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第七讲 特殊句式 PartⅠ 真题变式体验 1.[2015·湖南高考]________ after talking to two students did I discover that having strong motivation is one of the biggest factors in reaching goals. 答案:Only 根据“did I discover”且句子为陈述句可知此处考查倒装句。“only+状语” 位于句首时,引出部分倒装,故答案是 only。 2.[2015·江苏高考]It might have saved me some trouble ________ I known the schedule. 答案:had 根据句式结构分析,两个句子中无连词,且“I”后的“known”为过去分词, 可判断为省去 if 的虚拟语气引出倒装的情况,主句是与过去相反,从句应为过去完成时, 故填 had。 3.[2015·重庆高考]Bach died in 1750, but it was not until the early 19th century ________ his musical gift was fully recognized. 答案:that 根据“it was+________+句子”结构去掉“it was”与空格发现句子仍成立。 可知此题考查强调句型,故填 that。 4.[2015·湖南高考]Always ________ in mind that your main task is to get his company running smoothly. 答案:keep 根据句子结构分析可知,此处考查祈使句,“keep in mind”记住。句意:记 住你的主要任务是使他的公司运行顺利。 5.[2014·天津高考]Give me a chance, ________ I'll give you a wonderful surprise. 答案:and'本题考查特殊句式中的“祈使句+and+陈述句”句式。故填 and。句意:给 我一次机会,我会给你一个惊喜。 6.[2014·福建高考]The climate here is quite pleasant, the temperature rarely, ________ ever, reaching 30 ℃ in summer. 答案:if'本题考查状语从句的省略。当从句中的主语是 it,谓语动词中又含有系动词 be 时,可以把 it 和系动词 be 一起省略。句意:这里的气候很宜人,夏天的气温极少达到 30 摄氏度。 7.[2013·福建高考]Not until he went through real hardship ________ he realize the love we have for our families is important. 答案:did 根据 Not 位于句首,可知考查部分倒装,又由“went”可知使用一般过去时 态,故填 did。句意:直到他经历了真正的困难,才意识到我们热爱家人的重要性。 8.[2013·辽宁高考]At no time ________ they actually break the rules of the game. It was unfair to punish them. 答案:did 题干“At no time”位于句首,后面的句子应使用部分倒装,又根据题干可知 时态应用一般过去时,故用 did。句意:实际上他们从未违反比赛规则,惩罚他们不公平。 9.[2014·天津高考]________ he ________ (catch) the morning train, he would not have been late for the meeting. 答案:Had; caught 考查省略和倒装以及虚拟语气。本题实际上是一个条件状语从句的 虚拟语气,表示与过去事实相反。条件句中使用“过去完成时”,主句使用“情态动词+have done”;当条件句中的 if 省略时,要把 had 提前形成部分倒装。句意:如果他赶上了早班火 车,他就不会开会迟到了。 10.[2011·辽宁高考]________ a strange plant! I've never seen it before. 答案:What 考查感叹句。“what+a/an+adj.+n.+(主语+谓语)”结构。句意:多么 奇怪的植物啊!我以前从没见过。 PartⅡ 语篇模拟演练 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 [2015·河南洛阳统考三]It was a very cold winter evening when a friend of mine got seriously ___61___(injure) and was rushed toWestchester Medical Center, ___62___ she stayedunconscious for quite a while. Finally she was awake. A friend and I decided to visit her, so we bought some flowersand were ___63___our way. After quickly parking the carand ___64___ (sign) in,we reached her room, but only a few minutes were counted with