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只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 1 Sports events 单元检测 Ⅰ.单项填空 1.(2014·南京三中高三诊断)On seeing ________ gift they wanted, the kids screamed with ________ delight. A./; a B.a; the C.the; / D.the; a 2.(2014·山东胶东高三模拟)The boy promised to his teacher, “As to the lessons to be missed during my ________, I'll try to make them up as soon as I get back from leave.” A.study B.absence C.attendance D.appearance 3.(2014·徐州高三模拟)No matter how late she comes home, she makes ________ a routine to walk her dog for about an hour. A.it B.this C.that D.her 4.(2014·石家庄高三质检)Though in fact he got ________, there was no doubt that he had meant to offer help. A.in a way B.in the way C.on the way D.by the way 5.(2014·湖南五市十校高三联合检测)—How was your trip to London? —Great. I was helped by an organization. Otherwise, I ________ it. A.wouldn't afford B.hadn't afforded C.wouldn't have afforded D.needn't have afforded 6.(2014·潍坊市教研室仿真)________ more effectively with others, more and more people equip themselves with a higher education. A.To compete B.Being competed C.Competing D.Competed 7.(2014·扬州高三模拟)________, he went into the teahouse and seated himself at a small table by the window. A.Thirsty and tiredly B.Thirsty and tired C.Thirstily and tiredly D.Thirstily and tired 8.(2014·泗县二中模拟)Your table is crowded with too many unnecessary things.You have to ________ some of them. A.remain B.resist C.remove D.renew 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 2 9.(2014·江苏致远中学模拟)—I promise her daughter she ________ get a nice present on her birthday. —Will it be a surprise to her? A.should B.must C.would D.shall 10.(2014·安庆一中模拟)—So you are late again today. —I am terribly sorry, but the traffic was ________ by a car accident. A.hung on B.taken up C.held up D.turned on 11.(2014·沭阳五校联考)Scientists ________ in many ways for their contributions ________ the development and progress of human society. A.always honour; to B.always honour; for C.are always honoured; to D.are always honoured; for 12.—You need to start exercising again, I guess. —Well, I ________ to eat less recently. But as you know, my mother is such a good cook. A.have been attempting B.had attempted C.was attempting D.attempted 13.(2014·怀远一中模拟)—Honey, I'd like to go to SouthAfrica for the World Cup this weekend. —________You must help me with the decoration of the house. A.Go ahead. B.That's great! C.Forget it! D.Why? 14.(2014·镇江高三模拟)—She looks very happy. She ________ have passed the exam. —I guess so. It's not difficult after all. A.should B.must C.could D.might 15.The incomes of skilled workers went up. ________, unskilled workers saw their earnings fall. A.Moreover B.Therefore C.Meanwhile D.Otherwise Ⅱ.阅读理解 A 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 3 (2014·江苏东台学情调研)There are several reasons for hair loss in women. However, in most cases, treatment is quite effective. Female hair loss patterns in women are not as easily recognizable as they are in men. A woman may experience it temporarily due to pregnancy or illness, although they may experience it for other reasons. Hair loss can be due to a variety of factors, including a genetic tendency (which is not genetically linked to just one parent — both parents contribute to the tendency to lose hair). Women who are experiencing hair problems seem to have more limited choices than men. There are some female hair loss treatments that are available such as the Tricomin System which is a topical treatment that is nutrition based. Shen Min for Women is another natural treatment that contains herbs (药草) that are said to stimulate (刺激) hair growth and even restore hair that is graying to its natural color. The majority