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‎2019届一轮复习外研版必修一Module3 My First Ride on a Train单元学案设计 一、刷黑板—— Ⅰ.阅读词汇(英译汉)‎ ‎[第一屏听写]‎ ‎1.helicopter n.        直升飞机 ‎2.motorbike n. 摩托车 ‎3.tram n. 电车 ‎4.camel n. 骆驼 ‎5.cassette n. 录音带                          ‎ ‎[第二屏听写]‎ ‎6.diamond n.        钻石 ‎7.soil n. 土壤 ‎8.circus n. 马戏团 ‎9.stadium n. 运动场;体育场 ‎10.eagle n. 鹰                          ‎ ‎[第三屏听写]‎ ‎11.kindergarten n.      幼儿园 ‎12.cartoon n. 卡通;漫画 ‎13.vacuum n. 真空;空白 ‎14.track n. 轨道 ‎15.souvenir n. 纪念品                      ‎ Ⅱ.高频词汇(汉译英)‎ ‎[第四屏听写]‎ ‎1.distance n.         距离 ‎2.abandoned adj. 被遗弃的 ‎3.desert n. 沙漠 ‎4.expert n. 专家 ‎5.product_ n. 产品                         ‎ ‎[第五屏听写]‎ ‎6.scenery_ n.          风景;景色 ‎7.shoot_ vt. (shot, shot) 射杀 ‎8.journey n. 旅程 ‎9.train vt. 训练 ‎10.seaside n. 海滨                         ‎ ‎[第六屏听写]‎ ‎11.frighten vt.       使吃惊;惊吓 ‎12.interview n. 面试;面谈 ‎13.interviewer n. (面试时的)主考官;面谈者 ‎14.event n. 事件 ‎15.exhausted adj. 疲惫不堪的                          ‎ ‎[第七屏听写]‎ ‎16.downtown adj.       商业区的;市中心的 ‎17.ceremony_ n. 仪式 ‎18.midnight n. 半夜 ‎19.apartment n. (美)公寓;单元住宅 ‎20.rail n. 铁轨                          ‎ ‎[第八屏听写]‎ ‎21.get_on           上(车、船等) ‎ ‎22.get_off 下(车、船等) ‎ ‎23.get_into 上(车) ‎ ‎24.get_out_of 下(车) ‎ ‎25.take_off (飞机)起飞                          ‎ ‎[第九屏听写]‎ ‎26.be_short_for        是……的缩写/简称 ‎27.not_..._any_more 不再 ‎28.out_of_date 过时 ‎29.refer_to 指的是                          ‎ 二、刷清单—— ‎(一)核心单词 阅 读 单 词 ‎1.helicopter n.    直升飞机 ‎2.motorbike n. 摩托车 ‎3.tram n. 电车 ‎4.camel n. 骆驼 ‎5.cassette n. 录音带 ‎6.diamond n.   钻石 ‎7.soil n. 土壤 ‎8.circus n. 马戏团 ‎9.stadium n. 运动场;体育场 ‎11.kindergarten n.  幼儿园 ‎12.cartoon n. 卡通;漫画 ‎13.vacuum n. 真空;空白 ‎14.track n. 轨道 ‎15.souvenir n. 纪念品 ‎10.eagle n. 鹰 表 达 单 词 ‎1.desert n.    沙漠 ‎2.expert n. 专家 ‎3.scenery n. 风景;景色 ‎4.journey n. 旅程 ‎5.train vt. 训练 ‎6.seaside n.&adj. 海滨;海边的 ‎7.event n. 事件 ‎8.downtown adj. 商业区的 ‎9.ceremony n. 仪式 ‎10.midnight n. 半夜 ‎11.apartment n. (美)公寓;单元住宅 ‎12.rail n. 铁轨 ‎[语境活用]‎ ‎1.The experts (专家) from the university said they had done enough research on this matter.‎ ‎2.The guests invited to the opening ceremony (仪式) were mainly the famous businessmen of the local enterprises (企业).‎ ‎3.Many worldwide important events (事件) are often broadcast live so that people can feel the spirit of the occasion.‎ ‎4.I live by the sea, so I can enjoy the fresh air and beautiful scenery (风景) of the sea.‎ ‎5.Some trees can survive a long time without water, such as those trees growing in the desert (沙漠).‎ ‎6.Many animals including ‎ dogs can be trained (训练) to help the disabled.‎ ‎7.Waving goodbye to them on the platform, I wished them a safe journey (旅程).‎ ‎8.Mary worked in a seaside (海边的) Hotel before returning to Oxford.‎ 拓 展 单 词 ‎1.distance n.距离→distant adj.遥远的 ‎2.abandoned adj.被遗弃的→abandon vt.遗弃;抛弃 ‎3.product n.产品→produce vt.生产 n.农产品→production n.生产;产量 ‎4.shoot vt.射杀→shot n.射击;枪声 ‎5.frighten vt.使吃惊;惊吓→frightening adj.令人害怕的→frightened adj.害怕的→fright n.惊吓;害怕 ‎6.interview n.&v.面试;面谈→interviewer n.(面试时的)主考官;面谈者→interviewee n.参加面试者;接受采访者 ‎[语境活用]‎ ‎1.It is because of the distance (distant) between them that he decides to break up with his girlfriend.‎ ‎2.He had been shot (shoot) in the back while trying to escape.