her. Pretty soon after our___65___(arrive), we were asked to leave by the nurses. We headed out to the car. Little did we know that we had ___66___(pay) for parking. We had no money aside from a spare dollar ortwo left from our lunch money that day. We had no idea whatto do. A very sweethearted woman___67___(clear) her throat, saying “Excuse me” in order to catch my attention. She handed me ___68___ $20 bill. I insisted that she should give me her name and address and I will___69___(certain) pay her back. She refused. I thanked her for her generosity and told her how ___70___ it was appreciated. She turned to me and replied with one sentence, “Thank you, being able to help you makes me happy, too.” Her words were so unusual that I was very surprised to hear that. Step 1:通读全文,掌握主旨大意。 本文讲述的是作者去医院看望朋友,因忘记带钱无法交停车费却遇到一位热心的女士慷 慨相助的故事。 Step 2:逐题解答,确定答案。 61.injured。考查 get 的用法。分析句子结构,结合语义“受到重伤”,可知答案。 62.where。考查句子结构。两句子中间填连词,并结合两分句运用的关系可确定此空 为引导定语从句的关联词,按定语从句选择连词的原则,确定答案。 63.on。考查固定短语。结合语义来确定答案。 64.signing。根据“and”连接两个并列结构,可知答案。 65.arrival。形容词性物主代词后应填名词。 66.to_pay。结合上下文语境,可知此处填的内容与“we had no money”有关。 67.cleared。考查谓语动词。注意考虑时态,语态和主谓一致。 68.a。考查冠词的用法,“hand sb. sth.”的用法。 69.certainly。根据空格的位置,在助动词与实义动词之前可知应填副词。 70.much。考查副词的用法。对“appreciate”进行修饰。 Step 3:代入验证。 需考虑语法结构正确且语义符合逻辑,语法结合语义才能确保万无一失。 知识 (1)倒装句的各种情 学情 考生在特殊句式部分 清单 况:①全部倒装;② 部分倒装;(2)强调句 型的灵活性及考查方 式的多样性;(3)各种 不同的省略;(4)祈使 句+and/or+陈述句; (5)几种不同结构的感 叹句型。 分析 的学习中存在着以下 几点问题:(1)考生对 该部分的内容主要是 识记比较困难,死记 硬背,但又不会尝试 着使用;(2)缺乏总结 归纳能力,该专题内 容繁多,在死记硬背 的前提下,对所学知 识归纳总结,仍有一 些规律可循;(3)缺乏 分析能力;在相似情 况较多的句式中考生 容易迷失方向而全凭 一种感觉去解题。 考点一 倒装句 1 全部倒装 (1)表示方式或方位的副词或介词短语,如 here, there, now, then, up, down, in, away, off, out, on the wall, under the tree 等置于句首,且主语是名词时。 ①John opened the door.There stood a girl he had never seen before. 约翰打开门,那儿站着一位他从来没见过的女孩。 ②Just in front of the bus lies an injured man, all covered with blood. 公共汽车的前面躺着一个受伤的人,浑身是血。 (2)代词 such 放在句首,且在句中作表语时。 Such are the facts; no one can deny them. 这些就是事实;没有人可以否认。 (3)为平衡句子结构或使上下文衔接紧密,常将作表语的形容词、副词、分词或介词短 语提到句首,引起全部倒装。 ①Seated in the first line are some advanced workers. 坐在第一排的是一些资深工人。 ②Present at the meeting were some scientists from China. 许多来自中国的科学家出席了会议。 注意:上述情况中,若主语是人称代词,则不用倒装。 ③Away they went. 他们走了。 [典例 1] [2015·浙江省重点中学适应性测试二]In front of the farmhouse ________ (lie) a peasant boy. [解析] lay 考查倒装。该句结构可以看出,表方位的介词短语放在句首,故应用全部 倒装,lie 的过去式是 lay。句意:在农场前躺着一位农村男孩。 [典例 2] [2015·陕西五校一模]________ (sit) under the tree was a charming girl aged about seventeen or eighteen. [解析] Sitting 考查动词形式变化。