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‎2019届一轮复习人教版选修八Unit4Pygmalion单元学案设计 话题词汇 ‎1.masterpiece n.杰作 ‎2.salon n.沙龙 ‎3.exhibition n.展览 ‎4.inspiration n.灵感;启发 ‎5.realism n.现实主义 ‎6.mirror v.反映 ‎7.best seller 畅销书 ‎8.work of art艺术作品 ‎9.full shot全景 ‎10.popular literature大众文学 话题佳作 请根据下面的内容,写一篇电影评论,向同学们介绍自己最喜欢的电影。‎ ‎1.片名:《哈里·波特与火焰杯》(Harry Potter and the Goblet of ‎ Fire)。‎ ‎2.剧情介绍:哈里·波特已经成为霍格沃茨魔法学校四年级的学生,并成长为一位出色的魔法师。他参加了令人激动不已的三强争霸赛,接受了很多挑战,可他没有想到这一切都是伏地魔的阴谋。‎ ‎3.评价:《哈里·波特与火焰杯》是哈里·波特系列电影中最精彩的一部。在这部电影中,所有的演员都表演得很好。‎ 参考词汇:霍格沃茨魔法学校Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry;三强争霸赛the Triwizard Tournament;伏地魔Voldemort;阴谋plot 佳作欣赏 I’m glad to have a chance to introduce my favorite film to you.In my opinion,Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is the best film of all the series of the films about Harry Potter.In this film,Harry Potter is a fourthgrade student of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and has become an excellent magician.Harry attends the exciting Triwizard Tournament in which he receives many challenges.But to his great surprise,all these are just Voldemort’s plot.‎ All the actors and actresses in the film perform very ‎ well.In a word,Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is well worth seeing.‎ 名师点睛 通篇文章要点齐全,结构合理,语言简洁。have a chance to do...,introduce...to,in one’s opinion,to one’s surprise,in a word,be worth doing...等高级词汇和定语从句等的运用使文章表达通顺,过渡自然。‎ 单元基础知识回顾 Ⅰ.写作必记单词 ‎1.mistaken adj.(见解或判断上)错误的;不正确的 mistake vt.弄错;误解;n.错误;过失;误会 ‎2.classify vt.把……分类;把……归类 ‎3.remark n.谈论;言论;评述;vt.& vi.谈论;评论;说起 ‎4.condemn vt.谴责;使……处于不幸(不愉快)的状态 ‎5.handful n.一把;少量 ‎6.fortune n.机会;运气;大笔的钱 fortunate adj.幸运的;侥幸的 ‎7.status n.身份;地位;职位 ‎8.rob vt.抢劫;盗窃;剥夺 ‎9.overlook vt.俯视;忽视;不理会 ‎10.effective adj.有效的 effect n.影响;效果 affect vt.影响;感染;感动 Ⅱ.阅读识记单词 ‎11.adaptation n.适应(性);改编本 adapt vt.(使)适应;改编 ‎12.classic adj.经典的;第一流的;n.经典著作 ‎13.whistle vi.吹口哨;发出汽笛声;n.口哨声;汽笛声 ‎14.hesitate vi.犹豫;踌躇 hesitation n.犹豫;踌躇 ‎15.uncomfortable adj.不舒服的;不安的;不自在的 ‎16.troublesome adj.带来麻烦的;使人心烦的 ‎17.outcome n.结果;效果 ‎18.brilliant adj.光辉灿烂的;杰出的;才华横溢的 ‎19.betray vt.显露出(本来面目);背叛 ‎20.extraordinary adj.不同寻常的;非凡的 ‎21.acquaintance n.相识;了解;熟人 acquaint vt.使认识;使了解 ‎22.superior adj.优秀的;较高的;上级的;n.上级;长官 ‎23.musical adj.音乐的;喜爱音乐的;n.音乐喜剧 ‎24.shabby adj.破旧的;寒酸的 ‎25.referee n.裁判员;仲裁者 ‎26.compromise n.& vi.妥协;折衷 ‎27.disgusting adj.使人反感的;令人厌恶的 disgusted adj.厌恶的;厌烦的 disgust vt.使作呕;使厌恶;n.作呕;厌恶 ‎28.fade vi.& vt.(使)褪色;减弱;逐渐消失 语境活用 [用所给词的正确形式填空]‎ ‎1.Regardless of your choice of course,you’ll develop your language ability both quickly and effectively(effect).(2016·天津)‎ ‎2.She was fortunate(fortune) to have some friends that refused to abandon her.‎ ‎3.However,social changes that are brought about by new technology are often mistaken(mistake) for a change in attitudes.(2015·北京)‎ ‎4.He made a quick adaptation(adapt) to the new environment.‎ ‎5.I accepted the job without hesitation(hesitate),as it would allow me to wear a tie and go by the name of Mr.Davis.‎ ‎6.The author thinks sending unsigned awful messages is disgusting(disgust).‎ 核心短语突破 ‎1.pass...off as...(把某人)改变或冒充成……‎ ‎2.make one’s acquaintance结识;与……相见 ‎3.generally speaking一般来说 ‎4.in terms of...就……来说;从……角度 ‎5.show...in带或领……进来 ‎6.once more再一次 ‎7.in need of...