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Unit Two Wish you were here(一)‎ ‎【单元重点词汇】‎ ‎1._________ n.阳光 2.bury vt.__________‎ ‎3._________ adv.永远地 4._____________adv.总共 ‎5._________ n.日出;朝霞 6. ______________ n.目的地 ‎7.novel n. __________ 8. _________vt.出版;发表 ‎ ‎9.___________ n.&vt.计划 10._____________ n.空气;大气层 ‎ ‎11._________vt.使恐惧,惊吓→_________ adj.感到恐惧的→________ adj.恐怖的 ‎12.___________ n.保护→____________vt.保护→___________adj.保护的,防护的 ‎13.__________ n.前进;预先;vi.前进;进步→__________adj.先进的;高级的 ‎14.__________ vt.宣布,宣称;显示,预告→_____________ n.宣布,宣告,通告 ‎15.__________ vt.反射(声、光、热等);反映;沉思,思考→_________n.反射,反映 ‎【单元重点短语】‎ ‎1.set off__________ ‎ ‎2.findout_________‎ ‎3.be home to __________‎ ‎4.fall down___________‎ ‎5. leave out___________‎ ‎6. look out for ___________‎ ‎7.scare away_________‎ ‎【单元重点句式】‎ ‎1.Wish you were here 如果你在这里就好了 ‎2.You have to wear a helmet and a life jacket for protection,just in case you fall into the water.‎ 作为保护措施,你得戴上头盔,穿上救生衣,以防万一掉进水里。‎ ‎3.We’ll try to get as close as possible to the animals,even though they’re dangerous,so that we can take some really good photographs.‎ 尽管这些动物很危险,但是我们还是要尽可能地靠近它们,以便能拍到一些真正好的照片。‎ ‎【重点词汇突破】‎ ‎1. arrange v.安排;筹备(plan or organize);整理;排列;布置(put...in order) ‎[应试指导] 日常活动类写作常用词汇 arrange to do sth.安排做某事 arrange with sb.to do sth.与某人安排好做某事 arrange for sb.to do sth.安排某人做某事 make arrangements/an arrangement for...为……做安排 The headmaster arranged for me to meet Mr.Black at the airport.‎ 校长安排我到机场去接布莱克先生。‎ Have you arranged to meet Mark this weekend?‎ 你安排好周末与马克会面了吗?‎ ‎[特别提醒]‎ 不能说arrange sb.to do sth.,且arrange后跟that从句时,从句中用虚拟语气(should) do。‎ ‎[夯实基础]‎ ‎2 advance n.进步,进展(development);v.前进,行进(move forward);发展,进步(develop) ‎[应试指导] in advance (beforehand)作为高级词汇替换ahead of time advance on/upon/towards朝……前进 in advance提前,预先 in advance of在……前面 Thank you in advance!‎ 提前向你表示感谢!‎ ‎3 supply v.提供;供给;n.供应量;供给量;补给 ‎[多词一义] supply,offer,provide,accommodate supply sth.to/for sb.=supply sb.with sth.向某人提供某物 provide sth.for sb.=provide sb.with sth.提供某物给某人 in short supply供应不足 a supply of=supplies of大量的 The school supplies books to/for children for free.‎ 学校免费给孩子们提供书本。‎ Local schools supply many of the volunteers.‎ 许多志愿者来自当地学校。‎ ‎4.The sun can be so brilliant that you’ll need to keep covered or you’ll get burnt...阳光非常强,你需要把自己遮盖起来否则会烧伤……‎ get burnt烧伤  get paid得到报酬 get married结婚 get injured/hurt受伤 get infected感染 get separated分离 get damaged毁掉 get broken坏掉 get repaired修理 get dressed穿上衣服 get changed换衣服 get drunk喝醉 She got burnt when she was cooking yesterday.‎ 她昨天做饭时被烫伤了。‎ He went out and got drunk.他出去喝醉了。‎ ‎[特别提醒]‎ get done结构既可以表示被动语态,也可表示系表结构。‎ ‎【夯实基础】‎ ‎(1)根据汉语提示填空 Now everything for the conference to be held tomorrow _____________________已准备就绪).‎ I have _______________________________(安排Tom开车去接) the experts at the airport.‎ Then I’m to__________________ (安排接见) Mr.Wang.‎ In a word,all ___________________________________________(我们做出的安排) were completed.‎ ‎(2)He arranged for the meeting to be put off for a week.‎ ‎______________________________________________________________.(改为复合句)‎ ‎(1)His ideas were __________________________(在他的时代之前).‎ ‎(2)Napoleon’s army __________________________(朝着……前进) Moscow.‎ 选词填空 ‎(1)There are_________________ foreign language books.‎ ‎(2)The fresh vegetables are ________________________on the remote island.‎ ‎(3)Cows __________us ______milk.‎ 用get+v.ed完成句子 ‎(1)If you happen to ______(迷路) in the wild,you’d better stay where you are and wait for help.‎ ‎(2)—It’s said John will be in a job paying over $‎60,000 a year.‎ ‎—Right,he will also __________(得到报酬) by the week.‎ ‎(3)Can you tell the subtle difference between the words “require” and “request”? I sometimes _____________(困惑) by their meanings.‎ ‎(4)—You can have a pet dog,but suppose you ________(厌倦) with it in a few days?Then what?‎ ‎—We won’t,we promise!‎ ‎(5)Sarah,hurry up.I’m afraid you can’t have time to _____________(换衣服) before the party.‎ ‎【拓展演练】‎ ‎1.While waiting for the opportunity to get ,Henry did his best to perform his duty.(2014·安徽,32)‎ A.promote B.promoted C.promoting D.to promote ‎2.They made up their mind that they a new house once Larry changed jobs.(2014·山东,5)‎ A.bought B.would buy C.have bought D.had bought ‎3.As the world’s population continues to grow,the of food becomes more and more of a concern.(2013·浙江,4)‎ A.worth B.supply C.package D.list ‎4.He may win the competition, he is likely to get into the national team.(2013·辽宁,34)‎ A.in which case B.in that case ‎ C.in what case D.in whose case ‎5.Mum,I was wondering if you could lend me a few dollars until I on Friday.(2012·辽宁,35)‎ A.get paid B.got paid ‎ C.have paid D.had been paid ‎6.The lack of ecofriendly habits among the public is thought to be a major of global climate change.(2011·福建,26)‎ A.result B.cause C.warning D.reflection ‎7.Tom was about to close the window his attention was caught by a bird.(2010·大纲全国Ⅱ,)‎ A.when B.if C.and D.till ‎8.He telephoned the travel agency to three air tickets to London.(2010·天津,1)‎ A.order B.arrange C.take D.book ‎9.If we sit near front of the bus,we’ll have better view.(2010·山东,22)‎ A./;the B./;a C.the;a D.the;the ‎10.Just as the clothes a person wears,the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time,his house his personality.(2010·湖北,28)‎ A.resembles B.strengthens C.reflects D.shapes 附件1:律师事务所反盗版维权声明 附件2:独家资源交换签约学校名录(放大查看)‎ ‎ 学校名录参见:http://www.zxxk.com/wxt/list.aspx?ClassID=3060 ‎

