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Module 3 My First Ride on a Train学案 ‎ 基础自主回顾 Ⅰ.课标单词 1.__________(n.)专家 2.__________(n.)运动场;体育场 3.________________(n.)幼儿园 4.__________(n.)事件 5.__________(n.)仪式 6.__________(n.)距离→__________(adj.)遥远的 expert stadium kindergarten event ceremony distance distant 7.__________(adj.)被遗弃的→__________(v.)遗弃;抛弃 8.__________(n.)产品→__________(v.)生产→__________(n.)生产 9.__________(n.)风景;景色→__________(n.)场景;景色 10.__________(vt.)射杀→__________(n.)射击;枪声 11.__________(n.)旅程→__________(n.)旅程(短途) 12.__________(vt.)训练→__________(n.)→__________(n.)训练师;教练 abandoned abandon product produce production scenery scene shoot shot journey train training trainer trip  13.__________(vt.)使吃惊;惊吓→__________(n.)惊吓;害怕→__________(adj.)令人吃惊的→__________(adj.)感到惊吓的 14.__________(n.)面试;面谈→__________(n.)(面试时的)主考官;面谈者→__________(n.)参加面试者;接受采访者 15.__________(adj.)疲惫不堪的→__________(vt.)使疲惫不堪 frighten fright frightening frightened interview interviewer interviewee exhausted exhaust Ⅱ.常用短语 1.____________上/下(车、船等) 2.____________上(车);进入,陷入;养成……的习惯 3.____________下(车);出去;逃避 4.____________是……的缩写/简称 5.____________以……的速度 6.____________(飞机)起飞;变得成功;脱掉(衣服)‎ get on/off get into get out of ‎ be short for at a speed of take off 7.____________不再 8.____________过时 9.____________指的是;查阅;涉及;提到 10.__________________在20世纪30年代 ‎ ‎11.____________多于,不仅仅 12.____________向……射击 not...any more out of date refer to in the1930s/1930‘s more than shoot at Ⅲ.重点句型 ‎1.Where ____________ most of the people live, in the central part of the country or on the coast? 你认为大多数人生活在哪里,国家的中部还是沿海?‎ ‎ 答案:do you think ‎2.________________! 多棒的旅程啊!‎ ‎ 答案:And what a ride! 3.The Afghans and their camels did this ________ the 1920s. 直到20世纪20年代,阿富汗人和他们的骆驼还在做着这样的工作。‎ ‎ 答案:until ‎4.____________________me your ticket? ________ your ticket? 请出示你的票好吗?‎ ‎ 答案:Would you mind; showing; if I saw Ⅳ.模块语法 用所给动词的正确形式填空 ‎1.I ________(have) an exciting party last weekend.‎ 答案:had ‎2.—________ she ________(practise) her guitar yesterday? —No, she ________.‎ 答案:Did; practise; didn’t 3.—What ________ Tom ________(do) on last Saturday evening? —He ________ (watch) TV and ________(read) an interesting book.‎ ‎ 答案:did; do; watched; read ‎4.They all ________(go) to the mountains yesterday morning.‎ ‎ 答案:went ‎ ‎5.She ________(not visit) her aunt last weekend. She ________(stay) at home and ________(do) some cleaning.‎ 答案:didn‘t visit; stayed; did ‎6.—When ________ you ________(write) this song? —I ________(write) it last year.‎ 答案:did; write; wrote 7.My friend, Carol, ________(study) for the math test and ________(practise) English last night.‎ 答案:studied; practised ‎8.—________Mr. Li ________(do) the project on Monday morning? —Yes, he ________.‎ 答案:Did; do; did 9.—How ________(be) Jim’s weekend? —It ________(be not) bad.‎ 答案:was; wasn‘t ‎10.—________(be) your mother a sales assistant last year? —No, she ________.‎ 答案:Was; wasn’t 考点探究解密 考 点 解 读  1.distance n.距离;远处;远方 精讲拓展: ①in the distance在远处,在远方 at a distance稍远处 at a distance of在……远的地方 keep one‘s distance from与……保持一定距离 keep sb. at a distance与某人保持距离;不与某人亲近 within walking distance只有几步远,不远 ②distant adj.远的;远隔的;稀疏的;疏远的;冷淡的 be distant towards sb.对某人冷淡 be distant from离……远 误区警示:考试中一定要注意该名词后若跟of结构其前不用介词in。 朗文在线: ①Place the rod at a distance of 40mm from the light source. 把棒放在离光源40毫米的地方。 ②That’s Long Island in the distance over there.‎ ‎ 那边远处是长岛。