需要……‎ ‎8.fade out(声音、画面)逐渐模糊;渐淡 语境活用 [运用上述短语完成片段]‎ ‎1.Generally speaking(一般说来),we all hope to 2.make the acquaintance of(结识) more people,which is of great importance to us.However,a handful of people 3.pass them off as(冒充) your acquaintances for their own interests.The other day,my neighbor 4.showed in(领进) a stranger wearing a shabby jacket who said he was my sister’s friend.He said that he was robbed of money,and was 5.in great need of(非常需要) our help.I told my sister about this without hesitation,but she said in amazement that I was mistaken and she did not know this disgusting man at all.‎ ‎ 核心句式突破 ‎1.be of+名词 Will that be of any use to you?‎ 那对你有用吗?‎ 仿写 这样的形式令人非常担心。‎ Such a situation is of great concern.‎ ‎2.What if...?‎ What if I was?‎ 如果我是那又怎样?‎ 仿写 如果我把头伸出车窗外,怎么样?‎ What if I stick my head out of the window?‎ ‎3.How/What about...?‎ How about beginning with the alphabet.‎ 先从字母教起怎么样。‎ 仿写 看3D电影《少年派的奇幻漂流》怎么样?‎ How/What about seeing the 3D film Life of Pi?‎ ‎ ‎ 教材与考点链接 ‎ hesitate v.犹豫,踌躇,迟疑不决;顾虑,疑虑 ‎(1)Hearing this,the mother hesitated for a while.‎ 听到这些话,这位母亲犹豫了一会儿。‎ ‎(2)Do not hesitate to laugh at anything you find amusing.‎ 只要觉得好笑就尽管笑。‎ ‎(1)hesitate to do ‎ sth.迟疑做某事;不愿做某事 ‎(2)without hesitation毫不犹豫地 have no hesitation in doing sth.毫不犹豫地做某事 基础知识训练——[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)He never hesitates to help(help) me whenever I’m in trouble.‎ ‎(2)Seeing the girl struggling in the lake,he threw himself in the icy water without hesitation,and saved her from drowning.‎ 写作能力提升——[同义句改写]‎ ‎(3)I would accept the post without hesitation.‎ ‎①I would have no hesitation in accepting the post.(have no hesitation in...)‎ ‎②I wouldn’t hesitate to accept the post.(hesitate)‎ ‎ acquaintance n.认识的人;泛泛之交;熟人;(对某事物的)了解 ‎(1)She was a casual acquaintance of my family in ‎ Vienna.她是我在维也纳的家的一个熟人。(朗文高阶)‎ ‎(2)I made his acquaintance/made the acquaintance of him two years ago.我是两年前认识他的。‎ ‎(3)He has some acquaintance with the Japanese language.他会一点儿日语。‎ ‎(1)make one’s acquaintance=make the acquaintance of sb.结识某人 have an/some acquaintance with sth.对某事有了解 have a nodding/passing acquaintance with sb./sth.与某人有点头之交;对……知之甚少 ‎(2)acquaint vt.使熟悉;使认识 acquaint oneself with sth.使熟悉,使了解 be acquainted with了解……;认识……‎ acquaintance用作不可数名词,表“熟悉,认识”,有时在其前加不定冠词,表某种程度的熟悉与了解,与with连用;用作可数名词,表示“熟悉的人”。‎ 基础知识训练——[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)I can’t say I know him well,but we have a nodding acquaintance.‎ ‎(2)She is the only one of the few girls of my acquaintance that is acquainted(acquaint) with the old poet.‎ 写作能力提升——[同义句改写]‎ ‎(3)I’ve been acquainted with their customs.(用含有反身代词的短语改写)‎ I have acquainted myself with their customs. ‎ ‎(4)We made the acquaintance of him four years ago.(用be acquainted with改写)‎ We have been acquainted with him since four years ago. ‎ ‎ fortune n.机会;运气;大笔的钱;财富;命运 ‎(1)I had the good fortune to be chosen for a trip abroad.‎ 我真幸运,被选中出国旅行。(牛津词典)‎ ‎(2)These two brothers decided to go to big cities to try their fortune.‎ 这兄弟俩决定去大城市碰碰运气。‎ make a fortune发财;致富 seek/try one’s fortune碰运气 be fortunate to do sth./in doing sth.在……方面运气好 It is fortunate that...幸运的是……‎ 基础知识训练——[写出下列句子中fortune的汉语意思]‎ ‎(1)He made a considerable fortune selling waste materials.大笔的钱 ‎(2)I have had the good fortune to work with some brilliant directors.运气,机会 ‎(3)We must be the master of our own fortunes.命运 写作能力提升——[一句多译]‎ ‎(4)她很幸运有位好丈夫。‎ ‎①She is fortunate to have a good husband.‎ ‎②She is fortunate in having a good husband.‎ ‎③It is fortunate that she has a good husband.