎(4)She devoted________(she) to helping the poor.‎ 答案:(1)Devoted (2)setting (3)to (4)herself ‎3.It was a prison from which no one escaped.‎ 这是一座任何人都无法逃出的监狱。‎ ‎ 归纳拓展 escape vi.& vt.逃脱;逃走;避开;泄露;被忘掉 n.逃跑;逃脱 escape from从……逃脱;逃跑 escape+n./doing sth 避开(做)某事 escape death 死里逃生 a narrow escape九死一生 ‎(1)It was a prison from which no one escaped.‎ 那是一座任何人都逃不出去的监狱。‎ ‎(2)She managed to escape from the burning car.‎ 她设法从燃烧的汽车中逃了出来。‎ ‎(3)He had a narrow escape in the big fire.‎ 他在大火中死里逃生。‎ ‎ 即学即练 单句语法填空。‎ ‎(1)You shouldn't escape__________(do) the work.‎ ‎(2)Time is something________ which we can't escape.‎ 答案:(1)doing (2)from ‎4.But I was happy to help because I knew it would help us achieve our dream of making black and white people equal.‎ 但是,我乐于帮忙,因为我知道,这将有助于实现我们黑人和白人平等的梦想。‎ ‎ 归纳拓展 equal adj.平等的;相等的 v.等于;比得上,敌得过 n.同等的人;相等物 be equal to胜任;相等 equal sb in sth 在某方面与某人匹敌 be without equal/have no equal无与伦比;无敌 equally adv.平等地;同样地 equality n.平等;相等 ‎(1)The two rooms are of ________ size.‎ 这两个房间大小一样。‎ ‎(2)Nobody can ________ him ________ strength.‎ 没有人能比得上他的力气。‎ ‎(3)His paintings ____________ in the western world.‎ 他的画在西方世界无与伦比。‎ 答案:(1)equal (2)equal in (3)are without equal ‎ 即学即练 句型转换。‎ ‎(1)She is not fit for the job.‎ ‎→She is not__________________ the job.‎ ‎(2)Three plus two equals five.‎ ‎→Three plus two____________________ five.‎ ‎(3)No one can match him in dancing.‎ ‎→No one can________ him________ dancing.‎ 单句语法填空。‎ ‎(4)I like it________(equal) with you.‎ ‎(5)In order to compete with others,the restaurant should improve the________(equal)of its service.‎ ‎(6)Bill is quite equal________running the office.‎ ‎(7)Tom is equal John________ the ability of dealing with such cases.‎ 答案:(1)equal to (2)is equal to (3)equal in ‎(4)equally (5)equality (6)to (7)in ‎5.They said that the job and the pay from the new South African government were my reward after working all my life for equal rights for the Blacks.‎ 他们说,从南非新政府得到的这份工作和报酬是我毕生为争取黑人的平等权利而斗争所得到的回报。‎ ‎ 归纳拓展 reward n.报酬;奖金 vt.酬劳;奖赏 in reward(for)=in return (for)‎ 作为(对……的)报答 reward sb with...for(doing)sth 为(做)某事而以……报答某人 ‎(1)She got nothing in reward for her kindness.‎ 她的好心没有得到一点回报。‎ ‎(2)The author's mother rewarded him with books.‎ 作者的母亲用书来奖赏他。‎ ‎(3)She was highly rewarded for her efforts.‎ 由于她的努力,她收到了很高的回报。‎ ‎ 易混辨析 reward/award/prize reward 报答;报酬;奖赏,表示由于做了某事而应该得到的东西 award 奖项;奖品,指正式的或官方颁发、授予;也可以指法庭裁决给予 prize 奖赏;奖金;奖品,尤指在比赛中获得的荣誉 ‎ ‎ 即学即练 用reward,award,prize填空。‎ ‎(1)A(n)________ was given to the person who had the winning number.‎ ‎(2)Is that how you________ me for my help?‎ ‎(3)The Olympic winner received a gold medal as a(n)________.‎ ‎(4)She offered a(n)________of $500 for the return of the lost necklace.‎ 单句改错。‎ ‎(5)They rewarded the winners gifts of fruits and flowers.‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ 答案:(1)prize (2)reward (3)award (4)reward ‎(5)winners后加with ‎6.Sadly I did not have one because I was not born there,and I worried about whether I would become out of work.‎ 糟糕的是我没有身份证,因为我不是在那里出生的,因而我担心是否会失业。‎ ‎ 归纳拓展 out of work失业 out of a job失业 out of breath上气不接下气 out of order出故障 out of control失控 out of danger脱离危险 ‎(1)Work hard,or you will be __________.‎ 好好干,不然你会失业的。‎ ‎(2)The machine was __________.‎ 这台机器出了故障。‎ 答案:(1)out of work (2)out of order ‎ 即学即练 完成句子。‎ ‎(1)It was the third time that he____________________ that year.‎ 这是他那一年第三次失业了。‎ 用out of的短语填空。‎ ‎(2)The car went___________ and knocked into the side of a bus.‎ ‎(3)He's still in hospital but________________.‎ ‎(4)The mile run left Bill__________________.‎ ‎(5)My clock was__________________and waked me up at 3:00 this morning.‎ 答案:(1)had been out of work (2)out of control ‎(3)out of danger (4)out of breath (5)out of order ‎7.Why did Nelson Mandela turn to violence to make black and white people equal?‎ 为什么纳尔逊·曼德拉会使用暴力来使黑人和白人平等?‎ ‎ 归纳拓展 turn to求助于;致力于;转向;翻至(某一页)‎ turn around/round转过去;转身 turn down拒绝;把……调低 turn in上交 turn off关闭 turn on打开 turn over翻过来;移交 turn out生产;制造;结果是……‎ turn up调高;出现 ‎(1)The child ____________ his mother for comfort.‎ 那个孩子向他的母亲寻求安慰。‎ ‎(2)I________invitations to go out for breakfast—that would require getting up too early on weekend mornings.‎ 我拒绝了外出吃早饭的邀请,因为那样的话,周末要起得很早。‎ ‎(3)The job ______________ harder than we thought.‎ 这份工作结果比我们想的要难。‎ 答案:(1)turned to (2)turned down (3)turned out(to be)‎ ‎ 即学即练 用turn短语的适当形式填空。‎ ‎(1)You can__________ your teacher for help if you are in trouble.‎ ‎(2)Those who want to go are to________ their applications before Friday.‎ ‎(3)Don't worry.All will________ right.‎ ‎(4)The boy wanted to join the army but________because he was under age.‎ ‎(5)He promised to come,but hasn't________ by now.‎ 一句多译。‎ 阅读中遇到生词时,不要老是查词典。‎ ‎(6)You should not always____________the dictionary when you meet new words in reading.‎ ‎→You should not always________in the dictionary when you meet new words in reading.‎ 答案:(1)turn to (2)turn in (3)turn out (4)was turned down (5)turned up (6)turn/refer to look them up ‎8.The scientist from whom...never lost heart when he was in trouble.‎ ‎……的科学家当陷入麻烦时不灰心。‎ ‎ 归纳拓展 lose heart丧失勇气或信心;泄气 lose one's heart to爱上;倾心于……‎ learn sth by heart背诵;牢记 put one's heart into专心于 break sb's heart使某人很伤心 heart and soul全心全意;完全地 ‎(1)Don't __________ when in face of difficulty,for a way out will come up.‎ 面对困难时不要泄气,总能想出解决的办法。‎ ‎(2)She ____________ the soldier.‎ 她爱上了那位战士。‎ ‎(3)You should learn English ________.‎ 你应该用心学习英语。‎ 答案:(1)lose heart (2)lost her heart to (3)by heart ‎ 即学即练 用适当的介、副词填空。‎ ‎(1)You'd better put your heart________ your studies.‎ ‎(2)Whatever we do,we should do it________heart.‎ 单句改错。‎ ‎(3)My parents often tell me never lose heart when I face difficulty.‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ 答案:(1)into (2)by (3)lose前加to ‎9.I did not work again for twenty years until Mr Mandela and the ANC came to power in 1994.‎ 在曼德拉和非国大于1994年掌权之前,我有20年没有再工作了。‎ ‎ 归纳拓展 come to power=come into power 当权;上台(表示动作)‎ be in power当权(表示状态)‎ lose power下台;失去权利 be beyond one's power to do sth 某人无权(无能力)做某事 ‎(1)The government________ in 2012.That is,it________ for more than six years.‎ 本届政府2012年上台,也就是说,已经执政6年多了。‎ ‎(2)It's ____________ to understand how the computer works.‎ 我不懂电脑运行原理。‎ 答案:(1)came to power has been in power ‎(2)beyond my power ‎ 即学即练 单句语法填空。‎ ‎(1)He has been________ power for fifty years.‎ 单句改错。‎ ‎(2)He promised that once he came in power,he would set out to improve the living conditions.‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ 答案:(1)in (2)in→into/to ‎10.1952 set up law office to help poor black people in Johannesburg...‎ ‎1952年(他)成立律师事务所来帮助约翰内斯堡的贫穷黑人……‎ ‎ 归纳拓展 set up设立;建立 set down写下;记下 set about开始做,着手 set aside把……放在一边;省出;留出 set off出发;动身;使爆炸;引起;激发 set out出发;动身;摆放;陈列;开始;着手 注:set about doing sth=set out to do sth 开始着手做某事(about为介词,而out为副词)‎ ‎(1)A fund will __________ for the dead men's families.‎ 将为死者家属设立一项基金。‎ ‎(2)I must __________ my packing.‎ 我必须开始收拾行李了。‎ ‎(3)She ______________ a bit of money every month.‎ 她每个月都存一点儿钱。‎ 答案:(1)be set up (2)set about (3)sets aside ‎ 即学即练 用适当的介、副词填空。‎ ‎(1)They will set________ for Paris next week.‎ ‎(2)Once I realized what was wrong,I set________ correcting it.