2020届二轮复习阅读理解阅读技能指导之(五) 如何理清句间结构之让步

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2020届二轮复习阅读理解阅读技能指导之(五) 如何理清句间结构之让步

2020 届二轮复习阅读理解阅读技能指导之(五) 如何理清句间结构之让步 表示让步关系的标志词:although, though, while, even if, even though, whether ... or (not) ...等。 [高考典例 1] 2016•天津卷•完形填空 Then came the final awards ceremony at the end of the year. Cathy didn't expect any award but was still there to 30(cheer_on) her friends and praise their accomplishments. As the ceremony was nearing the end, I suddenly heard the head coach 31(announcing),_ “ The highest honor goes to Cathy!” Looking around, he continued, “Cathy has inspired us with her 32(will) and enthusiasm. __33__ skills and talents bring great success, the most valuable asset (财富) one can hold is the heart.” 33.A.Although          B.Since C.Once D.Because [分析] “skills and talents bring great success”(技能和天赋给我们带来巨大的成功)和“the most valuable asset one can hold is the heart”(一个人所拥有的最有价值的财富是内心)之间是 让步关系,所以选 although 引导让步状语从句。 [高考典例 2] 2015•江苏卷•完形填空 I'm an ambitious 40(writer),_and when I started going through chemo (化疗), even though I'm a very __41__ person, I lost my drive to write. I was just too tired and not in the 42(mood). One day, while waiting to go in for 43(treatment),_I had one of Dr. Bernie's books in my hand. Another patient 44(noticed) what I was reading and struck up a conversation with me 45(because) he had one of his books with him as well. It 46(turned_out) that among other things, he was an eighty­year­old writer. He was 47(actually) a published author, and he was currently 48(working) on a new book. 41.A.positive B.agreeable C.humorous D.honest [分析] 联系后文所说的“我失去了写作的动力”,并结合 even though 表示让步可知,此处 表示即使我是一个积极乐观的(positive)人。 [高考典例 3] 2012•山东卷•完形填空 Kurt and Rita receive no 52(payment) for their hard work. “We feel like parents,” says Rita, “ and parents shouldn't 53(expect) money for helping their children. The love we get on the streets is our salary.” Though Rita admits she often gets __54__, she says she will continue with her work because she likes the feeling of having made a 55(difference) in the world. 54.A.surprised B.excited C.tired D.amused [分析] 由句中的 Though 可知,空处所在句是一个表示让步的句子。句意:尽管 Rita 承认 常常感到累(tired),但她说她会继续这种工作,因为她喜欢这种让世界变得不同的感觉。 [高考典例 4] 2012•江苏卷•完形填空 The desire to be connected has brought solitude to an 39(end) as we've known it.People have become so 40(reachable) in the world of networks and connections that one can often be contacted __41__ they'd rather not be.Today we can talk, text, e­mail, chat and blog (写博客), not only from our 42(computers),_but from our mobile phones as well. 41.A.even if B.only if C.as if D.if only [分析] 由本句的语境可知,即使他们不希望被联系到,也经常有人联系他们。even if “即 使,虽然”,引导让步状语从句,符合语境。 [课下语篇提能练]    40 分钟 Ⅰ.阅读理解 (2019•武汉模拟)It could have been any of us, but it happened to be me.I received a brief 18 months of undivided attention and love as the only child before three more appeared.The second was a severe blow.No doubt, learning the need to share was important, but I had tasted the life of an only child. Then came years of requests to look after the siblings (兄弟姐妹), being urged that, “You should be setting a better example.” Again and again the others got away with doing wrong but I didn't.We each played our roles: the second one who later skipped school to meet boys; the ever so attractive third, the boy who could do no wrong; and finally the surprise appearance