‎ 命题方向:distance作为名词常考查其固定短语及其形容词distant的用法。 活学巧练: You can see the ancient ruins________a distance of 10 miles. A.in   B.at   C.by  D.to 答案与解析:B at a distance of“在……远的地方”。 2.abandoned adj.被遗弃的,放纵的,没有约束的 The sailors abandoned the burning ship. ①abandon vt.放弃,遗弃;n.放任,狂热 ②abandon oneself to沉溺于 ③abandon oneself to despair只会悲观失望 ④abandonedly adv.放荡地,堕落地 ⑤with abandon放纵,纵情 ⑥abandon doing sth.放弃做某事 ⑦abandon smoking/ship/one‘s friends戒烟/弃船/抛弃朋友 朗文在线: ①children abandoned by their parents 被父母遗弃的孩子 ②We had to abandon the car and walk the rest of the way. 我们只好弃车,步行赶剩下的路。 ③They were accused of abandoning their socialist principles. 他们被指责放弃了社会主义原则。‎ 命题方向:abandon作动词的用法及其形容词abandoned的用法是高考试题考查的重点。 活学巧练: (1)They‘re going to dive into the sea to see the__________(遗弃的)sunken ship. (2)He______________(抛弃)his wife and went away with all their money. (3)The search was_____________(终止)when night came. (4)Lu Xun__________________(放弃)medicine for literature.‎ abandoned abandoned abandoned abandoned (5)The broken bike was found________by the riverside. A.abandoning      B.‎ abandoned C.to be abandoned D.being abandoned 答案与解析:B find sth.+adj.表示“发现某物……”。句意:那辆自行车被发现遗弃在河边。 3.match v.搭配,匹配;匹敌 n.比赛;相称的配对;配偶;旗鼓相当的对手 Match the words in the box with the pictures. ①match vt.使……和……相配,协调 ②match+n./adv.和……调和,适合,与……相配 ③match+n.+to/with+n.把……和……调和起来/搭配起来 ④match+n.+in/for+n.与……匹敌,成为……的对手 ⑤match+n.+against/with+n.使……(和……)交手比赛 误区警示:考试中,要根据语言环境来确定match的含义和搭配。 朗文在线: ①I’m no match for him at tennis. 打网球我根本不是他的对手。 ②As a couple, they are not very well matched. 作为夫妻,他们并不般配。 ③The trip failed to match up to her expections. 这次旅行使她很失望。‎ 命题方向:高考中会利用语言情景来考查match与其他动词的区别。 活学巧练: (1)Her clothes don‘t________(相配)her age. (2)Something went wrong in________(平衡) supply to demand. (3)No one can________(匹敌)her in knowledge of classical music. (4)He________(与……比赛)his shooting skill against the expert’s.‎ match matching ‎ match matched (5)I don‘t think those curtains________very well with the wallpaper. A.suit   B.go   C.fit   D.match 答案与解析:D go with=match与……搭配。 4.supply vt.供应;提供;补充;满足;n.[U]供应,供给;供应量;(复)供应品,一批东西,生活用品 (1)supply sb. with sth. supply sth. to/for sb.给某人提供某物,供给某人某物 supply a need/demand 满足需要 ‎ ‎(2)a supply of... ……的供应量 a food/water supply 食物/水供应 词语辨析:supply, offer与provide ①supply与offer都表示“提供”的意思,但用法不同:supply sb. with sth.=supply sth. to/for sb.为某人提供某物 ②offer意为“提供”,常用于三种结构: offer sth.;offer to do sth.;offer sb. sth.=offer sth. to sb. ③provide意思也是“提供”,还有“装备”、“规定”之意,provide sb. with sth.=provide sth. for sb.为某人提供某物 误区警示:a supply of...表示“……的供应,供应量”,也有复数形式。‎ ‎ 朗文在线: ①Local schools supply many of the books to the workers. 当地的学校为工人提供了许多书。 ②Our supplies were running out. 我们的供给快用完了。‎ ‎ 命题方向:supply作为名词与其他名词的辨析是考查方向。 活学巧练: A new laboratory building has been built in our school,and it is ________ with advanced equipment. A.offered B.given C.supplied D.fitting 答案与解析:C 提供,如D项,则用fitted。 5.allow v.允许,容许 精讲拓展: ①allow sb.to do sth.准许某人做某事 ②allow sb.sth.允许某人有…… ③allow doing允许做…… ④allow for考虑,顾及 ⑤allow of显示……的存在;容许有……的可能 朗文在线: ①The committee allowed the oil company to build a refinery on the island. 委员会准许该石油公司在岛上建一个炼油厂。 ②The new seatbelt allows the driver greater freedom of movement. 这种新式安全带使司机活动更加自如。 ③Allowing for inflation,the cost of the project is $ 2 million. 考虑到通货膨胀因素,这个项目的费用为200万美元。 ④The facts allow of only one interpretation.‎ ‎ 这些事实只有一种解释。 误区警示:allow后若直接跟动词应跟动名词形式,若有sb.作宾语,则sb.