根据句式结构可以判断,该句为全部倒装,句子 主语是“a charming girl”,用进行时态,故填 sitting。句意:在树下坐着一个十七八岁的女孩。 2 部分倒装 (1)so/neither/nor+助动词/情态动词+主语(表示前一句中的内容也适合另一人或另一事 物) ①If Joe's wife won't go to the party, neither will he. 如果 Joe 的妻子不参加晚会,他也不去。 ②She has been to New York. So have I. 她去过纽约,我也去过。 注意:so 表示“是的,确实”时,主谓语不倒装。 —It is too hot. —So it is. ——天太热了。 ——是啊,的确很热。 (2)表示否定意义的副词、连词或短语置于句首时 当 not, never, hardly, seldom, scarcely, barely, little, no, nowhere, not only, not until, at no time, by no means, in noway 等词或短语位于句首时。 ①Not a single song did she sing at yesterday's party. 在昨天的晚会上她一首歌也没有唱。 ②At no time will China be the first to use the nuclear weapon. 在任何情况下中国决不会第一个使用核武器。 (3)在 so/such...that...句型中,若 so/such...提到句首时 In such a hurry did he leave the office that he forgot to lock the door. 他离开办公室时太匆忙了,结果忘了锁门。 (4)当“only+状语(副词、介词短语或从句)”置于句首时 Only after my friend came was the computer repaired. 只有在我朋友来了之后,电脑才修好。 (5)表语、状语或动词原形+as/though+主语+其他时,句子要倒装 Much as I like it, I'll not buy it. 尽管我很喜欢它,但我不会买。 Pretty as she is, she is not proud. 尽管她很漂亮,但她一点也不自负。 Try as he would, he might fail again. 尽管他还会试,但可能还会失败。 (6)hardly...when..., no sooner...than..., not only...but also...等引导两个分句时,前一个分句 用部分倒装,后一个分句不变。 ①Hardly/Scarcely had he heard the news when he began to cry. 他一听到这个消息就哭了。 ②The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only was teachers' energy saved, but students became more interested in the lessons. 电脑被应用于教学中,结果,不仅节省了老师的精力,学生也对课堂感兴趣了。 (7)在省略 if 的虚拟条件句中(当条件从句中有 were,had, should 时) ①Had you reviewed your lessons, you might have passed theexamination. 要是早复习了功课,你有可能就通过考试了。 ②Should it not rain, we would go for a picnic tomorrow. 要是明天不下雨,我们就可以去野餐了。 [典例 3] [2015·四川雅安月考]From the picture we know, ________ happy do the children feel that they are wild with joy. [解析] so 考查倒装句的用法。根据句中“that 从句”可知,该题考查“so...that”句式 引出的倒装。句意:从我们知道的图片中可知,孩子们感到很快乐以至于他们都要乐疯了。 [ 典 例 4] [2015· 福 建 泉 州 五 校 摸 底 ]Only by communicating with each other more frequently ________ they clear away the misunderstandings and solve the conflict. [解析] can 根据句式结构可以看出,该题考查的是倒装句,“only+状语”位于句首, 主句要部分倒装,结合语意可知答案是 can。句意:只有通过经常沟通,他们才能清除误会, 解决问题。 [典例 5] [2015·重庆一中一诊]________ it rain tomorrow, we would have to cancel the football match. [解析] Should 根据结构可知考查 if 引出虚拟语气省略 if 的情况,根据时间 tomorrow 可知表示与将来事实相反,提前 should。句意:如果明天下雨,我们就不得不取消足球比赛。 考点二 强调句 1 强调句的基本句型是“It is/was+被强调的部分+that/who+其他部分”。被强调的部 分可以是主语、宾语或状语等。 It is not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do that benefits our work most. 