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凤冈一中2019--2020学年度年第二学期 高一年级英语学科试题 ‎(考试时间:100分钟,总分120分)‎ ‎ 审题人:高一年级组 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)‎ A On December 24, 1971, 17-year-old Juliane Köepcke got on a plane with her mother in Lima‎, ‎Peru, to fly to another city to meet her father.‎ Over the Amazon jungle (丛林), the rain fell heavily and there was a strong wind. And then lightning hit the plane at 3,000 metres, and it crashed (坠毁). Juliane fell quickly through the air in her seat and hit the trees hard. For three hours, she was senseless. When she woke up, her right arm was cut, her shoulder hurt badly and she couldn’t see out of one eye. She was alone. But she was alive!‎ Juliane’s father was a biologist (生物学家) and when she was small, he taught her how to survive in the jungle. She found a small river and walked slowly along it. “If I follow the river,” she thought, “I’ll find people.” The river also gave her clean water to drink. It was very hot, but the river water kept her cool. Sometimes she had to swim in the river because it was too deep to walk in. There was fruit on some trees but she didn’t eat it — she knew it was too dangerous. Juliane walked for ten days. Ten days after the crash, she found a small house by the river. There were some woodcutters in the house. They cleaned her cuts carefully and the next day, they carried her down the river, and a plane took her safely back to the city of Pucallpa.‎ Juliane was the only person who survived the plane crash. The other 91 people, including her mother, all died.‎ The film director, Werner Herzog, had a ticket to travel on the plane but missed it. Thirty years later, he made a film called Wings of Hope about Juliane and her incredible story.‎ ‎1. What did Juliane find when she came to herself?‎ A. She was in Lima. B. She was in the river.  ‎ C. She was badly hurt.         D. She was unable to move.‎ ‎2. What did Juliane do to survive in the jungle?‎ A. She lived on fruit. B. She drunk river water.‎ C. She avoided deep water. D. She cleaned her cuts carefully.‎ ‎3. What does the underlined word “incredible” in the last paragraph mean?‎ A. Boring. B. Funny.‎ C. Heartbreaking. D. Unbelievable. ‎ ‎4. Which of the following words can best describe Juliane?‎ A. Strong and lucky. B. Active and lovely. ‎ C. Smart and creative. D. Caring and careful. ‎ ‎ B Since the modern Olympics began in 1896, it has been held in more than 40 different cities. That gives Olympic fans quite a few possible travel destinations to choose.‎ Beijing, China Olympic fans should consider visiting the Beijing Olympic Park to check out the special buildings of the so-called “Bird’s Nest” and “Water Cube” — the national stadium and aquatics center built for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Popular historic places in Beijing include the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, and Tian’anmen Square.‎ Innsbruck, Austria Located in the heart of the Alps, Innsbruck is known as a great winter destination — which explains why it has hosted not one but two Winter Olympics. Known for its mountainous views, Innsbruck is the perfect stop for outdoor adventurers.‎ Mexico City, Mexico This wonderful travel destination offers a wide number of popular museums, historic buildings, and public parks. People will love shopping for fresh meat and produce at the markets, taking a cooking class, and generally eating their way through Mexico City, which is especially known for its culinary (烹饪的) experiences that include both globally well-known restaurants and locally favored street carts.‎ Melbourne, Australia Nearly half a century before Sydney hosted the 2000 Summer Olympics, Melbourne became the first Australian host city in 1956. Head to the “cultural capital of Australia”, located in Victoria on the southeastern coast, for an energetic cafe culture and art scene. Melbourne offers something for every type of traveler and everyone can enjoy an evening at one of the city’s many rooftop bars or a day of wine tasting.‎ ‎5. Where will you go if you want to make an adventurous trip?‎ A. Beijing, China. B. Innsbruck, Austria.‎ C. Mexico City, Mexico. D. Melbourne, Australia.‎ ‎6. What can visitors do in Mexico City?‎ A. Enjoy wonderful culinary classes. B. Buy beautiful clothes and shoes.‎ C. Admire beautiful mountainous views. D. Visit special stadiums for the Olympics.‎ ‎7. What can we know about Melbourne?‎ A. It is famous for all kinds of wine.‎ B. It has many world-famous hotels.‎ C. It hosted the Summer Olympics twice.‎ D. It can satisfy the needs of every kind of traveler.‎ C Londoners are great readers. They buy large numbers of newspapers, magazines and books —especially paperbacks (平装书), which are still cheap in spite of everincreasing ‎ rises in the costs of printing. They still continue to buy “proper” books, too, printed on good paper.