后接不定式。‎ 词语辨析:allow,permit与let ①allow指允许某人做某事或不反对某人做某事,有消极的意味,侧重于听任、默许、不加阻止;可以和副词连用。 No smoking is allowed here. 此处禁止吸烟。 ②permit可与allow通用,含有积极的正面意义,多用于正式场合,指给予某人做某事的权利。 The doctor doesn’t permit me to stay up late. 医生不让我熬夜。 ③let多用于口语中,祈使句中用let而不用allow和permit,一般无被动式。 Let‘s go! 咱们走吧!‎ 命题方向:allow作为动词常考查其后接动名词形式或接不定式复合结构。 活学巧练: (2006·全国Ⅱ)Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself,but her parents did not________her to do so. A.forbid B.allow C.follow D.ask 答案与解析:B 不允许做。 6.refer to参考,查阅;提到,说到;涉及到…… 精讲拓展: ①refer to sth.参考,查看,查阅…… ②refer to sb./sth.提到、说到、涉及到某人/物 ③refer to sb./sth.as...称某人/物为…… ④refer sb./sth.to sb./sth.让……去查询;提交(某机构或某人)作决定 误区警示:做题时一定要注意此短语中的“to”是介词,后只能接名词性的单词或短语,不能把“to”当作不定式符号来用。 朗文在线: ①Complete the exercise without referring to a dictionary. 请在不查阅词典的情况下完成练习。 ②We agreed never to refer to the matter again. 我们一致同意不再提这件事。 ③Johnson referred to the discovery as a major breakthrough in medical science. 约翰逊称这项发现是医学领域里的一个重大突破。‎ 命题方向:refer to常以词语辨析题的形式出现在试卷中。 特别提示: ‎ ‎(1)refer也可用作及物动词,“使找(某人),把……提交”。 They referred me to the Enquiry Office. 他们让我到问询处去问。 (2)refer、prefer的过去式、过去分词、现在分词都是双写r再加-ed或-ing,即referred,preferred;referring,preferring。 活学巧练: The author________in his lecture that the example were________the current educational situation. A.referred to;referred to B.refers to;referred to C.referred to;referring to D.refers to;referring 答案与解析:C 第一空中的refer to表示“提及,谈到”,由下文的were来看,该处用一般过去时态,故B、D项不对;第二空意为“与……有关,涉及”,refer to后面已有宾语,故不表示被动,因而用现在分词形式。 7.get into进入,陷入;习惯于;开始对……感兴趣 精讲拓展: ①get into a temper发脾气 ②get into trouble/difficulties陷入麻烦/遇到困难 ③get into the habit of doing习惯于…… ④get into sth.开始感兴趣于…… ⑤get on取得进展,进步;能对付下去 ⑥get off出发,开始旅行;逃脱惩罚 ⑦get through用完,耗尽;(设法)完成;通过;电话(接通) ⑧get over从……恢复过来;使……理解 误区警示:get构成的短语一般无被动形式,做题时要注意。 朗文在线: ①Don‘t get into a mood about it. 别为这个发脾气。 ②That’s another fine mess you‘ve got me into. 你又一次让我陷入难以摆脱的困境。 ③He had gotten into the habit of walking home through the park. 他养成了步行穿过公园走回家的习惯。 ④He’s new here,but he seems to be getting on fine. 他是新来的,但他好像挺适应的。 ⑤Some people never really get over the early death of a parent. 有些人永远无法真正摆脱父亲或母亲早逝的伤痛。‎ 命题方向:get into及get的相关短语常以词语辨析题的形式出现在高考题中。 ‎ 活学巧练: 完成句子 (1)He‘s new here, ________________________________________________________________________. 他是新来的,但他好像挺适应的。‎ 答案:but he seems to be getting on fine. (2)__________________________. 有些人永远无法真正摆脱父亲或母亲早逝的伤痛。‎ 答案:Some people never really get over the early death of a parent. (3)(2007·天津)Hardly could he________this amount of work in such a short time. A.get through B.get off C.get into D.get down 答案与解析:A 完成工作。本题考查在语言环境中动词短语的辨析。 8.take off(飞机)起飞;脱掉(衣服);切除;模仿;休假;停止(运行),中止(演出等) It is said that the concert has been taken off. ①take away拿走 ②take back收回(诺言),带回 ③take care当心,小心 ④take care of照料;保管;负责 ⑤take fire=catch fire着火 ⑥take exercise进行体育锻炼 ⑦take air传播,散布 ⑧take down拿下;咽下;记下 ⑨take hold of握;抓住 ⑩take it easy别着急;从容 11 take in吸收,欺骗 12 take out去掉;取出;带出去 13 take place发生 14 take the side of支持某人/方 15 take pity on怜惜 16 take over接管,接任 17 take pride in以……为自豪 18 take part in参加 19 take the place of代替;取代 20 take turns替换;轮流 21 take up从事;拿起;分解 ‎ ‎22 take on呈现;开始从事;雇佣;具有 23 take a seat坐下,就座 24 take a message for sb.给某人捎个信儿 25 take for认为;误以为;把……错当成 26 take it for granted认为……是当然的,相当的 27 take one’s temperature测量某人的体温 28 take a photo/photos/a picture/pictures拍照 误区警示:由take构成的动词短语,语义灵活,要把握在不同语境下的正确使用。 朗文在线: ①The new magazine has really taken off. 