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I. 完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项。‎ ‎ Volunteering abroad has the power to change you in unexpected ways. It isn’t like your 1 trip abroad. Sometimes these changes are clear while other times they’re 2 , hard to define. But how will a volunteer trip abroad affect you?‎ ‎ I can’t say exactly how, but I can help you 3 your experience or take the impact (影响) you will make into 4 by sharing how volunteering in India changed my life — 5 , is still changing my life.‎ ‎ I knew I was traveling to India to teach English at a primary school, 6 I didn’t know it would bring about new 7 . I worked with local teachers and students while volunteering 8 . Their knowledge and experiences were different from my own, so at first it was difficult to 9 . However, after some time, I began to understand and wanted to learn more about their culture which 10 helped make me a more culturally 11 person.‎ ‎ And working in a 12 environment gave me the chance to improve my cross-cultural communication skills and 13 new personal and professional skills. It also taught me that I had little 14 for certain things. Although I liked communicating with my students, I 15 that I didn’t enjoy being a teacher. After returning home from volunteering, I once wondered if my 16 of volunteering abroad had 17 been the right act. Thanks to my personal experience, I became 18 about spreading responsible volunteerism.zx.xk ‎ Now three years later, I take up my 19 here at Go Overseas as their Volunteer Abroad Director 20 I’m actively finding ways to educate others on responsible volunteering.‎ ‎1. A. average B. random C. expensive D. interesting ‎2. A. temporary B. complex C. vague D. changeable ‎3. A. evaluate B. arrange C. predict D. record ‎4. A. consideration B. practice C. effect D. mind ‎5. A. for a while B. rather than C. or rather D. in a word ‎6. A. for B. and C. but D. thus ‎7. A. anxieties B. interest C. anger D. expectations ‎8. A. continuously B. occasionally C. regularly D. internationally ‎9. A. believe B. relate C. memorize D. change ‎10. A.in return B. in particular C. in all D. in turn ‎11. A. different B. intelligent C. aware D. alert ‎12. A. strange B. relaxing C. tough D. comfortable ‎13. A. make up B. bring up C. build up D. put up ‎14. A. talent B. preparation C. respect D. affection ‎15. A. supposed B. discovered C. agreed D. pretended ‎16. A. choice B. promise C. wish D. response ‎17. A. hopefully B. actually C. surprisingly D. eventually ‎18. A. particular B. curious C. enthusiastic D. sensitive ‎19. A. story B. point C. position D. hobby ‎20. A. where B. which C. what D. when II. 阅读理解 A ‎ Do you have a spare room in your house? What about a driveway for your car? Both of these ‎ can help you make money. Many people who are feeling the pinch are taking advantage of what’s been called the "sharing economy".‎ ‎ Perhaps the best-known example of a company in this field is Airbnb — an American web business which allows you to rent out your spare room to holidaymakers. It says it operates in 34,000 cities and it has over 1,500,000 listings. It seems to have cornered the market!