‎ ‎(3)Having made the plan,she set________ to carry it out.‎ ‎(4)You had better set your idea________before you forget it.‎ 单句改错。‎ ‎(5)My dream is set up a school for young children.‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ 答案:(1)off (2)about (3)out (4)down ‎(5)is后加to ‎11.The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress,until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.‎ 过去30年来所出现的大量法律剥夺我们的权利,阻挡我们的进步,一直到今天,我们还处在几乎什么权利都没有的阶段。‎ ‎[句式分析]‎ ‎(1)该句是一个无生命的名词作主语的句式,在理解这类句子时一定要正确把握英汉两种语言的不同表达习惯。这类句子的谓语动词常用see,find,witness,observe等,意为“发生,见证;经历”;这种句式能达到一种使句子更加生动的修辞效果。‎ ‎(2)where we have almost no rights at all是定语从句,修饰先行词stage。当先行词为stage,case,situation,position,activity,work等抽象地点名词,且定语从句中缺少状语时,用where引导定语从句。‎ ‎(1)________________ a little girl crying in the street.‎ 黄昏时分一个小女孩在街上哭。‎ ‎(2)____________ the founding of the People's Republic of China.‎ ‎1949年中华人民共和国成立了。‎ ‎(3)________________ the death of his mother.‎ 第二年他的母亲去世了。‎ ‎(4)At that time we had reached ____________ we had more black readers than white ones.‎ 那时候我们已到了黑人读者比白人读者还要多的阶段。‎ 答案:(1)The dusk found (2)The year 1949 witnessed (3)The following year saw (4)a stage where ‎ 即学即练 句型转换。‎ ‎(1)Great changes have taken place in the city of Beijing since 1982.‎ ‎→The city of Beijing ______________________since 1982.‎ 用适当的关系词填空。‎ ‎(2)Sales director is a position____________communication ability is just as important as sales.‎ ‎(3)The CEO of the company is a job ______/________ ________ many abilities are required to deal with all types of problems.‎ 答案:(1)has seen great changes (2)where ‎(3)where/in which ‎12....only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.‎ ‎……只有到这个时候,我们才决定用暴力反抗暴力。‎ ‎[句式分析]‎ 在英语句子中,为了表示强调,把“only+状语(副词/介词短语/从句)”置于句首,主句要用部分倒装形式,即把主句中的助动词、情态动词或系动词提到主语前面。该句的正常语序是:...we decided to answer violence with violence only then.‎ ‎(1)Only yesterday ______________ him the truth,which was a big surprise.‎ 昨天他父亲才把真相告诉他,这对他真是一个令人吃惊的消息。‎ ‎(2)Only by shouting ____________ able to make people on the other side of the river hear him.‎ 他只有靠大声叫喊才能使河对岸的人们听到他的声音。‎ 答案:(1)did his father tell (2)was he 名师点津:若only修饰主语,即使在句首也不倒装。‎ ‎ 即学即练 句型转换。‎ ‎(1)She realized she was wrong only at that time.‎ ‎→Only at that time__________________she was wrong.‎ 完成句子。‎ ‎(2)Only________________the work in an hour.‎ 只有她能在一小时内完成这项工作。‎ 答案:(1)did she realize (2)she can finish ‎13.I felt bad the first time I talked to a group.‎ 第一次与一群人说话时我感到不舒服。‎ ‎ 归纳拓展 ‎(1)本句含有一个由the first time引导的时间状语从句。‎ the first time用作连词引导时间状语从句,意为“第一次……时”,而for the first time是介词短语,意为“第一次”,在句子中作状语。‎ ‎(2)引导时间状语从句的短语或词还有every time,each time,the last time,the moment,the minute,immediately,directly,instantly等,它们起从属连词的作用。‎ ‎(1)____________ I saw Suzy Khan,I knew I had to help her.‎ 第一次见到韩秀智,我就知道我必须帮她。‎ ‎(2)He started __________ he heard the report.‎ 他一听到报告就动身了。‎ ‎(3)He paid back the money he owed us ________ he returned home.‎ 他一回到家就把欠我们的钱还上了。‎ 答案:(1)The first time (2)the instant (3)immediately ‎ 即学即练 选词填空(the first time,for the first time)。‎ ‎(1)She fell in love with the young man when she saw him ________________________.‎ ‎(2)This is ____________________ that we have seen a film in the ‎ cinema together as a family.‎ ‎(3)__________________ I toured Zhangjiajie,I was deeply impressed with its beautiful scenery.‎ 用适当的冠词填空。‎ ‎(4)I visited Hangzhou for________ first time this summer.It is so attractive that I decided to go there for________ second time next year.‎ 答案:(1)for the first time (2)the first time ‎(3)The first time (4)the a 应用落实 Ⅰ.单句拼写 ‎1.Nelson Mandela had many great________(品质).For example,he was________(慷慨的)and warm-hearted.‎ ‎2.He is a________(无私的)volunteer.In his spare time he takes an________(积极的)part in all kinds of activities.‎ ‎3.He________(致力于)all his life to ________(建立)the Youth League.So many people________(投票)for him.‎ ‎4.Mr Green is a famous_______(律师),who often offers _______(法律的)________(指导)to people in trouble________(无私地)and he doesn't ask for any________(费用).‎ ‎5.The__________(青年)of today should have a ________(平静的)heart.They should firmly believe that they will have a________(‎ 有希望的)future.‎ ‎6.There is too much________(暴力)in computer games.If children are often exposed to it,they may become______(自私的)and may______(攻击)others.‎ 答案:1.qualities generous 2.selfless active ‎3.devoted founding voted 4.lawyer legal guidance selflessly fee 5.youth peaceful hopeful 6.violence mean attack Ⅱ.单句语法填空 在句中空白处填上适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ ‎1.She always thinks highly of you.So you are equal ________ the work in her opinion.‎ ‎2.I don't know who I can go to________advice.‎ ‎3.The boy devotes most of his time to________ (surf) the Internet.‎ ‎4.To add calcium(钙),it should be taken under the ______ (guide) of doctors.‎ ‎5.It is up to the government to take action on________ (violent).‎ ‎6.The new government treats all people________(equal).‎ ‎7.The beggar begged________money from the passers-by in the street.‎ ‎8.The prisoner was sentenced to________(die).‎ ‎9.Packaging is great________(relative)to sale for products.‎ ‎10.The earthquake was a____________(terror)disaster.‎ 答案:1.to 2.for 3.surfing 4.guidance 5.violence ‎6.equally 7.for 8.death 9.relation 10.terrible Ⅲ.选词填空(注意形式的变化)‎ be willing to;in trouble;turn to;put...in prison;break the law;be hopeful about;be grateful for;be generous with ‎1.We shall______________ your cooperation.‎ ‎2.Not knowing the meaning of the phrase,she ________ the teacher for help.‎ ‎3.There is every reason to______________the future.‎ ‎4.He______________,and always buys many gifts to us.‎ ‎5.They may not______________communicate to let others know how they are feeling.‎ ‎6.He______________,and therefore was put in prison.‎ ‎7.He______________ for blowing up the bridge.‎ ‎8.I always like to help anyone__________.‎ 答案:1.be grateful for 2.turned to 3.be hopeful about 4.is generous with money 5.be willing to 6.broke the law 7.was put in prison 8.in trouble 语言运用 Ⅰ.根据课文内容(P38)选择最佳答案 ‎1.Elias felt good about himself because________.‎ A.the prison guards studied with him B.Mandela taught them himself C.many of his friends passed the exams D.he believed he could get a degree if he had the chance ‎2.After Elias was released from prison,________.‎ A.he only worked for a short time B.he could not get any job C.he was glad to work in a post office D.he went to Mandela for advice ‎3.About the job taking tourists around the old prison,he________.‎ A.was willing to accept it at once B.wrote letters to Mandela for it C.was encouraged by his family to refuse it D.often recalled his terrible experience ‎4.Mandela was set free from prison________ years later than Elias.‎ A.at least 20     B.more than 10‎ C.exactly 30 D.nearly 15‎ ‎5.Which of the following is NOT true?‎ A.It was very hard for Elias to take tourists around the old prison on Robben Island at first.‎ B.The reason why Elias is proud is that he has fought all his life for equal rights for Blacks.‎ C.The police stopped the boss from giving Elias a job,and Elias was out of work.