给我们工作带来最大益处的不是我们做了多少,而是我们将多少爱投入到我们所从事 的事业中。 2 强调句的特殊句式 3 用助动词强调谓语 如果要强调时态为一般现在时或一般过去时的肯定句中的谓语动词,我们在该动词前加 助动词 do, does 或 did。 ①Many of the films are from the USA, but we do give awards to films from other countries. 许多电影来自于美国,但我们的确也给其他国家的影片颁奖。 ②He did come to see you last Sunday, but you were out. 他上周日的确来看过你,但是你出去了。 [典例 6] [2015·陕西省五校一模]It was not until we had stayed together for a couple of weeks ________ I found we had a lot in common. [解析] that 考查强调句型。强调的内容是 until 引导的时间状语从句。句意:我们在 一起几周后,我发现我们之间有很多共同之处。 [典例 7] [2015·四川资阳二诊]It was with great joy ________ Tom received the news ________ his lost son had been found. [解析] that; that 第一空考查强调句型,强调的是状语 with great joy;第二空考查同位 语从句,从句中不缺少成分也不缺少语义,故应填 that。句意:Tom 非常高兴,他收到了他 丢失的儿子被找到的消息。 考点三 省略句 1.在 when, while, whenever, till, as soon as, if, unless, asif, though, as 等引导的状语从句 中,若谓语部分含有 be 动词,而主语又与主句主语相同或主语是 it 时,从句的主语和 be 动词常被省略。 ①The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise, if carried out regularly, can improve our health. 实验表明,如果有规律地进行适量运动能强身健体。 ②Get up early tomorrow, if not (you don't get up early), you will miss the first bus. 明天早点起床,如果不的话,你会错过早班车。 2.I'm afraid, I think, I believe, I hope, I guess 等作答句,后面跟 so 与 not 分别等于肯定 或否定,宾语从句可省去。 ①—Do you think it will rain? —I hope not (that it will not rain). ——你认为会下雨吗? ——我希望不下。 ②—Do you believe our team will win? —I guess so. ——你相信我们队会赢吗? ——我猜会赢。 3.不定式省略,单独使用不定式符号 to。 (1)用来代替动词不定式后被省略的动词,常在 be afraid/glad/happy, expect, forget, hope, intend, like, love, mean, prefer, refuse, seem, try, want, wish 等的后边。 I asked him to see the film, but he didn't want to. 我请他去看电影,但他不想去。 —Will you join in the game? —I'd be glad to. ——你愿意加入做游戏吗? ——我很高兴加入。 (2)如果不定式中含有 be, have, have been,通常保留 be,have 和 have been。 —Are you a sailor? —No, but I used to be. ——你是海员吗? ——不,但我过去是。 [典例 8] [2015·江苏扬州一中质检]—I'm sorry to tell you that you made a mistake in your test. —How can that be? I did it as ________ (tell) in class. [解析] told 根据结构可知考查状语从句中省去“主语+be”的形式。tell 的逻辑主语 是 I,两者之间为被动关系,故填 told。句意:——很抱歉告诉你,你在考试中犯了一个错 误。——怎么会这样?我就是按课上讲的做的啊! 考点四 反意疑问句及其他 1 反意疑问句 (1)祈使句式的反意疑问句 ①肯定的祈使句,简短问句用 will you/won't you。 ②否定的祈使句,简短问句用 will you。 ③let's 和 let us 引导的祈使句:let's 表“建议,征询”之意时,含听话者在内,故简短 问句用 shall we;let us 表“建议、征询”之意时,不含听话者在内,故简短问句用 will you。 Let's go out for a walk after supper, shall we? 晚饭后我们散散步,好吗? (2)must 表示猜测时的反意疑问句 ①“must be”对现在的情况进行推测,按一般现在时或现在进行时的附加疑问句进行处 理。 He must be honest, isn't he? 他肯定很诚实,不是吗? ②“must+完成时”用来推测过去的动作强调对现在的影响。