‎ ‎ A British company is doing something with parking spaces. JustPark’s founder, Anthony Eskinazi, says, "When I had the original idea, I spotted a driveway close to a sports stadium. It would have been so convenient if I could have just parked in that driveway rather than in a commercial car park." And he has a big clientele(顾客): around 20,000 people have advertised their spaces on the site, and he says around half a million drivers use it. There are other sites doing very similar things, like Uber and Lyft — these let drivers share their cars with other passengers. Any driver knows how valuable a place to park is. A church near Kings Cross in central London has apparently made over £200,000 by renting out space in its yard to travelers!‎ ‎ Because this is a new business world, those rules aren’t there yet and many people are happy to share... as long as it pays!‎ ‎ But the sharing economy has its critics: the competitors of these new companies. People who run things like traditional B&B, commercial car parks and taxi services are afraid of ending up out of pocket. And there is another issue: regulations on these new businesses are unclear. How will renting out your driveway affect your neighbor?‎ ‎1. What does the underlined phrase "feeling the pinch" probably mean?‎ ‎ A. Lacking in money.‎ ‎ B. Full of curiosity.‎ ‎ C. Willing to help others.‎ ‎ D. Unsatisfied with their life.‎ ‎2. Who may be against the sharing economy?‎ ‎ A. A taxi driver who can’t find a parking place.‎ ‎ B. A priest in the church near Kings Cross.‎ ‎ C. A traveler who needs accommodation.‎ ‎ D. A well-known high-end holiday hotel.‎ ‎3. Why are many people pleased to share according to Paragraph 4?‎ ‎ A. They can gain huge profits.‎ ‎ B. They needn’t pay any fee.‎ ‎ C. There’re few rules to limit them.‎ ‎ D. The new business has no risks.‎ ‎4. Which of the following words can best describe the booming business?‎ ‎ A. Creative and developed.‎ ‎ B. Competitive but unpractical.‎ ‎ C. Effective but worrying.‎ ‎ D. Traditional and acceptable.z.x.xk B ‎ I received a call today asking if I would be willing to bring food to a family in need. The mother was having a major operation and would be lying down for several weeks. Of course, I responded with an immediate "Yes!". As I planned the meal in my head, I reflected on how many times over the years I had been asked to prepare food. I have done so countless times with a very open heart.‎ ‎ But the truly amazing thing is that I have received double over the course of my life. When my mother passed away, our house was filled with fresh dinners for weeks. A woman from the church of our community stopped by each evening with some food. The gift of food was her small ‎ way of trying to ease our pain.‎ ‎ Later in my life, when I was on bed rest during my pregnancy with twins, women from the church again stepped in to help. They arranged babysitting for my two-year-old daughters, and brought lovely dinners to our house. Even when I was in the hospital, my husband would bring cooked meals to my hospital room. How we relied on these dinners to feed my tired husband and young daughters.