‎ There are many streets in London containing shops which specialize in bookselling. Perhaps the best known of these is Charing Cross Road in the very heart of London. Here bookshops of all sorts and sizes are to be found, from the celebrated one which is said to be “the biggest bookshop in the world” to the tiny, dusty little places which seem to have been left over from Dickens’ time. Some of these shops stock, or will make efforts to get, any kind of book, but many of them specialize in secondhand books, in art books, in foreign books, in books on economics, politics or any other subjects about which books may be written. One shop in this area specializes only in books about ballet.‎ Although it may be the most convenient place for Londoners to buy books, Charing Cross Road is not the cheapest. For really cheap secondhand books, collectors must venture off the beaten track, to Farringdon Road, in the East Central District of London. Here there is nothing so impressive as bookshops. The booksellers come along each morning and put lots of books onto small handcarts (手推车) which line the streets. The collectors, some professionals and some amateurs (业余爱好者), who have been waiting for them, run quickly towards the books. In places like this one can still, occasionally, pick up for a few pence an old book that may be worth many pounds.‎ 8. ‎“Londoners are great readers” means that ________.‎ A. Londoners read a lot B. there are a great number of readers in London C. Londoners only great books D. Londoners buy a lot of books.‎ ‎9.According to this passage, Charing Cross Road ________.‎ A. is in the suburbs of London B. is famous for its bookshops C. contains various kinds of shops D. is the busiest street in London ‎10.In this passage, what does the underlined part “venture off the beaten track” mean?‎ A. Buy books in a most busy street. B. Move away from a busy street.‎ C. Waste time looking for books. D. Take a risk of losing one’s life.‎ ‎11.The best title for this passage is “________”.‎ A. Bookshops in London B. The biggest bookshop in the world C. Charing Cross Road D. Buying books in London D Meghan Howey, an archaeologist(考古学家) at the University of New Hampshire says, “ Humans have lived near the coast for thousands of years. In that time, they created and left behind many cultural relics that hold pieces of the past. These are famous places such as Rapa Nui in the southeastern Pacific Ocean and the canal city of Venice in Italy. But they also include many smaller and less known places. If rising seas destroy these places, we’re going to lose those people’s stories too.” ‎ David Anderson, an archaeologist at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville and other researchers recently used online information to look at the dangers created by rising seas. They found that a one-meter rise in sea level could destroy more than 13, 000 of the cultural relics in the southeastern United States. He says, “ Climate change is under way, so now it is the time to start thinking how we are going to protect the important places. We need to know what’s out there and what’s caused or else it may become too late to save at least some of these places. ‎ Efforts to control the worst influences from climate change, including the sea level rise, will require cutting greenhouse-gas emissions(排放物)or taking steps to control flooding in important areas. Another method might be to move cultural treasures. But it’s unlikely that the capital to do that will be saved or collected to pay for every site. And some treasures simply can’t be moved.‎ If researchers used only traditional methods to map those places, most would be gone before you got to them. Satellites with cameras and other tools, however, can more quickly and easily find and map many of these places. ‎ ‎“ Scanning(扫描)and imaging tools can help ," says Mark D. McCoy, an archaeologist at Southern Methodist University. “ High-resolution digital photography can make detailed images. Computer technologies also can create 3-D virtual(虚拟的)reality models.”‎ ‎12. What will happen to the cultural relics according to Meghan Howey?‎ A. They will be harmed by rising seas.‎ B. They will lose people's attention.‎ C. They will become more crowded.‎ D. Their old stories will not survive.‎ ‎13. What does David Anderson encourage people to do?‎ A. Take immediate action to save the cultural relics.‎ B. Collect information about the cultural relics.‎ C. Find out the real cause of climate change.‎ D. Move the cultural relics to safe places.‎ ‎14. What can replace the underlined word “capital” in the third paragraph?‎ A. Time. B. Advice.‎ C. Fund. D. Effort.‎ ‎15. What can be helpful to deal with the problem?‎ A. Machine tools. B. Advanced technology.‎ C. Scientific research. D. Traditional methods.‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 ‎ Here are some easy steps for you to stay safe and secure on the Internet.‎ ‎ 16 Never give out your full name, address and phone number, unless it is a safe site or it is a well-known site.‎ Protect your money. Do not give out your card information unless it is a secure site. You can tell if the site is safe by looking at the lower part of your screen. 17 If it is locked, the site is secure. “Unlocked” means that you should not give a card number.