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Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero学案 Ⅰ.情景默写 ‎1.Who is responsible for the operation of such vehicles is not clear among car makers,consumers and lawyers(律师).(2017·天津卷)‎ ‎2.How to improve the quality(质量) of products is a difficult problem for him.‎ ‎3.Then they identified begging(请求)calls by analyzing the order and number of notes.(2017·江苏卷)‎ ‎4.As is known to us all,not all the people are willing(愿意) to vote for the people who are eager to be the winners in competitions.(2016·江苏卷)‎ ‎5.I’d like to thank my friend,who’s been very generous(慷慨的) with his time.‎ ‎6.The new president(银行行长)is well educated,so he can do well in this kind of job.‎ ‎7.Einstein’s theories form the basic principles(原理) of modern physics.‎ ‎8.This business company was founded(建立)in 1724.‎ ‎9.We reached the stage(阶段) where we’d given up any hope of curing her cat.‎ ‎10.They succeeded in escaping(逃脱) from the burning building by breaking down the door.‎ ‎11.The government rewarded(奖赏) him for saving the old man in the well.‎ ‎12.China won the bid for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games because they got most votes(投票).‎ ‎13.He was attacked(攻击) by a dog when he was walking along the street.‎ ‎14.In my opinion(观点),the key to solving the problem is to have love shinning over them.‎ ‎15.Mandela was__sentenced__to(被判处)five years’ hard labour for encouraging violence against the government.‎ ‎16.He set__up(设立;建立)his own business after he graduated from university.‎ ‎17.Because he has been out__of__work(失业)for months,the young man now ‎ depends on his parents for a living.‎ ‎18.With no one to turn__to(求助于)in such a frightening situation,she felt very helpless.‎ ‎19.He is a man who is active in social activities,and he is__willing__to( 愿意)do public service work now and then.‎ ‎20.He was put into prison because he blew__up(爆炸)some government buildings in South Africa.‎ ‎21.It seemed as if nothing had been achieved,but he would never lose__heart(丧失勇气).‎ ‎22.The government came__to__power(上台)in 2013,that is,it has been in power for over 5 years.‎ ‎23.Finally,don’t believe those who leave their friends when they are in__trouble(在困境中)because “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”‎ ‎24.As__a__matter__of__fact(事实上),I did not know him at all.‎ Ⅱ.词性转换 ‎1.Under our teacher’s careful guidance(guide),we finished our homework in advance.‎ ‎2.Maggie thought it was unfair(fair) that women were not allowed to receive education.‎ ‎3.The man should be condemned for his cruelty(cruel) to his wife.‎ ‎4.A child receives its early education at home.A well educated mother will have a great influence on her child’s future.(educate)‎ ‎5.After years of fighting the people longed for peace.They wanted to live peacefully(peaceful).‎ ‎6.All men are born equal,so everyone hopes to be treated equally because equality is the essential demand.(equal)‎ ‎7.He criticized violently that the government did little to stop the violence in the country.(violent)‎ ‎8.He is devoted to the research and his devotion to the work leads to his success.(devote)‎ ‎9.You should take an active part in all the activities(active) in your school.‎ ‎10.We know from the daily legal report that the former president had something to do with the illegal organization and was put to prison.(legal)‎ ‎1.句型公式:That is/was a time when...‎ 那段时期我与老板相处得不好。‎ That__was__a__time__when I didn’t get along well with the boss.‎ ‎2.句型公式:时间名词作主语+谓语(see/find/witness...)‎ 过去的五年见证了互联网的迅速发展。‎ The__last__5__years__have__seen the rapid development in the Internet.‎ ‎3.句型公式:抽象地点名词后接定语从句 我已经到了这么一个阶段,感觉自己真正融入美国的生活了。‎ I’ve__reached__the__stage__where I feel like I actually live in America.‎ ‎4.句型公式:“only+状语”置于句首引起部分倒装 只有在那时我才意识到与所有的朋友脱离关系是多么的傻。‎ Only__then__did__I__realize how foolish it was to break away from all of my friends.‎ ‎5.句型公式:The reason why...was/is...‎ 他没有被大学录取的原因是因为他的分数太低。‎ The_reason_why_he_wasn’t_admitted_into_a_university was that his grades were too low.‎ ‎6.句型公式:did/do/does表示强调 她昨天确实告诉你这个消息了。‎ She did__tell__you__the__news yesterday.