这份新杂志真是大受欢迎。 ②I‘d like to take a day off next week. 我想下周休一天假。 ③When he saw me coming, he took off in the opposite direction. 他看见我过来就赶快转身走了。‎ 命题方向:高考中会体现由take构成的短语的辨析。 活学巧练: (1)He________(匆忙跑去)for the station at a run. (2)I’m________next week________(休假). (3)Peter will________(接任)as managing director when Bill retires. (4)She________(接着讲)the narrative where John had left off. (5)I_____________(收回)what I just said.‎ took off taking leave take over took up take back (6)Throughout the week, the young man ________ most of the work in the manager‘s office. A. took on B. took off C. took in D. took over 答案与解析:D 句意:整个星期里,这个年轻人接手了经理办公室的大部分工作。take over接管,接手;take on呈现;承担;take off脱下,起飞;take in接受,吸收。根据题意选D项。 9.be short for是……‎ 的缩写/简称 精讲拓展:‎ ‎①be short of缺乏……,缺少…… ②be short(时间、金钱等)不够的、不足的 ③run short不足;短缺 ④in short总而言之,简单地说 ⑤cut...short中断 ⑥shortage n.短缺,不足 ⑦shortly adv.不久,很快 误区警示:short作“短缺,不足”之意时是一形容词,其前不用冠词。 朗文在线: ①Her name is Alex,short for Alexandra. 她名叫Alex(亚力克斯),是Alexandra(亚力山德拉)的简称。 ②Your little girl’s not short of confidence,is she? 你的小女儿不缺乏自信,是吗? ③Money was short in those days.We had to get by on $ 30 a week. 那些日子钱不够用,我们每周只能靠30美元度日。 ④We‘re running short of coffee again. 我们的咖啡又差不多没有了。 ⑤In short,he is a liar. 总而言之,他是个说谎的人。‎ 命题方向:short在高考中常考查其形容词用法。 活学巧练: —Why didn’t you buy the camera you had longed for? —I had planned to,but I was£ 50________. A.fewer B.less C.cheap D.short 答案与解析:D 本试题在于考查学生对形容词short一词多义的理解。short在大多数情况下表示“短”,除此之外,也可表示“不足”,本题考查的是该词的第二个含义。学生做这一试题时,可从联想词组be short of入手,也可以用排除法来解答这道题,如果把fewer, less, cheap放在句子中,构成I am fewer (less, cheap)句子时,就会发现这些句子存在逻辑上的问题。 10.get on上(车、船等);进展,进行,相处;继续进行下去 ①get on/along with 进展;与……相处 ②get off 下(车、船等);动身,出发 ③get away from 避免,摆脱,离开 ④get across 讲清楚;被……理解 ‎ ‎⑤get around 传播 ⑥get down to 开始认真(做某事)(to为介词) ⑦get in 进站;收(庄稼) ⑧get into 进入;陷入;习惯于 ⑨get out of 从……出去;摆脱 ⑩get over 克服;痊愈 11 fget through 通过;完全 12 get together 欢聚 13 get in touch with 与……取得联系 误区警示:get on在不同情景中的意义不同。 朗文在线: ①How are you getting on with your English? 你的英语学得怎么样? ②He saw a girl get on the bus. 他看见一个女孩上车了。 ③The workers couldn‘t get on for lack of materials. 由于缺乏材料,工人们无法进行下去。‎ 命题方向:动词短语的辨析是高考日益着重的方向。 活学巧练: Many gifted students ________ poorly in school because they found school unchallenging and as a result lost interest. A. worked on B. got on C. lived on D. carried on 答案与解析:B 句意:许多有天赋的学生因为感到学业没有挑战性而失去兴趣,学得糟糕。live on“靠……生活,以……为食”;carry on“继续”;work on“不断工作,继续工作”;get on相当于get along意为“进行,进展”,根据句意,B项符合。 11.感叹句 What a ride! 多好的旅程啊! 感叹句的基本句型: (1)What(a/an)+n.+主语+谓语!(若句型中的名词是复数可数名词或不可数名词,则what后不加a/an),口语中也把主语和谓语省略。 (2)How+adj./adv.+主语+谓语!此结构中形容词或副词有时也可省略。 朗文在线: ①What a dirty ashtray it is! 多脏的烟灰缸呀! ②What beautiful colors they are!‎ ‎ 多美的色彩! ③How lucky he is! 他是多么幸运呀! ④How time flies!=How fast time flies! 时间过得真快啊! ⑤How they are working!=How hard they are working! 他们干得多努力呀! 活学巧练: ________ girl she is! A.What clever B.How clever C.What clever a D.How clever a 答案与解析:D 考查感叹句型的结构。 12.-ed形式作定语 (1)及物动词的-ed形式表被动意义或完成意义。 respected leader受尊敬的领导 excited children激动的孩子们 动词的-ed形式作定语说明所修饰的名词的状态,-ed形式在一定程度上失去了被动的意义,而是一个形容词。 puzzled look疑惑的表情 disappointed children沮丧的孩子们 (2)不及物动词的-ed形式一般不表示被动的意义,只表示完成意义。这类-ed形式很少能单独作前置定语,可这样用的只有少数表示位置转移或状态改变的动词的-ed形式。 the gone days逝去的日子 fallen leaves落叶 risen sun升起的太阳 (3)动词的-ed形式可构成合成词作前置定语。 widely-used language广泛应用的语言 school-run factory校办工厂 man-made satellite人造卫星 highly-developed industry高度发展的工业 (4)分词短语常放在被修饰的名词之后作后置定语。 