of the fourth, who seemed certain to be spoiled.So that left me: the reasonable, quiet one who got the grades, did the housework and became a chameleon ( 善 变 的 人 ) — skilled at reading a situation and being what was needed. Then eventually came the chance to be the first to leave and experience life outside, not defined (给……下定义) as the eldest.The moment I had waited for.But now, many years later, being the eldest matters again.It's down to me to take the lead in caring for our parents.All the time I was made to learn about sharing; however, when it comes to responsibility, it no longer seems to apply.The others are too busy, too far away, or too unconcerned.So dutifully I travel many times across the country for hours to provide care and support.Requests to my siblings to help out more fall on deaf ears.To me, the dutiful firstborn, it feels like the right and only thing to do; to be there for our parents as they were for us.Sadly, that feeling isn't shared by the second, third or fourth. 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者在弟弟妹妹出生之前享受着父母亲全部的关心和爱,但 随着弟弟妹妹的出生,作者必须承担照顾他们的责任。成年后,作者还要承担照顾父母亲的 责任,作者觉得那是一件正确的事情,但其弟弟妹妹却没有这种责任感。 1.How does the writer comment on the four children in the second paragraph? A.Angrily and bitterly. B.Angrily and proudly. C.Bitterly and humorously. D.Humorously and proudly. 解析:选 C 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“the second one who later skipped school to meet boys ... who seemed certain to be spoiled”可推知,作者在第二段中对四个孩子的评论是充满 苦涩和幽默的。 2.How did the writer develop his social skills? A.Through hard work. B.With the parents' help. C.At the parents' request. D.In practice for effectiveness. 解析:选 C 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Then came years of requests to look after the siblings (兄弟姐妹), being urged that, ‘You should be setting a better example.’”和“So that left me ...being what was needed.”可推知,作者是在父母亲的要求下发展自己的交际能力的。 3.What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refer to? A.To care for our parents.    B.To help the young. C.To live outside alone. D.To travel nationwide. 解析:选 A 代词指代题。根据最后一段中的“to take the lead in caring for our parents”和 画线词所在句后的“to be there for our parents”可知,此处 it 指照顾父母。 4.What can we learn from the text? A.The writer hates to be the eldest. B.The writer feels proud of his role. C.The writer is satisfied with his attempt. D.The writer is regretful about the siblings. 解析:选 D 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Sadly, that feeling isn't shared by the second, third or fourth.”可推知,作者对弟弟妹妹感到遗憾。 Ⅱ.完形填空 (2019•洛阳第一次统考)I never expected to go to the University of Michigan. I grew up in a small Midwest town where college wasn't __1__ by any means. Many students entered the workplace __2__ out of high school. For a long time, that's where I thought I would __3__. At some point during my senior year, I started __4__ everywhere, just because I wanted to see __5__ I would get. I had the required grades and the ACT (American College Testing) __6__, but I came from a town of nowhere. So you can imagine the emotions of __7__ I had when I received a big envelope in the mail with the word “__8__”written across the top. Now that the opportunity was open to me, I decided to go. I had received __9__ aid and scholarships, which I think was a __10__ factor (因素) in the decision. But my parents didn't see __11__ college as an