‎ D.Elias' family felt bad about his job as a guide,but Mandela encouraged him to go on.‎ 答案:1.D 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.D Ⅱ.翻译下列句子 ‎1.他在午饭休息期间教我们,晚上本应该睡觉的时间也教我们。‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎2.He said that they should not be stopped from studying for their degrees.‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎3.They are not cleverer than me,but they did pass their exams.‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎4.这让我感觉自己还不错。‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎5.I did not work again for twenty years until Mr Mandela and the ANC came to power in 1994.‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎6.第一次给旅行团做讲解时,我心情很不好。‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ 答案:1.He taught us during the lunch breaks and the evenings when we should have been asleep.‎ ‎2.他说他们不应该被剥夺为获得学位而学习的权利。‎ ‎3.他们并不比我聪明,但却通过了考试。‎ ‎4.That made me feel good about myself.‎ ‎5.在曼德拉先生和南非非洲人国民大会1994年开始执政之前我有20年没有工作。‎ ‎6.I felt bad the first time I talked to a group.‎ 语法突破 触类旁通 语法精讲 when,where,why,prep.+which/whom 引导的定语从句 ‎【例句观察】‎ ‎1.The time when I first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life.‎ ‎2.It was in 1952 and Mandela was the black lawyer to whom I went for advice.‎ ‎3.He was generous with his time,for which I was grateful.‎ ‎4.The school where I studied for only two years was three ‎ kilometres away.‎ ‎5.However,this was a time when one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg.‎ ‎6.The day when Nelson Mandela helped me was one of my happiest.‎ ‎7....until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.‎ ‎8.The parts of town in which they had to live were decided by white people.‎ ‎9.The places outside the towns where they were sent to live were the poorest parts of South Africa.‎ ‎10....we were put into a position in which we had either to accept we were less important,or fight the government.‎ ‎【用法归纳】‎ ‎(1)关系副词when在定语从句中作________状语(第1、5、6句);关系副词where在定语从句中作________状语(第4、7、9句)。‎ ‎(2)“prep.+关系代词”的结构中,which用于指代______(第3、8、10句);whom用于指代________(第2句)。‎ 答案:(1)时间 地点 (2)物 人 一、关系副词的用法 关系副词在引导定语从句时,其功能相当于介词短语,在句中作状语。when,where,why 在定语从句中分别作时间状语、地点状语和原因状语。‎ ‎1.when指时间,在定语从句中作时间状语。‎ ‎①I still remember the day when I first went to the Great Wall.‎ 我还记得我第一次去长城的那一天。‎ ‎②The day when we get together will come soon.‎ 我们重聚的日子很快就会来的。‎ 注意:若时间名词后面的定语从句的引导词在从句中作主语或宾语,则改用which或that引导。‎ ‎③I'll never forget the days (which/that) we spent in the small village.‎ 我永远忘不了我们在那个小村庄度过的那些日子。‎ ‎2.where指地点,在定语从句中作地点状语。‎ ‎①The house where I lived ten years ago has been pulled down.‎ 我10年前居住的那所房子已经被拆了。‎ ‎②He is now working in the factory where his father worked.‎ 现在他正在他父亲工作过的那家工厂工作。‎ 注意:若地点名词后面的定语从句的引导词在从句中作主语或宾语,则改用which或that。‎ ‎③Is this the farm (which/that) you visited last week?‎ 这是你们上周参观过的那个农场吗?‎ ‎④The park which/that attracts the most visitors will be closed.‎ 吸引参观者最多的那个公园将要关闭了。‎ ‎3.why指原因,在定语从句中作原因状语。‎ ‎①Can you explain the reason why you don't want to help him?‎ 你能解释一下你不想帮助他的理由吗?‎ ‎②The reason why he succeeded in the exam is that he studied very hard.‎ 他考试成功的原因是他学习很认真。‎ 注意:reason后的定语从句的引导词若在从句中作主语或宾语,则改用which或that。‎ ‎③The reason (which/that) he explained at the meeting was not sound.‎ 他在会议上解释的原因并不充分。‎ 二、关系代词作介词的宾语 关系代词作介词的宾语时,为了使关系代词与先行词的关系更加紧凑,可以将从句中的介词提到关系代词前,形成“介词+关系代词”结构。该结构中的关系代词可用which,whom或whose。‎ ‎1.介词的选用。‎ ‎“介词+关系代词”结构中的介词可以依据与从句中谓语动词的搭配、与先行词的搭配或句子意义来确定。‎ ‎①Is this the car for which you paid a high price?‎ 这就是你高价买的汽车吗?(根据从句中谓语动词pay的搭配确定)‎ ‎②This is the camera with which he often takes photos.‎ 这就是他经常用来拍照的相机。(根据与先行词的搭配确定)‎ ‎③This is the pilot with whom my father has worked for ten years.‎ 这就是和我爸爸一起工作了10年的那位飞行员。(根据意义搭配确定)‎ 名师点津:(1)某些在从句中充当时间、地点或原因状语的“介词+关系代词”可以同关系副词when、where和why互换。‎ ‎④Do you know the reason for which(=why) he was so happy?‎ 你知道他为什么那么高兴吗?‎ ‎(2)有些“动词+介词”短语,如look for,look after,send for,call on,come across,long for等,不可拆开把介词置于关系代词之前。‎ ‎⑤The doctor that you sent for has not come.‎ 你派人去请的那个医生还没有来。‎ ‎2.“名词/数词/代词等+介词of+关系代词”结构。‎ 有时“介词+关系代词”前还会有名词、数词、代词等,表示部分、整体、数量等概念。 ‎ ‎①The river,the banks of which are covered with trees,flows to the sea.‎ 这条河流入大海,河的两岸种满了树。‎ ‎②He has three sons,two of whom are teachers.‎ 他有三个儿子,其中有两个是老师。‎ ‎③Maria has written two novels,both of which have been made into television series.‎ 玛丽亚已经写了两部小说,这两部都被拍成了电视剧。‎ 语法冲关 Ⅰ.完成句子 ‎1.I'll never forget the school ______________________________‎ ‎(我开始学拉小提琴的).‎ ‎2.The lab________________________________(这位化学家经常做实验的)is not far from here.‎ ‎3.I've always longed for the days__________________________‎ ‎(我能够独立的).‎ ‎4.The reason____________________________(他缺席会议的)was not very convincing.‎ ‎5.We have reached a stage_______________________________‎ ‎(我们决不能让步的).‎ 答案:1.where I started to learn to play the violin ‎2.where the chemist often does experiments ‎3.when I should be able to be independent ‎4.why he was absent from the meeting ‎5.where we will never give in Ⅱ.单句改错 每句中有1处错误,找出并改正。‎ ‎1.The girl to which you talked just now is our English teacher.‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎2.This is the house which we lived last year.‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎3.The boss in whom company Mr King worked heard about the accident.‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎4.This is the book in which I spent 10 yuan.‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎5.Do you remember the day in which you first came to Beijing?‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ 答案:1.which→whom 2.which→where或lived后加in 3.whom→whose 4.in→on 5.in→on Ⅲ.语法填空 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Where do you start if you want to write a 1.________ (success)story?2.________(clear),what you need first of all is an idea which you can develop into a strong plot.But where do ideas like this come from?You can remember the day 3.________something 4.________(interest)happened and the place 5.________ you met with somebody you are interested in.Your ideas may come from ‎ something 6.________ has happened to you or to someone else.It is a good idea 7.________(keep)a notebook nearby so that you can write down the details of any incidents 8.________ catch your imagination.Make a note of 9.________(idea)for titles too,and any special phrases or description 10.________ you think of.‎ 答案:1.successful 2.Clearly 3.when 4.interesting ‎5.where 6.that 7.to keep 8.that 9.ideas 10.that 规范写作 技法指导 方法技巧 人物介绍 人物介绍主要是介绍名人基本信息及事迹。一般是介绍人物的童年、少年、青年、中年及老年的成长经历(包括生活、工作和学习),末尾一般总述人物的功绩成败,也可以在记叙成长经历的同时加入一些议论。‎ 一、人物简介的写作步骤 ‎1.Birthday and birthplace ‎2.Family background ‎3.Education ‎4.Big events in his/her life(in order of time)‎ ‎5.Evaluation 二、常用句式 ‎1.He was from a poor peasant's family.‎ ‎2.He is about 1.72 metres in height.‎ ‎3.By the age of 14,he had taught himself advanced mathematics.‎ ‎4.She is already in her fifties,but she looks younger for her age.‎ ‎5.He is short and thin with a pair of thick glasses.‎ ‎6.She is tall and slim with big dark eyes and black hair.‎ ‎7.He is a worthy person for us to learn from.‎ ‎8.He devoted all his life to education.‎ ‎9.He is loved and respected by us all.