‎ ‎7.句型公式:the first time引导时间状语从句 他第一次登台表演就受到热烈欢迎。‎ He was well received the__first__time__he__performed__on__the__stage.‎ 第一板块 重点单词 ‎1.devote vt.献身;专心于 高考必刷题练透 ‎(1)单句语法填空/句式升级 ‎①She had devoted herself to practicing(practice)for ten years and became one of the best swimmers.‎ ‎②The dog had such devotion(devote)to its master that it would not leave him,even when he was dead.‎ ‎(2)把①中的第一分句改为现在分词短语作状语和过去分词短语作状语 ‎③Devoting__herself__to__practicing__for__ten__years,she__became__one__of the__best__swimmers.‎ ‎④Devoted__to__practicing__for__ten__years,she__became__one__of the__best__swimmers.‎ 状元笔记全记牢 ‎(1) devote...to... 把……奉献于……‎ devote oneself to 献身于……;致力于…… ‎ ‎(2)devoted adj. 忠实的;深爱的 ‎ be devoted to... 专心于……;奉献于…… ‎ ‎(3)devotion n. 关爱;关照;奉献;忠诚 ‎【联想】 含有介词to的动词短语:‎ ‎①look forward to doing sth 盼望做某事 ‎②object to doing sth 反对做某事 ‎③get down to doing sth 开始做某事 ‎④be/get accustomed to doing sth 习惯于做某事 ‎2.equal adj.相等的;平等的;胜任的vt.等于 n.同等的人;相等物 高考必刷题练透 写出下列句中equal的含义/语法填空 ‎ ‎①Such behavior is,to my mind,without equal all over the world.相等物 ‎②It’s a challenging job but I’m sure you’ll be equal to it.胜任的 ‎③None of us can equal her,either in beauty or as a dancer.比得上 ‎④Any man will be equal to the task,so long as he is careful.You should give it a try.‎ ‎⑤Men and women must be treated equally (equal)in education and employment.‎ 状元笔记全记牢 ‎(1)be equal to sth/doing sth等于/胜任做某事 A equals B in... A在……方面比得上B/与B相匹敌 without equal无与伦比 ‎(2)equality n.平等 equally adv.相等地;同等地;均等地 ‎3.escape v.& n.逃脱;逃生;泄露;被遗忘 高考必刷题练透 单句语法填空/完成句子 ‎①More and more oil is escaping from the pipe,which pollutes the environment badly.‎ ‎②It is said that he narrowly escaped being__killed(kill) in the traffic accident the other day.‎ ‎③Last year I__had__a__narrow__escape,and I don’t want to risk my life a second time.‎ 去年我死里逃生,因此我不想再去冒生命危险了。‎ 状元笔记全记牢 ‎(1)escape (doing) sth逃避(做)某事 escape from 从……逃脱;逃避 ‎(2)sth escape(s) sb 某物被某人遗忘;未被注意 ‎(3)fire escape 太平梯;安全梯;安全出口 a narrow escape 九死一生;死里逃生 ‎4.reward n.& vt.报酬;奖金;酬劳;奖赏 高考必刷题练透 ‎(1)选词填空(reward,award)‎ ‎①She was awarded the best actress in the film festival.‎ ‎②How can I reward your kindness?‎ ‎③She started singing to the baby and was__rewarded(reward) with a smile.‎ ‎④Teaching is not very well paid,but it is a rewarding(reward) job.‎ ‎(2)单句语法填空/一句多译 ‎⑤我送给他一本书来答谢他的帮助。‎ ‎⑤-1 I gave him a book in__reward__for__his__help.‎ ‎⑤-2 As_a_reward_for_his_help,I gave him a book.‎ ‎⑤-3 I rewarded_him_with_a_book_for his help.‎ 状元笔记全记牢 ‎(1)as a reward (for) 作为(对某事的)报酬/奖赏 in reward for 为酬谢……;作为奖励 ‎(2)reward sb for sth 因某事而奖赏某人 reward sb with sth 用某物回报某人 ‎(3)rewarding adj. 值得做的;有意义的 ‎【辨析】‎ 名词 动词 award 奖品,奖金,与prize用法相似 意为“授予、颁发”,常用搭配:award sb sth=award sth to sb reward 报酬、奖金或一些非金钱类的报酬 多指因对方的工作、服务、帮助而给予的报酬或奖赏,常用搭配:reward sb for(doing)sth 第二板块 核心短语 ‎1.in trouble有麻烦;处于困难中 高考必刷题练透 单句语法填空/单句改错/微写作 ‎①His instant help got me out of trouble.‎ ‎②It was when we were returning home that I realized what a good feeling it was to have helped someone in trouble.‎ ‎③Thanks for the trouble you have taken to__help(help)us.‎ ‎④If you are in the trouble,Mike is always willing to lend a hand.去掉the ‎⑤Please don’t hesitate to turn to us for help whenever you have trouble in your ‎ study.in→with ‎⑥让我十分担心的是我在收集信息和使用语言方面确实有困难。‎ What__worries__me__a__lot__is__that__I__am__really__having__trouble__in__collecting__information__and__using__language.‎ 状元笔记全记牢 get into trouble     陷入困境;惹麻烦 get sb have trouble 做某事有困难 take the trouble to do sth 不怕费事做某事 ‎2.turn to求助于;翻到(书的某页);开始从事(学习工作);查阅;转向 高考必刷题练透 ‎(1)写出下列句中turn to的含义 ‎①However,when it is something beyond my competence,I turn to my classmates or teachers for help.求助于 ‎②Follow the main road until it branches and then turn to the left.转向 ‎③If you turn to page 40,you will find it.翻到 ‎④After he left university he became a teacher,but later turned to journalism.开始从事 ‎(2)单句语法填空 ‎⑤Small sailboats can easily turn over in the water if not managed carefully. ‎ ‎⑥Food in small pieces could be eaten easily with twigs(树枝) which gradually turned into chopsticks.