‎ ‎ Food is all about comfort. It feeds our bodies, but it can also feed our souls. When you hear people talking about their favourite holidays, it usually includes their feelings connected with sharing food. I know that I will have many more opportunities in my life to prepare food for others. It is truly a gift I want to prepare and deliver to someone in need.‎ ‎5. We can learn from the first paragraph that the author .‎ ‎ A. had to stay in bed for several weeks ‎ B. knew the family in need very well ‎ C. was glad to be able to lend a hand ‎ D. was tired of preparing food ‎6. Which of the following is TRUE about the author?‎ ‎ A. Her mother died when she was in hospital.‎ ‎ B. She didn’t get enough food during her pregnancy.‎ ‎ C. She received food as well as comfort in her hard times.‎ ‎ D. She thinks offering food is the best way to show love.‎ ‎7. What do we know about the author’s family?‎ ‎ A. Her family is too poor to buy enough food.‎ ‎ B. Her family lives not far from a church.‎ ‎ C. Her husband is not good at cooking.‎ ‎ D. She has a babysitter taking care of her twins.‎ ‎8. According to the passage, which of the following conclusions can we get?‎ ‎ A. A good beginning makes a good ending.‎ ‎ B. Share love and warm others.‎ ‎ C. Actions speak louder than words.‎ ‎ D. Every man has his faults.‎ Ⅲ. 语法填空 ‎ Four months ago, I lost my sister to breast cancer. It was a hard loss. So when my mother 1 (call) to tell me she had been diagnosed with lung cancer just weeks later, my five-year-old daughter, Daelynn, and I were heartbroken. We made a special trip to Wisconsin a week ago 2 (stay) with my mother for some time. A few days ago, Daelynn saw 3 advertisement on television about donating hair to those 4 have cancer. First, she asked if she could give 5 (she) to Grandma. I told her that Grandma 6 (probable) would like to see her donate it to another little girl who might need it more. Then she asked if her hair was long enough to share with someone who needed it. 7 I said yes to her, she decided to get it cut and was very 8 (excite) about sharing her hair. We measured and cut off a few 9 (inch). She said that two people were glad. I told her that more than two people were glad and that I was so proud of her for 10 (choose) to do such a beautiful thing for someone else.‎ Ⅳ. 短文改错 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(/),并在其下面写出该加的词;‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉;‎ 修改:在错词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ ‎ Today, I woke up early and spent a whole morning watch TV. After finishing my lunch, I have nothing to do, so he decided to call my friends out. I headed to the coffee shop nearly my school. I walked into the coffee shop and chose a table where was near the window, so that I could seeing the scenery. When my friends came in, we talked happy. We shared the things that happened to during these day. At that moment, I enjoyed the time with my friends. I had great time this afternoon.‎ Ⅴ. 书面表达 ‎ 假设你是李华,你校正在举办一个英语作文比赛。请你根据所给的提示,结合图画用英语写一篇短文参赛。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎1. 描述图画的内容;‎ ‎2. 分析图画的主题;‎ ‎3. 发表自己的看法。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,使行文连贯。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎____________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎____________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ I. 完形填空 ‎ 【语篇解读】这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章,作者通过自己在国外做志愿者的经历告诉我们,在帮助他人的同时,我们会有更大的收获。‎ ‎1. A 去国外做志愿者不同于一般的国外旅行。average"普通的,一般的,典型的,平均的",符合语境。‎ ‎3. A 根据上文中的"I can’t say exactly…"以及下文作者通过分享自己在印度做志愿者的经历来说明国外 的志愿者工作给他带来变化的内容可知,此处指的应是作者能帮助你评估你的经历,故选evaluate"评 估,评价"。arrange"安排,筹备";predict"预言,预报";record"记录,记载"。‎ ‎4. A 根据语境及上文中的"I can help you your experience or…"可知,这里说的应是帮助你考虑 一下你将(给别人)带来的影响。take sth. into consideration是固定搭配,表示"考虑到某事,把某事考虑 进去"。practice"实践,实际行动";effect"效应,影响";mind"大脑,心思"。‎ ‎5. C 本句中的"is still changing my life"是对前面的"changed my life"的进一步解释,故选or rather,表示"更 确切地说"。rather than"而不是";in a word"总之"。‎ ‎6. C 前后句之间存在语意上的转折关系,故用转折连词but。‎ ‎7. B 根据下文的内容尤其是"I began to understand and wanted to learn more about their culture…"可知,在 印度某小学教英语的经历引起了作者新的兴趣。anxiety"担心,担忧";interest"兴趣";anger"愤怒,怒火 ";expectation"期望,期待"。故选B项。‎ ‎8. D 根据文中的"Volunteering abroad" "in India" "traveling to India"等信息可知,作者到印度进行的是跨国 性的志愿者活动,故选internationally"国际性地,世界地"。continuously"持续地,不间断地 ";occasionally"偶尔,间或";regularly"定期地,定时地"。‎ ‎11. C 参见上题解析。intelligent"聪明的";alert"警觉的"。‎ ‎12. A 根据上文提到的作者在印度当志愿者可知,此处指的是"‎ 在陌生的环境中工作使我有机会提升跨文 化交流技能和开发新的个人技能和专业技能"。strange"不熟悉的,陌生的",符合语境。relaxing"令人 放松的,轻松的";tough"艰苦的,艰难的";comfortable"舒服的,舒适的"。‎ ‎13. C 参见上题解析。make up"组成,编造";bring up"提出";build up"开发,增强";put up"建造,张贴"。‎ ‎14. D 根据下文的内容,尤其是"I didn’t enjoy being a teacher"可知,此处指它也告诉作者,他对某些事情不怎 么有兴趣,即他并不是很喜欢做某些事情。talent"天赋";respect"敬意,重视";affection"喜爱",符合语境。‎ ‎15. B 根据空后的"I didn’ t enjoy being a teacher"可知,此处指作者虽然喜欢与他的学生们沟通,但他发现自 己不喜欢做老师。故discover"发现,发觉,认识到"符合语境。suppose"假设,假定";agree"同意";pretend" 假装"。‎ ‎16. A 根据语境可知,此处指作者回家之后,曾经琢磨过自己去国外做志愿者的选择是否确实是正确的行 为。故选choice"选择,抉择"。promise"承诺,许诺";wish"愿望,希望";response"回应,答复"。‎ ‎17. B 参见上题解析。hopefully"有希望地";actually"的确,事实上";surprisingly"出人意料地,令人惊讶地 ";eventually"最后,终于"。‎ ‎18. C 根据语境及下文中的"I’m actively finding ways to educate others on responsible volunteering"可知,作 者热衷于传播可信赖的志愿服务。particular"挑剔的,讲究的";curious"好奇的";enthusiastic"热心的, 热衷的";sensitive"敏感的"。故选C项。‎ ‎19. C 本句中的"Volunteer Abroad Director"是作者在Go Overseas的职位,故选position"职位,职务"。‎ ‎20. A 此处指"三年后,我担任了Go Overseas的Volunteer Abroad Director,在Go Overseas,我积极地寻找方 法来教别人有关可信赖的志愿服务方面的内容"。分析句子结构可知,空处在此引导定语从句,且在从 句中作地点状语,故选where。‎ II. 阅读理解 A ‎ 【语篇解读】本文是说明文,讲述了"分享经济"的概念以及一些利用分享经济赚钱的例子。‎ ‎1. A【解析】考查词义猜测。由第一段中的"Both of these can help you make money"可知分享经济的目的是赚 钱。画线词后的内容告诉我们,许多人正在利用分享经济(赚钱),由此可推知,feel the pinch应意为"手头拮 据的,缺钱的"。‎ ‎3. C【解析】考查细节理解。由第四段"Because this is a new business world, those rules aren’t there yet and many people are happy to share... as long as it pays!"可知这种新型的分享经济之所以受欢迎是因为它的规则少, 限制也少。故选择C。‎ ‎4. C【解析】考查推理判断。通读全文可知,这种分享经济是有效的,但根据最后一段尤其是"regulations on these new businesses are unclear... neighbor"可知它的发展又是令人担忧的。‎ B ‎ 【语篇解读】作者的母亲过世时,社区教堂里的女人给她带过食物;作者怀孕时,社区教堂里的女人也给她带过食物,并帮忙照顾她的两个女儿。因此,今天有人需要帮助时,作者也非常愿意伸出援手。‎ ‎5. C【解析】推理判断题。根据第一段中的"Of course, I responded with an immediate ‘Yes!’"可推断出作者非 常高兴能帮助别人,故选C。‎ ‎6. C【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段中的"When my mother passed away, our house was filled with fresh dinners for weeks"和第三段中的"Later in my life, when I was on bed rest… dinners to our house"可知,作者在有困 难的时候曾接受过别人的食物与照顾,由此判断C项正确。‎ ‎7. B【解析】推理判断题。