a letter written in pencil用铅笔写的信 a book recommended by the teacher老师推荐的书 13.过去时态的时间状语 一般过去时主要用来表示过去某时发生的动作或状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用。如:常与when,then,at that time,just now,a moment ago,three days ‎ ago,last year,yesterday,in 2004等连用,但更多的是通过上下文来表明时间。 其用法主要体现在以下几个方面: (1)一般过去时表示过去某一时刻或者某一段时间发生的动作或者状态。 Last night we went to enjoy a good performance. 昨天晚上我们看了一场不错的演出。 I usually sleep indoors,but I slept outdoors last summer. 我通常是在屋里睡觉,但去年夏天我是在屋外睡的。 I can‘t find the dictionary.Someone put it on the top of the bookshelf. 我找不到词典,有人把它放在书架顶上了。 (2)表示过去的习惯动作,通常同时间状语或者频度状语连用。 He smoked a lot five years ago. 五年前他吸烟很厉害。 活学巧练: (1)—Excuse me?Is Mr. Brown living here? —Sorry.He ________ to some other place. A.is moving B.moved C.has moved D.had moved 答案与解析:C 由文中的Is Mr. Brown living here可推断应用现在完成时态,表示对现在的影响和结果。 (2)(2009·江西临川一中)—It’s a long time since we met last.Haven‘t you graduated from college yet? —________.I ________ English for four years in Nanjing University. A.No;study B.Yes;have studied C.No;am studying D.Yes;studied 答案与解析:D 本题考查时态,句中的yes,翻译成“不,我毕业了”。“我在南京学了四年英语”仅指曾经有过这个动作,不强调对现在的影响,故用一般过去时态。 (3)She might have been in time for the train,but she ________ late. A.started B.has started C.was to start D.had started 答案与解析:A 前半句为虚拟语气“他本来有可能赶上火车”,而后半句则是一个过去的事实。 (4)My watch ________ at nine o’clock,but now it ________. A.went;stopped B.was going;stop C.went;is stopping D.was going;has stopped 答案与解析:D 句意:我的表9点还走,但现在停了。根据句意,9点表在走为过去进行的动作,stop这一动作对现在有影响,故选D项。 (5)(2009·华中师大附中)With film tickets‘ prices rising,TV ________ over as the typical way of watching a game for the young and the old. A.was taken B.had ‎ taken C.has taken D.is taken 答案与解析:C 句意:随着电影票价的上升,电视取代电影成为老年人和年轻人观看节目的典型方式。take over这一动作对目前有影响,故用现在完成时态。 考 题 演 练1.All morning as she waited for the medical report from the doctor, her nervousness ________. A. has grown B. is growing C. grew D. had grown 答案与解析:C 本题考查一般过去时的用法。本题的语境为一般过去时,关键词as引导时间状语从句时,表示主句的动作和从句的动作同时进行,故正确答案为C。 2.Edward, you play so well. But I ________ you played the piano. A. didn’t know B. hadn‘t known C. don’t know D. haven‘t known 答案与解析:A 本题考查动词的时态。在做此类题时应先找句中是否有时间状语,如有时间状语则时间很容易确定。如没有时间状语则要根据上下句的暗示寻找答案。句意:Edward,你弹的真好。但是我以前不知道你会弹钢琴。根据句意知是以前不知道,现在听他弹了并作了评价应该是现在知道了,故用一般过去时态。 3.I tried phoning her office, but I couldn’t ________. A. get along B. get on C. get to D. get through 答案与解析:D 本题考查动词词组。要求考生在平时学习中注意多积累,厚积薄发会有好的效果。句意:我试着给她办公室打电话,但打不通。get along进展;get on上车;get to到达,均不合题意。 4.It took ________ building supplies to construct these energy-saving houses. It took brains, too. A. other than B. more than C. rather than D. less than 答案与解析:B 本题考查固定短语的表达。句意:建造这些节能房屋,不仅仅要花费建筑材料,还要付出智力。more than在句中意为“不仅仅”,修饰名词。other than不同于,除了;rather than宁可……也不愿,与其……倒不如;less than不到,少于。 5.Scientists have many theories about how the universe ________ into being. A. came B. was coming C. had come D. would come 答案与解析:A 本题考查时态。注意题干中的标志性词汇和语境。宇宙形成是过去的事情,故用一般过去时态。 6.—You speak very good French! —Thanks. I ________ French in Sichuan University for four years. A. studied B. study C. was studying D. had studied 答案与解析:A 本题考查时态的用法,应根据具体的语境选择正确的时态。句意:——你法语说得很好!——谢谢。我在四川大学学了四年法语。此处表示过去某一段时间所进行的动作,纯粹是过去的事实,与现在没有关系,故用一般过去时。 7.It‘s going to rain. Xiao Feng, will you please help me ________ the clothes on the ‎ line? A. get off B. get back C. get in D. get on 答案与解析:C 本题考查动词短语的辨析。解答此类题目的关键是在日常学习中积累丰富的词汇知识。