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只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 1 - 2013 最新高考英语考点闯关(二十一)非谓语动词(侧重作状语) 1.It is reported that the big snow hit most of North China, ____ thousands of cars ______on the highways. A.making trapped B.make trapped C.to make trap D.made trapping 2.He had a wonderful childhood, _____with his mother to all corners of the world A. travel B. to travel C. traveled D. traveling 3.Dina, for months to find a job as a waitress, finally took a position at a local advertising agency. A. struggling B. struggled C. having struggled D. to struggle 4.Though_________to see us, the professor gave us a warm welcome. A. surprising B. as surprised C. surprised D being surprised 5. at my classmates' faces, I read the same excitement in their eyes. A. Looking B. Look C. To look D. Looked 6.The news that North Korea has completed its third nuclear test shocked the world, _______to great concern about area safety. A. having led B. led C. leading D. to lead 7. _________ the right kind of training , these teenage soccer players may one day grew the international stars. A. Giving B. Having gi ven C. To give D. Given 8.The boy made a great noise in class suddenly , and the other children all turned angrily. A. looked at B. to look at C. to looking at D. look at 9.________ not to fight with others many times , he still fought yesterday. A. Told B. Telling C. Having told D. Having been told 10.When ___ why she cried, the woman still kept___. A. asked; calm B asking; still C. being asked; quiet D. asked; silent 11.Tom rushed out in a hurry, ______ the door ______. A. leaving; unlocked B. leaving; unlocking C. left; unlocked D. to leave; unlocking 12.I likelive in the mountain area.The air all day is so good . A.to be breathed B.to breathe C.breathing D.being breathed 13. ______ in thought, he didn’t hear what I said. A. Losing B. Having lost C. Lost D. To lose 14. In American, I made lots of friends ___ a very practical knowledge of the English language. A. get B. to get C. getting D. got 15. Comparison may make something appear more beautiful than it is when ______ alone. A. to see B. seeing C. is seen D. seen 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 2 - 2013 最新高考英语考点闯关(二十一)非谓语动词(侧重作状语) 1.【答案】A【解析】本题考查非谓语动词。句意:据报道,大雪袭击了华北大部分地区,结 果使得几千两汽车被困在高速公路上。此处 making 做结果状语,表示意料之中的事,第二空 现在分词作宾语补足语,car与 trap 之间是被动关系,用过去分词,故选 A。 2.答案:D. 【解析】:主语(he)与动词 travel 之间存在主动关系,故用 traveling 作原 因状语。 3.答案:C【解析】:该空,分词短语作时间状语,其逻辑主语 Dina 与 struggle 为主动关系, 故排除 B 项。由剧中的 finally 可知非谓语动词表示的动作发生在句中谓语 took a position 之前,故用现在分词的完成主动式。 4.答案 C【解析】省略结构和非谓语动词考查。本题属于状语从句的省略。补完整为: Though he was surprised,主语一致,省略主语和系动词。 5.答案:A【解析】句意:看着同学们的脸,我能读懂在他们眼里的同样的兴奋。 look 与句子主语 I 为主动关系,因此用 looking 短语作伴随状语。 6.答案 C【解析】:句意为:朝鲜完成第三次核试验这个消息使世界震惊,也引起了人 们对地区安全的关注。 The new 和 lead 之间是主谓关系,并作 shocked 的伴随状语,所以用 leading。 7.答案 D 【解析 】如果把句子补充完整就不难看出:If they are given the right kind of training , 可知主语 they 即 these teenager soccer players 与 give 之间是被动的关 系,所以用过去分词。根据主、从句主语一致可省略从句主语的原则,连词 if 也可省,所以 得出 given the right kind of training , these teenager soccer players…… 8.答案 B 【解析】 句意为:那个男孩上课突然发出很大的噪音,所有的其他的孩子都转 过头去生气地看着他。在这里 turn 与 to look at 是分开的,并非一个短语。to look at 作 目的状语。短语 turn to 表示“转向,求助”的意思。 9.答案 D 【解析】 句意:被告诉多次不要和别人打架,他昨天还是打架了。tell 与主语 之间的关系是被动和完成的关系,所以用 having been done 来表示被动和完成。 10.【答案】D【解析】当被问到为什么哭的时候,这个女的不说话。第一个空考查状语从句 省略(she was); 第二个空考查 keep silent 不作声,不说话。still 不动的,强调“静止状 态”;quiet 安静的,宁静的,多指不吵闹,不焦虑;calm 指人“沉着,镇定”,指自然“无 风无浪”。 11.【答案】A【解析】本题考查非谓语动词。句意:汤姆急急忙忙冲了出去,结果没有关门。 leaving 作结果状语,unlocked 过去分词作宾补,表示被动。 12.答案 B【解析】 在“主语+be+adj.+to do”结构中,当句子的主语是不定时的逻辑宾 语时,如本题 to breathe the air 就是逻辑上的动宾关系。 动词不 定式用主动形式表被动 意义。 13.答案 C 【解析】句意: 陷入沉思,他没有听到我说什么。。Lost in thought 相当于 Because he was lost in thought。短语 be lost in 表状态,表示“陷入……”。故选 C。 14.答案 A【解析】句意:为了获得英语实践知识,我在美国交了许多朋友。 该题中不可把 made 理解为使役动词,而误选 A。实际上 made lots friends 意思是“交了很多朋友”,答 案 B 是不定式 to get 在句中作目的状语。 15.答案 D【解析】句意:比较能够让某些事物比单独被看见时更美丽。It 与 see 构成被动关 系,这里省略了 it is ,所以使用过去分词表示被动。结合句意可知 D 正确。