‎ Don’t believe “Get Rich Quick!”. If it sounds too good to be sure--- it is! If you get an e-mail that says you can make thousands of dollars in a few days, it isn’t true. Most likely it will cost you in the end. 18 ‎ A good virus scan (杀毒软件). Update your virus scan.  19 When you buy a virus scan, it may have been on the shelves for months, so you need to update it frequently.‎ ‎ 20 Do not open e-mail attachments (附件) that are programs. Receiving these programs in e-mail is harmless, but opening and running them can be dangerous.‎ A. There is a small lock.‎ B. Stay away from these offers!‎ C. New viruses come out daily.‎ D. There are always some unsafe sites.‎ E. Keep your main e-mail address private.‎ F. Don’t give out personal information.‎ G. Protect yourself from dangerous e-mail viruses.‎ 第二部分 语言知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 ‎(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ When we got ready to go to the rink(溜冰场),Mom always helped me tie up my skates. Then she __21__ her own. Mom and I had been coming to the rink every __22__ since my lessons began. That was our deal. I went to __23__ on Tuesdays, and we skated together on Sundays. ‎ ‎ When we were ready to __24__ on the ice,Mom took my hand and put an arm around my shoulder. I looked up at Mom and smiled. She seemed __25__ but still smiled back. I took a short gliding(滑行) step,and she ‎ stepped with me,holding my hand tight. We went across the rink very __26__. After a few minutes,we __27__ in the center of the rink. I gently took my__28__ back from Mom’s and glided slowly away. ‎ While Mom stood still,I __29__ the move my teacher taught me this week. I planted one foot on the __30__,leaning forward a little. I slowly raised my back foot as __31__ as I could behind me. I stopped and __32__ a moment when some bigger kids skated quickly by. “OK,Mom. It’s __33__,”I said. “In fact,there is __34__ to be afraid of. Skating alone is no __35__ than skating with me. ”‎ Then I did what my teacher did when he was teaching a __36__ skater. “Watch my face,Mom,” I said. “Not your feet. Now,step. ”She took a baby step and __37__. We stayed until Mom could skate across the rink three times by herself. __38__ she was done,she glided over to me and gave me a big hug. “I __39__ you could do it,” I said. ‎ She smiled and said,“I couldn’t have done it without my excellent __40__. ”‎ ‎21.A. took off B. put on C.looked for D.threw away ‎22.A.Friday    B.day  C.month D.Sunday ‎23.A. lessons  B.parties  C.churches D.theatres ‎24.A.dance  B.jump  C.skate D.work ‎25.A.nervous B.surprised  C.angry D.upset ‎26.A.happily B.nicely  C.excitedly D.slowly ‎27.A.Changed B.stopped  C.started D.fell ‎28.A.Bag B.shoes  C.clothes D.hand ‎29.A.dropped B.Ignored C.tried D.forgot ‎30. A.ice B.floor  C.ground D.Grass ‎31.A.long B.high  C.low D.near ‎32.A.waited B.spent  C.took D.lasted ‎33.A.advice B.support  C.news D.time ‎34.A.anything B.something  C.nothing D.everything ‎35.A.easier B.harder  C.better D.happier ‎36.A.tall B.clever  C.young D.new ‎37.A.continued B.left  C.sat D.cried ‎38.A.Before B.Though  C.When D.If ‎39.A.remembered B.knew  C.agreed D.heard ‎40.A.neighbor B.student  C.teacher D.Boss 第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ When I was 14, I was employed for an after-school job selling subscription (订购) to my hometown newspaper, the Houston Post. I 41 (send) to some of the city’s worst neighborhoods to ask door to door. Even though I was often searching for garage apartments after dark, I was grateful 42 the work. It was a challenge because people didn't like 43 stranger to knock on their door, especially a kid 44 (try) to get them to buy something. One time,a man slammed(砰地关上) 45 (he) door in my face and screamed, “I don’t want a paper”. 46 I forced myself to knock again and was able to tell him how great the paper was. I ended up selling him a subscription. I was soon 47 the top subscription sellers and, like other successful salesmen, was given the 48 (responsible) for training newcomers. Having all those doors slammed in my face as a kid 49 (give) me the strength to stand up again , 50 helped me a lot in my life.‎ 第三部分 写作 (共两节,满分35)‎ 第一节 短文改错 (共10 小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎ 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ In Canada, volunteering is an extreme common thing. Recently I’m volunteering for a charity, help the teachers at a school. I’m in the charge of a class of small children. One teacher asked me to help a girl draw a picture, that was based on the word “grateful”. As I was drawing with him in the classroom, I found it interesting work with children. When class was over, I felt exciting and even proud of which I’d done. In my opinion, being helpful is one of the most important quality to have. Volunteering offer us a chance to develop social skills and gain valuable experience.‎ 第二节:书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假定你是李华,是你校足球队的队长(captain),请你用英语给你市足球队的外籍运动员Robert写一封邮件。内容包括:‎ ‎1. 你喜欢Robert的原因;2. 你的梦想;3. 希望他能来你校访问并指导。‎ 注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎

