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2018 届 二轮复习 非谓语动词全解 Non-finite verb 动词不定式 分词 动名词 1.Having a trip abroad is good for the old couple, but it remains _____ _____ _(see) whether they will enjoy it. 2.Life is a journey ________ (fill) with hardships, joys and special moments. 3.Nowadays people separate their waste to make it easier for it _______ _____ (reuse) .  4._______ ____ _ (try) out different ideas, we are now getting closer to the answer. 5.He didn't keep on asking me the time any longer as he had had his watch _ ______ _____ (repair) . to be seen filled to be reused Having tried repaired 1) To see is to believe . 2) The teacher went into the classroom, followed by his students. 3) The man stood under the moonlight, missing his hometown. 4) Seeing is believing . step1: 非谓语动词的种类和基本用法 动词不定式 (to do) 动名词 (doing)(doing) 现在分词 (doing)(doing) 过去分词 (done)(done) 意义 相当于名词、形容词、副词,往往有将来意味 相当于名词,指经常性、习惯性的动作 相当于形容词、副词,往往有现在意味 相当于形容词、副词,本身兼有被动、完成意义 充当句子成分 主语、宾语、表语、宾补、定语、状语 主语、宾语、表语、定语 表语、宾补、定语、状语 表语、宾补、定语、状语 形式 主动一般式 to do doing doing done 被动式 to be done being done being done 主动完成式 to have done having done having done 被动完成式 to have been done having been done having been done 否定式 在上述各种非谓语动词形式之前直接加 not step2: 动词不定式 主动形式 被动形式 一般式 to do to be done 完成式 to have done to have been done 进行式 to be doing 无 完成进行式 to have been doing 无 一、不定式的语法意义: 1. 不定式一般式:表示的 动作与谓语动词表示的动作同时 发生,或者发生在它的 后面 ; I heard her sing . ( 唱和听见同时发生 ) I expect to come back next Sunday.(“ 回来”发生在“预计”之后 ) 2. 不定式完成式:表示的 动作发生在谓语 动词表示的 动作之前 ; He pretended to have reviewed his lessons. I am glad to have met you before. 3. 不定式进行式:表示的动作与谓语动词表示的动作 同时发生 ; She seems to be waiting for somebody. When he came to see me, I happened to be taking a bath. 4. 不定式完成进行式:表示的动作 发生在谓语 动词表示的 动作 之前,并 延续 到那个时候,可能 仍在进行 ; She is said to have been waiting a novel this year. She seemed to have been working on a difficult maths problem. 5. 主动语态:一般表示 主动 的意义,但有时也可以表示 被动 意义; They began to learn Japanese last winter. Some stars are too far to see .(= to be seen) 6. 被动语态:表示 被动 的意义; The composition contest is to be held next month. She is anxious to be invited to the ball. 二、不定式的句法功能: 1. 作 主语:一般表示具体的某次动作。 1) 不定式作主语时, 谓语用单数 : To do such things is foolish. 2 ) 主系表结构 : To see is to believe. 3) 当主语较长,谓语较短时,常用 it 做形式主语,将不定式放到谓语的后面。 常用于下列结构中: (1)It is/was +adj.+(of sb.) to do … (如 good/ kind/ nice/ clever/ foolish/ selfish … ) (2)It is +adj.+(for sb.)+to do … (如 easy / difficult / hard / / unwise / possible/ necessary … ) (3)It is +a/an + 名词 + to do... (如 a pity/ a shame / a pleasure /one’s duty / an honor … ) (4)It takes (sb.) some time / courage / patience … to do … (5)It requires courage / patience / hard work … to do … 2. 作 表语:常 表示将来 的动作或状态。 Her wish is to become a lawyer. 3. 作宾语: ask, agree, care, choose, demand, decide, expect, fail, help, hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, want, wish 等只能用动词不定式作 宾语 。 注意 : 1. 某些及物动词可用 -ing 也可用动词不定式 作宾语但意义不同 stop/ go on/ remember/ forget/ regret/ try/ mean … . 2. 某些及物动词 think, believe, consider, feel, find, make 等后常用 it 作形式宾语 。 4 .作 定语:当不定式的逻辑主语是句子的主语时,要用主动表被动。 Xiao Li is a very nice person to work with . He wants you to be his assistant . The pen is very nice to write .( 用主动表被动 ) 5. 作状语:表示目的、结果、原因和情况,不定式的逻辑主语通常是全句的主语; To make a living , he had to work from morning to till night. ( 目的 ) 6. 作 宾语补足语 :宾语是不定式的逻辑主语,不定式在表示知觉的动词和使役动词后,不用 to ,在 动词 help 后 to 可用可不用 。 如果谓语动词为 感官动词或使役动词 ,则作宾补的不定式 不可带 to ,这些动词有 see, hear, feel, watch, notice; have, make, let 等。但如果句子是 被动语态,则 to 不可省略 。 He asked me to help him. She usually helped her mother ( to) wash clothes on Sundays. 7. 同位语 : Is this your purpose, to avoid being punished ? 8. 独立成分 : To tell you the truth , I don’t like you. 类似的有: to be frank 坦率地说, to cut a long story short 长话短说,等等。 三、不定式的 其他用法 1. “ 疑问词 + 不定式 ”结构,不定式可以和 who, whom, whose, what, which, when, how, where, whether 等连用,构成动词不定式短语,在句子中起 名词作用 ,可作主语,宾语,表语等成分。 Where to go has not been decided.( 主语 ) We don ’ t know what to do next. (宾语) 2.“ 形容词 + 不定式 ”结构,部分形容词可后接不定式,与句子主语在逻辑上构成主谓关系,这类形容词多是 表示思想感情 的,如, eager, sure, glad, lucky 等。 I am glad to hear the news. She is sorry to have missed the show. 3. 不定式的 省略 : 1 )表示 感觉 的动词( see, watch, listen to, look at 等 )后作 宾语补足语 时, to 可省略; 2 ) 使役动词 make, let, have 后; 3 ) help 后可省,可保留,被动语态要保留 to; 4 )两个不定式 并列 时,保留第一个,其余省略; 5 ) had better, would rather … than, cannot but, do nothing but 等后可省略 to. 当堂导练一: 用括号中动词不定式的适当形式填空。 1. It ’ s an honour for me __________(ask) to deliver a speech at the meeting. 2. We found them ___________ (work) hard all the time. 3. I don ’ t like myself _________(praise) like that. 4. She was glad _______________(give) a chance to visit this beautiful city. 5. I am sorry _________(keep) you waiting so long. 6. This poem is said ___________________(translate) into English already. 7. After graduation he asked _____________ (send) to work in the countryside. to be asked to be working to be praised to have been given to have kept to have been translated to be sent 8. The computer is difficult _________(control). 9. She has a slight headache now. She seems _____________ (catch)a cold. 10. I am going to have the orphan_____(live) with me soon. 11. They did nothing but _______(play)bridge the whole day. 12. We failed _____(get) him________(come) to the party. 13. What I ’ d like ________(do) first is _______(read)today ’ s newspaper. 14. Who is _________(blame)? 15. The dog ought______________(feed) hours ago. to control to have caught live play to get to come to do (to) read to blame to have been fed 16. What he wants is _________________(not interrupt)while he is speaking. 17. The books are not allowed _________(take)out of the room. 18. He preferred to die rather than ______(give) in. not to be interrupted to be taken give Step3: 分词的用法 一.分词的语法意义 语法意义 分词是一种非谓语动词,有现在分词和过去分词两种 基本形式 v-ing; v-ed( 不规则动词形式有另外规定 ) ;否定: not+ 分词 特征 具有副词,形容词的特征,具有动词的部分特征,可以有宾语或状语,构成分词短语 二.分词的形式 三.分词的句法功能 1 )作 表语 :相当于 形容词 ,表示性质或状态(不同于进行时和被动语态中的分词,其中的分词是谓语的一部分,表示具体的动作) The invention is encouraging . (The machine is working .) She is unmarried . (The window was broken.) 2) 作 定语 : 单个分词 通常作 前置 定语,有时也可放在后面; 分词短语 作 后置 定语,其作用相当于定语从句。 She told us an exciting story. His spoken English is very good. These are the color TV sets made in Shanghai . 过去分词 现在分词 现在进行时 被动语态 3) 作 状语 :表示时间、原因,条件、结果、伴随情况与方式等,有时分词前可用 when, while 等连词,分词作状语的 逻辑主语 必须 和主句的主语保持一致 。 Hearing the news, she jumped with joy.( 时间 ) While working in the countryside, we learned a lot from the peasants. (时间) Not knowing how to get there, he had to go by taxi. (原因) If working without playing all day long, you will become a dull boy.( 条件 ) The teacher walked into the office, followed by a few students.( 伴随或方式 ) 4 )作 补足语 :可作主语补足语,也可作宾语补足语,补充说明主语或宾语的行为或状态。 I heard someone knocking at the door. I found his hometown much changed . The fire must be kept burning . The next morning the old man was found buried in the snow. 5) with+ 名词或代词(宾格) + 分词 :表示伴随和方式,分词也可用不定式、形容词、副词、介词短语等代替。 He ran into the clinic with blood streaming from his nose. He left the room with the door closed . I used to sleep with the windows open . 当堂导练二: 用括号内所给动词的适当分词形式填空。 1.When Hilter came to power in Germany, Einstein found the doors of study ______(close) to him. 2.Houses near airports sometimes have their windows __________(break) by the noise of jet planes ________(pass) overhead. 3.The old man is an _______(advance) worker in this factory. 4.______(catch) in the rain, she fell ill. 5.The girl __________(bring up) by her uncle is studying chemistry in a university. 6.I was walking along the street when I heard my name ___________(call). closed broken passing advanced Caught brought up called 7. In order to make herself ___________(understand), she spoke slowly and clearly. 8. She failed in the final examination. She was very ____________(disappoint) at it. 9. While _________(see) the film, she was __________(move) to tears. 10. ____________(live) in London for five years, he speaks English very fluently. 11. ____________(not know) which road to take, he stopped to look at the map. 12. ________(see) from a distance, the mountain looked like an elephant. 13. Although ___________(work) hard, he failed in the exam. 14. ___________________(bring) up in the city, she didn ’ t know much about farm work. 15. The war lasted a few years, __________(kill) a lot of people. understood disappointed seeing moved Having lived Not knowing Seen working Having been brought killing Step4: 动名词的用法 语法意义 动名词是一种非谓语动词 基本形式 v- ing , 与 现在分词 同形, 否定有 not+ 动名词 构成 特征 具有名词的特征,也具有动词的某些特征,可以带宾语或由状语修饰,动名词和宾语或状语一起构成动名词短语 一.动名词的语法意义 二、动名词的形式 三、动名词的句法作用 1. 作 主语 :为保持句子平衡,可用 it 作形式主语 ,而将动名词短语放在句末,其逻辑主语泛指人们。 Working all day made her tired. It ’ s no use crying over spilt milk . 2. 作 宾语 :可作及物动词的宾语、作介词宾语、作形容词 worth 和 busy 的宾语,有时可用 it 作形式宾语 (think , find , consider 等 ) ,其逻辑主语一般特指,有时也可泛指。 Would you mind my smoking here? I am looking forward to hearing from my father. The teacher considers it no good reading without understanding . 1. 作 表语 :不要和进行时混淆, 进行时 说明 谓语动作是由主语完成 的,但 动名词 只是 说明主语的内容 ,往往是无生命的名词或由 what 引导的名词性从句。 My job is teaching English. He is driving a car.( 现在进行时 ) His job is driving a car.( 动名词 ) 2. 作 定语 : 动名词 作定语起 修饰 作用,用于说明名词的 用途和目的 ,且只能 放于 所修饰词的 前面 。 It is important to use a good learning method.(a method of learning) The man sitting at the working desk(a desk for writing) is a young writer. 四、动名词与现在分词的区别 1. 作 定语 时: 动名词 作定语修饰主语,用以说明主语的 性质、用途及目的 ,与主语之间没有逻辑上的主谓关系;而 现在分词 作定语,表示 主语的动作或状态 ,两者之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系。 This is a dancing hall.( 动名词 ) China is a developing socialist country.( 现在分词 ) 2. 作 表语 时: 动名词 作表语,具有名词性质,说明 主语的内容或情况 ; 分词 作表语,相当于形容词,表示 性质和状态 。 His hobby is fishing .( 动名词 ) His speech was inspiring .( 现在分词 ) Step 5 : 自辅落实 Finish the exercises after class.