A项表示“下车”;B项表示“回来”;C项表示“收集,收获”;D项表示“前进,进展”。表达“收衣服”要用get in clothes。 8.—Sorry, do you mind if I smoke here? —Yes, ________. A. you could B. go ahead C. I do D. my pleasure 答案与解析:C 本题考查交际用语。正确理解题干设置的语境是解题的关键。句意:——对不起,你介意我在这里吸烟吗?——介意,________。根据语境,答话人应该是拒绝了对方的请求,所以选择C项,表示“我的确介意”。 Module 3 My First Ride on a Train Ⅰ.根据句意,用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空 event frighten supply be short for passenger scene abandon refer to expert interview 1.In this book, GK________Greek.‎ ‎ 答案:is short for ‎2.At a special swimming pool in Los Angeles,children become________at holding their breath under water even before they can walk.‎ ‎ 答案:experts ‎3.He________his wife and went alone to USA to make money.‎ ‎ 答案:abandoned ‎4.It is necessary to be prepared for a job________.Having the answers ready will be of great help.‎ ‎ 答案:interview 5.The scientist________the important discovery in his report at the meeting.‎ 答案:referred to ‎6.At the sight of the snake,the girl was almost________to death.‎ 答案:frightened ‎7.The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games have been one of the greatest sports________in human history.‎ 答案:events 8.All the tourists were deeply struck by the beautiful________of the West Lake.‎ ‎ 答案:scenery ‎9.I particularly noticed two middle-aged________get on the bus. 答案:passengers ‎10.All the rooms are________with air-conditioners.‎ ‎ 答案:supplied Ⅱ.单项填空 ‎ ‎1.—Do you want tea or coffee? —________.I really don‘t mind. A.Both        B.None C.Either D.Neither 答案与解析:C 句意:你想喝茶还是咖啡?什么都可以,我真的不在乎。both“两者都”,表示肯定;none“(三者或三者以上)一个也没有, 毫无”,表示否定;neither“两者都不”,表示否定;either“(两者之中)任何一个都可以”,表示肯定。根据句意可判断A、B、D三个选项错误。 2.There is ________ bread in the cupboard,________? A.no more;is there B.not any more;isn’t there C.no longer;is there D.not any longer;isn‘t there 答案与解析:A 依据反意疑问句的用法,即:前肯后否和前否后肯,可判断选项B、D错误;另外no more多指数量上“不再”,no longer多指时间上“不再……”,根据句意“在橱柜里不再有面包,是不是?”可判断C项错误。 3.Rather than ________ on a crowded bus,he always prefers ________ a bicycle. A.ride;ride B.riding;ride C.ride;to ride D.to ride;riding 答案与解析:C prefer...rather than...宁愿……而不愿……,后面接动词时,在prefer后接带to的不定式,在rather than后接动词原形。 4.The last ________ of the play was very impressive. A.view B.sight C.scenery D.scene 答案与解析:D 此题考查近义词辨析,即:scene指具体的、局部的或一时的景色,可以是自然形成的,也可人工造成的,如戏剧、电影等的一场, 场景,布景;view普通用词,多指从远处或高处所见的景色;sight侧重指旅游观光的风光,包括城市景色或自然风光景色,也可指人造景物或奇特的景色;scenery指一个国家或某一地区的整体自然风景。根据句意判断A、B、C三个选项不适合。 5.The ship happened to sink with its passengers on board 200 miles off the ________ island. A.abandoning B.abandoned C.deserting D.left 答案与解析:B 此题考查过去分词作前置定语,故A、C两项错误;另外还涉及近义词辨析,即:abandon强调永远或完全放弃或抛弃人或事物等;desert着重指违背法律责任和义务,或自己的信仰与誓言的行为,多含非难的意味;leave普通用词,指舍弃某事或某一职业,或终止同某人的关系,但不涉及动机与结果。根据句意可判断C,D两项错误。 6.—How do you go to work? —I usually ________ on the bus. A.drive B.travel C.ride D.take 答案与解析:C 理解区分四个选项:drive“驾驶(汽车等)”, travel“旅行”;ride“骑马, 乘车; 骑马(或乘车)旅行;乘坐, 搭坐(+on/in)”;take“乘(车), 搭(船)”,根据句意可判断A,B,D三个选项错误。 ‎ ‎7.He made another wonderful discovery,________ of great importance to science. A. which I think is B. which I think it is C. which I think it D. I think which is 答案与解析:A 此题考查的是非限制性定语从句和插入语。 which 在从句中作主语,代替 the discovery。做这类题目的方法是先将插入语 I think 去掉,然后再将句子还原成为“He made another wonderful discovery,which is of great importance to science.”问题就迎刃而解了。 8.After his journey from abroad, Richard returned home,________. A.exhausting B.exhausted C.being exhausted D.having exhausted 答案与解析:B 此题也是考查过去分词作结果状语,而其逻辑主语与句子的主语一致都是Richard,逻辑主语省去了。