‎ ‎3.This abandoned boy was abandoning himself to taking drugs.(abandon)‎ ‎4.In the interview,_her fluent English leaves a deep impression on the interviewer.(interview)‎ ‎5.The medicine the factory produced had many side effects, which proved that the product was harmful. ‎ ‎7.exhausted adj.疲惫不堪的→exhausting adj.令人疲惫不堪的→exhaust vt.使疲惫不堪→exhaustion n.疲惫 Therefore, the factory stopped its production.(product)‎ ‎6.The long cycle ride exhausted my aunt. On arriving home, she was so exhausted that she went to bed and fell asleep immediately. The cycle ride was really exhausting.(exhaust)‎ ‎(二)常用短语 写准记牢 语境活用(选用左栏短语填空)‎ ‎1.get_on/off     上/下(车、船等)‎ ‎2.take_off (飞机)起飞;脱掉;休假;开始成功 ‎3.at_a_speed_of 以……的速度 ‎4.in_the_1930s 在20世纪30年代 ‎5.more_than 多于,不仅仅;非常 ‎6.for_the_first_time 首次;第一次 ‎7.out_of_date 过时 ‎8.be_short_for 是……的缩写/简称 ‎1.Do you know when the plane takes_off? The passengers are dying to know it.‎ ‎2.Technology is developing so rapidly that even though it has been used for only a year, my cellphone is out_of_date.‎ ‎3.What he referred_to in his article was unknown to the general readers.‎ ‎4.We are traveling by bus at_a_speed_of thirty miles an hour.‎ ‎5.I.T.is_short_for Information Technology.‎ ‎6.I can still remember the day I met him for_the_first_time.‎ ‎9.refer_to 指的是;提到;涉及;参考;查阅 ‎10.get_into 上(车);进入;陷入 ‎11.get_out_of 下(车);出去;逃避 ‎12.not_..._any_more 不再 ‎7.I'm more_than happy to take you there in my car.‎ ‎(三)经典句式 原句背诵 句式解构 佳句仿写 ‎1.What do you think the central part of the country is like?‎ 你认为这个国家的中心部分是什么样子的?‎ do you think是插入语,其后要用陈述语序。‎ 你认为哪种食物是健康的,哪种是不健康的?‎ What food do_you_think is healthy and which is unhealthy?‎ ‎2.And what a ride!‎ 多么奇妙的一次乘车旅行啊!‎ what引导省略形式的感叹句。‎ 唐诗在中国文化中起的作用多么重要啊!(2017·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达)‎ What_an_important_role_Tang_Poetry_plays in Chinese culture!‎ ‎3.Would you mind showing me your ticket?/Would you mind if I saw your ticket?‎ Would you 外面太吵了,你介意我关上门吗?‎ It is too noisy outside. Would_you_mind_my_closing/if_I_closed the door?‎ 请出示你的票好吗?‎ ‎ mind后面接名词、代词、动名词以及if引导的从句作宾语。‎ ‎(四)初中考点再回顾 高频考查类——记熟 文化差异类——辨清 易忘易错类——勤览 ‎1.be_angry_with_sb. 生某人的气 ‎2.be_busy_in_doing 忙于做……‎ ‎3.be_busy_with 忙于……‎ ‎4.at birth 出生时 ‎5.at other times 平时;在其他时候 ‎1.in_the_picture/newspaper在图片/报纸上 ‎2.the_answer_to_... ……的答案 ‎3.the_key_to_... ……的关键/钥匙 ‎4.play sports 做运动 ‎5.join sb. in doing sth. 和某人一起做某事 ‎1.cookie n.  曲奇饼 ‎2.takeaway n. 外卖食物 ‎3.soap opera 肥皂剧 ‎4.talk show 访谈节目 ‎5.act movie 动作电影 一、过重点单词—— ‎1.distance n.距离;远处;冷淡 ‎[教材原句] I first travelled a long distance by train when I was six years old.‎ 我六岁时,第一次乘坐火车进行了长途旅行。‎ ‎(1)in the distance      在远处;在远方 at/from a distance 稍远处;隔一段距离 at a distance of 在距……的地方 keep one's distance from ...=keep ... at a distance ‎ 与……保持距离 ‎(2)distant adj. 遥远的;冷淡的 be distant from 离……遥远 be distant towards sb. 对某人冷淡 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①The railway station is at a distance of two miles away from our school.‎ ‎②Though there is a long distance between Tom and his family, they don't feel distant.(distance)‎ ‎③The book should be held about six inches distant from the eyes.‎ 补全句子 ‎④It was difficult to get to know her because she always kept_everyone_at_a_distance.