‎ ‎ in terms of就……来说;从……角度 ‎(1)It is widely acknowledged that students should be evaluated in terms of overall quality.‎ 普遍认为应该从综合素质的角度来评价学生。(2014·福建)‎ ‎(2)In the short term,the medicine may not be very effective.‎ 从眼前来看,这药可能不是很有疗效。‎ in the long/short term从长远/短期来看 in one’s terms在某人看来;根据某人的观点 be on good/bad terms with与……关系好/坏 基础知识训练——[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)In the long term,it is beneficial to your development.‎ ‎(2)He had been on bad terms with his wife for years.‎ ‎(3)In terms of convenience,the museum has more advantages over the gallery.‎ 写作能力提升——[同义句改写]‎ ‎(4)He gets along well with his classmates.‎ He is on good terms with his classmates.‎ ‎ remark n.谈论;言论;评述 v.评论;谈论;说起,谈到 基础知识训练——[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)Anna got really angry by Jack’s rude remarks about/on/over her figure.‎ ‎(2)It’s bad manners to remark(remark) on others.‎ ‎(3)Ellen later regretted her remarks(remark) about his private affairs.‎ 写作能力提升——[同义句改写]‎ ‎(4)Don’t remark on her appearance rudely.(用remark的名词短语改写)‎ ‎ Don’t make rude remarks on her appearance.‎ ‎ How about beginning with the alphabet.,先从字母教起怎么样。‎ 句型:How/What about...?‎ ‎(1)—How about dinner tonight?It’s on me.‎ ‎—Oh,I’d like to.‎ ‎——今晚一起吃饭怎么样?我请客。‎ ‎——噢,我很乐意。(2014·四川)‎ ‎(2)What about going for a walk?‎ 去散步好吗?‎ How/What about...?是常用句型,意为“……怎么样?”介词about后可接名词、代词、动名词,多用于征求意见。征求对方对某事或某人的看法时还可用下列句型:‎ (1)What do you think of...?‎ (2)How do you like/find...?‎ (3)What is/are...like?‎ 基础知识训练——[翻译句子]‎ ‎(1)再来一杯咖啡怎么样?‎ What/How about another cup of coffee?‎ 写作能力提升——[一句多译]‎ ‎(2)你对这个计划是什么看法?‎ ‎①What do you think of this plan?(think of)‎ ‎②How do you find the plan?(find)‎ ‎③What is the plan like?(be...like) ‎ Ⅰ.教材与语法填空 Eliza Doolittle was 1.an unrefined,dirty flower girl with poor phonetics 2.while Professor Higgins was an expert in phonetics.One day they happened to meet each other while 3.hiding(hide) from the rain.When Eliza was talking with a gentleman,Higgins always watched her and took notes,4.which made her worried,for she thought he was a policeman 5.in disguise.In fact he just showed interest in her poor phonetics and 6.made(make) a bet with Colonel Pickering who he was going to meet.Higgins said once 7.educated(educate) to speak 8.properly(proper),Eliza could pass herself off in three months 9.as a duchess at an ambassador’s garden party.After that Higgins threw a handful of money into her basket and left with Pickering,10.leaving(leave) Eliza excited and in ‎ amazement.Eliza decided to find him the next day.‎ Ⅱ.教材与短文改错 It was 11 am in Henry Higgins’ house next day.Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering were sitting deeply in conversation.Pickering makes a bet with Henry.If Henry could turn Eliza who was dirty and bad dressed into a lady in three months,Pickering would consider Henry the most greatest teacher alive.And he also agreed to pay all the costs myself.Henry decided to begin on the alphabet.Beside,he thought Eliza was also in need of grammar and pronunciation,that was a really difficult task.However,he had to plan the best way to teach her.‎ 答案 It was 11 am in Henry Higgins’ house next day.Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering were sitting in conversation.Pickering a bet with Henry.If Henry could turn Eliza who was dirty and dressed into a lady in three months,Pickering would consider Henry the most greatest teacher alive.And he also agreed to pay all the costs ‎.Henry decided to begin the alphabet.,he thought Eliza was also in need of grammar and pronunciation, was a really difficult task.,he had to plan the best way to teach her.