此题可以改为两个并列句:After his journey from abroad, Richard returned home, and he was exhausted. 9.He told me about the things ________ at the coming meeting. A.to discuss B.being discussed C.discussed D.to be discussed 答案与解析:D 句意:他告诉了我关于在即将召开的会议上要讨论的事情的情况。 理解句意判断题目考查不定式作定语。 10.________ alone in the dark room, the little boy was so frightened as to cry. A.Leaving B.Having left C.To be left D.Left 答案与解析:D 句意:由于一人被留在那个黑屋子里那个小男孩害怕得哭起来。理解句意判断题目考查过去分词作原因状语。 11.She was wearing a dress with a hat and gloves to ________. A.agree B.fit C.suit D.match 答案与解析:D 句意:女孩穿着一条裙子,带着一顶帽子和与之相配的手套。 match表品质、颜色、设计等方面匹配,即:与……相配; fit作及物动词:适合,配上,合身,使人适应;作不及物动词,表吻合,合身; suit表适合,常强调颜色、式样等适合某人,而fit则强调大小合身。 12.The reporter said that the UFO ________ from east to west when he saw it. A.was travelling B.travelled C.had been travelling D.was to travel 答案与解析:A 本题考查时态,可以从“时间状语”入手,寻找信息。该句中的 when he saw it暗示了主句谓语所表示的动作正在进行,全句综合判断空格处谓语动词时态是过去进行时。 13.He found the maths problem easy ________. A.to work out B.to be worked out C.to be working out D.worked out 答案与解析:A 本题考查不定式用法。work out 与he之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系,故B、D两项排除;C项表示不定式表示的动作与谓语动作同时发生,与句子表达不符合。 14.He took ________ his raincoat and went into the ‎ room. A.off B.up C.on D.away 答案与解析:A 理解下列短语的意义:take off“脱下; 移去”,take up“开始从事;占用,花去”,take on“穿上,呈现;承担”,take away“带走,拿走”;根据句意可判断选项B, C, D三项错误。 15.I want to find a place ________ I am to pay a visit during the holiday. A.to that B.to which C.which D.that 答案与解析:B 固定短语pay a visit to ...“参观,访问”;介词+关系代词引导非限制定语从句,应用which,不能用that,故选项A, C, D错误。 Ⅲ.翻译句子 1.Her husband could no more do without her than she could without him. (no more...than) ________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:她离不开她丈夫,她丈夫也离不开她。 2.我刚才提到的那位老师将来给你们上英语课。(refer to) ________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:The teacher I referred to just now will teach you English. 3.I didn‘t have to walk far before I found a small house standing in a field with a light shining from the sitting room. ________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:我没有走多远就发现田野里有一座小房子,起居室的灯光闪烁。 4.据说数千大学生参加了招工面试。(interview) ________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:It was said that thousands of college graduates came to the job interview. 5.这次选举是2010年的主要大事。(event) ________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:The election was the main event of 2010. Ⅳ.阅读理解 Transport Guide The Brisbane City Council (BCC) is responsible for bus and ferry services within the city limits and suburbs. Most buses will either arrive at the city or an interchange where connecting buses can be caught. BCC buses operate from 530 a.m. to 1100 p.m. Monday to Thursday and 530 a.m. to 1200 a.m. on Fridays. On weekends and public holidays buses operate less frequently. Pre-paid bus tickets can be purchased from the QUT ‎ ‎ (Queensland University of Technology) bookshop, the campus newsagency, most other newsagencies and general stores, and any BCC Customer Service Centre. Short-term students at QUT cannot use their ID cards to gain a discount fare on BCC public transport. You will need to buy an adult ticket to travel. Bus fares are dependent on the number of zones you have to travel. several types of tickets: Single: one way ticket to reach your destination, including transfers