‎ ‎10.She will always be remembered as a great woman.‎ 精品展示 请根据以下内容写一篇文章介绍美国著名歌手、音乐家、诗人鲍勃·迪伦。‎ 姓名 鲍勃·迪伦(Bob Dylan)‎ 出生地 美国 出生日期 ‎1941年 音乐风格 遵守美国音乐的传统 经历 少年时期展示出音乐天赋。‎ 在高中的时候就组建了自己的乐队。‎ 在读大学期间,对民谣产生兴趣。‎ ‎ 1961年,鲍勃·迪伦开始致力于音乐 ‎ 成就 ‎2016年,鲍勃·迪伦获得诺贝尔文学奖 评价 作品充满创造力;为美国文化以及世界的文化做出了很多贡献 注意:1.词数100左右。‎ ‎2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎【谋篇】‎ 体裁 记叙文 话题 人物简介 时态 一般过去时 人称 第三人称 结构 首段:总述。‎ 中段:具体介绍鲍勃·迪伦的经历及成就。‎ 末段:对鲍勃·迪伦的评价 ‎【遣词】‎ ‎1.遵守    ____________________‎ ‎2.展示天赋    ____________________‎ ‎3.建立    ____________________‎ ‎4.对……感兴趣    ____________________‎ ‎5.致力于    ____________________‎ ‎6.做贡献    ____________________‎ 答案:1.observe 2.show ones great talent in 3.set up ‎4.show interest in 5.devote oneself to ‎6.make contribute to ‎【造句】‎ ‎1.基础句式。‎ ‎(1)鲍勃·迪伦1941年出生于美国,是美国著名的歌手、音乐家、诗人。‎ ‎__________ America in 1941,Bob Dylan is a famous singer,musician and poet in America.‎ ‎(2)他一直遵守美国音乐的传统。‎ He__________ of American music all the way.‎ ‎(3)在读大学期间,他对民谣产生了兴趣。‎ He went to college and then he__________________ folk music.‎ 答案:(1)Born in (2)has observed the tradition ‎(3)showed great interest in ‎2.句式升级。‎ ‎(4)用定语从句合并句(1)和句(2)。‎ Born in America in 1941,Bob Dylan is a famous singer,musician and poet in America,__________has observed the tradition of American music all the way.‎ 答案:who ‎【成篇】‎ Born in America in 1941,Bob Dylan is a famous singer,musician and poet in America,who has observed the tradition of American music all the way.‎ When he was young, he showed his great talent in music. It was just when he was in high school that he set up a band of his own.He went to college, during which he showed great interest in folk music. In 1961, he began to devote himself to music.‎ Bob Dylan, whose works are full of creativity, makes great contributions to the culture of America and the world.‎ Bob Dylan has achieved great success in music and literature, which enabled him to win the Nobel Prize.‎ 作文仿写 请写一篇关于钱学森的介绍,要求包括下文中的所有内容,词数100左右。‎ 钱学森自小就受到家庭和学校良好的教育,立志长大后献身于祖国的科学事业。大学毕业后,赴美留学,获得航空博士学位,成为美国知名的火箭专家。‎ 新中国成立后,他急切地盼望回到祖国,但是受到美国当局的百般阻挠。经过他不屈不挠的斗争,终于回到了祖国,并一心扑在中国的科学事业中。他所从事的火箭、导弹研制获得巨大成功,被誉为中国的“航天之父”。‎ 参考词汇:航天aerospace;航天学cosmonautics;学位degree;不屈不挠的unyielding;导弹missile ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ 答案:‎ Well brought up and educated,Qian Xuesen,since his childhood,has made up his mind to devote himself to the cause of science for his motherland.After graduation from college,he went to study in America,got a doctor's degree for cosmonautics,and became a well-known rocket expert in the USA.‎ With the founding of New China,he was eager to return home,but was prevented by the American government.Through his unyielding struggle,he finally came back,and spent all his time on scientific work in China.His research on rockets and missiles was a great success,for which he was regarded as China's “Father of Aerospace”.‎ 课后演练 强基提能 A级 基础过关 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 在句中空白处填上适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ ‎1.We live in an age________more information is available with ‎ greater ease than ever before.‎ ‎2.Most of the students in our class are________(will)to spend their money and time on books and other useful things.‎ ‎3.Some of the films are full of________(violent),which is not good for young kids.‎ ‎4.We're just trying to reach a point________ both sides will sit down together and talk.‎ ‎5.Every time I________(see) the old man in the park,he is absorbed in reading papers.‎ ‎6.When the sports hero turned________at our party,he was welcomed with open arms.‎ ‎7.It's important to learn to take a positive attitude______ life when you are________ trouble.‎ ‎8.Tsinghua University,________(found)in 1911,is one of the best universities in China.‎ ‎9.Under our teacher's careful________(guide),we finished our homework in advance.‎ ‎10.People who are well________(educate)will be respected by everyone.‎ 答案:1.when 2.willing 3.violence 4.where 5.see 6.up 7.to/towards in 8.founded 9.guidance ‎10.educated Ⅱ.选词填空(注意形式的变化)‎ fight for;come to power;turn to;devote...to;out of work;escape from;beg for;set up;blow up;be sentenced to ‎1.Since he____________,the situation in the country has been greatly improved.‎ ‎2.The thief____________five months in prison because of stealing things in the shop.‎ ‎3.The poor man had no money so he had to____________ food in the street.‎ ‎4.The policeman caught the robber,who was trying to____________ the police car.‎ ‎5.After many failures,he finally____________ his own company.‎ ‎6.He will____________ his teacher for help when he meets some difficulties in English.‎ ‎7.I just can't understand why he____________again.He has done so many kinds of jobs.‎ ‎8.After failing in his business,he________ all his time________ farming in his hometown.‎ ‎9.I________ some balloons to decorate my room.‎ ‎10.All the poor were________ food.‎ 答案:1.comes to power 2.was sentenced to 3.beg for 4.escape from 5.set up 6.turn to 7.is out of work ‎8.devoted to 9.blew up 10.fighting for Ⅲ.完成句子 ‎1.Dusk found the little girl _____________________________.‎ 黄昏时分这个小姑娘在街上卖花。‎ ‎2.The incident had reached to______________________ both their parents were to be called in.‎ 事情已发展到双方家长必须被叫来的程度。‎ ‎3.______________________________ can we learn English well.‎ 只有以这种方式我们才能学好英语。‎ ‎4.Mary________________ Chinese well.‎ 玛丽汉语的确说得很好。‎ ‎5.I felt he was an honest person__________________ I saw him.‎ 第一次见到他时,我就感觉到他是一个诚实的人。‎ 答案:1.selling flowers in the street 2.a stage where ‎3.Only in this way 4.does speak 5.the first time B级 能力提升 Ⅰ.阅读理解 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ Donald John Trump(born on June 14,1946),is an American businessman and politician who became the president-elect of the United States on November 8, 2016.Since 1971 he has chaired ‎ The Trump Organization,the principal holding company for his real estate ventures and other business interests. During his business career,Trump has built office towers,hotels,casinos,golf courses,and other branded facilities worldwide.‎ Trump was born and raised in New York City and received a bachelor's degree in economics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 1968.In 1971,he was given control of his father Fred Trump's real estate and construction firm.Trump has appeared at the Miss USA pageants,which he owned from 1996 to 2015,and has made cameo appearances in films and television series.‎ Trump and his businesses,as well as his three marriages,have received prominent media exposure. He hosted a popular NBC reality show,The Apprentice,from 2004 to 2015.As of 2016,he was listed by Forbes as the 324th wealthiest person in the world,and 156th in the United States,with a net worth of $3.7 billion in October 2016. ‎ Trump first campaigned for the US presidency in 2000,winning two Reform Party primaries.On June 16,2015,Trump again announced his candidacy for president,this time as a Republican.Trump became known for his opposition to illegal immigration and free trade agreements,as well as his frequently non-interventionist views on foreign policy,and quickly emerged as the ‎ Republican nomination front-runner.As of March 23,2016,Trump has won 21 contests in the 2016 Republican presidential primaries.