根据第二段中的"A woman from the church of our community stopped by each evening with some food"可知,教堂在作者居住的社区里面,即教堂和她家相距不远,故选B。‎ ‎8. B【解析】主旨大意题。根据上下文可知,作者在自己困难的时候接受过别人的帮助,如今她也非常乐意帮 助别人,由此可得出这么一个结论:分享爱,温暖他人。故选B。‎ Ⅲ. 语法填空 ‎ 【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了五岁的小女孩捐献头发给癌症患者的故事。本题难度适中,且话题符合时代精神,传递正能量。‎ ‎1. called【解析】本题考查考生根据语篇的意义使用动词的时态和语态的能力。根据语境及had been diagnosed 可知,作者的妈妈打电话应该是过去的事情,因此应该用过去时。call与my mother之间为主谓关系, 故应用主动语态。‎ ‎4. who【解析】本题考查考生根据语篇的意义使用定语从句关系词的能力。分析句子结构可知,空格处引导 一个定语从句,先行词是those,指人,定语从句中缺少主语,应该用关系代词who。‎ ‎5. hers【解析】本题考查考生根据语篇的意义正确使用代词的能力。此处女儿问作者是否能够把自己的头发 捐给外婆,表示"她的头发"应该用her hair,再结合语法填空的特点,没有给出提示词应该填一个单词, 因此用hers。‎ ‎6. probably【解析】本题考查副词的用法以及词汇的词性变化情况。空格处在宾语从句中修饰谓语动词would like,应该用副词probably。‎ ‎7. After【解析】本题考查考生根据语篇的意义使用连词的能力。此处表示在作者同意之后,女儿决定剪掉头 发,并且很开心能与他人分享她的头发。分析句子结构和语境可知,空格处需填一个表示"在……之后 "的连词。‎ ‎8. excited【解析】本题考查考生根据语篇的意义使用-ing形式或-ed形式的形容词的能力。此处表示女儿感 到非常激动,应用-ed形式的形容词。-ing形式的形容词有"令人……的"的意思,与语境不符。‎ ‎9. inches【解析】本题考查名词单复数变化的知识。inch是可数名词,此处表示剪掉了几英寸头发,故应该用 其复数形式,又因为inch词尾为-ch,因此应该在其后加es。‎ ‎10. choosing【解析】本题考查考生使用动名词作介词宾语的能力。由空格前的介词for可知此处应该用choose 的动名词形式。‎ Ⅳ. 短文改错 ‎ Today, I woke up early and spent a whole morning TV. After finishing my lunch, I nothing to do, so decided to call my friends out. I headed to the coffee shop my school. I walked into the coffee shop and chose a table was near the window, so that I could the scenery. When my friends came in, we talked. We shared the things that happenedduring these. At that moment, I enjoyed the time with my friends. I had great time this afternoon.‎ ‎ 【语篇解读】文章讲述了作者和朋友一块玩的事情。‎ 第一处:此句运用了spend time doing sth.句式,此处指"花了一上午时间看电视"。故watch改为watching。‎ 第二处:文章讲述过去的事情,要用一般过去时态。故have改为had。‎ 第三处:文章运用第一人称,讲述"我"的事情。故he改为I。‎ 第四处:在这里应该用介词near。故nearly改为near。‎ 第五处:本句运用了定语从句,先行词是a table,引导词要在从句中作主语,要用关系代词。故where改为 which/ that。‎ 第六处:情态动词后面要跟动词原形。故seeing改为see。‎ 第七处:修饰动词谓语talked要用副词。故happy改为happily。‎ 第八处:先行词是the things,引导词that作主语,happen是不及物动词。此处并非指"某人发生了某事", 不需要介词。故去掉to。‎ 第九处:these指"这些",修饰可数名词的复数形式。故day改为days。‎ 第十处:have a great time是固定搭配,指"玩得高兴"。故had后面加a。‎ Ⅴ.书面表达 ‎ An old man is holding an umbrella for a little girl who is standing in the heavy rain. To his delight, someone nearby is doing the same thing for him.‎ ‎ This picture shows the Chinese tradition of respecting the old and loving the young. It is clear that we should keep up the good tradition.‎ ‎ This moving scene sets me thinking deeply. We were once children ourselves and will get old one day. We should care about each other and help each other to create a harmonious society.‎ ‎【技巧点拨】‎ ‎ 图画作文通常是给出一幅或多幅图片,要求考生仔细分析图片内容,并通过文字形式将图中所包含的思想内容准确地表达出来。图画作文有记叙文、说明文和议论文等;时态要视图画反映的内容而定,介绍人物或叙述某件事的发展过程,通常用一般过去时,揭示或反映某种社会现象则用一般现在时;人称一般根据图画的内容,用第一人称或第三人称。图画作文写作步骤如下:‎ ‎1. 根据提示,全面审题 ‎(2)确定人称。如果以日记、回忆录等形式来写,一般采用第一人称;如果是以讲故事的形式来写,则一般采用第三人称。但不管用哪种人称,全文一般都必须一致。‎ ‎(3)确定时态。根据图画内容及所采用的文章体裁,确定文章所要用的时态。‎ ‎(4)确定主题。在审题时,考生要认真分析图画所反映的内容及出题者的意图,分析图画的表层含义和深层含义,通过表层含义分析图画真正想要说明的问题是什么,从而挖掘出其深层含义以确定文章的主题。‎ ‎2. 认真读图,进行图文转换 ‎ 图画是作文的信息基础。考生应对图画进行全面而细致的研究,尤其要注意图画中人或物的特点和背景,确定人物之间,人物与背景之间的主要关系,以便正确掌握图画所传达的信息。‎ ‎3. 确定段落,草拟提纲 ‎ 根据图画内容及体裁的不同采用不同的段落发展方式。一般情况下,图画作文可以当做三段式的提纲作文来写:第一段用来描述图画并揭示其寓意,第二段分析原因,最后一段发表评论或提出建议。其中第二、三段是写作的重点。‎ ‎4. 斟词酌句,组句成文 ‎ 根据要点内容,选择恰当地词语和固定结构。结合要点间的关系及文章的体裁,选择适当的句子类型。‎ ‎ ‎