of the popular, proven hair loss treatments are only intended for men and are not suitable for women. True, a woman's hair issue is different from a man's. The biological makeup is different and the needs are different. Women have different needs and their bodies react in different ways to environmental changes, physical illness and even the treatments that are available. There are many natural treatments such as vitamin and mineral supplements that are said to stimulate hair growth, but, for the most part, these claims are currently unproven. One of the first and most important factors to effectively treating is to get a diagnosis from a doctor. Talk to your doctor about any symptoms that you may be experiencing in addition to the thinning hair. Stress, weight loss or gain, illness and depression, all of these can be contributing factors. 1.It can be learned from the 1st paragraph that ________. A.usually hair loss is hard to heal B.female hair loss is more common than the men's C.women tend to suffer from hair loss during the pregnant period D.only illness contributes to hair loss 2.Which of the following statements matches the text about the two treatments? A.Both are to solve the problem of male hair loss. B.Tricomin System is effective in speeding the growth of the new hair. C.Shen Min is an updated way of treating hair loss. D.The former is nutritionbased, while the latter is medicinebased. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 4 3.The reasons for the differences between the female and male hair loss problems do not include ________. A.the biological structure and composition of the hair B.the wants and needs C.the reactions and responses to the outside changes D.the approach to taking exercise 4.The natural treatments ________. A.include vitamin and mineral supplements B.are applied to keep the hair healthy C.have been proved useful D.are the most commonlyused ways B (2014·湖南湘中名校高三模拟)It had been some time since Jack had seen the old man. Over the phone, his mother told him,“Mr. Belser died last night. The funeral is Wednesday.” Memories flashed through his mind like an old newsreel as he sat quietly remembering his childhood days. When Jack was very young, his father died. Mr. Belser, who lived in the same neighborhood with them, spent as much time as he could to make sure Jack had a man's influence in his life. He spent a lot of time teaching Jack he thought what was important in his following life. If Mr. Belser hadn't taught him how to weave, he wouldn't be in this business now. So he promised his mother he would attend Mr. Belser's funeral. “You'd better not drive your car. It's a long way.” his mother warned him. Busy as he was, he kept his word. Though tired from the earliest flight, Jack tried his best to help. Mr. Belser's funeral was small because he had no children of his own and most of his relatives had passed away. The night before he had to return home, Jack and his mother stopped by to see the old house Mr. Belser once lived in. Now it belonged to him. He bought the house from one of his relatives. The house was exactly as he remembered. Every step held memories. Every picture, every piece of furniture ... Jack stopped suddenly. The box on his desk was gone! He once asked the old man what was inside. He just smiled and said it was the most valuable thing to him, though it almost cost nothing to others. He figured that someone from the Belser family had taken it. “I will never know what was so valuable to him.” Jack thought disappointedly. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 5 Three days later returning home from work, Jack discovered a small package in his mailbox. The handwriting was difficult to read, but the return address caught his attention. “Mr. Harold Belser” it read. Jack couldn't wait to open it. Inside lay the familiar small box. His heart racing, Jack unlocked the box. Inside he found a gold pocket watch with these words engraved: “Jack, thanks for your time! Harold Belser.” “The thing he valued most was my time.” Jack held the watch before his chest, tears filling his eyes. 5.Which of the following may be the title of the passage? A.A Special Funeral B.A Kind Old Man C.A Thankful Young Man D.A Precious Gift 6.What might be the relationship between Jack and Mr. Belser? A.Mr. Belser was Jack's stepfather. B.Mr. Belser was Jack's neighbor. C.Mr. Belser was one of Jack's relatives. D.Mr. Belser was Jack's father's friend. 7.How did Jack get to his hometown to attend Mr. Belser' funeral? A.By bicycle. B.By car. C.By air. D.By the highspeed train. 8.What did Mr. Belser teach Jack when he was young? A.How to keep healthy. B.How to weave. C.How to care about others. D.How to value time. 9.What can we learn from the story? A.We should spend more time with our family. B.We should keep busy to work in our future. C.We should think of ways to keep healthy. D.It's the most important thing to be safe. Sports events 单元检测(B 卷——自主选做) Ⅰ.完形填空 (2014·淮南市高三第一次模拟考试)One day, Miss Ellis arrived at class with a young woman and two girls. “Today I have brought Cinderella and Snow White with me. They are __1__ by Cruela, their stepmother (继母).” Such a(n) __2__ certainly suggested they could expect 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 6 something interesting that day, and that the teacher had done __3__ lesson preparation. When everyone was __4__, and Mrs. Cruela was preparing to speak, all the lights went out. In the __5__ two loud slaps (拍打) could be heard, and a few seconds __6__ both Cinderella and Snow White could be heard crying. Just then, the __7__ came on and everyone could see the two girls weeping. “Who did that?” asked Miss Ellis. Without __8__, all the children pointed at the stepmother. Mrs. Cruela __9__ her head, but at that moment the lights went off again. Then two loud thumps (重击声) resounded around the __10__, and Clara and Phillip began crying. When the lights came on again, the two were weeping and looking __11__ at the stepmother, who everyone was __12__ accusingly. The stepmother began to speak again, saying she was __13__, but again the lights went out. __14__, this time it took only seconds for the lights to come back on. __15__ saw Cinderella and Snow White were running towards Charlie and Robert, with their __16__ raised, ready to hit the children. Seeing this, all the children asked Cruela to __17__ them. In reality she was a very nice, kind woman, who didn't know what to do with her rebellious (反叛的) stepdaughters, who she __18__ greatly but who would cause problems __19__ they went ... “And that's what I wanted to teach you all today,” said Miss Ellis. “Let us not make judgments based on prejudice and __20__ appearances like race, beauty, or even names. That would be the most unfair thing we could do.” 1.A.introduced B.accompanied C.followed D.recommended 2.A.direction B.explanation C.preparation D.introduction 3.A.enough B.little C.none D.few 4.A.entered B.left C.seated D.asked 5.A.room B.light C.darkness D.chair 6.A.ago B.afterwards C.past D.before 7.A.lights B.darkness C.teacher D.trouble 8.A.hesitating B.shouting C.blaming D.asking 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 7 9.A.waved B.nodded C.dropped D.shook 10.A.clock B.floor C.ears D.classroom 11.A.helplessly B.desperately C.angrily D.closely 12.A.pointing at B.laughing at C.knocking at D.smiling at 13.A.angry B.innocent C.delighted D.surprised 14.A.Moreover B.Then C.However D.Otherwise 15.A.Nobody B.Somebody C.No one D.Everyone 16.A.arms B.heads C.eyes D.feet 17.A.scold B.praise C.treat D.forgive 18.A.worried B.loved C.hated D.weighed 19.A.whatever B.whenever C.wherever D.however 20.A.historical B.surface C.temporary D.pretended Ⅱ.