‎ 很难搞懂她,因为她总是与每个人保持一定距离。‎ ‎⑤Just before we arrived at the station, the train to Xi'an pulled out and soon disappeared in_the_distance.‎ 就在我们到达车站前,去西安的火车驶离了车站很快消失在远方。‎ ‎2.abandoned adj.被遗弃的;放纵的 ‎[教材原句] We saw abandoned farms which were built more than a hundred years ago.‎ 我们看到了一些遗弃的农场,它们都建于100多年以前。‎ ‎(1)abandon vt.       遗弃;抛弃 n. 放任,放纵 abandon oneself to 沉湎于;陷入 abandon doing sth. 放弃做某事 ‎(2)with abandon 恣意地;放纵地;尽情地 ‎[多角练透] ‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①However, these plans were_abandoned (abandon) because of financial problems.(2017·全国卷Ⅲ)‎ ‎②After careful deliberation, they agreed to abandon carrying (carry) out the project.‎ 补全句子 ‎③After his mother died, he abandoned_himself_to grief. ‎ 他母亲死后,他悲伤不已。‎ ‎④At the party, people sang and danced with_abandon,_totally forgetting the troubles in their lives.‎ 聚会上,人们尽情地唱歌、跳舞,把生活中的烦恼抛到了九霄云外。‎ ‎3.scenery n. 风景;景色 ‎[教材原句] For the first few hundred kilometres of the journey, the scenery was very colourful.‎ 旅途开始的几百公里,景色多姿多彩。‎ ‎[辨析比较] scenery, scene, sight, view scenery 不可数名词,指某地(总的)自然风景或景色,尤指美丽的乡间景色。‎ scene 可数名词,指展现在眼前的或某一特定环境中的情景,大多包括景物中的人及活动在内,也可以指现场或戏剧中的一幕。‎ sight 特指眼前看到的景观,多指人工的事物;表示“名胜、风景”时,必须要用复数sights。‎ view 常指从远处或高处看到的景色。‎ 用以上单词完成语段 People like to enjoy the beautiful ①scenery during the holidays. If you travel in festivals, it may be very crowded in some historic ②sights. However, you can choose to go climbing. Standing on the top of the hill, you can have a better ③view. At the same time, seeing the happy ④scene of children playing around you, you will be full of joy.‎ ‎4.frighten vt.使吃惊;惊吓 ‎[教材原句] The eagle suddenly flew in the air and frightened me.‎ 那只老鹰突然飞了起来,把我吓了一跳。‎ ‎(1)frighten sb. into/out of doing sth.‎ ‎          吓得某人做/不敢做某事 frighten sb. to death 把某人吓得要死 frighten ... away/off 把……吓走/跑 ‎(2)frightening adj. 令人恐惧的;可怕的 frightened adj. 感到害怕的;受到惊吓的 be frightened of 害怕……‎ ‎(3)fright n. 恐惧;害怕 with fright 害怕地 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①A sudden stop can be a very frightening (frighten) experience, especially if you are travelling at high speed.(2016·浙江高考单选)‎ ‎②They frightened the small boy into telling (tell) them the secret.‎ ‎③The mothers are frightened of the children going camping, for they may get lost in the mountain.‎ 单句改错 ‎④The little girl was so frightening that she burst out crying.frightening→frightened 补全句子 ‎⑤The bird came to the window, but I moved suddenly and frightened_it_away/off.‎ 那只鸟儿飞到窗前,可我的身子突然一动,把它吓走了。‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.Production (product) of computers has increased double in the last few weeks.‎ ‎2.The thunder and lightning frightened (fright) the little girl a lot so she couldn't sleep in her room alone.‎ ‎3.Young people shouldn't abandon themselves to pleasures like drinking and playing.‎ ‎4.After working for 36 hours without any rest, he and his colleagues were all exhausted (exhaust).‎ ‎5.Children should be_trained (train) from an early age in table manners.‎ ‎6.Some experts (expert) think that language learning is much easier for children.‎ ‎7.When you have an interview for a job, it is suggested that you be neatly dressed.‎ ‎8.A shark can smell blood at a distance of half a kilometer.