‎ Ⅲ.教材与微写作 写作素材(关于交际)‎ ‎1.当我上大学的时候,我读了一个由一名高级教授改编的剧本。‎ ‎2.我有个问题想问他,但犹豫不决。‎ ‎3.因为我怕我会出错,并且他高高在上,我怕他会不理会我这样穷酸的学生。‎ ‎4.结果,我们就像旧相识一样进行了交谈,从他身上我学到了很多。‎ ‎5.我发现他真的非同寻常。‎ 提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用过去分词短语作定语,so...that...引导的状语从句等。‎ 连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)‎ When I was at college,I read a play adapted by a superior professor.I hesitated to ask him a question because I was afraid that I might be mistaken and that he was so upper ‎ that he would overlook such a shabby student like me.It turned out that we talked as if we had been acquaintances,and I learned a lot from him.What’s more,I found that he was truly extraordinary. ‎ 教材综合知识运用 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.We tend to blame TV,he says,for problems it doesn’t really cause,overlooking(overlook) our own roles in shaping children’s minds.(2015·广东)‎ ‎2.Anderson suggests that television cannot be_condemned(condemn) without considering other influences.(2015·广东)‎ ‎3.Are you interested in becoming a musician(musical) and getting a recording contract(合同)?(2016·全国Ⅱ) ‎ ‎4.When the clerk saw a kind face wrinkled in an apologetic smile,she stood rooted to the ground,wondering(wonder) whether to stay or leave.(2015·湖南)‎ ‎5.I want to have a change today.How about eating(eat) out at the seafood restaurant?‎ ‎6.A few students hesitated to_start(start).They waited to ‎ see what the rest of the class would do.(2016·全国Ⅱ)‎ ‎7.When a couple goes out for an anniversary dinner,for example,the thought of feeling superior to others probably never comes to them.‎ ‎8.This passage can be_classified(classify) as a book review.‎ ‎9.The government should take effective(effect) measures to live through this economical crisis.‎ ‎10.Actually,a standard,once set,resists change.‎ Ⅱ.阅读理解 A ‎(2017·湖北重点中学联考)‎ Signing up for a digital TV service provides you with access to over 200 channels from all over the globe.However,television today is dominated by adult language,making it hard for concerned families to find channels suitable for young eyes.Therefore,most movie channels are automatically removed from the list of TV channels for an entire family.The following are some good ones based on popularity on a global scale.‎ Discovery Channel Discovery and its many channels can be considered as the founding father of informative channels on television.What National Geographic does in a scholastic(学术的) manner,Discovery tries to do in an entertaining manner—educating the masses about anything and everything.‎ Fox Family Finding a movie channel that broadcasts pictures suitable for teenagers and kids alike is very difficult unless your service operator offers you Fox family movies.This channel screens most movies before it broadcasts them,ensuring that no movie shows unacceptable material for young eyes.‎ Nickelodeon A channel very similar to Cartoon Network,it mostly shows US programs.However,their shows are sometimes a bit more mature for younger kids and better suited to kids aged 5 and up.‎ ABC Family ABC started the ABC family channel in an attempt to introduce familycentered shows and serials to the public in the USA.The need for this channel was felt after ABC observed the lack of ‎ proper family type US channels.