阅读理解 (2014·南京第十二中学高三调研)In 1990, 22yearold Christopher McCandless gave up his career plans, left behind everyone he knew, donated all his savings to charity, and went off on an adventure, hiking his way through America to Alaska. Of course, this is an unusual story. Most college graduates would not do so. However, studies show that in teenage years, people are more likely to try out new experiences. For example, instead of working his way up the same organisation like his grandfather did, a 15yearold teenager may dream about becoming a traveller — only to find in his early 20s that this attraction of new places is fading and change is less attractive. The reason why people become less keen to change as they get older may be that people 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 8 generally have similar life patterns and demands. Most people aim to find a job and a partner. As they get older, they may have young children and elderly family members to look after. These responsibilities cannot be achieved without some degree of steadiness, which means that new experiences and ideas may not have a place in the person's life. New experiences may bring excitement as well as insecurity, so most people prefer to stay with the familiar. However, not every individual is the same. A child may want to play a different game every day and get fed up if nothing changes at the kindergarten. Another may play with the same children and toys on every visit. Young children who avoid new experiences will grow up to be more traditional than others. Psychologists (心理学家) argue that those who have more open personalities as children are more open than others might be when they are older and that young men have a greater interest_in_novelty than women, although as they age, this desire for new experiences fades more quickly than it does in women. 1.The first paragraph serves as a(n) ________. A.explanation B.introduction C.comment D.background 2.What does the author think is the key factor that prevents people trying out new experiences? A.Responsibilities. B.Partners. C.Age. D.Education. 3.The underlined part “interest in novelty” in the last paragraph most probably means “________”. A.independence B.excitement C.security D.curiosity 4.According to the passage, we can learn that ________. A.as one gets older, he prefers the old patterns of life B.a teenager is not interested in a new start before graduation C.women are more likely to try new things than men of the same age D.a child who likes different games may not like to change after growing up Ⅲ.书面表达 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇 150 词左右的英语短文。 A little boy is telling his Grandma how “everything” is going wrong — school, family problems, severe health problems, etc. Meanwhile, Grandma is baking a cake. She asks her grandson if he would like a cake, 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 9 which of course, he does. “Here. Have some cooking oil.” “Terrible!” says the boy. “How about a couple of raw eggs?” “Terrible! Grandma!” “Would you like some flour then? Or maybe baking soda?” “Grandma, those are all awful!” To which Grandma replies. “Yes, all those things seem bad by themselves, but when they are put together in the right way, they make a wonderfully delicious cake!” “Life works the same way. Many times we wonder why it would let us go through such bad and difficult times. But life knows that when it puts these things all in their order, they always work for good!” “The trials (考验) of life serve a meaningful purpose in making us stronger. Do not lose heart if life is not easy for you right now, but encourage yourself and know you will be much stronger mentally and physically because of the trials of life.” [写作内容] 1.