‎ Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.The hunter shot the rabbit with his gun but missed it.shot后加at ‎2.It is frightened even to think of the horrors of nuclear war.frightened→frightening ‎3.When he finished the 1,500meter race, he was out of breath, exhausting.‎ exhausting→exhausted ‎4.On the event of his death Sheila will inherit the money.On→In ‎5.There are a few abandoning cars in the yard.abandoning→abandoned Ⅲ.根据提示词补全句子 ‎1.此处风景是如此的迷人,以至于每年都会吸引许多游客。(scenery)‎ The_scenery_here_is_so_attractive that it attracts many tourists every year.‎ ‎2.随着汽车消失在远方,发动机的噪音也渐渐消失了。(distance)‎ The noise of the engine died away as the car disappeared in_the_distance.‎ ‎3.由于沉湎于吸烟,他患上了肺癌。(abandon)‎ Abandoning_himself_to_smoking,_he suffered from lung cancer.‎ ‎4.她害怕看见黑暗中的影子。(frighten)‎ She was_frightened_to_see a figure in the dark.‎ ‎5.我们决不能把时间浪费在那种不重要的事情上。(event)‎ In_no_event can we waste time doing that kind of unimportant things.‎ 二、过短语、句式—— ‎1.get on上(车、船等);进展,进行;相处;继续进行下去 ‎[教材原句] We got on in Sydney and we got off in Alice Springs,‎ ‎ right in the middle of Australia, more than four thousand kilometres away.‎ 我们在悉尼上车,正好在4 000多千米以外的澳大利亚中部的艾丽斯斯普林斯下车。‎ get off         下(车、船等)‎ get into 上(车);进入;陷入 get out of 下(车);摆脱;逃避 get on/along (well) with 进展(顺利);与……相处(得好)‎ get across 讲清楚;被……理解 get down to 开始认真(做某事)(to为介词)‎ ‎[题点全练] 用适当的介、副词填空 ‎①He isn't good at talking but he gets on/along well with other people.‎ ‎②After getting off the train, we got into the car and headed for the airport.‎ ‎③There are lots of different ways to get your message across when you are putting together an ad campaign.‎ ‎④It's time that I got down to thinking about my future.‎ ‎⑤On getting on the bus, I found all the seats were taken.‎ ‎⑥He's trying to get out of tidying his room.‎ ‎2.take off (飞机)起飞;开始成功;迅速流行;脱去(衣服等);匆匆离开;休假 ‎[经典例句] As wheel design took off, vehicles got faster and faster.‎ 随着车轮的设计开始成功,车辆越来越快。‎ ‎[一词多义] 写出下列句中take off的含义 ‎①Internet shopping will ready take off when people make sure that it is safe.成功 ‎②When the delayed flight will take off depends much on the weather.起飞 ‎③In Korea, you should take off your shoes when entering a house.脱去 ‎④His mother was seriously ill, so he had to take a day off to look after her.休假 ‎⑤The six boys got into the car and took off for the drugstore.匆匆离开 ‎[归纳拓展]‎ take away       拿走;夺走 take back 收回;带回;使回忆起 take down 写下,记下;拆卸 take in 吸收;理解;欺骗;收容 take on 具有,呈现;担任,承担;雇用 take up 举(拿、捡、拔)起;占据;从事 take over 接管;接任 选词填空(take in/take on/take off/take over)‎ After ⑥taking_over the company from his father, he ⑦took_in some advanced ideas and ⑧took_on some skillful workers, which suggests that his company will ⑨take_off soon.‎ ‎3.refer to指的是;提到;涉及;参考;查阅 ‎[教材原句] Some of the verbs can refer to more than one means of transport.‎ 一些动词可以描述不止一种交通方式。‎ ‎[练牢基点] 写出下列句中refer to的含义 ‎①If you don't know the exact meaning of the word, you may refer to the dictionary.查阅 ‎②Your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test.参考 ‎③We have reached an agreement that we will not refer to the matter again.提到 ‎④The new law does not refer to land used for farming.涉及 ‎[系统考点]‎ ‎(1)refer ... to ...       把……提交……处理 refer to ... as ... 把……称作……‎ ‎(2)reference n. 