‎ Living If travelling is a family hobby and better living is the motto then there is no better channel than Living.Kids can see neverseenbefore sights,learning about new places while adults can practice their cooking and learn amazing things about motorbikes.‎ 语篇解读 现在电视节目越来越多,但并不能满足每个家庭的需要。文章列举了一些受人欢迎的频道。‎ ‎11.According to the text,most channels offered by a digital TV service ________.‎ A.can keep people away from TV violence B.are welcomed by families with small children C.are concerned about the proper use of language D.are unsuitable for the whole family to watch together 答案 D 解析 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“However,television today is dominated by adult language,making it hard for concerned families to find channels suitable for young ‎ eyes.Therefore,most movie channels are automatically removed from the list of TV channels for an entire family.”可知,选D项。‎ ‎12.Which of the following can best describe Discovery Channel?‎ A.Relaxing. B.Touching.‎ C.Commercial. D.Professional.‎ 答案 A 解析 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Discovery tries to do in an entertaining manner”可知,选A项。‎ ‎13.If people want to know about what a traditional family is like,they can choose ________.‎ A.Fox Family B.Nickelodeon C.ABC Family D.Living 答案 C 解析 细节理解题。根据第五段中的“ABC started the ABC family channel in an attempt to introduce familycentered shows and serials to the public in the USA.”可知,这个频道主要是介绍以家庭为中心的电视节目,故选C项。‎ B The other day when I was passing a clothing store,I fell in love with a skirt.I knew it would suit me best at first sight.But when I looked at the price tag(标签),I knew I had to give it up.‎ The love for beautiful clothes has been planted in my heart the day when I was born to be a woman.Several years ago I read an article in a magazine.The article stated that when a woman is at her best time,she is usually poor or tasteless,so she can’t get the right clothes; when she can afford to buy the clothes she likes,she often finds that they do not suit her anymore.‎ On the way home,I was quite disturbed by such thoughts.It was just a pity,like many other pities.I thought to myself this way.But when I was about to enter the building where I was living,I saw the big mirror placed in the entrance.I saw a girl in it who was in cheap but cleanly washed sweater and jeans.She was rather young,healthy and energetic.For quite a while I was touched by what I had seen in the mirror.‎ Then I almost forgot the tale:A person without shoes cried until he saw a man without feet.Being young without good clothes ‎ is like the person without shoes.I should have felt grateful that I haven’t lost my feet.‎ 语篇解读 作者天生喜欢漂亮衣服,从而为了一件喜欢却没钱买的衬衫而感到很遗憾,但是当她看到镜子中年轻的、精力充沛的自己时,作者意识到自己真正拥有的才是重要的。‎ ‎14.How did the author feel when she decided not to buy the skirt?‎ A.Embarrassed. B.Wise.‎ C.Relieved. D.Regretful.‎ 答案 D 解析 推理判断题。根据第三段第一、二句“On the way home,I was quite disturbed by such thoughts.It was just a pity,like many other pities.”可知,作者决定不买这个衬衫的时候,感觉很遗憾,故选D。‎ ‎15.The underlined word “She” in Paragraph 3 refers to ________.‎ A.the author’s friend B.the author C.the author’s roommate D.a stranger 答案 B 解析 推理判断题。根据第三段第四句“...I saw a girl in it who was in cheap but cleanly washed sweater and jeans.”可知,She指的是“作者”自己,故选B。‎ ‎16.Why was the author touched by what she saw in the mirror?‎ A.She didn’t feel at ease when looking into a mirror.