以约 30 个词概括这篇短文的内容; 2.然后以约 120 个词围绕“Facing the Trials of Life”进行议论。内容包括: (1)你阅读短文后的感受; (2)简述你经历过的一次困难或考验; (3)你认为应当如何看待生活中的考验。 [写作要求] 在作文中可以使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用 原文中的句子。 Facing the Trials of Life ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 10 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 11 答 案 Sports events 单元检测 (A 卷——全员必做) Ⅰ.1.选 C “________ gift they wanted”表示他们想要的礼物,表示特指,第一空应填 the; with delight 表示“欣然地,高兴地”,为固定搭配,故选 C。 2.选 B 句意:这个男孩向老师保证:“请假期间落下的课,回来之后我会尽快补 上。”absence“缺席,不在”,符合句意。study“学习”;attendance“出席,到场”; appearance“公开露面”。 3.选 A 句意:不管她回家多晚,出去遛狗一个小时已经成为了一个习惯。it 是形式宾语,真 正的宾语是后面的“to walk her dog for about an hour”。 4.选 B 句意:尽管事实上他帮了倒忙,但是毫无疑问他本来打算提供帮助的。in the way“妨 碍,挡道”,符合句意。 5.选 C 句意:“你的伦敦之旅怎么样?”“很好,我得到了一个机构的帮助。否则,我是支 付不起这个费用的。”根据 otherwise 和 was 可知,此处表示的是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,故 用 would/could/might have done 结构,再结合选项可知应选 C。 6.选 A 句意:为了更好地与他人竞争,越来越多的人用更高的教育来装备自己。此处作目的 状语,故应用不定式的一般式。 7.选 B 考查形容词短语作状语。句意:又渴又累,他走进茶室,在窗边一张小桌子旁坐了下 来。thirsty and tired 是形容词短语作状语,表示主语的状态。 8.选 C 句意:你桌子上放满了无用的东西。你必须把其中一些拿走。remain“保持”; resist“抵抗”;remove“移走,拿掉”;renew“更新”。 9.选 D 根据语意“我答应她的女儿她将在生日那天得到可爱的礼物”可知,此空应表示允诺。 而情态动词 shall 用于第二、第三人称时常表示说话者的意图、允诺或警告,此处即表示许诺。 10.选 C hang on“不挂断”;take up“开始处理,占据”;hold up“支撑,耽搁,阻延”; turn on“打开(设备)”。根据语意可知一起汽车事故造成了交通阻塞,因此空白处填 held up。 11.选 C 句意:科学家总是因其在许多方面对人类社会的发展进步所作出的贡献而被授予荣 誉。be honoured for ...“因……而被授予荣誉”;contributions to ...“对……的贡献”。 12.选 A 句意:“我认为你需要重新锻炼了。”“噢,我最近一直在尝试节食,但如你所知, 我妈妈厨艺太好了。”根据语境,此处叙述的是现在的情况,与过去无关,故不能用过去时态。现 在完成进行时态表示现阶段一直在进行的动作,故 A 项符合句意。 13.选 C 根据句意可知,答语意为“别想了,你得帮我装修房子。”选 C。 14.选 B 句意:“她看上去很开心。她一定是通过了考试。”“我想是吧。毕竟考试不难。” 根据语境,说话人推测她通过考试是有一定的理由的,即她看起来很开心,因此是很有把握地推测, 故用 must。 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 12 15.选 C 句意:技术工人的工资收入上升了。与此同时,非技术工人看到他们的工资在下降。 meanwhile“与此同时”,符合句意。 Ⅱ. 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。女性经常会为掉头发而苦恼,但由于各种原因,女性脱发和男性脱 发是有区别的,其治疗方法也不一样。本文就此进行了介绍。 1.选 C 细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句中的“A woman may experience it temporarily due to pregnancy or illness”可推知,女性在怀孕期间会掉头发。故答案 C 符合文意。 2.选 D 细节理解题。根据文章第三段第二、三句中的“Tricomin System which is a topical treatment that is nutrition based.Shen Min for Women ... that contains herbs (药草)”可 知,第一种治疗侧重于营养,第二种治疗侧重用草药。由此可知,答案 D 符合文意。 3.选 D 细节理解题。根据文章第四段的整体理解可知,男性和女性掉头发因其生理构成、需 求和对外界的反应不同而有不同的原因。故答案 D 符合题意。 4.选 A 细节理解题。根据文章第四段最后一句可知,答案 A 符合文意。 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了 Jack 从小失去了父亲,Jack 的邻居 Belser 先生一 直把 Jack 当亲人一样照顾,并教 Jack 编织。在 Belser 先生过世,Jack 参加他的葬礼后,Jack 收 到了一份礼物,那是一个手表,上面写着 Belser 先生给 Jack 的留言“感谢你的时间”。作者通过 叙述这个故事来表达一个观点:应多花些时间陪家人,对他们来说,这才是最重要的。 5.选 D 标题归纳题。通读全文可知,文章以“a small package”为线索,讲述了一个故事; Jack 从小失去了父亲,Belser 先生一直把 Jack 当亲人一样照顾,并教 Jack 如何编织。Belser 先 生过世后,Jack 收到了一份礼物,那是一个手表,上面写着 Belser 先生给 Jack 的留言“感谢你的 时间”。由此可推出,D 项“一份珍贵的礼物”最适合做文章的标题。故答案选 D。 6.选 B 细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二句“Mr. Belser, who lived in the same neighborhood ...”可知,Belser 先生是 Jack 的邻居。故答案选 B。 7.选 C 细节理解题。根据文章第四段第二句中“... the earliest flight ...”可知,Jack 是乘坐飞机去参加 Belser 先生的葬礼的。故答案选 C。 8.选 B 细节理解题。根据文章第二段倒数第二句“If Mr. Belser hadn't taught him how to weave ...”可知,在 Jack 小时候,Belser 先生教给他如何编织。答案选 B。 9.选 A 推理判断题。文章最后一段是全文的主旨段,“The thing he valued most was my time” 为全文的点睛之笔,再结合全文可推知,文章所讲的故事主要告诉我们,我们应多花些时间陪家人, 对他们来说,这才是最重要的。故答案选 A。 Sports events 单元检测 (B 卷——自主选做) Ⅰ. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 13 语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。