提及;参考;查阅 in/with reference to 关于 ‎[练通重点]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎⑤The textbooks and dictionaries can be used as reference (refer) books while the magazines serve as reading materials.‎ 补全句子 ‎⑥In/With_reference_to your question about cost, the tickets for the film are 35 yuan each.‎ 关于你询问的价格,那部电影的票价是每张35元。‎ ‎[名师指津] (1)refer的过去式、过去分词和现在分词都要先双写“r”,再加上“ed”或“ing”。类似的词还有prefer。‎ ‎(2)“查词典”的表达方式还有:‎ ‎①refer to a dictionary ②look sth. up in the dictionary ‎4.感叹句 And what_a_ride!多么奇妙的一次乘车旅行啊!‎ 本句是一个省略式的感叹句。其完整的形式是:And what a ride it was!感叹句一般由what和how引出,what与名词连用构成感叹句,how与形容词或副词连用构成感叹句。‎ ‎(1)What+a/an+adj.+单数可数名词(+主语+谓语)!‎ ‎(2)What+adj.+不可数名词或可数名词复数(+主语+谓语)!‎ ‎(3)How+adj./adv.(+主语+谓语)!‎ ‎(4)How+adj.+a/an+单数可数名词(+主语+谓语)!‎ 选词填空(what/how)‎ ‎①What a good girl she is!‎ ‎②What fine weather it is!‎ ‎③What lovely wild animals we saw during our tour in Australia!‎ ‎④How excited we were at the news that our national women volleyball team had won the gold medal in the Olympic Games!‎ 句型转换 ‎⑤What a diligent student he is!(用how改写)‎ ‎→How_diligent_a_student_he_is!‎ ‎5.Would you mind ...?‎ Would_you_mind_showing me your ticket?/Would_you_mind_if I saw your ticket?‎ 请出示你的票好吗?‎ ‎(1)Would/Do you mind+[one (宾格)/one's]+doing sth.?表示请求允许或询问对方是否介意自己或别人做某事 ‎(2)Would you mind+if从句?(从句谓语常用一般过去时)‎ Do you mind+if从句?(从句谓语常用一般现在时)‎ 表示询问对方是否介意某人做某事 单句语法填空 ‎①Would you mind answering (answer) some questions on shopping habits? ‎ ‎②Would you mind if I used (use) your computer for a while?‎ 一句多译 我打开窗户你介意吗? ‎ ‎③Would/Do_you_mind_my opening the window?‎ ‎④Would_you_mind_if I opened the window?‎ ‎⑤Do_you_mind_if I open the window?‎ ‎[名师指津] 回答“Would/Do you mind ...?”问句时,一定要特别注意前后文的一致性。‎ ‎(1)表示“不介意”的答语通常有:No, of course not./Certainly not./Not at all./Go ahead./Do as you like./Not in the least.等。‎ ‎(2)表示“介意”或“不同意”时则常用较委婉的方式加以拒绝。例如:I'm sorry but I do./Sorry, you'd better not./I'm afraid you can't./I'd rather you didn't./I'm sorry, but it's not allowed.等。‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.I can't believe that you didn't know P.E. is short for physical education.‎ ‎2.This skirt is out of date now, so I hope my mother will buy a new one for me as a birthday gift next week.‎ ‎3.Can you take off the helmet for me please? It makes me uncomfortable when I'm driving.‎ ‎4.Who were you referring to when you said “that lazy man”?‎ ‎5.If you go to bed at midnight you probably won't get out of bed at 5 or 6 am.‎ ‎6.The scientist died suddenly, leaving (leave) his research unfinished.‎ ‎7.Another three passengers got on the bus, making it more crowded.‎ ‎8.The old man expressed his thanks to the driver before getting off the bus.‎ ‎9.She will not stay up late any more, because she has realized that it is bad for her health.‎ ‎10.How beautiful her dress is! I also want to buy one.‎ Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.The train is travelling in a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. in→at ‎2.Do you know the event happening in 1930s?in后加the ‎3.You'd better not wear that because long skirts have been out of the date for years.去掉the ‎4.How fun it is to have a football match after school on Saturday afternoon!How→What ‎5.More than one question were raised at the meeting.were→was Ⅲ.