opportunity for me to build up my __12__. And it seemed that no matter how much work I __13__, it would just be considered a waste of __14__. I often felt I was lacking __15__. I did the application all by myself. After moving to the college, I did two jobs and paid for my __16__ and bills. Looking back on it now, I feel that it wasn't __17__ to be self­reliant. But in the long run, I __18__ the lack of support I had at such a key point in my life which taught me to be __19__ and responsible in hard times, to go beyond __20__ and to try things I never thought I would ever be able to try. I believe that's what college is all about. 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者出生在美国中西部的一个小城镇,从来没有想过能上大 学,但作者通过自己的努力最终考上了大学并通过打工支付自己的学费和日常花销。作者通 过自己的经历告诉我们,生活中的困难教会我们独立和有责任心,我们要尝试从来没有想过 自己能做的事情。 1.A.expected         B.envied C.admired D.afforded 解析:选 A 根据空前后可知,作者在美国中西部的一个小城镇长大,很多学生在高中毕业 后就工作了,所以作者没有料到自己一个来自小城镇的人能上大学。expect“期待,料想”; envy“羡慕,妒忌”;admire“欣赏,赞赏”;afford“负担得起”。 2.A.straight B.randomly C.late D.happily 解析:选 A 根据上文可知,作者没有料到自己会上大学,因为这儿的很多学生高中毕业后 直接(straight)就去工作了。straight“直接地,立即”;randomly“随机地,随意地”;late“晚, 迟”;happily“快乐地,高兴地”。 3.A.work up B.put up C.end up D.pick up 解析:选 C 根据上文可知,作者没有料到自己能上大学,认为自己最终也会和其他学生一 样高中毕业后直接去工作。work up“激发”;put up“建造”;end up“(尤指经历一系列意 外后)最终处于,到头来”;pick up“拾起”。 4.A.delivering B.applying C.registeringD.competing 解析:选 B 此处表示在高中毕业那年的某个时候,作者开始到处申请(大学)。根据常识可 知,想要上大学需要进行申请。第三段倒数第二句中的“I did the application”也是提示。deliver “发表,递送”;apply“申请”;register“登记,注册”;compete“竞争,竞赛”。 5.A.when B.whether C.how D.where 解析:选 D 分析空处所在句的结构可知,从句“________ I would get”中缺少地点状语。 6.A.qualifications B.diplomas C.scores D.certificates 解析:选 C 根据本句中的“required grades”及“the ACT(American College Testing)”可知, 作者达到所要求的成绩和 ACT 分数(scores)。此处“grades”与“scores”同义。qualification “资格,学历”;diploma“文凭,学位证书”;score“分数,成绩”;certificate“证明书, 文凭”。 7.A.anxiety B.relief C.calmness D.conflict 解析:选 D 根据上文中的“I had the required grades and the ACT (American College Testing) ________, but I came from a town of nowhere”可知,作者达到了大学的申请条件,但觉得 自己来自一个不知名的小镇,因此心情矛盾(conflict)。anxiety“焦虑,忧虑”;relief“宽慰, 安心”;calmness“平静,冷静”;conflict“矛盾,冲突”。 8.A.Wishes B.Regards C.Cheers D.Congratulations 解析:选 D 根据下文中的“Now that the opportunity was open to me, I decided to go.”可知, 作者最终上了大学,故信封上的字应是“祝贺”。regards“致意,问候”;cheers“干杯(用于 祝酒)”;congratulations“祝贺”。 9.A.financial B.spiritual C.academic D.parents' 解析:选 A 根据下文的“scholarships”可知,作者得到了助学金和奖学金。financial aid “(高等院校的)助学金,助学贷款”。spiritual“精神的”;academic“学术的”。 10.A.boring B.driving C.discouraging D.promising 解析:选 B 根据上文可知,作者获得了经济上的帮助,这推动了作者决定去上大学。boring “无聊的”;driving“推进的,起推动作用的”;discouraging“令人沮丧的”;promising“有 前途的,有希望的”。 11.A.adjusting B.attending C.dropping D.managing 解析:选 B 根据上文可知,作者决定去上大学,但是作者的父母不把上大学看作是作者发 展潜能的机会。attend college“上大学”。adjust“调整”;drop“终止,放弃”。 12.A.morality B.survival C.potential D.confidence 解析:选 C 参见上题解析。morality“道德”;survival“幸存,生存”;potential“潜能”; confidence“自信”。 13.A.get in B.take in C.put inD.persist in 解析:选 C 根据语境可知,似乎无论作者付出多少努力,都只是被看作浪费时间。get in “到达”;take in“欺骗”;put in“投入(时间、精力)”;persist in“坚持,执意”。 14.A.space B.money C.resource D.time 解析:选 D 参见上题解析。 15.A.support B.courage C.motivationD.concern 解析:选 A 根据空后的“I did the application all by myself.”及第四段第二句中的“lack of support”可知,没有人支持帮助作者。support“支持,帮助”;courage“勇气”;motivation “动力,积极性”;concern“关切”。 16.A.feasts B.necessities C.seminars D.majors 解析:选 B 上大学之后,作者做了两份工作,独立支付日用必需品的开销和学费。