在一位老师的课堂上,当灯熄灭后,大家听到两声拍打的声音, 大家都猜测是继母打的孩子。而事实并非如此,是老师故意安排的,旨在告诉学生:不要因人的外 表、种族、姓名而对人有偏见。 1.选 B 句意:她们由她们的继母 Cruela 陪伴(accompany)。introduce“介绍”;follow“跟 随”;recommend“推荐”,均不符合语境,故排除。 2.选 D 句意:这样一个介绍(introduction)可以肯定地说今天又有有趣事情要发生。 direction“指导”;explanation“解释”;preparation“准备”,均不符合语境,故排除。根据 上文中“They are ... stepmother(继母).”可知,是在做介绍。故答案选 D。 3.选 A 句意:而且老师做了充分的(enough)准备。与下文故事发生、发展过程以及最后一段 第一句“And that's what I wanted to teach ...”相呼应,可推知,老师是故意安排这件事,因 此做了充分的准备。故答案 A 符合文意。 4.选 C 句意:当每个人都坐好后……enter, leave 表示“进入、离开”没有被动形式,ask 表示“问”,均不符合语境,故排除。故答案 C 符合文意。 5.选 C 句意:在黑暗(darkness)中,大家听到了两声拍打的声音……与上文中“all the lights went out”相照应,故答案 C 符合文意。 6.选 B 句意:几秒钟之后(afterwards),大家听到了 Cinderella 和 Snow White 哭了。根据 语境可知,答案 B“……之后,后来”符合文意。 7.选 A 句意:就在这时,灯(lights)亮了,每个人都看见了两个女孩子在哭。与下文中“When the lights came on again”相呼应,故答案 A 符合文意。 8.选 A 句意:毫不犹豫地(Without hesitating),所有的孩子都把矛头指向了继母。此处与 最后一段中“Let us not make judgments based on prejudice ...”相照应,此处指孩子们都带 着偏见。故答案 A 符合文意。 9.选 D 句意:Cruela 摇了摇头。与下文中“In reality she was a very nice, kind woman ...” 相照应,此处指 Cruela 夫人否认孩子们的猜想。故答案 D 符合语境。wave“挥手”,不符合语境, 故排除。 10.选 D 句意:两声重重的声音回响在教室里(classroom)。由本文第一段第一句中“at class”可知,事情发生在学校的教室里,故答案 D 符合语境。 11.选 C 句意:当灯再次亮起时,两个女孩正在哭泣,并生气地 (angrily) 看着她们的继母…… 与下文中“...who everyone was ________ accusingly”,孩子们对继母的 accuse(指控)相呼应, 故答案 C 符合文意。 12.选 A 句意:……每个人都责怪地指着(point at)那个继母。与上文中“all children pointed at the stepmother”相照应,故答案 A 符合语境。 13.选 B 句意:继母开始说话了,说她是无辜的(innocent)。与下文中“In reality she was a very nice, kind woman ...”相照应,故答案 B 符合文意。 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 14 14.选 C 句意:然而(However),这次仅数秒中灯又打开了。与前几次开灯、熄灯形成对比, 同时也是老师为了让学生们看清事情的真相,故意这么做的,故答案 C 符合文意。 15.选 D 句意:大家(Everyone)每一个人都看见 Cinderella 和 Snow White 正在朝 Charlie 和 Robert 奔来……与上文中“who everyone was ________ accusingly”相呼应,故答案 D 符合文 意。 16.选 A 句意:……举着她们的胳膊(arms),准备打他们。与下文中“ready to hit the children”相照应,故答案 A 符合文意。 17.选 D 句意:看到这些,所有的孩子都请求 Cruela 原谅(forgive)他们鲁莽的判断。根据 上文所讲的内容可知,孩子们判断失误了,因此期望能够得到原谅,故答案 D 符合文意。 18.选 B 句意:事实上,Cruela 非常好、心地善良,但是她不知道该如何教育她非常喜爱的 那两个叛逆的继女……与上文中“In reality she was a very nice, kind woman ...”相照应, 故答案 B 符合文意。 19.选 C 句意:这两个女孩儿无论去哪里都会惹事。由 went 可知,此处指到任何地方,故答 案 C 符合文意。 20.选 B 句意:我们不能根据自己的一些偏见或者表面上的(surface)一些东西,如:种族、 美貌甚至名字而轻易下结论。根据 appearance 可知,是指表面上的,故答案 B 符合文意。 historical“历史的”;temporary“暂时的”;pretended“假装的”,均不符合语境,故排除。 Ⅱ. 语篇解读:McCandless 大学毕业后将所有的积蓄捐给了慈善机构,之后一个人去北美大陆漂泊,这 件事在美国引起了强烈反响。然而,并不是每个人都能放下一切追求自己的梦想的。 1.选 B 篇章结构题。下文主要是针对人们是否能放弃现状,尝试新的生活进行了讨论,因此 作者在首段中用 McCandless 的故事引出本文的主题。故选 B 项。 2.选 A 细节理解题。根据第三段的第三、四句可知,人们长大后要照顾老人、孩子。如果他 们没有稳定的生活,便无法实现这些责任。故选 A 项。 3.选 D 词义猜测题。根据画线部分所在句的内容可知,画线部分表示“好奇心”,故选 D。 4.选 A 细节理解题。根据第三段的首句可知,随着年龄的增长,人们越来越不愿意改变,这 或许是因为人们通常有相似的生活方式和要求。故选A 项。 Ⅲ.参考范文: Facing the Trials of Life A boy complained about difficulties in life. His Grandma, who showed that a cake tasted delicious but its materials tasted awful, taught him that the trials of life make people stronger. From the story I have learned that the trials of life are of great importance in our growth. As the saying goes, “No cross, no crown.” Only by facing and overcoming 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 15 difficulties in our life can we grow up happily and healthily. It reminds me of my own experience when I joined in the military training after I entered senior high school. It was the first time I had lived away from my home, so I found it difficult to fit in. But the trials made it easier for me to adapt to life in senior high school, and the difficulties I came across have now become a precious memory in my life. Life consists of not only sunshine but also wind and rain. We should be brave in front of difficulties. Let's learn to use the trials of life we are facing as a steppingstone to future success!