句型转换 ‎1.Do you mind if I use your dictionary after class?‎ ‎→Would you mind if_I_used your dictionary after class?‎ ‎2.If you practice playing the violin every day, you will be an excellent violinist in the future.‎ ‎→Practicing_playing the violin every day, you will be an excellent violinist in the future.‎ ‎3.How do you like the new room decorated by your parents?‎ ‎→What_do_you_think_of the new room decorated by your parents?‎ ‎4.What a beautiful daughter she has!‎ ‎→How_beautiful_a_daughter she has!‎ ‎5.The first time I met her, I fell in love with her.‎ ‎→When I met her for_the_first_time,_I fell in love with her.‎ 三、过语法、写作—— ‎(一)单元小语法 ‎  ——过去分词作定语与一般过去时的时间状语 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.All of the injured (injure) soldiers are now being taken care of in a local hospital.‎ ‎2.Last Sunday, my mom asked (ask) me to go to the shop with her, because we were out of salt.‎ ‎3.Once upon a time, there lived (live) a king who loved to have fun with his children.‎ ‎4.Most of the guests invited (invite) to her birthday party are from America and Canada.‎ ‎5.What we discussed (discuss) just now is only one of the problems that the company is facing at present.‎ Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.At the age of ten, the smart boy begins to learn to play the piano by himself.begins→began ‎2.The bridge being built last year plays an important part in the village.去掉being ‎3.You can save one dollar for each dozen of eggs because of the reducing eggs.reducing→reduced ‎4.The man my mother was introduced to you yesterday had just returned from China.去掉was ‎5.I would appreciate it if you could send it to the address mentioning in the letter.mentioning→mentioned ‎(二)课堂微写作 ‎   练缩写——让语言更凝练 ‎[题目要求]‎ 出国旅游可以让你体验异域风情,领略外国文化。请你把下面的文章缩成60词左右的短文。‎ 注意:保留关键词,关键词已在文中加红。‎ As we all know, traveling abroad benefits us a lot.However, before our traveling, we must prepare well for it.‎ First of all, bring several copies of your passport. If your passport gets lost, make sure that you can still get back or prove your citizenship. Secondly, it's important to study the local climate and customs. Familiarizing yourself with sensitive issues is also essential. In addition, you'd better get some guidebooks, which usually include maps, key ‎ words and phrases. In conclusion, only if you prepare well can you enjoy a pleasant journey abroad.‎ ‎[答案示例]‎ Traveling abroad benefits us a lot.However, we must prepare well for it before traveling abroad.‎ First, take several copies of your passport. Secondly, you should study the local climate and customs. In addition, you'd better get some guidebooks, including maps, key words and phrases. In conclusion, only if you make full preparations can you have a good journey abroad.‎ Ⅰ.语法填空 For 26 years, Tess Heidelberger's wedding dress was sitting in a dusty box in her basement next to her Christmas decorations. She felt it was __1__waste, and then thought of her plain Christmas tree skirt on the top of the Christmas decorations. So she came up __2__an idea of putting the two of __3__ (they) together, and wanted to turn part of her wedding gown (长袍) into a tree skirt.