句中没有表示过去时间的 状语时,按现在完成时的附加疑问句来处理;如有明确的表过去的时间状语,按一般过去时 处理。 It must have rained last night, didn't it? 昨天晚上肯定下雨了,不是吗? He must have known the truth, hasn't he? 他肯定知道了真相,不是吗? (3)主从复合句,疑问句应与主句的主谓语保持一致。 He left in a hurry because there was no time left, didn't he? 他匆忙离开了,因为没有时间了,不是吗? (4)当陈述部分是 I (We) think/believe/expect/suppose 加从句时,疑问句应和从句的人称 时态保持一致。 I don't think anyone can finish the experiment,can they? 我认为并非人人都能完成实验,对吗? 2 句型:祈使句+and/or/otherwise+简单句(多用将来时) (1)祈使句/名词短语+and+简单句表示“如果……,就……” ①“Only two centimeters higher,and you will break the world record,” encouraged the coach. “再高两厘米,你将打破世界纪录”,教练鼓励说。 ②Bring the flowers into a warm room and they'll soon open. 将花放到暖和的房间里,它们将会很快开放。 (2)祈使句+or/otherwise+简单句表示“……否则……” Don't drive so fast or/otherwise you'll have an accident. 不要开那么快,否则你会出事的。 注意:分词作状语结构+主句与该句型,如不细心容易弄混,关注有没有连词即可。 [典例 9] [2015·陕西西工大附中四模]I don't think he is the right person to do that job, ________ he? [解析] is 考查反意疑问句。在 think 后面跟宾语从句时的反意疑问句,若主句主语是 第一人称,则按从句来判断,且该结构若为否定句,其否定词 not 要前移,故该题填 is。句 意:我认为他并非这份工作的最佳人选,对吗? [典例 10] [2015·江苏四市一模]A bit more effort, I think, ________ you will settle the problem. [解析] and 考查句型结构。先把插入语“I think”去掉,则不难看出“A bit more effort” 为省去动词的祈使句,空后为陈述句,故根据句意可知此处填 and。句意:我认为,再加把 劲,你会解决这个问题的。 3 感叹句 how+adj./adv.+主+谓! how+adj.+an+n.+主+谓! what+an+adj.+n.+主+谓! what+adj.+n.可数名词复数/不可数名词+主+谓! How interesting a story it is! 这是一个多有趣的故事啊! [典例 11] [2015·河南六市联考]________ bad manners it is for the young man to spit in the subway! [解析] What 根据句式结构可知此处考查感叹句,对照感叹句的常见类型,可知答案 是 what。 特殊句型结构在语法填空中主要考查对其掌握的熟练程度,所以我们要善于积累,牢记 特殊句型结构,答题时,注意各句型在具体语言环境中的运用。 NO.1 解题步骤 1.透过包含空格的句子,来判断考查的哪种句型; 2.根据相关的知识点及需注意的要点来填充答案。 NO.2 解题技巧 1.一般考查倒装句时,考生注意主语与谓语即可,若直接颠倒过来,则考虑全部倒装, 若助动词提前,主谓紧挨着,但谓语时态与语境不一致,通常考虑部分倒装。 2.在省略“主语+be”结构中,通常填写给出动词的正确形式,该类型题目主要判断 句子主语与考查动词之间的关系是主动还是被动,若主动一般填现在分词,若被动一般填过 去分词。 3.强调句型主要是与其他从句结合考查,去掉“It is/was...that”语法及语义仍成立的便是 强调句型。 [典例 12] [2015·河北唐山模拟]When we heard the exciting news, there was silence all over the hall at first. Then ________ (come) voices of shouting. [解析] came 表示时间的副词 Then 置于句首,其后为全部倒装,并且根据前一句确 定时态为一般过去时。句意:当我们听到这激动人心的消息时,起初整个大厅一片寂静,然 后便是呼喊的声音。 [典例 13] [2015·甘肃兰州一中月考]It is Mary and James ________ are getting married and it is I who ________ (be) going to be their bridesmaid. [解析] that; am 第一空为强调句型中的 that;第二空为强调句型强调主语时,谓语的 形式。当被强调部分是句子主语时,谓语动词需与被强调部分的人称和数保持一致。句意: 是 Mary 和 James 要结婚了,并且是我将会成为他们的伴娘。 1.特殊句式种类颇多,但大部分为固定的句式结构,考生在复习时,只要熟练掌握基础 知识即可。 2.特殊句式在语法填空题中并不多见,考查点也比较固定,主要集中在强调句、倒装 句中的重点结构中,所以考生无须担心。