within 2 hours. Daily: unlimited travel within the zones. Off-peak Daily: discounted unlimited travel between 900 a.m. and 330 p.m. and after 700 p.m. Monday to Friday, and all day on weekends and public holidays. Weekly: unlimited travel within the zones for one week from the date of issue. Monthly: unlimited travel within the zones for one calendar month from the date of issue. Ten-trip Saver: 10 trips at any time within the zones on buses and ferries only. Transport routes, timetables and fare information are available from: Public Transport Information Centre 69 Ann Street (corner of George St) Brisbane City Phone 13 12 30(Transport Information Service) 1.The transport guide above is most likely provided by ________. A. Public Transport Information Centre B. the Brisbane City Council C. Queensland University of Technology D. BCC Customer Service Centres 答案与解析:C 推理判断题。本文的主要内容是向学生介绍如何乘车,所以最有可能提供这些信息的就是大学。 2.We can learn from the passage that ________. A. buses are scheduled as usual on weekends and public holidays B. regular students at QUT need to buy adult tickets C. pre-paid tickets can be bought from the Public Transport Information Centre D. ten-trip Savers can be used at off-peak time 答案与解析:D 细节理解题。由原文Off-peak Daily和Ten-trip Saver两种票的解释可知。 3.An exchange student staying at QUT for five days has to travel between zones every day. What type of ticket would he probably buy? A. Single. B. Weekly. C. Off-peak Daily. D. Ten-trip Saver.‎ 答案与解析:B 细节理解题。通过阅读表格和计算可知答案。 Ⅴ.七选五 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 (宁夏银川一中2009届高三第六次月考试题) Doctors say anger can be an extremely damaging emotion, unless you learn how to deal with it. They warn that anger can lead to heart disease, stomach problems, headaches, emotional problems and possibly cancer. __1__ Some people express anger openly in a calm reasonable way. Others burst with anger, and scream and yell. But other people keep their anger inside. They can not or will not express it. This is called repressing anger. For years many doctors thought that repressing anger was more dangerous to a person's health than expressing it. They said that when a person is angry, the brain releases the same hormones (荷尔蒙). They speed the heart rate, raise blood pressure, or sugar into the blood, etc. __2__ Some doctors say that both repressing and expressing anger can be dangerous. They believe that those who express anger violently may be more likely to develop heart disease, and they believe that those who keep anger inside may face a greater danger of high blood pressure. __3__ They say the first step is to admit that you are angry and to recognize the real cause of the anger, then decide if the cause is serious enough to get angry about. If it is, they say, “__4__ Wait until your anger has cooled down and you are able to express yourself calmly and reasonably.” Doctors say that a good way to deal with anger is to find humor in the situation that has made you angry. __5__ A. In general the person feels excited and ready to act. B. They said that laughter is much healthier than anger. C. Expressing anger violently is more harmful than repressing it. D. Anger may cause you a cancer. E. Do not express your anger while angry. F. Anger is a normal emotion that we all feel from time to time. G. Doctors say the solution is learning how to deal with anger.‎ 答案:1—5 FAGEB ‎