‎ B.She was reminded of her devotion to beauty.‎ C.She came to realize what she really possessed.‎ D.She never thought over the other side of a person.‎ 答案 C 解析 推理判断题。根据第三段最后两句“She was rather young,healthy and energetic.For quite a while I was touched by what I had seen in the mirror.”可知,作者被镜子里面的东西感动了,因为她意识到了自己真正拥有什么才是重要的,故选C。‎ ‎17.We can learn from the text that the author considered her love for beautiful clothes as ________.‎ A.natural B.funny C.silly D.simple 答案 A 解析 推理判断题。根据第二段第一句“The love for beautiful clothes has been planted in my heart the day when I was born to be a woman.”可知,作者认为自己对衣服的爱是与生俱来的,即是自然的,故选A。‎ Ⅲ.语法填空 ‎(2017·山东枣庄三中质检)‎ When my brother and I said we were going to spend our Christmas holidays abroad,the whole family objected violently.But nothing could persuade us 18.________(stay).Two days 19.________ Christmas,we went to a small town in Southern Germany.We 20.________(spend)the whole of Christmas Eve sightseeing.‎ There were 21.________ many activities in the town that they added to our excitement.The streets were crowded with people 22.________ the shops were full of wonderful things.In the evening,we went to listen to Christmas songs 23.________(sing)by children around the 24.________ (bright)decorated Christmas tree in the main street.We planned ‎ to have 25.________meal at the best restaurant in town the next day.However,in the morning the streets were empty.What’s worse,all the shops including the restaurants were shut.As last we had to return to our hotel,26.________(feel)very miserable.Our Christmas “feast” was a bag of fruits,27.________ my brother had happened to buy the day before.‎ ‎18.答案 to stay 解析 考查不定式。persude sb.to do sth.说服某人做某事,故填不定式to stay。‎ ‎19.答案 before 解析 考查介词。此处指在圣诞节两天前,故填before。‎ ‎20.答案 spent 解析 考查动词的时态。文章讲述的是过去发生的事,结合所给时态要用过去时,故填spent。‎ ‎21.答案 so 解析 考查副词。此处是so...that...句型,表示“如此……以至于……”,故填so。‎ ‎22.答案 and 解析 考查连词。句意为:街上满是人,商店里满是奇妙的东西。前后句是并列关系,故填and。‎ ‎23.答案 sung 解析 考查非谓语动词。句中Christmas songs和动词sing是被动关系,表示圣诞歌曲被唱,要用过去分词表被动,故填sung。‎ ‎24.答案 brightly 解析 考查副词。此处修饰形容词decorated用副词,故填brightly。‎ ‎25.答案 a 解析 考查冠词。meal是可数名词,此处指一顿饭,故填冠词a。‎ ‎26.答案 feeling 解析 考查非谓语动词。句中feel的主语和句子的主语一致,都是we,表示主动要用动词的ing形式,故填feeling。‎ ‎27.答案 which 解析 考查定语从句。本句为非限制性定语从句,先行词是a bag of fruits,指物,在定语从句中作宾语,故填关系代词which。‎ Ⅳ.短文改错 ‎(2017·山东烟台期中)‎ May I have your attention,please?I have a few things tell you.When you have class here in an English language lab,please be here a little early.Change your shoes before entering into the lab.Don’t bring anything here besides your textbooks.When you are in,please don’t touch the machines without permit.Always keep quietly and do as the teacher told you to.In class you could only speak English,not Chinese.You can use the recorder to make a copy of the listen materials.When class is over,turn off the machine here and leave the lab one by one.‎ That’s all.Thank you!‎ 答案 May I have your attention,please?I have a few things tell you.When you have class here in English language lab,please be here a little .Change your shoes before entering into the lab.Don’t bring anything here your textbooks.When you are in,please don’t touch the machines without .Always keep and do as the teacher ‎ you to.In class you could only speak English,not Chinese.You can use the recorder to make a copy of the materials.When class is over,turn off the here and leave the lab one by one.‎ That’s all.Thank you!‎