(2016·全国卷Ⅲ改编)‎ 状元笔记全记牢 turn against 背叛;反对 turn around 翻身;转身 turn (...)into 把(……)变成,变为……‎ turn off 拐弯;使厌烦;关掉 turn over 把……翻过来;翻转;移交 第三板块 经典句式 ‎1....only__then__did__we decide to answer violence with violence.‎ ‎……只有到这个时候,我们才决定用暴力反抗暴力。‎ 高考必刷题练透 句型转换/微写作 ‎①I have had time to read the book only recently.‎ ‎→Only recently have I had time to read the book.‎ ‎②We can make a difference in whatever we hope to accomplish only when we match our words with actions.‎ ‎→Only when we match our words with actions can we make a difference in whatever we hope to accomplish.‎ ‎③Only_when_a_child_grows_up_can_he_understand_his_parents’intention.‎ 只有当孩子长大了,他才会明白父母的用意。‎ 状元笔记全记牢 ‎(1)副词only放在句首修饰时间状语then,句子使用部分倒装,将助动词did放于主语we的前面。(2)only引起倒装的三种形式:‎ + ‎【点津】only 放在句首修饰主语时不用倒装。‎ ‎2.I felt bad the_first_time I talked to a group.‎ 第一次给旅行团作讲解时,我的心情很不好。‎ 高考必刷题练透 单句改错/微写作 ‎①We may feel funny for the first time we see the picture,but after feeling fun we must be ashamed and angry.‎ 去掉for ‎②They rushed out at the moment they heard the shout for help.去掉at ‎③They left Europe in the year the war broke out.去掉in ‎④记得上次你参观我们学校时展示了该主题的一些照片。(2016·全国卷Ⅱ)‎ I_remember_you_showed_me_some_photos_on_that_theme_the_last_time_you_visited_our_school.‎ 状元笔记全记牢 ‎(1)the first time用作连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“第一次……”。‎ ‎(2)下面词语可引导时间状语从句:‎ ‎·由time构成的名词词组:each time,the first/last time,next time,any time等 ‎·the+瞬间名词:the minute,the instant,the second,the moment等,意为“一……就……”‎ ‎·the+时间名词:the day/week/year/spring/summer/autumn/winter等 ‎【点津】for the first time是介词短语,只能用作状语,意为“第一次”。‎ Ⅰ.课文语法填空 My name is Elias.I am a poor black worker in South Africa.The time when I first 1.met (meet) Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life.I was twelve years old.2.It was in 1952 and Mandela was the black 3.lawyer(law) to whom I went for advice.He offered 4.guidance(guide) to poor black people on their legal problems.He was generous with his time,5.for which I was grateful.‎ I needed his help 6.because I had very little education.I began school at six.The school 7.where I studied for only two years was three kilometres away.I had to leave because my family could not continue to pay the school fees and the bus fare.I could not read 8.or write well.After 9.trying(try) hard,I got a job in a gold mine.However,this was a time when one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg.10.Sadly(sad),I did not have it because I was not born there,and I worried about whether I would become out of work.‎ Ⅱ.课文短文改错 With the help of Mandela,I became more hope about my future.I never forgot what kind Mandela was.When he organized the ANC Youth League,I joined them as soon as I can.He said:‎ ‎“The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progresses,until today we have reached a stage which we have almost no rights at all.”‎ ‎“...we were put into a position in which we had either to accept we were less important,nor fight the government...only then we decide to answer for violence with violence.”‎ But...I knew it would help us achieve our dream of making black and white people equally.‎ 答案 ‎ With the help of Mandela,I became more about my future.I never forgot kind Mandela was.When he organized the ANC Youth League,I joined as soon as I .He said:‎ ‎“The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and ,until today we have reached a stage we have almost no rights at all.”‎ ‎“...we were put into a position in which we had either to accept we were less important, fight the government...only then we decide to answer violence with violence.”‎ But...I knew it would help us achieve our dream of making black and white people .‎ Ⅲ.单元要点微写作 请用英语写一篇60词左右的短文介绍伟大的科学家霍金(Stephen Hawking)。要求包括以下三部分内容:‎ 喜欢他的理由 被他的奉献精神所感动 对他的简单介绍 他处于很大的麻烦之中,只有求助于电脑他才能讲话、阅读和写作 对他的个人观点 任何东西都无法回报他对科学的贡献 注意:1.尽量多地使用本单元的知识点;‎ ‎2.可适当增加细节。‎ ‎【参考范文】‎ The first time I heard of Stephen Hawking,I was moved by his devotion to the research.As for his daily life,he is in great trouble.For example,only when he turns to the computer is it possible for him to speak,read and write.However,his contributions to the world have no equal.And,in my opinion,nothing could be in reward for his contributions to science.‎