‎ Tess, __4__ (live) in Mauldin, purchased the wedding dress in 1989, __5__had all the features of 80s bridal style. She got married the following year. Her daughters had no interest in wearing it as they felt it was __6__ (complete) outofdate. So Tess made a __7__ (decide) to make the dress an art project.‎ She got a pair of scissors and a bottle of glue (胶水) and got to work. All she needed to buy were some pretty ribbons to cover the glue, because she had already had a plain Christmas tree skirt __8__ (put) underneath the wedding dress. When everything was ready, she pinned ‎ the wedding dress skirt on the plain Christmas tree skirt until it was the way she liked. Then she __9__ (decorate) the dress skirt.‎ In all, Tess only spent an hour completing it. She was very pleased with the __10__ (finish) product.‎ 语篇解读:Tess Heidelberger将自己的婚纱改成了一件圣诞树裙,她对自己的这件作品很满意。‎ ‎1.a 第一次提到的名词用不定冠词a。‎ ‎2.with come up with“提出”,为固定搭配。‎ ‎3.them 介词of后需接宾格。‎ ‎4.living live与逻辑主语Tess之间是主动关系,故用现在分词形式。‎ ‎5.which 此处引导非限制性定语从句并在从句中作主语,指代物,故用which。‎ ‎6.completely 修饰形容词outofdate应用副词形式。‎ ‎7.decision 根据不定冠词a可知此处应用名词形式。‎ ‎8.to put 此处作目的状语,故用动词不定式。‎ ‎9.decorated decorate这个动作发生在过去,需用过去式。‎ ‎10.finished finish与product之间是被动关系,且动作已经完成,故用过去分词形式。‎ Ⅱ.短文改错 Dear Mr.Smith,‎ I'm Li Hua, a student from Hongxing Middle School.On behalf of our school, I'd like to congratulating you on the new world record you have set.But I'm delighted to invite you to give a speech about that you have experienced.You are very popular in our school now and your stories publishing in the newspapers is a great encouragement to many ‎ students.‎ The activity would be held in our school hall on November 17th, starting with at 3 pm and lasting 2 hours.The audience may include all the student, staff and some parents.I sincere hope you can come and make wonderful speech.‎ I'm looking forward to your early reply.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua 答案:第二句:congratulating→congratulate 第三句:But→And; that→what 第四句:publishing→published; is→are 第五句:would→will; 去掉with 第六句:student→students 第七句:sincere→sincerely; make后加a Ⅲ.书面表达 假定你是北京某中学学生李华,你的英国好友Alex来信说近期要来北京旅游两天,希望你做他的向导,并给他提出旅游建议。请你根据以下要点给他写一封回信:‎ ‎1.表明写信目的;‎ ‎2.北京两日游的行程安排;‎ ‎3.表示祝愿。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;‎ ‎3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。‎ Dear Alex,‎ I'm glad to learn from your letter that you're going to pay a visit to ‎ Beijing recently. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Li Hua 参考范文:‎ Dear Alex,‎ I'm glad to learn from your letter that you're going to pay a visit to Beijing recently. I'd like to be your guide and give my suggestions for your twoday trip here.‎ On the morning of the first day, I suggest we climb the Great Wall, which is famous all over the world. After lunch, we can enjoy the Bird's Nest and the Water Cubic where the 2008 Olympics was held.‎ Next day, I recommend we go sightseeing in the Peking University and Tsinghua University, the two most noted universities in China. We'd better visit the Forbidden City in the afternoon, so you can appreciate the splendid royal palace.‎ I'd be happy if my suggestions are helpful to you. And I'm looking forward to your coming.‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Li Hua