‎ He was elected as the 45th US president in the 2016 election on the Republican ticket,defeating Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton,and was scheduled to take office on January 20,2017.At 70 years old,he is the oldest person to ever assume the presidency.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文是一篇人物传记,介绍了美国新总统唐纳德·约翰·特朗普的情况。‎ ‎1.This passage is most probably taken from______.‎ A.a storybook   B.a biography book C.a science book D.an advertisement 解析:推理判断题。本文主要介绍了美国总统特朗普的一些事情,故是人物传记。‎ 答案:B ‎2.Where is Donald Trump's hometown?‎ A.London. B.Paris.‎ C.New York. D.Beijing.‎ 解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句“Trump was born and raised in New York City”可知特朗普出生且在纽约长大。‎ 答案:C ‎3.From the passage,we can know that Donald Trump was________.‎ A.wealthy and successful B.intelligent but mean C.good-tempered and tolerant D.forgetful and sensitive 解析:推理判断题。根据文章第三段特朗普是世界上排名第324位的富翁,可知他非常富有和成功。‎ 答案:A ‎4.We can learn from the passage that________.‎ A.Donald Trump is only successful in business field B.Donald Trump was born in a poor family C.Donald Trump is in favour of illegal immigration D.Donald Trump is the oldest president of the United States 解析:推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“he is the oldest person...”可知D项正确。‎ 答案:D Ⅱ.七选五 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Everyone Can Be Great;You Just Need To Know How ‎ Whether you want to be a great student,a brilliant researcher,an excellent parent or a highly successful businessman,you will have the same mindset(思维方式).You have a goal,your values and ‎ ethics(道德准则)are rock solid,you persevere(坚持),and you keep victory in sight.Sounds simple,right? Well,not really.____1____.‎ Set big goals If you have minor goals or objectives,you will never be great.____2____. Big goals drive you farther.Write the goals down.To achieve your goals you also need to know your strengths and weaknesses.Self-criticism is also helpful to achieve your targets.‎ Remember your values ‎3____. You will not cheat in exams and you will not invest in shady(可疑的)stocks.Honesty and fair,ethical business practices will stand the test of time and are a vital part in achieving greatness.‎ Learn to handle difficulties Read any book you want on all the great success stories of our times from Albert Einstein,Nelson Mandela,Steve Jobs,to Bill Gates.They all had one thing in common.____4____.‎ ‎5____‎ In seeking greatness,many people neglect(忽略) to look after the emotional,spiritual,and wellness aspects of their lives on this planet.Work takes over 95% of their lives.But with small changes,you can transform the quality of your relationships and regain work-life balance.‎ A.Manage your work-life balance B.Enjoy life and forget about work C.They had to face troubles and failures,but they did not quit D.Take every chance you get to learn from others and build a network E.Keep your major aims always in your mind and you will know where you are going F.Here are some things you need to concentrate on to make sure you know how to be great G.Above all,be aware that certain principles are always the foundations of being great 答案:1.F 2.E 3.G 4.C 5.A Ⅲ.完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ The whole school was talking about the coming trip at a winter camp.And everyone was__1__,except me.‎ ‎“I'll hate it,” I told my parents.“I'll get homesick(想家的).I'll look stupid at winter sports,and everyone will__2__ me.”‎ ‎“You might be surprised,Bree,” said mum.“The only way to find out is to__3__.”‎ ‎“It's what growing up is all about,” dad added.‎ When__4__ the camp,we were asked to share one__5__.‎ ‎“I'm afraid I'll be homesick,” someone said.‎ I wasn't the only one?! I began to__6__.After lunch,we were asked to ski (滑雪) down to the field.I skied__7__,but I still hit a piece of ice and__8__.‎ ‎“Ha! Ha!” Behind me,somebody started laughing.I__9__ to see who was making fun of me.‎ To my__10__,I saw a girl in the same awkward(尴尬的) position I was in.“I thought I'd be bad at this,__11__ I'm worse than I expected!” she said.‎ ‎__12__,I started laughing too.After being so__13__of falling,it was a comfort not to fear it anymore.‎ At dinnertime,I was so happy to be talking about interesting things that I__14__to feel homesick.‎ The next day,I was__15__ to try ski jumping first,even though I didn't want to.But when my feet left the ground,I felt I was__16__ and it was wonderful.‎ Maybe dad was right when he said,“You might__17__ it if you give it a chance!”‎ Maybe the kind of__18__ mum and dad were talking about had more to do with my outlook (态度) than my looks.We all__19__fitting in and failing when we try__20__things.Sometimes you've got to fall on your face to discover how much you've got in common.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。在成长过程中我们或许会害怕尝试新事物,或许会害怕失败,然而,这些都是成长的必经阶段。在此过程中,我们需要以积极向上的态度来面对这一切。‎ ‎1.A.strange    B.excited C.nervous D.sad 解析:根据该空后的“except me”和“I'll hate it”可知,作者不想去冬令营,然而其他人都很“兴奋(excited)”。‎ 答案:B ‎2.A.laugh at B.wait for C.speak to D.talk about 解析:根据前半句“I'll look stupid at winter sports”可知,由于作者不擅长冬季运动项目,因此害怕别人会“笑话(laugh at)”她。‎ 答案:A ‎3.A.change B.dream C.try D.move 解析:作者的妈妈鼓励作者自己去“尝试(try)”。‎ 答案:C ‎4.A.searching for B.arriving at C.making up D.returning to 解析:根据文章首句中的“the coming trip at a winter camp”可知,此处指“到达(arriving at)”营地。‎ 答案:B ‎5.A.story B.fact C.purpose D.fear 解析:根据下一句中的“I'm afraid I'll be homesick”可知,大家分享一件“害怕的事(fear)”。‎ 答案:D ‎6.A.relax B.ask C.eat D.sleep 解析:作者一开始担心自己会想家,担心会被别人笑话,因此听到别人说想家时,她开始“放心(relax)”了。‎ 答案:A ‎7.A.finally B.interestingly C.carefully D.quickly 解析:根据上文中的“I'll look stupid at winter sports”可知,由于作者不擅长冬季体育运动,因此她“小心翼翼地(carefully)”滑雪。‎ 答案:C ‎8.A.went out B.fell down C.ran away D.gave up 解析:根据该空前的“I still hit a piece of ice”可知,作者撞到一块冰上,“摔倒(fell down)了”。‎ 答案:B ‎9.A.looked back B.stood up C.walked around D.stepped over 解析:根据上一句“Behind me,somebody started laughing.”可知,有人在作者身后发出笑声,因此作者“朝身后看去(looked back)”,想知道究竟是谁在笑。‎ 答案:A ‎10.A.shame B.regret C.pleasure D.surprise 解析:根据该空后的“I saw a girl in the same awkward position I was in”可知,作者原本以为有人在笑她,然而令她“诧异(surprise)”的是,有一个女孩也摔倒了。‎ 答案:D ‎11.A.because B.so C.but D.or 解析:“I thought I'd be bad at this”与“I'm worse than I expected”之间为转折关系,故填but。‎ 答案:C ‎12.A.Quietly B.Suddenly C.Unhappily D.Hopefully 解析:女孩所说的话让作者也“突然(Suddenly)”笑了起来。‎ 答案:B ‎13.A.tired B.afraid C.certain D.proud 解析:根据上文的描述可知,作者一直“害怕(afraid)”摔倒。‎ 答案:B ‎14.A.forgot B.refused C.failed D.stopped 解析:根据该空前的“happy to be talking about interesting things”可知,作者在晚饭时和别人聊得很开心,以致“忘了(forgot)”想家。‎ 答案:A ‎15.A.prepared B.allowed C.protected D.chosen 解析:根据后半句“even though I didn't want to”可知,作者在第二天被“选中(chosen)”第一个尝试跳台滑雪。‎ 答案:D ‎16.A.learning B.crying C.flying D.dying 解析:根据该空前的“my feet left the ground”和该空后的“it was wonderful”可知,作者感觉自己在“飞翔(flying)”。‎ 答案:C ‎17.A.prevent B.enjoy C.discover D.trust 解析:作者在此体会到跳台滑雪给她带来的乐趣,因此,她认同爸爸说的“你尝试后或许会‘喜欢(enjoy)’上它的”。