feast “筵席,宴会”;necessity“必需品”;seminar“讨论会,研讨班”;major“专业”。 17.A.hard B.right C.easy D.awkward 解析:选 C 现在回想一下,作者感觉自力更生并不容易。根据后一句中的“But”可知, 作者认为自力更生不容易,但却从中受益匪浅。 18.A.ignore B.appreciate C.forget D.disapprove 解析:选 B 从长远来看,作者感激在生命的关键时刻缺少帮助这件事情,这教会作者在困 难时期独立并有责任心,教会作者超越预期并且尝试从来没有想过自己能尝试的事情。 ignore“忽视,不理”;appreciate“感激,欣赏”;forget“忘记”;disapprove“不同意”。 19.A.independent B.easy­going C.honest D.considerate 解析:选 A 参见上题解析。independent“独立的”;easy­going“随和的”;honest“诚实 的”;considerate“考虑周到的”。 20.A.recognition B.description C.control D.expectation 解析:选 D 作者在文章开头提到从来没料到自己能上大学,此处与此呼应,故选 D 项。 recognition“识别,承认”;description“描述”;control“控制”;expectation“期待,预期”。 Ⅲ.语法填空 (2019 • 兰 州 诊 断 ) Chinese scientist Guo Huadong on Tuesday published an article on the website of the academic journal Nature, calling on scientists to build a digital Silk Road to make __1__ best of big data. Guo, __2__ is an academician with the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), said in the article that __3__ (share) big data from satellite imagery and other earth observations in the regions covered by China's Belt and Road Initiative is key to sustainability (可持续发展). Guo underlined that the __4__ (environment) are diverse and fragile with various natural dangers in the regions. He believes a combination of __5__ (accuracy), reliable and timely scientific observations of ecosystems __6__ (be) vital. Guo has been chairman of the Digital Belt and Road Program which __7__ (set) up in 2016 by Chinese scientists teaming up __8__ experts from 19 countries and 7 international organizations. The aim of the Digital Belt and Road Program is __9__ (improve) environmental monitoring, promote data sharing and support policymaking, Guo said. In the article, Guo also __10__ (sincere) invited more natural and social scientists to join the shared effort. 语篇解读:本文是一篇新闻报道。文章报道了中国科学院院士郭华东在《自然》上发表评论 文章,呼吁各国家充分利用“地球大数据”,携手共建“数字丝绸之路”。 1.the 考查冠词。make the best of 表示“充分利用”,是固定搭配,故填 the。 2.who 考查定语从句。空处所填词引导非限制性定语从句,指代人,并在从句中作主语, 故用 who。 3.sharing 考查非谓语动词。此处为动名词短语在 that 引导的从句中作主语,表示主动关 系及一般性动作。 4.environments 考查名词。根据后面的 are 可知此处要用名词的复数形式,故填 environments。 5 . accurate   考 查 形 容 词 。 空 处 所 填 词 与 reliable 和 timely 并 列 , 修 饰 scientific observations,故用形容词 accurate (精确的,准确的)。 6.is 考查动词的时态和主谓一致。此处说的是现在的客观情况,故用一般现在时;主语 为“a combination of ...”,谓语要用第三人称单数形式,故填 is。 7.was set 考查动词的时态和语态。由 in 2016 可知,谓语要用一般过去时;which(指代先 行词 the Digital Belt and Road Program)与 set up 之间是被动关系,故用被动语态,所以填 was set。 8.with 考查介词。team up with 意为“与……合作或一起工作”,故填 with。 9.to improve 考查非谓语动词。空处所填词作表语,表示目的及主动关系,故要用不定式 to improve。 10.sincerely 考查副词。空处所填词修饰谓语动词,故要用副词 sincerely(真诚地)。 Ⅳ.短文改错 Six­year­old Ismail Zulfic was born without arms and used to be scary of going into the water after a incident in a pool. So that changed when the little boy met Amel Kapo.He sets up a local swimming club after noticing how disabled kids struggled to swim in pools for lack of special equipments for them. Kapo taught Zulfic swim.Zulfic was able to swim well after a little months of practice.He even won a gold medal in a local swimming competition for disabled people, finish well ahead of other swimmers. This butterfly without wings shows up that desire, will and perseverance are things that real pay off. 答案:第一句:scary→scared; 第一个 a→an 第二句:So→But 第三句:sets→set; equipments→equipment 第四句:swim 前加 to 第五句:little→few 第六句:finish→finishing 第七句:去掉 up; real→really