‎ 答案:B ‎18.A.growing up B.showing off C.winning back D.working out 解析:根据上文中的“‘It's what growing up is all about,’dad added.”可知,作者在此发出关于“成长(growing up)”的感慨。‎ 答案:A ‎19.A.catch up B.point out C.believe in D.worry about 解析:联系全文的语境可知,在成长过程中,当我们尝试“新(new)”事物时,我们都会“担心(worry about)”不适应或失败。‎ 答案:D ‎20.A.right B.easy C.new D.popular 解析:参见上题解析。‎ 答案:C 单元质量评估(五)‎ ‎(时间:100分钟 满分:120分)‎ 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。‎ A Florence Nightingale was born in a rich family.When she was young she took lessons in music and drawing,and read great books.She also travelled a great deal with her mother and father.‎ As a child she felt that visiting sick people was both a duty and a pleasure.She enjoyed helping them.‎ At last her mind was made up.“I'm going to be a nurse,”she decided.‎ ‎“Nursing isn't the right work for a lady,”her father told her.‎ ‎“Then I will make it so,”she smiled.And she went to learn nursing in Germany and France.When she returned to England,Florence started a nursing home for women.During the Crimean War in 1854 she went with a group of thirty-eight nurses to the front hospitals.What they saw there was terrible.Dirt and death were everywhere to be seen and smelled.The officer there did not want any woman to tell him how to run a hospital,either.But the brave nurse went to work.‎ Florence used her own money and some from friends to buy clothes,beds,medicine and food for the men.Her only pay was in ‎ smiles from the lips of dying soldiers.But they were more than enough for this kind woman.‎ After she returned to England,she was honoured for her services by Queen Victoria.But Florence said that her work had just begun.She raised money to build the Nightingale Home for Nurses in London.She also wrote a book on public health,which was printed in several countries.‎ Florence Nightingale died at the age of ninety,still trying to serve others through her work as a nurse.‎ Indeed,it is because of her that we honour nurses today.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文介绍了弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔的感人事迹及其生平。‎ ‎1.When she was a child,Florence________.‎ A.loved to travel very much B.knew what her duty in life was C.loved to help the sick people D.was most interested in music and drawing 解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段“As a child she felt that visiting sick people was both a duty and a pleasure.She enjoyed helping them.”可知C项为正确选项。‎ 答案:C ‎2.What made Florence make up her mind to become a nurse?‎ A.Her father's support.‎ B.Her desire to help the sick.‎ C.Her education in Germany and France.‎ D.Her knowledge from reading great books.‎ 解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段可知她喜欢帮助生病的人,故选B。‎ 答案:B ‎3.During the Crimean War in 1854,Florence served in the front hospitals where________.‎ A.she earned a little money B.work was very difficult C.few soldiers died because of her work D.she didn't have enough food or clothes 解析:细节理解题。根据文章第五段的“What they saw there was terrible.Dirt and death were everywhere to be seen and smelled.The officer there did not want any woman to tell him how to run a hospital,either.”可知工作很艰苦,故选B。‎ 答案:B ‎4.The passage can best be described as________.‎ A.the life story of a famous woman B.a description of the nursing work C.an example of successful education D.the history of nursing in England 解析:主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了一名伟大的护士南丁格尔的生平。故选A。‎ 答案:A B I was in a terrible mood.Two of my friends had gone to the movies the night before and hadn't invited me.I was in my room thinking of ways to make them sorry when my father came in.“Want to go for a ride today,Beck?It's a beautiful day.”‎ ‎“No!Leave me alone!”Those were the last words I said to him that morning.‎ My friends called and invited me to go to the mall with them a few hours later.I forgot to be mad at them and went with them.I came home to find a note on the table.My mother put it where I would be sure to see it.“Dad has had an accident.Please meet us at Highland Park Hospital.”‎ When I reached the hospital,my mother came out and told me my father's injuries were extensive.“Your father told the driver to leave him alone and just call 911,thank God!If he had moved Daddy,there's no telling what might have happened.A broken rib(肋骨)might have pierced(穿透)a lung...”‎ My mother may have said more,but I didn't hear.I didn't hear ‎ anything except those terrible words:Leave me alone.My dad said them to save himself from being hurt more.How much had I hurt him when I hurled those words at him earlier in the day?‎ It was several days later that he was finally able to have a conversation.I held his hand gently,afraid of hurting him.‎ ‎“Daddy...I am so sorry...”‎ ‎“It's okay,sweetheart.I'll be okey.”‎ ‎“No,”I said,“I mean about what I said to you that day.You know,that morning?”‎ My father could no more tell a lie than he could fly.He looked at me and said,“Sweetheart,I don't remember anything about that day,not before,during or after the accident.But I remember kissing you goodnight the night before.”He managed a weak smile.‎ My English teacher once told me that words have immeasurable power.They can hurt or they can heal.And we all have the power to choose our words.I intend to do that very carefully from now on.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文,作者通过父亲车祸住院这件事情明白了恶语伤人这一道理。作者因为没有得到朋友的邀请而很生气,和爸爸说话时,没有控制情绪,对爸爸很粗鲁。得知爸爸出事之后,作者感到非常后悔,他向爸爸道了歉,爸爸没有怪作者。最后,作者认识到,语言可以伤人也可以救人,我们应该把握分寸,不能用恶语伤人。‎ ‎5.The author was in bad mood that morning because________.‎ A.he couldn't drive to the mall with his friends B.his father had a terrible accident C.his father didn't allow him to go out with his friends D.his friends hadn't invited him to the cinema 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Two of my friends had gone to the movies the night before and hadn't invited me.”可知,作者的两个朋友去看电影没有邀请作者,作者因此很生气,故选D项。‎ 答案:D ‎6.Why did the author say sorry to his father in the hospital?‎ A.Because he was rude to his father that morning.‎ B.Because he didn't get along with his father.‎ C.Because he failed to come earlier after the accident.‎ D.Because he couldn't look after his father in the hospital.‎ 解析:细节理解题。根据第五段中的“How much had I hurt him when I hurled those words at him earlier in the day?”可知,作者意识到那天早上说的气话伤害了他父亲,作者因此向父亲道歉,故选A项。‎ 答案:A ‎7.The reason why the author's father said he forgot everything about that day is that________.‎ A.he had a poor memory B.he didn't hear what his son said C.he lost his memory after the accident D.he just wanted to comfort his son 解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“Sweetheart,I don't remember anything about that day,not before,during or after the accident.”可知,作者的父亲说自己已经忘记那天发生的事情是为了安慰作者才这么说的,故选D项。‎ 答案:D ‎8.What lesson did Beck learn from the matter?‎ A.Don't hurt others with rude words.‎ B.Don't treat your parents badly.‎ C.Don't move the injured in an accident.‎ D.Don't be angry with friends at small things.‎ 解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“...words have immeasurable power.They can hurt or they can heal.And we all have the power to choose our words.I intend to do that very carefully from now on.”可知,语言蕴含力量,既可伤人,也可疗伤,我们应该在合适的时候说恰当的话,不应该用恶语伤人,故选A项。‎ 答案:A C Stephen Hawking was born in Oxford,England on 8th January,1942.He went to school in St Albans—a small city near ‎ London.Although he did well,he was never top of his class.After leaving school,Hawking went first to Oxford University where he studied physics,then he went to Cambridge University where he studied cosmology(宇宙学).As he himself admitted he wasn't very serious about studying.He was a very lazy student,and did very little work.However,he still achieved extremely good marks.‎ Hawking first noticed something was wrong with him at the age of 20.He started to bump into things,and often fell over for no reason.When he visited his family at Christmas time,his father was so worried that he was sent to hospital for test.Finally,the result came back.Hawking had motor neurone disease(运动神经元病),an incurable illness which causes the muscles of the body to waste away.Doctors said he would die before he was 23.‎ At first,Hawking became extremely depressed(忧郁的).After a while,though,he began to see his life in a different way.As he later wrote,“Before my illness had been diagnosed(诊断),there had not seemed to be anything worth doing.But shortly after I came out of hospital,I suddenly realized that there were a lot of worthwhile things I could do.” Hawking married,found a job at Cambridge University,and had three children.He also went to do some of the most important scientific research ever carried out.‎ His story shows that nobody,however bad their situation is,‎ should lose hope.“Life is not fair,” he once said.“You just have to do the best you can in your own situation.”‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文讲述了霍金的童年以及怎样面对疾病坚持自己事业的故事。‎ ‎9.As a university student,Stephen Hawking________.‎ A.worked extremely hard B.studied maths and chemistry C.was lazy and did very little work D.only achieved average marks 解析:细节理解题。由第一段倒数第二句可知答案。‎ 答案:C ‎10.Hawking first noticed something was wrong with him when________.‎ A.he was about 23‎ B.he was 20‎ C.his father made him see a doctor D.he was sent to hospital for test 解析:细节理解题。由第二段第一句话可知答案。‎ 答案:B ‎11.Motor neurone disease________.‎ A.is not a serious illness B.causes the muscles of the body to grow bigger C.can not be cured D.only affects people under the age of 23‎ 解析:推理判断题。由第二段知这种疾病导致身体肌肉逐渐萎缩,医生说他在23岁之前会死掉,所以非常严重,故排除A、B、D三项。另外,由incurable构词法也可知,cure vt.“治愈”;curable adj.“可治愈的”;incurable adj.“不可治愈的”,故选C项。‎ 答案:C ‎12.What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?‎ A.Hawking's education.‎ B.Hawking's reaction (反应) to being seriously ill.‎ C.Hawking's views on life.‎ D.Diagnosis of Hawking's motor neurone disease.‎ 解析:主旨大意题。第三段首先说霍金一听到这个诊断,非常忧郁,后来又写到他觉得生活中还有许多值得做的事情,结婚生子,继续做研究。所以第三段主要写了听到诊断后霍金的反应,故选B项。‎ 答案:B D If your dog or cat is eating grass,it means it's going to rain.‎ False (错误的)—maybe.There's no evidence (证据) that when a dog or cat is eating grass in the front yard it's going to rain.But then,there's no evidence that it isn't going to rain,either.Doctors think dogs and cats eat grass to help make their stomach better or maybe ‎ just because they like the taste of it.‎ You'll get sick if you go outside in cold weather with wet hair.‎ False.You might feel cold,but you can't catch a cold because you were outside with wet hair.‎ Many churches have prevented people from throwing rice at weddings (婚礼) because the rice grows larger in a bird's stomach when eaten,causing the bird to explode (爆炸).‎ True and false.It's true many churches have prevented people from throwing rice,but this is more likely because the rice can become slick (光滑的) on a road or street.There's nothing about rice that will hurt birds.Rice is an important part of many birds' food.‎ Chocolate is poisonous to dogs.‎ True.Chocolate has theobromine (可可碱),which can make your dog sick.So,if you don't want to put your dog's life at risk,don't feed it with chocolate.‎ The number of people visiting the hospital goes way up during a full moon.‎ False.According to researchers,there is no evidence that more people visit the hospital during a full moon,though more people do seem to get caught by the police during that time.The idea that the moon influences behaviour has been studied for thousands of years—even the word “lunacy”,which means crazy behaviour,is ‎ based on the word “luna” or “moon”.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章对一些说法进行了真伪辨别。‎ ‎13.In doctors' opinion,a grass-eating dog or cat________.‎ A.shows animals also have stomach problems B.behaves like that for personal reasons C.shows animals enjoy tasty food D.is a sign of rain 解析:推理判断题。根据第一部分的“Doctors think dogs and cats eat grass to help make their stomach better or maybe just because they like the taste of it.”可知,猫狗吃草纯属自身的原因。‎ 答案:B ‎14.The underlined word “poisonous” in the text can best be replaced by “________”.‎ A.dangerous    B.delicious C.similar D.useful 解析:词义猜测题。根据该部分的“if you don't want to put your dog's life at risk,don't feed it with chocolate”可知,给狗喂食巧克力可能导致它们有生命危险。‎ 答案:A ‎15.What's the main purpose of the text?‎ A.To give advice on health.‎ B.To report the latest discoveries in science.‎ C.To provide information about certain stories.‎ D.To test people on their knowledge of animals.‎ 解析:写作意图题。通读全文可知,本文是一篇科普性文章,作者旨在为我们辨别一些说法的真伪。故选C项。‎ 答案:C 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Public speaking training ‎·Get a coach ‎__16__,so get help.Since there are about a billion companies out there all ready to offer you public speaking training and courses,here are some things to look for when deciding the training that's right for you.‎ ‎·Focus on positives Any training you do to become more effective at public speaking should always focus on the positive aspects of what you already do well.Nothing can hurt confidence more than being told that you aren't doing well.__17__,so good public speaking training should develop those instead of telling you what you shouldn't do.‎ ‎·__18__‎ If you find a public speaking course that looks as though it's ‎ going to give you lots of dos and don'ts,walk away!Your brain is so full of what you're going to be talking about.__19__.As far as we're concerned,there are basically no hard and fast rules about public speaking.Your audience can be your friends.‎ ‎·You are a special person not a clone Most importantly,good public speaking training should treat you as a special one,with your own personal habits.__20__.Your training course should help you bring out your personality,not try to turn you into someone you're not.‎ A.You aren't like anybody else B.You already do lots of things well C.Turn your back on too many rules D.Check the rules about dos and don'ts E.Whatever the presentation,public speaking is tough F.The one thing you don't want is for them to fall asleep G.So trying to force a whole set of rules into it will just make things worse 答案:16.E 17.B 18.C 19.G 20.A 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ Learn and earn Charlie and Jackie joined a wholesale company together just after graduation.They both worked very hard.After several years,the boss made Jackie sales manager but Charlie__21__ a salesman.One day Charlie could not__22__ it any more.He handed in his resignation letter(辞职信)to the boss and complained that the boss did not__23__ hard-working employees,but only raised those who tried to please him.He thought that it was really__24__.‎ The boss knew that Charlie had spared no__25__ for the company all these years,but in order to help Charlie to realize the__26__ between him and Jackie,the boss asked Charlie to do the following.“Go and__27__ if there is anyone selling watermelons in the market.”Charlie went,returned and__28__ said,“Yes.”The boss asked,“How much per kilogram?”Charile went back to the market to ask and returned to__29__,“$12 per kg.”‎ The boss told Charlie that he would ask Jackie the__30__ question.Jackie went,returned and said,“Boss,only one person selling watermelons.$ 12 per kg,$ 100 for 10 kg.He has a __31__of 340 melons.On the table are 58 melons,and every melon weighs about 15 kg,__32__ from the South two days ago.They are fresh,red,and of good__33__.”‎ Charlie was__34__ and he realized the difference between ‎ himself and Jackie.He decided not to__35__ but to learn from Jackie.‎ My dear friends,you know,a more__36__ person is more observant,thinks more and understands in__37__.For the same matter,he sees several years ahead,__38__ you see only tomorrow.The difference between a year and a day is 365 times,so how could you__39__?‎ Think how far have you seen ahead in your life?How__40__ are you?‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文主要告诉我们人与人之间的区别,成功的人通常有着更敏锐的观察力,思考得更多,理解得更深入。对于同一件事来说,成功的人能看到未来几年,而一般人只能看到明天。‎ ‎21.A.made B.became C.kept D.remained 解析:由后文可知,几年后,老板让杰克当了销售经理,而查理仍然是一个销售人员。‎ 答案:D ‎22.A.do B.tolerate C.get D.put 解析:do“做”;tolerate“忍受”;get“得到”;put“放”。由下文的“resignation letter”可知应选B。‎ 答案:B ‎23.A.value B.meet C.repay D.enjoy 解析:value“重视”;meet“遇见”;repay“偿还”;enjoy“喜爱,享受”。由下文“only raised those who tried to please him”可知不重视努力的员工,选A。‎ 答案:A ‎24.A.unusual B.careless C.unfair D.selfless 解析:unusual“不寻常的”;careless“粗心的”;unfair“不公平的”;selfless“无私的”。由前文可知,他认为这是非常不公平的。‎ 答案:C ‎25.A.effort B.trouble C.effect D.rest 解析:effort“努力”;trouble“烦恼”;effect“影响”;rest“休息”。spare no effort“竭尽全力”。‎ 答案:A ‎26.A.competition B.relationship C.distance D.difference 解析:competition“比赛”;relationship“关系”;distance“距离”;difference“不同”。由语境可知他们之间的应是“不同”。‎ 答案:D ‎27.A.carry out B.find out C.look out D.pick out 解析:carry out“执行”;find out“找出,查明”;look out“小心”;pick out“挑选出”。句意:去调查一下市场是否有人卖西瓜。‎ 答案:B ‎28.A.only B.again C.even D.still 解析:only“只,仅仅”;again“又”;even“甚至”;still“仍然”。由下文“Yes”一个单词可知应选A。‎ 答案:A ‎29.A.offer B.remind C.answer D.repeat 解析:offer“提供”;remind“提醒”;answer“回答”;repeat“重复”。由“The boss asked”可知用answer。‎ 答案:C ‎30.A.difficult B.familiar C.simple D.same 解析:difficult“困难的”;familiar“熟悉的”;simple“简单的”;same“相同的”。由下文可知,老板告诉查理他会问杰克相同的问题。‎ 答案:D ‎31.A.lot B.total C.few D.number 解析:a total of“总数为”。由上下文可知,共有340个西瓜。‎ 答案:B ‎32.A.taken B.come C.heard D.bought 解析:由上下文可知,这是两天前从南方买回来的。‎ 答案:D ‎33.A.value B.condition C.quality D.shape 解析:value“价值”;condition“条件”;quality“品质”;shape“形状”。由“fresh,red”可知品质不错。句意:它们是新鲜的,很红,品质不错。‎ 答案:C ‎34.A.moved B.shocked C.puzzled D.encouraged 解析:moved“感动的”;shocked“震惊的”;puzzled“困惑的”;encouraged“受鼓舞的”。句意:查理震惊了,他意识到他和杰克两人的不同。‎ 答案:B ‎35.A.leave B.stop C.work D.stay 解析:句意:他决定不再离开而是跟着杰克学习。‎ 答案:A ‎36.A.important B.responsible C.hardworking D.successful 解析:important“重要的”;responsible“负责任的”;hardworking“努力的”;successful“成功的”。通读全文可知应选D。‎ 答案:D ‎37.A.time B.need C.depth D.common 解析:time“时间”;need“需要”;depth“深度”;common“相同”。understands in depth意为“深入理解”。‎ 答案:C ‎38.A.though B.while C.unless D.since 解析:句意:同样的事情,他能看到几年以后而你只能看到明天。while“然而”,表对比。‎ 答案:B ‎39.A.win B.think C.know D.see 解析:句意:一年和一天的区别是365倍,因此你怎么能赢得了?‎ 答案:A ‎40.A.hopeful B.helpful C.thoughtful D.meaningful 解析:hopeful“有希望的”;helpful“有帮助的”;thoughtful“深思熟虑的”;meaningful“有意义的”。由句意可知选C。‎ 答案:C 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Last week,our class was on duty in the cafeteria(食堂)for student self-management.On the first day,I__41__(shock) to see so much leftover food thrown away by students.What__42__ waste!Being concerned about it,my classmates and I had a __43__(heat) discussion on how__44__(solve)the problem.Lots of good ideas came up,such as holding class meetings,putting up wall newspapers and charging a fine for wasting food.__45__(final),we all agreed that a wall newspaper would be the best choice.‎ The next day,we put our idea into reality.Towards lunch time,we put up a wall newspaper outside the school cafeteria,__46__(call) on students not to waste food.Many students gathered around to read and __47__(express)their support.To my great delight,there were changes soon.In the cafeteria,I found the trays returned after lunch all empty__48__ any leftover.Food__49__(save)and the dining hall was cleaner.Seeing this,I felt relieved and proud of__50__ we had done.‎ 答案:41.was shocked 42.a 43.heated 44.to solve ‎45.Finally 46.calling 47.expressed 48.without ‎49.was saved 50.what 第三部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()画掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ Hello,boys and girls! Today,I am going to talk with what you should do when a fire alarm go off.If you hear the alarm,stand in line at the door and wait your teacher to lead you outside.Stay close to your teacher and classmate.Don't panic or get out of line,and trying to remain quiet and calmly.Soon the firefighters will come and put out a fire.If it's a false alarm and there is no fire,your teacher will lead us back to the classroom.If you notice that when someone is missing and hurt,tell your teacher immediately.‎ 答案:‎ Hello,boys and girls! Today,I am going to talk what you ‎ should do when a fire alarm off.If you hear the alarm,stand in line at the door and wait your teacher to lead you outside.Stay close to your teacher and .Don't panic or get out of line,and to remain quiet and .Soon the firefighters will come and put out fire.If it's a false alarm and there is no fire,your teacher will lead back to the classroom.If you notice that someone is missing hurt,tell your teacher immediately.‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 请你根据以下材料,写一篇100词左右的英语短文,向外国朋友介绍孔子(Confucius)。‎ 出生:公元前551年生于鲁国,正值春秋时期。‎ 去世:公元前479年,享年73岁。‎ 身份:中国古代伟大的思想家和教育家,儒家学派的创始人。‎ 政治理想:建立一个和谐人道的社会。‎ 影响:对中国的政治、经济及文化产生深远的影响。‎ 参考词汇:鲁国Lu State;春秋时期Spring and Autumn Period;儒家学派Confucianism;人道的humanistic;和谐的harmonious ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________‎ 答案:‎ Confucius,known as Kongzi in China,is a great thinker and educator in Chinese history.He was born in the Lu State in 551 BC,when it was Spring and Autumn Period,and died in 479 BC at the age of 73.‎ As the founder of Confucianism,Confucius devoted his whole life to building a harmonious and humanistic society.‎ Confucius has exercised lasting and deep influence on China's politics,economy and culture.Not only is Confucius the pride of China,but his thoughts and works also belong to the whole world.‎

